NUMB KH 55 CITY WATER PURE SAYS PORTLAND CHEMIST of ItOKKHlK OfM*rut|0||N on JllUltittJl Cl«*rk W litri h I iim I li<*loro Council. v t Al Ilo* ribollir 1111*1*1 • iig' of tin* city council Moioluy infill tin* |»unly of flic cily'n «liinkiiiK WAlcr miin tiMcnIcil l»y ii leder troni tho Miduiwk»oru t«»ry, of I'm tinnii, rm*««rt mu on mi aly»i» «»f wntitf (liken from it fiiucet III II locul IniftincftM limile liy lleiiltll ^Officer hr. II, It. .loli Tlmri* w«*rc lidi fi\«« colon ii*M of Imcillioi hii I i I i lui*, or linlf tin* cm in cut uni si mu in for ulmolot«« Miifety. The rc|iort further •»tuteli Ilo« M liter «'on III l*e u»«*«l with |H*rferl »iifrty. It I» «*» |*lru in«l hy III«* e s |M*rtn tlii t tin» h ii ht 1 1 ii m ii u jM*rf«*ctly Ii it mi le km v unni of. I’l.en- in no truce «>f tin* |M*rnirinu4 colon I iim ' i II iin or ty i » 1 1 « * i « I »tarter. 'Hon* never hiin n • u o of ty|ili«oi| in ( 'oltane Uro ve of local orinili, nay |»fts|H*i«*iliiiM. A («•legnini from hiNtrict Tor«'»tcr It ri in M«lt || in«|ilirei| if tin* city woulil con««*iit to un i*iii«’r|*ency »ule of four million f«*ct ol timber on Currtn creek Wllterslicd to the \\ I,, k K t'n., tile l'*kCk*111K h> h«’ rum filet e«| hy Nov. .'Ill, 1002. € *n r ri ii eie« k in in tin* ,1 u uiet ta wnt«T**ln-«|, that In» m | h *«« ii ii - k • • I for hy tin* city iin r«'Ni*rve for the city water Nii|i|»ly. Mr. Ilohleruiun, of tin* fnr«*»t m*rvicef iuin |ir««nt with con tour iiiu | i to n I iow ili«' locution. It \\IIN «Ieri lieti to II n V til«’ f(»r«‘»l IMTVl**«* tor ii confirmatory n * a tern out of the comí 1 1 n»u»( limit of l«’KKi»i*, etc., fur tin r actum I»«*imj | mì »I| niii «*«I on** wc«*k. (\ If. Klliott, r««|ir«»»e o f improv mg him ! beautifyin g the cem««tefy. The pro|«o»il ion o f hohlmg a at reel fair here wiin ind«*l initely im »»Iponed, it being diM'ini'd inadvisable to ut tempt to promote »uch an event »o late in tin* aeaaon. MALE CHORUS MAKES INITIAL APPEARANCE Tin* male clmrus mudi’ it» miliaf appearance at the regular eveiiiug Nervice at tin* Trcshy term a «hiin h Humlay evening an«! fs-rformeil cfed it ably, n«d wit hstuiidilig the fact that a n ii in in« r o f me til hers were unable to he present. A largì* ttudienee enjoyed the two nomher» by the chôma, par tiei|Nitc«1 in a »«mg aervire find listened to an excellent mtiiioii hy It«* v . Hpearow on th«' aiihjecf, 44 Tools o f the Iti DI«*, ami (filler Inoli»,M At least one number hy the male • horns will he a regular fentuTe o f I In* evening ervice at the I'n'aliyterinn church hereafter, and a concert ami other act iv it i«*N will he fort licom i ng in I lie a«»t far «listant future. W. L & E. MILL TO RESUME OPERATION NEXT WEEK lagging Crew Already in Wood» and Mawa Will Begin to Whirl 1U Tew Day». The Wintern l.umh« r A K*|»»rt com p a ny 's null here, a «'cord I fig to the prea- **nt plans of th«« inn dug«* m<* lit, will r«* sum«' oiN-ration within a few «lays, pr.duihly in l lie early part o f next week, Hcv«'iity five men will go buck mi the pay roll wh«*n tin* log saw» liegin to whirl. The logging eren i» altea'ly hi the vvmaD. VS K rosier .1 «di ii »on, president «»f the «'omptmy, v* ho is m the east on a bu»mes» trip, n eX|N*cle<| to nrriv«' home Humlay. A general improvement in the him h«*r business in the north west, which lin» rcNiilti'd within tlu* past few «lay» m t!i<* reop«*nmg of ti ihiiii I nt id null», th«' putting on of mhlitloiiul shift» a! other mili» im«l the announce ment of piuim for reopi'Uiug aom<* of the largir logging cumpa in Oregon and VV a»hingt« hi i » r«'|mrte«l, I «umber ei|N'rta report flint the tone of tile In in l»«*r litisi in's» in h«'tt« r than it ha» I hm ' ii for a long time, and nil who have «h»«ii»»ed the sit tint ion admit that tiler«* i» «o unid«-rub lo improvement. This improvement in di'cliir«*«! to !>«* m»t only the r«*»ult of batter water Iraa»|H»rta 1 ion fuciliti«*», fi» a rc»ult of which much loftih<’r i» being moved, hut also a tietter demand. Tin» i m |*«'t ii s which in uotie«Mihle in tin» «m1 »inii.lmg m«lii»t ry o f the Tu «•ifi«* northwest »s declared by export» to he one o f tlo* imi»t eiicouragiiig signs o f a ri'turn to normalcy which has yet h«'«'ii m*en. It melina not only job » for the jo b !« » » am! moro payroll dollara in e ireiilation, hut ul»o must have it n e f f o r t Ufani husmea» run dition» in general in this territory. School Moiiey Distributed. I.Miu' c o u n t y '» »him* o f the átate ir ­ reducible fund is being «liatributed uu dar th«* d i r e lion ol K. J. Moore, ««unity acho«d »ti|Marititf iident, among I lie various w'huiil dista nt». The total ninoiiiit r«<*ei\e«l for this purp«»»«* is • 10,dT5.26 anti i» apport i«>ue«l al th«* rate o f $1.75 |H*r pupil» taking the iiiimt»«*r «»I pupil» a» »how a hy the last annual r«|Nirt o f the cl«>rk in emdi di» trict. Th«* allotment for the Ceding«* d r o v e »«'hinds, am ounting to $l2tMi.7.>, lui» already I h *«* ii rei'eived. Tliia fund i» derived fm m intereat on money loan«*d out hy the »tat«*, nr «piired from various source» that make up a fund that can never h«* uscii for any other pur|M>»e. CHURCH ADVERTISING PAYS DECLARES EUGENE PASTOR Tliut|H'r ilispluy mlv«rl¡K¡iig inni ru in.* ii I :% I in tlii' Mirrmw o f tin' rnlly ilny ilriw- o f Ilio Kirxt ( ’ hnxtiuii .-tin n-ti, o f Kii^i-ni-, lust Humliiy hus tin- opinioii voii-oil liy Or. K. V. Hlivi-rx, |*iistor of tlu< ohurrh, follow iii^; Ins aniioiinoiMnoiit limi I IO‘J .Sun • luy iiohool st iiilonls uro now onroltoil. o*i oi-iliin; liy III-.' till) «(ili>til limi whs sol ns Ilio filili of Ilio or|{nniMtion, “ Kvory iiioiiilior of Ilio ohnri-h pivo of lus tuno mui offorts to niuko tho rnlly ilny li siim-ss," suiti Ilio |>nslur, “ blit without Iho ilisplny mlvortising in tho loonl nows|)u|H-rs whirh lirou^ht Ilio nffnir lo tho nllonlion of ninny Foriwt Airplane Patrol Leavoti. | h - o | i I o timi, othorwiso wouhl noi Imvo The aero for«*»! fire patrol for the I m - i 'II roni-hoil I ilo not boliovo limi wo north went lui» been clo»«*d for the .-■iti l.l Imvo nltninoil Ilio hiip> tolnl Meu»oii of 1P1M. The lM»t aero »(pint! timi fi Iloti Ilio ehurrh Hiimlny nini ron, »tutioned at Kugeiin, left the fir»t forinoli tho lurjjost Sumliiy sohool ria ss of the week for their new heudquart in Ilio slnlo of Oropm.’ ’ cr» ut Cri»»«*y field, Han Trnn«'i»eo. There were II plane» and Iti etirlotid» OWNERS OF BOOZE of etpiipment. hum DRAW HEAVY FINES A t t e n t io n , W . 0 . W . All meniher» and their fumili«'» lire urgeiitly reqnentrd lo he preaent ut ilo* enti*rtainment ut ilo» lodge rooin» touight, Triday, Octohor N. Tino prò grani, musie, r«*f reslimeiit». I.ots o f rider. U. B. N A N N A , (\ II. V A N D K N B IIR O , J. W. KDDY. l'hone your new». Tin* H«*ntiiiel wuut* it. Our uumber is 150 J. •• s V PROMINENT CITIZEN FACES WIRELESS OPERATORS HEAR LONG DISTANCE KNOTTY PR0BLEM IN ETHICS CONCERTS A proniilicnt Cidtag«* firove hu-ia«aa man fa«*«'» a pr«dd«-m in etili«». Il«* ia a ni« mh« r of thè city couiicil, chairman iti' t wo importiiot rofufuittee» io that Imily, Iii«ml»«'r iti thè h«iufd of direr tur-« of tln* chamhcr of commerce, ducf of ili«' fin' (b'|Hirtmcfit, one o f tho pillara iti th<* chiiri'h, h«dd» an un I h » r f u fi t office in one of thè locai lodge», i» thè junior incoi ber of urie of III** largeat burine»» finn» in thè city tiii«I ha» a family coii»i»tiug o f o n r wife and III ree children. Ili» prcNi'iice ia r«'(piire«l nt aevcrnl pointa hetween hi* re and Chicago on biiaifie»» of Nome iinp«irtance which will ria|Uira thr«'«* or foiir w«*«'k» and which will n«'ce»»itiite fii m buving her«* Hfiturday evening. The que»tioii ha» beefi rai»ed a» tu whether or md a man who hn» tir cumiiluted Nuch a colh'ction of civic «loti«*» and re»|»onaihilit ic« a» thia ha» Hiiy etbical righi to go galli va nt ing acro»« thè country for three or four vo'fkt« nt a »tre!«*h without prodociug olii«' ver»at ile und«* r«t mly to look after hi» affair» dttring hi» fibaenee. Il«-, him»e|f, i- umh'cided ahout thè riniti.T, ami |M-ihnp» thè rpiicke»! wny tii fimi out »» to cali iip Mr». Hnmiiel lt. Machia and n»k her what alte i» gotng t«• lidi h« r hii»han«l to «lo nbout it. Cottngi (irnvtt is Itt-ing iri-uti-d al- most t-vt-ry «-Vt-niiig to rom-nrt» being ht-lil in Him K m iiei-io und other tlis taut f i l i e s . The itudienee, however, is limited i . h . II. -i-hi-r, mintli-iir wire less ujsriiliir, hns n station in his rcsi- deiiee on the west sole mid “ tunes in ” on the inn it- w hit'll I- sent out from Han P/niieisi-o by a rniripmiy whieh is nxpcriutt tiling in long di*tunee wire less teli jiht'tiy. iiesidrs his own equip Bent, most o f whieh Mr. Kh-seht-r has miuiufiK-tureil, he uses some lustro Bents owoi-'l by V'ietor Pliunile-rs, who nlso hns n w irehts station, it being lóente 1 1 to tin- O. P. te K. depot. Con eert mus o- und messages are uirked up from the Pnirmout hotel, Hon Krun- eixeo; from l,os Altos, 10 miles south o f Hun Kriinei-eo, from Portlumi, Ore gon, mui other eities. Wireless tel- •-graph me--uges have boeti picked up from Cordova, Alaska; from Peurl Harbor, Hawaii, from N ew itrunswiek, N. J., mnl other distant points. Mr. I f i-lrer rejsirts that on Monilny n i ght In henrd Mayor Uolfe, o f Han Kraiin-eo, deliver an address to ngnth l-rillg of liny Seoul.' in thul city. lieud the editorials. You may not agree with them Imt they un- likely to make you think, und th a t’s worth whil e. GOVERNMENT DOES WORK PLOT TO ROB STATE FAIR IN THE BOHEMIA TREASURY IS FRUS­ DISTRICT TRATED Quite a tittle work was ilnn» in the Itnhi-miri section hy the government during the |mst sen sun. A stundiird lookout station wan built on the summit o f Fuirview, lt is 12*12 at the foundation mid the .- ii |,i.In is li*tl, enrloxed with glass mid is completely equipped with fire find ing instruments. The telephone Sa connected direct with Itujndn mid Kosctiurg. The building is securely ■ilieliore.l and lightning protection wilt lie iiistulh-d in the spring ithi-ud of the electro- storms whieh prevail in thitt section. O. (i. Gilbert non had chnrge o f the stntion during the pant season mol did most o f the work on the building. The fire trail und telephone line was extended up l.nyug creek mol along the W illam ette divide to the Hardesty moonInin lookout, where telephone eon ueetiovi mu Is- mnde with the f'nsende forest lines mol over them direct to Eugene. Hi* miles o f the old tlnklmid Itobi-min rood was reopened during tln- srnxou. Salem, On ., Hcpt. ,'!0.— A plot to rob the treasury o f the state la ir was re vcnli-d to the officials last Tuesday by a worn in whom identity the police re- f.::S to divulge and which caused the einpioy ini at o f additional Jioltci- o f fleers, resulted tonight in the arrest o f two men believed to have been im plii-nted in the plot. A third suspected mail who was in the employment o f the fair board ramped. Thu two men arrested gave their nmnes us C. A. Hendrick.- and H. L. Allen, the latter first giving his i.une as I,. Lewis. They were arrested when they went to a cheeking stand to claim a parcel iu \v he'll officers had found two blui k masks, a gun, two holsters und a sling shot, ¡«dice stated. A ofvn liu g to information furnished o fficia ls of the fa ir board the plotters hud planned to rut into the fa ir o ffic e a fte r midnight, drug Secretary A . II. Ia*ti, ‘ who sleeps in the building and then rifle the safe. " • A aantad w ill rent your house. ** C. OF C. PICTURE CONTEST FIRST NUMBER OF LYCEUM PRIZES AWARDED COURSE OCTOBER 11 Miss Ruth Stewart Captures First, Mrs. David Sterling Second. Mrs. 0. J. Kent Third. Miss Ruth Htuwurt, airs. David Sti rling mid Mrs. C. J. Ki-in Raptured the prises, in the order linnied, in the recent picture taking contest staged hy the chamber o f commerce, under the direct ion o f the committee on beautifieation mid sanitation, tor thc purposc o f obtaining a photographic collection o f unsightly mid unsunitnry views, hoping hy such u display to citiseus to u realization o f uii desirable conditions mid stimulate n<- tiv ity toward tluur elimination. The judges ill the i-outest were O. W. Hays, superintendent of city sebools, llr. Onvi-ii C. Hyott mid Mrs. Ida ii. Caldwell. The contest was a tremendous sui- eess at least so far ns obtaining pic­ tures o f the rhumctiT desired was coil ceriied. A few views o f this kind were overlooked, but u member o f the committee is devoting lit tent ion to those that were missed mid when the eol lection is plm-eil on display, as it will be within a short time, citizens rnn no longer fa il to visualize the ugliness nor i-onipn-heiid the nit-naee to lu-ultli that lurks m unchain streets und prein ises, t u in I, Ii- down shueks, bad side­ walks, parkings o f rank weeds mid grass, litter, rubbish mol foul smelling mg heaps o f garbage. It is the In-lief o f the committee in charge o f this work that the first essential o f the eunipiiign is to arouse the eitizens to u realization o f the tin- desirable conditions, and that the rest o f the work may safely be left to ‘civic pride mid a program o f such suggestions as a careful study o f the i-iri-nnistnm-es may seem to require. A l its meeting Monday evening the Committee seh-eted a number o f rlium In-r members especially interested in this brnneh o f eivie activities to study and make written re|sirts upon several d ifferen t phases o f the beautification and sanitation program. A resolution was also adopted recommending that the board o f d i­ rectors o f the ehamber o f eoninn-res endorse the aetiou o f the eity council in ils effo rts to effe e t ti cleaning lip o f alleys. The Parnells. Musical Entertainers, at H igh School Auditorium Tuesday Evening. The Parnells, billed as the “ biggest little eoai|iany on the platform, ’ ’ open tlo- high school lyia-um course at the high school auditorium at 3:15 o ’clock next Tuesday evening. The Parnells un- musical entertainers and come hi-mldcd by mi impressive urray o f press notices. A large advance sale o f seats has been attended to by mem­ bers o f the student body, which or guuizutiou is sponsoring the course. There are to be four members in the run i sc this season, all musical, the talent being furnished liy the Ellison White lyceiim bureau. The student body has been very successful in the |mst in putting the lyeeum course over and there is every iiidicaliou o f au­ nt her successful mid profitable year. C O U N T Y C L E R K RECORDS O LD C O T T A G E G RO VE D O C U M E N T Many unusual documents arc pre­ sented at the o ffic e o f County Clerk It. H. Bryson to be recorded, one o f such dime in recently in the shape o f a certifica te ot donation o f govern ­ ment laud to an early settler. Miss ¡3. K. Skene, who has been in charge o f the recording department o f the o ffic e fo r many years, says she bus accepted receipts from the laud o ffic e fo r these donation claims and has recorded numerous puteuts or government deeds, but this is the first certificate o f donation. Lit the early days tho government donated to each settler a certain amount o f fanning laud. This cer­ tifica te is for 522.41 acres near C ot­ tage Grove and was given to lla rv e y Small and w ife, the w ife to have the north h alf o f the tract ami Small the south half. It was dated A pril 11, I Mil, anil w as signed hy John Kelly, register o f the Koseburg land office. Seven Births; Three Deaths. There were seven births and throe deaths her»' during the month o f Hep temlier, according to the report o f Health O ffic e r Job. O f the births, 3 were males and 4 females, and o f the deaths 2 males and 1 female. JUNCTION CITY HAS C. A. LAMBERT RAISES $14,500 FIRE MONDAY 14-F00T SWEET CORN Junction City, Ore., Oct. 4.— Fire, shirting here shortly a fter II o ’clock Monday night destroyed the building occupied by the stores o f Kny lliirlliurt mnl K. W. Speer. The flames spread to the H|n-er residence nearby mnl it also was destroyed. A portion o f the goods o f the Mpcer store was saved. The origin o f the fire is n mystery. Mr. lliirlliurt estimates his loss at «5000 with «2500 insurance. Mr. Speer's loss is nhout «Id,(Mill with «55011 insurance. Zuch Parso ns, who shot up his own homo at Mprinirfiohl a fow nights ago, torrori/.ing noighlmrs, aftorw nnl lirrostoil on a olmrgo o f |Missossing liipior, ohnugoil his mimi ami iloriiloil to ploml guilty 1« tho rhargo. Whoa his i-.-iso on mo up in tho Kngono jnstioo oonrt Monilny ho ontoroil siu-h a plon ami .Tmlgo Josso (I. Wolls finoil him 0 anil MMitoaroil him to lit) days in jail. I k I'rino, o f Cottngo (Irnvo, was The Sentinel wants all the news all finoil «'250 on a similar ohnrgo nftor a short trini boforo Judge Wells with the time. I f you know uu item, phone it in. Our uumber is 15wJ. •• out a jury. 0. A. Lambert merely laughed at those who laughed at him fo r plmiting Evergreen sweet corn. The result is that lie still has rousting ears fo r his table and ezjs'cts to have for tO »lays yet. The ears are large and stocky mnl the stnlks have attained a height o f 14 foot. Big Tax Checks Received. A cheek from the Southern P acific company fo r «07,177.78 and another from tho Weyerhaeuser Tim ber com p in y fo r «5451.77 in payment o f the last h alf o f l!»20 taxes o f tho two companies have been received by S h eriff HticheU. L O U A N B C R O W C A T T L E BAJ8ER8 W I L L PE R F E C T O R O A J ilZ A T IO N A meeting o f the l^ininoOrow C at­ tle Raisers ’ association is being ar­ ranged for neit. Saturday in connec­ tion with the all day grange meeting to be held at I»m n e , at which time this organization w ill be perfected. The purpose o f the association, which is located in one o f the best rattle raising districts in western Oreg- gon, is to adopt rules governing the breeding o f only pure bred livestock, barring all other inferior stock from that territory. JOHN C. VEATCH HEAP BIG INJUN AT CELILO Reservation Indiana Regard Former Cottage Grove Man aa Chief o f the Universe. That John C. Veatch, form er C ol­ lage Grove man, stands first i u the heart» o f the Celilo reservation In ­ diana, is strikingly muuifcaled in an amusing incident related iu the ELEVEN HENS L A Y 2355 Oregon Journal a few days ugo. Mr. EGGS IN PULLET YEAR Veatch was bora und raised here, is a graduate of Coltugu Grove high George Teeters has 11 hens which school and the liuivursity ot Oregou, have set a hard pace fo r biddies o f is a sou o f Coi. Robert M. Veatch, thin section to follow . The 11 hens and brother of U. U. Veatch, and re­ commenced producing at fiv e months moved to Portland some lb or 12 years und produced a total o f 2355 eggs ago. The story from the Journal fo l during their pullet year, uu average of lows: Assistant United Utatea Attorney 214 eggs each. Many o f these were double yolked but no record was kept John C. Veatch regulates the sunshine, o f the number and uo extra credit rain tall, snow tali, run o f Chinook salmon, and the rise and full o f the given the hens. The 11 pullets came from a sitting Columbia river, in the minds o f tho o f Ui eggs, 15 o f which hatched. There Celilo reservation Indians at Ceitlo. i t you waut a picture of the falls, or were but four roosters ia the batch a eup o f water from the river where it mid every chick lived. pusses the reservation, better drop T h e re ’s hardly anything a bentinel into V eatch ’s o ffic e iu the old post wuntad w on ’t do, but i f one doesu’t o ffic e building before you sturt up do it, try two. * * * the highway and get a permit to en­ gage la these rash acts. Failure to secure the permit may mean hours o f delay. Fred ii. Kiser, prumiucnt locul scenic photographer, learned this lesson to his sorrow Thursday, lie wasted uu eutire day trying to gel a picture o f the Celilo tails and canal because Display lx Saul to H ave Been Best he forgut the permit. Looking o f AU, But Some K iser was making his camera ready to take a picture o l the falls Thurs«iay Products Immature. when the re«lmeu appeared and in ­ formed him that such actions were not permitted on the reservation. Laoe county had to be content with “ Tlu.- is a public river, owned ana -ocoud prize in tne W illam ette valley district on us display at the state controlled by the United ¡stales, ’ ’ said fa ir at Sab in last week. Polk was K iser in response to the objections o f first in thin distnet und Jacksou was the Red Men. ‘ ' Makes no difference, ’ ’ replied first in the eutire state. Lane cou n ty’s Chief Tommy Tomkins. “ Go see um exhibit vvu- i-oueeded by nearly e v e ry ­ Johnny Veatch.” body at the fa ir to bo the best look Realizing that the arguments o f one m g o f uii, but the reason it was not given the first prize was that the man could not prevail against those o f quality ot some o f the products did a tribe, K iser folded his camera and not measure up to the required returned to The Dalles, where he put standard, according to Ira P. Whitney, tu u long distance call fo r Veatch. i t county agent, who said that many o f happened that government business the articles iu the display were noces- took Vmitch to Haletu fo r the »lay, so -arily immature, having been selected it was near the close o f the day before before the Luae county fa ir began. Kiser could reach him by telephone. Veatch then dispatched a wire to Tlie display at the statu show was niaili- up from articles iu the differen t C hief Tomkins advising him that K iser exhibits at the Lziue couuty fa ir the was a good and loyal citizen and should eujoy the privilege o f photo­ week previous. K iser *' it was a puzzle o f the whole a g ri­ graphing the Columbia river. cultural hall why Lane couuty did had uo more trouble. ‘ * The next thing those Indians w ill not draw down the blue ribbon, ’ ’ said Mr. Whitney, “ as we had the most be doing w iil be stopping people from said attractive booth in the whole build- traveling over the highw ay,” To the Celilo m g; but we had no score card pre­ Veatch this morning. vious to the fa ir to work to, while Indians, Veatch is the personal rep­ some o f the other counties did. I t resentative o f the government, pres was through an error on the part o f ident ’n ’ everything. LANE SECOND IN VALLEY EXHIBIT AT FAIR the state' fa ir management that we were not supplied with such a card so we could have selected the pro­ ducts lo r our exhibit accordingly. Our goal tor next year w ill be a higher class o f exhibits. ’ ’ The awards und markiug given each exhibit by the judges follow : Coast counties— Coos, first, 93.3; Tilutmook, second, 87.05. W illam ette valley district— Polk, first, 80.1; Lane, second, 85.05; Hood River, third, 84. Southern Oregon district— Jackson, first, 06.4; Douglas, second, 80.7. Blue Mouulaiu district— Lak»‘, first, 30; Malheur, second, 60.5. Columbia river district— Morrow, first, 70.8: Wasco, second, 66.5. Lane County Sends 59 to 0. A. C. Lane county is represented by 59 o f the 3178 students now registered at tho Oregou Agricultural college. This is the largest number o f students ever sent from Lane, according to the records. The total registration repre seats all Oregon counties, 38 other -Uvtes and 14 foreigu countries. M ult­ nomah county leads all other counties in Oregou iu point o f numbers, with 571 studeuts enrolled. CONTRACTORS BUY $55,500 OF COUNTY ROAD BONDS The I^me county court has made an order awarding «55,500 worth o f tho «100,000 county road bonds re­ coin lv advertised for sale, to firm s that nave road contracts ia the couuty. The bonds w ill bo taken as pay fo r the contracts, according to the order. Mercer and Igo, who have the con­ tract to surface the Eugene Crow- lla ille y v ille highway, now in course o f construction, were awarded «50,000 worth o f the bonds and the Ivan J. lvosteu company was given «5500 worth. The bonds carry fiv e per cent iuterest. The Iva n Rosten company has the contract to grade that portion o f the state highway between Eugene and Florence that lies west o f the summit o f tho mountains on the low pass route. While this is a state project the countv pays a portion o f the cost ns it is designated as a market road. TO TH O SE IN T E R E S T E D I N R E ST ROOM FOR T H E C IT Y There w ill be an inform al meeting nt half past tw o o ’clock Saturday a f ­ ternoon, October 8, at tho Old K err * Silshv store building in Cottage Grove, o f the women, and especially the mothers, o f the community, including both city and country, for the pur­ pose o f organixing a mothefs ’ chib to promote the establishment o f a reading and rest room fo r the benefit o f all the residents o f the community. Cooperation in this work is solicited by Mrs. W. Derby and Mrs. Amelia Phelps, whoso phones are 154 R and 133 J, and who w ill bo glad to discuss their plan with any who are interested. GAPS IN HIGHWAY PAVING TO BE CLOSED UP Contracts W ill Be L e t October 25 So Contractors M ay W ork Through­ out the Winter. A t the meeting o f the state highway commission ou October 25, the con­ tracts w ill be allowed fo r paving the sectious o f 1’uctfte highway between Koseburg and Wilbur aud between Drain aud Rice llill, according to a statement made by ¡State H ighw ay Engineer Herbert Nunn, who is ou a trip o f inspection through the state, dosing up the fa ll work aud preparing fo r the winter mouths. th e Koseburg W ilbur section w ill consist uf tils miles o f paving and tho Drain-Rice H ill section o f 12 miles, completing the paving ou the highway from Portland to Koseburg with the exception o f 12 miles betweeu Albany aud Corvallis. The state highway commission is endeavoring to complete work on the P a cific tuguwuy us rapidly us possible aud w ill allow many tun i rue la during the w inter mouths, Mr. Nuuu said. Tho commission plans to allow the contract fo r paving o f the Cauyuuville Galesvillo section, a distance o f 22 miles, iu Bouiheru Oregou, at the N o ­ vember meeting. The paving on the Divide-Drain see tion o f the highway bus just beeu completed. .Vs soou as the contracts are let on the Koseburg W ilb u r and Rice H ili Drain sections the paving companies w ill start work, Mr. Nuuu said. The paving compauies w ill spend the win ter erecting their plants, improving drainage, crushing rock aud putting down a substantial base. This will provide more or less work during the winter, the commission believes, and w ill greatly aid in preventing uuem ployuieut in Oregou during the winter months. A newspaper without an editorial page is like u ship without a rudder— and you are not w illin g to take chances on a ship with a flim sy steer ing gear. ••• H A R V E S T HOME D ANCE A T C O TTAG E GROVE, OCTOBER 8 The first N ational Convention o f the Ladies ’ A u xiliary o f the American Legion w ill be held in Kaunas City, Mo., Novem ber 1 and 2. W e are send ing three delegutt's from District No. 1, and the d ifferen t units must eon- tribute tho birger part o f the funds. For the purpose o f raising onr share, we are g ivin g a Harvest Homo Itanec at Moose hall, Saturday, Oct. 8. A Eugene orchestra w ill furnish music and a good time is assured those who attend. *7«