Come to This Store for Your EASTER APPAREL Where Style, Quality and Low Prices Reign Supreme New Coats, New Suits, New Dresses New Skirts, New Hats, New Shoes Sport Coats Have Fashion’s Stamp of Approval for Spiring Short and three-quarter length garments of fine all w o o l velour, camel's hair and polo in copen, henna, tan and natural. Some are half-lined, others full silk lined. Many are shown with leather belt to match. A special showing at— $24.50 $29.50 $34.50 SPRING SHOWING AND SALE OF DAINTY UNDERMUSLINS and SILK UNDERWEAR Bloomers —Knit bloomers in pink. Pink crepe and batiste, underpriced at— 98c, $1.25 and $1.35 __ SOMETHING For NOTHING? Something for nothing! It can’t he done. Nor do we promise it. The man who responds to such a promise usually gets it the other way—nothing for something. That’s expen­ sive. Merchants are in business to serve and must not only make expenses, hut an honest profit in order to make a living, for their em­ ployes as well as their own families. We prefer to promise less and give you more. This invites tin* patronage of level­ headed Americans who buy with their (»yes open—men and women who understand the economy of quality—folks who want the best and will pay what it is honestly worth—men ami women who have faith in a concern that asks an honest price for ernest goods. Kuppenheimer good clothes will please you. T h e y are full value, finely tailored, good w o o le n s , sensible styles. Kuppenheimer clothes are economical clothes. GOWNS—Women’s crepe gowns, blue bird design, slip-over style in yellow and pink at— ........................................_ _.$3.98 Women’s Philippine hand embroidered nainsook gowns, shown in three different designs at................................. $3.98 and $4.98 High neck, long sleeve, embroidery trim ’d muslin gowns.... ...... $2.50 PETTICOATS— Wide embroidery flounce, tucked and hermit itched flounced petticoats of good quality muslin at... $1.98 and $2.39 SILK UNDERWEAR—Silk poplin, wash satin and Jap silk. Camisoles in pink lace trimmed, plain hemstitched ami embroid­ ered. Priced at.........................$1.50 to $3.98 Ladies’ glove silk vests in flesh pink with bodice top...... ....... $6.50 Envelope combinations in flesh pink crepe de chcne. All the wanted styles priced at.... ...............................................$4.98 to $6.50 BOUDOIR CAI*S of crepe de chene ami Jap silk, lace and ribbon at....... 98c to $1.25 The Modern Woman is niui'li more us<*fuI and probably more ornamental than—than woman use to he. She is busy, energetic, full of en­ thusiasm; but, she is a bit hard on her clothes—and especially her corset. Warner’s Rust Proof Corsets Guaranteed Not to Rust, Break or Tear Shoes are the most conspicuous part of a wom­ an’s attire. They make or mar the entire ef­ fect of her costume. Front, or hack lace models to fit, every figure. To women who arc in doubt as to what is fashionable in footwear, we suggest that they see the new models we have just received from Utz & Dunn, makers of “ Style Shout» of Qual­ ity .” Their stylo is originated by clever designers to harmonize perfectly with present day fashions in dress. This feature together with the fine quality of these shoes should he of great value to women when select­ ing their footwear. Neighborhood News . Heath home at Mount View, »pent S aturday and Hun DORENA. day a t home. (Special to The Sentinel.) W. J. Me»»enger wa* a Rugene vis March 31.—Mr«. Jam es Goulet and itnr Saturday. littlo granddaughter, Shirley Brown, Mr». A rthur Go»»o went to Portland went to Portland Tuenday to vinit Mr«. Sunday to join her husband, who i« Goulet'* brother. mploye there. employed Wayne Kirk made a business trip to J . H. Kirk transacted bu»ine»» in Rugene Saturday. ugene Tuesday. M.*a B enetta Teeter« le f t F rid a y for The A. H. Ward family motored to turner New Shoes New Shirts New Ties New Sox New Caps MOW ABO UT A New Hat for Easter A spring shape to fit, every face, and the colors a re black, gray, green, natural, brown, etc. A big assortment of shapes and colors at $5.00 and $6.00 Helliwell, Beings & Marksbury The Daylight Store—For Quality and Service Burkholder Corner Cottage Grove, Oregon Springfield Sunday and «pent the day a t the Robert Ward home. Charles Mel,in was taken to the E u ­ gene hospital Monday for an operation for appendicitis. The Misses Florence and Avis Rd- wards spent S aturday and Sunday vis iting with Miss Dorothy Quiinby, of Cottage Grove. Mrs. Lincoln Taylor »hopped in the Grove Saturday. Mrs. C. M. McLin went to Rugene Tuesday to be with her son Charles. M. B. Herrn has moved his family to Portland, where they expect to make for thn spring vaention. Delbert Bennett, of Mabel, was a their future home. H. K. Busick, of Roseborg, nrrlved Sunday guest of the Fisher family. Mrs. Cornelia Chapin returned to thn Sunday and is visiting his daughters, Mrs. C. M. McLin and Mrs. Joe Smith. Grove Monday, afte r a short stay at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Johnson. LY NX HOLLOW. A party was held Friday evening at the Pentico home. (Special to The Sentinel.) Mrs. A B. Wolford and two children March 31.— Mrs. Geo. Johnson went went to Rugene Tuesday for a visit at to Rugene Saturday. Mrs. Campbell and son shopped in the home of Mrs. W olford’s brother, Horace Strong, the Grove Hnturday. Wrn. P o rte r is home from O. A. C. Marion Lebow lost a burse this week. The ladies’ aid met Thursday of last week with Mrs. R. Y. Porter. Mrs. (Mis Briggs and children left Sunday for a visit with relatives at Junction. W. A. Renne and Ralph Mosburg ml motored up from Lowell 'Hunday and Frank Neal returned with them to work in thn mill. Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Dresser visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hemme at the Mari|uart home near Creswell Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Strong visit» ed relatives in the Hollow Hunday.