\ tr ' ^ The S to ry of O ur S ta te s Good Value Merchandise for Fall at Umphrey & Mackin s By JONATHAN BRACK X X V .— ARKANSAS A rka n sa s wan nani- * 1 a f t e r the r I » • r which flows diagon­ ally through this s la t e ami la one o f the c h ie f trlbutnrlea o f th e Missis­ sippi. It la said that the early ee ttle ra found In this territory, an ludlan tribe named A rkansas, t u t the actual meantug o f the word 1« not known. It prol>ahly has aoiue relatio n to th e word K ansas. T h e r e haa beeu much confusion as to the c o r re ct pro­ nunciation of A rkan sas. T o re ­ move Ihls aa f a r aa possible a resolution w as passed by the s t a te s e n a te In 1881 which speci­ fied that the tru e pronunciation wus " A r kan-saw.” Originally A rkan sas was a part o f the L o uisiana Purc hase. T Its first s ettle m e n t was mad e by the Kreuch about 168.V E xcept f o r the few y e a r s during which by s ecret treuty It was ceded to 8(*atu, It rem ain ed under French rule, until purchased by the L'nl- ted S t a t e s In 1803. F o r nearly ten y e a r s a f t e r this, tt was a part of L o uisiana territory. With the admission o f the S t a t e of L o u isiana in 1812 this northern section was formed Into the Mis­ souri territo ry. In 181U there was an o th e r partition and Ar­ k a n s a s te rrito ry was created, which included the present s ta te and what l a te r was called Indian territo ry. I>ue to the reports o f an early ex p lo re r named Pike, who visited th is region In 1 Stitt, th e Incor­ r e c t Idea was generally accepted that most of the ex)>anse of p lain s e a st o f the Rookies was a vast desert. T h i s Idea per­ sisted to such an e xte n t that as late a s 18.VI the w estern plalus were called iu th e school geog­ raphie s “T h e G re at A merit an D e s e r t ." Adventurous settlers, esp ecially from the South, found conditions iu A rk an sas quite o th ­ erw ise. however, and by 1838 A rk a n sa s was admitted as the twenty-fifth s t a t e of f h e Union with an a r e a o f 53,335 square miles. T h e natu ral resources o f the s t a t e a re considerable. T h e re a r e the mineral springs o f me­ d icinal value, which hav e been placed under governm ental con­ trol at H ot Springs. : am i every season the year ’round you w ill find good value merchandise here. W e desire trood value when we luiv ami we expect that o u r customers waul the same th a t’s whs we want vou to see the new tall merchandise here lo r voursel!'. You are welcome. W h e n the W in d Plays on its H e .'p c f 1 u nless B ra n c h e s / H r n r i; .1 tomb o f en­ chantment in the l e d ot l.ukawanna Twins “ Slmr her Suits again a sleepy young I wk I k - ' 11 w smooth, dow ny warmth of tlu-bi a;i- ritully l nit■ ■ J t -hr c is an imp is 1 barrier to the nippy wind ol From iu\ k to to - I n l. a- v a n n a T w ins “ Sh im b tr Suits arc stm r’y sewn t, r wcar-and-w ii i■Mstanic. The roomy l l a i kawantuTwiiisin various styles and la qualities to suit every itquircincnt i t servue auii price. 2 0 per cent off By JONATHAN BRACE L Y N X H OLLOW. (Hpccial to The S e n tin e l.) Sept. 21. T h e K. V. P o r le r family attended the county f a i r last Frid ay. I E French M arvin Jat-k.-on, o f S p e n c er B a lt e , m issionar­ Wa» in the hollow Tuesday. ies and fur Grant S weet and his Ulster, Mrs. trad e rs were (iay, motored to the Grove S aturd ay. Mrs. Anua Ames, o f C o ttag e Grove, th e first visited the last o f the week with her whites to pen­ sister, Mrs. Neal. etrate Into Miss Iv y P o r t e r took up her work _____ M I c b I g a n. as t e ach e r in the Delight Valley sehool this week. T h e i r first visits to th is region Mrs. Wolfo rd and children aud Mrs. d ate back to 1610. It was not F ran k CJoek came home from the until 1008 however, that the first prune yard f o r the week end. actu a l s ettle m e n t was made. The M urry fam ily, of Eugene, Mr. Sowers and son O tto , o f Cottage T h i s was the mission a t Sault Grove, and Miss I v y P o r t e r were Sun S a in t e M arie, founded by F a t h e r day guests a t the P e n t ic o home. M arqu ette. M a ck in a c was e s ­ Ivans I in v and a trn-nd. of K* llogg. tablished a few y e a r s later, arid Ida., on a motorcycle trip to C alifo r ma, stopped o f f here to vsiit Mr. D e tro it's growth w as slow. G a y 's m oth er and uncle last week. A f t e r the F r e n c h and Indian The Wolford fam ily and Mrs. Clock w ars the English took o v er this were din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. territory, and In 1774 It was f o r ­ Wm. S l a t e r last Sunday. Mrs. C. V. Sheridan and daughter mally declnred a part of Canada. E liz a b e th , who have been on a trip Iretro lt rapidly grew in Impor­ through C a lifo r n ia , are spending the ta n c e and during the Revolution week with Mrs. S h e r i d a n ’s sister, Mrs. was the base of o perations for | I. N. Dresser. The L. A. H. society meets this week many raids by the B r i ti s h and • Indians against the A m ericans. J | with Mrs. E ato n . B y the te rm s o f the tr e a t y of LONDON. P a ris In 1783 this rogtou b ecam e a p a rt o f the United S ta tes . ( S p c c i la to T h e S e n tin e l.) W hat is now Michigan, Wiscon­ S ept. 2 i . R e v . Karl M cCoy, o f 1»- rane, visited friends here a few days sin, a part o f M innesota, Illinois, this week and preached Sunday rnor Indiana and O hio was known as mug aud evening. the N orthwest territo ry. A fter ile n ry Combs and daughter Orpba Ohio was set off as a s e p a ra te left lust Thursday for Corvallis, where • Jrplia will teach school. s t a t e the L o w er P en in su la of Mrs. Mabel Newton left Sunday fur M ichigan was Joined to Indiana Monmouth, where she will atte n d nor territory. In 1805 Michigan be­ mat school. Cecil Roberta, o f Molalia, began an cam e a s e p a ra te territory with eight mouths ’ term o f school Monday. about its present boundaries. Mrs. B ert B aughm an and son Jo liu T h e r e was, however, u great left Tuesday 1 or their home near Gra dispute over a small strip of Ion, Calif. Arthur Combs has gone to Corvallis land In the e x tre m e southern to attend O. A. C. portion which was claimed by Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cox took their Ohio. T h i s alm ost led to blood­ little daughter Aubrey to Eugene Fri shed, but was finally settled by day and had her tonsils aud adenoids removed. M ichigan releasing her cla im to Calvin and Lillie Marlow spent the disputed a r e a and receiving Thursday night ut the G e o r g e S u i t o r as com pensation an addition to land home. Myrtle accom panied th e m fhe Upper P enin sula . On this ho me for t h e week end. Mrs. Albert Noth and daughter Viv b asis Michigan w as admitted to lan spent Tuesday night a t the W. T. th e Union in 1837 and became J o n e s home. the twenty-sixth s tate . Mrs. Dill, o f ls»s Angeles, arriv ed Michigan has a unique s it u a ­ Tuesday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Ed. Powell. tion, as It is bounded by the three largest o f the U re at Lakes, D ELIG H T V A L L E Y . and divided Into two peninsulas. T h i s gives It a ro a s t lin e larger (S p e cia l to The Sent ¡riel.) Sept. 21 Lionel ilm g h t s|s-nt S a t ­ in proportion to Its a r e a than urday night nnd Sunday with Bernard any o f th e o th e r s ta te s . It Is Shattuck. named a f t e r l.a k e Michigan Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Brown, o f Isis which is the Algonquin word, Angeles, and Mrs. Ben J a c k s o n and " M irh l-g an ,” meanin g “great children were Sunday guests at the s e a .” It Is entitled to 15 votes O scar J a c k s o n home. C a r te r Keene, o f Salem, and B a r t in th e e le c to rs l college. F a y , o f P ortla n d, are spending a week (1$ by llcCtars N«w»p«r,»r KyaAlrat* « at the W. A. Keene home. Lowell B en sto n was in Roseburg Frid ay and S aturd ay. School opened Monday with Miss Iv y When a m a n ’s home lif e is happy his business cares d o n ’t cause many P o r t e r as teach er. Miss M ary H aight le ft Sunday fo r wrinkles. X X V I.— MICHIGAN T Here are new good values in domestic and imported hand­ kerchiefs that we are sure ev­ ery woman will be delighted with. We invite our women customers to look these over today. Price range .............. 5c, 8c, 10c, I 2 V 2 C, 15c, 25c to 75c Men’s “Star” Brand Dress Shoes at Lower Prices $2.25 $2 75 $3 50 $4.50 These shoes are a lot w hieli a jobber offered to us to close mil the balance of ibis style on band ami they are the ei|uui value of like shoes at regular present price one-third more iu price. to one half These shoes are made of tine dark brown kid, good weight, fKxible extended soles; two styles, ATTRACTIVE NEW BED SPREADS New spreads are which reflect the proved quality of ufacture as well lower prices. See 40c, 45c, 50c 55c and 60c 25c to 40c Pi xv r u g a E xtra sizes, It) to 12, priced. Lighter weight stockings priced Buy the Best Q UA LITY Groceries Here a t Reasonable Low Prices Free City Delivery — Phone 33 Hulk peanut butter, a lb Suit wheat Ilnur, 4!» lb. Hack Lung lieail fancy rice, 3 llo* Hulk grounti cocoa, u lb ....... Pure peabeiry coffee, fine flavor, a lb Olympic Wlu-at lleartH, 2 l -,.|b. package. Olympic Pancake I'loitr, ¡21 ••-lb. package Hi st white laundry soap, a bar ' IV«In-rry blend coffee, lb ( 'urve cut macaroni .'{ lbs for (!|(> uiip (| small white le ans .’>* » llm tor Here are shown a splendid range of styles in men’s dress shoes which are sure to please particu­ lar men. The " S t a r ” on the heel of every pair is a guarantee of the best in quality and workman­ ship. Incidentally tin- new prices are so reasonable as to be all Hu- more reason why you should buy here. Price range $4 50 to $7 00 a yd to to to to Sale of New Shipment of Children’s Shoes at $ 1 .4 5 the Pair Here are high quality stockings for girls and boys that we want every mother lo see. These stock iugs are (Jordon brand " Ituiind T ic k e t ” stockings with double heel, sole and toe, und hard to wear out. The new Improvement is the narrow ankle with double uml elastic spring needle Weave from ankle to top. The price is 110 higher than the old style sin gle weave kind. DISTRIBUTORS Neighborhood News fili lo tin meli all wool fuhries prieed $1 05 $1.95 $2 25 $3.50 button and lace. ( @ b r M c C lu r « N > w a p t p « r 8 j r n d l c » t O The Story of Our States a yd 44 lo 4s ¡neh all wool faillies prieed a yd |8 tu till ineli all wool faillies prieeil a yd New Improved Hosiery for Children PRETTY AND DAINTY HANDKERCHIEFS Umphrey & Mackin til In 42 ¡neh all wool fuîmes prieeil 10c $1 40 25c 15c 26c 30c 30c 5c 19c 25c 25c 25c 25c 65c 15c 22c Picnic shoulder meat, a lb Price range service $1.65 to $7.50 Men’s Solid Leather Work Shoes at New Low Price Would we dare tell you that we are selling men’s high quality work shoes at almost the prices of eight years agof You may feel that such a statement is too good to be Irne yet we ask you to come and see for yourself. Here are Hie prices: 7 ineli work shoes THE QUALITY STuRE-cooo on display greatly im­ recent man­ as the new them today. $3.75 to $4.50 Hi top outing shoes $5.00 to $9 00 Logger shoes $12.50 to $14.50 = J Curvallis to atte u il O. A. C. Muts A lla H ayes is atte n d in g high school in the Grove. Miss laiuise B y s er , » f Agenda, Kan., in v is itin g at the K. J - K e n t hinne. The O m ar J a c k s o n , l-ee Nixon am i J . A. J o i l fam ilie s Were in Eugene Thursday. „ , . Mrs. J . A. .loll was hostess to the G T X. i-luh Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. T . D. Hodges were in Eugene W ednesday. HEBRON (tqieeial to the Hentiael.) Moot. 21 Mr Moore, o f the Grove, has moved to the M. H. Anderson pteee. Mr. anil Mm. W a lle r L ark y and son E rn e s t, o f W inchester B a y , are visit ing Mr. L a r k y ’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. K B. l a n k y . Mr and Mm. J u d d Doolittle and non, o f the Grove, npent Hunday with Mrs. Gilcrist. . , , . . Mr nnd Mrs. Killistiri and bab y, o f A lb any, are v is itin g at the home o f Mrs. K illin tin 's mother, Mrs. Ilinshawr. Mr. and Mrs. Miinpson and daughter, o f Oregon C it y , a re v isitin g al the home of Mr. Himpnon's s is le r , Mrs. Hiushaw. Miss lla/.el Führer is a t t e n d in g liieh school in the Grove. Mrs. A rthu r Campbell, o f Lynx lini low, visited a few ilays ib is week ut thè houle o f ber molher, Mrs. Adney. G e o r g e N eel s|s-iil Hiinilay a n d In iu ily . o f f o l u i r g , ut th è C n n s . Hliiiriin burnì). Miss Flossie Ma Ibis went. to Eugeni* Tuemluy lo visit her siste r, Mrs. Mar veli Kaiidiill. Mr. nini Mrn. C lair B. imton nnd non Henry, o f Hliannniiv, Wunh., visited thè pnnt week a t tn e F. T . B cnston hoine. The T rnn x litui Queener fam ilies re turneil Hnturdny from a in in pi ng t rip in Dnoglnn eounty. Mr. and Mrn. Wendell M cC nrg ar moved to C o ttag e Orove Monduy. Mrs. ,1. T. Alien aud daughters Glndys and Thelm a, o f l ’ortliiuil, were ut thè A. K. Hcott homi* Tuenday eve nlng. _______ A newn item States that a hasband riunirteli al pulire headipiurter* t h a t a t h i e f Inni sin ico bis w i f e 's wnrdrobe frinii thè rh ithes line. Noi in ne li o f a lui ul. • • • A Chinigli man f n i e l l i m i bis wrist thè ut her day wliile c ra n k in g thè Ire rretini freezer. No ime c ru n a* a 11 ieo S A G IN A W . e rea ni fre ezer tiulenn there is u fumilv ubimi and *ve wouder why thè wife (Hpeeml to The w a s n ’t ut her post. Wives ure g e ttin g tin Kept. 2 1 . - J . A. Burgess more rnreless every dny witli their Grove Tuesday . hubluc*. Those who attend ed I he roiin ty f a ir • • • lanl week were B a r t le t t J o h n s t o n , T e r The man who w o a ’t do an y th in g and ry and llnwurd Moody, W. I*. Diek Works at i t , surreeds n fte n e r thiiu thè and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. O. Knight noe who wants to ilo nomething unii ami Robert Kllintt and fam ily. waits fnr somenne else to lenii thè way. Ethel Moody returned from Kiigene • • • Hnturday night. The money n|»-nt un wars and prep- M isn E11 11 T a y lo r arriv ed Minidny a rat ina for their isinsibility wnuld, if from Crenwell aud in visitin g her sis- |irn|>erly useil, edu e at* thè nopulation ter, Mrs. Howard Moody. All Ibis sen tim ent nlsiut. thè |»»ir " f thè World to thè u tte r foolishness Mrs. A. K. Meott was in Kugene being hnppier and more ro n te n te d tfiu 11 o f wnr. Monday. • • • Mrs. W. L. Leonard and children thè neh wns probably inveliteli by thè The most uiirommou kind o f l e s s e spent yesterd ay afternoon a t the W. I*. rieh to noothe thè downtroddeu und ss is common sena«. I suage fusteriug wounda. D ick borne. 1