manager of the Wi'ddrrburn Trifling compii a y *« ntore, Mr. and Mm .fepthn Hart «pent Fri dya hi Kiigeue on basino««. WOULD YOU BELIEVE IT? Spray, A lt or talviii» « v i i Ilio I m i r & H i I h I iv »lote I limi limi many jtllO ll«* 7 ». .1 it iiev S e r v i c e < i a r a g e , bong Hi C r u s o n , Huy Woolley war in Kugene F rid a y llllK'Il'N MITI' |irHTl| I'll »III ,ri l'IlltM III ir» I'I'I i I h tuli high. I a n i to have hin eye« treated. Mr. und Mm. «hick Morrmori, of imi « h ¡ ii ^ In run a cut priée »lore, Ini! you Mill finti Minee Yakima^ Wash., who are on a motor trip to »Olitili tu I Hogan, topped her*' I have iTailjuktcil price» that you can ilo iih well hen IIH last week fur a «hört visit at the horn** clacM here. ( ì i \ e uh a timi ami he conviticeli. of Mm. Dora lla/.leton. M inn Delia M edley wan taken to Mm "«Hfield lant week for medical treat meat fur heart trouble. lin y (Jvorlund I, the c a r of no re groin. You can affo rd to buy it, und SuncoiHor tu K err Si Silaby Telephone 30 b e lte r still, you can affo rd to run it. t f Mrn, l.loyd Hniith returned Matur*lay from n visit in I'ortlund. Mr«. .1 It, C'rAwford left Muturduy Hefore It living your enr overhimlcd for a visit at O akland with her moth you Mliouid u .* tire yutirmdf that t lie me or, Mrn. A. !.. Thornton. eliiiiiii'N who lire ÿ'oiii^ to do the work The .lohn W u t eh und Tom (-OX farri lire r i p e r ! enough to Ionite the IrouM** ¡lies «petit S u n d a y in Kugene. mid properly n p u r the p u rti timi need u I tent hoi . \S iti li looking for mcehnnicM of t li ;i t kind, drop into the H it * ice Unruhe, Hprny, I ,unj» »V C i immii . jly'.ftl M inn Inez White left Hlllidliy to lit tend Miiiiiiner Melioo) nt .Monmouth. W ill nell y «'ti r household furn iture, Mr. mid M in . W. Frmnrr Joh n «un drove to I'ortluud Muturduy. «took, implementa and m achinery, Mm. I>uvi* Huker Çt Muturduy for iiik I tools of all k in d «; -V7 up to Fusili» Ito* I , W un I i ., im * ** iii |» u It i «* i | I * \ th«* first ♦2000 and W/ for all over. lo r itrmidehililreii, Dus id und Ktliel, whom m I ii * in tn k ni(* « hi m v in t to Ilo it n » r i “X C. O . DcVERE mother, Mm Henry lluldmr* t cur OF UH, Imi l Ilei •- ih no m < 1 1 * on the market today, * 'l t * a the Mpnnj'N. 10111111)* u ml M«,«lnn on imrol F II. Allison returned S a t u r d a y from OÍ l u i a h l u i v t h è f a c i U U ililly for imniediiite d*diver> at 9 0 1 Main. a motor trip to Hctlding, C alif. He h y M e a r u iK t h o » e o h l- M ty le Free «lemoiiMt rut ion. 7 SJJtfr wum iiruompiin ¡e*l from Hi*sid«urg bv Mm. H. Houthworth, who wun culled Flunk l*iek«*ttt who visit*«l a few «lays In l o c a I h M ith d i e h e a v y here laut week to : i f t « * • i « I h**r mother, at the home of his halt brother, A. K. senni X o o n e n e e i l » k uo M Mr«. J . II Hurt:«, who w : in very ill, re Harrow «. turned Maturila) to h*r liotite in Al vou à i e w r t r it iK h i fo c a l» , if .Itisf received a full line of Hockfor*! l*u u y , silv erw are for wedding presents. II. (\ y o n M e a r k K Y I T n k H , he jn e tltfc Mn fi Keu)»y, w lo» hud been \»s Madsen. e u u » e d i e I m o vihioiih a r e k i ­ itili)* ut the horn** of lur «inter, \'rn. Mr«, Mi«*e Ho hm*»nd, «if Kugene, vi . i h i y j o i n c i l , g i v i u g t t ie n i a Will Hull, returned Muturduy to her and her daugh ters, Mm. H. K. (iris \ ihìoii a p p e a r u n e e . silik’h lo*me at l ’«»r*Nt (lro\e. wold, of Kugene, mid Miss Kva Hich Mrs M. I. Jim#*« returned to H| jo mom!, of I'ortlund, return<’d Safiird n y Thia ìh only one of the kune Miinduv, a f te r '•pendili)* n month t*» their home«, a f t e r h av in g wttemle*l many m e t h o d s that Me em­ lit the home of h* r brother, A. J . a fa m ily reunion here. Mte\ enn, Klmer Doobttb*, a resilient hr*r<* nix ploy in perfecting your Mirht yearn ago, arriv e d Sat u n la y from anil reiiileriiiK genuine eye 1 lioiibl* r, ('«do., to visit hi« mother, eonitiirt. Ilur service aims Mrs Caroline Doolittle, of Dorena, who to permanently salmly our has boon «|tiito ill. »I un ! r e e e iw d , U f u b arg ain , fille «lia patron», ami to that mil Me moto!« ut II. I‘. .M im I n *- ii *«, 7 1MD ask that you call frequently I loll up f**r the Indien with o n e o f ami permit iik to iu I juk I ami tho««* “ m irror'/ nliincn at KonuM Hin* overhaul your |{I ummck a fon'» nun parlor ut Aitinoti'n b arber aervice for whieh we make «h«*p. jlyl> 2.#I jm I at the no I'linrife. » Mra. W. II. Jnih o ti left Muturduy for People’s Market a \ iwit witli her d au gh te r, Mrn. Alex Telford, m I'ortlund. VN «• hnve some e x tr a fan cy meat for Mr«. C, \. Hill left Miinduv for her thin S a t u r d a y at before the war home in Vancouver, It ('. Mhe wan ac price«. Come and giw* iih a t ria l compatii* d by her daugh ter, Mm. M. OPTICIAN o p t o m e t r ist find b«> convinced that we hand!«* tV Itobbmn, w hom shi* tool lo g'll \ init only the bent moats in the c ity . rurtory on Premise* mg during the punt month. Kcniciuber. folk*, no 7. 1. K ittle und her mother, M in N rinatili W viiim * nml chililri'fi Smith. Minn Hirdie Hanley, of Konebiirg, \ in Mrs. A. K. Steven «, left M onday for r«* 9 uriti*i| Hat unitiy front n vinti in l'uri iteti Mundil y at the home of Mrn. Kvu ( Ink Itimi. land. lleroenw ay. Allen Hirdwcll, of Lebanon, is vis G allo* ay wriltMi auto In mi rance. II Hieben han piirchnneil a new it mg at the home of his uncle, David Phevrojet from the Sm ith Motor Put W igle, on How river. company. Mrs. W. !.. M iller spent Monday in Matterie« recharge«! and y o ur elec Kugene. * tricnl e*piipment put in order. Mp»ay, k Crusoii. jly -lfc Mrn. «lohn Kirk Ian*! returned F rid ay Light ami power will he shut to h«*r home at Albany, a f t e r a month ‘n at the home of her Hinter, Mr«. H till at iiihlniglil Saturday ami vinit V. A limon. Yes, ask any o f our patrons what will remain off until Sunday Harry linker, of I'ortlund, war n they think of our bread, cukes, and evening. Thia will have to he week end \ imtor at the (1. W. M cFar other pastries. T hey will tell you d o n e He vera I weeka while we land home. without a m o m ent's h esitation that lire cleaning our Imiler. * mi r goods are “ just g r e a t , ” and if Ven W allace a r riv e d F rid a y from vou don t think so “ money b a c k . ’ ’ Mtoekton, C alif., for a visit with rei Cottage Orovc Electric Compy at i v en. Th,« mournful prorewionn go d a ily about III«* ntreetn and y e t we w ill not M ini Fruii«»#»« l ’u t i« in Yrukii, Cttlif. leriomdy enough think about our own Tl ren Doors E ast of the B rid ge Miss <’ ox wiis ut f ’rulcr lukt* mi fin* approtiehing end to protect our loved Fmirth unti \% i11 *|»«»ii. I'. Witlltir«*, form erly with Ibi* Ada Gilham, of Comstock, returned Min« Marv Hughes a r riv e d F rid a y home Monday, a f te r a visit at London lilock Ninnili Mcrvicc hrrt» Imi now liv ni)* ut Nortli Itemi, \ ini(e«l olii friend* from Herkeley, C alif., for a visit at with Mrs. Gilliam ’« mother, Mrs. H. K. th*» home of lier sister, Mrn. Kobort I «nekey. beri*'thè punì w eek . Mr. und Mr«. II. F. Toopi'r leff tkia Mal* Ml lm. Mrs. W. H. Cooper returned Monday Mm. (leorge Kerr expect« to leave from Kugene, where she had gone for weck for un e tte n d e d \i«it w ith a noon I'" We*Iderbum to join Mr. Kerr, medical treatm ent for a serious case t lu ughter ut K l l e m d iu r g , W iim I i . o f (Hiison onk. She is much improved. F. O. COFFMAN Auctioneer!!!! .1 i1 u*v servi***; phone ÎMt. N**ison's Auto Sales. Q u a lity Meats I). J. Scholl Power Shut Off ‘Ask Ma, She Knows’ BENDER’S CITY BAKERY SATURDAY SPECIALS We hnve rcc«'ivc«l a I' ith H n I i ¡pniftit of Sliillinu’s Ivrsl |ti-o«liic*ts iiH'luiling tl»»' law ciitp of I ; also col'lVc and extracts. Sliil- inirs give Natial'action or your money hack. Choice canned peaches, lì I ipiarts........................................ $8 50 Fienie hams, choice, per ll>.................................. ............. . 31 c Cahliage, per II*....................................................................... 5 c Meets, par II» Cc Carrots, per lb...................................... Or Tomatoes, per II*.......................................................................>. 25 c Latinar, par band ..................................-....................... 10 c SMITH’S GROCERY W a l k B l o c k and Sa v e D i m e C. (I. Vulniniz’g \Yks. Vulcanizing, ret reading. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. L. Woodard nr#' now v is itin g r e la tiv e s in Chicngo. They are m a k in g an extended tour o f the l nite*| S ta t e s and expect to be gone for the rem ainder of th*» y e a r at least. Ksther Hubbard returned Monday to her home at Cresw cll, a f t e r a visit with her grandm other, Mrs. Susan llub lm rd. 11. J. Shinn and f a m ily spent Sun ilay ut Foley springs. Chickens, hogs, veal and r a t t l e w an t e*l a t the P e o p le ’a m ark et. nilifttfc H. II. New hall and f a m ily returned to Creswcll M onday, a f t e r a visit at the home of Mrs. N e w h a ll’s brother, W. V. Chapin. Irl Groves a r riv e d S u n d a y from P hiladelp h ia, where he ri»ceivc*1 his discharge from a four y e a r enlistm ent in th«* n a v y , la r g e ly spent in M exican waters. Grace Fullerton is now employed in th«» Pniphrt»y & Mn* km stor«». A new diamond from H. C. Mads e n' s for your engagem ent ring. 7*£3tfc (F T The Stern tailo r« hnve in stalled a =s= new cleaning machine »n their shop tm Seventh street. NOW IS TH E T I M E W H E N Y OU NE E D Mr«. Jam e s Hurt has been culled to Indcpcndt'iM *• t*> atten d her daugh ter, Mr«. M ary Miller, who is ill. Adolph Lindstroin lias returned from Port lami. M ins I L b ln d l l a l j returned S u n d ay j from a vi it hi I'ortlund. Mr. II Wise and f a m ily enjoyed a Makes the cows give more milk. nice outing «oí the McKenzie last Hun d a y , but the «lay was m arred by a near Don't forget the FLY CHASER— It makes contented cows. f a ta l u n d e n t on the homeward jour ncy ih e two rear tire s on his " L i z The PANACEA makes your hens lay more eggs. Ask any­ /i«*“ blew out at the sam e time while one who has used if. rounding a curve, und caused his mu i chino to upset. He sa y « he will never a g ain «croi his money to m ail order I houses for tires but will use only the Feileral« sohl by S p ray Long k Cm* son at the S erv ice G arage. 7 litf«* GROCERS TO P A R T IC U L A R PEO PLE PHONE 65 Georj'e Hull, J r . , is home from Port S-- land on u visit. _ t _______ Mrs. II. K M e tc alf and children r»r<* i spending the summer at Wcddcrburii j Miss M arg are t Cramer, of O akland, at the home of Mrs. M e t c a l f 's «inter, C alif., who is v isitin g at the h o m e of Mrs. II. K. Lawson. Mr. and Mrs. George Proctor, i-*j»erts Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Handers w rite to leave for home S a t u r d a y . She will from Long Beach, Wash., to renew * make the trip by auto alo n g the beach • heir sule*« ription. They s a y “ Jt seems j from M arsh field to Oakland. more like it letter from friend« than u ! Mrs. II. T. H artle y , of Itemi, Ore., loeal a«* w «paper. We «b oi’t feel t h a t , is v is i t i l i » nt the home of her brother, we can do without i t . ” A. W. Ile lliw e ll. F. A. Guretoon, J r . # is experte#! to ! Mr«. S in a i Vaughn, of this c ity , ha* arriv«* next wc«*k from Alton, Mo., for r e c e i v e d word that she is a g a in a gre at a visit at the horno of his p arents, Mr. i grandm other, another child h av in g been and Mrs. F, A. G n ret soil, Sr. n a n to Ifi 1 " i E. Ilford, Itnicks were sold last week by th«* , of Pendleton. Mrs. Alford is a dough West Hide g a r a g e to Herbert Kokin , ter of Mrs. Alf. Emerson, of P ortland, We will pay $H) rewaml fof in- and Andrew Broad. F. B. P hillip s got I who is Mrs. V au g h n '* daugh ter. Tormation leatlittff to conviction the Kakin used Buick. Miss Lola Howe, o f Kugene, visited o f boys or other» w ilfu lly the Mrs. Jarnes Potts und «laughter. Miss McKenzie, M yrtle, left T uesday for a visit o f sev Mr. d Mrs. Dan S h aw , o f Pendi«' PHONE YOUK NEWS. eral weeks with r e lativ es in C alifo rn ia. | * . n, nr« v is itin g at the C M. J a c k s o n Mrs. II. J). Stevenson, mother o f ; home, Mrs. Shaw is Mr. Jacktton '* sis- Mr«. I . J . A lstott, who has been v e r y ! ! ter. p«Mirly, w in taken to Kugene W«*dnes P ran k Culver, of P ortlam l, is visit •lay for an X -ray ex am in atio n . t in » in the e ity -with hi* brothers, lla r - Mr and Mrs. W. A. Sloan, of P o rt­ ry nnd l.i-oiiard Culver. land, visited this we#*k with Mr. nnd G e m m i Johnson has purebnsed the Mr«. J . V. S te w a r t. Ijiurn J . Ramsey property east o f the IL F. Ahlen i« here from St. Cloud, ji-ity. Minn., for a few «lays on business. E. M. T liurle'r, who operates th e mo­ Otto Michel, of Ashland, visite«! n tor tmns|e.rt -i-rvi«<•«* b**t»«'en C o ttage few days of this w«***k at the home of ! Grove ami Eugene, ha* now st:«rt«*»l a his «laughter, Mrs. J . A. Klledgc. . ««■rv o* It im < Grove to Drain. A son was born We«ln#*s|«b*mo- bile triu-k nnd put George W atrous on to Mr. und Mrs. J u d Doolittle. ! as e x tr a drivi-r. We will cleans*' anti d ry the Donations of books hnve been r e ­ A d lighter vvns n c r n 'J u l y 20 to Mr. fam ily linen better a t a very ceived at the Cottagi* Grove c i t y l i ­ anil Mrs. C. W. Hurge. b ra ry recen tly from Miss M arian Low* moderate rate. Save work and Mis- Ada Sm ith , o f S e n tile , is visit- rio ami from Mrs. Leslie Kngram. wear by calling No. 79 wash­ l i n g M -s M am ie Knox. Mrs. Krnest P urvnnre left T uesday day. Mrs. N ". J . Nelson a r r iv e d T uesday to join her husband, who is in th** from Drain for a visit at the home of government teac h in g service at M etía , her brother, Charles H u r g e . .k a tla . Mask:«. Mr. P urvnnre, who also The C O T T A G E G R O V E L A U N D R Y Dun H aggard and R a y W ing, o f Eu­ Nficiit » part *»f the summer here, left R in g Us Up Phone 79 tor Met la katla about two weeks ago. gene, v i - ited friends in the c i t y Wed- Í nesdav. Mrs. !.. H. Hill, of Man K n u r i w a , ** ho, with Mr. Hill I i : h 1 lircn vi^itiii» hrr*'. li'ft Hiitii/.luy for Salem ami N i ' w I mt ». Mr. Hill remtiineil here un til Monday » h e n he left b y motor to join her. Ereil Gnnier « Southern I’n eifie on • I » i m e r , vimtril m the c i t y Su turilny itt the home of ho* súater. Mr**. S. K. DR. HESS STOCK TONIC A . B rund & C o . lim mi. A min. Rml»er JoHeiih. » n » horn J u l y I1’» to Mr. timi Mrs. J . A. Delaney, of Curtin. A ilnughtcr was horn J u l y 17 to Mr. nml Mrs. J . II. l.loyd. Dr. H. W. T itus has a new Cmlillne ei»ht roadster. Mr. und Mrs. Emil Adams arrive«! Tuesday frtiin Uo-ehur» f««r u \ isit :it the horn«« «»f Mr. Adams* hrother. Al. Alluma. Mrs. M artha Woolley r«'turne«l Tties ■ lay from an ex trm led visit in the Du kotns, lo w » , Oklnhomn nml other mol «He western st»t«’s. Mrs. Roy Counts, o f Rosebur», ,is Nisitin» nt the home o f her hushuifd's |'urents, Mr. and Mrs. Eloy«l Counts. Mrs. Ole Steen, uerompaniod hy h«'r son Arnold, n rrived Tuesdny from Al luiiiy for a visit at the hi'mie o f lu-r brother-in h i » . K. A. Steen. Mr. and Mrs. II. Foni, of The Dulles, left r u e sd a y for Crater Ink«', a f t e r a visit at the home o f Mr. ami Mrs, E. M. Ilanihrich. Mr. and Mrs. George Saltón returned y from a visit with their son at < an yon ville. A d uu ghter « a s horn J u l y 11* to Mr. nml Mrs. tléor»«* Sv'heufle. Mr. nn