T T R K A S U R l'R 'H 8 E M I A N N U A L F I N A N C I A L S T A T E M E N T OF C I T Y O O TTA O E OROVE. OREGON. FROM D E CEM BER 31, IMO. TO J U N E 30. I M I . I N C L U S I V E GENERAL FUND Dulnnre December 31, 1920................. ........ ......... . Received from county treasurer, I t i m .......... ......... Received from city recorder, fines und licenses .. Received from miscellaneous sources..................... Paid wnrraut»..™..................... ..... ............ ........ I ‘aid interest ou warrants.......... ................... I‘aid bond interest.... ........ .................. ...... ................ OF Neighborhood News WALDEN ♦ 887.20 . 4.429 90 (Special to The Sentinel.) July 7 C lifford l.cbow returned to Albany Tuesday, after spending a lew days with home folks. Mrs. Fresimi Smith was railed to Seattle Saturday to attend the full crai o f her sou. Howard Osterson. Fred Frost and Itiunly *|iciit the Fourth ut Walker with the S. E Low ry family. Mrs. R O. Imndwclir and children returned to their home at Kroll Tins day, after s|M'udiug a month visitili)’ relatives. M IMJ4 Kilt li I .«'I mi » r«'t unirti to |.xn> H ollo» T»»«**«dny. Fr«*«l Frust ami Harry <'»»*! I«* havr* |iurvhMM«il a m*» mowing iittithiti«* Mis* II atti«* l«4‘b o » ü}M*iit a f«*» «Invi* ui th«* Uro\«* li«*I}»ini' lo r aunt, M in . J. l\ l*ort«*r, ««»ok for hay ImmU. Tlo* tii'or^«* Hastings family an* «*\ l i ’iim i; t«» mow* Lack on th«*ir pla<*«' noon. I\irii A «lain» aiol family, o f Oak la ml. »«»r«* out to tlo'ir ranch Momlav. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith tire vis iting at the Preston Smith home. 31300 725.00 ( 1.510 12 101 01 003.15 Mil :»s Balance Jim. SOL 1021 $ 0,3*5.79 $ 6.385.79 W ATER FUND $ Balance December 31. 1020 B i n ivi il i Mm reata Received from miscellaneous sources------ 10.95 7,372.01 6.071.71 $ 1,377.22 12.19 o.ooo.oo 2,301.37 700.89 hU I warrants l'aid interest on warrants Paul bond' Paid bond interest IVilaini Jaat . — ........... ........ IMI $13,15107 SEWER FU N D Bnlanee December 31, 1920....................................... Received from enmity treasurer, taxes........... Received from miscellaneous sources r Warrants paid i !, i . 11 at on ararraata bills l i e .lime 30, M U $ $13,151.07 398.99 851.03 2.0*5 39 $ 1.830.00 .78 1,504.57 $ 3.335.11 t 3.333.11 (Sewer fund carries un|>md registered street warrant for $58130) L IB R A R Y FUND 310 11 Received from county treasurer, taxes — ♦ Paid to library board--- --------- -------------------- --- — t 310.11 S T R E E T F I ND 206.72 Balance December 31 1920 538.67 B ’ 18•cciubcr 31, 1920 . Ha lance bond issues • A ' * and 1(18.99 Balance bond issue ‘ C " Ik't't1iu ber 31. IM S 1,032.00 Balance bond i « i e ' D " IK1«'«1ut ber 31. 1 MO 171 57 Balance bond issue * K ’ ’ IW «' miter 31, 1620 117 ’ G Bn In M e Is.r.u i»»ue * F ” Uv « «' tuber 31. IMO 371.08 B' laure I hiiu I issue ‘ li ” I )«*«•«•in 1» r 31. IMO 369.94 balance boud issue " 11 • D«‘f« UllsT 31. IMO 4,539.30 Received from eouuty treasurer, taxes 180.59 Received from miscellaneous sources *01.30 and ‘ ' B ” Received from pay meats boud issues “ A 137.00 Received from payments boud issue " O ” 1,110.71 Received from payments bond issue • II 191.33 Received from payments bond issue • E ‘ *57.2* Received from payments boud issue • F ’ 1*1 09 Received from payment* bond issui' 2*3 75 H ' Received from pay meats bond issue 435.00 Received from )>ayiuuuis alley No. 2 Paid ivarrants .. Paid interest on warrants................ .... .......... .......... .......... — Paid boud issue " E ” ________________________________________ Paid boud interest__......... ....... ................. ..................... .......... Balance street fund June 30, 1921 ......... ........... ................. Balance lioiid issues “ A ” aud *’ B ” ----------------------------- Balance bond iamm i4C " .................................. ........................ Balance bond i>5lie ” D ’ ’.---------------- -------------- ----------- Ha Is in e boud issue “ K " _________________ _______________ ___ balance boud issue “ F .................. ... . ._ Balance bond issue “ O ’ 1.......................... ................ ......... ... Balance bond issue “ H ” ________________________ __ ________ Balauce alley No. 2__________________________________________ LORANE. (Special to The Sentinel.) July 7.— The Fourth o f July was a quiel day here as most o f the |ample 310.11 celebrated by going to Cottage Grove. A few however held fnmilv picnics, while others remained ut home for re«t. and others cutertniued fiii-ud» from the eitv who enjoyed the vrccX end in the wonderful woods. Fred Wentworth mid son Demi, of Summer Rest, with Mi-- Eva Went worth, Arthur Addi'-on and daughter Helen, o f Eugene, were guests o f Ed Addison over the Fourth. Ml'S Myrtle Hilbliell, o f dToltage Grove, who 1ms been a guest at Sum 310 1 1 $ 1,725.46 ! SU M 3,500.00 *11.27 I 231.79 231.16 111.61 213.39 525.19 731 97 211.10 243.95 435.00 Isn't it itWiul linn» you start»-'! to save? W e solicit your ac­ count, whether it he large or small. Our large resource* atol ever increasing list of UepoHi torn i* hut the natural outcome of furnishing to the people an entirely satisfactory service. $12,26*. 2* $12,268.28 B OND A N D W A R R A N T I N T E R E S T FI N D Received from county treasurer, taxes.............. ....... .... ...... # 1,702 20 Warrants paid W’arraut interest paid Balauce June 30, 1921 $ 1.393.07 50.*9 258.21 M LM M Lrt F E D E R A I. R E S E R V E $ 1.702.20 $ 1,702.20 W A R R A N T S O U T S T A N D I N G , R E G IS T E R E D , A N D N O T P A I D F u R W A N T OF FUNDS General fund_________________________ ________________________________ $ 17.315.35 Water fund_________________ - __________ ___ ___________________________ 5,700.73 Street fund_______________________________ _ _____________ ___ _________ ___ 8,066.81 Total.... S Y S T E M , First National Bank “ The 01.1 Keliahte” $ 31,0*2.89 BONDS O U T S T A N D I N G Water, issue 19ol, 5'>. Water, issue 1904, 5r7r ___ Water, issue 1910. 5%. Sewer, issue 1904, 5rY- Funding, issue 1910, 6%. 15.000. 20 . 000 . 00 88 . 000.00 15.000. 30.000. Total Issue Issue Issue Issue _____ $168.004*00 BO N D S O U T S T A N D I N G , ISSI ED U N D E R B A N C R O F T ACT * E ” 6 % ------------------------------- -------------------------------------------4 3,144.00 F * ’ ñr/r ------------------------------------------------- 12,498.27 * G ” 0 % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3,000.00 1 H ’ ’ 6 % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- G,000.00 00 W A N T A D S 1 (S|M>cm| tu The Seat un 11 July ti. M i " |b-"iii t'hupniiin re liirne'l tu Iter Imun' at Sanili Ulani Siindny, nfter lis itin g ut tlie D. I. bugiami limile. Mr. nnd Mrs. .1. Il, Kirk nini son W'ayae, wiili his « d e , mntnred tu Eu gene Frnluy tu ni temi thè Americau Isigimi comention. Mr. nini Mrs. |t F. Ih iiis nini ■lmighter (ìlmlvs, nf Druin, uml Mr nnd Mrs. Alien uml i hddreti, uf thè tirme, 'I»eiit Frulny tifterinHin ni thè C. A. ViiiiAdnnai k homi* M r. and Mrs Stanley Dnnn'wnod re tiirneil limile Thuroday frinii Oakrtdge. Mr. nini Mrs. Einmit Kirk nini clul dren, nf Mnn ola, nini Mr. nud Mfs. Clny Eugland, o f thè Grove, visi tei) frieinls nini relnlives here Muinlny. M r. nud Mrs Is'o W ilson, o f Spring field, visitod scienti d a r» tlns week nt thè limili* nf Mrs. Wilson Vs parciits, Mr. nnd Mrs. (ìisirge Slnelds. Mr. nini Mrs. Unrroll llnrlnw, o f Eugeni', were Suinlny guests nt thè tlieti Beoti homi*. Mr. nini Mrs. Kverett W righi, o f Eiigeiie, s|»'nt sei croi day* at thè W \ Latid homi* this week. Isdtie YnnSi luiini'k went to Eugeni* Mondny for n few dn vs’ lis i!. Mr. nini Mrs, .1 II Kirk nini dnugh ter Ib'rtlm -peni klmnlnv ni-'lit nt thè .1. E Holstrom hmne nt Mnreola. Mr. nini Mrs. R, |> Wilsmi, o f Springfield, visited fnemls here Mini ilay. Mr nini Mrs. Wm. Ilemenwnv nr rived Suini iv fmm l.ns Auge Imi, Cali f , Jn r n lisi! w ith M rs . ............... . . 's Do you keep chicks or do your chick (K|ieeinl to The Sentinel.) eu* keep yout Silver l^uill* have July fi Charles Witcher nini fnm the In) bred in them by many year* rlv, nf Mohler, arrived ut the homo o f Mrs. W A I, H»*rhi rt Kakin, treasurer o f th«* City o f Cottage Grove, Or«*gon, tlo hereby o f trapueatiiig Baby chirks and hatch hi* iMirents, Mr. nnd certify that, to the best o f my know!«*dge ami b«-li**f, the for«*goiiig is a true mg eggs. Win. liauds A bull, Bo* 611, Witcher, Friihty and left tndnV for Cottage Grove, Ore. Phone 1 F2. il.'tllf Port land, where they w ill visit before and eorr«*«*t statement o f the amounts received, paid out am! r«*maifling on hamJ in th«* treasury o f Cottage Grove, Oregon, from statement rendered I>** Prompt Jitney service at City Trausfei returning home. cember 31, 192U, to June 30, 1921, inclusive, ami o f bonded and warrant indebt Mr. und Mrs. W. E. Stevens nnd Compauy. Phone 99. j- 'tfc children, o f Möhler, are making n ____________ HERBERT E A K IN . Bhip by U. & U. Transfer motoi w e e k ’s visit nt the W. A. Witcher freight. Daily trips between Eugene home, Mr'. Stevens had her tonsils und t^ottuge Grove, counecting at removed Tuesday. Mr. Stevens and Eng. i*e with motor to Portland. Bang' Mrs. Witeher motored to Eugene today Livery Oarage, Eugcue. apr22tfe to bring her home. w Mr. nnd Mrs. D. Shnw, o f rngene, For 8aJe C h ild 's bed and m a ttr e s s In fine condition. Mr*. Elbert Smith, were over night guest* Sntiirdnv nt Fifth and t^umey, phone 166 J. tfpd the home o f their nephew. Osear la r k son. For Sale. Regintered O. I. C pig* About n bund red |s'fiple ali* picnic immediate delivery. George Rebel beck, phone 39F 21. ¿lie 17Hpl30pd dinner in the J. A. Jnll grove Sunday. Among those who won prizes at the For Sale.- Team, weight about llOu rnecs in the Grove were C. ( ’. Conner, each. Ed. Brasher, London, Ore., Lvle Jackson nnd Rena Cornuti. phone 23F 15. jne2t jly 22j. Mrs. C. H. Ilaight nnd dnughters Wanted. Quilt pieces to piece On were caller* nt th** fs'bnw home in shares. Address bos 313, Cottage Lynx Hollow Hundny. Grove, Ore. jni-21 jlyhpd Inez Tucker and l.nw'renee Mnnth'th 3 H. P. electric motor for sale cheap. were married in Eugene Thursday. A Bank o f Cottage Grove. jim 'J I jly»< number o f the neightmr* gathered in For Hale 60 head o f sh^ep. $3 each; Hundny everting to pay their respeets Mrs Montieth is 10 tou. hay baler for sale or trade. to the newly Weils. Phone 20 F23, Cnrl E. Clark, I.onine staving with her father Fhr the pres route. jue 21jly«|»l eat. Mr. nnd Mrs. Lawrence Brown mo llenmtitchiiii: and picotmg attachments toreri to Eugene Hominy to H|mml the $2. Buttonhole attaeliuient $9.85. Fourth with Mr B row n’s pnrents. Fit* liny aevving machine. Needle The Hnrvey Robinson family M|mnt threaders 25e. S elf threading needles '¿Tx' package. i ’eraonnl cheeks 10c the Fourth with Mr. Robinson's [sir ents in the Grove. extra. Lights Mull Order House, box Norn Anderson is spending the week 127, Birmingham, Ala. jly I 22p nt the const nt the home o f Mr. mill Girl wanted to assist with housework. Mrs. F. Flick. 11 i - Ida Milh r. Jly i I5pd Frank .loll was in Eugene Tuesday. Mr and Mrs. Lewis Allen, o f Suther Lost.--Between 300 N. Douglas str*et and H. B. tc M. store, brooch; bios lia, visited Sunday nml Monday with Mrs. A lle n ’s parents, Mr. mid Mrs. W win design with sets. Return to The A, Witeher. Hentiuel, jlI. hhd 20". Drop on Pennsylvania Vacuum Cup Tires and for a limited period we are adding to the 20% drop one of the famous Ton Tested Pennsylvania Tubes Free ^ ou haven’t had a tire and tube offer like this for years. Buy nowl You can now aliord to make those purchases which you have been holding up waiting for just such an opportunity as this. TH E S E R V I C E G A R A G E S P R A Y , L 0 N Í P & C R Tí S O N Wanted To hear from owner o f good ranch for sale, (state cash price, full particulars. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. jlySpd llnrvey Taylor held n pinne dinner un the creek Monday. Mrs. Jessie Gilcrlst nml family, Mi limi Mrs. Ilinshuvv uml futuily nini W I. Kimble ami E T. Cullile nud sou Job It Ilka, held n picnic dinner mi Mon dny nt the home uf Mr». J. Q A Young. XI r nud Mr*. G O Kuppinif und fnmilv. Mr, uml M i« (I M Ke lie I beck uml fuuiily, Mr». John Kcbclbcck nud i'll 1 til ri* it held u picnie dinner on Wil »on crock Monday, Mr. nml Mrs. Jncksou Sprlnkcl aim hiihy, of Juuclloa City, nre visiting » it t i Mr* Mprilikel'n pure ut», kl r nud Mis. Harvey Taylor. Mr. nml Mrs. Guy Jelikina, o f the tlrove, luive moved onto the M II Anderson place. KtiV Ni'Unlt, uf M h I»«*I, n | m *||| Muitjiiv » l l l i hm k m im II ii IIi#*r, H U I#«»rin l><*r!«l<*N Hliort Hkurt«. N«*» Yurk, .lini«* 2H Hi’iml NiimMt r n !>I»* n , itN «‘ x I i i I h I in I hi I) ii * n $* hux» iiiN|tir«*tl tin* K»V. Juli II H'Mu h HI mimi, lniNlor uf III«* f n lw ir y H i »|«I» n I «Im nli, l«l IM* II H * » Ilici» »MN l*ttll»j» (li rullati i IN Nettuni «'«liliuii hi lli<* §»•• I* li<* limit* lutlny. Wrule I»r. Hlrftton: " Mu ry limi it hill«* ilrirl, Tin* luti*Nt Mlylu, nu !« ■* * ''rtu ri* i« it Nfyl$* fur w«im«*ii *«• «lr«*«H*i » f i n i i iw in Iitiriiimiv » i l l » lb«* I ii » n uf ttiiiinliuii u n well iiN tliu |iriii<'i|il«*N of IIIU«|«* m | V, * ' be n || ill, n«.ti't bnv«* nny "Im Inm uf wbnl r u i ’ li « h i «I n i i*«*ur«l . i 4 I . . i It. lim ilurw K«*r|» Irurk I » v IIHMI|¿ «*|||¿ For nul#« l»y T b r H«'nlmrl li i» i» 1 f . -I DO RENA. mother, «ister nml brolher. Mrs. Cnro line Dooliltle, Mrs. (irnnt Bnles nnd Hugh Ibuili11 li*. Hates— One eeut the word; mini | ■ f i a m! Mi* • | \ V a i S- boia. L iniiiu 35 word*) three luaertiou* lor | nini smis Rnv nini C b ffm d nndnred to the price o f two wheu paid iu nd | Eugene WeitneS'la v. vniice; half eeut the word after | | the third ituertioo. I D E L IO H T V A L I.E Y ♦ --------------------------------------------------- ♦ 00 00 — mrr Resi, speut thè Fourlli al lumie. a |*iri o f Ilio dny ami uII lire ligd In She » i l i relliru lo Isiroiic this vvcck. pmine o f (Ile bi nili li ni filini*, The wi II drillern lui ve siruek water Ononr Wheeler left Tuesiluy fur ut 215 feci oli thè ucw high sehovil Idoli a. alle. The building » i l i bc started al Mr. uml Mr*. Arthur Wooleott uml once. boys culted Siimlnv nflernoou nt Mr* I he l.oraue bn*eball tenni vvou thè Lou Wheelor’». g-iuio ut Cantini thè Foutth 9 lo 6. Isnnc New house nnd fuuiity, o f Cui Ih# laiys rvceived tha $75 cash pine. iformn, visited Tuesdny evcnnig with Th.... 'ame boys l,oa«l o f »iiin lu g all Mr. New li mi se ‘s ntllit, Mrs l.oug, w ho llie g i n n ' Mici liave played ibis yeur is unite ili nt thè John Asliliy homi* Mr. uml Mrs l*inlie Ibnlnrd nml Dr. N. R Luther lina old In* rea iih'iiee and i» moviiig lo Cnmas Ynlley Miss l ’enrl Ashliy IIttendili tlie Altieri Chester Ulivi a, tlie buyer, » i l i Iieeilpy enti Legnili pielite Huiuluy. tilt* pluee aoon. Mr. nini Mr». I. oii Mct'uy limi «mi nml Mr uini Mr». .In*. Mruw alee inni bnbv girl carne out from tlie ttrovv K I T T L E RIDDE. Wei)ui'«ilny eveiillig lo vi«lt Mr». Long July 1. Iliiyiug ia in full binai ni. li. W Giirm r '» mother, Mrs Dilli thè rtdge. gii»», o f Mnlvnlc, Itili., I» Vlsltiag III I.en Nlociini nini lln rie y Stimi were thè Gnrner houle. ili thè Univc Stilurdny. Ilarvey Inmglit u new bimler » Itile in tow n. II EBRON. Filler Mok'lumrd » i l i liulil S e r v ic e s al thè l'hurch Su li dii y. (Special tu The Smitint'l ) lui ile Z ip Tallii iiuler rreciveil a JilI\ i. Mr». Le»toc, uf l ’uri lami, sei ere cut over I he enr TIiesday, nml Mrs A. S. Poni II. of tlie Giove, iniised by standing tini iienr his vinileil u puri o f lii'l week villi lluur fnther i^ Ile Mas slinging thè ambile bruther, George Taylor. ola his hurse, ht-ing «truck bv ime o f Some o f Mary Vincent ‘» si hom thè slirrii|iH. male» gnve her n surpfise party Fri Atra \nii Siijiderhnwe, Croni Riqiert, dny alleninoli, it benig Iter e le veni li Wyn., \ isiti'il Iter second rousia. Belli birtliilny. She receiveil severnl idre cline Boiler, un thè rulge thè |uist prese li In. ueek. Mrs. Cliut Spriggs, uf thè Grove. Eli/n ami Meli lini Rukes eiltertuilled thè Intellerlunl l.ighls un Tueaday. visited olia dny Inst Wcck with M i» Hulijeet dlsenssi'il wns * ' 1 u eating ice Durkce, Mr. nml Mr* John Taylor ami fina cri'nm or soup, 'houhl uhi' hold thè little finger out stringi»! or sbghtly ilv, of Lnthnm, Mr. nml M i» A. S erouket! 8* Als» voteli un ......lim i; Povrcll, o f ilo* Grove, uml Mr. nml Mi*' .liinndnli Jnhastou itilo thè l.lgtlts. Mrs. Hiirvev Taylor and fnmilv held Suro Ann Sourhowe says she wuubl a (nenie dniiier Hinulny mi thè river Mr ami Mr». Ericksmi ami «mi, Mr prefer lati mg Inde' in ti clny bnuk with n willitu stick i limi lo s|K*mi mie and Mrs E l ‘. Beni me nml bnliv, Mr afterlkoou ili tIn' iiuiqsinv of solale of nml Mrs. John llarilnig nml fuiinly, of Molina, visited ln»t vvqpk ni thè Illese su cnlleil *1 uppereruster' • ’ lidi > Bowersox and fninily lim e * ’hiirle» Win te huun*. limi n i lo Fox Hiilluw'. Mr and Mr». W. T. Gnroulle ami fnmilv, nf Lnthinii, nml Mr nml M r» BILK CREF.K. (Special to The Sentinel.) July 7. Elder J. A. Rqqiey, Prof. Wanted Horses and cattle to pasture. John Weaver and Prof. Hamilton were in the neighborhood one dny Inst week. Good gross iiinl plenty o f water, in quire ot Mrs. C. C. Fouls nt Powell A Dr. Ituiter, o f Eugene, was here Burkholder store. jlhpd Monday to visit his mother, who is ifl The A. L. Chitwood family s|wnl Woodcutters Wanted Four foot wood, $2 the cord. F. C. Jones. jly 8-15c. Monday nt the W. J. Murphy home. Burnie Moe has bought n truck nnd For Hale Limited quantity o f vetch is luiiiling wood to the roek crusher. hay, $9 in shock; $2.5(1 » ton for Mrs. H. L. Fowler returned Inst delivery. I.eave orders at Service Thursdny from McMinnville. She wns Garage, J. Fletcher llnrlow. jlspd Hei'oni|sino d home by her mother in Wanted One or two furnished house law, Mrs Weston. O'l-ar Wlieejer, Mr. nml Mrs. II. W. keeping rooms. Phone 87 J. jlsp Wheeler. Mins Edith Wheeler mid Wanted -Cash paid for farm produce Ernest Diirnell look dinner the Fourth o f every kind. We pnrtii ulnrly want nt the Lou Wheeler summer home, vegetables and berries. G r a y ’s Cash Quite a number from here celebrated * Carry. jlyfcc ( tha Fourth in Cottag« Grove at leant SPO R T SILKS Reduced for July Clearance All o|i|Kiiiline t»rf«,iiiij' in tli.il it affor«Is in tlic lieart of (lie season an o|»|iortunity of choosing tin* matei’iiiI for a .sport skirt or