ir AMO VOLUME X X I X ¿T SNODGRASS IS BOUND OVER ON ASSAULT CHARGE Former Cottage Drove Marshal Nearly Kill* Mau by m a k in g Him ou Ilea.I w ith Wrench. Frank Hiiodurass, locomotiva «ligiusar on i In- Hootli Kelly I.umber rnnipuny’» logging ruilwuy above Wotulliiig, i» un iter ♦Hum bull to nwuit lictlou o f tlo' grand jury, a k i w i l with assault with o ib'iiilly weapon upon Janies Brady, u brukrlnuil OH the same line, who in now III the Kllgenu hospital with » fructurail skull uml whoun condii urn, llie iiltcniliug |ihy»ieinn any*. I n uariouu. The nrmiiult was comuuttiul on Tirar» tiny. According to Hnudgrii»*’ own ato ry, llrmly turnad u aw iteli over lual before Hiiinlgrnaa ' engine rumo iifoug mol the bitter “ «ailed Imo ilo w n ’ ’ for It. A fter the engine atn|>|>ei| Hiioilgmaa aanl llrmly came to bini nini lobi him if be were o f f hia engine he wotihl knock lila henil o ff, or aouiething aim ¡In r. Hiioilgruaa auva he grasped u monkey wrench it ml dismounted from Ina engine whereupon Hruily at ruck him on the unii with u heavy at irk he rumini uml Hiioilgruaa at ruck llrmly over the henil with the wrench. Wit neaaea to the nffuir ngree in the mitin with thia atory. llrmly fell unconarioua mol wua ut unce brought to Eugene where phyni riniia fouinl tbut he limi auffereil u very Inni frnrture o f the aknil. Hiioilgruaa, upon lenrning o f the tin ture o? llrmly'a injury immediately nakeil llr. Kuykendall lo proeure u ape embat from I'orllninl ut hia expense. Ile minuta timi he nrtnl too hastily uml aulii he woulil ilo anything in thi- Morbi to naaiat the victim o f hia huaty temper. Hiioilgruaa ia n former city murahnl of Cot luge d rove unit wua deputy wnr ■leu of the atule penitentmrv 'luring u portion o f Oawnhi Went'a mlmmiatrn tuoi ua governor. Itrmly, who ia only 111 yenra o f nge, livea in Hhuatn county, t'nllf. He wua bi uk emu o ou u ilifferent trnui tlinn the one Hiioilgruaa wua working on. Notwithstanding that Itrmly lumie u atuteiuent Hint he «liti not wuut to prosecute in« assailant, u complaint wua aworu to mid Hiuulgruaa wua bound over. OOTTAOE OROVE '* LEADER Swtttoi COTTAGE GROVE, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAV, OCTOBER ii, 1919 THIEVES RINO FIRE BELL TO DISTRACT ATTENTION OF CITY MARSHAL For the first time burglars have put one over on Murahul Pitaber, tlo- o fft r nr who»,, hutu-hi'a hnv» rcaultc.l in milking him u reputation na u man- getter. Friday morning ubuiit twu o'cliM-k the fire bell tnppi'il on*« which i. ii n i g ii ii I thiii the niiirahul ia wuntcil. Bitcher could 1 1 ml no on«» who had nut in u cull uml coneluildl Hint the elec tncnl iippnrutiia hud gone o ff nerident ally, A fevy min ii tea Inter n big cur imaaetl him mul the occupnnta gnvn evidence of being in u hurry. In the inuriiiiig it wna found tbut btirglnra had l kill two t llilt g l from the Wtiodaou guruge, huving entered by tnhiug u glnaa out o f the rear. I’ itcher in ceituin thut the nliirm bell wna rung to tnke him to another part o f the city while the robbery wna being com milted mnl he la certain that the oe- cupmita o f the cur that wua in aurh n hurry got the rasing*. To mid inault to injury, the thieven left u not« any lug t Ii it t they would Mend buck the money to pay for the tirea. Home tourlata hud been m the gnruge the eveiulig before looking nt tirea, which were the one« nfterwurda atolen. It in preaumed Hint they were ahort o f money mul thia methoil wua the only one by winch they could ucipure the properly. The gnruge iieople, however, lo not place much fuith in the promise that the money to pny for the tirea will lie aent buck. Fred llrombiiugh wua unleep in the gurugr at the tune the robbery took pim-e. SCHOOL ATTENDANCE HAS REACHED 500 Muperlnlendent It* at tie Culla Attention lo Brobable Violator« of Coiupul- aory Education Law. Di-apite the huiulicup due to the hick >f text hooka, acliool work ia now in nil awing unit prngrraamg nicely. The attendance ia iilmut 500 uml ia ao much Inrgi-r than hiat year that it him been found neceaaury to add im iuatructor ii genernl acience. Mi »a Mae llurbert, ■ f .Springfield, hna accepted thia |.oai ion and will atnrt upon her dutlea next Momlny. Hhe ia u University o f iregou graduate, A 'teueher wna Itlipped la at year, ao that the faculty uuw the name ua before that time. Huperiliteiiilf lit Iteuttle ia o f the opinion Hint the compuiaory education aw ia being Mnlnti-d in coma inatunrea I lu- law require» that nil children un ler the age o f Id yenra who have not gruiluated from the eighth grude ahull utteml achiail. Footprints of Old Pioneer Days Mra. H. K. McKinney report* being iimong the eurlieat aettlera o f thia aee tmu. Hhe urrived in 1862, her parents, ■mathim and Mary Tihiietta, aettling ii the Klkheud country over the line o Dougina eounty. They eamu down the Columbia on the Lot Whitcomb, the firat bout ever built in Oregon. It wua fommnnib'd by Captain Ainaworth uml trnveli-d between Cascade full* and Portland. Mr*. M cK inney’* griiml fnther on her mother'a aide wn* wound­ ed iu the Hluekhiiwk wnr. • • • W’m. A. Kelly, o f Dorena, arrived ere in IM51. lie wua the aim o f Mr. ml Mr*. Ira Kelly. ' ‘ A u n t” June fentrh, then a girl in her ’teen», who rode lioraeback much of the way, enr ro d litrb- William a large part o f the n i * on lo r loir»c. • Did old Chief lliilotiah drink fire- wliter or did he not drink firew aterf it ia the recollection of Itonm- Himrt idge that it wna hia thirat for liquor .hut cauaed the liiaa o f the teeth which reaulted in hia Ix-iug nuim-d lluiotiali. It ia the recollection o f Hhortridge that lliilotiah, Catfiah, Charlie uml H|iore’» Jim, nil Indian* o f the Cnhipouin tribe, aiieiiked under the »tore of Anderaon H a in 1 1 to n (ubout where Haginuw now ia), bored a hole through the floor into n keg o f whiaky on the other aide o f the floor, emptying the keg into their atomiicha, thnt llumiltua caught the Indiana uud hit llnlotiah in the mouth with u gun barrel, knocking out a nuin ber o f ni* teeth, uml tbut he tbcreuftrr wna given the numc which aignifted no teeth.’ ’ lioonc remembera old Moaea, a Mo Inllu chief who didn't drink nnd was mi enemy uf firewater. Hi- aeeined to huve n hold over the Cnhi|Mioiaa, na well na over hia own tribe, nnd all listened to him with res|s-ct. Boone describes him us u mnn with a red cently by W. A. Kelly. Boone anys he iilsii could Id tail hides the same way if had the time and patience. He adds that the Indiana often colored the hide» with the smoke o f rotten wood and sometimes they were so olinble nnd so perfectly colored that It wna iilmoat impossible to tell them from broadcloth. a a a “ Uncle” Iturne Veuteh is another who re mem tiers much o f the old In diaiis and it ia hia recollection thut old lliilotiah wus burned to ib-utb while under the influence o f liquur. “ He wna na lazy ua any o f the Indiana. None o f them would do uny work to amount to anything, but upon the duy o f Ins death he had I ms - ii shoe king out* a order to get u supply for hia horac for the winter. This he piled in hia shanty and in the night the oat* enuglit fire nod Hulotiah wn* burned to di nth in his own cabin .” I I’ ncle” Iturne Veatcb apeak* en­ tertainingly o f the Indian wur. The wlntea here were warned by llnlotiah that an upriaing wua imminent, but thia section never wua molested. There were Home Ml or more, however, who went from here to southern Oregon. O f theae, “ U n cle" Iturne, now uged 91, and “ Uncle” Thus. Bovey, who muat bo 83 /» r 84, nre thought to be the only often now living. Mr. Bovey ia thought to be living aomewhere iu the northern port o f the atate. The commander o f the company waa flip- turn Noland, o f Crcswell, a fearless fighter with previous military exper lence in the Mexican wur but who is an id to have been curt-lean in earing for hia men. Jeremiah Tnylor, who died only recently, wna the only Cot tuge (irove mun who waa wounded. “ Uncle” Iturne apeak* o f the feeling thut came over them when one o f their number wna killed. 'Die impulae was to clean out every one o f the Indiana. “ Uncle” Iturne remembers well In­ dian Mnry, w ife o f Indian Jnck and u character well known to ull the pio in-era. Hhe is buried in n corner o f the Mi-Furinnd cemetery, where “ l nele” Dave McFarland caused a monument to be erected to her mem­ ory. * a a Next week The Hentinel will publish a list of the early settler* o f the Coast fork valley furnished by Boone Hhort- ridge, and o f the Row- river nnd Mos­ tly creek valleys furnished b y “ U n ele" Borne Veatch. who has also promised to furnish u list o f nil the early set tiers from Camus swale south to Cot­ tage Drove. BALKY FLIVVER, LIKE MULE, KNOWS ITS MASTER AND GOES Anyone interested in a facial ib-m- onatrntion o f disgnst in its most viru­ lent form should have seen the look on the “ p h i«“ o f C. A. Bartell a few mornings ngo. “ D art” recently acquired i flivver which hud been converted into H “ bu g.“ Upon the morning in question Burt wua in a hurry to get aom -where and the bug waa to be hit mean* of conveyance. For 45 minutes he twirled ’er. intermittently trying the spark and gas and once in awhile squaring o f f and looking nt ’er ns if he wished the outfit was in some plxee where there would be no ignition troubles. Many came to gaze, to offer advice and pan* on, while Bart turned a id turned and the flivver steadfastly re­ fused to chug. Billy Johnson happened along, en­ joyed the performance foe a few mo­ ment* anil then exaaperntingly te- marked: “ Bart, the only trouble ia that you d on 't know how to twiat 'e r .” “ Well, i f you think you know more about it than I do you 're welcome to try it .” Billy took hold o f the handle in just the wuv Bart bad held it. be twisted er amend onee in exactly the seme manner thnt Bart had already twisted ’er several thousand times, the only difference being that she “ chugged” rij(ht o f f the first twist. .L ot wua the moment you should have seen B a rt’s face. GOVERNMENT RECOGNIZES MUNICIPAL FIELDS Cities Ara Informed as to Require­ ment* Exacted for Fields of Different Classes. N U M BER 2 POWER SERVICE CRITICISM IS QUITE TAME Man»g*r 0. M. Shinn Speaks Before Commercial Club and Says No Apologies Due. The first meeting o f the eommereisl club for the season, held Monday eve­ ning, was largely attended. The ques­ tion of faulty electric light und power service was discussed for an hour or more but no aetion o f any kind was taken. There has been considerable dissatisfaction during the pust few months beeuuse o f the feet that the lights have been o f f three nights and because several times there nun been nterruptions o f day service, or when there has been service it has been un­ steady and fluctuating, causing consid­ erable inconvenience to users of light and power. Twice the lights wero o f f because of necessary repairs at the electric light plant and onee because o f a shortage o f water. When the power has been o f f during the daytime it has been beeaose o f accident, necessary repairs or ehanges in the system. Brevious to a few months ago the electric light company wits able to any that not onee during its present own­ ership had the power been o ff more than a few minutes at a time to nilow for oiling the machinery. The unsteady and fluctuating ser­ vice has been explained by the slip- ring o f a new belt recently installed, »ut which will be remedied. There has been some street talk o f asking the public service commission to make an investigation, but at tho meeting Mondav night no such sug­ gestion was made and criticism o f tho electric light company was much moro mild than that heard on the streets. Manager C. M. Shinn was present nnd atated that he had no apologies o f uny kind to make, charging the several interruptions o f service to the scale which the city wnter causes to form in the boilers at the power plant. This, he says, is so much harder than the aver­ age scale that ordinary methods o f re­ moving it have proved unavailing, and the management is using every e ffo rt to procure a process or a special ma­ chine that will accomplish the desired result, and that when thia is done, the principal eause o f trouble will have »een removed. In view o f the fact thnt Cottage Grove has already established a tem­ Boone remembers the Indians well porary flying field and a large number becuuae they often made winter cump ut residents are interested in the es­ on hia fnther'a place uud nlao on tbi tablishment Of a permanent field, the old Hawley place. When he wua a kid following iiifgrmutioii communicated by In ri.tild talk Molailn better than be tin- war department to Milton U. Klep- could Kngliah. He remember* that he per, president ot the Aero Club o f Ore­ uuce hud blood poisoning o f which be gon, nnd by him sent to the commer­ THOUOHT KILLED BTl wits cured by un uld Indian squaw cial club, is ot interest: AUTO; VISIT8 HERE who prepared n mixture o f herbs. The government is now taking step« You could almost see the poisoning to secure the cooperation o f certain MANY FROM HERE ARE Vim. Atwnt«r. »b n wdn lioappenr, ’ ’ auya Boone. The squaw municipalities in tnc United States in ATTENDINO COLLEGES thought to bnvt bf*i*w k»11«*«! in an nu tisik u great interest in him beenune establishing landing fields primarily fuiiit *lti I«* wr««rk in Han tu Cnlif.. she found he wus n nephew o f her for the use o f the air service and thc Not only is tho attendance ut the ii nhurl 1 1 me iiKO, ÌM n | h * ii «I i the Wl'i'k friend, “ Uncle” Hum Hhortridge. ucrial mail, but in addition, for such with Ckiitngi' tiro*«* friniti*. lli»r rotn* local uses as may be determined upon local schools the largest in their his­ linone also remembers how the In tory, but the number from here attend­ iii'ii wifr, wtm nut in thr unfit«* wr**«k, tbruugb mutual agreement. diana tanned hides, us described re ing the higher institutions o f learning dirti front bar injuri«»«. Thaw w«*r* The development • o f aviation in never was larger. four in lb«4 r*»r nini till wc*rr hurt, Vln*. the United States will be along both Those from here attending the U. At\%ul»*r itn«l thf wotnnft who i|it*«l EUGENE MAKES BIG militury uml commercial line«. The PRESIDENT WILSON HONORS Imtb ln'iltg |»irk«'*l tip for t|i'(tl«* ns firt* fighters. All from being made paaautde fur the win Muster Brice was introduced to the I leans dow'n on the kitchen table nt tuiuly operate to the advantage o f come to the attention o f The Sentinel. both the government and the eity, be­ the tiniber on his pince, his idiirksinitIi ler ia two or three weeka o f tune for president during his recent visit here the home o f his daughter, Mrs. Elbert cause in the rapid development o f com shop and the t»ml»«T* in two o f his the laying uf rock. North o f here the liy Mayor KolpH and Davin MeNtih. Hmith. luerctai aviation those cities which MASONIC CELEBRATION tiiimrls on tho I'ronitlrnl croup won highwny inn be mude puaanbie by the who told Bresident Wilson o f the boy's When Benson got home un hour or have provided the primary facilities destroyed I*v the flames, lie estimates rocking o f u I miu I Intif n mile to con zeal up and down the count in Liberty so Inter he found no beans, but he for operation o f aircraft in their v i­ AT EUGENE TONIGHT kill I*• - Ilf $1000 III in\ I Ilf 1-t i "II iici-t the old road where torn up by loan (-ani|mi)'us anil other war drives. Inter found them at the Hmith home, cinity will havo paved the way for lo­ vmeed in his own mind o f the identity the new work. Houth o f here nt lenat Bresident Wilson said thnt the young where they hail been made up for the cal benefits resulting from the devel­ The Masons o f this eity and their o f the pnrty who set the fire whirl u mile o f rocking will lie required »ter hail rendered a fine patriotic ser family bill o f fare. Mr. Myers had wives have received an urgent invita­ destroyed Ins property liut Ineks proof liut u dny or two o f dry weather vice to the country. Young l'riee ia forgotten to deliver them and Mrs. opment o f aerial intercity transport a tion from Eugene Masons to be pres­ suffiriently posit i\ e to sueressfnlly would complete the gruding work on the son o f Mr. uml Mrs. K. C. 1). l ’ riee Smith thought they were meant for tion, express service, emergency ser ent at Eugene this evening to assist Of tilt) ( » ’ Farrell street. His father is her. Myers made it all right by deliv­ vice, and local photographic mapping in welcoming the A1 Kader special o f prosecute. both antea o f the overhead cro*at::g. broker. The lud is a natural orator ering Benson some beans out o f his or aerial protection. 14 ears from Portland and to partici­ In furtherance o f this, the govern­ pate in the reception and ball at tho anil has been appearing before public own garden, which were found to be 170 IS AMOUNT RAISED FOB 80 TONS BLACKBERRIES audiences since he was 4Vh years old. much su|H>rior to the ones which should ment has adopted the follow ing general armory. It is planned to make this policy: TIIE A LB ER TIN A KERR HOME During the various l.iberty loan drives have been delivered. IS CANNERY S OUTPUT the biggest Masonic celebration ever he sold approximately k.'t5<),(M>(l worth The air service and post.»ff:ce de held in Lane county. o f bonds, lie has raised several thou purtment w ill cooperate fully in e* The amount mined up to date Kiglity tnna ia the ninount nf black lierriea ennned by the Cottage Drove Cottage drove for the Albertina. Kerr MUM dollars for the various Ite.l Cm»» SENTINEL AND KEM LETTER tublishing municipal landing fields. The air service will select the land­ LIGHTNING HITS TREE ATTRACT NATIONAL AND rnmiery thia aenaun, inalend nf l*t tona nuraery home in it* “ Ben-brick, Huy organizations. In the fourth Liberty ing fields in cooperation with munici­ na atated in n report from here u few » b r ic k " , gimp» ign Ima now renehei loan campaign he toured six states ia AND RIPS IT TO SHREDS LOCAL ATTENTION pal representatives. The field selected dnv* ngo. Imst aeiiaon the mnount <>f the total o f (H i nnd Ihia probably will the interest o f the bonds. He has be iiicrenaeil before the com-luaion o shared the public platform with some must conform as far as possible to the tbese I h - i rit'H put up wna «0 tona. A tree in the Perkins pasture within The discussion by The Sentinel and general specifications contained herein Hie campaign. Tho committee wiahei o f the most distinguished men in the to thank the people of Cottage Orov west. President Wilson took a distinct O. M. Kent upon the proposed league and will be classed according to de the city limits was torn to pieces by- J. Mark Corner nt Metbodlat Church for their generosity lightning ¡Saturday afternoon. Tho o f nations has attracted both local and liking to the little fellow and promised tuiled specifications hereto utluched. l'nator J. Mark Corner will fill the thunder clap which followed the larit that on hia return to the White Hulls.- national comment. The Hentinel is in The establishment o f the field will pulpit nt the Methoiliat churcli Hiinduy he would send an autograph ropy of receipt o f the following letter from be made in accordance with articles o f lightning was the loudest which Waken Olttxeun Look lug for Room. morning mul evening ditring the nb lion. Jonathan Bourne, Jr., president of agreement to be entered into be even the oldest residents remember o f Master Brice. Keaidenta in the vicinity o f the his photograph to • • • aeuee o f Kev. Joseph Knotta. In th of the National Republican Publicity tween the United States government having ever heard here. Lightning and evening he will gtve hin leeture on I'reebyterinn rhurch were diaturbe thunder o f any kind are rare here. Call nnd I’ ost: While the grownup association, o f Washington, I). C.: and the municipality. Indin. This will be hia Inat nppeurnnce Tuemlity night by u mun who profeaaed “ prominent citizen*’ ’ were struggling " We thank you for your kindness in Although the government must con liefore n t'ottuge (Irove nudieneo be to be looking for n plnre to aleep. )1~ to get a glimpse o f Bresident Wilson sending us u clipping from your ed- fine itself ut present in cooperating in SON IS INJURED AND fore hia depnrture for Indin tu renn me called firat at the J. Ii. McFnrlun the Ht. Francis, Knox Brice, six itorisl page o f September 12. the eetublishiueut o f municipal landing I hn miaaionnry work. A rolleetiou will home. After being aeverul time* nakeil at " Y o u r discussion- o f the league is years old, wenring the uniform o f a MOTHER SERIOUSLY ILL Io* tnken in llie evening für the per hia nuine he anid lie wua n «Hunger i colonel in the aviation corps, and with nut only logiesl, but forcible, and fields ut cities whore the aerial mail nonnl ex|M'iiae fund o f the Coinera in ■ he city, thnt the Imtela were crowded two gold medals on his breast, was sit­ written in a very readable style. We service requires the stations or where Mrs. Emma Eby was called to North and that he wua looking for n ¡dace to stations are required for crosscountry linliii. aleep. He curried u grip, lie next ting on the president’s knee while the shall reproduce a portion o f it in our use uf the air service, it is net intend­ Bend a few days ngo to attend her sou chief executive was complimenting next clipping sheet. The copy for ed that such limitation should iu any Frank, who wus seriously injured in it went to the l.eonard home. While the Oalilwaila Hnv« Tim« o f It. nrtiona aeemed pr-ulinr he mmle Brice on his Liberty loan and Bed the coming week has already been way restrict the establishment o f other mill accident. While she was there sho W. t'nblwell write« from Hun Jom1 man’ll no III tempt to gam entrance anywhere, Cross work. At the conclusion o f the made up, so that it will be about ten landing fields ut cities and towns received word that her mother was Onlif.. timt thi'V nrriyed Hiere «afe bill although he frightened aeverul in the interview, Bresident Wilson presented days before you will receive a copy of where local conditions would seem to seriously ill at her home in Chellis, Hot altogether aoiind. The truin nhem neighInirhood. It wna u foct thnt every Knox with an nutogruphed photograph the sheet containing nn excerpt front warrant such action. Wherever such Idaho. She left for there at once. o f t In-in wna w reeked in a tunnel, no hotel room in the o f himself uml invited Knox to cttll on your editorial.” city wna full. uction is considered, it is they limi to hoof it over the mountain O. M. Kern relates that one morning independent him “ at the White House some d a y ." felt thut the sir service should be con­ Oars Mast Not Stand on Willamette. He Mity a: “ It wua hot iin huiloH mid no Knox gnined more than statew ide shortly after the appearance o f his re­ sulted in the selection o f the field, in J. R. Medley Funeral Held. Eugene Register: Automobiles must water to drink. Home hud to be cur­ fame during the war through his ply to The Sentinel, n citizen o f the The funernl o f J. It. Medley, whoae speeches in behalf o f Liberty loans and city opened the door of his o ffice and order that the landing field decided not be allowed to stand on Willamette ried und other« fell by the wayside but nfter 1(1 honra we were on our obituary wus published Inat week, wan the Red Cross. He was made an au­ inquired. “ How much nre hides today 1 upon by the municipality may meet street any longer than half an hour at wav again. We were nearly nil in held Kriilny nt Onklnnd, the family thorized lecturer for the American Red You ought to know because I see you tue specifications for a regular sir a time, according to the city ordinance. service station in case future develop­ J. O. Bristol, acting chief o f police, home for many yenra. Rev. Walter Cross nnd raised more than ♦4(MMI by are getting ’e m ," but nre o. k. now. We will be here ft ments lead to its incorporation in the says there has been some complaint Culliaon, o f thia city, officiated. The reciting Bresident W ilson's address n month ur more.” There seems to I ks glory for all. uetwork of fields which the govern that the law in this regard is being aiirviviiig children, whoa« mime« were just before war was declared. Brice rnent assists in establishing. not puhnahed luat week, nre Mra. fiel was four years obi nt the time. The violated, and he says the officers wilt Weather Report for September. CLAUD COFFMAN GETS TWO The geueral specifications for the try to enforce it. Mai inumi, 85 on the Itth; minimum en Heck, o f Mnrahficld: O. It. Medley lad lives with his parents, Mr. nnd proper landing field may be stated as f Kcedaport; Mr*. I.etin Itafniou, of Mr*. K. C, 1). Brice, at 041 U'Farrell JOBS WHERE HE THOUOHT fellows: .14 on the K ith ;' mean maximum. IIU.H o i'ortlunil; Mra. Curdiu Neaa, o f North street. What do you wantt Makes no d if­ menu minimum, 45.7( mean tempera ilend; K. H. TO OET BUT ONE (a) The location o f the field should ference. Try a Hentinel wantnd. Medley, o f Tigard; Mra. *** ture, 57.5; pri-eipitatioiv, 2.I1.M inc lu-a bo such that transportation to and Dpul Hand, o f Huld Hill, nnd Miaa Clear day», III; partly cloudy, 1 Adelin Medley, who lives lit heme, Christmas Beals Again. from the heart o f the city will not or gasoline and oil supply and spare parts. Claud Coffman last week proved cloudy, N. Once more ure the Red Cross Christ himself n friend to two women o f the dinurily take longer than half an hour Mra. Mnry C, Adams, lives nt The classification o f fields will be Maximum temperature fur Heptcmhcr. siater, (b ) The field should be situated ad Kelso, Wash. A ll were present lit the mas seals to adorn our holiday pack­ eity who arc without tho handy ndorn- HUM, lid; minimum, 111; precipitation funeral. ages nnd letters. The sale o f the seals, nient o f the house who builds the fires. jncent to a good highway and be near according to the detailed specification.* attached und may be stated in general 1 inch. w-nich was omitted Inst year in defer K'*ts in tho wood, etc., ami such proof to the city car lines. as follow s: enee to the Red Cross and its mem of friendship waa not without recom­ (c) It should huve public service Memorial for Soldier Dead. (a) First class landing fields are bership drive, will be resumed Decern Sue« Mining Company. committee has been «elected from ber 1 on a mure comprehensive scale pense to Ulnud, for he got two jobs utilities, such as electric light, water those which conform to the above gen­ Alleging thnt w-ngcN due him amoiin the A eitiaens supply and sewerage. when he hud expected but one. o f l.une eounty for the than ever before. O regon’s quotn is specifications in every way. to «22H1, I*. C. Chriatenai'n I iiin begun (d) The field should permit o f ex eral It seems thut his father made ar (b) Nccond class landing fields nre adit in cirruit court ngnuiHt the Oreen purpose o f raising funds for the eree «44,2110. pnnsion. rungements for him to accept a job f n monument us n memorinl to conform to the general Bock mining cumpnny for the recovery tion o from putting in the w inter’s wood for a (e) it should not be in a position those which in Imne eounty who gave thei every way except that o f thnt «tun. together with intermit at those CLIMATE IS SO SALUBRIOUS woman who had so far been unable to where it is likely to be shut in by fu specifications lives in the lute wnr. The members the field is neither square or rectangu­ the rnte o f d | mt cent |ier nnnum from hire anyone to do the job. Clnad fob turo building operations. from Cottage Drove nre Klliert Bed lar. THAT PUMPKINS GROW July I, Utili. The (ireen Bock Mining ( f ) Size: The minimum size o f any lowed paternal instructions nnd report­ (c ) Third class landing fields ar« HANOINO IN AIR company operate« in the Itnhemin dia C. K. llmphrey nnd T. C. Wheeler. ed for the job, but through n misunder field should be such as to allow s tHM) those fields which nre less desirable, trict. standing o f names he put in the wood yard runway in every direction, with owing to size and location, and which Taylor Command* Soldiers' Horn«. Deorge Teeters evidently hns heard for Ida Vontrh, when he should have no interfering obstacles. fail to meet the general specification* H. W. Tnylor, o f Kugene, Civil war o f the famous hanging gnrdens and is reported to Ida Miller. He did not Carload o f Fonia Arrive«. (g) Shape: The field should be along the following lines: Where the Wood.on Krothera received u rnrlond veteran and former county treasurer trying tu copy them. Because he did learn o f the mistukn until after the squure or reetaugular. ground is such that a take-off can be o f Fords Tuesday. In the Hhipment o f Lane county, has been nnpointed not nnve room in his garden for n job was done. Mrs, Veuteh was st (h) Marking: A circle 100 feet in made only under certain weather con­ were three touring cura, n one-ton commitmlnnt o f the soldiers’ home nt pumpkin vine he hns trained it up over prised to have her wood put away diameter with a band three feet wide ditions; where accommodations do not llusehurg. lie entered main his dutic a trellis and into a peach tree. It now but was glad to pay for having it has proven more effective. truck, u rondater and a conpelet. include hangar space; where supplies October I. has three pumpkins o f good sixo hang done. Claud then reported to Mrs. (1) Ground: Tho ground should be are available only upon request; where Shipping Many Billy Goats. ing from it. Ilia neighbors nre betting Miller. smooth and firm under all weather con the field is so situated that help will H. C. ventea I* becoming an exporte Flour Stolen In Daylight. ditious. thnt the vine will not be nblo to hold be available only upon request. Third o f billy umita. During the pnat wreel. A Bernard report» thnt two snrks o f them up, while he is betting it will. Woman Lookout Discovers Firs*. (j) Approaches: AH landing fields class fields must, however, have pro­ he hna »limped three to Hutherlin, one flour were stolen from • his delivery Mr. Teeters is raising three crops this Mrs. W. M. Deorge, the woman look should be free from surrounding ob­ visions for guarding airplanes nnd must to North Itemi nnd one to Kugene. truck in bronil dnylight Monday while year from his garden. The first two out nt rntrview, discovered two small stacles, such as buildings, telegraph or have telephonic communications with he was making n delivery on Birch were o f rye and the third is o f garden nre* during the past week. They were telephone lines, trees, towers, ete. the eity. Lana Onta Fourth Price. avenue. truck. In fact, where he planted rail on the headwaters o f Sharp's creek ( k) Accommodations: The field (d) Fourth elass flying fields are la n e eounty won fourth price on it ¡shea for the third crop he now hns a and both were extinguished before they should provide such accommodations those which can be used only for land­ county diaplay at the «tate fair. WATCH YOUB LABEL fourth crop o f winter cabbage*. had made any headway. as telephone service, transportation, ing in cose o f emergency. f a c e and u whi t e heart.