LO C A I. 1 1 »y niarking »ho inni» with »hi* t'igtin'» l.n n dw eh r’» »istcr, M n Honier Chnm Mrs. ,1. It I inchinigli and Mr» N otile M A T A R T IS T TO Arne, in the Grove. A P T E AR A T M OOSE H A L L l," li, 3 . Vou v» ili uu lougor bo t-uu bcrlniu. Miss tk'iievn Shiittiuk lui» lieon uh Mr. mid Air» F. It. I’ hillips visited t'us«>U a» lo whicb irmi » a i litui u*t'tl. • • • seni fien i seheel dillin g thè |tHNl week ridatilo» in C ottage G rove Sunday, Mr» I If Long nml her on, AA'inlc l'ut n cou|>lo of raw ov»tor» iimli-r uu acetumi o f illness. Mr. and M i». \V. D Heuth and fatti I Mushy, who arrived last week from the tlu- tltrl, olo»t' lo ilio ruota of a ft*rn ily visited liriefly al thè S. K. L o » ry Silver l ake country, m otored out fhuu ami ilio pluut tuli grò» litio mugli'. • • • houle ut Walker Snudili aftertioon. I lie G rove Hulunluy aftern oon and M in Gwciiilolyii M onne}, o f Blue v i» ih d ut the AV D Heath home. I se u »muli |tatui bru»l» for g n u.' iug ciii I to The Sentinel.} Wli.'it l'ilio« iliiw bogiit to hi ar C ottage G reve Monilnv. (V I. 2tl. Air. nml Mr». Ivyle .lone» Mr. and Mrs. Chiude Arno and olili timi tu Ilio collier, ri|i ilio »onui al Ilio t ini and rotoi'o ili. in mi timi Gita ■Ireii »petit Stinday at Ilio homo» o f nml little dniigliter mid Frank Jones l>arl t nino' un Ilio 'itlos, lliorobv gii mg \l r. and M r». Arile'» pareti!», Mr. nini arrived lust Tliiu»dnv from I'oitlnm l Ilio slip.» a no h I oum * Oli Ilio. • • • WIn-ti Ilio lai!toni o f a r a k e i» lutili}' Immoti il niay l»o gralotl o f f u n i i a iitnniog gralor. M OU N T V IE W . (S p ecia l to The Sentinel.) O ct. 26. Mr. and M is. Finley \\ lupps, o f Blue M ountain, wen* Sun day guests ol Mr. aud Mrs. licurgo U iyiig. Mi. aud Mrs li lì. Laiulwohr and i It i Id rou v isiicd Monday with Mrs. L a u d w ch r'» u sier, Mr». Fiando Arno. Mr. and Mrs. W aldo M iller and Selma M iller attended church nml Sun day school al Walden Sunday. Mrs. Charles Bales, clerk o f the tlis RALPH HAND t r o t , has been Inking the school ecu whom tko w o rld ’» cham pion mitltUo sus this week. w eight w orked on fo r tw o hour» and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Stairs aud Ciar could not throw, and who moot» Thor cuce Soars wore at the George laiyug Olson hero N ovem ber 5. home Su udny. Mr. and Mr». Homer Chamberlain »¡»•ut .'»nudai with Mrs. C ham berlain's ALMOST LUST BIG OISCOVEHY pnrents, Mr. ami Mrs. J. B. Lino I be. ugh. lu C ottage G rove. Pradatory Bird Carried Off Pod Con Mr. uud Mrs. K. G. Laiulwohr and hildren spent Tuesday with Mrs. talning Precious Seed That P ro­ duced Burbank Potatoes. Luther Burbank recently told t'oli»- rado potato men a »lo ry o f Ins diseov ery o f the w orld-fauious Btirl.auk |*o tatot whioli lias only recent 1} onuie to light. W hile Hnrlmnk w as ex p e ri­ menting with potatoes about tw entt years ag o he noticed in his patch on e plant which held one particularly prom ising | m «I o f seeds. T o Ins prue- tieetl eye these seeds and the plaul w hich bore them w ould contain tin germ o f a new aud excellent potato If he had thought It necessary lie would have put a w atchm an ov er thl* one sm all seed ball. As it develo|ied later, the money Hint would liuve been required fo r a w atchm an w ould liuve been but a m inute drop o f silver in the ocean o f gold w hich this one pod w as destined to produce. Every m orning Burbank w ould go to the patch lo see how Hie pot) was faring, and often during each day he w ould look at the plant to d iscover the time when the pod could he picked One m orning he w ent into the patch and the pod was gone. With the help o f workm en he searched fo r It. Final­ ly', after hunting fo r hours, 20 feet aw ay from the plant. In the midst o f oth er plants, the pod w as found. “ I think a bird must have picked It off and tried to carry it aw ay,” .Mr. Burbank told the C olora do potato men. “ A nyhow , there it lay, and 1 picked It up aud planted the seeds, and tou t's how w e have Burbank p ota toes to­ day.’’ 36 AND 40 INCHES WIDE Two color chiffon taffeta, 36 inches wide, in now evening shades and staple coloi'H, price a van I $2 50 ( ‘repo satin, 4(1 inches wide, in navy liltte and jude green, a new beautiful weave especially ad upted for dress or blouse, price a van I $3 25 Satin de l,uxc, a beautiful heavy weight, all silk satin, 36 inches wide, a yard $2 50 36 inch In-st quality, all silk niessaliiies iu black, while and all eolora, priced a yurd $1.95 Cook enough cereal at one t i m e to last tw o days. Keep in the iee chest and warm it up as needed. Haves gas. • • * Boots and shoes that have been wet and dried hard may be softened by ap plying kerosene very freely. * « • Wash black stockings in fresh suds and rinse in very blue water. • • * I f you are not fortu n a te enough to have e lectricity with which to iron, “ Palmer” Made Fall Coats for W om en Here A woman who has once pur chatted a “ I'almer” enul is a friend ni I lie ” I'almer” hiand Ineause baek of this brand is dependable, long wear fabric, authoritative style value, finish mgs of the best obtainable and superior Imbuing in every detail Women appreciate I he can-ful way in which ‘ ‘ I'almer” coats ar»* finished and they soon learn to know that the ” I'almer” label in each coat is an assurance of good wear satisfaction. Try on the io-w I'almer coats In-re today Prices, $1150, $15. $18 to $42 50 Coxy, warm and comfortable arc the new house slippers just received this store this week. Some of the styles have soft soles, others flexible leather soles with leather heels. Here you will find silk lined kid slippers and all-wool felt slippers in a large selection of the best colors and styles in high and low tops. bath tube blankets which you will agree at Children’s styles Men’s styles Hints Tho Sontlnol wants tho nows. I’ lmuo it in. Gur number is I fill J. Balli Robe Blankets at $4.95 Here Georgia M an's Assertion C oncerning W aterm elons L eft Upholder of In­ diana P roduct Gasping. Household thè ,1. E. N ew House Slippers in K id and W ool Felt for M en, W omen, Ch 1 ldren Women’s styles Sacked Mohammedan Rock. A rep m i on Hie I mine o f the R ock o f Jerusalem Is shortly to be pub llshed and will be o f great Interest to the Mohammedan w orld. It may not he generally known thut this p la ce is the third in sanctity o f all the sunetii arles o f Islam, and Indeed fo r a short period It actually form ed the Kilda tow ard which all M oslem s prostrated them selves in prayer. Am ong the m ore im portant religious association s o f this rock w e may men tlon it w as here that D avid aud S olo­ mon w ere called to repentance, and on account o f a vision D avid chose this site fo r his tem ple. From this sam e spot Mohammed ascended to tin seventh heaven a fter his night Journey from M ecca, and lastly It Is to he the scene o f the Great Judgm ent. The historical associa tion s are not less striking and such fam ou s names nr < Mimf Abdel-M illek. Saladln and Sulel-. man are all conn ected with the risk . v is itili)' ni t Ilio G i o v e Siiinln} nft ortmon. A 7A» pollini uni wiis borii Mo n d a v , i n i , d a r 21, to Mi. inni Mi*. Wi l l i am Beautiful Dress Silks Here HAD NO ANSWER TO THAT H arry Grinisley, a T erre llu u te Ito I tary club man, com es from G eorg.a and is still in love with his native state. H e boasts o f Its w onders, and the last tim e he discou rsed on it, was telling o f the w onderful bargains he got in w aterm elons. “ W hy, w e got the very biggest ones fo r only five ceuts,” he said. “ But they aren’t so big as the ones we have up here,” persisted on e o f his listeners. “ W hy, out on my farm w e had som e h alf as big arou nd as half the top o f this table. We didn’ t eat any o f It ex cep t the core, and yet the w hole fam ily had enough o f It aud m ore.” “ D ow n there,” draw led Mr. Grim s- ley in his most southern draw l, “ w e never eat nearer than tw o feet o f the rind o f the melon and yet th ere’s alw ays m ore than enough fo r a fam ­ ily in one m elon.” — Indianapolis News. homi,, Selection of Fall and Winter Merchandise Is Made Easy at Umphrey & Mackm s With Large Stocks, Good Service and Reasonable Low Prices— Come Today Prominent Physician Treated Exophlholmic Goitre With Marked Success Dr. G. B M alone, M. D.. 1‘.'29 Cow den ave., Memphis Teun., says: “ l have used you r FAM Ol H G O IT R E C l'K K fo r about 21 years. During thut time 1 have treated many cases with not a single failure. •'1 treated one ease o f Exophthol- uiic G oitre. About tw elve mouths a fte r he was rejected, he scoured ♦ 10,000 insurance on his life. Most o f the other cases were o f ordinary types and in d ifferen t stages o f tie vehipment. " T h i s long and rem arkably su c­ cessfu l experience w ith the H A Y S SEN 'S G O ITR E CU RE has caused me to have great faith iu its cu m liv e p rop erties.” I)r. Hayssen ’» Famous Goitre Ointment is applied m orning and evenin g. Is (sunless aud does not Htniu the skiu. Regular price ♦.') 00. By mail $3.12 Ask y ou r druggist or w rite fo r “ G O IT R E , I t 's H istory aud C u re.” The H. H. Hayssen Co., Inc., Seneca Falls, N. Y. o2*e .Ione» I Thron und has boon nnmod Alvin Agustmio. Air and Mr». Hon Cronshnw and Mr» AA’udc AA'nlts unii baby, o f Aln»l>y ereek. visiled ilurilig thè week ■ h i Id ron. o f tho U nivo, vinltod at tho Wilson I.litio homo Thursday and Fri w itti Mi * W a tt» ' nini Iter, Mrs. Ma day o f last n och . 11 Ititi Jones, Mis. Sara W orthington anil her sun M r» Frank l'Icnnrd and ehildron Theodore, o f Kugouo, lire visiting Mr* -■pelli ilio Week olili III Ilio Urtivi*. Mr nini Mr» Stanley Ihiuicwood, o f AVorthingtuU ’« mother, Mrs. Pitticncf Ilio G iove, itele diiilier uueat» o f Mr Mr Alu»ter .............. I'lirun, Nellie 1‘ hnian), Alice m>