t (Eottmp - (Stiro* Swttitrol AXO VOJiUMK XXX MRS. S.E. WYNNE, PIONEER OF '67, IS DEAD Mr«. J. p. Ourrlu la Now Only Bur VI t I um Member of Wall Known Perklu* family. Mr«. Hnrnh K. Wynn«, one of the i*nrlt«*Mt o f tIn* piuni’cr resident* of this • •ly, illi’d ill Ihi’ lullin' o f h«r dnugli ter, Mr« J. H. Ili*n«no, Thursday morn i n A p r i l L’U, 1920, « I 5:30 o'clock, lii'r eg« being 76 year« uml two nionlh«. Him liml liio’ii ill tliri’i' weeks. Tim fuimrul will Im conducted from llm Ili*nwiii residence nt 10 n in. to morrow with Rev. H. Iliimrn k In charge o f tlm aervlea. Intcrmi’i i t ' will lie m llm Hliii'ld« cemetery. Harnh Ellen Perkins wn* Imra In tlurrnril county, Ky., February 10, I 844. At the uk n of seven your« »he removed to Trenton, Mo., with her |>ur rnt«, J. I), uml M iry Kllen I’erkln«, uml four brother*, Kdinoml I'., John M, llurtlin /. and William II, a k tN ‘ other brother, Joseph li., mid it « 1 « ter, Mr«. Amelia Currin, were born. Hhe wu« married to l»r. A. I.. Wynne A|>ril III, intu, and they rnme to Ore gun arm «« the plain« in 1*64. Mr«. Wynne drove the two hone team and the doctor practiced hi« pmfc««ion aiuoriK the farailie« of the train durniK the trip. They located at Union and two year* later came to KuKcne. In I HAT they moved to ( ‘uttuKo tlrove, where the family ha« ainre resoled. The family lived in the same residence on leieust avenue for 4*1 year». Dr. Wynne died in Fight children were (torn to Dr. and Mrs. Wynne, five of whom are living. They are Harry K., Mr«. Herbert Kukin, Mrs. J. H Itenson and Armand L , o f this city, and Mr». J. A. Merry man, o f Tacoma. A son and dniiKhtrr died iu infancy and Joseph I., died in IMM). Mr«. J. I*, ( ‘urrin, of this city, 1« now the only survivor of the pin. neer I’erkln« family. Mrs. Wynne waa a member of the Hoot kern Methodist church from child hood and was at one time an active member o f the Knstrrn Htar. oottaoe prove leader COTTAGE GROVE, CANE COUNTY, OREGON, KRIDA Y, APRIL 30, 1920 IB JOHN D ROCKEFELLER. PATRON OF LOCAL P O B T o r r ic E v JR, Did John D. Rockefeller, Jr., visit Cottage Grove incognito or in auto mobile this week! The clerks iu the postoffice would like to know. Homi-mie mailed n package there to a party in ( ‘ulifortiia and the return nddress wus given us John D Koike fcllcr, Jr., Vumlerbilt hotel, New York city. The return address was not noti-d until after the party mailing the pni-k age hud left the window, but when it wus noted there wus * commotion sounding murk like excited femininity followed by a rush to$ the windows hnving it street view to gel n peep at tbe unostentatious millionaire, if such it might be He wore a large enp nnd a stylish overcoat and waa of about the physical build of the owner of that distinguished name, but he left no trail o f oil in his wake, was entire ly unattended and made no display of filthy lucre or predictions as to when the price of gasoline might be expert ed to decline. It is likely thut someone wus per­ petrating a joke upon tbe party to whom the parknge was mailed. ARRANGEMENTS COMPLETE FOR MEMORIAL DAY R*v E O. O Oroml Will Deliver Dec oration Day Oration. Rev Ham tick Memorial Heruion. 43,000MEMBERS, NOSTRIKE NEED OF EDUCATION NEVER IS L L L L RECORD GREATER THAN NOW National Oov*rani«nt Copying Plan A t the Same Tima, Pond* to Provide Incorporatali in Constitution That Education War# Never of Loyal L*gion. Lower Than NoxY. How through a fifty -fifty coopera­ tion of employers and employes the leiyul Legion of loggers and Lumber­ men is showing the world bow har­ mony between capital ami labor may be brought about was told in nddressea ut the commercial club Monday eve nt ii g by Mr. und Mrs. Harry Phillips, who are here ropreaenting that organ­ ization. " A record of n membership of 4.1,- OOO in three atutes without a strike in the two years of its organization is n record never before equalled, ’ ’ the speakers stated. " T h e national congress is now taking up tbe idea embodied iu the constitution o f our organization nnd which we have al­ ready proved to be the proper method of cooperation uf capital and labor. When grievances are to tie settled the employes lay their demunds upon tbe table in the open, the employers lay their cards face up on the table and sitting around the same table their differences are harmonized. In thia way only can clnss warfare be (Over­ come. " T h e ambition o f the I. W\ W. und aimilar orguinralions to put labor in the saddle eun, if successful, only re­ sult in a struggle by capital to regnm the saddlt’ and clnss warfare must continue. The only solution is a meth od whereby neither class is on top und the other undernenth, a solution nicely worked out by the Four-L organic« t Mill. ' ’ Mr. and Mra. Phillips are here or ;unizing auxiliaries fur wives of mem >rrs of the L. L. L. L. at all o f the several camps of this section having local*. Arrangement» for the annual Mem (trial day observance have been com- leted by Appomattox post, O. A. It. fi he memonsl sermon will be presrhed by Rev. Hamrick at the forenoon ser vice Humbiy, May ‘¿.1. The Memoriul • lay oration jvlil be delivered by Rev. E. U. (>. Groat. On Decoration day, Hundny, May SO, the parade tu the cemetery will start The Sentinel, $2 00 the year. at the bunk corner at 10 o'clock. Tbe old soldiers expert eiticens o f the city to furnish ears to convey them to the FOUR YEARS IN PEN rcmctcry. The Americnn Legion, ex IS CLARK S SENTENCE service men, civic soeietiea, fraternal man school play oiven orders and citixens generally are n- Four year* in the state penitentiary BBPORE LARGE AUDIENCES vited to take part in the parade. The ia the sentence imposed by Judge Hkip usual ceremonies will lie held at the wArth upon Martin A. Clark in con Yotnitf Actor* Wall Developed Under cemetery and at I o ’clock in the after iiection with tbe death of Charles Tay Competent Instruction. noon the Memorial day oration nnd lot on July 25, 1919. The verdict of program will be held at the Methodist tbe jury was manslaughter. A motion Large audience« upon l»etb Friday church. for a new trial was denied. and Muturday cveoiUK« at the produe lion of the high achool play, “ As a M A N Y C ITIE 8 P A Y MORE Woman Thinketh," riv n i by lower FOB SUPPORT OF SCHOOLS classmen, demonstrated the active «up port noru by the eommunity to their The Cottage Grove school district is educational institutions. not the only one which finds a high A tired, overworked, self-pitying levy necaaaary for the support of its mother o f a Urge family, about ready to give up the atruggle to har­ Freight Oar* Coming to Haip M ot « schools. Last year the levy here wn* 16.2 mills. A table in the Oregon Voter Millions of Eoot of Lumber monise a family where each waa doing shows that at the same time tbe levy that which worked in an nppoaite d i­ Piled on Dock*. at Astoria waa 19.4, at Bend 30.5, at, rection, take» the advice or a friend, Canyon City 20, at Corvallis 17.7, at an advocate of new thought, who aug gc«la influencing dike «ubronariou« What might have liern a more than Kmpire 102, at Hood River 17.3, at minds o f tha mother nud of the dia- serious situation for laith the employ­ Junetion City 10.3, at Madras 17.2, nt harmomsing member« of the household. ers and employe* o f this section has Milton 20. at Myrtle Point 18.2, nt The result■ are moat mnrvclou« und tbe I»ecu partially averted, at least, by Ontario 31, at Rainier 33, at Ht. Hel­ household become« nn harmonious and the improvement in the freight car ens 28.5, at Vale 27.5, at Wasco 10.5, happy unit. situation. The mills were fast reaching and at Woodburn 22.5. Enid Veateh a« Mr«, Weeden wn« a point where the financial burden of Ideal troth a« the discouraged house­ piling lumber on the dorks wns be­ COUNTRY SCHOOL TEACHER w ife and aa the reformed and reform coming so great that operations could OETS «150 PER MONTH ing mother; lieulah Hanna, Laura not hnve been much lunger continued Htewart and Ethel Mackey were without rolling stork with whieh to The directors of the Htnr school dis­ rhnrmmg aa daughter« of Mr. nnd make shipments One mill alone has trict, east of thia city, have engaged Mr«. Weeden; Lois H u ff did well u« put two million feet of lumber on its Miss Gertrude Miller as teacher at a minister’s w ife slisolutely tnt-npnlde dorks since the first of the year while $150 per month. There nr* about 40 of thought indetiendenl of her bus orders were on hand upon which this pupils in this district and Mias Miller baud; I^slie Hull made hi« rough deck lumber could hnve been ship|M’d. This will teach them all. The directors say part very realistic and n« the villnui one mill now has close to three and a they would rather have a good teacher acted nnything but the leader of a half million feet o f lumber ready for nt a high salary than two ordinary church choir. A touch o f comedy wn« shipment and this represent« only » onea at Tow aajpriea. added by the half-wit hired hnnA, act­ small portion of the total amount of ed jM-rfectly by Hert Hnlrh. Ethel lumber in thia section awaiting move­ S E N T IN E L W A N T ADS BOOSTED Hhermnn, a« the negro cook, portrnyed ment. BY BOTH BU YER A N D SELLER iu a life like manner the propensity o f some such person» in nctunl life Mrs. H. K. McFarland has joined the for “ borrow ing" attractive articles iurge army of booutera for the e ff i­ snif storing them uwny in convenient cacy o f Hentinel wantada. Hhe has places about tbe person. just reuted her eight acre ranch by Other parts well taken were the or this method and the renter, Clay dinary every day husband, by Clnuile Hhermnn; n pastor o f the pnat, by Cur Yoncalla to Be First Victim of Local Fnglnnd, says he always reuds the wnntuds when he wants to g^| or do rin I’ urvance; n rather wild son, by Aggregation of Slugger* and anything. Hnrold Whitlock; the lasy son-in law, Pennant Winners. by Itei Wheeler; Jaek I ’lnlley, by Tommy Matthews; the fnmily physi­ J. B. Lawia Seriously Stricken. cian, by Ivan Hams; a Hindu lecturer, J. B. Lewie, o f thi* city, who has The baseball season will open here by Norval Arnica; Mrs. Weeden ’» best for some months been nt the home of next Sunday, when Yonealln will be friend, by Marian Lowry. his daughter, Mra. Fred luimb, near Hetweeu the second nnd third nets the visiting tenm. The Cottage Grove Harrisburg, is seriously ill. Mrs. I,ewis, l^'slio Hull sang ‘ ‘ The Hundolero.” team has just received its nifty uni­ who had been visiting a daughter in The number was given unusunl treat- forms, provided by the business men Minneapolis, Minn., for some months, •»•at, Mr. Hull np|M-aring in n Hpunish rtf the city. With the large number left for home Wednesday upon receipt List nine and nrmed with a rifle, nnd uf former professional and semi-pro- of a telegram informing her o f her most melodiously relieving n lady nnd fessionnl players who are in the lineup, husbasid’a illness and is expected to gentleman, impersonatd by Mnrie Mr nearly nil of whom were in the pen­ nrrlvt* at Harrisburg today. Mrs. R. H. ('Cnrgnr and Ernest Kurre, of their nant winning aggregation Inst year, Trask, daughter of Mrs.' Lewis, visited valunldes. Mr. Hull was in excellent the locals expect to duplicate last Mr. Lewis Tuesday nnd found his con­ voice nnd the number whs roundly ap­ year's performance and with the aup- dition to be very serious. Mr. Lewis plauded. Kuth Bede substituted for |xirt given by the business men o f the city will be able to challenge tenm* is in his eighty-sixth year. Miss McCargnr the second evening. The piny throughout wns interesting from nny part o f the state, Several Address School Assembly. and well uctml. Miss Annie Laurie Heveral addresses were made before Graham, who has had considerable ex­ CH EVRO LET BALES AOENOY the high school assembly during the perience in atnging amateur theatri­ GOES IN TO FORMER ARM O RY past week. On Friday morning Rev. cals, coached the production, nnd much Geo. T. Pratt, who ha* been filling the credit is given her for the succes« of Hugh I. Hmith, who has secured the pulpit nt tha Presbyterian church, was the performance. excluaive agency for the Chevrolet car the apeaker. Professor Florin n Von for this section, has rented the lower Fschen, of Willnmette university, spoke N U M B E R OF TEAC H ER S TOR floor o f Masonic temple, formerly the Monday morning nnd Mr*. Harry Phil N E X T Y E A R A R E E LE C T E D armory, whieh is being remodeled for 'lips, worker for the L. L. L. L., spoke hi* use. He will hnve hi* salesroom '’ Wednesday morning. The following tenchers hnve been in the front of the building with shop elected by the school honrd for the en­ in the rear. Mr. Hmith commanded a telephone nnd tolegrnph company in Poultrymeo Ask Questions TUI 18:30. suing year: A large number o f poultrymen at­ W. O. Itenttie, superintendent; Mrs. France, is a graduate of O. A. C., wns lima Benger, principal west side four years with the engineering de­ tended tne lecture given Friday eve­ school; Miss Lulu Cnrrin, Miss E li*» partment o f the General Flectrie com ning at the commercial club by Judge beth Devnney, Miss Annie Laurie pany, of Hchenectndy, N. Y., some Masterson, o f I ai * Angeles. Ho inter­ Graham, Miss Margaret McDonald, time with the Utah Power A Light esting was the talk and so well- liigti school, subject to assignment; company, of Halt Lake, and Inter with informed the speaker that he waa kept Mis* Loin llowe, Mrs. Ethel Oreene the Medford Auto company, of Med­ there until 12:30 answering questions propounded by the audience. Judge l.nndi’ a*, Mrs. Aida M. Hmith, Mrs. Ora ford. Masterson wns brought here by Jones Read liemenwny, Miss Ailelle White, A Eaton. Mis* Mnriette Hnninnt, Miss Marjorie A rrlv « In Mlsaourl. Hhny nnd Mis* France* Cox, grade Miss Julia Turner writes that »he teacher*, subject to assignment. The nnd her mother are hnving nn gnjoy- Contribute to Near East Relief. principal o f the high school nnd tench- able time "v is itin g grandm other" nt The county chairman uf the Nenr ers of home economics und manual Ysncy Mills. Mo., where the women Fast relief reports the following con­ training hnv* not yet been elected. run conk better nnd talk more tbnn tribution* from thi* section: Saginaw, in nny other place in the world. They by Bnrtlett Johnston, $20; Delight A panacea for everything—Hentlnel expect, to bo homo in about two Vnlley, by C. H. Haight, $10; Cottage week*. Grove grange, $10. wantad*. f SHUTTING DOWN OF MILLS AVERTED FOR PRESENT BASE BALL SEASON OPENS HERE NEXT SUNDAY Mr«. Alexander Thompson, of Port­ land, reeinber o f the legislature, nu thor of the elementury school milluge bill and ranilidute for congress on the democratic ticket, wus the principal speaker at tbe teaehera’ institute held here Saturday. Hhe spoke on the need o f the tsx which the measure of which she is the author would pro­ vide. Mrs. Thompson said; " N e w is the time when the full strength of tbe school is needed us never before. In New York city the schools are running only half time on account of the nhortage of teachers. In Oregon 230 school houses are locked up for lack <}f teacher«. Teachers have left the school* by the thousand* for more re­ munerative positions. Normal school attendance has fallen o ff 50 per cent because young men and women do not wish to prepare for a profession which does not offer a living wage. The money raised by the two mill tax will be apportioned according to the num ber of tcacberx in each district.'' Ralph H'xJjc, a live young student from the University of Oregon, gave an interesting talk following Mr«. Thompson’s address, explaining the aeeda of the college institutions of Oregon and difficulties they are con­ tending with on account of lack of fund« and buildings adequate to cope with tbe increased attendance of the last four years. F. H. Cooper, nssistant county super­ intendent of schools, was chairman of the meeting whieh was opened with n number by a male quartet composed of Huperintendent W. G. Beattie, El bert Hmith, Francis Imeey and Dale Wyatt, with Miss Father Hilsby at tbe piano. MODERN PIANO-ORGAN INSTALLED AT ARCADE One of the most modern Fotoplnyer piano-organa has just been installed by the Arcade theater and was used for the first time Tuesday evening. It can be operated either us a pipe organ or piano, or as both at one and the same time and ha* flute, violin, harp and drum attnehmenta. A free concert to demonstrate the new instrument will be given from 2 to 3 o'clock Hunday afternoon. C O IN C ID E N C E S F O U N D O f W E D D IN G OP O. O. M E N There are several coincidence* in the recent marriages o f George O. Knowles and C. A. Bartcll, of thi* eity. Both are officers of the commer­ cial club, Mr. Knowles being the first vice president and Mr. Bartell secre­ tary. Both were married at Hnlem at the homes of sisters of the brides, and in both cases the bridegrooms were widowers and the brides widows. Mr. Bartell wn* married Friday of last week to Mr*. Lottie May Rough. They knew each other as children in the eust. Mr. Knowles was married Tues­ day, the bride being Mrs. E ffie Hall, of this city. BIDDY READS “ HEN F R U IT ' JOKE8 A N D PROCEEDS TO OET BUSY A Rhode Island Red hen owned by Mrs. Amy Page has evidently been reading in the funny papers some of the jokes about “ hen fr u it ." At any rate during the past week she pro­ duced an egg which greatly resembled n dwarf banana, or a dill pickle, or a pork Hitusngo, nnd possibly several oth­ er kinds o f popular fruits. Railroad Men Moat Her# At n meeting of the section, yard and shop men here Hundny the follow­ ing officers were elected: Dan Driscoll, Of Cresweil, president-! -J. V. Stew art. o f Cottage Grove, vice presidentf Pleasant Mooney, o f Cresweil, secre­ tary. ffccital at Saginaw. Haginaw, Ore., April 28.— (Special to The Hentinel.)— A recital for the benefit of the locul church will be given Saturday evening, May 1, in the school house by students from the Eu­ gene Bible University. A snappy and elaborate program ha* been prepared. Appointed Deputy Potentate. Worth Harvey, of this city, has BSen appointed n deputy potentate for l.rfne county, by Hillnh temple, A. A. O. N. M. H.. and is authorized to assist gen­ erally in handling the affairs of thut temple In this eounty. N O TIC E ' Beginning Monday, May 3, bread will retnil at 11c at all grocers anil at the Cottage Grove Bakery. a30c — the readere of The Hentinel are coming to consider the advertising news the most interesting In the paper. — those merchants with an eye to business will provide them with more of thi* kind o f new*. —and they will endeavor to make their ads. so readable that reader* will never feel that they have completed reading the paper until they have perused the ad*. — those who do not read the ads. w ill find that they are losing much, both mentally and financially. t NUMBER 32 C A N 'T SEND BROTHER BACK 'CAUSE HE IS NOW SECOND H A N D roar year old Pianist Rafaaas to Play Dance Music for 81s. The innocent and usually uninten­ tional humor of the little tots is al­ ways clean, wholesome and enjoyable. Here are two addition« to several in­ cidents recently published: Heveral growing members of the family were officiating in varying ca­ pacities in giving tbe youngest mem her of the family his daily bath. As ;»#nee and harmony were not any too distinetly in evidence, the father of the tribe admonished the older chil­ dren that unless the squnbbling ceased little brother would have to be sent back. Quick as a flash came the re­ ply, “ You can’t, w e’ve used him.” In another household where dancing evidently has been held Inconsistent with their religions belief, the little son o f about four years of age fre­ quently tries out his talent as a pianist and quite as frequently little sister will attempt to step o ff a folk dance. Just the moment she does, little brother informs her very emphatically that he is not playing dance music, and the musie ceases at once. TRUCK TURNS TURTLE WITH TWO IN THE CAB Machine Drtran by F. B. Oliver Drop* O ff of Approach to Sixth Street Bridge. > ------- F. B. Oliver and son Willie almost miraculously escaped being crashed to death Wednesday forenoon, when the loaded lumber truck which Mr. Oliver * » « driving tumbled of f of the ap­ proach of toe Hixth street bridge arid turned turtle. Mr. Oliver held to the steering wheel and was pinned in the cab. The son fell out of the cab and was caught under the motor, although the cab held the mechanism a suffi eient distance from the ground to per­ mit the lad to crawl from nnder with out receiving a scratch. Two men who were camping near by cam« to Mr. O liver’s assistance and succeeded in extricating him from his perilous upside down position. I f the frame work o f the eab had given way while the two were under the wreckage both would have been crushed to death. Mr. (River suffered a slight gash on the forehead and his back was slightly wrenehed. The damage to the truck was about $75, there being no apparent injury exeept the demolition or the eab. The accident resulted from failure o f the brakes to work or from loss of control o f the mechanism when Mr. Ho* for Years Bubbled Up In Oliver attempted to shift gears after Water in Artesian Well at the front wheel* were over the pitch. The car backed down the bridge out Light Plant. of control and the accident followed. CiïY MAY BE BUILT OVER GAS AND OIL FIELD Oa* In addition to ita many other re­ source«, it may be found that Cottage Grove is built above a gas and oil field. Heveral years ago a well was drilled at the plant of the Cottage Grove Fleetrie company. A fter the drill* had gone down several hundred feet, gus bubbles came to the surface. It was then discovered that the water eon tamed too much mineral to be of use in the boilers and when the drills gave back a hollow sound, work was stopped for fear that a gas pocket might be tapped that would endanger the eity. Nothing further has ever been dune to investigate the probabil­ ity of such a supply but the gns bub bles ever since have eontinned coming to the top of tbe water, which is an artesian supply. There are the tidal indications usually found in an oil and gas field and when the drills were pulled out they were working in sandstone of the nature in which oil and gus are found. SECOND ANNUAL PARK DAY WEDNESDAY, MAY 12 Business Houses of tha City W ill Be Asked to Close So That All May Participate. INTERCHURCH WORKERS INDUSTRIOUSLY AT IT The coeimtitees of workers in the Interchurch World Movement are hit ting the ball this week. The several church organizations, all o f which are cooperating in this movement, hnve now pr&etieally raised Cottage G rove’s quota o f $»000. One church with less than a score o f members has almost reached its quota of *1000. Another church raised $1500 without individual solicitation. Workers are now solicit­ ing friends outside o f the church or ganizations who wish to contribute to the movement. Friendly citizen com mittees are working in the Dorena, Row River and Red Bridge, Haginaw and Walker and Bilk Creek districts. The Interebureh World Movement is nation wide and a survey is now being made of every county in the United Htates. The money will be used in establishing homes, hospitals, schools, a pension fund for retired ministers, and to establish and support home and foreign missions, including missionary doctors and teachers for Mexico, Chi na, Japan, India, etc. C. O. TE A C H E R S P O P U L A R IN 0 0 0 8 B A Y C O U N T R Y Cottage Grove teachers seem to be popular in the Coos Bay country and have made a reputation o f being am6ng the best. Miss Thelma Wilkinson, who is teaching a rural school out of Coquille. has been elected to the fifth grade of the city schools at a salary of $1000. Miss Forrest Hchneider, who is teach ing the fifth grade in the Coquille schools, has been elected to depart mental work in the seventh and eighth grades at a salary of $1060. Miss Lena Burcham and Miss Hester Bern is, both of whom are teaching pri mary grades in the Marshfield schools, are considering changes for the coming year. Miss Neva 81:igle, who is the upper grade teacher at Lakeside, has been elected to a position in the North Bond schools at a salary of $1035. Cottage Grove’s second annual park dny will be held Wednesday, May 12, provided the business house»- o f the eity are agreeable to closing at 3 o'clock on that day so that all citi­ zens may participate. Huch action was taken at the commercial club Monday evening. A fence is to be built across the park to shut o ff the north half o f the park and save it for pleasure purposes only, a brick oven is to be built and gravel is to be spread on the stub of Washington avenue leading into the park. The women of the eity probably will be asked to join the men at the sup­ per hour and assist in serving refresh­ ments. Notice will be given as to tools and M A N Y C IT IE S P A Y H IG H E R implements which it is desired to have T A X T H A N COTTAGE DROVE the workers bring. Taxpayers in Cottage Grove who have expressed their willingness to be L I » h L ' s In Community Meet. A social gathering of members of satisfied with a much smaller tax the I* L. L. L. and their friends will than now paid, will be interested in a be held tomorrow (Hnturday) evening table appearing in a recent issue of In Phillips hail. Women are especially the Oregon Voter, Which gives a list invited to attend. çnd chapter -of the ! of cities having real tax levies. They Ladies of the V o ya l Legion will be or­ * paid 1919 taxes as follow^: Astoria 73.5, Warrefftoif 68.1, Heaside 77, St. ganized,. A boxing exhibition will be a f< a ' Helens 70.4, Rainier 78'Jli, Clatskanie ture o f the gathering and there will 1*9.4, Future 65.5, Bend. 79.6, Prine- be community singing, quartets and ville 78.39, Beedsport 75.1, Medford 49, Madras .„63.2. Grants Pass 06.6. solos. Luncheon will be served. ’ '• Klamath' Falla 57.8, Ontario 73.1, Vale 77.2, Woodburn 53.5. These levies in Swift * Company Cloe* Station. elude city, school, eounty and state The Hwift A company station here taxes. was closed Tuesday because it was Cottage Grove's total levy for 1919 found that there was not enough bus was 55.775 mill*. iness to warrant continuing it. It was established two months before. Mr. VEAL W E IG H IN G 152 P O U N D S Beaudoin, who wns in Charge, will take N O W H O LD S TH E RECORD an outing o f several months and then FOR W E IG H T return to the employ of the company in Portland. The contest for raising the largest veal calf is becoming keen and L. L. Odd Fellows Visit Springfield. Green now claims the honors. He hns About 30 members of the local I. O. | just sold to Harry Culver a veal six O. F. lodge attended the second an­ i weeks and four days old that weighed nual convention o f the I>ane county | 152 pounds dressed and netted $28. Odd Fellows association at Springfield Prov ious to this the record was Monday and conferred the third degree l held by Mrs. G. A. Brooks, o f Hwiss on a class of 30 candidates. The oc­ home, with a calf which weighed 117 casion was ai»o the 101st anniversary pounds and netted her $24.68. The of the I. O. O. F. lodge in America. contest wns started by Mrs. 8. E. Me Farland, of this city, with a veal that weighed 113 pounds and netted $24.93. Boy Scouts to Organise. A Bov Bcout organization ia to be Mrs. Brooks* veal outweighed Mr». formed here and the preliminary meet­ McFarland’s veal four pounds but net ing will be held this (Friday) evening ted hor a few cents lea*. at 7:30 in the basement of the Meth­ odist church. A ll boys between the JO H N BAD HR TO T A L K ON ages o f 12 and 18 who wish to join FLO W ER S BEFO RE O R A N O E such an organization aer requested to be present. John Bader has accepted an invitn tion to speak before the grange at the lecture hour tomorrow upon the propn Error In Advertisement. An error appeared last week in the gat ion of flowers. Mr. Bader spent advertisement of the Dixie Flyer. The almost his entire life before coming statement should have been made that here as a florist. Hi* home here is the this ia the only ear with a Hershell- moat beautiful in the eity because of Hpillman in block motor selling for it* beautiful landscape gardening, nnd less than $3000. The name o f the mo­ his talk undoubtedly will be an inter­ esting one. tor was omitted.