Hard W heat Flour S p e c i a l $2.90 the Sack N\ «• b o v e f i v e ^ooi | U hi < 1 pi l l i l o * , l' un r ul l ì i ••«!. M i e t i n n ì ut Ol t r e ; fili fi» '»u moliII ih tu |uiy tur them. Kii^en<* Munì*'. Hbop, Kiigenc, iKL.'ilc • Meri» Allumi», of VWrtdlifijf, unii Mr. uih I Mrt, Filini A i I iiiiim , o f iCoHelmr^, S a p p h i r e , it h u n t w h e a t I lo in m a d e l i m n M o n t a n a h n n l |*enf l inink a iti* M r* ,M K \«l iiiih , ni•>!I»er ol thè twu meri, myl wlii'iit Mint im h a u l m i ll h a u l t o I m - ii I T I iih in a H pcciul m l 10 witli otbi*r relitti yen. d u o t u r y ot ii i m ill M um in mi iiiiiihiiii I o p p o r t u n i t y t o Htiu-k u p Mr limi M r h , i!, J. J( omi *) i , of Milwniikie, nere week t'ixl j'iieitM of w i t h I ln u r t' t o in ol< I u In-lit tn r m r y y u u m n u n t il tin- m u Mr*. Alimi Heur«. i-rn|i I iiin a g e d . t ho ki uh , lioff», volti finti rutti«’ wunt • • * I ut thè iVopj«*’* miifk't. tfe Wuverly motor olii», 100 j*er cent pure l'euimvlvnitili; cont no more thitr» other Ho culJetl eimtern oiln, Nelson Alito Hnltn ài Went Hiije (iurii^e. «J.'ltfe Successor to Kerr & Hilshy Telephone 30 A niiuiher o f KJk* frorn bure nre pl.tninny oii tukinR u numher o f rhiI In n dotti: tu thè fM i f'hri ttimiH tri e tu he i;iU'ii oh thè xtreetn o f Kyj'fiM' |*y thè l*iIk<« lodgi; o f thut city, •«••■.I. hi .if th. I'rot mmn hi , i | Wim-umti H. <\ \ eutch ut temleil thè budget .r" " rh - wh" l ' •»««->■ u-.-rilly purrhinu'il meeting in Kugene Momlny. - I f o lm Bart lx, i . Min 11 Todd, o f Kugene, wim a '*"* »''• k ' "'I »U ii tii-r i-niiHin. Mm .1 I hanksgiving guest o f hi*r grumi A I'uwi ||. mot Iter, Mm M. ( ' Willi*, rimi o f Careful nttrnlii.i, I, full rliurg«- With other relutives. Hhe huu junt returiiei) "nl in jiiriniiN ovi m Uugiug rhnt ’■> Hut trmii un estenile«| vt-it m Cui iforniu. ■ ■ Overland ¿liimgi M i « It «it h ii ii-. n, o f Cri-iiwill, «pint , II" » " I- "I"l »Itli M il«-* III ul'ih mid A U C T IO N E E R ! ! ! * Mililri-il llnnnn. Double Hervico for one commission. Hli'wart Mi Ini', nf Engi-nr, vi«it««| »« I I. t u;t Hill > our good*. We will get Mu- hiitni nf In. win, .tuIm Milne, on the price for them uml giv e double V«I ii r>>« ow n in ' tin. wri'k service for one com hi inn io n ; t v / on W L D a r b y &. C o. h a v e j u s t j imph iii'-nt >« it nek machinery up to * ‘-' 000 . anil .V/f on all over that r e c e iv e d a c a r lo a d o f b a r b e d w ire, I amount; 10'J on liotinuhold goocln. f i e l d f e n c e , (H u iltry n e t t i n g a n d motto: 4*(#et the money; get Belter Ni-rvii’i- 1111-ii11 h In ttn n a i j s w h i c h t h e y a r e o f f e r i n g at i the fuoney; get the m o n e y '!'' k I mmni - n l tin liluNWN Nat inly th e lo w e st m a r k e t p r ic e n2t!i ! D eV ER E & Y O U N G ln-rmiNi< they lire mat I«* to Mr mill Mr* Ftimho HtuM»l> ---------’— while the assortment i* complete. Hind to show them and put them away for ymi. uStfe Ueorg • Hule* ami family returned F’riday fr m visiting Mr*. Utiles' par •'«If Mr. and Mr*. II || «lohnsoti, |j • t Dust le Itoek, Wash. D .1 Scholl ha* purch:t».d » F’ord O rder ea rly I'm .March and • «Ian from Woodson llrothcm. A p ril «b-livt-ry. Tiiucrc«! Niriiin tin account o f t!i<* very stilali margin o f profit in butler wraj . the price hereafter will lie for « : i ?» Ii only. Wraps «en* out by mail ne« . » ,arilv will lie Unlt.-igr flrnvi*, O r , I'hotM* 1 tent c. 1 I unless paid for in ad vu nee. Huodny. S. C. White Leghorn Hatching Eggs and 1) a y 0 1 d C h i c k s Dan Walton & Son Mt and Mr*. John J’almer, w h ow ere down from tlieir ¡^I oh I iv creek ranch WedtieNdny w eri ol*f ge»t ti» *top ut thè Dan Hr uiiibaugh r i o l i un tlieir wav houle un nccoimt o f a *ick borse. The li li » mi ii I recovered :*uf ficienl |y f»»r them i t o g»»t lioin - w*itli it thè nevi day. t'hriMtmns pr»*sent* thnt will be np preci ut ed are mich uh automobile robe* o f wliich we bave a fine variety o f Hplendid Jiattern* oq display Alno H p o l tight H, elee! rie horilH, l l l o t o l ineter* o f different KÌ/en, flovver vn*es and a n uni ber o f other tliiug* thut v% 1 11 be uneful lo uny cur ow ner. Neluon'H Auto Sale* ha* them all. dec.'ltfc I.iltle Mni\ D«’nt was horn« Friday from Porfhtml, wh**re she is umb-rgoing nieilical treatment. Hal lo way writes insurance. Phone .Id. Ha*, oil tire* and accessories at West Side (innige. * decJtfc Anchor A Ist cd 1 IH »•lurk; ing at H«t« 1 Harteil, taking the pint »• nf Gmv i-r Wurksbury. Mr*, denego Mot« • wns in Kiigono Monday. Mrs. Hncil P» rki*r iUlti i lauglili i i .■,. - lea, o f Dexter, x | m nt fill’ vv i’«-k at th«1 home o f Mrs. I'urkt •r V mot In-r, Mr». S. K. McKinney (imi Mi 1‘arker '* parents, Mr. and .1 Mrs. ( ’ . M Piirkor. The N. A. C'oWentf and family nrrived Hiiturdiiy from l ’orflund to tnke pò* candy —* ■ ■ ■ ■■■ ■— -■■■■■ Klitc ha ! mhled n wall cabinet to its handsome furniture. n i-ii. D à The COTTAGE GROVE LAUNDRY Phone 70 Craig Condit, o f Alaska, who is at temling O. A was a guest last week o f Virgil Powell. His father has been at tin* head o f missions in Alaska for 30 years. Charles Conner returned Tuesday from a Kugene hospital. He was threatened with appendicitis but an operation was found not necessary. K A. II agio's was here Tuesday from .(«nfnyette. He is looking over the valley with the intention o f es tablishing a photograph studio. PEOPLE’S MARKET O U R B U S IN E S S Is to he always ready to serve our rustoniers at any moment with jus« \\ lint they want in our line. That is what wo endeavor to do. No matter whether it is a piece o f ,tc a k for hroiliaj; or a rlu-aper piece for Imiliii);, our •service is just the same, cheerful ami - ffieieut, anil our appreria- tion is cipinl for either one. ----------------- Phone 1 5 ----------•------ with ns and it will n-ci-ivi- tin- la-st ol* atti-ntinn. J .lust hand ns a list or toli'phono tin- thinifs you want and w<- will di-livi-r tIn-in promptly. Our « 111 a Iit y and prin-s will nil-»-! your approval. Corn rnnil, whiti- or yollow, a sack............................... ...... 5Sc l‘rido flour, a sai-k...................................................................... $2.56 It M flour, a sack............................ i ........................... .. $2.fi5 H«*nr flour, hard w’ltrat, a sack................................................$2.80 Crown floor, non«* ln-lt«*r, a sack................................ $3.00 M dii no, a sack $2.20 Dairy I....I, a sack $2 30 Su^ar, I m - h I oano, a wick ..................................................... $11.40 I'otatocH, a sack............. .............. ................................ $150 S M IT H ’S GROCERY W a l k Bl ock And Save D i m e ti-org e In-Voss sustained a frncturml l-'g iii an acrident at the Harvey I,um tier com p a n y 's logging camp Wednes­ day afternoon. C. F. White nnd family arrived W ed­ nesday from Saskatchewan and nfay locate here. A. 1-, Monroe was in Kugene W«-d nesday. Miss Gladys Pitcher has returned from I’orthiiiil, where she recently com pleted a course in telegraphy. Win Henry and family l«-ft yester •lay for Ashland. Miss Thelma Hunt, who had been visiting here, returned to Portland Wednestlny. .Mi- Whitchous«-, «if Divide, has ac «■p «'«I a (Misition as IxHikkeeper for the City meat market. H. 1«. (irube, o f this city, and Jack Staiv. o f Astoria, left WevHlesday inoniiitg for the Itohemia district. C. W. Wallace writes from Grass k alley that In- has sold Ins hotel thi-rc and is about to demonstrate that those who once live in Cottage Grove are am completely happy until they get bark. A marriage license was issued Wed I" David Henry W illiam ; and 1 . 01 » Daisy H u f f, both o f this city rhe brill- was n high school junior. U. W. Mel^ueen was in Kugene Wed nesday on business. II l>. Bennett is suffering with th«- I’eople are all used to henrinK the .a X a phone more or less, lint to hear ; the (treat Shirley, Saxophone Kin«;, ■ to fall in love with the instrument. \s nn entertainer Mr. Shirley is a lop noteher. Madam Shirley runs him a clone second. Probab ly no womnn plays so many instruments. Marie !>tinn is nn accomplished artist on \ iolin, cornet and saxophone. Madam Ardelle is a piano soloist ns well as accompanist and is the pos sessor o f a wonderful voice. One o f the features will he a sax a phone qunr tel. Arcade theater. Tuesday, Dec. 7, under auspices o f American Legion. Money back i f not fully satisfied. E. M. (Inrbntt, who was here from I'nllns, bought the l{ A. Morel* place through the .1 H. Milne ngenoy and has returned to bring his fam ily here. Mrs. I M. Tanner arrived Wednes­ day from Salmon, Idn., to s|s-nd some time with her sister, Mrs. K. K. Fin- nen. Is-ster Phelps nnd Van Ih-ntty “ b u g g e d ’ ’ to Cnrvnllis nnd Albany Sunday. Itring in those holey ruhher boots and shoes. We fix them and mnhe them Inst you the rest o f the winter. Cottage tlrov,. Vulcanising Works, near the bridge. , Mrs. K. K. Mills nnd Mrs, J. & Company Large or small your business is important to us ineitsles. CLACK YorilOKDKK l-’y » Groceries A . Brund Mi«« Kb-nnor Messorer, who acted as bookkeeper for J. H. Chambers for several months, has returned to her mine >n California. I)e\erc it l.oueks have bought the I. It. Morris stock o f serUind hand fur aitiir«- und will continue the business in the same location. Hurry Itentle wns in Kugene Wed nesday. I’ reo Delivery to All Parts o f tho City - Fresh Fish on Fridays ÜLv C A N D I E S and N U T S B a n k .In i Homi- Unsinne short«- iih tin-lift- ol' the houst-uil'c and linen. ( ’ o i i m t v -i- hot I, liy utili/.iiiK our l-'amih Wash Servie«-. Call 79. Ring Us Up Smith visited in Kugene Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs. II. I,. Oruhe and daughter, Mrs. Schofield HI« vvurt, mot­ WK W IL L HAVE A F IN E LINK OF CH RI HT MAS ored to Kngt-nu Tuesday. Frank Snflev was in Albany Tues lay to visit his mother, who is scr iously ill Mrs. W. II. (filbert and son Vernon spent Thanksgiving in Salem at the Our «-amly haa b«-«-u hought at. a great réduction in price If. O. Crowe home. owing to tli<- «lecline in the prie«* of augar. We will havenome Mrs. I.ouise Kibboy spent Thanks g iv ing in l ,««rtland at the home o f her very attractive pricca on Chriatmaa candie» an«l nuta. (Jet -laughter, Mrs. T. F. Corning. 'our prie««» Ix-t'ore huying elaewhere. Camly due to arriv«- in Fred Turner has traded his ranch ten «laya. for property ut fiend and will move there in the spring. Mr. and Mrs. Ileruid White were up from Kugene for Thanksgiving, visit­ ing at the home o f Mr. W h it e ’s par ents, Mr. nnd Mrs. N. W. White. Mrs. L. It. Dyott and daughter Adel,, Phone 65 anil Mr and Mrs. Olen 1’ i-rcival, o f Orocera to Particular People I'ortlari«!, were Thanksgiving guests at lh«- horn-- o f Mrs D y o t t ’s son, Dr. G. C. Dyott. All o f them, accompunic«! by ()den Roberts, o f the Philippine mi-mlx-rs are expern-rired instrumental­ W. D. Hough writes from Hoquiam, Dlands, who is a guest o f the Dyotts ists und eritertairi<«r». Arcade theater, Wash., to have The Sentinel sent to here, w< nt to Fog<-m- and took dinrn r Tuesday, Dec. 7, under auspices o f his address. with Mr» D y o t t 's parents, Mr. and American Legion. Money bnclt if pet Harry Williams left Tuesiljy for M rs. K 'rank Dunn. fully satisfied. I'ortlan«!. Mr, and Mrs, W. B. Dnsknm, o f Try the West Hid«« Garag«- for -nson left Monday for Cor Kugene, w r i ' T hanksgiv ing guests o f |M-n«luble repair work. deeStfe ; vallis. the George Wilson family. Mrs. Kdna Sullivan wns in Kug<-n«' D o n ’t think that we expect you to The W I,. Hatch family spent Monday. liuf something every tim-- you get •« Thanksgiving in Koxehurg, Miss Flora Marsh, o f Elmira, sp«-nt i little free service. W e ’ re glad to give Mrs. O. M Preston spent Thunks- Thanksgiving with her uncle und aunt, the service and hopeful o f g«-tting your giv ing in Kugene ut the home o f her Rev. and Mrs. K. G. O. Groat. business when you wish to buy some •intighter, Mrs. K Ilollnday. Mr. arid Mrs. G. W. Ho«l«-l, recently thiog. Spray, I-ong & Cruson. diu-ltfe K. C. l."-k w o o d was in Kugene Fri- of Cl«- Kllum. Wash., who had b*-«-n H. Burcham was in Eugene Tuesday •lay on Imsineiis. visiting at the horn«- o f Mrs. Hodi-I’s on business. It D Htephi-nson left Saturday for parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Johnson, Thomas Cox was in Albany Tuesday, Hot Spring«, Ark., for the benefit o f ¡••ft Hundny to visit soveraf cities down Mrs. Ella J. Viekoy returned t»« her hiy hi-fi I • h . rhe valley. Mr. Hrxlel recently dis h o m e in Washington Tuesday, after a Mrs Floyd Churchill, o f Portland, posed o f a laundry business at Cle visit with Mrs. Laura Htewart. visiti-d luring thi- week at the horn« Klum an«l is broking for a new loca­ u f. A B B M I H a l>u«y shop o f her h i- b a n d ’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. tion. for quick work. Try us. Overland Shelby Churchill. Mrs. K. J. Titus, Mrs. H. M. Titus Garnge. n S tiff of Kug«-n<-, Miss K-mi I ■•- Hi,lib man, who is tench ami Mis» Alic«- Titus, M ss Annabel Small u-turned to her mg at Wihlwood, sjieat Thanksgiving mother, gruiulmother nnd sister o f Dr. work in Kugene Tuesday, after a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris H. W. Titus, spent Thanksgiving here. end visit with her parents, Mr. and Frank t«aretson, also o f Fugene, was llnldeman. also a Thanksgiving gii«-st at the Titus Mrs. Alex Small, o f London. Mr n-u| Mrs. Charles I-avene nre home, « Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wheeler, o f here from Hummi-r, Wash., for n visit Miss l»uis<- Clarke, o f St. Paul, Great price reductions on lin­ -if a few weeks. Minn., visited several days the past Chest« r Fox, o f S«iiith Hi-nd, Wash., oleum. Call and see our beautiful week at the home o f her eousin, K. was in the city «luring the past week pattern». W 'L . Darby & Co. n26c K. Mills. negotiating n timber deal. T. C. Whi-i'lB was in Fugene Mon- «lay on business and nttemling the county builget meeting. D C. Itoslev was a business visitor in Kugene Friday. Mr. un«l Mrs. R. K IIurn. o f Fug«-ne. »'«•re Thanksgiving guests o f Mr. und Mrs. .1« (i (irubb. Mrs. .1 I. Jones and daughters, • WK WANT EVERY INDIVIDUAL IN NEED OF BANK­ Ornee and Inez, motor«-«) to Fugen«- ING SERVICE TO FEEL PARTICULARLY WELCOME AT and bn,light another daughter, Miss .OUR BANK. . Marie, home for the week end. Abe Hang» «ja-nt Thanksgiving in Tin- smallest »««count of today*may grow to be the largont Kugene. account tomorrow. Wc shall gla«lly, proudly ami freely giv<- C. I*. Moody, who was one o f the you any help, advice or service lhat we eaiMmender. We want -perutor« at th*' S. |\ station, has been you to look upon this hank as your WiST BUSINESS irnnsferreil t«i Timln-r. FRIEND. Mr. isiol Mrs. Robert I-. Forla-s, of Snn Francisco, received a pleasant rbnnksgiv ing present in the form o f an eight-fx-und son. Mrs. Forbes was Miss Mildred Walker, daughter o f Mr. and Mis. Charles F. Walker, former Me mb e r A m e r i c a n B a n k e r s Association incidents. Mrs. G. W. Potter and Mrs. G. A. \\ illiams returned Wednesday« t«i Yon ' alia, after a visit at the h«ime o f I heir sister, Mrs. Jesse Trunnell, Batteries testi-d, recharged and re­ paired. Chronic car troubles yield to our treatment. Our ndvice is tree. Our repair charges are moderate. We aim to giv e service thnt will make you respond to our invitation to come again. Spray, Long