I >Uo coiuim »m u ha* hold a houm .fo r tho orgy o f »i»oiivliiig o f n fow Teuipe rauco rnforw eis knop tliiug* diaeover n iueili.nl wlietnby thè stptoal hero, ti» di» larou ha* beou favorable to venr» ho ha» put htntaolf m a ik im I ioii uf thè ernuker coutil be (rnuaformed brevviiig lutisi uf Ilo» luue. |users o f " j i t i M , " which ludiente* that whore the ntnn whom ho 1 » pleased to s s » iato au aritelo o f diut aud tho wastevl usera o f cuiront may expect a xtuuio tlo»i|¡nnto a» hi» imlunlrial ouoaty 1 » A m agm i no leeoni ly priuled tliirty oiiorgy o f ilio knuekur imru«MS«.il unii deal from lhi‘ cotuitusMou. Yet wtih moro foully entrenched than over and A Wuckly Nt'WKjiajrar r W ith 1‘k n ty Thlntp Ottusi Think «ml WM W« pici a r.'s o f uno se t r e « and siili iised for unii ivo power, we wuuld fimi i thin »onreo o f power to no to. The 1 ha» placed huuaolf in a poailiou where of Baokbo no. Th.sk of th« Ihm«» Otkur« Husk V m / timi Die inillcuiuui was eluw al liaud. »lid.i ‘1 sli.iw ipiile all o f licr. Sentmol ilia1» not tvmetubor that the tho employer not abovo Inking ad s s » • • • Elbert lie d o aud hllborl ïunith i ’ ublmhor» ' itiieiia of tho city in rocoul years vantage ol any situation can profit In I f yuu d on 'I dune.» you wuu'I bave Kveryoue w ill Ini Imppy aa loug as Elbert B e d e ________________ E d it o r ;11“ ' 1' **k*''1 tho eonunisatou to a « mto I the folly o f his former employe who tiovl probably never iiitcuilcd muli lo |wy thè fulillor. l he LKiuor aiul ligio »ituaiiou hero. I aki|i|n»tl from i«>t> to job aud' w b o» % ■ - - ..i— ■ — — ■ —. —— we doli ’l waut lliin g » we r a u ’l bave. Ilio soaring o f last jm tf » W at lint « « K m w ool out » » inculi» 11 » they to be sntisfi.^j Iveiiu w if lie were he ■ ss • ss A first class jmbltcatiou outorod at Cot malauco ol thè iv»|uest o f thè utibty cauto tu would lui ve noi limi; tu ptuy tur New Jersey Ila» nulli.in soni« lago cirovo, Ore., as secoud class matter itstdf. I f loafer» waatod ouly thulr owu • • • , The ___ _r _________ _ ________ »c o d a c ulitr iv»i¡i' alato market litui n lot u f eor|Hirutlon offieers. lim e minti rollìi! be forgivuu them. l'ho qnostion now i», if wo are m io t Boston lold but hall thè story s s » if )UU %%UUl U MHlUlill (O klH'l» quu l, • • • Husmeas O ffic e _________ «12 East klaiu thè sa me uosiliou timi wo nlwaya bave It th«» truth «'«tuli! bv' Usi rilevi, it Iler l‘ oni'11» lire beiug limile frnui |Miln Invìi; l i thè publiu servire commissiou probably would l v touiidslhnl the mail The mini who «ita up nighls Imi mg • • • HCBBCRiJ-TTUN B A TE S is tho ouly power wo havo froui which who stuck tv> Ins pili and tru»«l to iimki toe« and un ii ‘a rolla r» fr.un milk If Iti» ueiglibur» w ill funi la lh<» moriimg l'hore im no pftufo ou «'arili l'or (to' some Inolivi ni Iniumillty wnlilil nlily lim i In» uciglihnr» bave beat limi In It One year____ #2.25 | Three mouths---- 65c io ex peci a chance o f aiti kiud lu hi in si-1 1 mv»ro valuable lo the employer m««l«tlor ami m o «inulti il ho i* Sm mouths.... 1.15 | ISiugio copy— 5c elevin e ratea aud sercice, are vvo goiug IS still on tho iMivroll ami that th N o subscription listed for less thau 65c lo make au aptnaiuuce bolero tho coni wage earner who pul bv each w ivk a Mtiulcil aiivolu'r«' o I ih *. • • • A reduction o f 25c for payiug a full missiou whcu it sits hore t Ini t w ill portion o f thv' big wngos o f tho recent cumpletolv viari iy tho light and |owor |»nst has not had to go ou tho w ag your in advauce A I ubioum aviator m |¿nnn¿ lo ulurt Mtuatioa f slavo block. The Beutiuel, fo r ono, is o f thè opiu l'n«»mpk»ymout anti hunger arc rv a m liuol lo U'Ut li I 0 141K l'.v mail. Mauj Member o f ton ihat improv cinema aro |a>ssiblo greti able tragedie» but it is just as coniti |Mvlor lo «lo lUoir» lim i vvajr. N ational Editorial Association • • • and is ready to do ila puri to l»iiug regrettable that |«»rt o f the binili Oregon Smte E ditorial Association >uch iinprovcaicuts about or fiud oui must l v placed U| h » ii the wage earner II*» «iUUgOlVUM lo w ill«' g«K»vi itlvU'tV what giravi nvascm thè re is why we Inaiseli. t»f vawirse. wo eauiiot refuse \ olir w ilo nval« il uioi u«kn \\Uy ^ou Orvgoa Ncw»paj>er Conforvuce + 1 H.r» jii'r m o llili \l.l< \ \ \ (INI I'Jtinlli’ | k w v r c*n*l havo thom. to help relieve his dislivas but we can l.aue Couuty Publishers ’ Association Are tkosc w he vvorked so vallan ti) at the same time i»oiut the wav to «loII t IlVO U|» lo II. IÌOII CHIIIIII' p o w e r iffi flO |M»r m o llili Il i» no irv ilil lo go forw ard wuh for what aeorned to tlieui tho beat avei.l similar tragedii's in the future F R ID A Y , S E l'T E M llE B » , 19U uiethovl o f rolieviu g tho situatioii (o m g Thv* volitili ion hi lit vstoii is no d ii ool making au o lfo r l lo Uolp II kum * r t iu v v i. u s ifl H.'l p e r m o n th lo o c a n ille pOWl'l* io voice thoir opiuious al thè hearing ferent thau the eoudilioit that woubl who aro 9ll|i|»iug lia«kwar«U. • • • to l v hold bere bv tho public serv ice prevail hero tho moment the least IS OOK W IN D A L L S T E N T ' tioo c a m llc ■LVoo p e r m o n th p o w e r conimissnin aud take mi a d iv o tvirt needed workers were vlisvamneeti d from An iown wouiuu «in la i«* lim i The pubbe sere leo commission will ni that bearmi', or is tho tabulo m ailer their jotia. woiuou uiako ivi« al uiuii’ ilu k ci». Ih«^ M V U S I IK1 E L I ) $2.00 p e r m on t h lo o c H lid lr p o w e r he» 1 si here ou October 7 a public hear to I h - d ruppe.! righi where ìt alw ay» «tiigul to ilu¿ io Usivi io lading uui lias Invìi aud are wo tv» k » oh as bere iuk upon rates to l v charged tor elec The mayor o f Boston has approved Ih«' unii. Ul » S E I « ! U«1 lio c a n ille pow r r $1 fill p e r m o n th tneai service. A t that time all those' tutore, compianoli»; o f a situatiou that knickerbockers fur women. A sensible • • • havmt; eomplaiuts agaiual the service wo havo thè power to rhauge, if it thing fo r htiu In >lo anti a sensible l'hv'ro i» imi ono ^UBoimit'ul lillu tg we have been receiving. or wishing ft' cari justlv bo < hauge.l, lim itigli olir thing for women t>' wear. Women in CO TTAG E GROVE $1 &0 p er m o n th *ump'st improvements, w ill havo au o|>- IHiblic body, tho commtsaion. 100 c a n d ir p o w e r knickerbockers would lint attract halt tho «III« ol lllO l'OIJ ¿ iUU«l. i'tlftl 19 lo j lis i we expeutl all out euorjjy in tho im iwlito mah' staro that they ilo torco him lo live wuh « I l h«» w i«va lo portuuitv to l v hv-ard. 000 r a n d Ir $4.17 p e r m o n th p o w e r It is but a short time ip > that cit' WltHlt $50,lllH) III laillvls whleh socio to with kina' garters pta-ping front uuder Ilio *aiuo iioiiM'. icons o f tho city went to the p»>Hs de la» o f no earihlv use to ust • • • the sonaibk» abbreviated skirt. It is VV o h»|v not. We uiav havo lus'ii not what is shown that arouses the teim m ed to voice dissatisfaction with I k i e s it s e e m that o u r is lllljllst t<> n »!f 1 he questions a w ile asks her hubby proscut rail's and service. They acted viiv(vivai upou thè propose«! l«v»n>l issue cu nosit v o f man so much as that winu he comes heme al d a. ai atv m a way to leave no doubt m the bui vvo necci not bv dividevi in ui.ikmg which is tem ptingly half hnldi'ii. < \ »t l a i ; « ' < i r o v « * ( a s v i a tane« pi uve Ivforv' thè »»ubile not ky|»ulkeueal ones, lliwugk possibly ■muds voue as le hv»w llu v felt. Milne that uuv'liiy onslaught et v»t>- . oinuussieni. » . l u in g so. Oregon may not have gone ah»-nd at hardlv a worvl has been heard about j I f a real appearance is made- before the electrie light auel power Sltuatien. the ce'iumission and if a fter that hear thv' |vll rat'll Isaev st which -.«me c , . kou hsivi U u « r i«ol uogiocl jou r Is the matter to be dropivd there', j w»' are not satisfied with rvsnlta, have progressed, which may l v the lui>iut.\» UUk'A« jo u r voUi 4 1 ! ol wiUl rv'Hson that it is found to be in th»' or is it to tv .arried lo some kind e'f then The Sentinel believes the time a successful wnolusionf I w ill have arrived to consider th»- prop- best financial ruuditiou o f any state « ¿ l« v lo HvgUvl h&* Al th«- iva io«' tibiv* \ . . V . . vi g t l II Ihere is little doubt that the Cot -iliu n o f a munivi|»a> plant :vyd to in the uniou. ) w h i« h i> p r u Ì M Ì > l) I h * m u t o i«lui« tage Urove Electric company is in'ini; v otv enough money te» buy or build Koseburg is aw fu lly sore lives use ho iuuk ___ to continue to servo the citv with light one». F a tty Arbuekk» has erowvksl iheir heme aud power. The amount o f #50.000 1 ------------------------ tal. ut sv-au.lal o f f the frviul page, t o r voted bv the p.vplo fo r the const rue O N L Y H A L F TH E STORY. r»g », ni«»* ululvii u tili ^t rai» takrn ; v wills tis ic i te Times. tiv»u o f an electric light system is but j -. llvm |>ui>liv «irtiikmg 1 u | a * tu l hivagvi, a part o f what it would cost the; Attention was called to uucinploy The Corvallis Oaxetto Times inquires: ' «uk n«|'i*llj ( w ) * a a r m il« aa. VkhA! city to build a power plant aud cstab ( incut existing in svvtions v»f thv» oast Why uot «iiifrreuvi- «io«* il«Ai iu .«k« ih « jug- lish a distributing system. The law pv S|svtacular performance o f the •*ls Ike world wickeder I ” T.inir MIIU.V i* a v«* |»hu(j ol o lia r w a j « ol g «tliu g AN t> MI» 1 seems to be plain that permission j Holton svw lalist lea.k'r who eoueeived "m o t«' w i. k.'vier f ’ * « *K f i ll i » . I H w a ia *. would have ft' be given bv the pubtie he spectacular idea o f pu llin g half • • • service commission oefore any cv»ncern stripped men on the bk vk aud auc U d o re ek vliou a cauviidata fur rv could furnish lo w er to the city at th< Honing o f f their services to the high eksctiou feel» as i f all tho sins of past Tho cali«« «a v 9 that Kugltak auaicu bouudarv line. The commission, uti est bidder, in order that the men might and tature generations had lawn loaded bave lAki’ u to rAistug chi« kvu« T l« vloubtv'vlly, despite past unsatisfactory earn food upon which to live. ujiuii Him—it suecosaful at the polks. h«'U9| dealings with the local company, vv.vulvl lon-k o f cmplovte.cnt is a tragedy to Ho fiats that his • • • m us h a s« Ives l v more likely to toll tho established many. Only a com paratively small pro ri*«A 9 t’ fo M g a e n i who ¿.troie about j ev»m|>aiiv what to do than to admit a portion o f v»ur total |s»pulatiou is out washed white as snow. • s s tho iuij-vluuu.) h.i.'U’ o f .\mt'ri«'Au» competing power company. .»f emtdov meut by preference. Tov» S a c peupla would lath more if wa'd ukighl h»be orcaaioa to r m » « ) ihcir This may be a debatable point, but much attention, it would seem, cannot The Sentinel is o f the opinion that the l v given til the uncmplv »meut question slop long enough lo g ivo thorn a viJUllK-U« « t |vlA«'i'«i tU tilt* ¿JO*tllOM O f T M ¿ > b I ------s-w i>iW 'im i«liW ^ Il ■ city w ill find itself unable to furnish and thv* best way o f remedying the . nance lo get star led. ìhc couAtrj a c » « | « ^ r iu:iu tr jm g lo lo w er except bv manufacturing it anil situation. c u lh ^ t h t s « u U m r 1 iu ita . But th«» spectacular labor slave mar­ we know o f no advice to the contrary • • • A diplomatic ma never admires his having l e u secured by th»vsc interest ket dui not tell the whole story. Ih « re a r r e .« 5 autlìiou ^ulloin o f ir«' It would l v inteivsting lo know how w ile it. a dress Ik it hooks ju s a in« evl in establishing a municipal syste back. « rvaoi «uuMiiui «i 10 thv L u i !« h ! Htnlr« The columns o f The S, > tinel hav e Invìi mane . f th. >« men now ont »>f employ opened to any who wish tv* discuss the j meut and out «»f f«»*>d were «"urtung big hb«*rj jou u g iu.«u wiih throe A auuaii iug tillv'U IruvU lo Wrg« or four jouug bil| icu uvii «iuAgiu «*9 ago i and s;« nd situati: n ami no explanation o f nny wage« onlv a short time * ajpo KiH.l has .-..me from thos«» interested mg their money as rapidly as th«*y ««¿»¿•uf t uuiUtiO» that br ¿«»ivi for alt exc«*|»t ou«- or to«»| • • • in ihe establishment o f a municipal earned it. whik' they now ks»k for ^ lk u u i «>f ibut auitiuul. ’H IRRKR! Ring I Tlu- mfftxl plant The columns o f The Sentinel 'iipt»»rt from th«»se who m»«le wis«- in I ber«- might be mera smart mea if " remain op«u for th»' discussion o f any vestments «luring the same tvrivwl. grouse may roar up out of the It is t rue that the free spending in« rv w r ic a t su nmuy numen U> make pha-v r was scarce hopped, «kipped and iW-kl lh al » c u Bi‘ %«r g el au Jvovi for can always count upon them for results! Everybody Welcome unity«! fru n one job to another and vugh«-1 at the employer who a*ked for u v t it ig ihjkt we caa t a r t « « oa a ja n Everything you want for hunting right here a «lay's work fo r what was then ice fA . in our »tore. Our salespeople are not only « A live wire usually oguixed as a fa ir day '* pay. authorities on the proper equipment but will A notili se tur pwid «5U a para ad for There is uo un«'mpk>yment situation Hua with whatever he go«w after. • • • a New York dug. ile 'a a »au»agel gladly tell where the best hunting is to be found in IIregvn but no e ffo rt is reqnirvd to • s s [Mint out young men without families Aa eastern college president advu and what to take along. This is purt of our > ho ean.e.i more than their parents vates stewed prunes and mush as a Those j«-,ij.le w ho elaim we nught •ervice to the hunters. Make use of iti ■ luring the peak o f high prices fo r diet fur college students. to work only tw o hours a day w ill B e talks ** * ' V ( labor and yet who are now penniless as if he were g iv in g th.v . 4 « ire f M i e i rea li x.- their dream», b,-e a use except fo r their daily wage and who •ueh a couditioa as that would ae compliment Thems.lv. "s u|«> having experte m u lta te thè worhiag o f the criminal parents who had the foresight to pro , ß j There are a lut o f people who half court marhiaery night and day. v ivk* against a rainy day and where s s * th«»y who have spent tw ice what believe things that they know are wot others have used in maintaining a K and still u oa the hog. presente recened at a surpnse party, • • • «s e It u better to be honest from force Money a ili de must aayvhiag. A of ci relímala a m than wot at alL IV iu y lv a x w mas who kad • • • psrarvd and kad bc*a deciared illy dead suddraiy carne Ut Ufo whea The world owes ua all a k i n g and found « l v * s u kad beea mix him. 1» waually aa pwomp« in ael'.liag up aa ss# we are la giving to the world what The re are aaid to be a r i who eayoy we owe it • • • , helpmg their wives (im a hooaa • • • The d o c t o r who any* too much talk l t scemi a* l i thè most k.ckm g ■ Bg rames k t i r » e w of the vocal corda about thè ac t mi n i o f pwbbc u ffic ia * moat be mlatxkra. J u t eoatempdats . is dune by tkosc who suukla ' acecpt t h e aumbrr of aaee-t voiced w urnes • fi*rc tkvmseltee or who, i f ia o ffic e . there arm. • • • I cookla *t do as wcll as tho ss tkey ; -ritiene. Getting lra«T mad going after a • • • thing will beat k ; e to it by a thoo O p p ortu n iy f.ads thè maa who ts •and suies. oa thè yub. e e e W- mah- fua a f thè way wcmea i kandie money. U i r t 'r a a ckaaee to become f u n o r with it and tkey may ; suoa ha»db» it la as business Uke a • way as n maa. «s s The re are maa y noi ed Lahermca who bave a r-pu attua fo r «craeity ta thesr 'e v r r y .lay bostaeaa bfe hniactiwm it scema as i f huat.» ir u s id fo r aa u - u i to awds what aaother court has * * * The troabte with me folks waat to *ee th.ags reformsd e that The weekly wash is 1-st han­ they «rare it est. re !» tu tho pwhlke s f fieiaks dle»! our rarefili way. I>jw s s » I f a pero*« rowld comma a.) a» qu ie« rveogaitk.a whea gruwmg ap as he < !« • " b e a a Mpuawkiag U b c , what a ! pb-asaat old place to haag arcuad thxs ; J uld *urld wouki be. rstew, best serri«». IW COTTAGE GKOVE LAUNDRY U i Up Phons n The Sample Store Bargains Blunkf-ts, all irraili s and rolors $ 2.75 to $ 8.50 Outing flann«*l, all colors, vd 20c (iinghaiiis, all colors, yd 15c to 30c Pine irradc b«*«l spreads $3.25 l»«-st (jrade uiuslin, yd 20c to 25c Toweling, tan and white 12c, 15c, 18c I»adics* waists $1.25 to $4.95 Men’s new fall suits, spn-inl price $35.00 Children's* shoes, all styles $1.25 to $2.95 Heavy brown and hlack calfskin shoes at the low price of .. $4.65 an d $4.95 Midics* shoes.. „ ____ ___ $4.95 to $6.50 Boys’ school suits ......... $5.50 to $8.50 Men’s cotton work sox ..... 2 fo r 25c Children's play suits „. 98c ¡Toys* flannel blouses 98c Indies’ underwear, idi styles $1.25 to $1.50 .Men's leather coats......... $8.50 Rubbers of all styles for men, women and children at lowest prices. Rubber Isiots and shot's for men, women and children at lowest prices. Umbrellas, all styles .. $1.65 to $3.50