Cottage Grove sentinel and Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Oregon) 1915-1921, March 07, 1919, Image 1

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    (Unitane (Senne Sentinel
T H E Y ’R E
A twu dny» citarne in dniry hiinliuiulry
will he held hern Friday hiii I Huturdny,
Mun ii 21 nini 22, under the nunpir.ea uf
The moment we have been looking anxiously lor ward to
Ihe ('iiltngc drove rninmerrinl club. Ar
for n year and u half baa arrived.
rangi'iuent» fur the meet lire being mode
The hoyx who tlotmed the khaki and olive dralt and w nt
hy N. H. Kuhli, ruiinty ngint, with the
blithely forth to help make the world aafe for democracy are
eim|ieriitinn uf n he ni CnmmiMeo rum
now a I m oat ax blithely returning.
| iiim ' i | uf I' K. I'ni|>hrey, CI. A. Ihirtell,
AH'. Jury, K. K. Mill» nini It. H. Tru»k,
The f’i.'xt of the boy» who nerved overxeax- memberx of the
Khaki Clad W arrior« Hilariouily
whn nr«' »eruring signature» nf fnrmer»,
old .Sixth eoni|iany arrive« I home Saturday anil they could
Greeted by Relative» and
25 of whom miiNt «ign up u» Imo»ter»
hardly have been any more loudly acclaimed in the countrie*
before the iu»titiite will come. They
Many Friend«
they helped to save from dextruction than they were in the
rei|iie»l limi fnrmer» wishing Ihe insti
old home town where their going broke up many a happy
tute rull nnd »ign tip. Nignntiire» are
family circle anti their return makea that circle once more com­
Wenriiig Imi li n lienvy coni <if luti nini
and happy.
The |irugrum lui» not yet been un
mi l'ipiully lieiivy umili', n nutnber uf
by many runx, rohuxt. and rugged, the khaki-dad
I ottuge Univi' '» berne* mini were un ni
huxkiex ax they alighted from the train that brought them
lii'm o f Ilio ftgiitiiig 65th nrrived buine by expert» from the Oregon Agririilturnl
home made a sight that sent thrills through thoxe who were
Sul urliliv uftOffiiMin nini nere llilnrioiinly college.
grtetril bv n mnnnler cromi nf relollve»,
on hand to greet them among whom were noted one nr two
frieinln nini mlMirem. A f le r llnmi' DCtir
who should have slunk away into aome dark corner and I lkcn
unii ileur Inni limi mi ii|i|inrlunlly In uf
for company the thought of how they refused to buy the bonds
that helped these brave lads to light and how they refused to
mureheil down Mimi «Ireet lu'liiml llie
give to the Red Cross that helped make it possible for these
Iminl In IIn* limili corner, whcro n few
boys to come home ngain.
word* nf rnynl welenmii mere npoken liy
Tomorrow in Ihe dnte of the I oi ' r I
The hoys who are buck from overxeax have gone through
l)r. Robert Sul e li f le. Il wui niiine tinte
toarhir» institute for Cottage drove.
nfler Ihe linei r n ' f r i m were rloneil lie i
many trials. They have been through living death and hell
Ieleni institut!» nre being held through
fnre Irnffie rullili Ite remimeli owing lo
inttiiy tiinex. 'They have performed deeds that will live down
out the county to tnke the plur.r of the
Ihe ninny friend* crowillng ulmut thè
Ihe centuries. They have Been wanton destruction such
mutual institute heretofore held nt Ku
Imy h lo exlenil n few wnnU nf welcome.
ns the world will never see ugain. They have done the work
The liuinl, wliirli Inni been uni leu in
of inen and heroes, but carry their honors lightly. Except that
expected to nltend the institute» held in
|| et Iter fnr Ihe ocenninn, pluyed mivernl
they now have the bearing of men and that the effect of their
their communities. Tim superintendent
lively nini fniiiiliur lune» unii thirleen
great experience is plainly shown in their quiet, gentlemanly,
of school» in cnch community is the di
Illuni» were «Imi o f f fmni Mnunt David
rector of the iiintitute for thnt com
earnest demeanor they are the same boys who left us less than
»unii nfler Ihe I m y » in olive *lrnli nlight
munity, Superintendent din»» being in I
two years ago. Their smile is just as pleasant though the laugh
e*l in Ihe uhi Inune tuwn. Thi» |*nrt of
eh urge of the one to be held here. TfN
may bo less hilarious. They are riot greatly aged in appear*
Ihe piiigruiii wn» in rhnr|{e nf Kd. Lilly,
whn limi Ihe »lini» nenlly llmi'il. The comprehensive pmgrnm which hnn been
mice though their actions may lie those of men who have per­
■rIntuì rbililren of Ihe pnmnry gradi'*, arranged i» nn follow»:
formed a life work instead of those of the rollicking, carefree
U:'li> V lisle, registrili inn nnd announce
curry mg finn», unii Ihe oiemlier» o f thè
hoys who left us a short time ago.
Ini: Il nrlumi itiililnry rom|inny pormlrd
Their going caused many u heartache to those who were
10:00 High School Depurtment; room
In Ihe «Inliuli lo ureel llie Imy* nini to
It; Mi»» Lulu Currin, chuirmnii:
proud of them, many a prayer was said for their safe return
nel n» n y un rii uf Imuor.
" I » the Tcnching of Imitili in High
(and has been almost miraculously answered), and many a
An ninfiy of Ihe Imy» n» limi lieen ex
Sellimi Drnirnhlcf” Discussion li-il by
gray hair has appeared as the result of worry for the safety
perieli tini noi u r ri ve Hnlurdny nfter
the chnirmnn.
of those held near nnd dear. Their return has brought the
nonn, liut n numlier hnve nrrived »Inre
Ilow fa n We Remedy the Injustice
uml il i» thought thnt before mnny dny»
buoyancy of youth back to many a mother and father, sweet­
of Ornatine Kipml Honor» to the 70'-,
nll whn r e t i l i neil wilh Ihe (15th wlll
heart and sister. Their return has erased the lines o f care
nnd the HHl'T Student»!” Discussion
hnve nrrived bere to vl»it rclntiic* nml
from many a face and lifted years from the shoulders of those
led by Mr. dodnnl.
friend» beforo ngnin tnknig U|> Iheir
who didn’t raise their boys to be soldiers but who did not
dulie» n» civiluin» bere or rlsowhrro.
hesilate to give them in such a cause and nre mighty proud
the High School*’ Mi»» Corn linger,
Thu»e whn bnv« boy» in Ihe 69 th nre
the way they have upheld the traditions of this great land
nnxiuu»ly looking fnr Iheir nrrivnl buine
of the frt*o and home of the brave.
ut nu ili» ( miI dnte, thi» redimi ni hnving 10:041 -tirade» mid Kurnl School Depart
ment». Mr», limn Henger, chnirmnn:
nrrived in Oregon Wednendny.
We are happy to have the boys back, but in our joy our
"M a k in g
I’p lm»t Time in the
A dnnee wn» glven in Monne hnll Mon
hearts go out to the mothers and fathers of the two from this
Ornile». ”
Dinrusslon led by Mi»«
dny evening in honor o f Ihe Imy* ni
community who made the supreme sacrifice. Those whose boys
Adelte White.
remly ni bum« nnd Ihe grange wlll givo
are buck would gludly share their joy with those whose loved
ii dmnor in Iheir hnnor Snlnrdny, Mnreh
ones are buried in the aacred soil of France.
O rn ile»"— Mr. Senter.
15. The re pmlmbly will Ite numeruu»
• • •
ulber nffuir» in iheir hunur.
room; M im Stephen*,««:
To Ihe boys who have returned, and to those who are re­
Deiuonstrntion of Primary Work—
Mo fnr n» The Sentinel hna been nlde
turning, we extend a most sincere, a most cordial, a most royal
Min» Schelling.
to leant the following i» n complete li»t
We an proud of you, hut we must warn you that
deaerai di»ru«»ion of “ How- I Do My
uf the buy« uf the 65th from thi» rum
you have done so nobly while you have been away that we
Hu«y Work in the Knrnl School».“
niunity who hnve »o fnr returned. The
expect big things of you now that you are home. We expect
pnretit» of «evernl hnve moved to other 11:00— Asnembly hour:
you to lake the helm nnd safely guide the destinies o f the nation
“ I »'»»on» in the World W’nr for
point» while Ihe buy» hnve been »way
S ch ool»"— Professor K. K. Robinson.
you have made safe for democracy. You have yourselves set
nnd in sueh ruse the point» to whieh
“ Recent School l.egi»lntion for Ore­
nu example that it may be hard for you to follow, but you have
the buy» hnve gone nre given following
gon " — Superintendent E. J. Moore.
the nnme». The lint:
never yet failed to make good and we know you are not going
Clareare S. Millie, Hnm Venteh, David 12:00 -Noon: dinner nerved by domes-
to fail us now.
tic »cience department nt 25c.
Ferguson, Walter IVthll (Creawell), O»
enr Huldmrîl (f'reswell), Hally Wither 1:00 Mu»irnl progrnm:
Vocal solo— Mrs. DesLarres.
wux (Portland), Vinnl Randall, Marvel
l.ndie»’ quartet.
Randall, Wm. Southward (P en d leto n ),
Rending Mi»» Hazel Lnurks.
Herbert Brown (Hnlem), Pete Haye»,
Vomì solo— Mrs. Roy R, Short.
Waldo Hull, Byron H. Jnrksnn (W alk
er), Kd. Queener (Snginnw), Hidli» Sin­ 1:36 “ Ilow to Mnintnin n Lively
School Spirit” — Professor J. Q. Wil-
gle. I.nwsnn Single, W'm. Vaughn, Hurry
County Engineer and Viewer 81ms Do Successful Fruit Man W ill Address
I,. Allen (fre n a rli), Vna Bentty, Kelly
Not Agree on Cutting Up of the
Gathering at Commercial Club
“ Improving Phynirnl Conditions nt
funper (Springfield), drover Deviar,
8. C. Veatch Ranch
Monday Night.
School"— <1. T. Heck.
Mnynnr Devine, Keene Devine, l^'ston
‘ ‘ Cornemtonea o f Character"-— Miss
Dovven», fhn». M. Führer, Floyd Hurt
Corn Huger, University of Oregon.
zeli, Wm. Ilaldernnn, W illi» P. Hender
Problem* in Hund W o r k ." Domestic
»na (l.ornne), fhn». Lnrkey, Kelly
art room. UisciiNMinn led by Mr».
M nndy (Snginnw>, Tlin». J. (Jufencr
(Sag innw), Daniel Kentlr, Jame» Ben-
"B u c k to School D r iv e " — Superin
tle, Kubert Shield» (D rain ), Robert
Simpson, Kddie Vnlentine, R on » A w -
tendent N. A. linker, Springfield,
brey, llnrobl Mefnrgnr, Hurry Can tier,
finning remark»— Superintendent K. J.
Abner (iilrrist, W ill Kelly, Marion On
I f any nnme» have been omitted from
Wounded Soldier» Returning.
R o y D e» I «, who w hs wounded
thi» lint, The Sentinel would be plenni'd
to be informed of the fnet.
while under fire with the I'lst division,
him arrived nt Cutup Iu-wis nnd is ex-
pected home not Inter thnn Hundny.
A pres» iliNpnteh states thnt Mnrvitl
Hmith, h I so n member of the »time di­
Cnptieux (CMromle) France, Feb. 3. vision nnd nlso among the wounded,
has nrrived nt Hoboken, together with
Cottnge drove Sentinel,
Sergeant Frank Crawford, whose nil
Cottage drove, Ore.
(To (he Filitnr.)-—1
Thought I would dress is given ns Dorenn.
»emleli you n few lines to let you know
wo nre not coming home ns soon n» you
lioople think. W e hnve from two to four
month» work ahem] of us. We sen in
the |'iiper* thnt we nre listed to eome
homo the 1st of Mnreh nnd ii I ho thnt
pnrt of on were on the Ttmennin. The
latter pnrt is so, but they must hnve
mixed it» up with some other unit. I
nin writing thin for the informntion of
other mothers besides my own. We nre
not eoming home for some time.
Yours re»|»oetfully,
Kith Co. 20th Engineer», A. E. F.
P. H.— H uh the fnmnun (15th arrived!
May Improve City Park.
The proposition of innking improve
ments at the eity pnrk hns ngnin eome
before the eommereial elub. K. K. Mills,
C. E. Umphrey, D. N. M elnturff nnd
deo. O. Knowles were appointed n com-
mlttec to tnke the proposition in rhnrgr.
Hevernl times it hns been suggested that
nn nutn enmp should be established
there nnd thnt electric lights should he
Masons W ill Entertain Soldiers.
The Masonic lodge is plnnning one or
more entertainments for those who hnve
served with the colors. The entertain
8 P R IN O FLOWF.R8 N O T A F R A ID OF ments probably will tnke the form of
(I o ’clock dinners nnd nil who hnve
nt nny time served in the Into war,
Evidence of the mildness of the either nhrimd or nt home, will be the
weather of the pnat winter 1» found in invited guests.
thn fnet thnt Spring llenntica nre now
in bloom, n Inrge number hnving been
Sentinel Editorials In Demand.
recently by Miss Constnnre
The editorial printed in The Sentinel
Hntehinnon. Jonquil» nnd dnffndils hnve some tim,. ugo giving suggestions ns to
nlrendy pushed their henda wny above nativities thnt might prove helpful for
earth nnd threaten to burst into bloom. the Oregon Chamber of Commerce to
follow, is being used by the chnmher
Orange to Honor Soldier Boys.
for publicity purposes, being the only
Oottngp drove grunge will entertain one of some hundred or more editorinls
Saturday, Mnreh IB, for the Returning of like nnture whieh hns been so hon
soldier boys nnd nll others who hnve ored.
worn the uniform. A bounteous dinner
will be served at noon.
Claaay job printing. The Sentinel. **
A fire started in the Mrs. Amelia
Hhortridgo house on the west side Mntur- )
day just ns the train bearing the boys 1
of the t!5th was pulling into the sta­
tion. Most of the members of the fire
department thought the fire whistle was
merely in honor of the boys and but few
responded to the call. The firo started
in the wood box which had become over
heated from being too dose to the
stove. Tbo damage was about $200. The
housn was occupied by the Hud Tshmnel
family and the flames were discovered
by the little girl of the family who
called her mother from the back porch
That extensive highway improvements
to save the little baby who was playing are to be carried on in this section thi
in the room. Boono Hhortridge, son of year is evidenced by the fact that K. B.
Mrs. Hhortridge, was among those on Bishop, of the state highway depart
hand to welcome the soldier boys and ment, has taken up bis residence hen
was greatly surprised when informed for the summer anil will soon have ti
some time after the fire had been ex­ crew at work surveying tho proptmeii
tinguished that the Gre wus at his new route for Pacific highway norti
mother ’» house.
between here and Walker. Two of the
mo»t dangerous grade crossings in Ore
gon will be eliminated by the new sur­
vey and the building of the new road
will require th« blasting away of sev­
eral points of rock. The job will be an
expensive one and will be done jointly
by the county and state. When the work
is completed the highway between hen;
Bold, Bad Burglars Try Samples at the and Walker will be entirely on the west
side of tho track and several crossings
Parker Grocery and Return
besides the two dangerous ones will bo
at Once for More.
eliminated. It is probable that this
An attempted robbery 8unday night stretch of road will be hard surfaced
at the Parker grocery, following a real cither this year or in the early part of
robbery the night before proves to Mr. «ext year anil there is a possibility of
Parker that his goods are altogether • he paving of the four miles south of
too popular. The first night the burg 1 ere to Divide whieh is now in condition
lars forced a loose panel in the side •or such an improvement.
Mr. Bishop will also have charge of
door and were able to loosen the bolt
that »«u r e d the door. They secured gro­ nurveying for two overhead crossings
ceries and tobacco of the value of $8 or south of here, one at Divide and one ac
$10 but left a quantity of silver in the Comstock. --------------------------
cash register. The next night they tried
to gain admission by the same route but
found that the way bad been securely
barricaded. They then attempted to
Mrs. A. E. Foster has received from
force the front door and succeeded in her son George, corporal with the 4th
cracking the framework but gave the engineers, now with the army of occupa­
job up at that point. Saturday night tion, a German souvenir book whieh con­
they first attempted to get in through tains a relief map of the Rhine and also
a side window, the marks of a jimmy be­ a number of postal cards of German
ing very plain. They also started to cut castles and scenes in Germany. He is
away the putty but decided that such a billeted with a German family. The l*oy
method was too slow. The Parker home of the family, 19 years of age, was a
is at the rear of the store and Mr. machine gunner with the German army.
Parker was awakened by a noise of Corporal Foster speaks of receiving
some k^nd. He went to a window of the copies of The Sentinel.
house which gives a full view through
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. White have re­
the store but could see nothing wrong ceived from their son. Lieutenant N "ble
smd was greatly surprised to find in the White, a set of bandpxinted vanes, a
morning that the store had been robbed. German iron eross, a hand painted spoon
The store was robbed once before some bearing the picture of the ex-kaiser’s
three years ago.
father, and two German rings, one ev­
idently being the insignia of snme or­
der or given for some form of service
Anecdotes of the 65th.
The following yarns conce/ning a with the army. The other is badly dam­
Saginaw member of the fighting 65th aged and appears to hnve been taken
appeared in a column of anecdotes in from the body o f a dead German, who
might have been buried in the mud for
a recent issue of the Eugene Guard:
Ed. Queener, of Cottage Grove, and some Vime.
Mr. and Mrs.- C. H. Vandenbnrg h-ive
Arthur Gray, of Eugene, spent an un­
pleasant evening with the infantry Inst received from their son “ C h e t" a Ger­
summer in the Argunne. They had been man infantry helmet. It came wrapped
un a night shift during the opening bar only in a gunny sack.
rage of the first Argonne affair. After
daylight they left their guns to go up
nnd see what was doing in the advance.
That evening the Germans counter at­
tacked. A barrage was laid down be­
The Lane county court hns notified
tween the American infantry and artil­ the stnte highway commission that it
lery. Now Gray and Queener had to be plans to improve this summer both the
hnck at their guns that night in case Cottage Orove-I.orane nnd the Blnohly
there was call for further heavy bom­ roads and that it wishes to apply for
bardment. Unpleasant things happen federal aid on both of these roads under
when a man isn’t about when he is the jiost road act. The court requests
wanted. When they left the 65th po­ the commission to take this request up
sitions they had no idea that Fritz with the federal government and take
would counter attack; but he did. Two such steps as are necessary to secure
courses were open; wade through the the desired aid.
barrage or stny with the doughboys un­
Both roads, it is pointed out by the
til morning. They stayed until morn­ court, are star route roads and tl^e star
ing. As luck had it, the 65th was not route carriers perform the functions of
called upon for further firing nnd Gray rural mail carriers. In nddition they are
and Queener were not needed.
main traveled roads and are of great
s • •
benefit to the communities throughout
Ed. Queener. of Cottnge Grove, and the year.
James Rontle of the same city were de­
The appropriations which hnve been
bating one afternoon just before the made by this sourt to be used on these
65th was initiated nt St. Mihiel. “ Jim­ roads this summer are $11,500 for tho
m y’ * contended thnt a shell could al­ Blaehly road and $7500 for the Cottage
ways lie heard before it nrrived.
Orove-Lorane ¡oad.
Ed. argued that the projectile nrrived
abend of the noise, or nt the snme time. C L A IM S TO H A V E A C H A M P IO N
“ Sound travels at 1156 feet per sec­
ond,” said Jimmy, “ nnd a shell doesn’t
come faster thnn ----------"
W. J. Messenger claims to have tho
Whiz hang! Ed. and Jimmy disap­ host bred Jersey bull in this section of
peared in an old trench.
tho state. The animal is an inbred mem­
" D i d it, or didn't i t ! " piped “ Jim­ ber of the family of Golden Glow Chief,
m y ," as he got out of his shelter.
the only gold modnl bull this side o f
" T h a t ’s whnt I wnnt to k n o w ," re­ the Mississippi river. To qualify for this
plied Ed.
medal the animal must have threo
daughters with records of 800 pounds
or more of butterfat in a year.
Woodmen Go to Drain.
Thirty-one members of the W. t). W. five have ever qualified for this medal,
lodge from here went to Drain Saturday Mr. Messenger says, Golden Glow Chief
night and put on the degree work there standing seeond in the list.
There wore 20 candidates. Refresh­
Masonic Grand Master to Visit.
ments were served and the Drain Wood­
F. W. Sottlcmeier, of Wood bn rn,
men entertained the visitors in a royul
grand master of the Ancient, Free »m l
Accepted Masons of Oregon, will pay
Cottage Grove lodge an official % isifc
Starts Spring Egg Contest.
The spring egg competition has start­ Friday evening. March 21. The lodges
ed nnd Mrs. Thos. Richardson is the at Drain, Yoncnlla nnd Elktnn will bu
first entrant with a White I.eghorn egg invited to meet with the local lodgo
measuring 6 inches by 8 inches and upon that occasion.
New Route Will Be Graded Froir
Here to Walker; PavinR
Is in Prospect
Two reports of the survey nnd selec­
“ The Advisability of Increasing the
tion of route for the rhnnges in the road Kerry A c re a g e " is the subject of nn -id-
between Cnttnge Drove nnd l.ornne, dress to be given at the commercial club
known ns the Silk creek rend, were filed Monday night by J. (). Holt, of Eugene,
with the county court the pnst week, i manager of the Eugene eannery, one of
one n majority report, signed by Acting 1 the most successful in the state. Fnrm-
County Engineer P. M. Morse nnd Rond : ers nnd berry raisers are especially ic-
Viewer J. W. Hobbs, nnd the other n | vited to be present. Mr. Ilolt is a rec­
minority report signed by Rond Viewer ognized authority upon berry culture
A. W. Sim».
nnd methods of mnrketing the product
Mr. Mims could not ngree with Mr. nnd is expected to have a message of
Morse nnd Mr Hobbs regarding the lo­ much value nnd interest.
cation of the rood through the 8. C.
Venteh ranch, ns surveyed nnd agreed
W alker Farmers Want Bridge.
upon by them, for the reason thnt it
Eugene Register: I f a bridge is built
would dnmnge the property nnd ¡neon across the Coast Fork nt Walker, a Inrge
venienee the owner to n great extent.
number of farmers living on the east
The majority report in substance was side of that stream in that pnrt of the
us follows: "Relocation of road No. 4-45. county will eome to Eugene to do much
placing the new road on n better grade of their trading, according to a number
nnd the new rood will not be over n 5 of men from that district who were in
per cent grade, whereas the present rond town Friday. The matter will probably
has n grade up to 18 per cent. We find be taken up with the county court in
the property of 8. C. Venteh to be less the near future.
valuable to the nmount of $600, the
At the present time the farmers of
property of W . H. Medley nnd wife less that section of the county mostly go to
valuable to the extent of $300, thnt of Cottage Grove to do their trading nnd
J. P. Morris nnd wife less vnlunble to they will probably continue to do so to
the extent nf $25 nnd thnt no other a large extent, even if the bridge is
property will be dnmnged by the loca­ built, whioh is eoneeded hy nil to be the
tion of the rond by this route."
natural thing to do, but many of these
Mr. 8im s’ minority report gives Mr. citizens renlize that there arc larger
Medley $300 dnmngcs nnd Mr. Morris stores in Eugene nnd a wider range of
$25. In his report ho says: " I cannot goods from whieh to choose, nnd would
concur with the mnjority report on the eome to this eity much more often if
relocation of the rond through the they had a bridge there than they do at
Venteh rsnrh on Silk creek, nnd report present.
adversely for the following reasons:
The old rond graded to n 5 per cent
February Weather.
grade will be n reasonably good thor-
Maximum temperature, fit on the 8th;
oughfnre; the rond up the creek is un­ minimum, 27 on the 1st and 2nd. Pre­
desirable on noennnt of high water, but cipitation, 9.78 inches. Snowfall, .25
the main reason in being npponed to the inch. Clear days, 3; partly cloudy, (I;
new location in the dnmnge it will do In cloudy, 19.
dividing the Venteh rnneh nnd the in
Precipitation from September 1, 1918,
convenience it will enune the owner in to March 1, 1919, 33.12 inches; for same
handling hin stock with n divided pns period year ago, 30.21 inches.
weighing 3% ounces.
tore. I nm opposed to dnmnging nny
the egg is a yearling.
person unneeessnrily."
Assessors Are Busy.
Assessor Rurton’s deputies are busy.
Jack Allison, of Grants Unas; Frank Those working in this section nre Geo.
Allison, nf McMinnville, nnd Dave A Hi - H. Brninnnl, W. E. Nixon nnd C. F.
son, of Roseburg, nre visiting this week Counts.
nf the home of their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. T. Allison, Their father has
N o want ad., reader or other adver­
been quite low.
tising charged for leaa than OOe.
NUMB Kit 24
The mother of
Two More on Honor Roll.
The attention of The Sentinel ha*
been called to the fnet thnt the name*
Pomona Orange to Meet Here.
of T. H. Moody and A. L. Moody bnvu
Cottnge Orove grange will entertain never appeared in the Honor Roll o f
Pomonn grange Saturday, March 29. soldier boys. Roth nre sons of Mr. and
The program has not yet been an­ Mrs. C. C. Moody. Another son, Kelly
nounced but a large attendance is ex­ B. Moody, was with tbo 65th and re«
turned home Saturday.