Cottage Grove sentinel and Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Oregon) 1915-1921, November 04, 1921, Image 1

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    ®lrr (Cutían? Okim ?
'/ ,
lib ' f
l cade b
M inn Kiilliloon Korn, o f tb • n city, bu*
Cotta«* Clrovn Bark r rH Will Prenant heeii bonorod hy m* lee I ion un ii mrinhrr
o f tbe UniverNiiy o f O regon W o m e n '«
(»round« Unml TbU Yrur to
| dlee club. TbiN in u dmtifirt honor, iin
Ul« U oniom ir«.
only IH new niouihcr* were uelnrtmt
! from over MO np|diruiilN.
eight girl« uro now roheurNing uml 24
(*«)ttft|fff O ro vo i* l o ho Nr|cch*<| uh
o f tbeNo will go oil tbe two trip*
ut lord i ton f o r Ilio finiiiiMl
pinnuc<1 for the duh.
«*f» ni i» monti ne o f Ilio Dromon rotifer
Pot Inge d ro v e iimiiii 11 v him one mein
olire o f Ilio NI et liodint rliUfrli, ilio f im i
¡h e r or more on Ibe college glee rlu b i.
ftohrtioii o f wliirli wiiH Iie|i| boro d o r m i;
M inn Kem Nimg n nolo Hunduy in the
Ausimi. Hnrb uiinoiiiirouioiil \ i ih intuii
Ihuturiun churrb In Kugene.
in Ilio Port lumi ih * h h | m » | m * m f o l l o w i n g
tile Uioollllg oli M o lo b o r » 0 o f Ilio rolli
u u tlo o clmrtfmi w i l k ( b o tM«b*rlioii o f
lite lord li o n . It in Ululo! Ni'»od, b o w o v o r ,
timi Ilio Nolootioil «looN not heroine d e f
u n t o ti ti 1 1 1 t ' o l l u ^ o l i r o v o put* lu to
M iltin g Ibe i»ro|Mimtloli mudo l o ilio
collimiI loo. T ioiho boro w b o hurked tbe
11)0 V e III e li t o h ll^ lllo d IbrumelvoH l o ruine
fiiudM f o r ilio |njrcbnrto o f Ilio Pork ini»
|iro|M«rty whirl» huh ujmm I ib m your
Any ini|irovouioiilii h o y o n d i I iono now
un ilio |iro|u«rly will he o r o o l e d ni ilio
ol|»eiiNO o f Ilio o o iiferoiiro. It IN tilt
d o m t o o d lo ho i b o intontiun o f iboNe
lui villi’ ilio oitui|i m e e t in g in rlnrrge l o
c o n v e r t ( b o l l u r v o y roNIdeuro lu to n
on fo toriu limoli room fo r Iho convoli
l o m o o f I bone iilio ii diu ^ I bo immuti
Tin* ullondutiro ul the fir*»t mooting
dvernj»rd Hourly 1000 for nil o f the
OVOIllIlK NONHÌOIIN. It IN Ullt ioi|>ulod I blit
I b in it ii in l>«* r will jjroutly me ronco from
your lu yonr.
It ii undorNloud ibul other hodien
o f tbo MeihodiNl r h u rob will muko n»e
of tbo |>ro|»crty for Ibo bolding o f nn
IIUIl) liioe1 1 ll|£M.
Thu roil vouiout
lorutiou o f
^ground* within Ibo oily, their eon
voniont ifo«njru|»lnriil lorn t ion within
the n I it to Milli ilio flirt I lint tbo «it«»
wun to ho delivered free o f debt wore
Ibo furturn w luoh decided the rnmj»
IliretllltC c o m m it t e e III ftivoriti^ I *ot I It If e
d r o v e mn ( b e |H'rtnum«nl locution.
Toot bull Team From R o m burg
Down to Becond Defeat;
»core 42 to 0.
f 'o t t u g e ( t r o v o lllgb mu do |>ruet iru II »
•oruro 11 n riunii l o t b e v u llo y fo o th u il
rblimplOliahl|» w bell il d o f o u l o d |{o«C
b urg bere Fr»dn#> 11 ! l o U.
'Mio guiuo
wun noi hy uny meuiiN un une Nided
un (he Niore wmild indi c u lo uml ile
| ih 1 « | I mi I n wun h y p u ltllig II I* tb o
n llffcn l k Ilid o f U oontoNt.
ThiN umkeN i w i r e Ibe | i » c u I n lui vi * d<*
fonI<*d ItoNohurg.
T h e y ttl»o buvo de
fe n t e d ilo* Nirong (VirvnlliN tenni uml
Ibe J II Uri ioli n t v (rulli.
In tho (putir P n d u y , Mulo l.u»k. o f
tb e I oou I n , miide ii ruu o f H 2 yurd * f o r
u toiiohd ow ii, w hirh iiiuy ho u record .
Ho «cri mi) d(M*H Polirli llu rgreu ve*
fori litui bo liltN u wiutlitlg nijiiu d limi
Ite bue iNMiiod u « Imllonge |u uny olle
o f tbo Pori lumi bigi) «rhcMil trulli« to
|>luy bore on Armiulice duy.
Mayor Knowl©« I hmuch Appeal to Ctt« o f City to Jolu in
Tbelr Obuervauce.
'I*lie dii l on for tbe o beer v miico of
Kutliem uml H oiim dny, N|H»iiNored hy
the III Y rluh o f tbe Ingli no I ioo I, hi
roojkerution with the ebumhor o f corn
nierre. uru Priduy, Hulurdity uml Hun
day, November II, 12 uud 1*1.
Al tli.'JO Friday evening u humpiot
for fathoru uml noun will be held in
the PliriNtiuu rliurrb. H jmmiii I «jM*Hkrr«
will b«t preNeut uml muNir uml o t h e r
•oitoriuinmout will b«* furuiubod. P I u I on
w ill he M m i l l
Hitt unlity in home duy for futborN
uml noun uud tbo fath er* uud noun will
urmnge their own program uml method
o f oliNerving tbe duv together.
On Hunduy * {* rml N o r v i c e u for futb
era uml noun will ho bold at II u. in
in nil tbo churehoN. At 2:30 u aerviee
for men and hoyN only will In* bold in
Ibo MeihodiNl rhurrh. Thix inerting
will ho uddioNNod h y VY. P. WultorN,
buy«' Hern iary o f tbo Kugnie Y. M.
P A. Hpei ml miiNio will be given. At
7:.’10 npeeial aervioo« will uguiu ho bold
in nil (be rhurchea. All futbora uml
no iin uro oK|»ected lo attend one o f the
okttrrhoN o f tbo city on i I iin duy.
At tbo mjilt'Ht of the oommitleo In
K u o w I on bun iNNiiod ibo following up
(H-ul lo eitiKoiiM o f tbo community:
* ‘ The projHT relnliou between parent
and rbihl in one o f tbe moat ini| m » rfnnt
mutters pertaining to the borne. A n the
degree o f CompUUlOllNbip betw een pur
eiiI uml child increuNON (he home bo
cornea more ¡»erf e e l.
A n bomoN pro
grenN alo n g lb in line, no do coiniiiu
iiilioa uud uulioiiN, and not otlierwiMe.
•'The looul Hi Y * n have Mutinied u
movement lending lo promote a eloitor
and more intimate relation between
father uml nou uud have arranged n
three dii\ n progruui, lornnintting Hun
«lay, Nov. 12. Mont o f the oburchoN of
tbe oily buvo decided to booNt I bln
m o.i moot, have opened Un ir door* to
ull who are willing lo join th«iu, and
w»ll, hi I heir way, devote their Holiday
»••rvioea lu that end.
''I t occura lu mo (hut ull right
thinking |n*jple will favor united of
fort along (I iin lino. If thin in true, lot
un , l«i tbo extent o f our ability, join
with the Hi Y *n and ehurrhoN oil Hun
duy, November 13, III booNt itig for aurh
a In it du hie ideal un u r loner re lu I ion
«hip I n * tween father uml nou . Then*
are, (H-rlmpN, a few good cilisena wbo
• tiiinul coUNoieiitiuuuly unite with the
churchea in tliu matter and iu Ntich
ciihcn 1 t runt and I io | h * that they will
devote part o f tbiN Hunduy to thiN
movement in their way, thereby detn
ohn ! rating that it in (heir conscience
uml not l heir prejudice I but dirtutoa. **
The Kugene Elka lodge already la
Cottage Orove Team Put« on Work at Property Owners on South Fifth WlU making preparation, for ita Christmas
activities. Various methods are being
Extend Paving to Full
District Couveutlou Held
used in raising funds to be used in
at Mareola.
Width o f Street.
supplying Chiratmas gifts to the chil­
dren and needy of the county.
Htudents o f the University o f Oregon
About 40 from here nttcuded the
Tin- pc v i ii g to eouneet through tbe
Itelii'kiih district convention held Hut city with the present paving on Pa will put on a benefit play to augment,
urdny tit Mnrcuhi mul n number o f rifo- highway will be o f concrete and the fund and a wrestling match is
t.'oltiigi' tirine wuinen were honored ill th>- contract for the work hu. been let among the other entertainments from
the selection of o ffic e r , mid comm it­ by the xtntc highway commission to which the receipts will go into the
(lay Pyle, till- lowest bidder on thut Christmas fund.
A total o f over 200 dclcgutc* were clnxx of work.
present. A bmuiuet wax served at 0
Tin- bid of Bluke Compton for bitu
o ’clock mid nt tin- »veiling xe.xion the lithic wun lower but the commission
t.'ollugc Orove degree Iran eSemplified dtcided thut tbe other bid would prove
the work upon nine cmululntex for the the more economical iri tbe long run.
Murcoin lodge, lieing highly compii The specification, cull for 7 inches o f
meliteli ujMiu the mmincr in which they concrete. The total bid for the Job,
Tomorrow Ix Day; Hot Lanche« nnd
did so.
wbuh extend* from the new bridge
Cooked Foods, Farm Prodace,
Thu fallowing o ffic e r , were elected: south o f the city north to the east
t'limriiuni, Mrs. A O. Hruincr, Kugene; upproach o f the Ninth street bridge,
Etc., to Be on Bale.
vice chairman, Mr». A. K. Burrow., i. » u 7,4I6. I’aving o f the .tretch on
Cot Inge d rov e; secretary nud treu.urer, to the site o f the proponed new bridge
it is anticipated that from the ba
Kiln ll Hiuith, Kugene; conductor, Mrs. north of the eity will uot be taken up
Driscoll, Crexwcll; warden, Mrs. t'lnru until -uch time ux the county can put zaar to be held tomorrow there W i l l
Hlcvcnx, Cottage d rove; chaplmn, Mr*. in tlo bridge. Jt ix tbe understanding be realized a large sum for the equip­
I’nyne, Cuburg; r. ». o f elmi riunii, Mr». that this bridge lx promoo-d for next ping of the Hunsnine rest room. Flans
nre piaelieaiiy complete lot tbe event,
Kxllier Met'll lit ic, Kugene; I. ». o f year
which promise, to he one of the social
eliminimi, Mrx. McArthur; inner guard,
Mr Pyle, who wax in the city Tue»- eveu l. ol the w u v u . Practically ev­
Mrs. Muinurd, Hpringfield; outer guard, dny, s t a l e d thut work
on the job ery social organization o f the city is
Mr*. Cooley, Junction C ity; r. ». vice would uot »tart until sometime in tbe
cooperating with the klothera’ club
elmi riunii, Mrs. Minnie Willits, Cut luge spring.
and the grange is donating a large
d rov e; I x. vice chairman, Mrx. Wnlk
The city and property owner, along amount ot 1 arm produce, which will
cr, Hpringfield.
The following committee, were up tin- un paved portion o f tbe route of be sold during the bazaar.
the Inghwuy through the city will pny
Hot lunches will be served from the
¡Hunted :
I u'gixlnt i v e Mrs Kxther MeClintic, one half lire expeuae o f the iti loot time of Ihe opening of the bazaar at
the city.
Property 2:3(1 tomorrow afleruoou until the
Kugene; Mrx. Kmuielme Wilson, Cot paving through
lu ge d r o v e ; Mr». M in n ie Hcott, C o ­ owners un south Fifth, from Washing c I o m of tbe a ffa ir at ill p. m. Hot
ton to Quincy, also will pa>e the full tamales and other cooked foods also
b urg.
Memori. I Mi-
Nettie McKinney, width of the street. The city can uot will be ou sale iu quantities, aud hot
Kugene; Mildred Johnson, Murcoin; let its contract for its portion o f the tamales, sandwiches, baked beaus, pie,
work until further proceedings to p e r cake, etc., tea and coffee will be
Mix. Kiln H. Hinith, Kugene.
Press Mrx. Huxie dnroiitte. Cottage mu the contractor selected by the served.
Fancy work and many miscellaneous
d ro v e ; Mrx. ('Inni Huodgrnx., Spring xtufe to submit a bid, wbicb will be
at the same rate as that accepted by articles will be on sale. There will be
f o l d ; Mrx K. K. Ilillibrm ol, Kugene,
Thmikx Mrx. Kxtelln Dimond, Ku the state for its part o f the work. a fortune teller, a grab barrel, a fish
gene; Mr», t.'nrrie liord, Coburg; Mr*. He had not submitted a bid to the pond aud many other special features.
city. New bids will be opened Nov. 14.
it is understood that the Oriental
Minnie Hweet, Cottage Orove.
booth will be a notable feature. Thom:
who are arranging this booth state
that the famous Handinan’s pearls will
be ou sale at bargain prices. These
pearls, it is explained with careful
detail, are found in but one place in
the entire world aud this place is near
That City Water Has at No True Intercut la Found to Be Keen and the rural palace oi Japan on the Ko
k m n o k o river, provided there is snch a
Caused Slckue»» Is Statement
tbe Prospect o f a Large A t­
river. Eveu where these pearls are to
o f Pbyalcijuia.
tendance la Good.
be found, none have been found direct
That there are now no eaxea o f
bowel trouble in the city that could
be attributable to the city water aud
that in Ihe whole history o f the pres­
ent wutcr system there has hurdly
been u luxe o f typhoid fever iu the
city and absolutely none at I ributuble
to the condition uf the eily water,
were statcmculx mude by Doctors
Frost, Dyult uud Kmic at the council
uu-etiiig Monday evening, wbeo the
action uf the »lute health o ffic e r in
condemning tbe water wax up for con
t'lty officials feel rertuin that grave
errors huve beeu made in the xtatc
health o ffic e r 's office . They have this
certainty liecsuxc o f the fact that, de
spite unfavorable reports on tbe water
which huve come from that office,
never a cane o f siekneiu* ha. been
traced to the usi* o f the water nnd be
cause by subterfuge the city officials
huve lenriied thut they ran get sat
ixfMctury reports and iinxnt ixfactory
re|xirts ti|xin exactly the xanie water.
Also the rity water hnx been texted
by other» nud when so texted always
hnx received u favorable r* |xirt.
The »tute In-nil li o ffice hn. offered
its cooperation in getting Ihe Juniettn
creek watershed set nxide for a per­
manent source o f water supply for the
l ’ rofexxor K. J. K*l«ar<lx, o f I )•<• agri
rulluri' •li,|Mirtn><'fil uf tlo* lugli m'Iiuol,
a<'ii>ni|Mini< <t In xix »tilde ut», Irti W<■ <I
ln'.iluy tu nltvml thè I Mirrimi Minili
U l l'niuck r«|Mi?.il ioti, ttliull upelin tu
morrow in l ’uri In od. Thrrr uf llii'
Imi« «vili competo willi team» u f likr
. 1 mi* frulli uttirr elitra uf ih*' »tute in
Ih** Monili llu|(hrH »toek juilging con
trxl. The pnrty »tu|i|n-i| ut O. A. C. rn
ruul« fur u day ’x prnckice in stock
juilging. The boy» in thr |>nrlv nrr
Eads Buyx Orocery.
Joo Youiig, I. uiiix Htnrln-i-k, t'Iiurl.x
K. K. Kndx hnx bmight the West Hidc
Hprny, l.lujri) Armrx, l.yl» U w rnnre Thluk« Orangen Will Fall Because of
groeery frum H. J. lx-ouanl, who ha»
uml luto U w renre.
DlHcrrpancy in Prices They
condurted il for xevernl yenrx. Mr.
Oct and Pay.
Kndx moved here front M.dfurd abolir
u yenr ngo. Mr. léon a rd ha» uot nn
Then* in no rainw* for friction br uounced hix future piaux.
tueen thè grange nini tbe fumi bun-nu,
Up tu Ih» pri'xuiit tiro» iluriiiK tin* xaid i*. O. Powell, xecretnry o f thè
yt-itr HEM llii't« huv» huitii rcgixlrri'd fnrm biirenii nini tnuxter o f thè Pomo PATTON ACQUITTED ON
mui lict'iixvd in Orcguu (M3 mulur nn grange o f Folk eounty, in mi nd
v»hi«*l» desierà, Ot.'ld chauffeur., 17». drexx Ili-fori- thè lume eounty Pomonn
JriL’o motor vehiele oiM’ ratura, 3 UNI roo grmige ni Klinint Hntiirdny.
Dan l'atton, Cottage Grove youth,
Morejrcle» mui 11(1,(101» paa*eii|rer muí
Mr. Powell '« mldrex» wnx upon thè wnx acquitted by a jury in circuit
r.umiaercial earx, from which Ine total xiilijeet o f thè relntion. o f thè viirioux court Inst week o f the charge o f un
lieenxe feti* nggregnl» » - ,3 11»,307. The turni orgnniaationx w-ith ime nnother Invvl'iil xule o f liquor. The jury went
fee., le ., uiimiiii.lrnlive » ip » n .e ., tire Ile xuid thut (he fnrm btirenu i» in no out lute in the nfternoon nnd returned
ilixtrihuteil one fourth to the oouiilie. wny in confliet with thè grange l»ut its verdict o f urquittnl shortly after
from which tho« I ion . are re un thè othi-r hmid in hi» eounty it ix w-nrd.
eeiveil nml three fourth, to Ih» .ta t» n xlri'iigtheiiing factor in thè grange.
l ’atton wax arrested by Green Pitch
highwi^ fund for u.o in rond conxlruc-
C. K. H|x<nce, mnxter o f thè xtnte er, deputy sheriff, after a man hy the
tiou mul improvement throughout the grange, x|ioke nt thè night neaeiou. He name o f Cheney, who had been arrest
.In i« generally,
xni*l timi whnt thè fnrmerx moxt n«*ed ed for possessing liquor, hnd told that
The diNtribiition o f the regi.trnlionx ut thè prexent lime i» n marketing he bought it o f Patton.
up to Hcptemher IR, lt»2l, .h o w . Mint «yxtem wherehv they will receive n
in Lan» county there were regixtered fnir price and thè consumer gel fnrm
25 motor vehicle denier., 221 rhnuf produci» nt n fnir price. He xnid thnt DURHAM LAND IS NEAR
feu rx. HHSO motor vehicle operator., thè threateaed railrond xtrike wmild
214 uiolorcyeh*., 41*05 puxxenger cnr., ilo nome good beeauxe nf (he publirity
7 nminilaneex and henrxe., 2 luixxex mid
The property in Knnxnx upon which
it received. He xnid he helieved thnt
nlng»., 105 conunercinl c a n o f le.x thè I24<i |x*r cent redurtion in wngex Jess Willard, former w orld's heavy­
than one Ion capacity, 31N truck, o f Inni Julv will not Ite pnxxcd on to thè weight champion, hnx found nn oil
from one to five ton . capacity nnd 1» xhipper.
gusher, adjoins hind owned by J. M.
trailer, o f from one to five tons cn-
The xtnte grange mnxter declnred thè Durham, o f this city. Willard already
ixtnity, or n total of 5475 lieen.ed pns price o f fnrm produce lui» decretiseli hnx made n fortune through the sale
.eriger mid commercinl motor vehicle..
land in the
tl» |»er cent but thè price o f thingx o f leases upon
thè fnrmi'r hux to huy hnx been re vicinity which he owns. Mr. Durham
Revival Meeting» to Start.
'Inceli bui 28 per eent. A note o f thinks there ix quite ii probability o f
Kevivnl meeting, will open Hunduy HInrm for thè welfure o f thè furmer oil being found on hix property and
in the Methodi.t church, with Kvnn
vvux Nounded vvhen Mr. H|M*nne dee In rad the priee nt whirh he would dispose
g eli.t J. B. McBride, o f Pasadena, thnt mnny will Ione their Innds thls o f it hnx increased quite materially
Calif., in charge. The meeting, will
yenr. Low prieex for their produce, over n figure he would have been
continue for three week». H|.'cinl mu high prieex for thè thingx they pur willing to nceept n few days ago. A
»ic will be provided nnd the publie chnxc nnd their i nubili t y lo Fiorrow brother is interested with Mr. Durham
generally i. eordinlly invited to nttend. much money nre Ihe fn d ors thnt «re in the Innd.
to briog iiboni th i. conditimi, he xnid
Creswell r a rin g Open Nov. 10.
The opening o f the |mving north o f
Travel Lornne Loop.
K. W. Miller, secretary o f the rhnm Creswell has been repeatedly put o f f
T*e 14 mile, o f newly con.tructnd
grade over the xnnimit o f the Conni ber o f commerce, nnd N. K. din »., nnd the latest word is that it will
mountain» ou
I hi* Kugene Florence president o f the Bunk o f Cottagi be opened for tra ffic on Nov. 10
highway by way o f the low |m»x will drove, minie the trip to Kugene Wed T ra ffic is going through by the old
!»• aurfaced a . enrly neat xpring hx it nexdny by wny o f Lornne, returning road, using the ditches nlonga^de the
They paving, but the detour, which Is
is sonmhlf tu do the work, aeeonling by wnv o f Purifie highwny.
to IC H u a n o w , county commiN.ioner, minie the trip to acquaint themselves longer, can be covered in less time.
who Vefiirued In.t week from Portland, with conditions »long the Cottagi* In fact, the detour is in better eon
where he met with the state highway Grove IiOrnnc Kugene road and visited dition for travel now than is was be
fore the rains.
along the wny.
Plans are rapidly louring rompletion
for the holding o f a farm er.’ institute
here on November 15, 1(J aud 17. Hu
pervisor J. 0 . Swan is cooperating
with Professor Edward.«, o f the agri­
culture depart incut o f tbe high school,
the grange uud the chamber o f com
u*erce. He has been visiting the rural
eomrauuitiex o f this section and report,
wide spread interest in the approach
n ^ s w tils tt, with the p r o s p e c t o f a
Inrgr attendance. Professor Edwards,
who is director o f the institute, will
during the coming week follow up 8u-
pervisor Hwau’s work.
Hpecialists from Oregou Agricultural
college will be the *|ieakera ut the In
stiiute and will lend thr discussion ou
poultry, dairying, live stock, soils, ro-
tuiion, crop», etc. There may also be
a deiiionxtrntiun o f home economics.
The institute is au outgrowth o f the
Hmith Hughes work in the school, and
will afford parents and patron, o f the
school» an excellent opportunity to
lenrn what the schools are doing to-
wauls giving pupils a practical traiu
ing in agriculture, home e#u om ics and
manual training. The complete pro
gram will follow next week.
ly by bumuu beings. It is through the
medium o f the Dodo bird that the
pearls are put ou the market. The
Dudo bird, as all know who know any
thing about Dodo birds, will eat any
thing, lu the course o f its search for
food, it finds the Hamlman’s pearls.
Wheu a Dodo has eaten 13 o f the
urls, it is certain to die ou the next
riday, the Haudman pearl being the
only thing it cannot eat with impu
iuty, or immunity, or something of
TTiHt sort. A fter the Dodo dies, the
pearls are removed by the Jap pearl
hunters. A Jap who was killed in the
late war had a large quantity o f these
pearls secreted on his person and they
came into possession o f an American
doughboy, who thought by a display
o f immense wealth to inveigle some
pretty Cottage Grove miss into be­
coming hix bride. Having been unsnr
eesxful in this endeavor, he has Dodo
nated them to the Oriental booth.
Practically everyone in the rom
munity is assisting in boosting the
rest room and bazaar. Any articles
which can la* used in the res’t room ov
which might be sold and the proceeds
used for the rest room, will be gladly
received by the women who are suc­
cessfully putting over the rest room
Dr. Couklln Interests Large Audience.
Dr. K. 8. Conklin, o f the University
o f Oregon, iu his talk Hunday evening
ut the Presbyterian church on “ The
Trail o f the (Jhost Huuter,’ ’ interested
n large uudn-iice. Be gave rational ex
plnuations o f conditions o f mind aud Trial o f Hunter for Careless Slaying
body that give rise to “ true’ ’ ghost
of Hunting Companion Results
stories nnd o f the tricks used by »enn­
In Disagreement.
ui the tra ffick er, in gho.ts aud spirits.
An opportunity in not often present
ed to a city the »i*e o f Cottage Grove
to Me iu act ion such premier wrestlers
ns Thor Olsen uud Ralph Hand, who
will appear here tomorrow night. The
bout was secured for this city by
reason o f the fact that Mr. Hand is a
local mini and he wishes his local
friends aud boosters to see him in ac-
t ion.
A preliminary bout will be put on at
uud the main event will start at
Id. The muiu event is for best two
out o f three fulls, Police Gazette rules
to govern. The time limit is two
hour«. The match will be held in
Moose hall. Women are especially in
viled to attend.
Former members o f the 65th, in
which ninny Cottage Grove men served,
are making arrangements for the first
reunion, which will be held in Eugene
on Armistice day.
Pat Koepke and A. M. Fletcher were
here Tuesday from Eugene meeting the
men here and urging their attendance.
Ham Venteh and Clarence Milne have
taken over the re»|>onsibility o f secnr
ing the attendance from tliis section
amt Mr. Venteh requests that all those
intending to pwrtici[ietc notify him at
once, luirge delegations already have
been promised from Albany, Portland
and Astoria.
D id n ’t Lone Silverware.
Madsen's jewelry did not lose a par
e e l o f silverware which was reported
as missing Thursday morning o f last
week. It was found where Mr. Madsen
had carefully put It away.
A fter a deliberation o f ten hours,
the jury in the manslaughter case of
Elmer Yeomau failed to reach au
agreement and was dismissed Monday
night on motion o f District Attorney
Elmer Yeomau was charged with
manslaughter for the slaying o f Earl
Hebert, o f Oakridge, while they were
huutiug in the Cascades at Bristow
Prairie September 10. This is the first
ease o f a huuter beiug brought to trial
here charged with the slaying o f an
other under such circumstances as sur
round this case.
The defense based its case on the
supposition that Hebert was far from
the place agreed upon by the hunters
aud that the defendant in shooting
through the brush, supposedly at a
deer, did not know o f the presence o f
his companion at that point.
The prosecution endeavored to show
that the defendant fired through the
brush while unable to see clearly the
objeet o f his aim aud that the act con­
stituted carelessness and a lack o f
caution, as alleged in the indictment.
— the price o f success is
eternal publicity.
—publicity in any form is good
for your business.
— but the best o f all is dis­
played every day in tbe columas
o f the uewspapera o f the
— it reach»*« more people, car­
ries more weight and remains
longer in the memory o f
those reading it.
— to reach your home people
use your home paper.
Mack tu Finds That Cottage
Orove la Beat Place on
Face o f Earth.
ThoM wbo become dissatisfied with
conditions in this section should tern
porariiy visit other sections before per­
manently disposing o f their interests
here, is the statement by 8. L. Maekin,
who recently returned from a visit to
his former home in Wisconsin.
Talk all through the middle west,
he found, is depressing. Farmers are
getting 21 cents for oats and 20 to
25 cents for corn. In addition, the
crops were light. The potato raising
sections were hard hit also.
the price has been good, the crop was
Factories and industries were found
to be doing better. The farmers are
tbe greatest sufferers and this fact is
fait in business circles in the smaller
I bad heard no hard time talk,
Mr. Maekin stated, until I reached
tke middle west.
We know nothing
about hard times here.
Business is
good and w e’d better »tiek to whnt
w e’ve got.
“ We hear something onee in awhile
about high taxe*. W e’ ve got nothing
to complain about. Property owners
are being hit just as hard, aud harder,
in other sections.
Best o f all, we
have been able to pay our taxes, while
I found many farmers in the middle
west who have been unable to pay
their taxes for one aud two years.
“ There is a lack in the east o f the
cooperation which we preach and prar
tice in the west. We often are dis­
satisfied with the lack o f coordinated
efforts at limes, but we have it all
over other sections in this respect.
“ And the climate! A ll I ’ ve got to
say is that w e’ ve got both the best
lim e, and the best climate to be found
anywhere. I have no desire to live
anywhere except in Cottage G rove.’ ’
Mr. Maekin found J. W. Grant,
former half owner o f The Hentinel,
prospering in the newspaper business
at Stanley, Wis.
The population o f children o f school
age in Cottage Grove ha. increased 20
during the past year, according to the
figu re, just submitted to the county
school superintendent by Worth Bar
vey, school clerk, who completed last
week the taking o f the census.
The total o f children o f school age
this year i. 761 and the number last
year was 741. O f the total this year,
364 are girls and 31*7 are boys.
The increase in population, as shown
by the census figures, is less than the
increase in attendance in the schools.
Junior Rifle Corps Organised.
A representative o f the Winchester
Arms company was here Wednesday
and organized a junior rifle corps m
the high school. The juniors and frush
are in one unit and the seniors and
sophs are in another unit.
Owing to the necessity for synchro­
nizing some o f the plant equipment,
j>owt*r will be intermittent ou 8onday,
commencing at 8 a. m and continuing
so until some time in the afternoon
for the benefit of the
S u n s h in e R e s t
2 :30 to 10 p. m.
T o m o rro w
(Jooked foods of all kinds
will be on sale as well as
miscellaneous articles o f a
great many kinds.
Hot lunches served all after­
noon and evening. Hot ta­
males, hot coffee, hot tea,
hot baked beans, sandwich­
es, pie, cake, coffee, salads,
etc. A lively time and a
good social time all after­
noon and evening.
Fancy work, candy and all
kinds of farm products.
Don’t miss the fortune teller
or the oriental booth. Fish
pond and grab barrel for
the kids—old and young.
You’ll get your money’s
worth, and more too, and it
will all go to provide a rest
room for yourselves and for
your friends outside the city
In Old Kerr & Silsby Store
Building, 2:30 to 10 p. m
T om orrow
Saturday, N ovem ber 5