ao= woro WNN II 1 |o I hi fnvor o f tlii* vi» Il or». i lio «I. lì Wootl tuimlv \ unitoli ilio liotol imil inox n i tu I ó . no I uiih Inai vxook. Mr. inni Min. \\ ili \\ imo , of Iirtiin, uro violini^ \lr*. druido l.on^. \il.ilf I «imM rolli li uh roliiruoil lo lui woik ni l'orllnml, uflor u vini! vvitli lii h lullior, I*. A. I. ìiii I n I rolli. \ nomlior from lino ultoioloil u iluuoo ut I.«»mlnii Sutiiriluy inaili -u - 1 « ^ W w e a t h e r b ir d "Æ w ^. LYNX (Spooiul to Tho Hoiilìnol.) •IiiIv 21 Toni A vx Inox , of K»o»oiio, vvtis u iliintor i* iiom I ut Ilio Ninnoli I r boxx homo Km lux Ì l i o Marvin .link mimi fumily rulloil mi fi •••min ih u|>|M>r l.vux llollow Sun «Ir« y . Mr. inni Mr*. .Inni oh l'Itmk miti olili ilroti x ìni I oi I ni Dort'ttu l i i»lu v vx il h M m. liuuk * m xiilrr, M im Krrti M om Monifor. Mi. utnl M ii l.ov\ lji|«*io nini «luu^li lor Marniti«»! nini Vomì l'uhlvvoM vii iloti l'tnluv ut ilio |{oii/jo II min li homi ut llobron, # Mutui 11 ti n I •« iti ri n nini llurnhl Wol forti intulo u horMoIntok Irn» lo ilio Ifnr xox SI roiin homo Hntiinlux timi Mr timi Mrt. Sltoti)', uoootti|oi moti II io in lo I*runo tuli Stillili!\ THE HEALTH A N D S E R V IC E S H O E S Scientifically Proportioned to Properly Develop the Growing fo o t. Jiuilt Over Health Lasts to Preserve the Natural Shape o f the fo o t. Made o f Solid Leather Throughout to Give Good Service. FOR BOYS AND LITTLE MEN H E L L IW E L L , — BANGS • FOR GIRLS AND CHILDREN COTTAGE GROVE =301 =Cfc Neighborhood News SAOINAW. The quality of bunking support you receive is of prime im­ portance. I f your bank is to serve you well, it must itself have— as this bank has- the facilities of the greatest bank­ ing organization in the world the Federal Reserve System. First National Bank TH E OLD R E L IA B L E COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON “ Going All Around’* says the G ood Judge I find men are taking to the Real Tobacco Chew. The good, rich taste lasts so much longer that you find it saves you money to use this class of tobacco. Any m an who uses the R e a l T o b a c c o Chew will tell you that. til«*n Seott nini Hen Hnviil, of Dorè nu, «vere in thi» vieinity Wrdimilujr SUMMONS. In the fire iiit Court o f the Stute of Oregon for l.uiie County. I.incoio Titylor nini MntiMn Tnylor, hi.» wife, Myron Tuylor, («lady» Tay lor, iilu Tuylor, Kthel Tuylor, ilurvey Tuylor uml Helle Tuylor, hi» wife, nml I.illuni J. Tuylor, P la in tiff», vs. John Hugh Tuylor, Defemlunt. Put up in two styles R IG H T C U T is a short-cut tobacco W -B C U T is a long fine-cut tobacco «W eym an-Bruton C o m p a n y . 1107 B r o a d w a y . N e w Y o r k C it y The Sample Store Sample Store Prices cy4re Sale Prices Ladies' silk georgette waists in all styles— Women’s ox fords in brown and black — $6.50 $4.95, $5.50, $6.50 and $7.50 Ladies’ crepe waist»— tie chine $4.95 and $5.50 Women’s white canvas ox­ fords— $3.50 Ladies' house aprons at— $1.95 and $2.25 $3.95 $4.25 One lot of women’s shoes and slippers— $4.95 Misses’ $1.95 gingham $2.25 dresses— $2.50 One lot of ladies’ shoes- $3.95 Children’s gingham dresses $1.00 to $2.50 Ladies’ and bloomers— misses’ crepe 85c to $1.00 Children’s scoffers, all black and black and white— $1.98 One lot of men’s slums— $4.95 Men’s brown English dress shoes— $9.00 $10.00 Men’s white fords— $11.00 canvas $3.95 (Special to The Senti nel.' July 21. M i * m Lillie Km^ht weut to Yoneulln Suntitty to \ i*it relative*. M r. unii M r». W. K. House riti un uvei liti le (luughter /«lina, o f Hpringfiel«!, \ ìmìi * m ! Suiiilux* *i! iI h - Kuiiikt liiene Miss Ktliel Moodv return« «I to fin Rem» Friday. hitl. W Iti telex visite«) Seni: y \t tue Seott home. Mr. ami Mr». (jueen »peut Sumlav ut ih«* Moodv liofile. !.e«* Mmitieth ami little «laughter \ÌMÌte<| Sunday ut thè Alien h«»m«*. K«»v. I.argè, o f Kugene, «p, West to the Houth««i-»t corner o f : : ine, North to a point 54 rod» Nouthen terly from beg* li o in g mid Northwesterly 54 nel» to beginning, eontaming tí.» neres in l.iiue County, Oregon; A I mo : Hegmning 2 » rods liant o f the Northwest corner o f claim .*.' 1 , N o t i f i ­ cation "tit in See. 2 M, Tp. 21 S. U. .’I W. W'. M., run east to tin- •Northeast corner o f »aid claim 52, South 10 .liains to Southeast corner, West 40 chain» to Southwest corner, North to the Southeast corner o f cl,..m 55, N o tifii-iition 77», West to a point about .1.1.25 chains Kast o f the Southwest corner o f snid elaim 55 mid North easterly to beginning, containing 157.10 acres, enwpt H.IÍ 2 acres deeded to Ida C. and tieheeea K. Tnylor; Also: the W i-l ."ill r • 1 o f I ait 2. Boo. :i 2 , Tp. 21 s. B. 2 w. W . M . « M to in in g 0 acres, and Also: the Soutinrent quarter o f the Southwest quarter o f See. 20 and the Northwest quarter o f the Northwest quarter o f See. 22, Tp. 21 S. It. ,'i W. W. M. among the plaintiffs and diTendnnt according to their respective interests and decreeing Thut the plaintiffs and defendant are the owners o f suiti real property and for n decree o f partition liy the court to partition the said real prop ■•rty among the plaintiffs and liefen liant according to their respective in t erimtn; This summons is served upon you by the order o f the Honorable Judge O. F. Skipworth which orafer directs that you appear and answer in snid cause within six weeks from the date o f the first piildicntion o f this summons whirh said date o f said piildicntion is June 25, 11*20. A L T A K IN G AND P tiT T K K , FOHTKK A I M M K L , Attorneys for Plaintiff. Ki-sidenee anil P. O. Address, Bugene, Oregon. jne25-agl3 moving the engine front the rnek crusher to the (irove for repairs Mrs. Dick, o f Portland, is «isiliu g at the home o f Iter son, W. P Dick. The Gerard family, of Springfield, visited Monday e «in u ig ««ith S II Jarrett. !.. (*. Scott left Tuesday for Walla Walla, Wash Della Seifert, of Portland, and Mrs. Labile, of Ktigcne, «¡»¡ted last week at the Tapini home. I.awrence Muntieth is visiting at the Colleen home Mis» Faye W hiteley i» « i » i l i n g at the Scott homi-, Mr. Ailney returned Saturday eve mug from Drain. S IL K CREEK (Special to The Sentinel. ) July 21. Mrs. Mary Hurchnm s|»-nt the week end m Kugene with her daughter. Mis» l.i-nii. Mr. and Mrs. ( l. II. Heine made a trip down the «alley the last o f the week in »earch o f Idm klu-rries. Mr. Clark ha» been baling hay this week. Mr». John Wood mid Ada Wilson and daughters l.olu and f o r a wore in tin- Grove Monday. Otto Hurchnm is lirakeman on a rim In-tween Kugene and Salem. There was a party -it the A. I., Chit wood home Saturday evening. Kdith Wheeler, Mimiche Bates and Gene« H-ve and Gerald Gildersb-ve « is ¡tersi at the C. I.. Wilson lumie Tlmrs day afternoon o f last week. • K. M. Hulieork is putting ill poles -in his half acre o f Kentucky Wonder beans. Thomas Aubrey was in our neigh liorhoud Tuesday and »pent the night at the S. Hurchnm home. Klnu-r Chitwood left Friday for a several weeks' stay at Chitwood. It is reported that II. I.. Fowler has sold the property where he now l i « i s to F. K. Italic oc k, o f Phillips, S. I». Mr. and Mrs. Cochran, o f Colorado, have been guest» at the Turner home ■luring the past week. M i»» Dora Chitwood was in Cottage Grove Tuesday. Mr. Trembly left Tuesday for hi» home in Comstock, D IV ID E . (Special to The Sentinel.) July 21. Mrs. Arthur Dugan, Ktln -1 Mackey, Mrs. Jo«- Stuleiip and son Don aid, Mrs. J. A. Mat-key and Miss Mil dred Dugan were in the d rove Sntnr day. F. N. Sodcr ¡from, ««ho had liei-n via iting his parents, Mr. mid Mr». A. Soil iTHtrom, left Saturday for hi» home in Portiti ml. Mrs. Prmik Turner underwent mi op i-riition Tuesday in a Kugene hoHpitnl and is getting along nicely. Mr. mid Mr». Arthur Dugan left Monday for ...... lepori mid other conti points. M i»» Julia Turner wan ill with tun »■litis a few days o f last week. A unrulier from Cottage Grove and Isindon attended the ball game In- tween Divide and London Sunday. The SU MMONS. In thè Circuit Court o f thè State of Oregon for l.ain- Cininty.' Mieti N. Iloppcr, piuiiitiff, v». Oraci- lloppi-r, defendant. To Onice Iloppcr, thè Almve Nnuicil I *i fendimi : In thè ninne o f thè State o f Oregon you lire hereby requireil to ap|s-ar and nnswer thè complaint filmi again»t you in thè almve entitled smt within six week» from thè date o f thè fir«t pub licution o f tliis siimmotis, nini i f you fui 1 to so aiiswcr, for wimt thereof thè plaintiff will Iipply to thè i-ourt for thè relief prayed for in p la in t iff'» complaint, t o w i t : for a daeree o f thè court dissolving thè mnrringe contrnet and liond» of uiiit rimoiiy existing bc tween you and thè pli-intiff un thè ground» o f m i e i nini inhunian tri-ut ini-nt and iufidelity uf unii toward thè pla intiff and for thè care, custody and control o f nll thè minor ehildren In longing to you nini thè pla intiff and for »neh other nini fnrttier relief a» mny seem pnqier in thè premine» and for rosts and di»biir»emeiit» o f this »il i t. This snmmnns is served by pubUea tion by or«|er o f thu llon. G. V . Skip «\orili, jildge o f tha- almve nami-d rourt, diited tIn- *!th «Iny o f July, A. I). 11*20, and thè date o f thè first pnbln-ution o f this »liminoli» will be thè ìtth day o f July, 11*20, and thè Inst piiblirntioli thermif will In- nn thè 20 th day o f Angmt, A. D. 1920 jl9 »20 H . J. H I I I N N , Attorney for Plaintiff. Poatoffiec nddress, Cottage Orove, Ore. • OprultiK of Rc*t postponiM I in *» i ti oh h muti or» in f iili forti in prò xonl ilio from opt inni; nix S ii minor I ìom I homo ni Istruii«* boforo ott or uflor \ui;ii»t I Kvn \\ oul vx ori h, IfiHil (ìnr liohl u v l'imo, I ii Hinlotiii, Culif. 7 l'ir & M ARKSBURY TH E D A Y L IG H T STORE FOR Q U A L IT Y A N D SERVICE 1 I0 L L 0 W . W A N T A D S. Migli grada corkerols for sai». We ha« e a Inaiteli niimber o f thi- llcrt Iliinds trap in-st record ymmg .... k «•rei» nuw five week» old for siile. Alno »olile Plymiiiith If• •«• k h o f th«- iiniv«*r»ity stock nuw finir Inotilh» old. Ciim«* timi »«•,. theiii. Huy yonr spring ruckerels tnuv and save money, ,1 II lleard, .122 Hi-eoml »1 , Cottagi* tlrove, (tre. JI2 22 p Poi led! Wc (Itili *t rimili limi Ilio I-'. «V L l'Itrck u ri ter nini |iroti*i*ttir culi lini In- liciti di, Imi H e «Iti duini limi il never I iiin I iccii I ich I cii nini h i - i | ii dumi limi lite « I g i i n r i i n t c c nguiiiNt I iihm ««ludi gni-N «viili cadi noi citine pois nll lite mnry tip tu UH. Voti etili 01*1 llC liciti CO Itti Ic.HM u I uhh c x c c c i I m tim i uiiiimiit wltidi ih iotilooknlilc. Ili* vini leuli/r timi in i I ichi - mtit It’i'ii « In y s mi « ili « - ih ciiiihii I cri‘(| n Nule nini cniiMcrvnlive I> iinìiic $ h limo ioil*'*iM he I iiin h Itllllk IICCHIIllt w li idi lic pln I cc I n «vii li ii llimlcril check M i IIMPt l><* you kimw limi thè F A K check Wl iter hiivch li «poll ici tu u ImII’ minute over nll olIn i inuchiiii'N un t-vcr.v check you Mille? li youi lune ih «votili m I iii I miy huccchn I' ii I I minìiichn imiti ’a lime n I ioii I i I Ite, you auve ni ........... yenr thè coni ol un I' nini K. itinchiui*. The prie...... . un F. A K dwck Miitm nini pnitcct UuilMuy Kxchnngc Ii 1« 1 g . l ’ori lumi, ( ir*- Pur Sale Colouial rango, some canne,| fruii and empty jar». 722 Wssliing ton a venne. jlytt 2 'lpd Ft*H S A I.K 2 SKTS i s t i Itl.K II Alt ticss, 2 horse eultivator, »ingb- » h o ««l and «loiiblc ahovil gardi-n cultivntor» \N A. Il' uicnway. jlH 21 p F illi S A I.K « iV K IH \.N|l 5 PAHSK.N ger four, 11 * 1 « nn-del, in g«mi| mmli timi, finir gixnl t i r « » and oue ••stri« Mr». M A Magre, 2 s »oiith Tw elflh str. cl, jI\ • > ' p For Sale Rlork faro burk nbe«|i for breetling l'rires righi. C. A. Me Farlnnd. 7 IO .IO im I I bave 300 head o f Shropshlrn ami Cnt»««iild ewes to poi oul «m shnres ih »mali bunche». K. It Kenny, Is-mut, • 're, ; |i: tiq„| For Sale 25 O. I. C. plgs rig hi weeks old; «5 each if tnk«-n at once. It Y Porti-r, 2- niilc» west Wnlkcr. 7 IO Hip 45 arre» bill land, esige of town, spring water pipci! ulto gnu«! 7 ro«»ni Inni««', naturai res«*r«oir site for irrigatimi, gimd berry and rhirken pro|Mi»ition wilh pb-iity of pasture for rows, 4 .I 1 Ì 1 MI, lialf cash, balline«* .V P llmo«*r (iallo way, 511 Mani Street, phone .1*1. 7 |(ìtf l',a aeren» Johnson Ave., 0 rooni house. fine water in house, plenty fruii, chicken house for 2tio hen», $15****, falsi of wbicli cmi I h - left un piare al li'./J. llomiT Gnlluway, 511 Maio St., phone ; ioti Y orni g roosters for sale. E. J. Keut, Sagiimw, phone .IH F2I. 7 10 .Itlpd THERE 8 A LIMIT TO W H IC H TH E EYES CAN BE A BUSE D A N D STILL RETAIN THEIR EKf I CIF.NCY ( 'uniintioiiH ri ailing liy nr lificiul light cniiHCN much cycNight i I ih I i ' cmk TI iih , uf culirNc, cull In- of I' hc I hy ! properly fittcil ghiHHCN Why neglect your cycn, when you hnvc ho egay nc- I ci'NH to the Ncrvicca of tin cy c H ig h l HprcmliHt Good hard wheat for sale 12.50 per bushel. .\l. A. Morii, pilone .15 FI ; 2.1 » 0 |ni F«»r 1 I iohc m In* Nlumhl have two ritiitft* ghiHNcH thcic'H no HillI n I' iic Iion like Extra rlear cedar ahlugles $5.50 thè thollsiilld. II. K. M< Icalf, telcplloric IU7 L. 7-2.I)« 1.1 iravPTOK IV IV 7 nmm house one block from husirst corner in city, $25*1 rasli, lei lane,, of ♦ **50 in mmithly |«ayments. Sei- Gal lowiiy, 511 Maio St., phone .10. 7 2.1r 7 aeree witli ueat cottage, rid i tmttoni Iniid nini lots o f fruii, in town «vitli »chimi ami other ailvuntages, 20 unii ni i-s I roin l'olt-igi- Gru« e uvi-r good rumi. Gnlluway, o l i Mani SI., phone M.____ For Sale Slx A No. 1 Jersey milk rows. Ilarrison Kogrrs, I */*j nule» sonili o f city. 7 221 fé For Sale HI acre chicken rum li, !>/, Olile» soutli limi */| mile ««est of Cottagi- Grnvc. All good bottoni land. Good •« rimili Inni»«-, 2 good baiti», largì- chicken house, bruodi-r house ami other Olii building»; all well feneeil; good well uni runiung water; eli appiè and eli pear trees, some plinti», primi-» limi ber ile». Fine rumi to town. Prireil |o »eli, lliirrÌMun ICnger», Cottage Grove. 7 22tf GLASSES THE INViaiBLl ■trOCAL* They ink*1 the plncc of I M O | III I I’M of glilNMCK, I m -CUHHC they eoinhinc perfect near ioh I lar vicvvN in one pair. No Hi'UIIIH. Sherman W. Eyesight Specialist Moody and Optician Factory on J'ri-nii»rs Phone 202 HS1 W illaniett«* Ht., Kogi-iie, llrcg^ti A panacea for everything wantads. Hentilu-I ••• For Sale O oim I Ford delivery car In good repair and fine running ordi r Fir»t eia»» ib-livery top and bo«ly. West Siile Garage, 7-22 2l*c For Sale Ten cow dalry fami, 3 mlles mirili o f Cottage Grove, \ nule en»t of Hiiginnw, in llebghl Volley, nll gmnl prod nel 1 « e »od, good new building»; location, rollìi» inni »elioni» all good and eonvenieiil. Will »eli any 011 ,. of three ways to snit buyer thè Imrc larm, or Ilo- furio and iWops, or fumi, erops, stock nini equipment. Now is 11 good timi- l o look it over. Why noi boy 11 live, going ciincernf W. J. Me Clellun, Hnginaw, Ore. 7 22|N tlpd For Sale Severa! doxen quart and pini fruii jur» cheap. Dr. Wi-nilt, at hospital. 7 22 r l ’or Sale Sow and 5 pigs. ra «, ( !o lta g » O rove, John Mur 7-2.1 p«] For Sale 21 * Leghorn pullets elle ip. W. II. Haldwin, 227 N. Ninth HI . * lui l a g » Or »ve. 7-2 Ip I have a trae of Black Rapnhlican cherries, whirh I wuuld like to bave pieked un shnres. J. H, '' > «k, ut Mil l e r ’s Murhine Shop. 7 2.1pd I Wantcd To reni or for a, a 5 to 7 rnoin house. Must be mini ern. Write, g ivin g ti-rms and pur tic nlars to II. (liner Hi'nnett, city siqiei intendent o f »elioni», l ’ri-seiit addreor, Sntherlin, Ore. One of Boy Handx’ beat Whtte L » g horn eoekerels for sale, or will trnde for White l.eghurn Ina». Telephono 13-F2. d js 7 22 tf? A BIG JOB on new ImihlitigN «locnn’t in- fcrfcrc with our current work on fitting your kitchen or hath room or doing your repairing. The logger tin* jolt the I n > 1 ter we like it, and we are pre­ pared I*» entry out the lurgcnt eon tract a at fair pricen. Small cr jnliN receive tin* Name care­ ful attention from A. L. WYNNE I’lumhing mul Supplies Eleelric Work nml SupplicH OppoHitc I’oatofficc