Cottage Grove sentinel and Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Oregon) 1915-1921, May 14, 1920, Image 1

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    (E n ttw
S w ttte l
_______________________ POTTAGE GROVE, LANE COUNTY, OBKOON, FRIDAY, MAY 14 , IMO
__________NUMBER 34
Man Mid Woman, I'lMumiKl to Ha Mr
Mid Mr» C B. Bevier, of A«h
laud, Hurt In Arrldamt.
A mini nml lil» wife presumed |o lie
Mr. iiiii I Mr*. (' I* HrvTor, of A»lilund,
Were seriously illjuri'd W"iU"<sdiiy nf
leriioon In mi iiulomiiliilo iii'iinil'llt on
eolith I'urlfir highway iu«iili' tin- city
liniita. Tim driver of llm car turiii'il
nut to allow onolhi'r rnr t<> |»n»» Juet
»It ir hr liuil crossed the auiull wooden
bridge uliout u block »until uf Mum
uvi'iiuu, Thu slucp bunk ut tin» point
1« |>ii r 1 1 it Ily
hidden by Idarkberry
bus lies lill'l thu riinil 1» Imri'ly
niilu enough fur two rnr« tu |'n»» Thu
Mriver, being un th« iitatili*, wua do
rriw'il by tho foliage und hi» • ur wont
lulu lb« ditch »ml part way under tho
high sidewalk, ili'inoli»hiug |>int uf tho
uiulor|■ imung Tho unman was thrown
out uf tho our, In ml i
mi tho aulo
wnlk, boinir huilly bruised but »till iiblo
tu walk. Tho mnn sustained » »ovoro
foiiru»»iun ubuvu tho |«f| oyo, ovidout
ly frum lm|iaot with tho wtnd»hio|d
Haying Hint thoy did not wi»h tu
cause worry to rrlntivo» bv |iiibliriitiun
of tho fuot that thoy hud boon In uu
ut'oulrnl, thu occupant» uf tho our ro
fuM'd to give thoir nnmo». Tho license
tiumbor uf th» ear i» Oregon 24<>V«I
Tho uiutur registration bunk »how» that
thi» ii ii in bo r wua laauod to f . It llevier,
IOIIH Ninth »trout, lllllaburo. Tho owu
ur of tho rur uilnntlod thut thoy woro
driving from IlilLlnro, thoir furmor
homo, tu Aahbind, thoir present homo.
Ardue Geer and M. P. Green Get Into
Tolla of Law Charged With
Manufacturing Hrew
Moonahining In the (Totluge Grove
country probably will be a little un
|Mipulur for Mime time to come, two
inanufuctiiri'ra of tin- illu it brew huv
iug been raptured tin* week through
thu efforta of Deputy Hlieriff I'itt her
and other mi'iubera of the sheriff'a
Ardi'c (osir, of loindou, a 17 year old
lad, was caught Tuesday by Pilcher.
Hi* atill ronaiRteil of a coffee butler
and u robber hose running through u
barrel uf watur fur the worm, lie »md
thut hla operations had not been very
aiici-eaafnl. He waa * aught through hi«
OWB’li tioli III telling on the
»treot» here thut he waa making the
brew. He waa operating his still hi an
unoccupied I io u m i owned by the family
lie pleadi'd guilty before Justice King
in Kugi'tie und was fined #100.
M F. Green was caught Wednesday
by Hhertff Htnkela and Deputy Cruner.
An odd feature of the arrest of Green
and the capture of the «till ia that the
offirera slipped up to the residence
Mid »tuiiiling on the outside beneath
a window lieurd Green and u woman
companion talking uf the »till, the
woman pleading with Green to get rid
uf it aa abe'feared thut the officer*
would soon raid the house aa they hud
dune on Geer's »till tha ilny In-fore.
When the officer» at. . ped in Green
Tii" i in n m I i m right »"ii .......... . was eaaily pvtauaded tu disclose his
outfit yn a cellar under the house. He
outanlo uf tho domulitiuu of the wind
hail a very complete outfit mude of
abiold and top wua i«a>* gronlly duiu
two wash boilers, the worm being uf
rop|u-r. A second outfit not in opi-ru
Tho Iniurod people woro tukon to
tho l»r. ll amilton homo nourby, whoro lion wua found locked in a cupboard.
A i|unrt of tho lii|uur waa found.
thoy urn being cured for until ready
Tho sheriff'a office had for some
to oiintinuo*thoir trip within n day ur
tiaie been watching the in-ighborbood
in which Green and Geer live, aa it
was known thut quantities of moon­
shine wure coming from thut section.
Green hud been under suspicion for
some time. He ia a former minister of
the gospel and aged about 'IS years.
He ia in the county jnil.
r r an eta Lacey la Preaident, J. T
New Ferry Boat at Harrisburg.
Godard Ticket Oonunlttaa Chair,
A new ferry boat will be built ut
man. M u k it on Publicity.
once to repine# the old craft on the
Willnmi-ttc river at Harrisburg, where
Pacific highway crosses the river, uc*
Cottage Grove hue atruok ita chnu
cording to announcement of nn-ml.i-ra
tauipin »triib' thia work and tho ch»u-
of the U n r county court who met with
taui|ua apirit la being frooly diaponai-d
mi-ml>er» of the county court at
without lot or hindrance frum tho eon
Harrisburg last week.
»Ututod authunttoa.
The old ferry boat is in bad shape,
Frauds lotcoy hua In-cii elected pro»
»aid B. H, Hpeneer, I.ane county com
idont uf tho naanciatlon and J. F. Hod
tni»aioncr, after his return.
ard baa boon appointed ehairmim of
motur trucks huve almost broken it
tho ticket committee. H. I.. Markin la
down, ke said, and it is dangerous to
tho publicity aapdrt. All of theer have
be u»sal any longer.
1,0011 bu»y during tho pa»t a w k trying
Hoth court» nrc waiting to »ia' what
I., korp pace with Mr» F O. Balaton,
the highway rominiaaion will do in re-
who hub)» tho long diataore rocurd a»
gard to the »election of a permanent
a tickpt ar'tlor,
route for the mam trunk of Pncific
Mr. I.aeuy wu» olectod proaidont in
highway— whether it will continue to
rorugnitiua of hia ability an bond uf eitend through Harrisburg or the new
tho atudont Imdy whon it put over tho
route through Coburg ia chosen before
rocont lycoutu course.
planning any big improvements on
A mooting uf all the aignor* ha* either aide of the river ut that poiul.
been mill'd fur neat Monday evening It ia the belief that the highway oom-
in thu high school auditorium.
miraion will stand a portion of the coat
Tho dntoa of |ho rhautauipia art of a bridge if the route through liar
May 2H to Juno 1!, making tho oponiug riaburg 1» eboauti.
dato two wook* from today. Tho »ohool
gruiiada have bean offored by tho
High Hchool Defeats Eugene.
aoliool iMiard for thu big tout.
The high ackoul buseball team won
Tu ki w afo un aulo mt tho following ita first gnuie of the season ut Eugene
places: II., B. * M store, IT. * M Friday, when tho high school team of
ator«, Thu la ir »loro, The Elite, and that city waa defeated vby a »cure of
Tho Hontinol office.
9 to 4, The lineup from here waa ns
follow*: DeWald, c; l/conurd, p; De
l.aaaua, lb ; Spray, 2b; Isicey, 3b; Hob
Polling Placea for May Election
inaoii, rf; McQueen, c f; Hubbell, If;
Brumbaugh Hhirld arhiHil house.
Heck, aa.
Cottage Grove No. 1— lloao huuae.
Cottage Grove No. 2— Mctjuoen and
Md no building.
M o o n s h in e o u t f it f o u n d
Cottage Grove No. 1 - City hull.
C o t t a g e Grove No. 4 l.otig building.
Cottngo Grove No. ft— lloae huuae.
Hi »»ton Hchool huuae.
Marahnl Pitcher thought a few day*
Doren*- -Ibirena hall.
ago that he hmi located the source of
laitliam— loitham school huuae.
»orae uf the moonshine that hua been
Hnginnw— Town hull nt Walker.
Hilk Crook —School houao, in diatrict musing fni-i-a to radiate hereabouts
during the past few months, lie fuund
No. .34.
W allace- Southerland and (leer hnll. a complete moonshine outfit being
shipped into the city and the consignee
was a prominent business man of the
Injured in Auto Accident.
city on Main avenue, lie said nothing
W. T. Mnrtin ia Buffering with »«
vero in ju r i o » »uNtninod in u recent au­ but kept hia eyes open. Finally he was
tomobile accident, lio wn» taking Mr». rewarded by finding the atill in opera­
Martin, who ia recovering from a re­ tion. A fire was hurtling under it and
the liquid was being taken off through
cent ¡Une»», to Lao rune to viait rein
a moat up-to date “ w o rm " and taken
live ». The car awervod rnd »truck a
from the worm and stored in auspi­
tree or atump Mid the occupant« were
cious looking brown bottles. All thin
thrown out. Mr*. Martin escaped in
waa being dune openly. The still and
jury but Mr, Mnrtin'■ bark wua in­
the complete moonshine apparatus was
jured. Tho ear wua not aeriouidy dam
set up in plaiu sight of those who
a g e d and the trip to Lorane waa com­
might peek around the counters. Hurh
pleted, Mr. Martin returning *ice.
bold infraction of the luwt
Hut Marshal l'iteher make* certain
President Ackerman Speak* Hem.
that he has the goods un a follow be­
Preaident J. H. Ackerman, of Mon­ fore he makes an arrest, so he waited
mouth normal, addreaaed the high until he was certain severnl of the
aohool aaaemldv yeeterday forenoon. brown bottles had been filled with
Professor K. T. Elliott, of O. A. C., liquid. One day he# casually dropped
»Into superintendent of agricultural into the buainess huuae and linked that
work tinder the Hmith Hughes act, he be permitted to examine the
a|Hiku later In the forenoon, lie waa in “ brew .”
the city for the purpose of intereating
Certainly, have a drink of it, wn* the
the aciiool Ixmra in taking up the courteous reception. Thi* he did and
Hmith Hughes work which give* fed­
he acknowledges that ho novor before
eral support to local echoola.
had such a drink. It wn* the purest
uf di*tilled water.
Suit a! n* H lunched ITsger.
Tho location of tho “ still’ ’ 1» in tho
Merville Ventch auatalned n severely White Pharmacy and anyone wishing
smashed middle finger of the left hand to see a complete moonshine outfit in
Wed ñenday afternoon while employed operation turning out nothing but tho
as a brahornan In the yard* of the O. puroat of aqua purn will bo accommo-
I*. A K, railway. On account of a do dntod upon roquost.
feet in th# coupling mcchaniam he had
Manager White wu* compelled to
to handle the pin with hi* hand and in give a heavy bond to tho government
doing ho the finger waa caught. The before being permitted to install tho
flesh was badly bruised and the second “ still“ and government inspectors will
joint may have been crushed.
regularly visit the store to see that
the distilled water doesn't get mixed
with raisins or other foreign substances
Marcela Comea Hera Sunday
Marcóla ha» been »ecured to play that might turn tho water into nn in­
hare next Htinday. It ia said that the ebriating beverage.
The residue left in the “ s t ill" after
tram from there ia made up of a bunch
of live ot»en who will make the con a few*gallons of water ha* passed off
teat one that will teet the »kill of the in stoam looks a* if it would kill at
forty rod*.
local pennant-winner »lugger».
a Cottage Grove Candidate
Portland Telegram:
Elbert Hide,
editor of the Cottage Grove Sentinel,
ia a cuadidate for representative from
i,unu county- the third district. TL-re
are five candidate» for the of flee of
representative in that county and three
of them are to bo elected. Mr. Ib-de
ought to be one of the winning three.
Other thing» being equal, the people
have a right to ex|M-i:t good i'giaiatiue
service from a member of the Fourth
Estate. On the whole, the contact of
the m wspuper editor is wider and, in
the public ai-nae, more informative than
thut of ini'u in gltnoal any other pro­
fession. Hia opportunities for kuowmg
public need and observing public atti­
tude» are exi-rptionnl. f rom the very
nature of his biiairii-sa he specialize*
along thoue very lines; and if he ia un
earnest and honeat mun with any mea­
sure of riipubility that i-minuends him,
thi* ni‘w»pii|»er editor ia equipped be­
yond the average for good nervice in
law making.
We »ay thut “ other things being
equal” all these thing» count in favor
of the editor. In Kiliert H o le '» rnae
the “ other thing»’ ’ me more than
equal. The tone and eliaraeler of the
paper he publishes indicate that. The
■-■tei-in go v*Iin-b Editor ltc<lr has at
turned umong his editorial brethren of
the state during bis nine yenrs' »tew
nnlsl'ip with the Cottage Grove Senti­
nel proves it.
Mi Ib-de has been secretary of the
Willumette Valley Editorial saaoriation
for a number of years; lias served one
term us preaident of the Oregon State
Editorial iiseocintion, and has also
served as preaident of the Eane Coun­
ty Publiahera' association.
The Cottage Grove Sentinel is a
journal of influence in the Willamette
valley, arid particularly so in I.uiut
county. In that fact is reflected the
energy, intelligent judgment, fearleee-
uess und probity of its publisher. All
these are chnrurteristics which the «*•
' rug.- deems to lie essential to
good service in legislation. Hence, we
Locals Bunch Their Errors So as to Oar in Which They Are Biding Is Run
Permit Visitor* to Croas
hy Swiftly
Home Plate.
California Car.
<'uintidut« for leiwer House.
any that Elbert Bede ought to be one
of thi- three succt-miful candidates for
rep resentative from I^tne county.
(Editorial Note— Mr. Bede ha* made
no campaign whatever for the position
for which hi- is a candidate. He has
lieen too busy to even attempt a cam
paigu and he feels thut as the position
is one that is un expense financially
be cannot afford to put any money
into his effort to give Cottage Grove
representation in the legislative- assem
bly. Hu would, however, greatly appre­
ciate a strung endorsement from home
and, us none of the candidates for thia
position are making a campaign, he
seem* to nave an even ehanca to be
nue of those selected.)
Pott age Grove ia to be treated to a
debate on the county bond issue by
men ably qualified to handle both
aides. K. J. Adams, exponent of the
bonds, hus accepted t h e challenge of
t h e Tax-sanity league to debate the
issue here and at Eugene. The date
has not lieen set and the speakers who
will oppose Mr. Adams have not been
Hon. Muntili ilia Flowers, of Los An­
gele«, reputed to be an orator of rare
gift, will speak on the street at 3
o'clock thia afternoon in the interest
of the candidacy of General Leonard
Wood for the presidency. Mr. Flowers
was a | »'munii 1 friend of the late
Theodore Roosevelt, is a personal friend
» V ey-l’reaiilcut Tuft and has taken
part in many presidential campaigns,
lie has just returned frum the east,
where he was with General Wood on
a campaign trip.
Shortage of Motor Fuel Not to Be
Believed Before Some Time
During Month of June.
in a It to 9 game Hunday in which
Mr*. Grace VanBuskirk, of this city,
the locals won from Eugene, Cottage was severely injured and Mrs. K. H.
Grove »bowed that it is getting into Hpeneer, wife of County Commissioner
its stride. Of 10 hits, two were three Hpeneer, was bruised and shuken up
buggirs by rite wart and Arthur, und when the ear in which they were rul­
there were two baggers, by Hill, Hmith ing was run into near Walker .Sunday
and Arthur. Only Bejlar and Earl, of j afternoon by a California ear in which
the visitors, gut more than a single. three men were riding.
A doubtful three-bagger by Bellar
Mrs. Hpeneer was driving her car,
slipped over tho feaee and netted two she and her sister being on their wuy
scores. E a rl’s was a two-bagger.
here from Eug'-ne. Mrs. Hpeneer waa
Errors by tke locals came at a crit­ two cars coming toward them at high
ical moment and were bunched, net­ speed. One evidently was trying to
ting the visitors three score*.
pass the other but the first ear did
Eugene was the only teum to defeat not give the road. On seeing the Hpi-n
Cottage Grove last year and rivalry cer car the driver of the second car
between the two aggregations is keen. evidently tried to stop, but was too
and late. Mrs. Hpeneer turned out as fur
Luughlin and Earl; Cottage Grove, Cel as she could, but just as the first ear
lers and King. Htrock out hy Hhields, was opposite them the second car
7; by i-Mughlin, 1; by Callers, 11.
dodged in between the two and col I id
Buses on bulls: O ff Hhields, 1; off ed with the Hpeneer car with a craah
l-aughlin, 1; o ff Celierà, 3.
Mrs. VanBoskirk suffered a badly
Double play: Cottage Grove Celierà sprained ankle and was e.ut about tin
to Hmith to Hill.
Hpeneer escaped
Tho box score:
bruises. Both cars were pretty badly
B H A E 1*0 damaged.
The California car was occupied by
Alexander, cf......
0 o 0
Me In tee, 2b.......
1 1 1 1 3 A. M. Btrang, who was driving, Ton
Wilson, 3b__ ____
0 2 0 2 5 Parson and Ed. Hhane all of Taft.
B'-llnr, »»........ ,
2 3 2 2 •1 Calif. Their car was taken to Eugeut
Earl, c__ ________
1 1 0 0
1 and Sheriff Htickela is holding it until
Moore, If________
1 V 0
1 2 they pay the damages, which they ban
Hhields, p, rf.....
0 0
1 0 0 agreed to do.
I-aughlin, rf, p__
Ü Ù 0 0 0
Bulloch, 3b........
0 0 2
Totals..... ...... . . r i u
Cottage Grove—
Cederstrom ss........
1 1 0
King, e.............. ......
2 2 0
Mill, lb _______ ____ _
1 1 5
Residents of the City Join in Cleaning
Stewart, 3b..... ........
2 0 2
Up Grass, Weeds. Rob blah
Baker, rf__ ________
1 0 0
Smith, 2b................
and Refreshments
2 O' 1 6
Celierà, p................
2 0 5 0
Wilson, If__..._______
1 0 0 0
Arthur, cf..... .........
2 2 0
Cottage Grove observed its aeeorid
1 0
Totals................. | 1 9 111 9 « ~1<5 annual park day WednesJay afternoon.
Business house* of the city eloseil in
The score by inning»:
Eugene -------------- 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 0— 5 order that all might join in the work
Cottage Grove___ 1 2 0 4 1 1 0 0 *— 9 at the park. Grass, weeds and brush
were cut and removed, a large oven
Empire«, Cooley and VanWinkle.
was built in tiiot part of the park set
• • •
aside for aa unto camp ground, a fence
Diamond Dust.
was built to separate it trom the part
Glen Hmith has the sun to blame for reserved
hin error which evidently blinded him rubbish wa> removed and the park
so that he did not get his mitt in the and camp gri uruis given a general
right spot under a high one.
cleaning up. Many wives were sur­
prised at the dexterity of their hubbies
General King, who is in his old po­ with the instruments provided, a dex­
sition behind the bat, ia getting almost terity -.hey hid never shown around
too good a reputation with that peg of hom^. A large number of the boys of
Jiia to first and second. With a man the city join. 4 iu the work and almost
on third he »hot 'er to second, evi­ outdid the mm.
dently expecting the ball to come back
Signs were put up about the city
in time to catch the runner who would during the afternoon directing traffic
take advantage of the* opportunity to to the park and along Pacific highway
score. Evidently the runner was too informing tourists ihnt a camping
wise to the play, for he wonldn't move ground can bo found in the city. The
out of his reserved seat. The joke was Washington avenue stub leading into
on him, for the ball was lost in the the park v as gra eled and in the park
dust at second long enough to bv. c al signs were put up for the information
lowed him to score.
of tourists as to i lie care of the park.
A number of the women of the city
With a pickup of a nasty one Ceder- prepared
»trom redeemed himself for an iu-'X- served at 6 o'clock.
disable error a moment before.
The West Side garage has again
■-hanged hpnds, W. C. Applewhite be­
ing the new owner. He took charge of
the busineas yesterday morning. M r
Harrel, tho recent owner, returns to
Apparently the gasoline shortage ha» his former position with Woodson
» « •
not yet caused any serious inconven
Brothers. Mr. Applewhite has been a
The feature play of the game was
ience here. The supply station is ra
resident of the city for a number of
a steal from third by Slim Stewart
ttuning all dealers and allowing them
years, coming here from Eugene when
while the box artist was winding ’er
about half of their ordinary require
ho became interested in the Cottage
up. But for this play, the locals would
ments. There is plenty on hand for all Grove Manufacturing company.
have been one score short.
commercial purpose» but “ ju ic e " for
» » •
pleasure purposes is being doled out
Cottage Grove got the worst of at
a few gallon* at a time.
IS RAISED FOR BAND least two decisions but refused to fuss.
Manager Sudtell, of the loeul station,
• • •
*nya that no relief can be looked for­
Cottage Grove business men are
Bellar, roosting on third, waiting for
ward to before Home time in June.
boosters for all of the city’s civic or­ a chance to complete the circuit,
ganisations. Only n short time ago thought one of Cellers’ corner-cutters
Free Methodist Annual Conference
The annual conference of the Free #500 was raised for the ball team and should have been galled a ball and
Methodist church for southern Oregon last week a substantial sum was raised asked Hlim Stewart how much the
will open iu the Baptist church at 2 for the baud. The total will probably ump* was getting. “ W E don’t need
o'clock next Wednesday afternoon. reach $21*0. This is the first year that him,’ ’ Sam replied.
• • •
Hmhop Warner will preside and Presid­ either organization has been adequately
The baud was on the job, per usual,
ing Elder Dodge will be present sev­ supported.
s s »
The members of the band promise
eral days.
that the city will he amply repaid for
The value of uniforms was demon­
this unsolicited support.
They are strated when a Eugene player threw
Tie Plant Removal Talk Stopped.
holding regular rehearsals vv u I l Charles the sphere to third, mistaking a Cot
Talk of moving the Latham tie plant
Cochran as director.
tnge Grove man in uniform for the
probably is stilled for n time by the
Eugene third sucker, who was in khaki
fact that the Southern Pacific com H 8. O U STE iU lO O D T D IES
deshabille. The locals scorci on this
puny has juat gone to a heavy expense
W E E K A F T E R FATH ER IN L A W play.
in building extensive platforms at
L a t h a m . ---------------------------
H. 8. Ousterhoudt, of Hopewell, Ore., FEEDS SUNFLOWER SEEDS;
near Halem, died Thursday of last
week within u week from tfie time of
(Special to Tho Sentinel.)
the death of his father-in law. I.. B.
May 12.— The O. M. Kebelbeck fam
Woodruff, who died at the Ousterhoudt
ily, Mrs. John Kebelbeck and Mrs. F.
J. W. Eddy has discovered to his en
home April 30 following a brief illness.
C. Führer and daughter Hazel attended
The two yi ere taken sick on the same tire satisfaction that the rations fed
Mrs. W ebber’s recital in the Grove
day. Mr. Ousterhoudt was so far re­ to hens have a great deal to do with
Thursday evening.
covered that the physician said he the kind of eggs which the hens pro­
W. C, Story nod Dan Lefever, en could get up. From the meager infor­ duce. A few days ago he gave his hens
route from Myrtle Creek to their home mation received here it is probable a ration part of which was sunflower
at Goldeudale, Wash., visited Sunday that the exertion brought on heart seed. Hinee then one of the hen* has
with Mr. Story's uncle, J. Q. A. trouble that resulted In sudden death. produced an egg with a perfect sun
flower blown in the shell. He has de­
Young. The men had not seen one Mrs. Uusterhoudt is seriously ill.
cided to name his place the Sunflower
another for 27 years.
chicken ranch.
The John and George Kebelbeck fam
ilies spent Saturday night nt the M.
Kebelbeck home in the Grove.
Mrs. G. M. Kebelbeck’a mother und
sister, of Deerhorn, spent Tuesday
night with her.
O. I*. Carlile, of the Grove, spent
Tuesday night at the home of his sis­
ter, Mrs. J. Q. A. Young.
Mrs. John Kebelbeck wus in Eugene
Mrs. O. M. Kebelbeck went to Salem
Wednesday for a few days’ visit with
u sister.
---------------------- —
(Special to The Sentinel.)
May 12.— Mrs. A. Söderström is vis
¡ting for a few days at Black Bock
with her son Ed. anil family.
Frnnk Parker and daughters I.oln
and Golda, on the way from Portland
and Vancouver to their horn.’ nt W il­
bur, visited at tho J. A. Mackey hom'.
Miss Brownell and Misa Hare, coun­
ty nurses, visited school Wednesday.
Eighth grade examinations will he
held at the school Thursday and Fri-
— you don’t think that you need
to advertise.
— you think everybody knows
you, know* where your »tore is,
and what you have to sell.
— possibly you nre correct; but if
you are correct, how do you ex­
plain the fact that every big
»tor# is one that hus been a con­
sistent and persistent advertisert
— have you ever noticed two
stores of about the same size and
then wondered why one enlarged
a little every year while the oth­
er remained the same sizef
— hasn’t it always been
that the store that grew
which advertised while
that remained the same
a non-advertiserf
— think it over.
the case
was one
the one
size was
She Feels Fine Now.
Aches and pains often indicate kid
neys out of order. Your kidneys surely
need help— and quickly— when yonr
hands or feet are swollen and yon feel
dull and sluggish, lose your appetite
and your energy and there is a puffy
look under your eyes. Mrs. L. Gibson,
12th ami Edison Ht., ImJunta. Colo.,
writes: “ My kidneys were giving me
a great deal of trouble for some time.
I took Fotey Kidney Fills and they
helped me right away. I feel fine
n o w ." Bold everywhere.
m 14
Kicked by Horse.
A. C. Hkelton, who is employed at a
Curtin mill driving a team, sustained
a severe injury to the lomer lip yes­
terday. He stooped to hitch a truce
that had become loose. The hone be­
came frightened and kicked him. The
lip was painfully but not dangerously
Mrs. John Hicks Dias.
Mrs. Rebecca
Hicks, of Central
Point, a former resident of this city,
died Friday uf last week in a Medforil
hospital. Interment was in the Moun
tain View cemetery ut Ashland. 8he
leaves one daughter. Mrs. M. F. Young,
of Central Point; one sister, Mrs. John­
ston, of Yuba Cityr Calif., and two
brothers, John and Ed. Ashby, of Cot
tage Grove.
Mrs. Warren Asher, a niece, of Port­
land, and George H. Young, a brother
in-law, and Mrs, Jo# McKibben, a
niece, of this city, attended the fu
Never Saw Anything Better.
For colds that “ hang o n " and for
lingering coughs that follow the “ f l u "
there is one safe family cough medi
cine sold from tho Atlantic to the Pa
ei/ie. Mrs. A. B. Griffith, Box 154.
Andrews, Ind., w rit»»: ‘ "Ijist winter
my family all had the ‘ flu .’ I tried
Foley '* Honey and Tar and never saw
anything better. From now nn 1 will
uot be without it in the house." D on ’
let children suffer from croup or
whooping cough when this reliabli
remedy can be so easily procured. Boh
(Special to The Heutinel,)
May 12.— Mel Kimball, of Plcaann
Hill, »peat the week end at the J. A.
Ernest Horn, of Portland, who ha
been visiting the R. Y. Porter family,
spent the first of the week with
Grandma Horn and Mr. and V r”-
Frank Mackie.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Slater and Mr*.
Wolford au-l children motored to Eu
gum- Friday of laat ww-'k.
George Strong, uf Portland, who had
been in the southern part of the stnti
on a business trip, stopped here th
first of the week and visited his moth
er, Mrs. Slater, and other relatives.
Home of the young people of Walker,
Delight Valley and Lynx Hollow hnu
a joyous time hanging May bnskets.
When Mr. Pentico's people were rr
turning from Eugene Sunday they met
with an accident and their enr wns so
badly damaged that they had to get
help to bring it home.
John Simmons, accompanied by a
friend from Portland, who had been or
d motor trip to California, stopped
for a viait at his old home Friday and
spent the night with the Dree«''».
Don’t have any slackers. Keep track
of what eaak hen does by using egi,
Yonr home newspaper is fin t entitled record cards. For sal* by The Hent,
to yonr-support.
• * * ne| at 11.70 the hundred.