(Cnttarir (ßrnur Swtítel F ax ? *, J ano Firm Public Mnatiug tu Chuintxu of C o < o Ri^iigiiUlmtlou to B*» Uriel in lliicta Me liool. l'ri'Miilcnt IV I«. (*iiin|»li«*il, o f fili' I ni V «*r Mit y of t Ircgmi, will Io* Ih r j»rín •' i| mi I NpHlikrr ut t u r I *rnt |»ubln hm « I iiiK in (lo* «li in pinati fo r (lir n*o rollìi i/iitioii of tin* i* hu in In* r o f roimiK r«*(’, to I m * In M til 7: If* ton igli! in tin* ««buoi uml if o r i o a i f which hit« lir rn t«Tiin*l it rollini il uà I y ««»nfrnnrr tiii'i Iov\ it iti|4- Oth«*r NiMMikrm will In* !.. VV. D«*jiii)', «if H mh f r i n i r ini ' o ; J . K i m , K \\ Miller unii W ilb ur Hpruy, m ( n«l«*tit Imd) pr«mi|riit ( 'oui ui u nity "* *l I*1* [•«I by .1. I. ('llrimili inni lin*ri* will I" iiiimir by I lu* n t y bun«!. Klb«*rt lli'iii* will prnmi«’. I t r f rmhuiiMiti» will be mrvr«i by Mian Mumi I Olili »Oll UH'I iiit-inbur« of tlo« i|ulil«*nt i«' Nririir«* «lu** of t'ottl!|{l' Cirovt» lililí I'll r fl» Will I*«' im •olàritnlion for funt Unavailing, Topples From Her Pedestal Cottage drove’s Literary Qenius and Prodigy Hy KKHKKT HKDK C«#ttttg<* Grove, Ore., J u n e Hi, llt'JI.- It is citMicr to boost than to teiif down. D i« easier to «ny plensunt things than unpleiiNmit «»ii«'«. It i« unpleasant to !>«- forced to believe that on«* of whom you expected much has stooped to i|ec«*it. y u m u l t furti! which c a u se d her to be hail«*«l nati a c c i d e n t , I gut t o e i u m i u r 17 u bt«*rary p f ’dig y , e x h ib it e d n u t r ì , . , k . which fo r m e r ly Imlungrd to A c c o r d i n g t o nil p re ce d e nt iind«*r like j a« i'i!< iiui«tum ••«, i «ding' («rove «hould t a le n t« which, ri g h tly d ir e c te d , insured '•pal m d tlo- e » i ..tr u c e uf which it 1 » h a v e won fro m Kugene S u n d a y . T‘ 1«•• I her a posit ion ««-cure a m o n g the highest • u»y lo I,elicvi- »he hml f o r g o t t e n . M w t lociil« guru« ti «I II hit« uml only fo u r I mi« lb * t« of the w«»rl«l. I hat p re d ictio n ol ilo in bore t i p u i ' . nuair in her own NCori'N, while the s iNitor« giiriiered fou r | wa« m a d e for her by a well known hum! w riting, with which 1 am fumiliur, p«y«'hologist, Mr«. J e a n M o rris Kills, nini I he n u le » th erein nino w ere III her hit« un«l fi v e «««»««•«, uml the ui'»«t in hand. Thcne tiuuk. h u v r »ilice c «» ii « i «( eli I p a r t o f the whole gain»' wn« ' who ha«l g iv e n her a reudin g and who, own that du* to u r men wiin ««’«»red for th«* Ilk«* niytM*If, haile«! tli«> d ia r y as the I" • a eagerly el ain ird l»y Opal und 1 g enu ine p ro duct io n <,f :i lit« rury pr**d under..!,tail th e y no lunger r a n h r HU ell I.»« .«1« g«*i «»it hu«**N t In «lugli «'from. iiy a iiyunu. Ill tile eiglith llllilllg, with tw o <»n »gy, a« it n o tab le child re c o rd o f y o u th iti th« book» were numuruu» m uml tw o «low n mot a goo«! Nticker tit fill h e a r t th rob s, us the g enu ine out the hat it Nccmcil a« if di«' locai« w"iii«t pou ring o f a wounded h e a rt an d an •tanceu where »hr had written down g« t the »»lie ta lly that wotjht tie th*‘ ■ under«!iiiKliiig soul. W h a t she believes the remark» n f children, upparcntly «core, when S m ith wu« «•might by now 1 «1«» not know. It ha« bceu my with un attem pt tu u»c the luliguugu S u lliV nu. ) u r d « whit«* t r y i n g p etit la rc e n y ou th« i p le asu re to w u t o of the iitiunual t a l e n t s u f e Ii 1 id ren. W M i ll r r ; r a p No i M ujo r, K On one page wu» the following: «eco ml p lu tte r. tin* « itu a tio n ngm u ot one so y oung, of otic who hud ear out t h e cla im «»f its willi Nov«, U t, i i l i f . th r n f f ir » r « fr»Mu t h r io*W nietuhi*r«llip, coii«iNteiit g a m e , got un m a n y hit« a« a u t h e n t i c i t y . “ Iteculiection* of My Ciuidhuud. u 11 t h r p r r w n t o f f i r r r « h a v e «i|£n«*«l a n y o f Vin mid w iin ch arge«! with no 1 do not g m i t l y wonder that At th e ir re m o u n t ion«, to h r r o n ir e f f e c t iv e ««Mm it« t h r r r o r^ u u ir.iitio n w o rk i« com pir!«'«! In tin « w a y r v r r y m e m b e r w ill hnv«* m i rcp m l p u rl in « tu r(in j¿ t h r now o r g a n i r n t i o u u p o n it« w n y n* n p o w e r in do * rout m u n it y :no i r n r h t u r m h r r w ill bava* m i r«|tinl oppor t n u it V o f h r ilij; «<'lri'tr«l to t u k r «otnr i in |«»rt tint pit r t m thut im p o rt nut w o rk . um JAMES GOULET SUCCUMBS TOSTROKEOFAPOPLEXY Jiiiur« (louiet, for ninny yearn a rraolrn t of tbc Ihurliu nmglilmrh«» til mol well ktiwn lo r e , «Io*«l ut Kiigrm* riiurNiltiy of lu«t week following u stro ke of apoplexy. N« w« o f hi« «leuth rgrne Mouh't, o f S«*uttle, uml M i « n Mutui«» doiih't, of Kugene. T h e «troke o f tipoplexy «'time up in Mr. Mouh't j»i«t un lie wiin ulnuit to mcviid the NluirN to the o f f i c e »»f n Kiigem» dentiNt. Hp«s tal School M M tiu g. A «p«*<‘iiil ««'liool niri'ting I ims h«*en «'Hill'd for J u n e Ml, ut which tim e u d irecto r dml u «rliool elerk tire to In* elert«»d. The t «*rin of II. J . Shinn un (lir«'<*.tor expir«*«. No one Im.« y»*t he«*n «ugge«t«*il to ta k e I iih pine«» und he i« non com m ittal iin to whether or mit he will ho a cand id ate for re d a ctio n . Worth Harvey prolmhly will h<* a cuiiilidute to Hiicr«*od hiiii««*lf a« cle rk. Flower Miftnlon Day Tortay. Today in W. C. T. II. flower iuìnnìoii « lay uml e n te rtain m e n t for th«» «hut* ui« mid older p«*oph* will In* pr«»\ ide«l a t th«* W. I«. Durhy home. Tho««* tin aide t«i walk, or httving no wtty to g«*t to the Durhy home, will In* pi«*k«*d up i f word in left with M m . Durhy, Mr«. •I. II. Pimm horn or Mr*. J. It. Ilendriekn. HF.AVY RAINS F.I.SEWHF.RF. WHILE EVERYTHING IS DRY HERE Cottage d ro v e comph’tely earn pod th«» « l«Mi tl trary would ever come fo rth , that it 0 «1 9 " was more than lik.-lv t h a t th e ^ iu th c n 0 1 M a « d e i t y «»r luck o f a u th e n tic ity never 0 u « woubl be proved. F a c t aud fancy were 1 It* 0 1 no clev«rly woven to g e t h e r; incidents 0 1 Ü 0 (1 known to have hu|»|»eiied were so clev­ 1 erly «*ui belli »tied; so few of the inti i • il IS 5 «lent« related wa re readily susceptible .. 34 5 4 of dispro o f; and th«* wonderful »lory Coting«* d ro v e : •1 •1 i| was «me it seemed no child or older Hune, LM» .. 5 1 1 .1 K ib a •J jm r««»u could possibly construct out ol . 4 0 0 Itili, Ih _ 5 1 1) 1:1 1 tl whob* cloth and was told with such Ar t hur , « t tl ti u naive rliurtn, so like the gushing o f a .. 4 0 0 0 u child heart, so 11k«* the outpouring o f a Hnitnhuugh, If 4 0 1 0 «1 0 « lublish, wounded soul, that it at first S m ith, c ................. .. 4 •» •1 11 1) (1 ( «i . « u. r t ti 1 forced Indict merelv because o f the a]*« •• J 0 l (Viler«, p ! 0 parent childish itiiHK*«*iic«* aud sin cerity, .. I 0 2 „ 3 tl 0 Ile i k, a 1 it for no other reason. 0 More it not lor some o f the unkind tl h . me u tl .. 1 0 1 thing« said m the diary 1 might almost T o tal«................. „ 3 * 4 11 •J7 15 H wish 1 had not bc«*n forced to the con­ clusion that the diary as published ck in ninth. was a c tu a lly completed shortly before Cottage (Jrov 0 1 1 1 1 0 n ti a - 4 its publication in A tlan tic Monthly. Kiigem*............ 1 u u 0 0 1 1 2 t> - 5 Kven now, ad m ittin g what f a c ts at Two hm«' hit«: II. Lntliam, Jiane. hand plain ly indicate, that the diary Three Imne hit«: II. I«udiuni. Kuril« <1 is both u deception and a plagiarism, run«: Kugen«*^l. Stolen ha«e«: Smith liter«» is some s a t is f a c t io n to Opal s (K u g e n e ), Huntington, Hill, liruni torni(*r associa tes here, aud to relatives haugli, Klin e. Hacrifice hit«: Mill«, rath e r unkindly tre ated in the diary, Smith ( K u g e n e ). P im t on hall«: Ot t in the f a c t tliat study of the case by Murphy, I ; o f f (Vllern, 1. Kirst oil ci psychologist« b n u g s out the theory that r«»r«: Kugene, it; Cottuge d ro v e, «». Opal probubly has both uu abnormal L eft on b a s e s : Kugene, ti; i ’ottag»* and a subnormal condition of mind. d ro v e, S. Double play: Smith t o d a v i n . From the abnorm al mind comes l o r S tru ck o u t: Hy Murphy, 5 ; by (Vllers, wonderful power o f description, her M» Hit h) pitched b all: datnhle. I ’ m be au tifu l f a c ilit y «if expression, and pire, linker. T im e o f game, 1:50. from the subnorm al conies her love t«»r K isalry is keen between the Kugene association with lit t le children, her and C o ttag e d ro v e teams. Kach has enjoyment o f their jo y s and her child flow won a gam e and di<* deciding ish outlook upon lit'«» which enabled game will I n * played here next Sunday. h«*r to so completely mimic the child Tin« game is more than likely to citu h in a diary which, I am convinced, was the \ alley championship and a more written at a tune when «tie had the than kcAn contest is anticipated . Cot i lit f i l e d uni train in g of a grown woman tag«* Grove Im« lost hut two gaums, one and a knowledge on many subje ct« the to Ktigem* and one t«i YoncuThi. e«|tial of thut o f scholars, which «'ii- ableil her to produce the childish Im nior bubbling from almost every p a ra ­ ALLEY OBSTRUCTIONS graph, which enabled her to unveil the HAMPER CITY BUSINESS heart and soul o f n child in composi tiou so uncommon y e t so childishly W hether or not owners o f property expreaniv e. may place permanent o bstructio n« in T h e way this airy little maid of the paved alley« was again b e f o re th«» city woods pul over her e x o tic literary pro­ council Monday night, bein g brought duction and th«» pains and thoroughness up through the fact that cement «tep« with which she laid ii plausible foundn* had been built a t the re ar o f the tmn fo r its b elief are hardly less won­ Mod(*rn P h arm acy and tidcphoni* o f ­ derful than would have been th«* actual fice. A block f a r t h e r down the alley w riting o f the diary at the age and the removal o f a rh im uey which under the circu m stances claimed for it. abutted in the alley vviim ordered re- • 4» » moved before paving work was started In my e f f o r t •« prove tht> tintIn*n A controversy o f a sim ilar nature came t l r it y or lurk nf niitlionlirity uf Opol'x up at the tim e Kirst alley «outK was ilinry I first tlircrtfil u liir^r »mount paved, when obstructions were ordered o f e f f o r t to try in g to find nomoone removed from th«* rear o f the F irs t who lii»«l n.-t mi Hy ureu it. A hint would National hank building. r»mi' that Opal had nhown thr diary na n child to *o and no , T h r evidence T h e progressive spirit o f the c«t- » n s poMitiv,. until t h r moment o f thr ir«*ns o f C o ttag e d ro v e is indicated by in torvir w, whrn ahvny» it drvrlnprd tlo* f a d that already this y«*ar 4545 that Opal hail not n r tn a lli^ i l h i lo t r d fe e t o f cem ent walk has been laid. t h r dinry hot Hint . h r had npohru o f it During May 747 feet o f cem ent walk in an o ffh an d mnnnrr. Not a r r l a t i i r , was laid and 5lM) feet o f board walk. no nm ttrr how v l o . . th r rrlutiouship, err or«. T h e box « co re : Kugene: Alt It S m i th , nh ......... 1 1 It. i.uthaiu, HI» 5 ! I h* Arin om i, itti _ 4 0 tìaiuhle, et ..... . 3 I H u n ti n g t o n , c... .. 3 1 M urp hy, p .. 4 0 ( la v ili, I h ....... .. 4 1 M. I .a dia ni. r P .. 4 0 Mill«, r f .............. .. 3 u RESIDENT FOR SHORT TIME BEC0ME8 REAL LIVE BOOSTER No where in the world is there scenery tu surpass t h a t o f the Cot- tag,, Grove country. T h a t is the opinion o f J . H. Blackruure, who is here in connection with the work uf the American City bureau. He has been g e t t i n g a f i r s t hand view uf the country which will be hi* home fur several week* and thinks the people here should be the hap­ piest in the wurld, considerin g all that nature has dune fur them and the little t h a t is really required to make the com munity one o f the beat, liv elie st and p re ttie st in the world. * CHAUTAUQUA CLOSES, WILL RETURN IN ’22 ilu use Provea M ost Popular L ectu re r aud M ary Adei U a y s Company M ost Popular Musicians. Chautauqua cauie to a successful cluw t-rulay evening with a splendid concert by the Mary Adel i i a y s grand opera singers. Unquestionably this wa» tin- best musical cuuipauy ever to up pear here. Miss i i a y s nerscll has a b cu u lilu l coloratura soprano voice aud is ably supported by the other mem­ bers ol tne com pany, iiu th i ’earc y, contralto, Claude .-vcnt-li, tenor, and •loan kluinuiau, baritone. B eu lah Clark , piano and f lu te , is a re c e n t student a t he University uf Urcgou. i h e most popular lecturer on the entire program was Ur. K. 1- B ouse, who appeared 1 hursday ulteruoou aud evening, in» s u b je c ts being “ The Won­ ders or the M i n d ' ' and “ T h e Destroy ers and B uild ers uf H ealth . ’ ’ Dr. House is a psychologist aud presents his ideas showing the influence of the uu uu upon life and health in a most fureeful manner, t ie is an Orcguu man m akin g his home 111 P o rtlan d but de voting Ins l if e to the w e lfare o f a na­ tion. V. I. .Shepherd, on F r id a y afterno o n, gav e pro bably the must scholarly ad dress o t the session, snowing in his talk 011 “ T h e B ouse We Lave i n ’ * that man himself is responsible fo r his own destiny aud that right thinkin g, individually aud collectiv ely, brings like results. As the sessiou progressed the mem tiers of the talent lie cam e mure aud more e nthu siastic in their praise o f the b e au titu i floral dccoratiuus. A l ­ most without exceptio n they stated their b elief that C ottage Grove would carry o f f the honors fur the season in that rrsiH'Ct. T h e hospitality uf the t i t izeus a o' the ehaula uqua sp irit found “ My pet»— Ginger, tihep, Max, tiyp, here also were o fte n referred to. I oui, Krx, Ihindy, T h r I ’r t I'hipiuuuk, The yuuior chuutauqua was uut the The K u h . “ least important part uf the program Thi» list o f name» fur her pets i» in aud the kiddies are e n th u siastic Chau­ »frange con traat with the B rav e ilo ra tauqua fa n s . They gr e a tly enjoyed lui», Ari»totle, Aphrodite, Klizabeth their daily association with the story- B a r r e t t Browning uud other e ha rue ter» lady, Mrs. Fultz. ul the diary »up|ai»ed to have been A c o n t ra c t for next y e a r was signed u»ed many year» l e f o r r , iicforc the close o f the session. AI»o ili,, jwt crow, the Jiet vvoodrat, ihe »eventi j » t mice, the |>et bat», the BRINE OVERLAND CAR pet row, the pet hen», rooater», piga IS STRUCK BY SHASTA and other» ot the menagerie o f the diary e ith e r had been torgotten or had The Overland car owned by L a w ­ not yet been added In the list o f pet». There were other entries to which 1 rence 1’ritie was hit Monday evenin g a t the south Creswell crossing by the will re fe r when takin g up the fuater B hasta limited. Mr. P r i n e , who was parent fa n t a s y . a t the wheel, says t h a t wheu he hit I lie Kugli»h u»cd in thc»r notebook» the cro ssing rain was pouring d o » u , lack» the b eauty of that used iu the the rails were slippery uud the rear diary and th e quaint and fa n t a s t ic end o f the Our skidded down the tra c k >tylo of the diary is entirely lacking, inside (he rail. Kl'forts to g e t the c a r lui» give» nome credence to the belief troiu between the rails were u n av ail­ on the p a rt o f »»me that Opal hud ing and e f f o r t s to flag the ap proaching »olile as sista n ce in the preparation o f train also were unavailin g. T h e rear the diury, although Opal herself in ot the ear und the body were badly other w riting has shown u possession wrecked. T h e traiu came to stop ol b e au tifu l Knglish and, before the witkiu its own length a f t e r s trik in g pnblu alflui of the diary, wrote a bisik the ear. No one was in the car when which drew the corameudation o f kings it h u s hit. and queens, authors, editors uud s t a t e s ­ men. T h a t the published diary was not written until a f t e r Opal le ft the uni­ versity 1 fe e l certain because o f the tac t that while there she evin ced no intere»! whatever in F r e n c h , which *0 abounds iu the revised editimi o f the published diary. A fti'r her a rr iv a l in C alifo r n ia she did show au in terest in that language und while a guest for a few months at the home o f Mrs. Maud Harwood Bales, L’0 I I 7 Sherm an Way Boulevard, Oweiismouth, Calif., sheets of paper done in ehi.dish print were found by her hostess where they had been acciden tally le ft by Opal. The several bulky boxe» required to oontain the shredded diary vveru not a part of O p al's belongings whcit she arriv ed at the B a le s home, where fo r many months she v 1» a welcome guest. Mrs. Bale» 1» cer ta in that- here the diary was s tarte d and the s i t year-old idea conceived and that from the B a le s library were copied in their entirety- tin- quotations from the C ath olic man mil and that the lists o f French words so fre e ly used in th e published diary were tak e n from a “ French Si-If T a u g h t ” in the Bales home. I have been unable to find anyone who ever saw any o f the buses iu which the diary reached Boston. None of the fnmily knew o f t h e ir existence. Nowhere that she ever stayed were they in evidence. Such a bulk being , : , rted around by a little girl could hardly have pnssed without notice or inquiry. It appears to me that even laird b r a y , who acted as a sort o f g o d father for the arr iv a l o f the book in Fagiani!, who is reported to have invited Opal to become a member o f his family and who wrote the introduction for the second edition in book form, was very doubtful o f its precocious authorship, l'Ut he suggested other reasons why it (Concluded ou f i f t h page.) TEACHERS SELECTED FOR CITY S SCHOOLS T h e follow iug have been elected to positions in the Cottage Grove schools: High school: Miss Maude ¡Skidmore, Mrs. O ra Head llem eu w ay, J . F. God urd, K. J . Kdwards, Miss l.ulu Currin and Miss Klise Price. G rades: Mrs. Albert Woodard, Mrs. K a t e Burrows, Mrs. Aida Hrnith, Mrs. M atilda Bleep, Miss A d d le White, Miss M a rie t te llumuiit, Mrs. U. J . Laudess, Miss Nora Queen, Mrs. lim a B eag er, Miss Kllu K ro e g e r aud Miss M arjo rie S h a y . T he re are other positious to be filled aud a superintendent has not y e t been elected. NUMBER 38 RECALL MOVE IS DOWNED BY LANE VOTERS BuIdlers’ Bonus Go*» Through With a Whoop; G s g U U t ir e Hssalon B i t s usi ou Killed. The recall m ovement agaiust Com missiouer M. U. B a r l o w was showed under by the voters Tuesday, iticuin pielo returns ind icatin g that the tion. totals will bo about -fibtl lo r f i a r i u n to J ZOO fur Honey. The recall move­ ment i tse lf, fav o rab le uctiou upon which was necessary b efo re theic would be a vaeaucy iu the commission of »hip to l i i i , was suowed under even deeper, t h e r e was much r n u iu d erstanding upou the p art of the vute.s as to the proper method of marking their ballots. Pro b ab ly more than ko per c en t o f the voters killed one vote with the other. Many voted fur the recull uud followed by voting to retain Mr. B arlo w m o f f ic e . Many uthc*. voted a g a in s t the recall aud then voteu fo r the recall candid ate for commis­ sioner. In only one precin ct in lb i­ section was the vote a consistent one. i u the Luraue precin ct, there were e^ u cliy the same number of votes fo r the recall caud id ate as for the recall i t k - n and e x a c tly the same number of votes for B arlow as la e re were against the The aoldiers ’ lion us was adopted L j an overwhelming vole and tUe pro pus a I to increase the salarie s of th» legislature aud iengtueu the legislative session has been a e l c a l e d . T h e erne, gcucy clause veto amendment receiveo a l a v 01 able vote. tlygieun: uiarnag was d efeated by a small m ajority. The women ju ro r bill is y e t iu doubt, hi. L ane county every measure receive,, a fa v o ra b le vote except the rxlend eu legislativ e sessiou. tii th«, recall electiou Cottage Grove gav e a m a jo r ity o f o f o r the recall aud a m a jo r ity of b for Uoney over ila rlu w . i ue Dorena p re c in ct oppose,, the recall by a lew vutes, while the I .or am- precin ct was a g aiu st the reeai. dlmuat three tu oue. In Kugene th, recall faile d iu some instances ainiosi ten to one. J u n c t i o n City favored the reeall strongly, w tub, Mpringfield gave au almost eveu vote. T h e coast wen; fur the recall, Mapietou going twenty to oue. T h e vote in Cottage Grove and in several uearby pre c in cts was as fol Iowa: . C o ttag e Grove 1 2 J 4 5 TL L eg isla tiv e Compensation: Yea---------------------------- 3 9 M 3 9 13 37 l i No----------------------------- 75 lib til r J 5b 24 S o ld i e r s ’ B onus: Yea---------------------------- 7b 5U bti 27 6*> JO.' N v j ---------------------------5 J 24 12 27 IS Kinergeucy V e to : Yeo.------------------------ 50 .'!« 68 l b 43 2 1u No----------------------------- 54 l b 26 12 32 14.. Hygienic M a rria g e : Yes..... ....................... L. 63 21 6b 22 47 22 - N o..... .............................. 62 41 46 14 42 20o Women J u r o r s : Yea________________ 64 3 0 63 l b 4b 2 2 - No--------------------------- 63 2b 4b 16 4b 2b - F o r K e call: Y e s __ _______________ til 31 4b 25 44 21 No_________________ 5b 33 57 13 43 2bu F o r Commissioner: Harlow 64 36 55 14 34 20= \ J2 u s 63 a * k 4 Q 4 a « A « ja 3 u *-» a « a £ a J ? F o r K e ca ll: Yes.. N o ._ Harlow. K oney________ 4b 28 25 4b 46 48 5o 43 74 42 41 75 56 17 17 56 3 c z 4 a r» £ £ 18 3b 4b 4b 7 2b 4b 3U 18 48 IRVING WH1PPS DROPS DEAL AT BELLEVILLE, KANS. The body o f I r v iu g Whipps is e* pected to arr iv e upon a n y train from B elleville , K an ., wher« Mr. Whipp dropped dead upon the street from h e art trouble. Mr. Whipps was aged 28 years, 11 mouths, 3 days. Ue « « > b o m a t Washioga, Minn., aud came to Oregon iu l b l u . Ue had been in K an sas about a ye ar. H e had never recovered his streugth following at a t ­ t a c k o f influenza two y e a r s ago and went to K ausas in thu hope t h a t th - change might b e n e fit hi* health H - was a sou o f hlr. aud Mrs. Finle. Whipps, promin ent resideuts of the Mosby creek country . EDDY S HENS SPREAD ENERGY OVER SEASON J . W. K d d y ’s W h ite l.cghora h e m a re o f the kind t h a t do nut expend all t h e ir e f f o r t s in the early spring STEER WAS LARGEST and a r e not led a s tra y by the pre­ J. W. VEATCH HAS SEEN cocious examples set by other flock*. Oue o f his flock has ju s t gotten .1. W. Y e a t c h reports k illin g a few around to the production o f au egt days ago the largest s tee r he has ever weighing 3 ! 4 ounces and measuring s seen. I t dressed 67 per cen t, an un­ inches by -6 inches. In co n tra s t with usually large percentage and weighed the mammoth egg is an o th e r laid by 1U15 pound* dressed. T h e animal orig another member o f the flo c k weighing inally was owued by C. M. M clan , less than a q u arter o f an ounee. was a fte rw a rd s owued by F r a n k Me Furland und N. W. W h ite and twice A panacea f o r e v e r y th in g — B e n t in d by Mr. Y e a tc h . I t had been pasture wan tads. fed for th re e ye ars and was o f the Hereford breed. Musical Program Saturday. Miss G ilb e rt and Miss B ard , o f the New Y o rk grand opera com pany, will appear in a musical program a t the high school auditorium S atu rd ay eve­ ning a t 8 o ’clo ck under the auspices o f the American Is-giou. The pro­ ceed» will be used to assist in d e f r a y ­ ing the expense* o f 800 o f the Whitney boys in a tour over the county pro­ m oting the l b 2 5 exposition fur P o r t ­ land. WATCH YO U B L A £ K L — those who ad v e rtis e — are alw ays the liveliest m erchan t* — and, therefo re, the ones who pick up the barg ain s when any a re to be had. — you a r e alw ays assured o f the best o f service when dealing with those who a re regular and persistent advertiners.