W ________ /( tì t J ffln «a» ítw (Krott* g>ntítel • - ,t - _ _ i- — - ^ _ _ and VOLUMK XXX oo ttao e pro ve • leader OOTTAOK OKOVK, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1920 rm LOCALSSTART ON PENNANT WINNING CAREER MAIL CARRIER POPULAR ON DAY LIVE WIRE 18 PUBLISHED X — - PRETTY FLOWERS; H A R D CARELESS DRIVERS IMMUNE WORK GO TOGETHER IN COTTAGE GROVE • A. II Hpnnkel, who doc» a ntunt of Yoncalla, T im Victim, la Drubhsd delivering the morning mini ii I miii I the John Ruler Talks Before Orange end city, when not engaged m nome other to Defeat by tho On» Hlilo.l Hayn Planting Poaiea Ia Only of hin mullitmlimion aiti viti*'», deelaren ■cora of 19 to 3. the Beginning. tliiit he him unraveled n great myntery which had greatly ruffled Inn urbane C ottage d ro v e won II» fir» t g i in ie x f dignity, lie hud noticeli that on Fri I’lnnting flower« in a wrmte of »tier llie season on ilio bom« grounds Hun day morning* all the feminine pulronn gv unb«n you urn going to give them along the route were out to greet him dav In n one «nli il content w itli Yon proper cure,’ ’ aui-l John Under in hin For »»variti • u llii, tln< nuora being 111 In .1. For ni> with gludnoine amile». I talk befor»*the grange Hnturdny, “ You week» lie aim gteiiily troubled nn to in n in g s Y o n ru llu fm li'il lo get unir « i l l get on renultn by netting out pn lim ila I brae n il'll to but. T ill' Inciti« the reanon for Inin unetpliiined dinplay «ten null then nitting down to watch of pleimure at hin* appcnriiiire, and a k i ìi i | i T^ Inni th in g * th e ir own w ny und them grow. You ’ve got to keep out bui fo r lutine p la y in g w ith tilin g » com great weight him been taken from Inn the weed», you've got to keep them' lug nn euny lite vinltorn m ight not Itavi mind by Ilio happy noliilion of the cultivated You ’ve got to attorn! to nciireil nt n il. T h e ra were ntiinerou» m*»t ery. On hint Friday morning, one them, nnd nothing look« much worn«' of the »aid and aforennnl feminine pn e ri nr» on both nnlen b ill moie were than n pretty parking of flower» next ru n tly to t'o tln g u drove nsoapt tin me Iron» gieeted him with the ununl re* to another parking of weed», or • prat Npleiident »mile, took her mail and III the el|{h tb it m l n in th , I ty yard of flower» with grim» and Mndinnce disappeared weed» allowed to grow without biu- lu the » la th In n in g w ith Ihe Inciti» norted if Viver U|* Ih e lumen w ere kept f u ll but the from her comely face. “ Where*» my id ranee along the nidewalk. I ’retty v is it in g b u tte ry tig h ten ed up on th eir, H**ntinel til.» m orning!*' »he d< mano flower* are pretty thing», but if you And then the grout light broke. nre going to have pretty flower« you work m ill tw o «vero furenti out nt ed home on ilin k y k iln . One acoro wit» After thin Hprink. will nee that the have got to do a lot of other thing». full i|iiotit of the live wire newspaper I’retty flower» nre luce to look lit, but foram i. T h e Incula h a v e not y e t got th eir in in the nurk. you don’t have pretty flower» and a t»eeil um l Ih e slu g g in g wun in ib ì. T in pretty hum« without |ota uf hnr«l work, k e n v ie a l In in w ere tw o bugger», one which »nine folk» do not think o f when ea«h by Hm lth uml K in g T h e vinito m they come along nod admire a pretty «ver., t ir It li'il to ilenth w ith a n y th in g | yard.’ ’ din t lookeil lik e u »ingle. T h e butterien w ere; Y o n ru llu llo w m il um l H o ffm a n ; C o tta g e d ro v e t o lle ra uml K in g , H o w ard Inni c re ili! fo r 4 n ln keo u tn uml fe lle r » 14. T h e lu ttn r eased up once in n w in k I» let thn v ia l torn get u feel o f the kornehnle. How u n i inaueil fiv e tick e tn lu the in it ia l nnrk nini t V ile r» none. T h e re c e iv in g ra il» o f la ith batte rie « were in goml to rn i. Ilo ffm n n in it for mer leuguer who han been out u f the game a num ber o f yeu ra. K in g han alno ilo n r w ork w ith the p ro fessio n al« um l m ail« a re a l rep. with th e local» lunt ye a r T h e umpiren were A p p le g ate , of Y o n rn lla , uml liu k e r, o f C o lla g e d ro ve T h e girlin' a a a »«cintiti one throughout an il Inora wan no sq u ab b lin g . T h e barn! am i the bleacher» v o cife ro u sly cbeereit ih » Incula tu victory. The lineup wan an follow «! Y u t lfM lU — M l i i i Tf M ..................... ... ...... K Kru iM ', Üb ............ ........... W im , l b ........... ......... ..................... Tm ey, ........ u n i, p ........................... ........... . H u f ? « H. K m » « « , r f ................................... l i n u ^ b r r t y , 3 b *...-. r > ................. T a r p i l i , I f ........... T o t a l ................. ................. t* »ttu | (f« O r t iv a — r «H Í«* r »tr < x a , m K i t 'S . • ---- --------------------- ---- ----- ---- Nbb I k ----- , Tr x.r ------------ t —* H t r w ir t 8b Hen it h, 2b. ................. ................ . W tl»o iit If < V I )# r « , p ................ ...... .. hunt*, r f ................. J « . . « ...........« ...... A r t h u r , t f . ..... ................................... " t t a U U M f lb T o ta li lb K U 0 0 0 III 1 8 0 0 3i 11 K 2 V 0 4 t 0 u 1 (1 v 1 2 0 3 1 U 7 16 2 3 3 3 1 3 4 4 1 1 2 1 0 1 ? J U 1 2 U 6 1 6 6 6 1) 6 1) 0 3 lit i s 1 1 •Eighth and ninth inning» Owing to alight laHreuritrina in keeping the hoi »core, credit may have been given fur two or three hit» that were not earned. How Do Tanner* Stand on killing« BUI? t'orvallia, Ore., May 4.-—("N' the Kd Itor.)- Home o f the citiienn of your community have eudorned the millnge tut proposition but whut have you Mr. Fanner, to nuy about i t ! Do you an n former eenliic the per nonal benefit you derive from the O r e gun Agricultural College! It given you, all the latent dntn on farming jont fot the unking The n rit time nomething comen up you don’t underntaml in your Turin work, apply 1° the t>. A. t’. tennioa nervlee. Try it nut. It will not fail you. You ran be one of itn long distance ntudentn. Then« ntndeutn are nrattered all over Oregon. Ilnve you ever heard o f l'ruf. Jume» Dryden mid hia flock of White l.eg horn»! He ia the mnn whn mude tin Oregon hen fnmuun and he »till in in the good work of ntlmuluting the urin tnrrney of Hiddydom toward the pro duct ion of 300 egg* n year or there about». luidy MarDuff, hia creutiun, wna the firnt fowl ao far an known, to Iny more thnn 300 egg» in a year. Hhu produced 30.1. Recent record» »how that hen» o f thin name »train have laid an high nn 300 eggn yearly. In- creaned egg production han brought more to the atnte of Oregon thnn the total maintenance coat» of O. A. C. fom Ita foundation. Prof. Dryden i»niien a bulletin every month on pnul try hiinbnndry. I f you want to make money in ckieken railing, amid for thin pamphlet. The college hun ¿¡»covered how tid combat fruit pent» nnd eliminate weed». Thi» »ervieo ha» already proved of immeanurnldo value to all who work with thn »oil. Would you want to go back to cut ting grain by hand! Then don’t com pel the rising generation of Oregon to do that very thing in the attempt to gain nn education. They mutt have tool» to work with. Hchooln aro their tool». Hchooln coat money and more money than they ever did before, becaune the baying power o f a dollar hna fallen to 43 cent»; becaune operating eontn have more than doubled; beciymo the nun» ber of »Indent» hnn increnned 14H tier cent. The ntate revenue for higher education haa »tood practically , »till It him lncreaaed only 3.8 per cent. Own you houne 148 nhcep where von you only kept 1 nhe»»p before! ('an you feed 148 nhrep on only 3.8 per rent increnned food! No. Neither can we meat the reonomic condition» at O. A. C. with onr prenent fund». We ank your help. We are confident that the farmer» o f Oregon will not deaert im in thia eriaia. Vote for the millnge tn« law. It will emit you only $1.98 for every thou- annd dollar» o f taiahle property you owni. Have y « t figured it out that w a y! HKI.LK HUKKHOLDER. O. ▲. 0. *22. CHICKENS'AND OTHER UVE STOCK REGULATED BULLET EMBEDDED IN OLD FIR TREE CAUSES SPECULATION While M. F. Babcock was engag'd Authorttinc rteetn to Take no Cogni­ the other day in demolishing chunks of a fir tree und preparing the sticks in sance of Opon Violation suitable size fur the good wife to use, of A ll Law the ax bit some hard substance. An examination showed it to be a bullet embedded in the wood fiv e inches un­ Vthile reckless driving ■» not an com der the bark. A pitch pocket had mon an it one« wna, carelr»» handling I formed around the foreign substance of automobiles continue« mid almost nnd there was also a knot at this point no attention whatever u paid to run- 1 on the outside of the bullet, whether tjing cam nn the streets with cutouts caused by the bullet or not is not in>nimen council. 500 urc republican», 4662 democrat» The mayor announced the appoint­ and 634 are classified a* mincelluneou», ment o f Mr*. J. H. Chamber» on the which gives the republican» two third» library board to fill the unoxpired of the registration. term of Mr». A. B. Wood. It ia notod that the registration thin The water rnte for the ennt aide year hus narrowed to practically the M-htad building wun fixed lit $10 the two old political parties. month until the meter in repaired. On motion the ntreet committee wun Ronds Bring Scarified innlrueted to look into the matter nf Many of the principal roads of Imnc grading and graveling Monroe avenue county are now receiving their annual between Hixtli and Tenth ntreet» and neunfying and rolling J. K. McKy, to report ut the next meeting. county road superintendent, has three On motion O. H. Willnrd wax given crews engaged in thi* work and he ex pertninsion to neeure lumber ut the iacta to complete it by the first of c it y ’» expenne to repair crosswalk near une. Among the* road» now being im­ hi* place. proved in this manner nre the Prairie On motion the water rate for J. H. road between Eugene nnd Junction Chamber» i»t l.ntham wna fixed at $95 City, and the Row river road east of the month for fire protection nnd for Cottage Grove ns far cunt ns Doronn. drinking purposes for his employe» and The road between Cottage Grove nnd hed to the I*Oitdoa and the Bailey hill road south boilers. west of Eugene will come next. The following bills were rend, audit­ ed and ordered paid: Fire Department on the Job. N. J. Nelson, Jr., sweeping of A »mull roof fire at the F. J. Alstott. street» ..... ........................... $ 38.75 home in the northountern portion of the Wynne ft Kune, hardware..... . lt!.t>8 city Wednesday forenoon caused a Fire company, salaries........... 18.00 small amount of dtimngo. The fire de­ G. U. Pitcher, salary and ex­ partment arrived in record time and penses ....................................... 129.83 were ready to turn the water onto the Phil Joncn, work on pi|