A R C A D E T H E A T E R W E E K L Y PROGRAM K ri— " T h e Stranger.” A So! Lessre production. A stir­ ring full-blooded romauce of the far west. A story of fights and thrills. Kddy Polo in "K i n g of the Circus,” chapter 17. Sat.— "C o ld Steel,” .1. P. McGowan. A story of swift action and big moments in the great southwest, where civilisa­ tion is conquering the desert where man’s beat asset is his courage. Comedy, "C a l l a T a x i,” Snub Pollard. Sun.— " A Private Scandal,” May McAvoy. A good many things happened, many of them bordering on grim trag­ edy. But little M a’mselle Loyalty never once faltered in her task of keeping still and holding that family together. "B lu e Sunday,” by Lyons and Moran, showing what would happen to the country if the socalled reformers had their wav entirely. Don't miss it, it is the funniest thing you ever saw. M on-Tues "M a r y Pick ford in "P o lly a n n a .” From Klenor H. Porter’s novel by the same name. One of the great stories which the amusement loving world is interested in. Critics everywhere assert that " P o lly ­ anna” is one o f the greatest picture plays ever filmed. Wed. Marguerite Clark in " Kasy to G et.” All women are easy to get if you use the right system. A bride of two hours just started on her honeymoon and that’s what her husband tells a friend. And before hubby got her — well y o u ’ll say he had to go some. Thurs Koy Stewart in "T h e Lone Maud.” A real western, one that you have been craving for. One in the big open western country, where their only playmates are coyotes. A two reel comedy, "F la p Jacks. ” Tales of the Town Mr». John Culp arrived Wednesday I from Eugeue and is visiting Mr». Johu J Barker. Mr und Mrs J. I. Jouea and dnngh ters Grace and Inei motored to Shedd last Thursday to attend the Jersey cattle breeders' picnic. From there they went to Salem, where they visited with the W. C Conner family* New This W eek A 2-pound cotton bat t, ready sowed, Mini fury, white as snow uml Charles YaiilV iiburg goes to Eugene every day for treatments for an abse** fino grado of cotton shipped direct troni the manufacturers, only on his upper jaw. Waldo Hull, of Portland, is visiting $1.15 his parents, Mr. ami Mrs. John Hull Merritt Eddy has bought a For® sedan of Woodson Brothers, Ootton flannel, heavy and''light weight, hlcaehcd and brown, at Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Titus leave Sun­ day to spend two or three weeks at new low prices. McCredie springs. Rev. J. 8. Penix will conduct ser vices morning and evening in the Bap­ Satin Ijftssa, a desirable dress goods for now, inches wide, tist church. N. J. Nelsou brought a new lhulge colors white, blaek and light blue. Priced per yard, only 50c up from Eugene Tuesday. Mr. uud Mrs. C. C. Cruson, Mr. Crusou's father, G. W. Cruson (of Lebanon), and Mrs. Crusou’s sister. Miss Minnie Wilcox, left Wednesday afternoon hv motor for California. Miss Wil?ox will return to her post tiou there with the Pacific Telephone A Telegraph company. Mrs. t) W. Cruson had motored up from Lohanoa Monday with hor husband, returning 10c home the next day. Hon Ami, per package, only Mrs. Carl Sears, wishing not to i ni s s an issue of the compendium of home 15c 20c glass of jelly news, writes that thev have moved from St. Helens to Hillsboro. 20c Hulk raisins, per pound, only C. F Walker writes from Ashland that the family now has no permanent | address. They seem to comteuiplate lawn party Friday afternoon, previous returning from California to Oregon. to her departure for Portland, where Ansel Parker, who was drowned a» S O C IE T Y she and Mr. Bucklev will spend the Oregon City a few days ago and summer. Mrs. Buckley's pupils prr buried at his home iu Eugene, was a The Eastern Star lodge held its an­ seated her with a box o f pretty sta cousin of C. M. Parker, of this city. nual picnic Friday evening out h I> o u t tionerv. I Wm. Thum and Charles Gettys spent two miles on Row river. About 20O the week with Alex Lundburg at An ice cream social was given Frl Phone 70 | Landpark. were present and the occasion was a j Corner of Fifth and Main day night at the Nels Lewis home a* most enjoyable one. The coffee for | W. B Cooper and Mr. Fields left by Divide in honor of Mr. and Mrs Will the occasion was furnished by Clossett j Lewis, of Wheatland. Calif. Those motor Sunday for Raymond, Wash., on A Devers, of Portland, and its prepar­ present were Mrs. Lee Dugan and ' business. ation was superintended by Mrs. children. Mrs. Ed. Tullar and son, Miss Gladys Chapman is visiting nt Humphrey, who was here last wees Mrs. G. I . Alleman. Mrs F M Chap Newport. outing. He re|Mirts that he rout limes » A It* at private Mill* for rttnh h«* f«»l W cl to II |MII n t dill* Sonili of Ilo- J m 11 lit demonstrating Oregon products. man and children, Mrs. A. E. Fostee low 1 ng ilencnlu*«! p' •tom«'» 1 r l o l i g l l l l * t«* of beginning, said |*oiiit Itcing in the Albert Griffin is visiting in Port tu improve iu health. •#**>♦ and Miss Viola Foster. renter of the County road, nud thi-nri* | land. Mrs Rosetta Miller, of Walla Walla, » M i l l estate: Mrs. E. O. O. Groat entertained ♦ ♦ ♦ H- •tfinnititf in Sec 13, T. SO S. It 3 j North to the pince of bcgiuutug In Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Brumfield is visiting her father, “ Ciicle’ ' Huruc Wednesday, July 20, with a 12 o'clock Mrs. H. W. Titus entertained pleas and Win Brumfield motored over from Watch. it the S. E **« ruer o f til* public 1 See. I I. Tp 211 H R. .A W, in Ijiue dinner, the guests being Mrs. Groat "s antly Tuesday afternoon for the M. P. Miss Nellie Mvers anil her nephew, hchooi proiNTt v, nt o t h * ' f i e 1* Norili l<> I County, t ir**gou Marshfield Sunday and are visiting- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Z. L. Cox, with Dated this Jvh day of July, 1921, Elliert Smith, Jr., were in Eugene the North»nj*t '«»ruer *» f the M 1 their family. Miss Bertha Cox, Miss i G. club. Miss Nellie Myers and Miss i their people here. 1 Church property , a« Ijotnitiftf thi | * u l . l i e j mol tile fust publication hereof the Rosetta Marsh (of Elmira) and W. J. Lola Howe were guests. Miss Elirabeth Allen arrived from Wednesday. gpth day of July, 11*21. Chedxev (of Corning, Calif). Mr. nnd Mrs. Will Mattox and two school pniportv on the No rth : f h«*nr«* j Kingslaml. Ark., and is visitiug he» J AMES H. OZMKNT, The IjiComus club held its annual sister, Mrs. E. O. Sultsmau. children have arrived from California East 7H f i T t , the nr« S o u t h 2 HO fo«*!, to I • * • Administrator Mrs. J. W'. Buckley entertained her picnie vesterdav afternoon. to make their home and are visiting nt the «‘«•titer o f ill 1* t 'outtty r H fl«), l he II re 1 J2t*aS*1vej Jerome Scott, grandson of Mr and . . . the home of Mr. Mattox’s parents, Mr Presbvterian^nndinr^chooMdass^u Mrs. W. I.. Darby, returned Monday Row River Society. and Mrs. J II Bennett. Mrs. Mattox A number of the friends and nci gh 1 from Olympia, Wash., where he had had made six tri|w her* in two months been with his mother. bors of Mrs. Irvin George gave her a and eon vi need her husband that Cot­ Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Nelson, Sr., vis tage Grove was the only city worth pleasant surprise last Wednesday af ited relatives at Coburg Sunday. ternoon. the occasion being her birth living in. day anniversary. The afternoon was Mr. und Mrs. James Groom sjient J. F. Knox and family returned the spent in pleasant conversation and mn Sunday at Walker at the home of Mrs. first of the week from an outing nt sic. Refreshments were served. Groom's sinter. Mrs. M. C. Smith Newport. Mrs. H. C. Riches and little son re- The Presbyterian rhur.h h«s »st Mrs. Charles Pleunrd entertained turoed Friday, from Silverton. where purchased a new piano. with a delightful party Friday night they had visited two mouths with Mrs. A piekup team from here played at in honor of her daughter, M i s s Nellie, Riches’ parents. 1 .oudoti Sunday, London brooking olio who left Saturday for an extended Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Shaw-, of Glen­ iu the tenth iuiiing and winning H to W ith our banking method*. visit at Woodbum and Hubbard. Re­ ___ freshments of ice cream, cake and wri dale, spent the week end with Mrs. 5. You will then be convinced j Shaw 's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C fers were served. that your money will be ab­ PLAY8HED FOR WEST SIDE ________________ | Mill-hell. SCHOOL 18 CONTEMPLATED solutely safe if placed with us. Miss Clara B. Hunt, who tatd been Wm. I-aekey went to Drain Hatur v isiting for a month w ith Miss Mamie ! day to visit his daughter, Mrs. Alby Small accounts are accepted The school board has called for bids Knox, left yesterday for her home tn i Ritchey. and appreciated as well as the for the erection of a plnyshed at the Seattle. | Robert Sherwood and family, o f west sid e S ch ool. A shed was e r e r te il large ones and will receive ~ ^ ~ “ “ ” — —“ “ — “ “" " " " P o r t l a n d , v i s i t . - d th< pa » t w e e k it t h e last year for (he east side sch ool. prompt and careful attention. NOTICE OF CALL FOR BIDS home of Mr. Sherwood’s mother, Mrs. Remember— the big accounts Benjamin Thrasher. Miss Dora Weatherson, of Florence, A D M IN IS T R A T O R 8 S A L E O r R E A L were small in the beginning. Notice is hereby given that the di PRO PER TY. rectors of School District No. 45, Ijine visited during the pnst week at the County, Oregon, will receive sealed home of her uncle, George O. Knowles, In the County Court of the State ol bids for the construction of one play nnd Miss Elnor Knowles returned tn MEM BER Oregon for Lane County. house to be erected upon the west Florence with her for a visit. In the mailer of the estate of Ri­ Mr. and Mrs R. H. Elliott arrive® FEDERAL RESERVE side school grounds as per specifica­ tions on file with the district clerk. yesterday from Pittsburg and went to becca White, deceased. SYSTEM , Notire is hereby given that by vlr Bids should be filed with district clerk l.nrane to visit the Edlefsens. Twin sons were born Wednesday tue of an order of sale, inaile by the on or before August 5, 1921, the board reserving the right to reject any or all to Rev. nnd Mrs. Ernest I>*e, o f tbe County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Lane, « huh order Bohemia Lumber rom|inny’a camp. bids. Miss Bertha Cox. of this city, and was made mul entered the 22rd day Dated at Cottage Grove, Oregon, thl« W. J. Chedrey, of Corning. Calif., a of August, 1921, the undersigned ml 1 h day of Julv, 1921. "T h e Old Reliable” visitor in the city, visited Wednesday niiaistrator of the estate of Rebecca | Attest: A. W R IlfE , Worth Harvey, Clerk. Chairman. evening at Saginaw with Mr. and Mr». White, ileeeascd, will on and after the 27th day of August, 1921, offer for B. Johnston. W. E. Field, of Kings Mountain, N. C. , who had been a guest at the John Baker home, left the first of the week looking for a moving picture location. Mrs. Field, sister of Mr. Baker, to gether with her son, will remaiu at the Baker home until Mr. Fiol® locates. Mr-. W. L. Darby, Mr«. A. Me A boy, Mrs. F. J. Alstott and Gladys Jackson motored to Eugene last evening to at tend the W. C. T. 1J. lecture by Mrs. Mary Harris Armour, o f Georgia. Mr. nnd Mrs. O. O. Crawford, of Enterprise, were guests the first or the week o f Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Gat loway, former residents of that city, ('onipletely, thoroughly cl< nm-il and of Miss Ada Matthews, teacher by our F L A T W O R K niethmlH, in the schools there. Grange meeting August <5, subject: yet y r pretterve your linen. " A Vacation and What It Is Wortn Try uk . to the Farmer and His Fam ily." Rot! call, "W h at Would Vou Enjoy Most as a V acation." Geneva Kimc left yesterday for Port land to .visit her sister, Mrs. Roy Ro A t First-class Garage® main«. Mrs. N. E. Manock visited yesterday Ring Da Dp Phona 70 and other Dealers in Saginaw yesterday with her sister, Mrs. Everett Powell. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Wigle, of Eu­ gene, who had been visiting their son Fred, returned home yesterday. — — Mrs. James England nnd daughter F Lae ill- returned yesterday to their home i f in Salem, after a month’s visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grub*, with their son-ill law and daughter, Mr. an® Mrs. Hehofield Stewart, and their lit­ Mudi’ from pasteurized cream, tle grandson, Joseph Grube, are spend ing the week at Newport. guaranteed to l*e satisfactory. Panline Schneider, o f Ixirane, re turned yesterday from Eugene nnd Is Your grocer is instructed to re­ visiting Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Moore. Mrs. Alta King, o f Eugene, was tn place the butter or refund your the city Wednesday morning on busi­ money if you are not satisfied. ness. Mrs. J. Q. Willits was called to The responsibility is our Reno, Nev., Wednesday by the death o f her brother, Manley Wharton. He own. Thera was 57 years of age arid leaves a wife Are No nnd two sons. BubatUntaa Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Bennett are up for Dairy from Portland this week on business. Cottage Grove Fonda Rev. D. A. MacLeod, former Presby Oregon terisn pastor here, arrived Tuesday from Pittsburg, where be spent several d S & M _________________ months, and will go to Newport for an Grocery Specials P ow ell & B u r k h o l d e r First National Bank 7 c V ia r y P i c k f o r d in Pollyanna T he Sign of a Service Pressing Every Day rhe COTTAGE GROVE LAUNDRY Tw o Days— Monday and Tuesday August 1 and 2 at Arcade Theatre S pìi î K uhp ÎHranii îB u ttrr Knowles & Gräber 1 H ardw are and F u rn itu re Cottage Grove Creamery J