LAST THOUGHTS OF ROOSEVELT Desired Republicans to Close Ranks and Give Attention to Domestic Issues. TANGIBLE EVIDENCE OF WISH. C*ton«t H a rv a y In N o rth Am orlcan Ro­ v i« « « P resents Facsim ile o f Pon- d ie d M em orandum L o ft b y Roosevelt. Theodor* Rooaevelt'a last thoughts were o f the great domestic Issues of hla country, Issues whoso determina­ tion wUl decide the weal or woe o f tho next generation. He aaw In a united Republican party, Just given a vote o f confidence and'a commlsslou to formu­ late and carry Into action policies o f reconstruction, the guarantee o f the prompt recognition and successful handling o f these domestic problems. Tangible evidence o f this Is a memo­ randum. the last penciled thoughts of the late President T o Colonel George Harvey and the North American Re- ■yV.«V>, EVERY „am ,»« .„d fabric w, arc* c.rric. a »' Th. EVER garni w hich alway» ootnag with the panning of " new .tyle. arc no. much lllode, „ d m a fc.l W,th th. war only . wiuur » the, arc a cmnp.C ch„n»c h r (Mhlon, o| * fac-off echo, and th. aurc«, of C ™ d F £ « „ coming reason »how a reawakening of the denre lor me ocauu.u., / / pressed creation, of joyfu, de.„m to which the of th, .„no, . «armouU h.e. ** L e h „ « of dainty decorative handiwork, and«htful beauty In oolorin«. and rich materiria H THE COMING BLOUSES The Coming Wash Fabrics ■ V' / Th..,. h. » blouses «di rapeeiallj tatare* tho woman »)>••*. Hire« to I h * correct in the styling o f her complete attire Silk Coatings and Wool Dress Goods nuit« ami the style character reflect« the new note of giMty and brightm-an which la the diatingiiiahing feature of ail wg u s fashions Priosd $600 t o l l s To give the style features of the new dress fabrics in cotton, wool, ami silk we are showing tells but half the story of the many new colorings and mater­ ials. \ ou really must see them for your­ self. The Coming NEW COTTON WASH GOODS Corsets Among the new cotton wash fabrics we are showing are the new figured voiles, linweave and linaire fabrics in dainty printed designs. Nearly all patterns are a yard wide. Priced a yd.. 25c to $1.00 • ài fl NEW SILKS We are showing !>eautiful new chiffon taffeta silks in plaids, stripes and solid colors with georgette crepe to match; also new embroidered and printed pon­ gee; 36-inch to 40-inch widths; priced a yard..................... ....... $1.65 to $2.25 Imile Facsim ile o f L ast M em orandum o f i lone I Roosevelt, Penciled a Few Colonel H o u rs Before H e Died. view the country and the Republican party are Indebted for the publication of this Interesting document which car­ ries a message from him “ who, being dead, yet speaketh." In the leading article o f the current number o f the North American Review Colonel Har­ vey sets forth the vital Import o f this last penciled notaUon o f Mr. Roose­ v e lt He says: “ Mr. Roosevelt died *he acknowl­ edged leader o f the great party Into which he was born. His last written words, penciled by his own hand a few hoars before his death and addressed In the form o f a memorandum for the brilliant young man for whose selec­ tion aa Chairman o f the National or­ ganization he was largely responsible, were these, as reproduced above In facsim ile: “ ‘Hays see him; he must go to Washington fo r 10 days; see Senate and House; prevent split on domestic policies.’ “ Here Is evidenced as clearly as If the few words filled a volume Mr. Roose­ velt’s realization o f both his responsi­ bility and bis obligation. The simple memorandum marked the Inauguration o f a definite party policy, to be carried through to a no less definite conclusion. It was more than a passing thought or a mere suggestion. It was a Message, signifying the need o f Immediate and unremitting vigilance In achieving complete unity o f action In resolving domestic problems before attacking those o f wider range soon to be thrust upon the country— a true soldier’s call first to close the ranks. “ Nothing could be more characteris­ tic or more clearly Illustrative o f the breadth o f vision, the foresight, the directness In method and the painstak­ ing attention o f the man. Nothing, too, probably could have served bis purpose better than that these words should have been bis last. Difficult as It Is to reconcile oneself to the decree o f Divine Providence that the re­ moval o f that great patriot at this cru­ cial moment was not untimely, we can­ not but realize, as he would have been the first to acknowledge, that the last vestige o f animosities which might have continued to Impair hts highest aspirations was burled with him, and thereby the perfect union which he so ardently desired against all tilings un- American wag attained. “ Thus we find the Republican party resuming full legislative authority thoroughly united and Invigorated by the peculiar confidence which so often carried It to victory In former years." ROOSEVELT’S DEPARTING WORDS TO HIS COUNTRYMEN Col. Rooeevelt died about 4 o’clock on the morning o f January 6. The previous evening a t,a great patriotic rally In the New Tork Hippodrome a message was read from him, written especially for the occasion. In It waa this striking sentence: “ W e have room for hut one flag, the American flag, and this excludes the red flag, which symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization Just as much as It exclude« any foreign flag o f a nation to which we are hostile, • • • and we have room for but one aoul loyalty, and that la loyalty to the A m e ric an people.” NEW WOOL COATINGS Our coatings arc 56 inches wide in pop­ lin and fine quality velour in new pas­ tel shades which are especially adapted for the new capes and dolman coats. Priced a yd.................... $3.50 to $5.00 NEW WOOL DRESS GOODS ^ ou will find here all the desirable light weight weaves in wool d ress goods at the lower prices— all the de­ sirable colors. The yd...... $1.50 to $2.95 Kvrry model ha* born dofinltolji d-Mgm-d t" ha »■•"* »»ih the ad Correct Silhouette Corsati The need ta great this M-ason fon The Coming more than uaually rxart shapri comet to pro|»erly art o ff th« art Silk S k irts silhouette o f auit and d r « » atybe Here are the new sha|H-a ready f* There New Spring Skirt» Will Ple&M the Discriminating The selection of a spring skirt is your fittin g, Kb »h pink made easy by these very bet... ling styles in which the new skirts are fashioned. Varying from novel, flowing drapes, to the trim tula* styles. Shown in full range ol waist and length sizes. Priced at each...._................ $5.00 to $11 00 ami new topless burnt style*, qui and white, plain » brocaded modrla and mediUBi,laa ity rorseta prierd $2 00 to M It I THE QUALI TY STORE-C oop RULES FOR WRITERS. When the situation clamors for a par­ donable lie, Please begin your observation with “ As no one will deny.’ ’ With a modest little, bashful little e f­ fort to deceive, Kindly use the introduction, “ We have reasons to believe.” When the information’s doubtful, be no whit dismayed thereat, Finding refuge in the sentence, “ 'T il an open secret that— ” You may search th« very marrow o f o f your controversial foes With that phrase of cold disparagement, “ As every schoolboy knows.” And a fraud will seem as pious as a missionary tract With the prefatory label, “ It ia an es­ tablished fa ct.” So, by paying close attention to a few such rules as these You will speedily be able to prevari­ cate with ease. —Turk. HOUSEHOLD HINTS. Better eat too little than too much. • • • Make chocolate rice pudding for va­ riety. • • • Spiced blueberries are an agreeable preserve. • • • Honey ean often be used in place o f sugHr for many kinds o f cookies. • • • Broiled fresh tomatoes with sauce go w elf with eorn bread. • • • whifie Chicken gumbo may be made w ith t tk* remnants o f a roaat ehieken. t service RED CROSS EXPLAINS WHO OETS $60 BONUS or relieved from active duty without re­ ceiving the benefits of this act should present their claim as follows: Detailed instructions as to who is en­ a— I f service was in army, to the zone titled to the lainus and how the bo­ finance officer, Lemon Building. Wash nus is obtained is contained in a report ington, I). C. issued by the Bed Cross. Following are 1»— I f service was in the nnvy, to the the salient provisions o f the law provid­ disbursing officer, Bureau of Hupplies ing a gratuity to officers and men and Accounts, Navy Pepnrtment, Wash discharged from service since April ft, ington, I). C. 1917. It applies to all person serving in the military or naval forces of the United States during the present war. This is taken to cover the following: Officers and enKsted men o f the reg­ ular army and navy; all men in the ser­ vice of the coast guard, coast geodetic survey, lighthouse service, who have performed active service with the navy during the present war, army field clerks, members of the army nurses corps and navy nurses corps. The sum is to bn paid to all of tho above persons who have resigned or re­ A N Y men and women sre suffering ceived honorable dischurgn since April because they are treating effects instead ol removing causes. fl, 1917; who have, i f reservists, been Why bother with lioiments and placed on inactive duty; to enlisted per­ sonnel and female nurses who shall here­ lotions for rheumatic paint, backache, ■tiff joints, sore muscles, biliousness, after be honorably discharged not later nervousness, floating specks in the vision, than the end o f their current enlist­ dizziness, puffy pouches under the ryes, ments or terms o f service; to officer» or other symptoms of kidney trouble who shall resign or receive honorable when the kidneys can b*- made well and dischnrge within one year after the end strong, thus removing the cause ol tb.j symptoms? of the war, or if reservists, shall bo placed on inactive duty. It will not be paid to the following: a— Any man who had not reported for have been used lor kidney trouble and bladder ailments by men nnd women with success lor duty nt his station prior to November many v e i n Th ey teem to le t rt«ht •« the root 11, 1918. ol the trouble. InvitorerlnS end etrentthrnins. heelint end sonrhinl wrnk. sore, or disordered b— M en who have already received kidney« end bledder Th ey kelp the kidney, ■me month’s pay under the special pro­ throw out r»l th « blood t be w m « « and poiao«« that caua« the symptoms ol kida«y trouble. vision o f section 9 of the act o f May 18, 1917. O. W. Weleelnler, 2*2« Buens Vi«««.