$ Laborers Wanted Permanent positions. Good chanoo for advancement. Man­ ufacturing plant employing 1400 men. See MR. NEWMAN Hotel Sineed Eugene, Oregon Friday, Saturday, and Sunday Grove Transfer Coriipany All kinds o f FURNITURE MOVING AND GENERAL JOBBING F. W. Jacobs, Prop. Phone 21-F3 T O O U R F R IE N D S A N D P A T R O N N O T IC E : T O O U R P A T R O N S A N D F R IE N D S O F A R C A D E T H E A T E R The management wishes to aniuHinrc that we have gone to a large ex­ pense ia improving your theater, in­ stalling new electrical equipment, IK.u.l a Xui.vnq puu ‘ui&iu a ju 041 deal b etter. pictures; consequently, it will be necessary for us to raise onr prices a very little, to eleven and twenty two cents, and the other prices to remain the same, this to take effect on Monday, May 10. We believe we are justified in raising our admission price this small amount and that it will not work any hardship on anyone. A R C A D E T H E A T E R A. W. Swanson, Mrs. 8 . M Womit, Mrs. \\ oiilvvortb mul Mr*. Krmik Kmn. ♦ ♦ ♦ Mr». H. A Miller rlmruiiiigly o At er­ at inod the Social Tw e h e club ut it* regulär meeting yeatsrday nfternoon. Uuostn OUtttiil* o f club uiembora »ere Mm. Burkholder • Is Speaker. Mrs. Clara Burkholder, o f this city Mrs. C. J. Kern. Mr*. A. W. Kuno, » h o is uow iu Corvallis, »h ere Miss Mrs. llolon Silaby mul M iss Esther Belle and Charles are attending col Silsbv. lege, was AMc o f the speakers at a re lf ttomiuated and eleoted Soeretnry cent meeting o f the Nature Study club at which Mrs. l.ulu Briggs, formerly o f 8tnto, S mii A. Koser, now Deputy Soeretnry o f State, promise» tu givo o f this city, » a s the hostess, (¿uit appropriately, Mrs. Burkholder took to tlmt o ffice thnt high dogroe of ef “ The Story o f O pal” as the subject fielency »hieh the people are justi- o f her talk. After giving a summary fiod ili dctnnnding o f » public o tti ni 7 p,l o f the unusual claims set forth by Miss eial. Opal as to her parentage, Mrs. Burk Guy Martin I* KlUed. holder said 'that she believes Opal t Guy Martin, o f Ouklniid, stili o f Mr. be sincere and to believe what has been created in her own imagination and Mr». W. T. Martin, o f thia city, wns killcd Woliiduluy night bv thè Mrs. J. J. Wilson was pleasantly sur eaploaion o f a power puutp. Ili» par prised Monday evening by 14 women onta loft for thore ycntvrday and thè o f the Baptist church, the occasion be funenti » i li bc hclil today. ing her thirty seventh birthday anni versary. They presented her with Fi re at Sterilii« Hotn*. useful pift. A roof firo ut thè David Storling homo at iioon Tuosday causisi eoiAder- Mrs. George Young entertained a few ablc dniungo, ulthoiigh thè Game» »ore friends at a six o ’clock dinner lust <|uirkly eitinguishcd hy the fire ile Friday evening, the occasion being Mr purtiuent. Young's seventieth birthday anniver ■ary. The table » a s generously sup plied » it h many toothsome delicacies from the entree o f fish to the birth day cake. A pleasant social hour fol lowed the meal. Those present were Messrs. Young, Caldwell and Ralston ami Mesdames Young, Thompson, ltal LONDON. ston and Caldwell. ♦ ♦ ♦ (Special to The Sentinel.! A man can sometimes get a long May 5. Mr. mid Mr». Charley May ways with a young lady by sitting still hro nud family, o f Lirane, attended — and holding her on his lap. • • • ehurch her«, Sunday. Harold Ahceno mid Giirlnnd Bunion Mermaids are probably the reincar nation in full dress o f some o f the were married Sunday afternoon at 4:30 o ’clock ut the home o f the bride’» former members o f the “ 400.” • • • parents, Mr. and Mr*. J. E. Bunion. The woman’s foreign missionary so Kov. K. P. Williams, o f Molalla, o f f i ­ • ciety o f the Methodist church met ciated. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Huiull visited at Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. J. H the Henry Siunll home Hunduy, Chambers. Mr. nud Mrs. Alfred lViwell motored ^ ^ ^ up from the Grove Hunduy. Mrs. K. G. O. Groat entertained the Mrs. W. O. Shortridge went to Eu Sunday school class o f the Baptist gene last Thursday. church at her home yesterday after Mrs. H. 0 . Combs went to the Grove noon. Miss Sylvia Thornton assisted Tuesday td spend n few days with her the hostess in serving light refresh daughter Orpha at the Walter Sanford rnents. home. SOCIETY We Wish to Buy Wool, Mohair Chittem Bark Neighborhood News I 4 > ♦ Mrs. George Hall entertained the lui Ci»mus club very pleasantly Tuesday afternoon, the time being spent with the nsual fancy work. Refreshments were served. Outwts outside o f rlnb members were Mr.i. T. (1. Sudtell, Mrs. ARCADE THEATER W E E K L Y PR O G R AM FRIDAY, MAY 7—“ TDK RIGHT OF W A Y ,” by BERT LYTELL, taken from Sir Gilbert Barker’s novel; a romance of (J&nadian life. SATURDAY, MAY 8—“ LET’S ELOPE,” by MARGUER­ ITE CLARK. You’ll worry if you don’t see Marguerite Clark in “ Let’s Elope.” Marguerite in her best. Also Merold Lloyd in “ JUST NEIGHBORS.” SUNDAY, MAY 9—“ PEPPY POLLY,” by DOROTHY GISH. She gets into jail, and wears stripes, and everything. She heaved a brick through a jewelry store window and the cops obliged her by giving her three years. MUTT AND JEFF in “ THE BIRTH OF A NATION.” PAT1IE RE­ VIEW, something new in motion pictures. MONDAY, MAY 10— WILLIAM DUNCAN in “ SMASHING BARRIERS” (second episode). See how he got out from un­ der the logs that smashed his cabin. “ THE ADVENTURE SHOP,” by COR1NNE GRIFFITH, TUESDAY, MAY 11—“ SECRET MARRIAGE,” by MARY McLAREN. The story is based on an actual occurrence in the police court of one o f our large cities. “ HAY STACKS AND STEEPLES.” WEDNESDAY, MAY 12—“ HOME TOWN GIRL,” by VIVIAN MARTIN. See Vivian where she plays the part of a quaint but beautiful little New England girl. Comedy en­ titled “ HELP, HELP, HELP!” THURSDAY, MAY 13—“ THE DARE DEVIL,” by TOM MIX. Tom is classed as the most daring man in pictures today. See him and you will like him as well as William Farnum. The quality of banking support you receive is of prime im­ portance. I f your bank is to serve you well, it must itself have—as this bank base the facilities of the greatest hank­ ing organization in the world the Federal Reserve System. Miss Mabel Shortridge has finished a term o f school at Elkhead and ia home for the summer. Kev. K. P. Williams filled the pul­ pit here Sunday evening. Miss Mae Bradford, o f Salem, is vis­ iting her grandmother, Mrs. tkisan \ynlker. * Powell & Burkholder As IHrputy Secretary o f State for more than eight yenrs pust, Sam A. Koser, republican cundidatc for S « r e tary o f State, has guiue