Win fflflttw ®nro? Swtttol J V O LU M E X X IX ” f. * THIEF FINDS WRONG ON NIGHT JOB Pitcher Man llunrli Homethin« 1» <»«>I uk tu llappeu unii HtraUhtway Things Begin to Move. AND OOTTAOE GROVE LEAD ER COTTAGE GKOVK, LANK COUNTY, OKKGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1919 BRAWNY BLACKSMITH BEST KD BY BICEPLESS BUT BEAUTEOUS BANTY Clint H(nigg» in of the opinion that » |div»ieu| com liosit ion mu»t be of a brittle nntlire. Two week» ligo he au» tinned it twi«ted unkle in u wre»tling mill I’ll with Hum Muckin. The idea uf bluck»mith getting the wnr»t of u u f 11 mg mute h with u mercantile . iloin» wiin bud enough but Hpngg» hi iiv find» he I iiin u fractured rib thut niiiNt have gotten in the aame en limiter. I f he find» thut hia heart i» nit of place ii i i i I that hia liver hna been tiirni'd laaide out, he 1» going to k Markin to kelp aupporl tb# H p n g g » fuinily while he undergoea nee »»urv ph v »ic ii I re|iuira. Footprints of Old Pioneer Days There ia nothing thut atira up un- old Indian fell buck into the flume» cleat hiatory like u miaatntenient of und periahed. Dr. Oglc»by relate» that when he facta. Dr. Oglvaby Ink«» exception to «itini- to thi» country old i In lot mb hud the »tu teme nt umile in The Hcritiriel three wive» but in the cnur»e o f year» lu»t week anil credited to W. A. Kelly all of the»e und all o f hia children to the effect thut old Chief lliilotmli died and frn|liently the old chief wim in a drunken »tupor when he »us would mourn, ‘ ‘ What have i done thut turn'd the burn» that reunited in hia the l^ird ha» taken away all my peo­ death. Dr. Oglesby »ay» that the ojd ple I I have always tried to live right. chief never took u drink of whmky iu 1 have never »tolen, nefer lied und hia life and bud a grout deal of nrver drink firew ater.” trouble with the member» of hi» tribu Dr. Oglenby relate» that old Indian becuoNo he could not keep them frulli Jm-k wa» the one who lout hia legs by Iriuking Dr. tiglc»hy »iiy» that upon rolling into the fire when drunk. the ureimbin when Hitlotmh »ii»tuiuei| Oglesby wim called to attend him and the burn» that reaulted in hi« dcuth, a the old Indian u»ki-d thut the white number of the mem bei» of In« tribe m-dinne man treat him like he treat­ bail conn* h ome drunk and be hail ed white people, that he »ave hi» life ■tnyed up until lute in the night keep by cutting o ff hi» leg». Thm wu» done, mg them from beating tbi'ir women, rbut during the following night the oth- A fter be bud gone to »leeii In» cabin ' cr member» of the tribe piled old «(Uilta or liouae caught fire unit means of und blanket» on top uf old Indian egre»» were »hut o ff by the flnriie». A Jm-k, tI ion «mothering him, ufter which dwarf Indian, Cutfinh, who wim the they left the camp and never again •ervaiit of the mighty ilaloti»b who! went onto that aide o f the river, prob- weighed 24« or 300 pound», made h i»'a b ly thinking that the ghoat of the ■ »rupe through nil opening in the roof »mothered indinn would not cro»» the He endeavored to pull Huliitmli | water. The supposition ia that the In- through the »nine opening, but ou hi : | dinna »mothered Indinn Jack because count of the old chief » tremendous they did not wish to !>«■ burdened with weight wa» unable to do »o and the carrying him around with them, BO&ROWER PLUOS RIFLE WITH LEAD; OWNER IS WOUNDED Aa the result o f loaning hia rifle, Marvin Alatott ia Buffering with a se­ ver« wound of the left leg near the groin. When the gun was brought home it wa» found to be jammed with load. Alatott heated an iron and in­ serted thi» in the gun in an effort to force the lead through. Fartiele» of powder which had been left in th« gun exploded from contact with the heated iron and a jagged wound aa already described wa» the re»u!t. N liM U K R 1 CONSTITUTION IS ADOPTED UNDER DIFFICULTIES Olrcumatanrai A r « Said to Have Been Mach th« Same aa Those Pre ■rated to League of Nations. 'harles M. Htevens, Eugene attorney, atudent of the constitution and it t'lii aud Utersating speaker, addressed — audience in the high school audi toriuin Friday evening, the meeting being for the purpose o f observing e.on stitution day. Mr, Htevens said thut divinity shaped our national as well as our in ­ dividual life. He went into detail ax to the circumstances surrounding th« adoption o f the constitution, the nunt ■erfect o f humun instruments. II.- r- A ll But On«, Mia« Olive Bhortrldg«, ated that Benjamin Franklin, then M rears o f age, was called a dotard, Escape Without Any In Jon ax Washington a fool and that Patrick of Seriose Natur«. Henry made inflammatory speeches High School Enrolla 1 :Mi Btudanta on telling how the country would be driv - to rack and ruin. rtrat Day and Uradaa Hava Miss Olive Shortridge sustained a The speaker went into detail as to a Total of 330. dislocated elbow in an automobile ae- the defeet» of the original articles o f eidrat Saturday evening. A party o f federation under which the war fo r in- young folk» were going to I-ondon to d««prudence was waged, when the fed- With un attendane« in high erhool attend a dance, and were riding in a erated body had bttle actual power ml grade» greutcr on the fir»l day <»f t'halmera ear owned and driven Ey Mr. except to make recominendatmna such «■hold tlion the total registration for Ritchey, o f the Sixth Street garage. aa those now proposed iu the proposed lu»t year, cnthu»iimm in iiluio»t running The steering apparatus “ froze” and league of nations, although it usauiiu-d lot, from the primary grade where the machine went into the diteh when xtt aa the constitutional governing the little tot» huv« gathered for their leaving the first bridge south of the body o f the nation when it declared tir»t great oxiMTH'iice to the »tiideut» city. Several of the young people, who war and formed an alliance witii and Inculi y of the high »ehool, were nine in all, were nianed under _ ranee. I t had no power to collect The higli ««’hind «unified LtS the fir»t the cur but none but Mias Shortridge taxes, although it could incur expense. lay and the grade» 3311. making a t«> were seriously injured. The car wa» It had no power to raise and equip an al attendance o f -til. In »pile of the badly damaged. army, although it did do so. Had tbero • hurt nge of iHMik», brought uliout by been the authority afterwards cm bod- he aliuoat i-ompb I»' change uf text ied in the constitution, and had there Million Raises Fine Fruit. book», regular work wan »tarteil Tue» Large Crew of Workers Finds It A1 Funeral Is Held Monday; Mrs. J. F. J. D. Million, who hopea to round been coordinated effort, England, our lay in the elementary grade» and Wed moat Impossible to Keep Fro Earl, Roy and Hiram Are out the number of years indicated by recent ally, could have been driven o ff nc»duy in the high school. due« From Spoiling. Surviving Children. hia name and who is yet bat 75 yeara n one year, instead o f si-vi-u. M im Kli/.ubeth DeV'aney, a graduate The atates levied their own dnties young, remembered The Sentinel this of the University of Oregon, wim in week with generous samples o f the nd these were the cause of much run- Wnnhiiigtiin D. t'., when ulMted I » xne With a crew o f about Co at work J. A. Griggs, one of the tx-st known fruit whirh people who might be con­ teation and ill-feeling between the eed Mi»» Georgia Kinar-V un M high states. ehind instructor. M i»» llcVancy ar produce i» coming in mi rapidly nt the of tin- pioneers o f this section, died sidered elderly in a country with less The speaker told o f the valuable ozone can raise by the em­ riveil Morduy ufter u hurried trip L'littage Grove cannery thut it is with Sut urduy nixiu ut the home o f his soil salubrious part secrecy played in the adoption o f itero»» tlie continent und wa» ready for difficulty that much o f it i« k'-Pt from lliram, in this city. The funeral will ployment of a portion o f their spare the constitution. The four outstanding U f course, he explained, it »(Milling The output ulreinly him held Monduv from the family home at time. lui v Taccdsy Banting, .¿MB**»., Washington, Franklin, The »Indent body eounril o f th. high puwed the total out put for lu»t year, Comatuck, ltev, Joseph Knotts o f f i­ doesn’t take any great amount o f w«rk *.?* Hamilton and Madison, were pleug'-d to raise fruit here. «•- hind ha» already organized and I» it bus even bean found *ece»«ary to ciating. interment wu» in the Com­ to absolute secrecy, and although there stock cemetery. He win aged *5 years, ut work plauaing student body activ work Sundny» to make any headway were many bitter controversies Xetw n it it*» for the year. Edwin Skilling i* ngninat the increasing receipt», mid the 4 month«. 11 day». COUNTY HEALTH NUBS* them, they did not become knowfai until John Allen Griggs was born in Erie pre«ident of the »Indent body and ex reeord run in the hiatory uf the iimti- WANTS SERVICES ASKED 5« year» later, when the Hamilton let­ tutiou woa made last Sunday, when county, N. Y., May it, Dt.'id. lie crossed ufficio pre«ideiit of the eounril. ter» were published. Mr. Htevens is 3V7M No. 10 cun* o f prune» were put the plains in 1853, w u married in Cal­ up. Over »even ton» or fruit were thua ifornia in Dttili to Miss Surah Ann Examination of School Children by o f the opinion that had these contro­ U H A C T IV IT IE S ARE versies become public property ut tho O fficial Is Not Compulsory. of. Forty-five ton» of pear* Jones, nnd arrived March 17, 1871, at A L R E A D Y IN F Ü L L SW INO disposed time the constitution was being eon- have been rnnned, la tuna of blackIx'r- CoiiiNtiH-k, Douglas county, hi» home rie« uttd 35 ton» of bran». The output ever afterwnril». He came here for Mis» Mury A. Brownell, temporary Biuered, it roight never hnve been Thi» week him been filled with the tin, v.-jir will eaatty double that " f nii-dii-iil attention only a few day» be­ public health nurse for Ijine county, adopted. There was a great conflict high »rhool urtivitie» incident to the laat yenr and the innnngruient find» fore his death. His w ife died two and spoke in the auditorium o f the high over the membership o f the houses o f rcKiimptiou of »ehool work. A high that additional floor apace and mu u half year» ago. Surviving children school Monday afternoon to parents congress and it was through the power- •ehuol rnlly wna held W ed Beoda y night clnnery must In* provided before oper­ lire Mr». J. F. Earl, o f Riddle; Roy, o f of the school children, the object o f *ul tafluence of Washington that thn and already I hour who are Inking nth ation» commence nest yenr. Cnnmtock (member of the legislature), the meeting being to interest parents smaller state» were protected by equal letir» are arranging n football arhedule Mul llirnm H„ o f this city. to such an extent that they will de­ representation in the upper house o f The fir»t game will be played Sntur mand that the county court keep a congress. The second great conflict lav of next week nt Eugene. county nurs«- on permanently. Buck a was over the question of whether Three rbiMea have elected officer» 76 CITIZENS SION luster Brumfield Home. demand must be made or the county slaves should be considered us persons a» follow»: Tauter (Dutch; Brumfield arrived nurse will not become permanent. Miss or property. Finally, us a basis for FOR 1920 CHAUTAUQUA Seniora President. Kenneth D eljt» Monduv morning ufter neurly two Brownell was accompanied by Mrs» determining population, it was deter- «o»; vice prc»idcnt, Clyde Ixmnnrd; »ec Cottage Grove is to have a rhnutau- years in France as a member of the Jane C. Allen, who ia employed by the mined that each slave should eount a* rotary, Raid Vcatch ; trau trar, A lle« <|iin the coming summer, 75 o f the lead­ EOth engineer». He is mighty glad to Htate Tuberculosis society as a field three-fifths of a person. liareiNon; »ergennt at uriu«, Edwin ing citixens of the city having »igned be home nnd hu» hud all o f Europe worker. There w ere many delays in the adop- Skilling; representatives, Eva Hartung a contract with the Ellison White thut he want», but says he is ready A central meeting will be held in tion of the constitution by th«* nec«*s- ml Francia ljic«iy; reporter, France» Ohnutaui|ua system. The sennion will to go aguin under the same circum Kugene Octuber 18, at which time tba sary number o f the states. It was sub- I jicey. Minces. be for sis (lays. I^anc Couqty Public Health assoeia- ntttted by congress September 2.\ 17vst Sophomore«- Freaident, Harry Skill tiun will be organised. Each commun­ was adopted by the necessary six Considerable difficulty wm» found In ing; vire president, Clara Milne; »er ity o f the county will have a vice- statw within six months but not by Pitcher Takna Law Breaker to Door» retary, Velma Hart; treasurer, Ethel the 75 signers, us a number COMMERCIAL CLUB president and each community will be 1 i-o o . e I,la ,ld » the 11481 to unail of the Chautauqua fans were sore be , p p O ITM ti v n M n « v • arts Mackey; representative. Mûrie Veateb; of County Jail Without Arous ruuiie Ellison White bad turned down a i A vJ K lio U I t lfi I t l U n il A I represented on each committee. reporter, Marie MeCargnr. Miss Brownell will hereafter divide ing Suspicions. -------- Fre»hmen Freaident, Wendell Cuch bona fide contract given them two | Rayi Car W asn't Speeding. The commercial club will hold its her time ns follows: The firat week ran; vice (iri'Nideut, Dorm llidderninn years ago, and the fact that there was o f the month will be spent in Eugene Mrs. U. L. Gillegpie, who was driv- »ecretary. Veta Finaler; trenaurer, Eva a heavy deficit from the Kiididiffe first meeting »iuco the summer vaca- and vieinity, the second week in Cot- lng the car which collided week before A few moment» before he »tnrted fur Brock us; —rgannt i| arm», Jm-k Bap chnulauqun last yeur also hail a de j tion next Monday evening, at which Kogeue Tue»day fori'noon, Deinity ger; reprewillative, Fred Awbrey; re terrent effect. O f the 75 signers no time there will be n social session nnd tage Grove and vieinity, the third last with a wagon load o f poles, says Hhenff 1'itrher received a telephone porter. Manon Tretera. two are from the same family, so that plans will be luid for the w inter’* week in Junction City and vieinity and that the item was in error in stating the fourth week in Florence and vicin­ that the automobile was speeding. Mho mr»»nge from the Ibiiiglit» county »her a large proportion of the l imn lie» of work. greater ity. Her first visit to the Cottage says she was not traveling ut i f f to In* on the lookout fur a mat the city are represented by the sign- j — — — Grove community will be the second rate of speed than 16 miles an hour who had robbed an obi man in that WOULD BEAT RAIN _________________ _ Pioneer 8tones Popular. week in Oetober, when she will inspect and that the accident was due largely county, taking a rifle, revolver and BY ROCKINO HIGHWAY Following is one of the many com the children of the schools for physical to the fact that the wagon curried no »mull »urn uf money. I7ndi'r»taiidiu Tie Plant Resumes. moots The Sentinel has received re- und mental defects. This examination light, although it was durk at the time. that the main highwny wn» ciliari The Southern Pacific's tie phint at ; gariling the pioneer stories which it is not compulsory and children whose The wagon was driven by Mr. C'lev • Every effort i» being made to com 1'itcher took the Delight valley detour Imthnm is again operating with a crew publishes intermittently: “ I wish to parents object will not be examined. Irte the improvement» on Pacific enger and the accident happened this A »hurt diafane« from the city he »aw ighvvay at Divide before the fall rain» of Mexicans. The plant was »hut down tell you how very much we appreciate side o f the K elly bridge. T l le wagon abend of him u pedratrinn whom he u fur s«ime tune beennse the former crew- tlint 'old times dope.’ Indinn lore, »to ­ »et hi , when thm (iiirtiun uf the road was not damaged but the car, an Over­ onre derided wa» the man wanted ■ ROAD BOOSTERS PUT wns not satisfied with the number of rie» o f the pioneers, pioneer newspa- land, lost a wheel. will become nbmdiitcl V iuipn«»nble if Dougin« county. Overtaking the mu UP LORANE ROAD MONET left without rock. The grentent trouble hinirs n day they were asked to be on per», etc., especially the stories by I)r. hu invited him to ride, the o ffer beni i Oglesby. I t ’» great.” glndly accepted. The puHNeiiger wn »rem» to lie ill getting n crew o f men thn job. Little Tot 8caldenses. The funeral was ••xpect» to demi up hi» crop thin wee held Tuesday and Interment was is The prune» thin year are of large air.i Oregon he settled at Oakland, where 0. G. People in Eastern Reunion. he was nitrr.ed 42 yenra ago to Mis» the Blue Mountain cemetery. Mr. Kib and were in no wav injured by tin REMEMBER T H A T TO T A K E A D V A N TA G E OF TH IS OFFER A clipping from an Indiana paper Rebecca Flirtiti, who survives. Six bey was SO years o f age and was born rain». Mr. IInil ' h dryer him two tun states that the fifth annual reunion o f YOU MUST DO SO BEFORE NOVEMBER 30. 1919. A F TE R T H A T in Vermont. He had nut recently re­ the descendants o f Nehemiah and Kit- nel» and he hn» nn trouble in enring years ago the family moved h«re. Dur D ATE TH E R A TE W IL L BE *'2.00 A Y E A R IN ADVANCE. W ITH mg the Civil wnr he was n member turned from Portland, where he had fur hi» entire crup nt the time when ehell linden was held at 1-owell, Ind., F IV E CENT8 ADDED FOR EACH M ONTH OF ARREARAOE. gone for medical treatment. The wid August 31. Among 300 present wero the prune» are in the pink of condi­ of Co. D, 1st Oregon cavalry, itetiJ»s ow survives. tion. lie him handled »mall <|imntitie» the wife, six children survive. 4 ^ * Finnerty and Mr. and Mrs. for hi» neighbor* A. k Burrows and dnughters, o f Cot­ Clear* around for Garaga. Highway Work Nearly Completed. tage Grove. Millieeat und Jerrine Bur­ Contractor Kynn reports that, he lias Carnival Ia Coming. H. L. Godard atarted work yesterday rows both gave readings. clearing tke ground for tke laving o f The George T. Scott United Shows completed the grading nn hi.t Pncifis III»— l r r ___ _______ _______ ‘ H I foundation for tke ____ new Wood Due to a bursted steam pipe in open here next Monday with a carni­ highway contract north of h“ re with Rede A Smith, Publishers The L ire W ire Newspaper garage. The aid hoarding house ou the boiler at the eleetric light plant t val and will be here fur the remainder the exception of the rock cut behind property waa completely demolished was no electric service Wednesday o f the week. They will pitch their the JuiLon Allen plnce aud ut tl c S-g yesterday. inaw hill. til late in the afteraooa. bent* on north Ninth atreet. A mull w tio afterwords gave his name iin Ariliu M Hiiwnders, o f Yak Him, hum Interrupted ut iiluiul 2:3« ii't'liu k Hit ii • Iuv in■ • rfi111u w liili* iiiii king n I'.uri'ful mi 'I i *«'tmil ut | ii ( ii ' n mill sinok- mu miiti'riuU ut llu' 1 roulirtilri' cigar niuri'. k'ur Minin* run mm In* had waited nii111 II iit ii h it i ' ini I’lfr k i IIrnuml In Ini dl»i-oiiiiiiodcd uii'l ill onli'r In iivnnl « ii ii m i no anyone iiny troubli* wbatevci In- made Iii n 1'iilry through it nmr win •low above Urn n I ii ' i I roof. Mnrshiil i'ltrher, who tuul Ni'i'ii I hi« niuii m I i |i in lir lii ml tliu lull lit i ritf. ilnl nut interrupt llm |irii«iiM'ilin((N until In' thought tin robber, working under full glare in the front rouiii of tin* »tori', nml till In» liiu'ki'ta flilt'll, lit' tin'll tii|i|n'il on tin window iiiii I »ti’|i|ii'il nruiiiiil unitor I Ii•• mar window J un I iii time to h I hivi ' ii revolver against tin- tlin 'f'» rib». ‘ ‘ I didn't anyone arouml «vim looked hk» u polireinun, ” Hnwndors i-a(ilniniil. It i» M im ii't III o f u coincidence ttint never Ini» itnynui' put nwuy witli u ili'l' redation of liny kiml when I'ltehcr Inn I... ii on the job. tMln-r niulit robbi'fii'i when the tnlevea were not ileteeteil occurred when aomrune elae was on tli me lit loll. Hitcher "III.I In' tuul ii klinrli Holiday in • • r n • n u Hint In* hinl liettei »tick iiriiuml, iiiNteuil of piling to In'll to m il for the night trnlii which w a» »ever a I hour» lute. While »tninling in ii we I ml no »pot nen r the l1" " Ton '" g Ituting nil what he hint better ilo. In saw tile man »lip around liehiml tin Trimlirnlge »tore two block» down the ■tree! I'ltehcr slipped down to the »(nit where the mini hinl ili»n(i|ienreil but could find notbiiig. H ihiii he hetiril ■uuieoiie I'liiuliing nliiiig the »hi-d roof I'lleher then went nrouud front nml wiitrln-il the thief work hi» wuy in thru ugh the window and beta kinuell to the routent» o f the reglnter nml »how rii»ea. The thief bail |ireviou»lv entered th< W i II niui re»taiirunt through the rant • bier, whirh unlinked, and ha< helped hioiaOlf to u bottle " f milk Mr» Willson's puree, containing $1.65 nml IS cent» worth of rumlv which Mr». W 111» i ■ ii hml (iiirrhn»i'd the day before. Mr», Wilburn i't|dnlna that »he i» imi (•••riuitted to ent riindy but on thin urninion hud determined to defy the doctor» and providence ind go on n regular »pree. The |uir»e anil money have been n turned by the county authorities but ebe i» »till mourning the loan of the uintcrinl» for the »neehiirine debnurh The thief, who wm found to be but 2« year» o f nge, ho» been »enlenced ti the reform »ehuol. lie nlremlv hn» n record nml hi«» bruken n parole given by the Wnahingtun nuthoritiea. 919 SCHOOL ATTENDANCE LEADS 1918 CANNERYOUTPUT ALREADY J. A. GRIGGS PIONEER OF PASSES 1918 COMSTOCK, DIES HERE PEDESTRIAN FINDS DEPUTY SHERIFF OBUGING November Subscription Special Save 75 Cents The Cottage Grove Sentinel s YOUNG FOLKS ARE PINNED UNDER AUTOMOBILE