CHICAGO INVADED BY REPUBLICAN HOST An E x tra o rd in a ry O ffer Delegates to National Conven­ tion Arriving From All Sec­ tions of the Country. ▲ GENUINE PH O NOG RAPH AND 24 SELECTIONS 12 85-oent Records ON YOUR OWN TERMS (Within Reason) PATH E PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS ARE ACKNOW LEDGED TO BE SUPREME BY MUSIC LOVERS AND TONE EXPERTS Sherman W. Moody Eyesight Specialist and Optician Factory ou Premises—l'boui* 302 8S1 Willamette St., Eugene, Oreguu ---------------- SIX ---------------- EXCLUSIVE ADVANTAGES IN A JEWELED PATHE 1— No needles to change on a jeweled Pat he. The sapphire ball never wears out. 2— Guaranteed longer life of The railroads have put into e f­ Records fect a rate of one and one-third 3— Plays all makes of records of the regular fare for the round and plays them better. trip to Portland on account of 4— Always ready to play the session of the Imperial Coun­ as soon as you slip on a cil, front points in Oregon, Wash­ record. ington and Idaho— tickets on sale from June 17 to 24. Pinal limit 5— Supreme in tone of return date, June 30.* because of the famous Pathe These tickets will bo sold only sapphire ball. to members of Temples in the 6— The Pathe Controlla above states or members ot their enables you to increase or famil'es decrease the tonaY volume at The Recorder will have to fur­ will. nish each Noble with idcutihca- tion certificates. Consequently, YET THE PATHE COSTS NO send in application early, if you MORE THAN THE ORDI tontempiate going to Portland. NAR Y PHONOGRAPH Alt visiting Ashland at the ( * r- emonial June 5 can secure i !enti- fication papers then. Reduced Rates to Port­ land Imperial Council H .C . M A D S E N Cottage Grove Agent Dick Hickson STATIONERY MAGAZINES AND LATEST MUSIC Seventh and Main Economical Service A M AX W ELL FEATURE I t ’s the kind of a car that meets equally well the demands of bus­ iness or pleasure, and its moder­ ate cost commands a value in the present market. Come in and let us convince you that the car is all we claim it to be. Nelson Auto Sales & Service e Professional Cards NURSE MILKS 323 North** 81. Confinement eases a specialty. No contagion* cases accepted. DR. C. E. FROST O ffice in Lawson Building. Phone 47 Oregon Cottage Grove R. McCARGAR. D. D. S. D EN TIS T Neuralgia relieved instantly by local application. Besidence 117 south Third street; office Ar cade building, Fifth and Main. Phone: office, 35; res., 136-R J. E. YOUNG A TTO R N E Y A T L A W O ffice on Main avenue. Cottage Grove Oregon AUTO ELECTRIC AND TIRE SHOP PHONE 110—901 M AIN Dick Hickson HA R N E S S AND SHOE REPAIRING LOGGERS AND WORK GLOVES Seventh and Main A. W. KIME. M D. P H Y S IC IA N A N D SURGEON CARPENTER & BUILDER Cabinet and stair work my specialty. (fonsultation free evenings. 327 Quincy Av., Cottage Grove Woman la Aaalatant Attorney Gcnaral. Washington.— President Wllaon es­ tablished a precedent when he nomln ated Mrs. Annette Abbott Adams of Ban Francisco to be assistant attorney geneial. This la the first appointment of a woman to this office and la the highest federal office yet to be given to a woman Mrs Adams Is now Uni­ ted States attorney for the northern district of California. s y . u: Oregon H. J. SHINN A TTO R N E Y A T L A W and notary public. Practices in all courts. Twenty five years ex perience. Bader Bldg., Cottage Grove, Ore. ALTA KING ATTO RNEY A T LAW Collections, Probate, Notary Publie 774 Willamette 8t., Eugene, Ore. H. W. TITUS. D. M. D. Omer Moore Warsaw. — Russian Bolshevik rein forcements are being brought up every­ where In the offensive against the Polea, which le Increasing In violence along the northern sectors of the front, says an official statemeut Is ■lied at headquarters here. Fierce combats are raging from the Dvina river on the north to the Prlpet river on the south, a distance of approxi­ mately 220 inilaa. Prisoners captured by the Polea west of the Bereslna river, the state­ ment says, include 4GU Cossacks. EX PE R T D E N TIS TR Y Modern equipment. First Nation al Bank Bldg. O ffice hours tt a. m. to 12 m , 1 to 0 p. m. Eve umgs or Hundayi by appointment. J. S MEDLEY ATTO RNEY AT LAW Eugene Loan and Havings Bank Building Engene Oregon y. ¡X C a u á t in 0s 9 •n* W * H 4 O M Q til y y. < o I « Tluyn- skills include silk skills, while wnsli skirls hih I wool skills hi a kmnl rangi- uf antes Tin- styles an- all gnml anil nmsl of I Inin new this Hi-ason. NEW BLOUSES MORE FASCINATING Than EVER Georgette ami t-ri-pi- rlc t-hr-in- lilnnsr s pretty in-w types with trim tilings ol In ails, lin ks am! embroidery in tin- latest color uml style effect. Kxt-. ll. lit quality mult-rials, pretty culls ami collais that nn- tin- newest lashiott iliclali-u. All sizes $5 to $10 THE POPULARITY OF THE COTTON BLOUSE IS NOW AT ITS HEIGHT IN THESE YOU W IL L FIND THE REASON Voiles, organdies, in while, colors, stupes ami cheeks, frilleti, cm hroidcred, lace edged, ul $2 60 Kirn- voile, organdies, batiste, to tailored or “ I lossy " modela, eoloreri spun stripes are ni(ty, at $3 96 Dainty tucks, embroidery ami Im-i- edgings enhance these orgamlies, voile« and batiataa, ai $f>00 o w o < t o o H < 9 00 y ... < til H y £ 5 il til cc H CS H A SÜ c H ,1 Cm til X. < y e- ’/ i rin-se are "hurry-up sewing rluys lor tin- June bride, fur the school graduate, for tin- summer vacation days. Sewing »lays must now be speeded up to lie ready on time This slore is amply pre. pared for "quick needs" hi sewing accessories ami materials of every kind. Try ua today. * a Kimona Silks in bright array are now being shown in our silk department. You will find the blight, attractive colors and patterns now so much in demand for the summer travel days. These silks are a yard wide and all in short individ­ ual patterns._______________ • $1.25 to $3.25 The New and Correct W ash Fabrics AT UMPHREY & MACKIN S IN ABUNDANCE AND IN A VARIETY THE OKEATEST IN COTTAGE GROVE • To I mphrey &. Mat-kin’s for wash faluiea, for any really ticoirohle wash fabric, uud especially for patterns and qualities most agreeable in accord with good taste also for patterns unusual and for patterns that are not obtainable anywhere else in this state. Wash fabrics are in style, and one notes the reason here there is so much of beauty in tin- display that is hero, so much to make pleasant the economy that wash fabrics make pos­ sible. Following is a partial list of the more notable wash fabrics this store now presents in an exhibition that is the- more important because it comes so early, thus allowing for tin- making of summer gSrmcnt* intended to vie with the flowers ami sunshine. Long Beach Cloth Japanese Crepe Fretilin Cloth Marvel Tissue Imported Organdie Zephyr Oingham Voile Elegante Stratford Voile Triumph Voile Solid colored Voile Embroidered Voile Popliu Gabardine Skirting Bat ist o Madras Skirting Non-Krush Linen Muzol Cloth Peter Pan Oingham St. (lull Swiss Sunbeam Voile O f F ir& Im portance H CH ILD REN Solti*- of these skirts urc priced just Imlf ol tIt«* former it-gulai pi ice III«- balance of our Hi'imi-itr skills are priced al one thud off from tin- regular prices • X FOR ONE-HALF AND ONE-THIRD OFF P a ris —America's war dead In Ru Sovlat Offensive Grows In Vlolsncs on 220-Mlle Front. HOCKS here lu half and Ihrr-e quarter lengths ill nil sires fn>ui baby up to aise I* for older girls. Priced the puir 3ftc to 06c llet the Newest tu lluatsiy Mtyle FOR THIS WEEK AND NEXT WEEK rope Were eulogised and their graves POLES CAPTURE COSSACKS H ALF ' 'Siluette*" Ten Day Sale of SKIRTS AMERICA'S WAR DEAD IN EUROPE EULOGIZED In all pans of France were decorated the second Memorial day since the close of the great struggle. American flaga floated In the breeze over the riating places of more than 70,000 sol dters and allied organisations joined the Americana In France In servlcea In their memory, while throughout the republic detachments of horizon blue clad pollus acted as guards of honor at the cemeteries where lie those who fought beside them on the field of bat­ tle. The American legion, with the army and navy patriotic societies, co-oper ated with the newly-formed Memorial day committee headed by Ambassador Wallace to decorate the little mounds In 487 burying places scattered along the battle front from the channel to Switzerland and from the Rhine to the Atlantic. Lengtli The liew " Musei Ics " ai e limile witli nidi- ridi lo|> and" reseli just licloM tIn- kin-e. Wc lune thè m-w • ‘ S i i s e n e " soeks in Mmk, «Iute, b lu » n; silk lisle or silk The pii ir S131& lo Sil OO Chicago.— Delegates to the republl run national convention from all act- Ilona of the couutry are nrrl«ln g tu Cnlcago. CniupalKii managers for the an nounced presidential aspirants are per- fectlng their plana for the actual work lu the convention Wood headquarters has announced that Governor H J Al len of Kansas had been elected to make the principal nominating speech for General Wood and It has been announc­ ed that George H Walker of Seattle had been choaen to perform a similar office for Seuator Miles Poludexter 3f Washington. One of the problems which confront the national committee Is the reducing of ovcralxed delegations to a slxe which will permit of their being seated In the space reserved for delegates According to Secretary Miller, a ma Jortty of these cases resulted from at tempts fo hariuontie factious In var­ ious state«, and when the delegations were asked to eut down their member­ ship t. conform to the convention call, tl'e same old problems bobbed up ugaLa Undtmlntahed ronfldenoe was reflect ed In the announcements from the la>w d- n. Wood and Johnson managers. The Hoover headquarters took on added activity with the arrival of a large force of workers from New York. O ffiee in Phillips building over the White Pharmacy. O ffice phone 34; residence phone 126J. Cottage Grove Tliree Quartsr W hether W hite or P ink are the corsets with which we build the foundation on which will rest the sheer, dainty dresses id' summer. Poor corsetry lells now more than ever the store of those little bumps, inequalities, angles or hollows which mar the figure lines. Tu guarantee the proper shaping is a problem you may be able to solve in more than one store. But why run the risk when you know that our corset department is built on the lines of reliability which cause your troubles to cease the moment you have passed over that problem to usf. , New models shown in flesh, pink, white $2.60 to $8.60 Colored Handkerchief Linen Voile Avignon Toulon Voile Plisse Crepe Embroidered ( ligamln- Piqile Oxford Suiting Linweuve Sun Ray Silk