r SOCIETY Mr*, Lmpnugh, grant! worthy matron o f the Faatern Star, w i t a gm-nt of the local chapter Friday evening. The degree work was exemplified and talk* made by grand worthy matron and by momtwr*. Refreshment* were served in the bant|uet room at the close o f the meeting. ♦ ♦ <«* Misses Inez and Grace Jones were hostesses at an Kpworth league party at their home Friday evening. Thirty- soton were present and games and mu­ sic were the diversions. Refreshment* o f ice cream and cake were served. .. .. .. igh- lairs surprised Grandma Sinai Vaug ehn one evening o f Inst week in honor of her 75th birthday anniversary. The an­ niversary had passed five weeks before but that detracted not at all from the enjoyment o f the occasion and the re­ freshments brought by the guests. Those present were Mrs. Dibcll, Mrs. Vina Gilbert, Mrs. Chas. Burge, Mrs. Oscar \ aughu, Mrs. Glen McGee. Mrs. t\ W. McGee, M i " Dentzel Kiuie, Mrs. Susie Kern, Miss Isama Vaughn, Willie lkihclt, Georg ie Black more. Mrs. Ben Whitten, Mrs. Mattie Grable, Mrs. Jay Blackmore, Mrs. Jennie llnyos. Miss Dorothy Blackmore, Miss Agnes Black more, Mrs. Kinmn l ’age, Miss Fern Pago, Mrs. Oliver Jones. Miss Helen Jones, Miss Merit Jones, Mrs. J. Z. Coate*. . . . The Presbyterian choir held a rally- in the church Thursday evening o f last week. Supper was served and was fo l­ lowed by the usual practice. Twenty- one were present. . ♦ ♦ ♦ Mrs. C. C. Cruson was hostess to the M. F. G. club Tuesday afternoon. The time was spent socially and a shower »'f baby things was given Mrs. Karl K. Mills. Guests outside o f club mem tiers were Mrs. Bert Trask. Mrs. S. M. Wendt and Mrs. T. G. Hud tell. Re­ freshments were served. ^ «S' •$* Mrs. Leon DesLanes entertained on the afternoon o f Tuesday. October 5. in honor o f the third birthday anniver­ sary o f her daughter, Alice Elisabeth, the guests being the little g irl's play­ mates and their mothers. The invited guests were Tom Kent. Dorothy and Margaret Johnson, Millard ami Rev McFarland, Margaret Short, Phillip Glass, Evelyn Smith, Phyllis Monson and Henry Wynne and their mothers. Donna Nichols and Bonita Monger as mated Mrs. ltesl.nrzea in serving. i Tales of the Town Mr. and Mrs F. J. Ridings and Mi and Mrs. J. II Doldnn were up from Eugene Monday conducting the auction sale of the Doldon household goods. Mrs. Cora McBride, department pres Mr. and Mrs. Bobbin have been r e s t ident o f the W R C., o f Portland, vis dents o f Ohio for somo time ited the local W. R. C. here Tuesday. Vernon Fields was up from Koseburg A social time was spent at their regu­ Monday lar meeting place in the I. O. O. F. Miss Esther Smith left Tuesday for hall, followed by a luncheon at noon a visit in Eugene and Portland, having and a business meeting in the a fte r­ resigned her position at the IL, B A noon. M store. Her place has been taken bv ♦ ♦ ♦ Miss Eunice V a n iVnbnrg, who had just The Constellation club held a tea returned from Klamath Falls. yesterday afternoon in the banquet Earle Richardson, who was employed room of Masouic temple to raise funds for some time on The Sentinel, was for the Masonic and Eastern Star here Wednesday to get his effoi ts, home. A large number attended. The having resigned his position while on following program was given: Vocal his vacation in order to accept a po quartet, Mrs. C. E. Frost, Mrs. Roy- sitimi on The Oregonian, which he sa vs Short, Mrs. George Matthews and Mrs. is nearly as good a paper as The Son C. C. Cruson; reading, Mrs. 11. W. Ti linei. tus; vocal solo, Mrs. George Matthews; Irl Groves has been ¡II several days piano solo, Mi's Price; vocal solo, Mrs The W. <’ . Conner family, o f Rabin, Roy Short. Miss Esther Silsby acted attended the funeral o f Mrs Elira J as aecoiiipanist. The dining room and Heidler hero SondaV. main hall were beautifully decorated j in pink and white and the reception I room was festooned in red. •$> -$> A number o f friends surprised Mrs. \\ . II. Gilbert Monday evening, the occasion being a birthday anniversary. The guests brought refreshments ns well as a number o f presents. Those D O N E ON S H O R T N O T IC E present were Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Kill P IA N O M O V IN G A S P E C IA L T Y ■ ■it. M i- B A Whitten, Mr'. George Sheary, Mrs. Dibell and son William. Mrs. Wm. Johnson and daughter Gen ] O ffice In Spray Brick P H O N E DO ev ¡eve, Mrs. J. W. Eddy, Mrs. Ed : Near S. P. Depot Grable, Mrs. Esther Peer and Miss j Augusta Garoutte. ♦ ♦ ♦ The Presbyterian ladies' nnl society- held their annual experience social in j the church Wednesday nf tern mill ■ About forty were present and many in [ teresting experiences as to how the i money was earned were related by the | W E W A N T A N Y K IN D A N D women. The receipt* were over » 100. i ALL YOU H AVE the largest they have ever been at one o f the*«. socials. Light refreshments were served. Mrs. 11. A. Miller. Mrs.. T. C. Wheeler, Mrs. George Matthews. , Mrs. A. \V. Helliwell and Mrs. Homer Oallowav were hostesses for the oeea sion. LONDON. Oet. LI Mr. and Mi*. Ilurold \b.'l'ilo and Mi limi M i» .1 E Itaiiton lllld dangliter Nola niotored tu Ilo' Greve Saturila) Peeil Geer lina beeu quid sick fnr several day». Mr. and Mrs llowiiid Co* and dui di ca w ero dinnor guosls Hat ardii) al ilio W. T Jones (ionie ili thè Grave Miss \ mintici Solali visitisi ut thè J. T. Sonili homo Timi»dav. J. B Emise S poni a l'ew diva in Ilio tirove Ilio f u n f Ilio wook. City T r a n s fe r I laulinii anil I)i*ayinu S A L E OF in Miss Julia Turner, whe h*s been ili a Engciie hospital, i» iinproviag •dow Iv Mr. ami Mrs. Ed. Miller vlaiteil al the I.oi» lingua homo last Somlay._____ DUTY CALLS YOU TO ATTEND A Public Meeting at 2:30 p. m. TODAY (Friday) IN TH E COMMERCIAL CLUB to listen to J. M. Langer, former market director ol California; F. I. Ellohur, editor Tax Libera­ tor, and Frank A. Freeman, of a Portland bond house. ADMISSION FR EE Cottage G rove Junk Company 2-4 Pacific Highway w Mrs lid Sedersi rolli, nf Black Rock, is visitìng at Ilio A. Sedersi rolli tinnii Miss Mae Dogali, nf Ilio Univo, vis Itoli Sumlay al Ile beine nf Iter par oiit», Mr and Mr» I» Degni». lira il il b'1’ ■11 " t* up from Vu* culla last Tin-lnv fnr a short v i» Il olili hcr pnreiil», Mr. and Mra. W 1, Iturkett. Miss Mildre I Doglia Ini» been ili duriiig Ilio |iast week bui si impruv mg Mr nini Mr». W Wise, nf Driuii, visitili la lely ut thè ....... e f Mrs W is e 1» sislor, M i»