fi One Day One Day SATURDAY, Read This Ad. for Worth While News of the Unusual Values Offered for Saturday Only Warner’s Corsets Children’s Hose Warner’s pink batiste eorsets, suitable for slender or average figure; semi-elastie top, ( 'hildrcn’s heavy rot Ion ribbed hose, black only; made with rein forced toes and heels; all sizes; 5 pairs for $1.00 sixes 20 to 27, each. $1.00 Cretonne Canvas Gloves Yard-wide cretonnes in figured and floral designs, suitable for draperies house dresses, etc.; 40c to 65c qualities, 3 yards Men’s canvas gloves, faced with good qual­ ity split leather; 4 pairs for $1.00 $1.00 Percales Yard-wide percales, good qual­ ity, dark and light patterns, 6 yards - Kimona Cloth Ladies’ Gloves Amoskeug apron cheek ging­ hams, 27 inches wide, 7 yards for— 27-iu. flannelette kimona cloth, a warm, fleecy cloth for kimu- nas, comforts, etc., in blue, tan, pink and gray patterns, 4 yards Ladies’ real chumoisctte gloves -“ Kayser’a make," shown m black, beaver, covert und white in all sizes, pair Ladies’ Handkerchiefs Table Damask Ladies’ white lawn handker­ chiefs, embroidered and hem­ stitched, 2oc to 35c qualities, 5 for— flood quality 64 ineh mercer­ ized table damask, good pat­ terns, yard $1.00 ______$ 1.00 _ Fancy Outing Dress Ginghams 27-inch dress ginghams, in light or dark striped and checked patterns, a 25c qual­ ity, 5 yards— $ 1.00 27-inch good quality fancy out­ ing in light and dark checked and striped patterns, 7 yards for—■ _________$ 1.00 _________ Cretonnes $ 1.00 Girls’ Host («iris’ hose, made of fine cornimi cotton yarns, with «* heel» and toes, blaek and ch rii in without ninking uny iinprcssinn , , . leu. s ib JUod eians rnight talk until t k e y were binek i u ih . ii thè g eu tlcr sex, bui wln-n thev . . . . . . , F or Sale—O ood b r o o m house, w ith “ abolii corseti. .. ....... rin g .u n sh o» H.nt thè fa ce is d .s f.g u r .fl ,,.rvi(.„ ......... ........ „ bath and pOxiUU lot, located uu thè storniteli in to thè top o f thè inoiith liy tight lacing m a miiimer that can I ,|eisisit vnuli by womeii on paved street, BigUih and W lnlcaker, and thè rest o f thè organs iato thè j tu* rupaire.l wiili a b ill« 1 |siw8 10 11.N 44c 86c Dark 5 llm 10 llm 39c 72c MILL RUN 80-11». sack $1.15 l»\Ht«*r »hell $1 80 Crack*'«! corn .......... $2 30 C ìm I i meal ..... $5.50 It Always Pays It Always Pays to Buy at Gray’s to Buy at Gray’s w ith tw o pigs. D o n 't have any slackers. Keep track sltt .iupd o f what each ben does by using egg For g a le —Year-old Collie dog at 1023 record cards. For sale by The Senti d5tf west M ain. s23c nel at $1.75 the hundred. y