(ünííaii? <8nw f a tto i AND VOM IM K X X X OOTTAOE PROVE LEADER COTTAGE UKOVK, LANK COUNTY, OKKIiON, FRIDA Y, JULY Hi, IT20 “3E— - ~ rr-r- LIBRARY WELL PATRONIZED DURING JUNE NATURE HEALS NEAR FATAL WOUND MADE YEARS A 0 0 IN FIR A n unuNiiul m id | i n d i u l d y urm|ui* il limi rut ion o f In» m mi t u r n « t m * f o r 1 1 m iivvn in rc|M»rti*d l»y .1. A. . f i l l , VVlicn III* r e c e n t l y cu t i n t o utov«* 1« n ^ t li ll»e t r u n k of ii m nuiinot Ii f i r , u liirj^e I I»» I. ft'ulroiiH o f tin* city lilmiry borrowed • •*11 '»nt o f tin* l o w e r 1 ' i r t o f tli. t r u n k vv l< ' I i |,a d 1**1/ v o lu m e i «I i» r i li ili«* m o llili o f m ill l^t't fev«*|il(*d n cut l*een niiiile m u n y y e ii ru *i« ». |'h«» cut Juii«*, M inh l.y iliu l l o o j o r , lib r a r ia n r r K«»| mini pori», u m l m o ii I i I ii m lo iilit «•« 11 y lm \i* VV II H f u l l ) I *v 111« IlCH III <||* | »1 I tukni out lu m i) inori book* li u • I Ilo»« rcumi n I lie |ieiNou m i l k i n g I lie c»i* d i d lint fllil*ll t i l l i n g tile t M e Mild nil b«*««ll II lu i |* r i *«'|('('t Mill lo clionnc fr o lli iM t ll T in * n lio M in g h r«'iniii k i i I »I • w h »n on«’ l l i r e f i l l e d tile r i l l w i t h H l i e 1, « oitMi«l«*r m lim i I In* cut in * r o lli « I io li h i m id c o v c i c d il w i t h l»urk vvliici cum |»lele|y h id till “« m . T h e lie.v yrov. * h flit* I l l u n i ) ( o t it i * o n ly 27l»7 vid im i«'* In u ild ilio n Ilo ' re a d in g m o n i in f i l b ’d d i d lint t i n t w i t h th e old lit! I vv In n |b e «O rli Itili i l i ) Il I IX li I valili Ito ) n M Ilo nini«* ch u n k f e ll out *t l e f t t il e old cut .» 10 look ovrr III«« IIIII^II/.Ilimi oli flit* I t enh U|l|»i‘UM II14 UN •! it hud f»»,'*fl lliudi Fiction forni» u lur(gc puri « * f ilo* t h e d u y tm fo re . T h i ’ tre«* hud «*vti|«*ut rnnlm^ h i limili ini l»r librar) |> ilroiin Iv be en ii lurj^e one w h e n th e 1-H inch for in »luti«' **f«l b ook n of limi klini r u t vv un iiutde uiiil mum n e a r l y f i v e f« i t were tuki'ii out. Tlic reumi tiing It*1« h i d i u u i e t e r w h e n f e ll e d . Alino*! 5 0 % o f liook* Borrowed In One Monili, I' uiu I n A hi for Development were rliiHNif««*«1 liu|i firlion. un 1511 juvmiili' inni 3« A I m o i I lin i b o o k * lit i\ «• been m lili'il I o III«* I t l u n r ) % % 1 1 li• ti Ilo * I un I y e a r uiol M inn H o o p e r r i | n i l i All inori* )« l lln » Ni ' Il Mi II **lllv $ llM l IH IlV.'Illlblc fo r IM’ W I hio I n ••urli year fr o m ilo * f iiii «I |»ro\ i «I «-< I l»y ilo * c it y , m o l w ill» | » i •* • ul I mo k price* tln ri «loi'N lin i |{o v i i ) fu r , M i * * 11 o o jii't « * % | *lii i ti «*41 T l i r v o ltin o now on fin* ubi* in** ru v H i u w id e r in it i* «*f m««l i»i(j u m l ut«* w e ll H«*li*r| im |, I m i ! no il t • in |»t ru n lo* um ili* lo t i l l lln (Im m illi fo r (pioti h o o k * vv 1 1 ii lio* m e apt r h iiin a v a ila b le fo r t l m r jiurrlm N«*. Iiilrri-Ht in tin* lilirnry I iiin been k« •*n nil y«*ur rtl!lioii|gli n ulinj^ u»ually full* o f f «lui iliix III*' NUttiium inolitlm. Hinrr Jiiuuury I u totul o f 1 *»• • ni*vv inmnio in I iuvi * i o d i midi <1 t»> tli•• li»t o f |«li I to n * T in * lilir u r y I n no w o|i««n n ix tin ir n «turli vvi'i'k, I m o »fi«•riiiM UiN u iu l f «• ur • \« •u n i;**, i i i o I mi « I oni d u li d u y only on I . m n i I i i ) u m l H iiu d u y 'Hi«* lio u r* un* M o m lu v u f I « r iio o ii, \N i*dm m I u )'. T h u r*« l i ) u m l K r id ti) i*v c n itiji* a n d S ul u i d u ) u flrr iM M iii u m l cv«*niinj. d a u o iitk k h from V IS IT IN O kaht GODARD HOMI! M r i l* A , A t k Inno fi» o f l'nwn«*«* City. N e l» , u m l M r» , ( lu y A ^ n i'M m i ! li I»«* r d u u ^ lilc r lio r o l li V , • » f \\ lo- a t la n d , \\ V o , a r r iv e d h i Ilo * e l i ) K rb ltiy fo r n m o n ili ’i» v n o i ul II««* horn«* o f llo 'ir |»itr«*iitN, M t a ml M r* Il l( U m lu r<|, D u r in g flim r u l i ) In r«« tl» r G o d a rd r lu n , r« o « *i*tifiK o f ilo * He vi* ii «* li • 1«) r •* ti o f M r u m l M i ­ ll li (b o tti rd tu oi tlo *ir fm iiilii'N , w ill lo d d v v i« k ly r e u n io n * M I Ito* uieiiilu*rN M ill lo* III fllte lld u iir« * «' X ce|*f II I. < »odili d , o f lt r u * h , t'«do M in . \ l k i t i Non tim i Mr«. A ^ i i i ' m Mpritii(« tt roii»|d**l« •u rp ri*« * on l l o i r p a r e n t* , fo r ilo «dd f«dk» d id n o i knoM o f t h • in te n d e d % i» it u n t il their n r r iv n l her«*. POWER PLANT REPAIRS SHUT ELECTRICITY OFF 1. 1 I t t * Mild |to w e r M en* o f f in ill«' c il y T u c u ilriy fr o m n lio u t 7 :3 d n. in. to 4 '.il p in. n in i n il u m e liin o r y m*iii|* « ■ In t u ì |H iw e r MUM III li «I.UI o I n I il l Milli«* r e p a ir * M e rc in j«rof 5 re*N itt Ilo * p o w e r I d ti f IT H ll||M ir t N |n t !••* g r ille * b u n te d o u t, neei'N N ltuI lll|{ ill** r«»|ilo\u l of lio fire N M illie I lie n *|» n ir* M e re tM 'lllg mud«*. VALUATION OF ELECTRIC SYSTEM BEINO CHECKED K T. Massello hiii I (V .1. Uri-m, <»f Un* | iii I.I ii ' M-n Ir» riunmisaion, un- iti llia. i l l y c l i n k i n g ii|■ tin- physical vai mu c))»«*rt, who Mils killed m action ui Fluni <’ October H, r.»ls. The parents treasure highly these un'ine ut os o f their sun 's sacrifice f«*r his country. An 1 ‘ xainiiiiition o f the diary shows that it was kept up to September 15, li»l\ but all entries lifter AugUNt lit* have been erased, probably by the . i-iisor. The entry o f August ‘JO rhron .eie* l ie l b e r t ’s arrivili ut Liverpool. It is probable that the i*rUMiiri*s were inude ut th** tune o f l*(ll»«*rt's «leuth, C. 0 BALL PLAYERS NOT when the belonging* w«*rc st»»r« «I pend INVINCIBLE OPPOSED mg their return to the reía!iv es, th«* r«*tiNOfi probably b« ing that the nota TO EACH OTHER ions contained in format ion regarding A b o u t th e o n l y m i i ) to d« *f ei: l o t * aiov eineiits o f troops thought to I»«* in tu ^ e U r o v i* h u ll pl iiy er N 1 « tn j e t th«**n formation that might prove to be of ii^uittMt one tt u o tn er . T i n l l . i l u v t e un * Il 1 ue to the «'fieni) in <*u*c of hi« coni t i l l i n g to k e e p i t * d r itc b«*re l.»*t ,S uji mg mto pos*«**siori o f the diary. • I I I ) , du e tn u d e u t h i ii t h e I i u i • ly ill The persona! belongings consisted o f one u f tin- p l u y e r * , C iir i K n i ^ , wh*» a pocket knife upon which was cn li u n d j e * till- re re iv ||||« end f u r Jh( III' graved *'l> K .fune J l , ” the date be tug that u|xiu which l*ell»(*rt went into p l u y e d wi t h V ou cr illu u^Mtin«t < .»*i v o n v i l l e , w h ile i* u r | t e l l e r * , w h o does the s«*r vie«*; a pocket book from which th e t w i r l i n g f o r th e J mc : i I n , rind * ‘ F u t " the money had been removed, accord Hm »Ii w h o • | • 1 1 1 • o f t e n «1«*« •rriten th e mg to nr my regulation; a new testa N«*cond Nuck, held p 1 1 lOtiM on th e ('u n meat presented by the American Mible yuiiv ill«* feuiti. 'I'h ««»« i e t ) , und a picture o f two young p r e p o n d e r n n c e of * " t l u ^ e < • r « » \ •• p i n ) « t n If »VI :» v • ( .iiiv on men and two young women. The men v i Ile t lu* v i c t o r y , i h« « « « • r e h e i l i g were Kay ViiiiHchoiuck and a Van to i. Valin lad. Iielbert *s body has been removed from th«* temporary resting place pro NO DRIVERS UNDER 10 xided ut th«* time o f his death and th«* NOW ALLOWED ON ROAD locution i* now given us ‘ ‘ (»rave 121. section II, plot A, cemetery 12.12, Ar I'erNoriN under Id yefim o f n^«. w h gonne American cemetery, Kormigne u t t e m i * 1 (» «I r i \ o u m o t o r \ « I l l H . in sous Mont fatico ii , M«use.^' A war ‘ le < ’ r e g o l i nr«< « I n n i g h o in \ io l I l i o n o f purtmeiit circular says that every cure i h .* p r . V ÌH H u m o f t h e r «•«•«• n I’fltiCt c l .H being given the cemetery where the • l y m o t o r «•lilt* l e « I r i v i TH ' licclIH«* lll\% II l i d loiiored d«*a«l now rest. Iielbert’s body a r e s a l .j«*( t t o u r n ••t u n i i t i u c a c c o r o •v ill. l»e left in Franc«*. Tin* litlb* Mi»»i'» Millifont nml *L*r rim* lliirrnw» won tin* hoiirl» o f their ki'nror» in tlirir w i t nt inn» given nt Oral Hopper F.ulhit» In Field Artillery. Albany on lnile|M'iiib*nrp ilny nmi re Orni F. Hopper, IH, etili »led in Yin* eeive.l worm prm*«* from nil »iile» for 7xth field nrlillery nt Ktigene Hntnr tlie tiitii»iinl i i bi Ii t y they ilinplnyeil. ilny mul left for Portland to flni»h The Albnny Demur rut mentioneil them Ho* pliynicnl eiiiniiiiatinn. lie will In* n» tile fentnre o f the whole progrum »in i to Cmnp (Irani, Rockford, III, which win pre»enleil before n rrowil for training. o f nbonl ftIHHI people. The Fourth o f •Inly eelebrntion nt Albany m u one o f Ohthlren'a Exercises at M. F,. Church. the fentnre» o f the »tnte rnilioml Special c hildren '» e ierci»e» will In* m en '» eonvention whieh win liebl ihere held at the Method!»! church Sunday thi» yenr. morning. Pnrcnta who wi»h to have their rhildren bn pti/c d are naked tn GASOLINE SITUATION IN bring them to the service. Emerson Property Sold. t'. , 1 . Rrur.li» han pnrrhn»ed the three reaidenee properties on north Sixth »tree! belonging to the Kmi*r»l.*.|^ril it»r lf to form u liol.lm^ rom |.iiiiy for thi* r i f c l i o n o f n m. n '» ilor ni i lory ut Ilo* I'niv. rnity o f Orr^on in t':t»o I In* I miiim I o f ri'^riit» ilrriiii* to rutliori/i* it» criirtioii. Th«* ]>ur|Hiiti* o f hr romniiltri* in to provili«' rrli«*f for (In* hou»ii)j; »itnntion »ooni*r than fumi» ut tin* univ rmitj' will tu* avail .lil.* for tin* |>ur|MHo*. Tin* eommitl**«* i» ul»o taking at tiv o »ti| » to »orur« ••»¡«loner <|iiart«*r» for now in<*miipr» o f 11 |<* f a m i l y mol for »tudrnt» brfort ib«* o|iriiin^ o f Ihr univornity thi» fall. SILK CREEK (Hprrial to The Soni inri.) July II. Mil|»*y ami Mr. I v t t i iHino, o f Sul boriiti, wrn* hi*ri* K*ilil.ath Mr. ami Mr». / . Collina, o f S|>rm(; fioiil, v i»itril Siimluy at th.* II. M Dani«'wootl homo ami Mr». Nanry Danii'wooil rrturnrtl with th«*m for a f«*w «lu y»’ \iait. Mr. Maloiif, o f Indiana, i» vi»itiiiK .vitti hi» dnii)’ htrr, M r». C. I.. \Vil»on. Mr». Krn»t l«*ft Tni*»«lny lo K" *" ln*r .lan^hti-r, w ho i» »<• rioilaly »irk in Ari xonn. (ìfor^i* Dami'w-ooil loft Momlav for VVi«Hhin|{tnn, w boro hi* r ip o r ta to work durili^; harvi'Kt. Raymond \\il»on loft Mondnv for Chitwood. Mr. and Mr». Joo Daniol», who had l.ffii viaiting nt thi* Notti«* K»fo» homo, «*ft Momiay for thoir homo in Suthor Un. A party wa» giv«*n Saturday ovoning in honor o f F'Iwin K»t«*a at tho II. I.. Fowlor homo. It wa» Inrgoly a t t m d f d and nnirh rnjoyi*d. A ta f f y pulì wn> oih * o f tho divorMion». Mr. K»t«*» loft Monili«v for i*ii»ti'rn Orogon. Mi»» l.oni»«* Matthyr«', o f l'ortlnml, i» visitine nt tho John Ashliy homo. Chnrlio Homi i» improving. Mr. nnd Mr». Vinai Rnndall, o f tho Or«iv«\ woro at thi* Dwmi'wood honm Sunday. Mr. tirimi*» wont to thi* (trovo Mon dny to moot Mr». tirimi*» mothor and n¡oro, who osport to mnko thoir homo .vith tho tirino*» for n timo. Mr. Clark lirouglit hi» hay lialfr ont rno»ilny. Mr». M. F. llnlM'imh rnllotl ono nf lornoon thi» wook nt tho John H'oml, W". \V. tiildoralov o nnd Mr». lani Whoolor homo». Arrhio Wilson l«*ft tho fim t o f tlo* wook for Chitwood. I>. A. Fato» hmilfd hnv Snndsy for W. W. (liltloralovo. DORF.NA. (Sporial to Tho S«'ntinrl.) July 14.— Mr. nml Mr». J. K. Ilol* •troin and <*hildri*n, o f Marrola, apont Sunday at th,. ,1. II. Kirk homo. M ra. VVnrrrn Kollv wont to Fpton Tiifsdity to work in tho rook houao. Visa Fnyo Jonninga ia »ponding tho w'fok with rolntivoa at Mnrroln. Mi»» l.ottio VanSohoinrk, who nr I'ompanii'd Mr. and Mr». Thomas Kg hort to thoir apartinont» in Fortland rhnraday, rotnrnod homo Monday. Mi»» Mildrod Ward, o f Springfiold, »pont Sunday at tho A. S. Ward homo. Carroll Harlow and briilo, o f Wrnd ling, »pont Fridny at tho (Hon Srott homo. I,. O, VnnSrhoinrk, o f Kugono, is visiting nt tho homo o f his paront», Mr. and Mrs. C. A. VnnSohoiaok.. ,1. K. Hod ford, J. II. Kirk nnd Wm. Johnson motnrod to Kugono Tuosdny on bnninoaa. Mi»» Annlo l.indsny, who hml boon visiting at tho Jnmna (loiilot homo, ro taraoil to Corvallis Saturday. PH O N E Y OU R N E W S . DR WOODS RECEIVES $11.97 FOR HALF YIELD ON ONE ROYAL ANNE Half th«« yi«*l«l from on«. Koyul Ann« VlfdttM Olvcn Added Z H t r»r Chick« n «•(««Try tr««* brought Dr. D. Wood» Dinner A fter Climb to View f t 1 . 1 »* nt th«* f'ottiig«* Urov« cannery V a lle y * h Grandeur. Saturday. Thi* tree from which the «•lierri«*» w«*r«* »old ¡» about 14 y«Hr» old and ha» l*«*«*n in full ben n ng for I he possibility for panoramic boule- »ix or <*igtit year». Th«« yield 1 » re vnrdN in the t ’ottngc iirove country is markable in view o f the f net that practically unlimited, A few w««*kN : thi» year i» regard«**! 11 » a poor eherry ago The Sentinel mentioned the po*~i ; »fUMon throughout the »late. bi Ii ty o f such a road that would reach An acre o f cherry tree» bearing at the top o f the mountain on the James j the »am** rutc a» thi* one «till would Forter place. On last Hiinday the 7*«l : produce $760 in a »<*u»on, and mmi* o f itorinl I aimly was entertained nt the j t tie »eetilirig» growing everywhere F. C. < «inner borne, northeast o f the . throughout the city are capable o f «•ity, where Mr, (.'oiuicr has a mountain bearing $ to ,,r $.r/i worth o f fruit n farm far from the madding crowd. | year if g rafted to »tundurd varietie» The only n«*ighbor is I*, ii. Chamber i » think» ^ automobile by the road which turns the crop thi» year will be ntxiut the Hi«* financial r«*turn prolmbly o f f through the old Coehrun ranch now an me. ovv lied by VS. 14. C oo | mt . The trail is will be about $. 10 . narrow and winding but an easy grade and entirely safe for a careful driver. AIR PATROL HEAD TO T H in road is part of a loop which SALVAGE RUINED SHIP goes through the Conner place, rejo in ­ ing I’ncfrie highway at Haginaw, but Cnptain Lowell Smith, in charge o f the north end o f the road is rough und th«* Kugene base o f th«* forest air pa­ steep arid little used. Mr. Conner has trol, will make an attempt to salvage another road which lets him out on the the machinery and instruments o f th«* highway at the King place. All o f Deffnvilnn«! plane No. 4 which was these roads he maintain* at hi* own badly smashed when engin«* trouble expense. Visitors are always welcome forced Pilot H«*y«*r to make a landing on any o f the roads, but it is under­ in the* mountains about 30 miles north stood that Nine«* th«* editorial visit the o f Diamond lake in the wihl* o f Doug poultry is being carefully guarded. las county. The big ship is a total wreck mi far as further service is c o n ­ cerned, but Captain .Smith ho|M*s to DELINQUENT TAXES FOR 1913-14 ARE FORECLOSED bring out the engine parts and instru meat* by m«*:ius <»f a pack train which D«*cr««*« f«ireclo»ing d«*lin>|iient tax he will lead there the last o f this certificat«*» for 1 1 «I a m t l!«l t in Lane week. Pilot lley er and Observer Don Davis county were rendered in circuit c«*urf \\ cdnentbiy by J u d g e (1. F. Skipiv«*rth. both escaped without injury but it I he amount due a» tax«*» become» a seem«*«! only b y a miracle, as the plane lien on th.- property by the di-cree and turned completely «»\ «-r after it *tru<*k the »heriff will t«e authorixed to »«*11 the ground near th«* base o f Drea«l and it for the tax«*» due. Thi» i» the fir»t rerror mountain. Th«* tw o airmen wan* time Ijin«* county ha» taken tlii» nc «lered in thi* mountains 24 hours with Non. a4 it i» u»ual for in«livi. Markham home on the Fourth. Fir«* which broke out in the furnun* Mr». J. A. Powell nnd »on Norval room o f the F. K. Dunn dry good.» and Mr». II. M. Kappauf motored to »t«*re in Kugene Monday afternoon d e ­ Kugene Sntur«lay evening. stroyed or ruined half o f a stock o f The John and Deorge Kelielbeck g ood» valued at $ 0 c|lu*«*k i» vi»iting in jwiided operations while the fire wax th<* Drove thi» w resume Monday, and is leaving for Portland Haturdn^ in nil e f f o r t to »e eure more cars. A t present the W. L. * K. company is receiving but tw o or three car» a day but this in not enough to make much »howing on th** lumb**r already piled on the «locks. Indiana Man Visits Friends Here. Walter Myer», o f Indiunapidis, iud., »topped o f f at Cottage Drov«* Thurs­ day o f last week for a visit o f »evernl • lay» with VS. F. Johnson, pr«-»i*lent o f the Western Lumber & Export c u d - P»nv, in which Mr. M y m i- a stock- nobler. Mr. Myer» was a ilelegat** to llie democratic national «-«invention at Man Francisco and is making us«* o f the opportunity to visit in Oregon on his way home. M B 8 W I L L I A M H O R N D IES T H U R S D A Y A T L Y N X HOLLOW' Mrs. William Horn . Mrs, Horn had be«*n in declinin g health for some time. Her s«*ii William A., who lives at Emmett, Iilu., visited his mother only a few weeks ago. The other children, all o f whom were able to tn* at h«*r bedsiile and at the fuueral, are Mrs. Mary R. Mackie, o f Walker; Vlexander, o f Portlaml; Margaret M. Porter, o f Walker; Maleolm A., o f Mag- maw. Mrs. Catherine A. Wright, the remaining daughter, died in 1906. MONTANA IS BIG STATE JUDGING FROM SAMPLE Montana is a prolific state i f one is to judgi* from a touring car from that state which passed through the c ity a few days ago with nine children, all apparently urnler 15 years o f age, cooped up in the rear seat and on«* or two younger ones sitting with their parents in the fr^nt seat o f the ear. RAWLINGS MOWER IS RABBITS’ GRIM REAPER H. R. Rawirngs claims to l«> a mighty hunter when given his choice o f weapons. He establish«'«! a new- local record when he giiillotiiie«l 12 rabbits and a blow snake with his mower one dny last vvi'ek. Mr. R a w ­ lin g s' services will be much in d e­ mand i f he can rig an attachment that will keep chickens, dogs, eat» nnd other livestock out o f tho sickle. COTTAGE GROVE MAN FILES SUIT FOR WATER RAIN 0UENCHES FIRE IN CUT-OVER TIMBER Josinh Porter has instituted suit ia circuit court against C. K. Stewart, county fruit inspector, for damages alleged ot have been caused by refusal o f Stewart to allow him the use o f an irrigation system on Moxby creek «lur ing the last two seasons. Porter se«*ks damages amt a court order d i ­ recting Stewart t<» allow him to use the water. Tht* trouble arose over an irrigation system constructed when Porter amt Mtewwrt were joint owner.» o f 2»7 neres o f land on Mushy creek. The land now has been divided and Porter ran not »ecure the water except by an irrigation ditch running through Stew art's land. STATE CALLS FOR BIDS ON FLORENCE HIGHWAY Hid» for the construction o f 11.2 miles o f new road on the Kugene Florence highway have just been called for by the state. The stretch in ques­ tion is by way o f the “ low p a s s " and reaches fr«*m the summit «if the coast L Y N X H O LLOW . mountains to a point near Hear creek falls, being a new route almost the (Sporial to Th«* S«*ntin«*l.) entire di innee. July It.— Marion l.ebow transacted It is expected that construction work biisini »» in Creswell Tuesday. will be well under way b efore the Awbrov W olford was in the Drove rainy season sets in, but the obi road Tni’sday. probably will have to Is* us«*