Cottage Grove sentinel and Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Oregon) 1915-1921, June 27, 1919, Image 1

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    ■"Si* Qloitw (Snro? fontinel
___________________________ J ___________________________________________________________A N D
N U M H K It 40
Hiimi-tliing of thè rumanti« wa» injeet
ed luto t I I I ' ninrriiige of Karl (iaroutte
L o b i U h of P rliM OTfcrsd for Sport* and Mia» Itotli Jorgenaon, wliirli look
place at Kugi'ii« Haturduv. Mr. (iaroutte
Program and HtunU bjr
hnew timi hi» future bri.!« would be re
Logging M ou .
torning thut day fruiti a viait ut Murali-
fieli! ut thè luime of Iter brotber, Henry
JnrgciiNoii. j ’iiking un automobile nnd
A good tiinn, n l>i|{ tiini* Mint every hi» »iatera in luw, Mr». Wm. (iaroutte,
li'iiljr Mint In» dog mi Iniml tu enjoy tin of tIti» city, and Mr». Kugene Mntlork,
relrbratloll i» wlillt ('ullH||a Drove will of Eugeni', he m«l thè trulli ut Veneta.
have fur tin' Fourth of July, which, in Thi» molur tur l.ochinvur kidnupped thè
hoiutr o f tho»e who »ervetl with the on I bride, kurried iter lo Kugene, where thè
or», will be thi* bigge»t th'1 reremony wa* purformed, nini not until
th« bride’» reliitive» wer« invited tu
city ever hit» lunl.
Th,. ilny will idart with th" firing of ili liner ut thè W. A. (iuroutte hom,. un
n »nlutn at nutria«. Thr big parade Hundny did they lenrn uf th« murriug".
will »turt at IU o'elock uml from Hint Th« aiater of thè bride, Mi»» Kather,
tiui" until midnight joy will lw union wa» in Kugene at thè lime and it wa»
•i fuinl ami thrrr will li" noniething doing lo elude ber thut th« truin wa» in et
before it reaehed KugOCe. The bride
"very minute.
Prill"» o f t'Jll ami $10 will lx* o ffrrn i» u duughter of Mr. alni Mr». 11. J. Jor
for |h" lir»t buniuen» float* uml pri/.»’» geimoii unii thè bruirgli.ino i» a non of
uf thr *niu" i l l » for thr l*r»t decorated M. I*. (iuroutte. The bride hu» juat
fralrrnal flout» anil' rlvir organization graduateti from thn high »chool bere
float», |iria"» of $15 amt $7.50 will l>" nnd thè empie lire umoiig thè beat
offrrril for th" lM'*t ilrroriltnl autumn kuown uf thè young people of thè com­
loir» uml |iri("» uf $5 nml $” .50 for munity.
ln »t comir ciiururter».
A * * * i|»|»y ’ * l'a»»liull gum«, whatever
kind that la, will In played in tin af
trruuon hr I wrrn Cottage (irovr and
a atruiiif Irani from »otur o f thr vnllry
citlea, not yrt »"l"rtril. Thr priz«» mon
vy for thla 1» $125
A big fratorr will In a field Runt
The drive for fund» for the work uf
hrtwrru train» r<'prrai'iitmg the world
war vHrrnn*, th" l.oy»| Legion and th" the Hnlvntion army i* under way here,
(1. M. Mnrkabury being chairman fur the
Cottage iirovr fir«« drpurllimit.
Thn l-oyal Legion will put on a log dmtnct. The chairman of utl thr ao
rolling rontrat for $15 in priz»*» and a liciling committee» are Klka, but other»
•awing rontuat for $7.50 in prize», and outaiile o f tliut organization have been
■elected for »»aiatunta. The quota fur
will al»o put on other »tunta.
The »|Mirt program Include» th" fol th« Cottugc Drove bunking dlatrirt i»
lOtl yard da»h for prize* of $5 and
Mam for liuv» under H year» of age
for price» o f $2 and $1.
Kare fur girl» uuilcr 1$ year» uf age
Word front Captain l.nHell» Hlewart
for price» of $2 and $1,
itiryrle rare for liny» under It year» of the 20th engineer», formerly foreman
of the logging camp at Kujada, »ay*
uf age for prize» of $2 and $1.
Bicycle rare for girl» under 14 year» “ Nothing left to do but wait for the
boat tu whiatle and bid France good
uf age fur prize» of $2 and $1.
bye.’ * Captain Hlewart ¡» in commutid
Hark rare fur prize» of $2 and $1.
Fat men'» rare fur prize» of $2 of the 43rd nun puny of 21(1 men and he
■ay» not a man wn» lo»t during the war
and $1.
Pillow fight for prize» of $2 and $1 The port of embarkation, he »iiy». »eem»
There will be many other "«citin g like a randhoose. There are ncrommiNla
lion* for .'IO,IKK) men nnd officer» nnd
and laughable event».
There will be a »trret conrert at ‘ troop» are moving night and day. The
o ’clock, followed by n grand pyrotech town the company ■> billeted in i« about
the size o f Cuttage Drove and the cli
uic diaplay.
The band will lie on the job all day mate nnd the aurroundinga nre much
and boim g inatrhea and a »ranker are the anme u» tin.»,, of Oregon. Captain
Htewurt «ay* he ia »lerping in the firat
being arranged by thr Moo»e lodge.
Kvcrytbiug will be free except the hone»t to giMHlue»» bed he baa »een ainre
dance tu be given at M im e ball at leaving home. The |«^iple with whom be
i» billeted think be 1» "Mimp «tu ff “ nnd
night and the lioting match"».
Hoidier and »ailor boy» in uniform he i» taking pnrticular puina not to
rhnnge their id, a. Captain Hlewart hu»
will be admitted free at the Arcad
theater during the entire day, the 4th been awarded a citation for hia err vice«,
o f July committee paying the bill and lie »ay* it luoka fine on hi» coat but ha»
the war tul, Manager White having little value when coming to buying »hoe»
for the babiea at home.
made a liberal ronrecaion.
A peculiar case o f illusion badly
frightened the children of the W. K.
Oiletrnp family a few day» ago. They
were playing upstairs in a vacant house
next door to their borne. A ll looked out
o f the window at the »amo time and
naw the baby o f the family on the aide*
walk below. Turning to the inaide o f
the room they »aw the baby before
them. A ll the children present were
similarly affected, little U »ton Dur­
ham being also o f the party. That the
illusion wn» real to them was testified
to by the fact that all ran icrruming
from the house.
The day wa» bright and the father of
the children believes that th« brilliant
ray* o f the aun were responsible for in
some way so setting the image o f the
baby in the eyea of the children that
the form of the baby was »till there a f­
ter they had turned back into the room.
An Economical County Officer.
In »ending hia Nubarription, Hheriff
Htickela remark»: “ 1‘ leaae note that
thi» i» not encloned in a county envelop,,
The ronrretr work on the overhead and that no county atationery ia u»eil.’ ’
rroMing at Divide i» prngrcaaing rap Hheriff Hitekel» evidently intend» tu be
idly and noon will be ready for th,. con n candidate for reelection.
»tructiou of the approach"». 1 here ii
al»u a mile or more o f road c»n»truetion FIRST VOTE W AS CAST TOR ABE
on either aide o f the rronaing, which
the county court expert* to have com
pleted thin year preparatory to having
it hard aurfnccd next year to connect
Although he hn» voted in every preii
with the road In lionglna county which dentinl election ainre mating hi» vote
will al»o be completed for u consider for l.mroln, M. F. Denluirzea find» that
able di»tanr.e toward* Drain thi» year.
he now will have to take out naturalizn
Contractor Kyan 1» making excellent tion paper». Ilia father took out nat
progre»» in tearing out the rock hill» urnlizntion paper» liefore Mr. D n U r m
between here nod Walker for the con iiocum« of age, but h,« i» now unald,< to
»tructiou o f almo»t four mile» o f en find them nnd according to the Oregon
tirely new road.
election law* nuul go through the for
mnlity of being naturalized. Mr. De*
l.arzc» wna born in France nnd hi» non
floy wna wounded while »erving with
MAKES LANDINO HERE the fiimnua Hint diviaion in the recent
u n plena« n to eaa.
The fifth o f the Curtiaa biplane» that
»¡»tied the recent roae featival »topped
Fahrenwald Funeral Held.
here Friday for gaa and nil. Lieutenant
The funeral o f Charle» Fahren» nid
Frank D. llarkett wn» the pilot. A* he
wa» anxiou» to make Mather Field be wn» held Hundny from the ehn|>el, Kev.
fore uight, he aped nway ua noun a* hi» Joseph Knott» offirinting. The G. A. K.
tank» had been filled, lie hud been de and W. U. r. hud charge o f the eervieea
layed at Albany ainre Maturday on nr at the cemetery. Mr. Fahrenwald wa»
couut o f engine trouble. The trip here liorn in l ’ ru»»in, settling at Hyracuae, N.
Y., when a young lad. lie wa* but 17
from Albuny wan made in 45 minute».
at the uutbrenk of the Civil war, for
I he flyer» found the atmoaphere in good
which he volunteered hi» nervier», »erv
condition for flying, but the tempera
ing with the 15th New York envnlry un
lure at the altitude of 400« feet, at
til th« und uf hoNtilitie». He moved to
which they were flying, wn* extremely
Houth Dakota in IXttX nnd wn» mnrriod
July 17, IMNI, the w ife »urviving. The
family moved to Cottage Drove 10 yenr»
ago. Death occurred June 1(1. Hurviv-
IN CRUSHER ACCIDENT ing children ar« Mr». Henry Kohde, of
thi* city, and Charlea, o f Houth Dakota,
L. I- Woolley in »offerin g from »e for whose. arrival the funeral wna de
vere injurie» »untamed in an accident layed.
Friday at the cruaher that i* working
at th,. Divide overhead cro»»ing. He had Herman Raarh Making Oroaa Country
Airplane Flight».
climbed up on the cruaher to »ee how
much rock wa» in the bin, and the board
Mr. and Mr». Curl Kitarh hnve received
he wa» uaing a* a »upport gave wny, word from their »on Herman, who ia in
letting him fall backward» a di»tance the ivir aervice, that he in making rru»»
of 15 feet. lle^Ntnirk upon a wagon in country flight» alwng the Atlantic count
the deacent, injuring th«. »mall o f hi» and hn» trnvplcd nearly the whole
back and cutting a ga»h in the back o f length o f th« const. He doe» not know
hi» head. 11« did not regain conNcioun- when he ia likely to be discharged from
ne»a for *om« time. 11» wa» brought here tho aervice.
for medical attention and in nuw able
Elwyn McCargar at Camp MUD.
to be up and down town.
It i»
Dr. nnd Mr». K. MeCargnr received
thought that there are no permanent in­
word last week that their non Blwyn
had arrived at Camp Milla from over­
sea». Flyer» are not being discharged
a» rapidly an other» and Klwyn was un­
10*/« POUNDS TO SHEEP able to »ay juat when he would be nlile
to viait home.
N. W. White got a yield o f wool thi»
year that probably ¡» the largcat ever
Phone your new» to The Hentinel. ••
gotten in thi* »ei’tion from the »lime
number o f »heep. From HM heud he got
R 0. Veatch Dots 91000.
a clip o f 7.14 pound», or nn average of
In the Vcnloh I .oniric rood dnmngc
a trifle over 10% pound» to the »heep, m»e, the jury last Friday returned a
which included both ram* nnd ewe».
verdict for $1000, in place o f the f<!00
(Continued from lawt week.) v
The chapter thi» week conclude* that
portion of the dinry of Cheater Van Den
burg, of the 0 l»t diviaion, which The
Hentine! is publi»hing. The following
.... Inly 17
Southampton, England
.... July 1H
I ,n II uv re, France ........
. . . J u l y 20
July 2*
Hurrey— Haute Marne .
Hept. 5
Chaleadry.................. ...
K ept . *
Varón- Me une ....................... Hept. 11
Murat» la Drandu (P e t it )____ H ept. 14
Nubi-court— Meuse .............. . H »p t. 17
Fa rol»— Meuse............ ............ . Hept. !■<
Foret de H e«»e........._________ Hept. Hi
Remlevurea de Cha»»«.............. ...H e p t. 23
Hola de Oheppy................... .... . H*-pt. 2<’>
Kpinoiivllle...... „ ............ ........ ...Hi'pti 27
Miller hill______ __ _____ - .....- Hept L">
Boia de C ierge»...................... Hept. 21»
i i , i . 4
Moi» de Cheppy.._...._........ —...
( t r t.
Deanea___ ______ _______ ______
.......O ct . »
ll.ii jr.r,
( t r t 11
il ill 2HX__ ____________________
Itola de He»ae
..... ...... —... .....O c t. 12
....O ct. I f
.... O ct. 14
.... O ct. 15
Uiui-rmunt Façon.....
()<-t 1«
Muaney......... ...........
.... O ct. I f
Ht. Jean, Belgium.....
O ct. 20
De Renter......... .......
(»e t. 29
Krirkhook____ __ ——.
O ct. 31
Kluin.................— .
..... Nov, 1
A udenu nie. —
__ ...
... Nov. 4
Nov . X
Knock....-U .... — .—
i» a brief tabulated Maternent o f the
aetivitica o f bin company and given in
cryptic form the interesting /«.int» of
the company’» history:
•Tilly lx
Real rump............ — — ... ...... July 19
Rest rump......... ....— ____ . ... July 21
En rout» to front...............
(.‘until ilu Non)................... ...... Hept 10
Hept. 13
Ht. Mihirl reserve
Sept. 1«
First trurk ridr............. .....
Night hike».........................
Fimt shell fir e ....................
Kept. 23
u <l*y................
Otis a In rrn............................ ..... Hept. 25
Ov« r tht* top....................... ..... Hept. 2d
Mach in«« gun«.............. ..... ..... Hept. 2X
l*ow<J*r river....................... ..... Hept. 29
On tin* tin«*........................ .........(»et. 3
Ordered back ...................... .........Oct. fi
Over the top........................ .........Oct. 9 1
.Machine gun*...................... ....... Oct. 10
O bjective............. .............. ...... Oct. 12
Coming out................... ..... ..... „Oct. 13
Ort 14 Loggers and Lumbermen of This Sac
Ort 15
tion W ill Have Big Tims on th*
Mtill hiking........................ ....... Oct. 1«
New rlothes und bath.......... .......Oct. 17
Night Before Fourth.
....... Oct. 20
O ct
Night bombing.................... ...... Oct. 30
Jumpc<! o ff....... .................. ....... Nov. 1
Turnip drive_____ ___ ______ ....... Nov. 3
R»-»t ....................................
....... Nov. 9
Fini la Guerre (war is over) ..... Nov. IX
A ode nn rile.... .. .... .....
..... Nov. 21
...Nov. 18
Ilomliche---- ----------
..... Nov. 23
K>»«h........... -
..... Nov. 24
M uegh I u m_______ ___
„.N ov. 24
Day a ie.„.................
.......Dec. 4
Nascboughoebc--- ....
B illets” ...” ....................... ....... D ec. 7
...... D ec . 4
M ulcbek.......................
........ D ec. X
____Dec, , 7 Crossing no man’s land------
Ht a d r a ...............— ...
Dec .30
Crom beke.................
...... Dec. 30
„..D e c . 30
........Jan. 1
löget I« Boutrou, France— — Jan. 1 Hiked to Nugent le Tour..... __ March 21
le Ile li
J“ “- 1
Box car ride to Ht. Nazuirre ... March 23
Nugent le Kutrou.......... ............Murch 21
...... April 2
Ht. Nnzuirre----------------------- March 23
Bunk fatigue— —__— .....— ...... April 3
17. H. H. Mexican---------------------Aprii 2
Storm (2) inspection.....— ... ......\pril 15
Atlantic ocean....™...—-------
—.Aprii 3
..... April 24
Caino Mill», L. I ............ .... - ....... April
.... April 25
Pena*. U ne R K----- --------------- Aprii 24
.... Auril 27
Milwaukee A Ht. Faul K y .......... Aprii SS
Chicago, Milwaukee à Ht. Faul April 2S Crossing the Rocky Mtns-——....April 29
Camp l.cwi»------- ----- --- - .... —.April 20 1:30 a. ra. physical inspection
then bed..................... .............. May 1
Heattle, Wash..... — — — -------- — May 1 Visited Merle and Katie-----------May 3
On tram.—----------
Hay 3 Traveling to Fortland.
(Continued on Inst page.)
“ For goodness’ sake take out that
want ad. about a mower and rake for
sale,’ ’ yelled Kd. Adam» over the phone.
“ The pine« is being overrun by people
who want to buy them.” The ad. had
run but one week of the three for
which it had been ordered nnd h,. pit
half o f hi» money back, besides selling
the good» advertised. Hentinel wantuds
nre the result getter».
Classy job printing. Thn Hentinel.
The Cottage Grove country is not only
famous for the farm product» which it
produces but those products are becom­
ing faiuou» for their keeping qualities.
Deo r go Teeters has pumpkins and
»quashes which he put away last fall
which are in a» perfect condition now
aanthey were when picked from the
vine». He has been treating soldier boy*
with pumpkin pie«. It is pretty hard
to bent the famous, fertile, fruitful
i » i t p
zun t f t w f b
Cottage G rove’s reputation as a high
Hnmuel I- (looph ole) Markin, he of
ly civiliz«'d community and an art een
the Cmphrey A Mnrkin store, nnd of
j ter is likely to bo ruined by n prowling
baseball fame, recintly acquired a Jer­
j cougar which has shown the audacity to
sey cow from which he hoped to extract
ply its nefarious trade o f purloining
targe and rich quantities o f the lacteal
livestock just without tho city bound­
fluid to nsaist in putting robustnena into
aries. He made his first depredations
n growing family o f fine looking kid
in the Dowdy ville neighborhood a few
dies, which quality seems to hnve come
weeks ago, although ho was not seen nt
from the feminine side o f til« house.
that time. While “ U n d e” Bob Veatch
Feeding a cow is about as expensive a and hia grandchildren o f the J. E.
proposition as feeding a family, so Hum
Young family were out in the King pus
took upon himself the contract o f clear­
ing the right o f way o f the <>. F. A K. ture just northeast o f the city a fegi
day» ago, the oldest bo -, Joe, » ’ most
railway, rather took it for th« lacteal
ran into thr big cat, which jumped from
giving quadruped. The I-athSm brunch
a tree onto the trunk o f a fallen tree,
o f the rnilway passe» at the rear o f the
making a noise like falling timber. L it­
Markin domicile. H. Mackin plans to
get the cow into the barn before the tle Joe “ went right away from there”
passing of the logging train which uses and when he reach«»! the rest o f the
tho road in the early morning only, but party, from which he had been sepnrat
ed, he was white with fright. Varmint
one morning recently it took him too
dog» will be us»*»l in an attempt to rid
long to attend to his paternal duties
nbout the house, or the train was a little the neighborhood of the feline prowler
early. Be that as it may, a hurried trip
to the railway right of wny after the BOY K IC K E D BY HORSE
passing of the train showed thnt the
cow had crossel the tracks with her
Chester, nine-year-old son o f Mr. and
tether and all that could be found at
the time was the remnins o f the iron Mrs. M. C. Robbins, o f Mosby Creek,
chain to which the cow had l>een at­ sustained injury to one eur, a frac­
tache»!. After the train returned and a tured juw and other injurie* Saturday
seareh failed to show any signs of the afternoon when kicked by a horse. He
cow having been struck by the train, a had b«*en sent to catch a pony. The lad
further search reveille»! the animal s«im<> was rendere»! unconscious and it was
distance away quietly going nbout her several hours afterward when he came
business of removing luscious morsels of to sufficiently to drag himself to his
clover from the right o f way, ail un­ home, a distance o f a mile and a half,
aware thnt she had cau»e»l any excite­ where he swooned from loss o f blood.
The lad.was surrounded by a band of
ment of nny kind. '
range horses and it was a wonder that
he was not killed in the mixup. An ugly
LANE GETS JURY VERDICT woumi was made between the upper and
lower right jaws by a calk and another
Family Financial A ffa irs Bared In Suit calk cut through the lower part o f ths
to Regain Note.
William Lane won his case in circuit
court agninst the Bank of Cottage Drove
for the possession of a promissory note
for $32(1. This was a case wherein the
plaintiff ngroed to give his stepdaugh
ter, Helen Nowell, his property if she
would care for him the rest of his life.
Hhe handled his business and his money
and he gave her this note. Hoon after­
ward, it was alleged, she left, and ap­
parently threw up th« job of keeping
the plaintiff. Hhe placed the note*in the
bank, nnd on thnt account the bank was
made defendant in the suit. The jury
returned its verdict in favor o f Lane
allowed by the viewer«. Mr. Veatch shortly after retiring.
Hava you a home to raatf Uae a Hen- asked for $4000 a» a reasonable amount
Usai wanted.
*** of damugea.
Tbs Hentinel wants the news.
Spring flsld Man Appointed to Pines
Held by Late D. P. Burton.
Herbert Wnlker, o f Springfield, is
I.nne county’s new assessor, th« county
court having appoint*'») him to fill the
office made vacant by the death of D.
F. Burton last week. Mr. Walker will
assume the duties o f the office at once.
Two Sailors Return.
Leon C. Arn« and Nelson Whipps,
both o f whom were in the navy, have
returned home during the past week.
Mr. Arne waa in the service two years.
Major F. L. Abbey, general manager
o f the l^oyal I-egion o f l»g g e rs and
Lumbermen, and Robert H. Dill, editor
o f the 4-1, magazine, will »peak here on
the evening of July 3 in the interests
o f the 4-1, organization. Both are big
men in the organization.
A I.uyal Is-gmn rally has already
been planned for the evening that these
men will be here. There will lie a com­
prehensive program of sports o f all
kinds, dancing and refreshments.
Dr. Elizabeth Wood», state psycholo­
gist o f Wisconsin and daughter o f Dr.
and Mrs. D. L. Woods, o f this city, was
recently seriously injured in an auto­
truck accident while ahe was at (Super­
ior, Wis., in connection with the duties
of her office. The auto-truck turned a
corner at high »peed. Dr. Woods en­
deavored to get out o f the way but the
Speed of the truek was so great that she
was unable tu do so and was struck and
thrown against the curb, » fractured
limb and other injuries resulting. She
is reported as resting easily at a Super­
ior hospital.
Named to Enforce Weed Law.
The Lane county court ha» determined
to fight the Canada thistle and to en­
force the law for its destruction. C. H.
Haight has been appointed to see that
the law ia enforced in the Huginaw dis
trict and C. D. Van Valin has been ap­
pointed in the Dorena district.
Miss Barbara Kennedy, o f Long
Beach, Calif., who is visiting here, nar­
rowly escaped drowning in Bow River
Wednesday white swimming with a par­
ty of young people. Hhe tired out while
in deep water and had gone down for
the second time before rescued by W il­
bur Spray, who succeeded in getting her
to shallow water.
Tells of Tuscania Sinking.
I-ester Hanford, who was on his way
to France on the Tuscania upon that
ill-fated trip when it waa sent to the
bottom by a submarine, aaya that he
wants to go through no more such exper
¡dice*. A great roar followed the strik
ing of the ship by the torpedo. All those
who were on the lower decks thought
their time had come, but after succeed­
ing in getting on deck, they seemed to
lose fear. They did not take to the life ­
boats, because the members o f the crew
had taken most o f them and left the
ship, while the soldier boys did not
know much about lowering them and
the ropes were in such rotten condition
that it was dangerous to bo in them
while they were being lowered. Hon
ford remained on deck until rescued by
an English destroyer and says that hi's
stay in Ireland after bi'ing rescued was
one of the most pleasant experiences o f
his life.
Miss Mlnshall, Hostler for Tour L M ag­
asine, Is Favorably Impresami
With O. O. Camps.
Miss Mildred Minshail, daughter of
Mr. und Mr». F. H. Minshail, visited
this district during the past week in ths
interest o f the 4-L magazine. M i»» Mm-
shall does not appear to be out o f her
teen* but she give» every evidence of
being well qualified for the work »lie
is doing and the members of the 4 1,
organization are her ardent admirers
and almost to a man are nubncriber» to
the magazine which she represents and
for which she takes subscriptions as
well as news items. Clad in khaki nhe
drive» her own car and goes into the
mills and logging camps after news and
subscriptions. Hh« reports being given
every courtesy by both employer» and
employes and says the Cottage Drove
country is the cream of her district. In
intelligence she believes the workers o f
this district average well above the av­
erage for the state. Mho is an enthusias­
tic booster for the Loyal legion and
says that it is a sure-go and the greatest
thing that ever has been put over for
both employers and employes in the lum­
ber business.
Teaehers so far elected for next year
are as follows: W. G. Beattie, superin­
tendent; J. F. Godard, manual truioing;
Mrs. Orpah Benson, domestic science
and art»; Miss Lulu Currin, high school
principal; Miss Georgia Kinsey, Mrs.
Beatrice Beebe and Miss Margaret Mc­
Donald, high school faculty; Mr*. lima
Beager, principal west side high school;
Mis» Adelle White and Miss Mariette
Hamant, teaehers o f junior high; Miss
Carolyn Rebelling, primary; Miss Hilda
Harden, third grade; Misa Marjorie
Hhay, fourth grade; Miss Frances Cox,
fifth grsde; Mis» Nora (jueen, probably
third and fourth, west side; Miss Eva
Hopper, probably first and second west
side. Mrs. Frank Woodruff has been
elected to a position but has not yet
been assigned. Miss Bertha Htepbens
was elected for the second grade but
has resigned to accept a position in Eu­
gene. This ia the only position left to
fill. No arrangements have been made
for teaching military training.
The home o f Frank Anlauf, o f Anlauf,
was destroyed by fire at t> o ’clock Hat-
urday evening. The only ones in tb j
house at the time were Mrs. Anlauf,
the daughter, Miss Audrey, and Grand­
ma McCulley. The upper floor was a
mass of flames when discovered. Mrs.
Anlauf and her daughter had a d iffi­
cult time in getting the grandmother
out o f her room on that floor, where she
had been asleep. The house and con­
tents, with the exception o f the piano
and a few articles o f furniture and
clothing, were entirely destroyed. Miss
Audrey, who was in the bath at the time
the fire was discovered, lost all her
clothing and personal effects with the
exception o f those hastily donned in the
The Haginaw and Delight Valley
school districts (or the Delight Valley
and Haginaw districts, according to
which side o f the river upon which you
happen H live) will have two splendid
new school houses at the opening o f the
fall term. The Delight Valley district
has but recently been made a s*kparate
district. Both school houses will be
strictly modern in every respect, with
all the frills o f city schools. In fact,
there is something o f rivalry as to which
district shall have the best and most
up-to-date building.
A red hot game o f baseball is prom
ised for Sunday, when tho crack Row
River organization will be here to mix
with the local team. The Row River
team has been putting up a s t iff article
o f the great national sport and it is
said that the fans who will accompany
the team are prepared to back the boys
to the limit, despite the fact that the
local team has not yet met defeat.
The battery for Row River will be
Wicks and Smith nnd for Cottage Grove
tellers or Crosby nnd King. The gnme
will be called at 2:30.
Auto Accident at London.
London, Ore., June 25.— (Special to
The Hentinel.)— Wm. I-ively met with
an automobile accident Hundny evening
while on his way from Cottage" Grove to
Ixindon. He met another car on the ap­
proach to the Rouse mill bridge and in
turning quickly to avoid an accident
the Lively car was overturned. Mr.
L iv e ly ’s family and Miss Alice Brad­
ford were in the car, th« latter being the
only one injured. Hhe was taken to
Word bus been receive«! from Hoi
Cottage Grove, where it was found she
Coffman that he still is on the other
had suffered a sprained arm.
side with the U. H. 8. Lucy. He wrote
from Constantinople.
Robert Malcolm Takes Bride.
When Robert Malcolm returned a few
days ago from a visit in California he R Y A N GET8 H I8 M O N EY BACK:
brought with him a bride, who formerly
was Miss Mabel Hughes, o f Montague,
Calif. The wedding took place June 1(1
nt Yreka, nnd the couple took a honey­
Three men who eume here from Port­
moon trip to Heattle and Tacoma.
land a few days ago to work for Mr.
Ryan on the Pacific highway job fig ­
Children's Day Observed.
ured in a case in justice court yester­
Children's day was observed Sunday day. It was alleged that their fare bad
at the churches o f the community with been paid for them and that they were
appropriate programs, that at the Meth­ indebted to Mr. Ryan for board when
odist church being an elaborate one, the they decided to mom on to greener
receipts going to the educational fund pastures. Mr. Ryan did not propose to
of thi* church.
be mulcted in that manner and caused
their arrest while they were at the ata
0. O. Wins From Oakland.
tion ready to leave the eity. They paid
Cottage Grove won from Oakland in Mr. Ryan the money due him and their
a somewhat one-sided baseball game on fine» without prote»t.
the local grounds Sunday, the »core be­
The committee on thn Salvation army
ing 0 to 1.
drive rep*irU that Mr. Ryan immediate­
ly turned hi« part o f the proceed» over
The Sentinel wants the news.
••• to that fund.