Cottage Grove sentinel and Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Oregon) 1915-1921, July 29, 1921, Image 6

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    Special Sale of Oregon Industries Grocery Products at
Umphrey & Mackin’s Continued One Week to August 6
This store lues always carried Oregon industry products wherever and whenever possible as we are firm believers in boost in« the products of our own state Many of the brands
which we are displaying in this sale have been regularly sold in our grocery department for the last two to ten years In order that you limy try the good ipialily of Oregon
products, we are giving you these special low price», during the balance of July as a special inducement to you to begin the use of “ Oregon 1‘mdnct»” NOW, which you may
not have tiied heretofore. Order this week. Kvery article listed here is packed or made in Oregon.
Royal white and V. &. M brand soaps, a bar
Wadco brand coffee, 1 lb. box
Diamond “ W ” Brand Products Packed
& Company, Portland
by Wiulhams
Diamond " W ”
Diamond “ \Y”
brand July powders, ii pkgs
brand baking powder, I lb. can
Pheasant brand steel cut coffee, lli-oz. pkg.
Diamond " \Y "
package teas, all styles, .* oz. pkg
Pacific Coast Biscuit Co.’s fancy cookies, a lb
2 for
70c. 12 oz pkg
Cottage (»rove brand string beans. No. *2 can.
Diamond ” \V”
brand catsup, large bottle
89c. b i b
b ox
46c, 2 for 95c
Star brand tomato catsup, packed by Pacific Vinegar
Co., of Portland, 2 large bottles
Crimson rambler brand marshmallow syrup, (packed m
Oregon), 5 lb. pail
Oregon cured picnic shoulder meat, a lb.
( ¡olden brand marshmallow syrup, (packed in (fregoli),
Oregon cured cottage rolls, a lb..................... ..
........ 22c
10 I k
$1 15
Olympic Rrund Products Packed by Portland Flouring
Mills Company
I Hympic brand Nf If iìnìiik panenke Ihtur in paper
pm-knees, euch
< Hympic Imitili enke and piiNl ry
iloIII* III paper
packages , each
( Hympic bland ipancake flour ill narks
• Uy in pi«* brand rolled1 nais ill sarks
I Hympic brand 'i\ heal In-nils in sarks
Blue Ribbon Broom» Made by M Seller Si Co, Portland
‘ ‘ Dur l*i•¡do,” best «1 un 1 it y fine irrem st raw limoni.
specilli euch
$1 19
“ (¿lICCll brand fine U li en si raw limoni, sperial
One lot stew pans, stew kettles. Mie and $1 (St values,
oboi« , each
One lot stew pans, wash basins and small kettles, 4.‘>c.
50c and 60c values, choice .....................................
21c Each Piece
This lot consists of baby plates in three styles, indi
v idual pie plates, creamer, etc. Kuril piece decorated
with Dutch scene especially appropriate for children.
See them today.
sister and three children. Mr. and Mrs. NEW SEWER GOING IN
ranch Tuesday.
Mrs. Brown cum,- up gene, came up Hat urdav for ntt over
A man who pins too much faith to
Dan Thomas and children. Georgetta
human nature often gets stuck for »«»me
FIRST ALLEY SOUTH tor the purpose of looking over some Hominy \ i*it with relatives
DEATH IN McKENZIE and Dirk. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Thonip
timber lauti she owns up Mushy creek.
Frtihk Jackson wns n Monday guest account he hns guaranteed
son and little son. Mr. and Mrs. Ferry
Sherwood, Miss Fern Holcomb. Mi«»
Mildred Hall. Mrs. Eleanor Wheeler
Tophain. George Hall and Harobl
Venske. Those unable to lie present
because of previous engagements were
Mr Tophain, Miss Jessie Berg, Mrs.
Berg, Mr. and Mrs. Will Sherwood,
Mr. and Mrs. Hurry Waggoner. Mis.»
Ethel Moore and Ralph Baker.
Robert laincaster visited a few day*
last week at the home of his sow
Ralph in fotingo Grove.
Mrs. Strali and daughter Marie, ot
Portland, an- visiting Mrs. Strati’*
cousin, Albert Rissile.
Mr. and Mrs Harry Huff ami baby
are visiting at the Finley Huff home
Hob Wiscarson SJM-Iit the week end
with Jim I.alienator.
Bert Isaacson »|»-nt a few days m
tirants Pass last week visiting his
father, who was seriously ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Finley Whipp*. John
Vilen, litarles Whippa and Mr. and
Realizing the danger o f forest fires PAVING COMPANY REPAIRS
Mrs. Bert Ijinrnster attended Sunday
from burning tobacco even when used
DAMAGE TO HIGHWAY school and church at Divide Inst Sun
in the woods by forest officers, Dts
trict Forester Geo. H. Cei-il has just
The damage to Pacific ' highway
railed Upon the field men of the un
Archie Pructor and John Barker
through the west aide of the city will
tional forests o f tttegmi and Wash be re|iairi-d by Bhike Compton rum were at the John Ptriunr home Snlur
day night.
ington to refrain voluntarily from
smoking during the next few months pany ut their own expense, according
to agreement minie with the city
of extreme fife danger.
To date the fire season in the north council Monday night, this lH.-mg the
Pacific district ha« been favorable. understanding when the city |>ennitted
(Szs-cial to The Sentinel.)
The period of high hazard is now her», the company to use the highway for
July 27. Iliirrv Conner, of Eugene,
however. and forest officers are [ the trnns|s>rtation of its road building rimile
a la-tween trains visit nt the
hoping that the |mrt of the public material from Saginaw to the road
his brother, C. C, Conner,
that uses the national forests will be
more careful this year than ever be­ allow the istving company to use the Saturday.
Mrs. R. C. Powell, nee Neel, with
fore and that the percentage o f man asphalt which the city has on hand.
her baby nnd her sister, Mary Neel,
caused fires may be cut down from
■pent Saturday and Sunday at the W.
Urge Early Building of Bridge.
the high figure of 70 |ier cent that
Eugene Register: K. W. Miller, of A Keene home.
has held for many years.
Mrs. |»well Houston was in Eugene
the Cottage Grove chamber o f com
Car Thieves Taken to Ropeburg.
Among the Eugene visitor* Monday
The four men captured here by i-ompauy with S. L. tiodard, a con­ were Fn-d Witcher, J. A. Joll inni
Deputy Sheriff Pitcher with a stolen tractor, looking after the matter of a Francis Horn.
Cole car ami stolen |iarts of other ears new bridge on the highway between
Mrs. Harding, of Cottage Grove, Is
Blue prints
were taken to Rose burg Friday by that city and Latham.
making a visit at the Oscar Jackson
Deputy Sheriff Dillard, o f Roseburg, {
the Maxwell motor and the battery s which is to la- of timber with IVI foot
Mrs. J. H odge* is entertaining the
accompanying them. The motor had i
O. T. X. Huh today.
been stolen from a wrecked cai found | that work upon this be commenced tit
The Htenhen fimi Nel« Anderson
along the road in Douglas county and once, for it wns pointed out that if it families, uno limi been visiting nt the
the battery had been lifted from a was delayed any longer the false work Nixon home for about n month, left
would be in danger from the high
ON CANADA THISTLE Roseburg garage. The Cole is still water
for liellinghurn. YV»»Ii., Tuoadny.
during the fall rains.
here awaiting claim by its owner. The
O Hear Jock son and family were iti
The question of enforcement o f Itic men, who gave their names as Ray
Eugene Hat unlay.
Will Boost Lane County Fair.
thistle law was the subject of a pro- | Keith, Bruce Avery, Eugene O'Brien
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Nixon, nnd Mr,
A trip through the roast country t* nnd Mrs. Hinnhnw visited in Eugene
longed conference between the county j and Emory McKarran, were appre
court and a committee from
Friday find Knturduy.
county agricultural council Monday when Pitcher’s suspicions were aroused lor, president of the Lain County Fair
Mr. rind Mrs. Kay Nixon, o f R ii
There was some debate j by the appearance o f the men in the
as to the best method of procedure car and the parts o f ears being ear and Ira P. Whitney, county agricut
tural agent, to create interest in III»
under the law, which provides ten ried as freight.
coming exhibition. Meetings with the
days of grace after notice has been
farmers of that section will be ar­
served. The penalty for non com pH
Codling Moth Spray Due.
anee is $10 to $50 for the first of
The next codling moth spray will ranged to talk over exhibition plans.
fense and from $50 to $250 for each 1»- due iri western Oregon from July
subsequent offense.
The fact was 1 20 to July 25. is the advice yf the
Twin Cherries on Single Stem
brought out that the attorney general Oregon agricultural experiment station.
Perhaps the most luscious -ample ot
has ruled that the notice runs contln Professor I-ovett, entomologist at the the Cottage Grove cherry crop that
uously against any farmer whose land station, says: “ The activities of the' has been left at The Hcntiiiel office
is infested with thistles— that is, he codling moth have been particularly ! this season was brought into the office
must re-cut the thistles if they make i difficult to follow this season and the j Monday by Mrs. David Sterling. In
a second growth during the season; j broods as yet are not clearly defined. \ the lot was a freak in the form o f
so that the pleas that the thistles were Based on careful observation, bow two perfect cherries, both full sizr.
cut once in response to a notice will ever, it is advised that generally the growing upon a single stem.
not relieve him from action under the , July spray goes on about the twen are of the Lambert variety.
tieth, although where pressing work
In the meantime the fruit In interferes it would appear that the
Orocent and Butchers to Picnic.
spector has been advised to get our application may be delayed until the
Grocers and butchers o f
complaints from the justice office twenty fifth with safety.’ ’
county will hold a picnic at Hendricks
against all those who have wilfully
bridge, 14 miles up the McKenzie from
neglected to comply w-ith the law, as I
Eugene on August II. A program of
suming that they will be proceeded
The county court will soon call for | novel stunts and athletic contests has
against in due form, since the statute
been arranged to make the day a
expressly states that both municipal bids on the contract for grading a j lively and long to la- remembered one.
and county authorities must act In four mile stretch of road between 1»
the matter, such failure to act being rane and Hadlcyville, this being in i
Union Services Sunday.
punishable by a fine o f from $50 to reality an extension of the ten mile con I
tract recently let to A. C. Mathews. It
Presbyterian and Christian
is stated that the entire distance was churches will hold union services Run
not included in the first contract fot day evening in the city park. Rev.
the reason that the court did not have Hpearow, of the Presbyterian church,
IS HELD IN CALIFORNIA in sight sufficient funds to cover the will deliver the sermon.
entire project. At a later date, ac­
The Sentinel has received news of a cording to Hurveyor P. M. Morse, con­
Building Concrete Wing at Dam.
Cottage Grove picnic held on the tracts will be let for surfacing the on- |
The Cottage Grove flour mills arc
Fourth of July in Griffith park. I»<* tire route with macadam.
building a concrete wing in their dnnt I
The conversation centered
on the Coast fork to do away with a
on past incidents in Cottage Grove and
Rescue Home Appeals for Food.
‘ leakage on the west side at the intnke
many a wish was expressed that all
The Pacific Coast Rescue and Pro of the race.
could drop into the pretty little Wil­
lamette valley city for the day. The tective society makes an ap|>eal for ;
cooking for the occasion is said to eanned fruit and vegetables for the I
have been as good as could be ex­ use of the I. ouìko Home for Girls anfl *
pected from former Cottage Grove the Kerr Nursery for Children mnln :
(Special to The Sentinel.)
cooks working under the disadvantage tained by the organization at Port­
July 26.— -George I »w ry is working
o f a California climate. Those present
in Cottage Grove for his brother In
were Frank Wheeler and his wife, Mrs. to church societies nnd similiar or­ law, Che*ley Churchill.
Eva C. Wheeler, now president o f the
Bernice Brninard is a guest at the
Women’s Christian Temperance Union that it will pay freightage on the re­ Butte Mooney home this week.
of Southern California, Mr. and Mrs. turn of the eans and jars.
Mrs. Charlotte Brown ami hei
G. M. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hoxtc,
brother, Mr. Bemis, of San Diego,
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Venske and a
Calif., motored to the John Palmer
After wandering for two days, wit,n
out food or shelter in the Cascade
Belknap springs.
George Emerson Miller, seven year
old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller,
residing near Santa Clara on
river road, and who had been missing
from the oamp of his parent* since
Friday afternoon, was drowned in the
McKenzie Sunday when he attempted
to wade across the stream to a fisher
man. who was perhaps the first person
he had seen since he tost his way In
the timber.
The lad evidently did not know or
the treacherous waters of the stream,
or in his anxiety to obtain help dis­
regarded the danger, as he paid no
attention to the warning «alls of the
fisherman, but continued to wade out
into the river until the swift current
caught him and carried him down.
His body was found a short distance
from where he entered the water, hav­
ing lodged against a log. A man witti
a strong rope about him to save him
from the rushing water, waded out
and recovered the body.
The boy, who had been camping
with his parents near the springs for
several days, wandered o ff Friday
afternoon about four o ’clock and at
nightfall when he did not return a
large searching party of campers
covered the neighboring woods for
hours but without finding any trace
of him. The search continued Sntur-
day and Sunday. It was two o ’clock
Sunday when the lad reached thp Me
Kenzie and attempted to cross.
The funeral was held Tuesday morn
ing at Eugene and the body sent to
Holtsboro for burial.
Further street improvements have
been added to the already extensive
program for the city for the year. Thi­
n ly council has ordered the improve
nient o f Whiteaker avenue, l»-twei->t
Fifth and Ninth streets with hard
surface. The contract for laying a
larger sewer iii First alley south has
bi-ca let to H. 1.. tiodard and H. J
Jorgensen. Their bid was $|U5P50 ami
the only other bid. Ivy W. L. HiibhvlJ,
was $1100.
Godard and Jorgensen
GO WITHOUT “ SMOKES ’ have already started the work.
nt the home of lu* oui Osenr.
Mr nml Mr* Htnnton. of Astorin,
arrived nt the \V \ Witcher home
Hnturdny to upend about n week.
Mr. and Mr*. W. A. Witcher, Mr
nml Mr* Htnnton nnd Mr*. Fred
Witcher motored to Eugene nnd \V«-n<t
1 1 fig Tuesday.
Rny Nixon und Mr Johnson, of Fu
gene, took dinner ut ilo* F. J. Kent
h4»me Tuesday.
Mr nnd Mrs. W. A Witcher nnd
Mr ntol Mr*. Htnnton motored to
Hutherlin to *|**tid today with the
l«e w i* Allen family Mr*. Mien mid
Mr*. Htnnton nre daughter* of the
■ j . K.•ut nnd faiinilv ami *«• V ernt
f n aulii-« f rum the Grove inrnn kr.T
Ruminir in J A. Joll ’» grove.
Mr»! C. II Haight »••nt In Y ri’lt»,
Calif . ln» I Friday to hi-r toot her
ami ot bar relut IVI**.
l.nw rent-«• Montcith »|N-nt lb «• week
«•ml with his wife at the B b
Tinker home.
John Himit t id k nml family mi re Sun
• lay ili liner guest * at Ila- U
H.rti•ert Mason and family imoto reft
to Albany Hu mia V.
Mr. und Mrs. J. b \ Volga morn, <»f
Vancouver, Wash., parents of Mrs.
I .u w re nee Brown, returned to their
houle Thtirftdnv, after u week’s visit
at the It row a home.
Mr*, t’ora If ile mim, of Vniirotivew,
Wash., sister of Mr*. Brown, with her
two daughters, who had been visitili;*
at tIn* Brown home, hnve gone to
Mabel, where they will visit before
returning home.
Leota Brown, who is spending the
summer with her grandmother at Fu
gene, is home for a week ’* visit.
Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Nixon nnd the
llinshnw family art* leaving tomorrow
for a week’* stay at Newport.
A Henttle burglar stole n kiss from
a sleeping member of the household
and, as usimi, overlooked n large puck
age of the suine kifid of valuables.
• • •
It seems as if it takes n streak of
hard lack (o make some people believe
in religion.
• • •
There is un excuse for everything,
but we don't know what the one is for
writing this.
Ciirnrr west Malt) and Fari Mr ingh
way, cumiixmcin» at I p in.
Saturday, July 30, ’21
l»nrk Jersey cow, 17 years olii,
giving I gals milk; 4 year old row,
fresh hi tt* week*; Durham row
(with calf), 5 years old; Durham
cow, M years old; 2 plows, 12 inrh
and Hi inch; t1 » farm wagon; good
double hum«***; *mg!c cultivator)
good separator; one new seven
piece set (oak) never used; seven
«lining chairs; library table; 2
rocker*; 2 | torch chairs; Morris
«’hair; foot stool; five passenger
Foni in fine shape and 1 ^ ton
Ford truck in good rnodition; 14
inch Oliver plow; ll inch plow; in
ciibator atid many small tools; trot
ting colt, .*! years old; mare und
rim ; other slock nini
Come F.ariy and Avoid the Rush.
R. Timmons,Owner
C O Dr V E R E . Anctloneer.
RO Y TIM M O N S. Clerk.
Hardly any question about what will happen if you
use Sentinel Wantads. They work while you sleep
and never ask any time off. Thirty-five words for
thirty-five cents— or thirty-five words three weeks
for seventy cents.