Cottage Grove sentinel and Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Oregon) 1915-1921, June 20, 1919, Image 6

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Heott and Merle and Etta Heutt and Ur
I’euoyer nnd bis father.
Mrs. Hciistou und family went to
A Special Underprice Offering in the
Millinery Department
Some of the season's best styles, trimmed with feathers, flowers and novelties.
On our notion table you w ill find a complete assortment of
Models formerly priced at
itemj used every day in the year.
$6.75, $5 50 and $4.76—
Reduced to ............................................................« 1 . 5 0 , « 3 . 9 5 and « 2 . 8 5
C lark's cotton sewing thread, per spool............................... 5 ^
Clark 's mercerized thread in colors, per spool .................... 5 ^
Clark 's “ W oolsaver” cotton, all colors, per ball
......... 3 0 < *
Coats’ crochet cotton, in white and c o l o r s .........
2 ball* 2 5 c 4
C lark's lustre cotton, all colors............... spool;
2 for
Ladies’ Hosiery
A ll silk knitting and crochet thread, per spool ...............5 0 < *
W ashable middy braid, 4-yard bolts, per b olt.................. |()<^
Complete assortments of cotton, lisle, fibre and threud silk.
Pearl buttons, assorted sizes, per c a rd ..............................J 0 g*
A representative
range of colors.
W ilsnap fasteners, all sizes, black and white, per dos . . .
Burson hose in heavy black cotton, per p a ir...............................................-15c4
Hooks and eyes, per c a rd ................................................
"Bonnie B ” hair nets, assorted colors........- 1 5 c 4; 2 for 2 5 c 4
L ad ies’ fine lisle hose, black, white, gray and cordovan, per pair
s 0 0C *
Ladies' artificial silk hose in black, white and colors, per p a ir............. « f . 0 0
Black silk covered buttons, two sizes, per card | 0 g* and 1 5<*
Ladies' pure thread silk hose, black, white, navy, gTay, bronze and tan, priced
Colgate's talcum p ow d er................................................. . . . 1 9 c 4
at a *
................................................... « 1 . 5 0 . « 1 . 6 5 . « 2
and « 2 . 2 5
Ricrac braid in colors and widths, per b o lt........................ J 0 g*
Bias tape in black and white, per b o l t . . * .......................... 5 ^
N ail files, each........................................................................1 0 c 4
Good quality whisk broom s............. •................................. 2 5 c 4
Largest and Best Selected Stock of
Shoe trees, for ladies' shoes, per p a ir..................................1 0 c 4
Button molds, all sizes, per doz.....................................
5 ^
Belting, fitted or plain, all widths, per y a r d ____1 0 ^ to 2 5 c 4
Men’s furnishings
Powder P u ffs : Velour, washable, 1 0 c 4; all wool Sealpax 2 5 c 4
Mending tissue, per package............................................ ’ . . . 5 c 4
5 ^ and 1 0 < *
b o x ............................ 1 5 ^ to 2 5 c 4
Hairpins, amber and wire, per p a c k a g e ............
Shoe polish, all colors, per
other makes, in every wanted style— long sleeves, ankle length; short sleeves,
ankle length; short sleeves and knee length;
H air bow fasteners, each......................................................... 5 ^
sleeveless and
CUlldrau's Day Program.
The Hagiimw Hominy school will oh
serve Children’s day Hnturday, J iiiihw B,
in the gruve just back of the arhuol
house alte. A basket dinner will be one
of the enjoyable features. The following
program will Ite gl van;
Hong. “ Onward, ('brillimi Holdlera“
— He loud.
Hcripturr Rending and Prayer— lire
Bur gena.
Recitation, " A l l Fixed U p "
Reeitutlon “ My
Likes’ * — I.orile
Hang, “ H h i n • Hliine“ - Mrs. I .Am
aril ’» Class
Exercise, “ W,, Hhoold Get Out to Hun
day Hchool’ ’ Ina Elliott and Clifford
Recitation, " B a b y nt Church“ - An
na Fogle.
Hong Huby Elliott,
t i n . is.-, 1 ' G o d ’a 0 1 f t " r o w LHIIa
Hang, " O u r Happy Childrens’ Day ..
knee length,
.....................................................$ 1 . 2 5 . « 1 . 4 5 , $ 1 . 8 5 and « 2
“ French-m aid" cap, net, assorted colors, each....................I O C 4
Tooth brushes, each............................................................... 2 5 c 4
Drill, ’ “ American
Iteoulies“ - Hu
Young ladies.
Hang, " B e a Hero“ - Bible Class
Exercise, “ W e ’ll Throw You a K i a t "
— Two Little Girls.
Recitation, " G o o d b y n "
Mury Allen
Offering Ine* Fogle.
Hang, “ The Christian’s Hare“ * The
The public generally ia invited.
Tatting shuttles, each................. * 3 ....................................
Knitting needles, celluloid and a m b e r ............. 2 0 < ^ and 2 5 c 4
Fancy silk elastic, pink and blue, suitable for children's half
sox garters, per y a r d ............................................................. 1 5 ^
M iss Dirk ’« I ’lass.
Hen lotion, “ G o d ’s Message “ —Gwen­
dolyn llaight.
Hong, “ 1 Am Jesus' Little I .muli“ —
Nel i Dink.
M e n ’s summer weight union suits— Lewis, Porosknit, P. Q. A., B. V. D , and
Kid curlers, per dozen..........................................................
Hpriugftelil Saturday.
Mr and Mrs. O. II Jarrett und dsugh
ter visited Sunday at the home of Mr.
Jarrett'a father, H II. Jarrett.
Mr. I'euuyer, of Oakland, Calif , Is
visiting at the home of his son, W. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard nnd family and
Mrs. Heott ami Ettn were in the Grove
Mr nnd Mrs. Beck went to Eugene
Hntnrdu.v, returning Hunday.
Mr. Johnson nnd nlster, Mrs. Mlmvrr,
spent Sunday at I heir homo here.
Miss Flossie M ut his went to Spring
field Friday.
Miss I.illio Knight was home from Ku
gene for Ihe ween olid.
Curl Nichols, of Engle Point, In visit
mg friends here.
Ilea Johns ami Riley Debenu are vis l
tling nt the Hhuron home.
Grover Pont unii alatori Eunice and
Minnie nini Miss Minnie Wilaon, of
Ornili, visited Hunday at the W. !..
Leonard home.
A D S.
Geo. II. Brainard, Real Estate and In
serance, timber laada. mining prop
erty, farming property end city prop
Por Bala Two boraa tiding cultivator.
four shovel«. Fur particulars iuquiro
Dr. Hamilton.
Por Bala Oood
Crunk M. t . i l
frenh milch
cow*. Bee
Wanted To buy a ■unit f u r a ; must
be rhenp fur rush. Give full descrip­
tion, location and price in first letter.
ry Combs, John Small, Henry Small,
John Massey, Hubert and Julian Small,
Mr. and Mr». Will Jones, Mr. and Mrs.
Alex Small and daughter lads, Howard
Cox and Mins Elsie Heck.
W. A. Heck returned from a trip to
Eugene Tuesday.
(Special to The Sentinel.)
•Tun« 18.— Mr. and Mrs. G o r g » Powell
and family and Mina Nancy Sutherland,
of Lor&ne, visited relatives here the
first of the week.
freshments of ice cream and m k « were
K. G. Conner sheared sheep for the
Jacksons below Walker Monday and
Mr. Rose and his two girls, from near
Harrisburg, were overnight guests Wed
newlay at the J. A. Jell home.
Mrs. Hterling is visiting for two or
three weeks with her mother on the
Mrs. Jackson and iAiis were in E i-
g. uo Wednesday.
Lee Nixon is helping Clyde Wright
put up hay this week.
The George Hall family, of the Grove,
visited Monday evening at th„ Nixons.
Everett Powell is helping J. W. Shut
tuck this week.
(Speeial to The Sentinel.)
June 19.— The Chas. Conner family
spent Sunday at the W. P. H uff home
Mr. and Mr». W ill Lively returned in the Grove.
from Idaho last week.
Howard Keene and Jess^ Tucker mo­
Miss Sibyl Cellers, of the Grove, has tored down to Sweet Home Monday and
been visiting at the J. W. Bemis home. when returning stopped off at Browns
Emerson Keithley, of The Dalles, ville and Miss Inez Tucker accompanied
them home.
spent a few days here last week.
Carl Nichols, of Central Point, is vis­
Miss Hester Bemis, wh*> has been
teaching a term of school at Marsh iting in the neighborhood.
field, is home again.
A return game here Sunday with the
Mr. and Mrs. Sweetland, of Portland, Dorena team was won by Dorena.
(Hpecial to The Sentinel.)
are visiting Mrs. Sweetland’s sister,
June 18.— Mr. and Mrs. Vining, of San
Mr. Kayser and Mr. Lavertre, of M a­
Mr». Will Massey.
Jose, Calif., are visiting Mrs. Vining ’»
bel, were here over Sunday.
Among those who went to the Grove
Mrs. Ernest Sears entertained the O. uncle, B. B. Ijickey.
Tuesday were E. Geer, Will Lively. Hen- T. X. club Wednesday afternoon. Be-
Mr. and Mrs. Arbogast, of Stanfield,
visited a part of lust week at L G.
Markham '».
Miss Jessie Wineeoff, «,f Eugene, is
visiting her father, C. H. Wineeoff, and
her sister, Mrs. Emina Kelly.
C. H. Wineeoff gave his daughter,
Mrs. Emma Kelly, a surprise birthday
dance Saturday evening.
Allyn Markhum has bought a Stude-
The diflerence between a peniten­
baker car.
Mrs. J. Q. A. Young and Johnnie b u r ­
tiary and a palace ¡ k Jargefy a mat­
lile were up to Ixmdon Wednesday.
ter of detail. Both are designed
for human habitation and serve
equally well to protect the inmates
from the elements.
But one is a vastly more com­
fortable place of abode than the
So It Is With
> Deep-Curve
Kryptok Lenses
Are Belter
Crudely fitted glasses may help
help your vision, but great care in
every detail of adjustment is es­
sential to safety and comfort.
Y ou r eyes are worth a correctly
fitted pair of glasses.
Bring Your Prescriptions Here
Factory on Premises
881 W I L L A M E T T E
P H O N E 362
You can get them her«. 1
Home : o-Made : Flour
Pride of Oregon, Soft Wheat Flour
H. & H. Hard Wheat Flour
Made by Cottage Grove
Phone 80
Milling Company
furious game of ball on the Intter's dia
mond Sunday afternoon. The score stood
15 tu 6 in favor of Row River.
. *
Among Cottage Grove visitors'from
here Saturday were S. II. Vaughn, Mrs.
G. H. Sloan, Chns. Pleuard and family,
Mrs. Frank Pleuard, Mrs. A. Paquette,
B. K. Bennett, Mrs Foye Johnson, II.
Estahrook, S. S. Trask and wife and
Frank Potts and wife.
Raymond Gillespie returned to Row
River Sunday after a week’s v isit at
Cottage Grove.
Mrs. A. B. Anderson nnd children re
turned Thursday after spending a week
at Eugene.
The basket social given nt the rook
house Saturday night was well attended.
The proceeds were grid. The money will
go towards buying baseball suits for tbe
bull players.
Hubert Mosby nnd Homer Patten
went to work at Hujadu Tuesday.
Elsie Pleuurd and Mabel Mosby were
Tuesduy callers nt Dorena.
Mr. und Mrs. Fred Weatherly, of Cot­
tage Grove, called at the B. F. MeCol
luin home Tuesday evening.
Mrs. J. It. Mosby and daughter Lctn
went to Marcola for a week’s visit
Albert Vaughn nnd Alfred Williams
were in Cottage Grove Sundny morning
to sco the airplanes.
Bertha Tanner visited relatives in Do
rena the past week.
Oaklie and Herbert McGuire were
called home Tuesday evening on anrount
of the death of their sister, Rosa.
(Hpecial to The Sentinel.)
June 18.- Bert Isaacson, Philip Mon
by, Alfred Pleuard, Hoy Wilcox and
Bill England attended the carnival at
Springfield Saturday afternoon.
Jimmie Haskell, Leonard Paquette,
Hoy Wilcox, Raymond Mulligan, Edith
Messenger, Mabel, Doru und Philip Mo»
by attended th<> graduating exercises at
Dorena Friday night.
Miss Hattie VanVIiet, of Eugene, vis
¡ted friends at this place Tuesday and
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Phelps, of Port­
land, who have been visiting at the J.
A. Phelps home for two weeks, returned
borne Wednesday.
Prank Jones, of Upton, spent Hunda}-
with home folks at this place.
Mr. and* Mrs. H. A. White and daugh­
ter Hazel, of Eugene, visited at the G.
L. Gillespie home Sunday.
Milton Bowers, of the Eugene Bible
university, preached at the Star school
bouse Sunday morning and evening.
Among those from here who attended
the dance at Wildwood Saturday night
were Albert Vaughn, Dave and Fred
Williams, Helen Williams, Mabel Mosby
and Elsie and Grace Pleuard.
J. B. Mosby was a Cottags Grove vis­
itor Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Conner moved to
Chambers’ camp at Star Tuesday.
Haven Potterf, of Crexwell, and Chas.
James, of Wuitsburg, Wash., visited at
the J. A. Phelps home Tuesday and
Hubert Mosby went to Marcoln last
Thursday and returned Sunday.
The Row River baseball team played
the Delight Valley team a fast and
(Hpecial to The Hentinel.)
June 18.— Thu fifth annuul com­
mencement exercises of the Dorena high
school were held in the church Friday
evening. Professor Fitts, of Oregon Ag
rimltural college, gave the address,
“ Ideals and Htandurds of America.“
The graduates who received their diplo­
mas were Belle VniiHchoinck, Eunice
VanValin, I.eland Willits, Hubert Mos­
by nnd John Teeters. This is the largest
class in tbe history of the school to
Those from Cottage Grove who at­
tended the commencement dem ises hero
Friday evening wer Dr. und Mrs. H. II.
Petrie, accompanied by a cousin, Mrs.
Ada line Caldwell, of Helen ville, Win.;
Mrs. Annie Teeters, Miss Elsie Lea,
Misses Joyce and Myrtle Teeters, Mrs.
Mabel Mi-Kililien und two children,
Mrs. J. H. Chambers and son Victor,
Mrs. Hiieklye and Miss Hazel Mtephens.
Mrs. Carl Volgumoro, of Marcóla, and
Miss Hattie VanVIiet, of Eugene, at­
tended the commencement exercises.
Friday evening.
Miss Edna Prior, of Oregon City, is
making an extended visit with her sis
ter, Mrs. Alphonse LcHlue.
The annual school meeting was held
Monday afternoon with a ¡urge crowd
in attendance.
Mack Htewart was
chosen as the new director und C. D.
VnnValin wns reelected clerk.
D. L. England has purchased u Ford.
Miss Daisy Hnles went to Hpringfield
Huturday to be the guest of her friend,.
Roberta Wilson, for a week or two.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Teeters and fam­
ily motored to Pleasant Hill Saturday
to attend the picnic. They visited the-
Taylor Needham family at Thurston
Knturday uight und Hunday.
Miss Rebecca Bales went to Eugene
Friday to meet her friend, John R.
Chapman, who has just returned from
Frunee with the -Oth engineers. Mr.
Chapman returned home with her Mon
day morning.
Mins Ora Russ, of 1.0* Angeles, Calif.,
is making an extended visit with the
Bales fuiuily.
Mrs. J. t^. Willits returned Frida;
from attending grund lodge and the rose
show in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Ward nnd
family ntteuiled the irrigation jubilee in
Hpringfield Halurduy.
Miss Annie Lindsay, assistant teacher
in the high school for the past term,
left Saturday fur her home in Corvallis.
J. H. Kirk has Installed a gasoline
service tank in front of his store.
Giren Land has purchased the Ford
ear of his uncle, Nias Land.
(Hpecial to The Hentinel.)
June 18.— Wm. Porter, of the U. of
()., is horn,, for the summer vacation.
(yiiito a number from here went to
Hpringfield Hnturday to see the air
Mrs. W. A. Renne nnd three children,
Mrs. Neul, Cora, and Mabel ami Ralph
Moshurg motored to Cottage Grove Hun
day und saw the airplanes start on their
journey south.
John Hcimne mine home for n week
end visit.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguson nnd Geo.
Tellier were dinner guests with Mr. nnd
Mrs. l.ebow Sunday.
D. •!’. Caldwell nnd two sons nre up
near Dexter peeling poles on a rontrnet.
James Huntsman left Tuesday for
Relativist from Eugene visited with
the Briggs people Sunday.
Laurence nnd Kelse Fisher were din­
ner guests in thu llemnic home Hunday.
The Huntsman fnmily gave a party
Saturday night.
Mrs. Klindt and children,! of The
Dalles, are here for an extended visit
with her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Will James, from east
of Creswell, were In the Hollow Sun
A ibi rese P. O. Bos DM, Cottage Grove.
1 tragón.
1U B7pd
Por Bala « o aeran, mora or I an*, of best
laud in Willamette valley. All under
cultivation and irrigation, timid fence. *
A ppljf Sentinel
Jaadt fa
Por Bala The E. 0. Blsbey borne on
south Sixth. 8HIM). Terms. Apply Mr*.
J. T. Mansur, M.H south Histb.
Jn« 20 p
Por sala cheap or Undo for young stock.
small fnmily horse, harnee* nnd loo
buggy. All in first class condition. I
have no une for them. II. II. Quimby,
2 mi east on Stock* place.
jnll 20pd
Want to trade two good lots In Coquille.
rione in, for a Chevrolet, or possibly
for n late model Ford. Ho* .'16.1, Col
tuga Groan, Ora.
jno ROpd
Lata cabbage planta for sala. Danish
Bullhead. Bert Hands, Cottage Grove.
j80 Jlytpd
Little pigs for sale. Phone B-P13. jSOpd
A 5-room bungalow for sale cheap If
taken nt once. Ed. Ilaugeberg. Her
miston, Ore.
Tor Bala- Mower, rake, bay carrier
nteel truck, 60 tooth harrow.
Adams, 1*4 ml. south of Grove on
Brow o place.
jnSO |i '
1 1 " 1
rarm for Bale 86'/„ arrea 3 mila* west
of Walker. Will sell at sacrifice ah
account of aleknesa. Good house and
outbuildings, family orchard, nil fenced
and cross fenced. George Tellier; Walk
cr, Ore.
jn20 jly llp d
Mr. and Mr*. Horace Strong, of Wash.,
and a brother, of Portland, motored up
fur n visit with their mother, Mrs. Sin
ter, nnd other relative* here. Mr*. Hln
ter and her family expert to go to l-eb
nnon the 20th of this month to attend a
family reunion there.
Mrs. It. Y. Porter and Miss Ivy ro
turned Monday from their Portland trip.
Miss Vivian Strong, who has attend
el the U. of ()., has joined her parents
A number of our farmers took their
wool to Cottage Grove Tuesday. Home
wild nnd some brought it home.
8 A O IN A W .
(Special to The Sentinel.)
June 18. Those in the Grove Hntur­
day were Mr. and Mr*. Fogle nnd furn
ily, MV. and Mm. Leonard nnd family,
Mr. Henntnn nnd son llnrrv, Mrs. Briggs
ned son Ernest, Mr. nnd Mrs. Dick nnd
family, Mr. aad Mr*. Knight, Mr*.
Foley’s Honey awl Tar
Fw e sw Y w
* . S w A e J Fw a* O m A MsBwes
Take Na 5e*e«tf ere f » r Foley*» W~*«y tk The