Cottage Grove sentinel and Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Oregon) 1915-1921, July 01, 1921, Image 2

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    -ister» mid brother in law, M i v Kilim
Johnson Mill Mr. mid
I lode I, mceutly »erioualy injured m an
automobile no idem at Oakland
Kdna Miatnined a sei ere wmdahiald
.-ash the eliti r* leuciti o f th« nove,
Mr*. Win V tiaroiitti', aoi iipuiin‘,1 « h u h al»o » i» traeturvd, u number
by Harold Du^mi. returned Muturilitv of her teeth were loosened and »he
from Turlock, Calif., where they had »usiniiied iiuother severe gu»h aero»»
Mrs. Model
been at the bedside o f Mrs Oaroutte’* the km»>.
Fri. “ if'oolii Hold", Mit ell' ll
Lewis and Florence Turner.
Kilrly Polo in “ Kiii^r of the
Circus”, chapter FI.
“ Iso U F ’, by House
Peters ami .lane Novak.
James Oliver Curtvood Story.
The pleat« st Curwood story of
them all.
An epic of the
A romance that
will be enjoyed by every man.
woman and child who sees it.
Comedy, “ All in the Air.”
Sun “ The Shepherd of the
Hills,“ by Harold Bell Wripht
Millions of |x*ople have read
the book. Millions of people
have seen the play. The picture
is a masterful visualization of
them both. Matinee.
Comedy, “ Under Cover.“
Mon.-Tue*. “ The Mark of
Zorro,” Do up. Fairbanks. The
background of the story is
centered around early South
ern California of nearly a
century apo.when its destinies
were zealously puarded by the
Spanish settlers. A picture of
Dotip's latest wallops and
rapid file action, a picture
action, bubbling over with
romance, chivalry and glamor.
Dempsey and Cat pent ier in
actual training.
Wcd-TImis. “ The
Master,” Hobart Boswarth, is
a sweeping romance of love
and adventure laid in the
South Seas. Gu the high s. as
ami beneath the palms of an
island in the tropics there is
enacted a colorful love drama
in which the chief players are
delicate, penile bred, gloriously
beautiful girl and an iron
willed, steel sinewed, half
tamed savage of a man a man
who has rub'il by fear and
strength always
Hobart Bos-
wurth and Anna () Nilsson in
these two roles each achieve a
great triumph.
Comedy, “ Fingers and Pock­
fUi'lurivI t u p bene ¡tint Mi. Ibulfl
frurlured lower limb.
tin account o f mi nt'Hi’i'M from ouc
o f Mis» Kitun '» Itw'lli it waa uu|»'»silile
for some tiuio to treat the injuries to
the mouth mid »he hm hnd to live
upon liquid food
file IIbsce»» broke
a week ago.
Mr» Model is yet h i a
plnster enst a ml it tin» been impoMublf
io determine how serious the injur;
to her hi|' is but is is not likelv thnt
»ho will be able to walk tor u veur
or more. On account of trouble with
her lietirt she hu» been unable to take
much medicine and her recovery ha»
been retarded on that in count.
are getting along fully as
could be cvjieeted.
Mr and Mrs \\
C ,lohn»on, |s»rcnts o f Mi-s Kdna and
Sirs. Model, who left hero fiir 1*111
ifornin at about the time tho neeident.
arrived at Turlock at the time the m
jured |ssinle were Iming moved there
from Oakland, having heard nothing
o f the neeident until the time o f their
arriv al.
Mr. Model was al the wheel o f the
•‘nr at the time o f the aceident. .lust
how it ha|i|>cuod is not certain, but
they were traveling upon
where repairs were in progress and
tra ffic had been routine* to one side
o f the street
The Model rar nun into
a street rar using the »nine street.
Streets. S e v e n *ud M i»
celiandoli* Business.
New Dry Goods
F.mhroiderv linen, first grade, ;i 11 linen, 18-incli, 15 cents; 2-l-incIi,
‘>0 cents per vani.
Another shipment, fit HI, o f those soft
liked so well and at still lower prices.
A goo«I weight towel
Good music—good time
at Moose Hall .
Saturday, July 2
Jitney Dance
at Same Place Night of the 4th
Douglas Fairbanks
The Mark of Zorro
Monday-Tuesday, July 4 and 5
O F U S P E C I A L , 21x10, pure M«*n«-h, absorbent, heavy enough for
a blanket, only (».'» cents.
Grocery Specials
WV will still sell a full sized can o f tomatoes for 10 cents.
A large can o f le d salmon, good grad e , no pink slush, for 10 cents.
A four pound can S w i f t ’s Jewel Shortening, l > cents
Ntljoiiriit «I meet
Frank Pleunril was present uud re
fused to accept from city an o ffe r
umierstiHMl to he better than that ac
cepted from county f «*r his pro|»ert\
nettled for the eonsfruction o f I'acifi«-
highway out o f the city to tin* smith
Coiolemnation pro«*t»ediiigs are m prog
The city engineer submitted hi**
estimates upon the amount o f work
completed upon M str«*«*t and north
l.ain* street.
Payments in accordant*'
therewith allowed.
KVrnussion granted owners o f th*
cemetery t«» extend the pipe line.
Street Commissioner Pitcher was in
structed to have willows cut along
Pacific highway where necessary and
to flush the city fir«» hydrants.
Old frit hut* may b«* clcuiit'd and
W. B CiHtpcr of fer* d to I«*:»-«* to th» cut nit»» u««*f»il form* f«»r ** holder»’ ’
city a piece of prop«*rtv near the rock to use about tin- *t«»v •».
quarry for 10 years for a dumping
ground for a consideration o f $250.
Snv«* Min ali cork »tup|»ers
payable in advance. O f f e r rejected.
the point o f cr«»chet hook«,
The r»*pair o f west Main street. the steel oucm , when not in (
Sixth -tr«*«*t and Tenth street was di
City engineer instrurte«1 t«>
Ihmrknob »«'r«»W's oft(*u work mil aioI
prepare plan* ami speeificatious for ht iti«« k lud» «»orne o ft. This may be
th»* permanent repair o f th«» bad |w*r prcv«»ut«*<l by removing I imim * -»i r* w
lion o f \\«*st Main.
• i»v cring them with glue and •»«,r« wing
C«» iiim il agre«*d t• * purchase the flag* them back into pia»«-.
property on Cherry court f • *r a con
sideration o f f t-, iri addition to th»-
Straw' matting may b«» cleaned will»
str»*et assessments stnmling against it
» large, coa rse -loth dipped in "alt
Str»s*ts ordere<| «•!«*?» ih *«1 for
i lid water au«l then w i | h »«I dry. Tin*
matting from turning
alt kc«*ps th
Coum ilninn Kim«* report«*«| that s^it
health o ffie e r hnd visited her«1 h »,iD ',k’w
e i pressed himself in favor o f the
Soak t»n«ng«»s a hot w a t « r
c i t y ’s plan to s«*cure a new w:»t«*r-hed
minutes and the p«-«*bng w i II
an«! had asked for a map of th»* di •
frict, which the city will furnish.
W ater commissioner reported work
It W O n 't tb> SOlM«* III « I I mu« h g o o « l t<»
progressing on replacing .if hi feet «if
g»«t a home m heuv**n it they don t
pipe out o f the main line below
hang around it more than they do her«»
Ku in da.
'City engineer was instructed, in pre
It !i«*ats all how a woman «an think
paring specifications for south main
that a man who will st«»«»p to «*lop«*
sewer to make same include 10 inch
with li«*r is any better than the «»u«- she
I»i pe between Seventh and Eighth
is mum««! to.
streets an«! an eight inch pip«» from
the railway yards to Se\«»n*h str«'«»t.
liO M K K A. O A L U i W A Y . He«-order.
P o w e ll & B u r k h o l d e r
Scalloped Cauliflower -ttt-ullup «-auli
flower, as any vegetable is *« >«ll«.p* «1.
with alternate layers o f th«* v**g«*tuble
ami br«»ud or cracker crumbs, using
plenty o f butt**r an«i milk hi the alter
uate layers. This aerves th«» doubJc pur
pose o f making a substantial meat sub
stitute, and also * ‘ stretches
th«* cauli
flower wheu th«* price is still high.
• • •
Broil«*«! 8w«*r«ifi-b— Wash, wipe dry
and seajMiU with -alt and pvpper slice*
of swordfish or halibut; broil 10 to 12
minute* (over a «barcoal fire if pos
sible>. .Serve with horseradish *au«re,
made a* follow*: On«* third cup blitter.
ad«J 2 rounding t«*a.spoons grat«*«i b«»rse
radish, 1 teaspoon mustard, 2 tahly
> poo ns hot vinegar, i sultspoon salt.
Phone 70
• r »
W>e Mark of Zorrom
< ’elebrab* 1h<* Glorious Fourth at Cottage
Grove, and don't fail to see Dougin Ids latest.
Continuous Show Mon., 11 a. m. to Midnight
Matinee Saturday Afternoon on “Isobel.”
Also Sunday on “The Shepherd of the Hills”
'Just Between You and Me”
says the
Good Judge
Here’s genuine chewing
satisfaction for you, hook­
ed up with real economy.
A small chew of this clas»
of tobacco lasts much long­
er than a hig chew of iho
ordinury kind—that’s h o
cause thc| full, rich, real
tobacco taste lasts so long.
A ny man who uses tho
Heal Tobacco Chew will
tell you that.
I'ut up in t’jjo styUt
W-B CU T is a long tobacco
RIGH T CUT is a short-cut tohacc»
\ljr>y*nci«s f?r. ; j yConiiidjly.JIO^
Nt*v» 1 ,*• C ty
W e have it! Y o u need
it. N o w is the time to
clean up and paint up.
• • •
Haisin Batter b u d d in g —One cup of
strived seeded raisins, on«* cup flour,
«iio* teaspoon baking powder, *i t**a
spoon salt, two tablespoons sugar, one
cup milk, on«* **gg, one t«-anpoon butter
Sift flour, baking powder, salt and
-iignr into bowl; add milk and w»*ll
beaten egg ami b«*at two minute*, a«i«l
raisins, mix v«*ry lightly. Brush six
c»j *f:«r«l «up with in«*!t«-<l bufTer (h«*at
th«* cups;, till Pitch «up half full; plac«*
in h«»t oven and bake .'#0 minutes.
Herv«* with milk and sugar or fruit
juic«*. The cup will In* full when
An eight potimi can Sw i f t ’s .l e w d Shortening, NÓ cents.
Monday, Juno -7
Tested Recipes
The Arcade Theatre Presents
inches, only lo c e n ts ; others at 2 », •».», 10, ;>(), (in cents.
Corner of Fifth and Main
American Legion and Fireman
Ri«*«* ( ’ro«pj«-tt* s Take i j |s>uri«l o f
boil«*«J ri«-«* an«l mix with it two table
-poous o f grated cheese and a little
nutmeg an*l mac«*; then take a little
butter, •‘is labl« -| h > oiis o f <*«dd chicken
bren.-t, min<^*«l, b oysters, a littl«* jsir*
!«*y :ind I* n;«»n p«*«*l, anti mix together
with rich milk «»r cream. K«dl out a
heaping tablcs|HM»n o f the ri«*«* and
put iii'ii it :«p rim« It as it will hoM of
th<* mixture, folding th«* «*dg«*s an«J «»n
cl«#mg it. Brush tho balls ov«*i ^\itn
yolk o f raw **gg, roll them in «-raek«-r
crumbs an*k fry then« light brown in
boiling lard. H«*rve them hot w’hen
When they g«*t it s«> a p«*rson at one
end o f a teh-phon«* lin«* can ««•«* a pic
tare o f tin* person at the «»tb«*r end,
central will se** som«* funny things
wh«*n she answers busy iron who have
been waiting about ten ininut«*s to g«*t
their calls through.
In the «lays o f long ago we used to
hut«* inflammation pf the bowels and
murder. Nowadays we have appcndi
citis ao«l “ furor tranmtonus. “
world do mova.
P u re high grade paint as low as $2.50 the
gallon— com e in and let us figure with you
W . L . D a rb y
The < HTirisil \\ in« lu*st< r Sion*
Telephon«* 21
HiiH«*r ;iii«I let* Urcani that arc
Hiatlc I'l’oin pasteurized eream.
l«-<* that is made from pure well
Nom* of tlies«* products need to
he boiled he fore they are safe to