T Union picnic oli Mo»by crai'k Humliiy. f"»idi'0t». Iittve returned from Ht. Paul, K. It. Hipioirnr wn» up Troni Kiigiui» Mum., In make thia their permanent homo. Hiitiirdnv on IniKÌniim. Wanted flood old .'10x3 and .lOiStfe Mola»»«'» ninni will imikc Ilio Imiti'» Cottage Urove Vulraaizing flit; 4 7 !• Tur buttar fui »1 H|iri»y ’*. »21 f i'ii»ingN jlyltwt r- I llr II W. Ti III» uncinici li nii'ulinK Work» ut Ilir (.lini' l'oonly I*' nini »oi'ii'ly in Mr. nnd Mr" fl. II Young returned Kugi'iii' Hiitiarilny ••vening. Ilo I» prò» Sunday from vi«ii' in Noutliern Oregon iili*ni of ibi* xoiioty. nnd in northerh Cnlifornin Mr» Young Artlior Cimili», of l/onilon, li-fi yc» ' i it' i| i,i Allininbrii at the home or ! I ri In v lo ii 11 i ' iii I I*. A. C, Buttili I li i» her »on, Orville H|ienr, nnd with the Hpenr fninily vi«ite,| the Iteaumont oil \ M r. Buying ««'veral at a time not only nave« the necessity of going Multi' il movo. f.i»t w il li D ii riunii field», where Mr. Hpenr I n employed. out after them when you newl them suddenly, hut make« any A. B«l»ton llnv il righi. Hi'o Diirluiiii. A rutti Hhe nl"o vi»ited at the rnnltjr bii»iu«»*. spt2tfc ] home nt Pun»muir and on her return meal eaaier to prepare. On our shelve« you will find every 'upped nt f'I'ntriil Point, ftre., where Mr». George Kiiowle» nini Mr». Doli j Mr. You no hud been vl»iting nt the de«rOption of canned good« fish, fruit, vegetables all ready friuil DrnIn'r ri'turni'il Tiii‘»ilny Troni ni home of hi» non, Morion Young. to pour into a dish and serve. liiii'k li'lM*rry in« t r i |> in tlu* Itolirniin For dry old growth body fir or mill ili»! rirt. wood, call City Tmnnfer, phone 69. nütfe H Work ini; unii Tnmily hnvr rnuved l ( i a n d Mr», .f. K. Carlnon, of the lo ri' Troni Ho Imi lo moki' tlii» city f'hri-tnin ehiireh, left Monday to lit C IT Y D I L I V ■ B V I In' i r I ioiiii '. tend the Kugene llilde univer»ity. A. J. C rboii, father of ICev. Carbon, left nt the name time for hi» home in Port­ land. f Tin tide V. Mver* nnd family, of Til nlmook, are visiting the K. N. fTm»on family. Miss 1 ,01» Thoiiui» fiiotorrd tu Kiigeiir Christian Helenee church, corner Jef Friday night. ferarin avenue and Hecond »treet.— Mr». Vilftln Hrfitt, who hml been Hiinday nervine* at 11 a. m. Wednesday visiting al Dir homi* of her pnrrnt», Rervie* »1 7 p. n , tf Earle Richardson, employed for *ev- American Chop Buey. Mr and Mr» VV I. Darby, lift Friday Clinton Hurd nnd family, of Cobtirg. erul month* last year in the office of Caramelize ono tablespoon of oigar, for ( llympitti Wash. visit, d with the N. J. Nelson, Hr., and , The Sentinel, antf who has since been add i % cups o f dried cooked pork or Mi»s Krinup' Cm loft Haturiliiy for the H |„ Markin families over the a reporter on the Oregonian, was mar veal, mi x finely-chopped onion», two hrr »filoni in Albany. week end. I ried at MeMinnvillo September J4 to cups chopped peppers, one tab! »(»ion Elizabeth Klb'-rtha Stewart, cooking oil, two cups meat broth and It ro»t» no more lo buy u Kelly. (Inllowny write* insurance. ** Mi»» NrI moii »fib* then». »&><' M r». W. C. Conner and »oil Clair, 'laughter of Mr. and Mr». E. J. Stew­ suit to taste. Cook gently until tie Mr. nod Mrs. l(oy linker, of Mabel, vegetables are tender. Acid 1 cup of who had been visiting relative» here, art, of that city. ♦ ♦ ♦ returned homo Friday. They were here cooked rice and Vh cun of soy sauce. returned Monday to their home in Ha- The Past Matron» club met Monday • • • to attend tin* fintemi of Mr. linker’» h in Many a rlulil having a poor afternoon at the home of Miss Elsie »i»ler. Mr*. J. K. Kidley, whirh wa» Spiced Cookies. Mi Velma Hnllee, of Htar. I n »tny , Is-tt for the first meeting of the sea­ held here Thur»tliiy. wliuul I'l't'ui'ti and a rcputu- One-fourth cup butter, Vi cup lard, mg with Mr. nnd Mr». Lincoln Taylor son. A pleasant social afternoon was c rose mod together; Vh cup browL >uy,r, Mr. and Mr». Alvith Wise, of Albany, lioll for being backward and Drakes lined. Free adjust nu nt» 30 ¡In» winter and attending high school followed by refreshment». Vh cup white sugur, Vi cup sour umk, visited during the week with Mrs. lure. <*■ la/.y I n mi in | ily a victim of 1 egg, Vv teaspoon soda, 2 cups I lour, Wise'» |NIrent», Mr. and Mrs. T. J. days thereafter. Overland (inrage. jHtf Fur dry old growth body fir or nub Mrs. Mary Smith and Mrs. George V» teaspoon each clove and nutno g, -,j defective eyesight. INioreyi* Manna. Mr. and Mrs. (i. D. Dickinson left •*oud, < ull Cuy 1 runnier, phone 66. a&tfc M atthews will be hostesses to the Cou- teaspoon cinnamon, Va teaspoon lemon I or clucktiu lire try crooeot® oil, 40«*. Tiicsduy by motor to attend the Den sight, undiscovered, may re­ Umar Woodson and Henry lienneit »tellutiou elub Thursday afternoon of extract, Vti cup raisins, Vj cup c in <1 the gul. tiling your turni, ttpruy ’• «211 dicton round up. aezt week in the bunquut room of Ma led Kionduy on a eauipmg trip to lard a child'a w hole progics nuts. Drop on buttered Lins aao imke Mr». I). II. Wills and Mrs. I.ynch Coon lake. some temple. Among those who tiitended the fan in auick oven. in life. • • • l iiday were Mrs. VV. II. < oopt-r ami Ciirria were in Kugcnc Tut*»day. U. H. Nlouii, of l>i» Angele», ha» The Tuesday Afternoon Bridge club tinugnier» ianutii> ami I liuriol u*, Mrs. Drompt Jitney service at City Tran» Luncheon Spinach. taken the place of night clerk nt the I'erimlic viaila to a umnl I «'un britDiikt'* ami tiaugliirr Alit i for Company. Ditone 00. jly28tfc Hotel Kartell, Herbert Adam» having met tin* week with Mr». W. II. hnder Hea»on I cup cooked spinach with n|ilieal H|n*eialiHt awiure your ly, ull member» being present for the teaspoon »alt, one eighth teaspoon p. p IMi/.lib* l it, !.. * . I,trek wood, hdiilr Hulli II. J, Hhinn was in Kugem* Tuesday rcMigued, first session of the fail Reason. Re­ per and van, h.d. W. Miller, M m . C. M. Jink on legal busifie»». children * Visllfti at the liwiiii* ol leaving soon for Long brown. ul In» wile, returned home Monday, anticipate M in . Onjoutlf N »inler, Mrs. Jean Goti. being uecouipaiued by Mr». J. U. Beach, Calif. Think of il! Hull sole» on men’» ♦ «>'«' tinker and »on tiny, mother and dress shots, fi.òli ni Goti * * A person’s intuition i* considerably Mrs. II. B. Griggs was a pleasant brother ul Mr». Kelley. Mr», lfukcr M in . VV iii . I.yiifl» vva» rnlieti to i a * hostess Tuesday to the Ijif'omiis elub. sharpened by a thorough study of lb- and »on returned Widncsday morning. rane rimi'«day allernooii ol I iim I week YOUR FR IEN D S AT THE T|ic__ynnc^«j'i»__Hjs-nt »o<-iaily ami rc- subject under consideration. OPTICIAN OPTOMETRIST When you want nut the cheapest l»y Dif ili ne»» ol her daughter io law, Factory on Pr«nUB*i tar to biiy--but the cheapest to r u n - . v i i *. Ualplt l.yneli. buy Overland. Cull 111) fur demon- Cuttauo Orova Orttgnn itfv. uml Mrs. K. U. t>. Grout went »1 ration. jly22tfe to De&ter I inlay unti Uev. Groat F. J. Ablott, after a visit with his preaehetl there Holiday morning. family, left Wednesday for Centraba, A miii was I torn K ’pleuiber 1-1 to W H E R E T H E Y A L L GET W a sli., to work in the mine» near Mr. mid Mrs, Hugh I. Hiinth. 11**; re. Mervire ami efftrienry ul no eztru THEIR Mi - hind Veateli will attend the cirsi, at Hpray, Long & i rusoa ’». spt2tl U. of O. thi* year. Ntiw. N aney M. Oglesby lefl Moutlay Your batteries made efficient at for a visit with relative» at Girli ville, in of your making rather than your taking. Must business Spray, i."i>g a CniMii’a. *pt2tfc I alti. ventures are started on eapital accumulated by means of Mi»» Marjorie Nhay left Wednesday Fn-d MfNeil, wht» had been visiting for Keilugg, Ida., to »|»'iid the winter Mr». t*. VV. Burg«* tinti e(>iiiiiiii(; He|it>-mber 10. lhincing summer in Cunyonviile. l^mg &. CruaoB» •putrì Gl«-n tin le, t’abf., to again ehange their »eh.Hil Í to 0. Norial danee it to 12. Mr». li. li. Job left Humlny for n atldress. J. Jurohseti, brother of Oeorg ■ Jacob They have to keep moving Oooil mn»ie nnd whole»oine tiuniftee Mepk '» vl»il in Durilumi. beeuu se ol selling the home» they motil. Tieketn, $1; war tax, 10c. ti>r sou, returned Wednesday from a trip M r*. Il u/<*! ( ’uriHMiter lofi Huiiilny build Have just sold two houses and dial invitutioii to all. Phoue 112 L. »21* to Denmark, where he visited his par­ for Ali* l»«*nig«*, A Influì, In remino |jer will biniti two more. llov Morn» leit Nadar for Klaiimlh ents. ( mimi I toli hi tue li. H. leleplioiie m*rvire. Think of itf Leather has »lumped. Fall», lieiac railed by the ¡line»» of hi» U t W* ( I I in1 ®tl Bl 0 Ik Miss Murimi l.owry lefl Hot tirila > to aft* moon in tin* l'resbyterian church. brother, "Niniley,’' «ho i» »uTfering You gel the price reduction ut once by having old shoe» repuirud u l Ooff'a. ** freshments were served. Guests of the The difference between a trump and with another altark of influenza. U11cliti t li«« U. of (). Fred ul the right price» for cash, H. J. Drund left Wednesday for club were Mrs. Martin Foster and Mrs. a millionaire is thnt a tramp worries k'or «Iry old growfli body fir or nuli at Hpray '». »pt2tfc Claud Bchruck, of Loraue, Mrs. 1-eon over his next meal aud the midiouaii'' Florence. wootl, etili City Transfer, pilone l'U. u5t f< Anteil Hawkins returned Friday from DesLaixos and Mrs. Charles Beidler. over his last. Mr. und Mr*, h. C. Hpray left Wed- Mr* J. II. ( ’lui tu li«* rs \ isited ili Ku n limiting trip in the linstow meadows ♦ ♦ ♦ • • • v for • «fait hi Portland at tin- gene over thè Heek end. Miss Ellenu Nhortridge entertained fount rv. II«* was in the purty when home of Mr». Hpmy'» sister, Mr». W. Friday night in honor of her eighteenth A French naturalist says that snails Karl Hebert, of Oakrulge, was shot by T. Hankins. Fluo r Yeoman, ol (.’reswell. birthday anniversary. Those pri'seiit snore. That is something w e ’ve never O V E R L A N D L I G H T FO U R — A reg were Gladys Chapman. Foster Is-wis, beard before. Mr. anti Mrs. C. M. Darker were in (let our price« on grass seed, * * * ulur car ut a new low price—«767, de­ Elsie Chestnut, Claud, Pauline and Ada Dexter over the week enti, being calh*tl livered, Cottage Urove. haay terms. Nherman, Roy Huiuls, Mr. and ilrs. there by the illness of Mr. Darker’» clover ami vetch «t:ed, re- It is well not to say too much alxiu Ovcrluud Ouruge, 6U1 Mum. sl6tf Charles l^imbert, Rev. J. E. Carlson, your ancestors, for your neighbors may father, J. M. Darker, who is NT year» cleaued oats for sowing, etc. ol age. (lisirge O. Knowles wa* in Eugene M ran dM rs. J. E. lAiurk», Ethel I^un notice how you are allowing the strain bert, Mrs. A. Loucks, Hazel Loucks, Galloway for insurance. 511 Maio. And, if you are buying feel, Wedtti'Mdar to attend the funenil of Vera H opimt , Irma Randall, l,ucille to deteriorate. ’li» former busine»» partner, VV. T. and you will urt Faultless * * • Tin* K. It. Meeks ami J. W . Francis try “ Sterling” brand dairy Hailey, former county commissioner. Whitlock, Hilda Heheufele, Mr. and lilt-ail and the I> ch I mils, cake, families left Monday to attend t kit* Mrs. Chas. Larky, Ethel Gibtrap, Lulu Did anyone ever think that bald R i< hard Hailey, n nephew, also nt feed, hog feed, scratch feed, Hull, Is'slie Hull, Margaret und Kath headed people may have just turned cookie« or pantry that you ever round up at Deiidletou. tended. egg mash, etc. Tho quality is Bukowsky. orine Hemcnway ’ and nnd I*hillp 1 N. W. White returned Saturday from their hair inside to brush the dust off tasted. Our modern ovciim and A daughter was born Saturday to & $ s|s*udmg several tiny» in Kugeue. the best and our prices are Uev. the wheels. nnd Mr». J. 8. Penix. the line of only the highest Mrs. L. M. Ralston entertained at Nelson »«*!!» tire». »2Jc right. Notice— All accounts owing to me a fried chicken dinner Friday in honor (trade of flour and other ingre­ Chet, linker, of Dori lutiti, visited will be plneed in the hands of nn nt- of her seveuty-second birthday anni­ dient« eiiahlcH us to nerve you Saturday with Ken Hanford ami other • O l t , V J « V » V V K t V U t f M t * O u t | K t l ( i |J J versary. ller guests were Mrs. L. M. Thompson, Mrs. Phoebe Hharp and daily with only the moat whole­ I riend». Viciobvr i. F. C. Coliman. «2J JlK - W. Frasier Johnson and Mr. nml Mrs. Anuie Lane. Mrs. Thompson had some hakery products. Ask any lie Wain Carpenter and family, ut observed her seventy-third anniversary A Nixci.il communication Satur Mrs. Kos» Thomas, of India imputi», (.urry county, on wicir return liuui a two days before. day. Sept. 24. at 7:4.) | ill. of our many «at ¡«lied patrons, who hat! heen guests for several weeks motor nip io Kansu», stopiied here «H H Two M. M. degrees. Refresh or convince yourself hy (riving at the Johnson home, left last week for I lidia unitoli». Mr. Johnson will he K. C. Ilolladay, of Irvine, former tins week to visit at tud home of Mr. It is fortunate for some people that ’ sr V nients. Visitor* and member* ns an early trial. away two tir three week». re»iden!, lia» lieen in the city durine Carpeuter’s uncle, E. D. Handy. they do not have to pay real estate are urged to lie present. L. N. P H E LPS, We nre doing mito re|iairiiig at a the |m»t week lonkiue after buniue»» Mr». Curriu Cooley returned Wednes taxes on their castles iu the air. By order of W. M. Secretary. day (o Eugene, alter a visit at the • • • price you cun afford to |my. Overland affair». G r o v e Garage. jl8tfc Kxpcrt repairing on ull makes of Frank liauibriik and Virgil White A match that is properly mado will tiuiiie». not strike fire after the marriage cere­ F. F. Crowell was up from Drain «in», i f you have a hard job bring it J. B. Crenshaw and family have re to us. Overland (innige. jlstfc Monday. mony. turned from Urants Pass, where they • • • J. S. Magladry, pre»ideut of the Ilo »l»'iit several month». II D. Whitlock has been suffering henna I,millier eom|Niny, i» in a Kn The airplane lias not as yet dimmed Ir». G«*org«* McQui'i'n m | m * ii I t ho with »evert* blood jMHsoning of tin* Edna V. Hullivan has received her right huud, whifh starteli from being cene ho»|ntal, where he under»ent an tho luster of tho good roads move­ k i*i»d ili Kugt*m*. Opera! loll for a|i(H.|iu r cuxtomuro g<» nwny hu I infiori. Timber; Grover Durviiticc and family, the children, and you will re­ dial invitation is extended to these • • » pay you to buy now for future services. trfiit tinnì righi. Ovorlnnd of Druvost, Utah; Mr. and Mrs. K. B. ceive the same satisfactory aer- rmgn. Jly22tfc Wilson and Mrs. Sarah Durvanee, of It doosn’t take nearly ns much will needs, in your home, or for a Christian Church, the “ homelike” viee that is accorded you per­ church, J. E. Carlson, minister. Bible power to do things a* it does not to Christmas gift, or for a gift of 1 r. nml Mr». Mervill«* Venirli and Dorklnud, part ieipate«l in a family re- school nt 0:45; communion and sermon do some things. sonally. any kind which you may In* * • • a! 11; junior C. E. at 3; senior C. E. FRESH FISH T H U R S D A Y S at 7; regular evening service at S; giving in the near futuri The person who is honest enough to hible study hour at N o ’clock Thurs­ refuse praise that he knows ho doesn’t None of the items in this Phone 15 Free Delivery day evening. deserve hasn't registered w ith Dio­ sale can be laid by. Baptist Church—Rev. Jilsou S. Penix will preach Sunday nt II nnd 7:30. genes yet. • • • Morning sermon, ‘ ‘ Why Doe» Not The man who has no kind of an ex­ \Ve nr*1 making our own delivery for the south aido. O r­ Jesus Intercede for the t'nsavedf’ ': evening sermon, ‘ ‘ Can ail Unconverted ruse ready when caught in a mistake, ders should 1 h * in the »tore by 9:110 in order that we may be Man Do God a Fnvort” is either half witted or above the aver- Ni'Uoti »i'll» used earn. N2.tr alih- to deliver your groceries in time for the noon meal. We Charles Cochran, Ham Veatch, Albert M tn . II. II. Venirli' ¡ n undergoing Griffin nnd Clarence Milne arc placing m ake morning anil afternoon deliveries on the west side. treatment fur an ulrer on one eve. Mr. in the Oregon State band at the Pen­ 1 Veliteli i» doing hÌN be»t to hold down dleton round up this week. • Mr». Ventili'» piare in the postoffirc land a» head of the culinary depart­ There’s a difference between being Let. us quote you priees on canned vegetable», fruit and ment at home. in love and being married, but there milk by the dozen or ease. Buying in quantity you not only Mr». Amanda SpriggN »offered n »e are no differences when the proper Fall Seed— Vetch, Rye, Clover, Red Top, Timothy, Orchard .vere paralytic »troke n few- day» ago. save money lint it is quite convenient to have oil your pantry amount of each are blended. Grass and Rye Grass Seed. Your motor overhauled and made to j • s • shelves for emergencies. horn like n humming bird, at Hpray. I f you wuut to start something in s Good soft wheat flour at $1.60 the sack. | Long & OniNon’a. »pl2tfe crowd of women, just tell them of Oregon Watermelons and Cantaloupes— Guaranteed to be Mr. and Mr». S. K. Helliwell, of! seme woman who hit» run in a three Portland, are vi»iting at the home of year old hat a» a new creatiou. good or your money back. ¡Mr. Helliwell’» brother. A. W. tifili • s • | well. They are on their way home No one ha* more kind words than from vi»itiii'f other member» of the Thu S t o r e T h n t A p p r e c i a t e * Y o u r Trade vnu. Give them with a lavish hand. {family nt Ki eeburg. Mr. and Mr*. 0 . Urodluud, former You will never mis* them. H ere It Is FILL IIP THOSE SHELVES Mpgimimg F riday, N«*|>t«*mlM*r 2:», 1 i<• k «• fs will la* given with the Tirsi I w e i il y live $"> on lent |*iii(‘lmsc(l at our store, ('all ami in vestivate as to how you gel a heautil'ul 21 |»ieee tea set Tree, as advertised in last w eek’s Sent inel. Thu careful housewife keeps a good stock of canned goods on hand for any emergency. Ostrander É&, McQueen England’s Cash Store I SOCIETY Tested Recipes H ow Does Your Boy Stand in School? M eet D. J. Scholl CITY MEAT MARKET Your Chance in Life Tales of the Town M eat Bank of Cottage Grove FARMERS Just Phone 62 For Bakery Goods STERUNG FEED COMPANY Cottage Electric A. F. & A. M., Attention Bakery Silverware Choice Cuts of Meat Delivery Service CASE BUYING S m ith -S h ort G rocery PEOPLE’S M ARKET Madsen’s Jewelry FARMERS ATTENTION Jones & Eaton Feed and Seed Store