0 1 t ( E n t S VOLUME XXI X o PITCH MAY BE NEtf CROP OF C. & COUNTRY H R. Hmltli Take» Position With Oon- ctrn Which W ant» A ll Our For»»ts W ill Produce. l 'ultime Grove, with D m Immense fir furent», limy lieeume a renter for tin |u uiluet inn uf pilch. tur it ml t ur|ieii t i lie, » It. Hm it It, uf Ini* city, Inin t liken the punition of woods Hii|ierinteiiilent for Die Northwestern I’ lleli eom|mnV, ■I new I'ortliinil concern, whirli will liny nil the piteli offereil it, nini will K i«» inni ruction» for Inking it from the tree» ttint will contile the worker» to iiiukc wage» (tint will lie sntisfur- tory even with the prenent wage level. It in entimuteil t lint there lire noun :m,inni,mm,inni feet o f timber trilmlnry to Cottage tirove, Mtieh of thin in in nut tonni reserve». hut the |{overnnient him uilopteil n liberal pulley in offer lii|{ leimen for the Inking of piteli. MR8 UNRUH TO SPEAK HERE FOR BABY HOME t w 4 ^ * ( AJfD OOTTAOE H r P R OVE r LEAD ER n i ? ! § > £ t t Among Ihrn’ women mentioned n* having npotteil forent firen during the print neimon in Mr». W. M. (Jeorge, o f thin city, whir in ntutioned nt the l-nlr- view luukout in the lloheiniu dint riet, .... o f the mont Importuni lookout» in tin; Umpqua forent renerve. Women lire not uniinlly employed in lookout ntutionn nini uiiiy not he ut nil ill the future, loft the nenrrity of men during the pimt two yeurn miide the nerviceu uf the women vfry acceptahle. Mm. Georg« volunteered fur the service. Encampment Has Big Time. ('mint Kork Encampment, I. O. O. V., were liontn hint uiglit to Eugene meni hem, who exemplified the decree work upon neverul eaildidnten. A hun<|uet mul nonni nennion followed the huninene ne union. A WBREY TELLS OF ARRIVAL OF GREAT FLEET Largest Audience Ever Oatbered Ooaat Been Great Armada Rida ’ Cottagi* O r u v r w i ll b t v p n « lU t i n lutu the Oolden Oste. ^ u i h I m i I v i i l t u r Htiiitluy in fin» rpM»r* REVISION OF WATER RATES MODERN GARAGE TO RISE ON MAIN AVENUE IS QUITE LIKELY Oltv Han Had to Pay Advanced Price» t e l NUMBER 51 COTTA«JE (JROVK, LANE COUNTY, ORKOON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1919 WOMAN 8P0TS FIRES FROM LOOKOUT ON FAIRVIEW MOUNTAIN i ______________________________________________________ _______________ RESIDENCE HERE 17 TONS OF BEANS PRODUCT OF THREE ACRES Mridbole» to the nouth o f o»; mud' holen to the north o f ua, while the Wood non Brother» In $130,000 Deal to clouds voll«:y and thunder, likewine A. J. Steven» Finds That Secret o f _ I » tho 1» — 4 i . .■ »X u » ^m .. mm m W ft 1 . . .4 — - Mm Mm W A l_ ^m mud a ■ -I _ . _ tourist» caught between the Back Their Confidence In Fu Big Returns Is Plenty of Water bole». With road improvement» in ture of Busin*»» Here. progreaa everywhere the festive touriat Which He Furnishes. did not huve a very pleasant time even during the dry weather but the recent rain» have made the detours Cottage Grove noon will have one o f absolutely impassable and good *1 zer«*Mt«l«*nt of tl*** Y . W . < A . und SUOAR CROP IS LARGE p m i m ni«iit in wom en * n uf finn* f hroiiuh- Oakland Calif., Kept. 1.— ( T o the --- STEALS M A N ’S MONEY, ON METROPOLITAN AIRS J. W. Buckler is the owner o f a out fli«« stille. Hlie w i ll Noeuk fit tnn Kditor.) — Perhaps some of our old time BUT FAMINE EXIST8 valuable CAR AND BETTER HALF copy or an old newspaper. It t'h r iN l m n rb tir rli in the forenoon, fit friends will be interested in our ex- .. , .. is ’the issue of the Ulster County (N ew Pick np Mall Boxes Being Placed on the MethodiNt i*hurrli in the afternoon penence in witnessing the recent visit Principal Corners. While the sugar crop for the year is York; Gazette o f January 4, l W It J. I). iiloiUoc, o f Yukimn, Wash., to y o u n g women o n ly , and ut flight in of the mighty urinudu o f battleships. o f probably owes its preservation to the wss urrested in the rump o f the H<>- one of the greatest in the history th«« I'reailiyteriuii r l n i r r h , Ilsving received competent advice sev­ hnait 1-umber company at Kow River the country, Cottage Grove and other faet that it eontai „ r an account o f the Cottage Grove is putting on mure M rs l ' uniti him w ritte n for find fid* eral days before from an Oakland po Wednesduy by Deputy Hhi-nff P ltlk M cities iu this section ure m danger of metropolitan airs. Boxes For the de­ _ death of President George Washington, liri-mun we took the 5:37 a. m. elec­ charged with a statutory crime. It is a sugar famine. The only explanation which had just occurred. The paper is posit o f mail are being erected at sev­ tric ear for Imnds Knd, the best plncw alleged that he took nn automobile be that has been made is that the sugar eral of the important corners o f the for observation. We found several hun­ longing to A. M. Carey, of Yakima. |>* yet in a ruw state and eun not be in heavy mourning for that reason. eity and mail will bo collected from dred others bound on the »nine mission, together with Mr. Carey’s w ife and I marketed. Wholesale dealers any that The puper has been in the possession them at regular intervals, which will nearly all carrying puckages similar in Severn I hundred dollars o f the Carey no relief can be expected until the lat- of Mr. Buckley for 40 years, he having be plainly stated on the boxes. The Mppcnmncc, reminding one o f antici­ money nnd ran away with the outfit, | ter part o f October anil the housewives n-ceived it from his father. The paper fact that the poetoffiee department is used is very thin but of a much better pated ferocious appetites Inter in the passing all o ff as his own upon bis nr ho want to use the dainty in putting installing these boxes iiidicat«*s that day. On«, uf the cwrw un the ferry rival here. A warrant wus also sworn up fruit for winter may have to resort grade than that now used in newspa- free delivery here is to be permanent. )s-rs, corresponding to the thin Japan­ bout was heard to rimiurk, “ What are out for Mrs. Carey but she and the to running thut can be done without ese paper of today. these fuo| people coming so curly fo r f ’ ’ automobile bud disappeared before the sugar. For several weeks retail deal- Among the news stories are the ad­ but we knew what we were nbout for warrant could be served. As the trav- j er« here have been selling in small dress of President Adams to congress upon our arrival at the ferry building eling is not very good just now it i» quiuitities only we found thut getting onto a Ijinda thought that she will be easily found. There is »aid to be a large supply and the reply o f congress thereto, and Knd car required considerable develop­ of syrup, which was us « k 1 in quantities clippings from London papers giving the latest news from abroad, then some ment us mi athlete and urrobut. during the war in place o f sugar. F a rm *» Don’ t U k * $2.20 Wheat. three months old. The excerpts from A t l.nnds Knd thousands were al­ Korane, Ore.. Kept. 11.— (Hpeciul to the London papers deni mostly with the N »w Yorker-» Prediction That E an tarn ready waiting anil the bills were fairly The Hi’ iitinel.)— The past week o f rainy NO SMALLPOX REPORTED European war situation. One sangnin- Pupils H*xe Seven Days o f Grace lined with automobiles and people on weather bus clogged the wheel» o f in­ M on ey W ill Cum« H »re I» | ary conflict is spoken o f in which a foot. Kunling a cove wu were s«H>n Because o f Vacancies on the TO CITY HEALTH OFFICER i British army of 11U0 men and two comfortably locuted right opposite Mile dustry in the Korane valley such u Bein« rumile«!. Teaching Staff. fruit picking and threshing o f grain. pieces o f cannon were attacked by a Buck light house but hundreds o f f«*et According to the monthly report of above it looking out over the broad Wheat growers in this section say they Health O fficer Oglesby, there was no force o f 6000 men add six pieces o f Pacific, und Golden Gnte. The rrowda are not making ns much profit from smallpox here during August, although cannon, which gives some idea o f the A deal for the sale of the entire J. «if the world-renowned Grra-k th«*ater wheat at $2.2(1 the bushel as they did several ra*«*» were rep«jrte«i on tho way the making of war has progressed The Cottage Grove schools will not in the last century or so. As in the II. Chamber» interests here is pending, were liut a« a tiny s|s-rk compared to when it was $1 the bushel. streets, ut least no cases were reported recent war, all the great nations were open until heptember 22. A series o f the s\ * Blatter) und Jack Cnrloj In this vast throng which grew ia pro- circumstances led the school board to terentn being the pronpeetive puntili» I air lions every minute as incoming cars CANNERY SENDS SECOND qumag phymemus'* to ripo'rtB,.eueh'"casTs engaged and even Holland, Hpain and make this deeisioa at a meeting Wed­ ¡Switzerland eouid not remain neutral. nesday evening. There is stili one va er» W. CL Slattery, C. J. Hlnltery and discharged ifntir living rargoes. CAR OF BERRIES TO EAST ,1*'> attend them. Tho rejiort 'The advenmements are oddities and caney in the high school teaching fore«« M l> HlnwL " i Portland, Jack < urh >. Occasionally some during individual ______ states thut the city seems to be free would prove interesting study to mod­ and word has been received that Miss of New York, and M. II. Newfit-ld, of would lose his bnlnnen on his rock, The second car o f blackberries for D ? * * '° * * * * ° 'u >n every form, merchandisers. One ad. reads as Easley, one o f the primary- teachers, t 'hirngu, have been here for »«-verul perch mid roll down the hillside, uiuc except cbickenpox. Two cases o f sear ern thin year wus shipped to the east this follows: days looking over the property, whirh to the nmuseuu'iit o f the crowds. Oc­ will be unable to take up her work let fever were quarantined during the inrliidea the J. II. Chambers mill at casionally vessels from the inner bay w«ka 1 1 » er, fleet. Soon the whirring ot “ metal no doubt that the total output of the alent for several months, seems to He haf received near every kind in sufficient «luantities to minniy tho Mr. Curley und W, C. Mattery wer« w in g «’ ’ wus himnl and a »»Cange sight eunnery this year will go way above . That you ia any Store can find, demand o f both grades and high school here a month ago, ut which tune Mr. met our eyes. A flock o f human birds that ot lust year. The high price being huVB d“ '1« out- and ar 1 purehufe by the bale, and another week will probably rem­ Curley predicted that eastern moue) hove in sight and passed beneath us, paid for berries bus resulted in tho edy thi«. I am determined to retail was going tu come here for investment their outlines being seen in silhouette cleaning of every bush in the country SCHELL PROVES C. O. For R E A D Y P A Y a little lower indications are that there will bo and the prickly vines that formerly in timber. Mr. Curley is known aa against the water of the buy, instead a large enrollment in both high school CAN RAISE GOOD CORN Than ever haf been had before. tionully ns a promoter o f ring contests nl against the sky. A dull, heavy fog were only a nuisance are now respleu- I with my brethren mean to live; and grades. Provision has been mud« among the big fellows. But a f for credit fhall not give. hung over the liny, only liftin g for dently riiitiled with “ No Trespassing“ for the first fiv e grades in both east C. Hchcll has put on exhibition nt signs. Beans are also being received The party expects to remain hero very brief peri«als. The Mcntinei office several samples of I would not live to aroufe your paf and west si«le schools. - The sixth, sev­ set eral days anil it is thought that tho fionf, Promptly at II o ’clock, the hour set ia large quantities. The larger part of enth and eighth grades will be belli ia closing of the deal will be prurtirnlly for the itrrivnl o f the fleet, gn-nt the fruit, such as apples and pears, is corn which show wbat this country can For credit here is out o f fafhion. the west side school only. do in this line. Samples of n combina­ yet ta come. completed Is-fore they leave. clouds of smoko rolled un thruugh the tion of Hard Australian and Parson’» My friendf and buyerf one and all thick fo g nnd soon the huge form o f ____ Dent nre as pretty ears as anyone It will pay you well to give a call. B. S. SWENGEL IS NOW the mighty drendnmight New Mexico DRIVE FOR HOMELESS would be likely to see even in the corn You alw ayf may find me by the fign DETOUR SIONS NORTH MEMBER OF CITY COUNCIL became discernible through the heavy country. They are about a foot in A few rodf from the houfe divine. BABES IS UNDER WAY OF HERE TAKEN DOWN mist, followed by lu-r »i»tcr giants or The following artielef will be re­ length and the kernels nre plump nnd ceived in payment. Wheat, Bye, Buck­ destruction. A low sound of cxrlntna- B. 8. Swengel was, at the meeting The drive for funds for the Albertinn the cobs full. There nre nlso samples wheat, Oatf Corn, Butter, Flax, A fh ef o f the eity council Monday night, T ra ffic on I'ucific highway need no tiou mingled with ndmirution ran o f Squaw corn, with kernels varying Kerr baby home in Portlund is now aud Raw Hidef. CASH w ill not be re­ longer take the detour into Delight through the greatest single audience well elected to succeed R. E. Walker as under way here in charge o f mem­ in color from purple to white, wnich filled. valley in traveling between ('ottnge ever nsseiutded upon the Pacific roast. councilman from the seeond ward, Mr. are o f nearly us good quality as the bers o f the women's clubs of the city. • • • Grove und Hnginnw. 'The highwuy lie Biow-ly and in single f iIV this mighty Walker having resigm'd because of his other. Evidently the merchants o f that day election us mayor. Mr. Swengel has tween these points hun never been armada, the pride o f the American Mrs. Job, eity chairman, is hopeful that the c it y ’s proportion will be had learned the wisdom of dealing for been a resident o f the city for about rln».-d to traffic, although the detuur I... pio, paaacd through lis- Guillen liiiti- A L L TH IN G S COM BINE TO rash, a habit again coming into vogue. eight years and is owner o f the Swen­ sign, were up fur u month. The county und weighed unehor in the lienrcfu! raised without any great effort. The fundn are to be used for an ml- H IN D E B SCHOOL BOOK SALE Another ad. states “ John Trempf gel Hardware company. ruurt visited the scene o f the inipruv«»- «liters o? the inner harbor while the has Commenced Bufiness in the Mer­ meats nnd dircctol that ns loug us tho lug guns o f Fort Point boomed forth dition to the home, which is greatly needed in order to properly cure for The »«'curing o f school books this cantile Line and haf a General Affort- tomi ran be traveled no attempt should the glud saluto. There were 51 ships bo made to get tra ffic to take the de­ in the fleet nnd nn hour wns consumed the homeless, sbnnduned nnd orphaned your is going to be a serious question, ment o f Dry Goodf and Grocerief NEW SUPERINTENDENT ON waifs thut have neither parents or not only twenuse of their cost, made ni i m »s i ng a given poiwt. whieh he will difpofe o f very cheap tour. , JOB AT W. L. & E. MILL high by reason o f the change in the for CASH or Produce only. At times not a vessel could be »«•en friends to care for them. course o f study, but also because the Likewise, “ Abraham I Hiifbrough, in nini then na i f by magic the foggy A. L. Hubbard arrived last week course o f study was so late in arriving the Mercantile and Boating Bufineff, CITATION FOR BRAVERY Boy Veatch Home Soon. curtain would raise for a few moments that there is going to be congestion in haf a ftoek o f Dry Goodf and Grocer­ from North Bend, Wash., and has tak­ Eugene Register: Marion Veatch hns H M one o f the grainiest sights the FOR DELBERT KELLY human mind ran imagine. en the place of superinteiulent at the received word fmm In» son thut ho serving all of the 1000 or more pupils ief whieh he will difpofe o f upon the Western Lumber ft Export company’s in this vicinity during the few days moft reufonable termf for CASH OK will be homi* for thè op«'iiing o f col­ Almost immediately after the last mill, succeeding M. P. Garoutte, who Mr. nnd Mrs. W. A. Kelly, parents remaining before school opens. COU NTRY PRODUCE.“ resigned. Mr. Hubbard has had about o f Delbert Kelly, killed in itrtion in vessel hnd panned the-rush for the car lege. Boy, who has represented thè University of Oregon in n Y. I l , C. A. lines commenced. The struggles of the Likewise, “ Samuel Freer haf ju ft re 20 year» o f experience in the opera­ France, linve riweived a citation for Central Hotel Changes Hands. ceived an affortraent o f Goodf, adapt­ tion of sawmills. bravery in urtion directed to their Into vust throng who hnd not fortified spia-ini summer sur vie* grnup o f col­ E. West, o f Myrtle Creek, has taken ed to the feafon, which he will «fif- son. liolliort wus luittiilion dispatch themselves ns we had done were amus­ lege boy» in New York city «luring thè carrier and was continually ttx|Ni»id the state keeping her and from trufting her on where they were forgotten until re­ by lessening the value o f the crop. from Kansas nnd are bound for » « ‘tit- plaint thut on the wny from Pendleton examination in physiology and gi-og- my account, af I am determined to pay- cently. no debtf o f her contracting.“ The moisture has mused tomatoes to tip. As the size o f the load seemed to to Cottage G row the truck hroke down raphy nre: Upon examination it was found that • • • crack pretty Imdly in some bienlities, k m li ttle effect on the truck, nnnther itml that it cost him $200 and great one of the animals or reptiles had hud District No. 45— Mae Bennett. Ber­ but the crop in still niarketnlilc. Evidently slavery wns not confined 12 brown eggs and in the box nlso passenger, W. W. Wallace, was pickinl mental anguish before it wns repaired. nice Hrninnrd, Loyd Armes, Margaret to the southern states, for one ad. were 12 dead house flies. It is quite up at dais Angeles, making eight pas­ He further alleges that »N e r he had Higgins, Dexter flu ff. reads: “ For fale. tho one half o f a evident that the fli«>» hatched from sengers. Speaking o f roails, Mr. Gish reached Cottage Grove it broke down District No. Ill*— Knrl Elliott. Wouldn’ t Fight Tire; Does Now. Saw Mill, with a convenient place for the eggs and were unable to survive For the purpose of milking an exam­ says the muddy detours in Oregon are completely. without food of any kind. ple for those who refuse to fight fires boulevards compared to some roads he Kents and Nixons Arrive In Kansas. building. By the mill if an inexhaufti- It is estimated that tho death o f ble fapply o f Pinewood.— A lfo a ftout, Eugene to Have Plane. or who leave the job lifter working n negotiaUnl in New Mexico and Arizona 't - ,rd **"s been received from tho E. which took out Eugene, Sept. 5.— Eugene will soon J. Kent and Kay Nixon families that healthy active Negro Wench. Any per- these flies without their ever having few days nnd before the flumea lire after cloiiiilnirsts under cuntrol, Forest Unngi'r ( ’ IIIode It. bridge» anil earried away rondins!». have a commercial airplane o f its own. they arrived in Kansas September 1, fon inclined to purchnfe may learn tho had opportunity to reproduce their by applying to John kind has resulted in several million Jones, o f the Oukridge district, secured It is announced that the machine will after hnving driven 3000 miles through pnrtirularf less flies in Cottage Grove. I f all the be here within a few days to com­ ten stnten, passing through 288 cities Schooumaker, jun, at Rochefter.“ the arrest o f II. Is’Vilen who was al­ Former Resident Now in Movie». reptiles o f this kind could be gather«*! leged to have jumped the juli at a time nnu town» and usin^ 11M) gallon* of Albany, Oc«1., Kept. 5.— Kverett R. mence business. each fall nnd destroyed the fly popu­ when hia services were imdiy needed Cummings, son uf Mr. and Mra. K. It. R. H. I’ ier«‘e, n garage owner o f this gasoline and 5 gallons of oil. They DORENA M A Y COME HERE lation could bo decreased by many lie was fined $5« nnd the sentence Cummings, o f Alhnny, has broken into city, nnd C«‘eil Woo ley, who wns a sec hnd but one puncture nnd their repair TO A T T E N D H IO H SCHOOL billions each year in a city no larger suspended under condition thut he re the moving pieture game in Lo» An­ oiid lieutenant in the army air service nnd food bill was but $50. They found than Cottage Grove. turn to fight the flnmii«i nnd stay on geles. At iirewnt he is plnying a small during the wnr, nre now nt Mnther fine crops through Oregon nnd Wash­ It is possible that the Dorena high The source from whieh flies come the job us long aa there wan need o f part in a ('hurles Ruy feature, but hu» field, Hnernmento, where they have ington, none in Montana except in tho school will be discontinued thi» ytair his services. for th,« past month been included in bought for a company o f loenl’ men a irrigated portions, and good through and that the pupils from that district having been discovered all that is nec­ to do away with flies entirely silent drnmn casts headed by Ibiugbia Curtiss JN 4 D plane nnd have already North Dnkota, Minnesota and northern will atteml the Cottage Qrove schools. essary is to stop the source. Fairbanks nnd Ray. Young ('iimnnngs shipped it by rail to this eity. Nebraska. They saw no country that The Dorena district nas been unable Oirl Dies o f Brights Disease. is n native o f Alnany, where he for­ looked ns good, everything considered, to secure a complete teaching corps Miss Bertha Juanita lanneson. dnugli merly operated the machine nt the as the north end o f the Willamette and nt a meeting of the Dorena »ehool Fanners Stan Plowing. Fisher Returns to Eugene. ter o f Mr. nnd Mra. Bert Isiuiesnn, of Giulie. Next y e a r’s crops will be grcntly board Wednesday evening with the Hnlom, Ore., H«‘pt. 8.—George Put­ valley. Row River, died Hnturdny morning of Cottage Grove sehool board it was helped by the recent sonking rains nam, former proprietor of the Medford bright’» disease. »h e was aged I « Mr. Cummingn was for n few month» found that the cost o f semling their which have made it possible for farm Holderman Has Permits. years, It months, 15 days. The body manager o f the Arcade tbenter here Mail Tribune, has purchased the Salem Forest Ranger Holderman reports pupils here and paying for their trans­ ers to plant and need their fall grain. wus taken to Coburg for interment. * just previous to the arrival o f W. J. Capital Journnl from Charles H. Fish­ er. it was announced today, and will that he hns received a supply o f per­ portation back and forth would be The ground was in a very dry rendi­ White. take over its management at onre. Mr. mits to be issued to those who may brnetirnlly the same as maintaining a tion following the beautiful suinm«'r during which not a drop o f rain fell. Sues for Value of Ties. Fisher, who h I so owns the Eugene wish to build campfires within tho high school at home. The Oregon Tie and Lumber corns A aptMiinl eleetion will be held in Clint Bmnstetter, o f Eugene, E. O. Daily Guard, will devote hia activities national forest*. He hns received no pnny is plain tiff in n suit) filed nvninst Barker, of Portland, and Mr. and Mr». to the publication o f thnt paper. information rescinding the order re­ the Dorena district to vote upon the Emil Guggenheim writes from Boras, the univi' Grove Lumber »coking n ine i.limner company, senking n. .lohn John Barker, or o f this city, nre are spending quiring permits, although the heavy proposition. Kans., and sends the wherewithal thnt udgineiit in the sum of $tMll.7tt alleged 1 the week nt the Barker place on Moaby M i»» Lillian I«ewii is hern from Ash­ rains hnve done away with all danger will insure a continuance of The Senti­ uo for delivery o f tie». à J creek. from fire«. land for a vacation o f two week». W ATCH YOUR LA B E L. n el’» regular weekly visits. dressed Kirin uniti» extensively find sue resfully und Comen wiiih nu [nt in'«*li ng messili*' for them in her Afternoon uiPj dress. Mothers mity attend hut the liesf s«*uts will lie reserved for the Kiris. I'rerediBK Mrs. t'nriih's a