W ANT AD S. NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS DOREN.V JZ )o£ Z ¿£ > tX 'C>CS& J 'C i c r s O z v T T i-S ▲ POORLY FBD HORSE refleet« discredit on it« n a m , but the owner get» the worat of the deal be­ cause economy in feeding the nurse affects ita working capacity as well aa ita appearauee. If your hurse kirks on his feed you can eorrect it by buying your feed here, as you get the best quality for the least outlay. Farmers, contractors and horse owners generally know that our feed is always up to the standard. STERLING FEED CO. w. w. M c F a r l a n d THE CITY TRANSFER HAULING AND DRAY1NG • (Special to The Sentinel.) Feb. 3w.—Corbett Smith and Frank .Tones, of How River, were visitors here Thu rsday. Mr. and Mrs. l'ret Chnamun returned to Cottage tlrov,. Friday, after having spent several days here at the homo of their daughter. Mrs. J. E. Bedford. Miss Faye Jennings went to Cottage Grove Friday and returned the follow­ ing day. Mrs. Harry \V Kirk went to Taeoma Friday to meet her husband, a member of the 65th, Mr. Kirk had a three day furlough which they spent together, Mr>. Kirk returning Tuesday. \V. J. l^irge, Sunday school mission­ ary; arrivoil Friday from Eugene. Vied Thomas was in the Orov<> Sat unlay on business. A masquerade dance was held at Do- reini halt Saturday evening. .A large crowd attcuded uml a good time was enjoved by everyone. Mr. and Mrs. ls'e Thomason and fain ly were Sunday guests at the Chas. Tee ters home. Sunday school and church services were held at the church Sunday morn ing. Rev. Large preached an interesting sermon. Albert A'tiughn and Corbett Smith, of Row River, attended Sunday school and church here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 1). 11. Hemcnway, o f the Grove, were visitors at the Willets home Sunday afternoon. Miss Hattie Van A bet returned to Kogen,. Sunday, after having spent the week-end here with friends. ROW RIVER. DONE ON SHORT NOTICE (Special to Tho Sentinel.) Feb. 26.— About 25 or 30 from here attended the dance at Durena Satur PIANO MOVING A SPECIALTY day night. Among Cottage Grove visitors from Office at Elite h»>re Saturday were Mrs. J. V. W ish I Confectionery PHONE 55 hurst and son. John Hatfield, Mr. and Mrs. E«l. Crawford. John Mushy and S. H. Vaughn. Bertha and Johnnie Hatfield, of Piss ton, visited over the week-end nt the J. V. Hi>odhurst home. Mrs. T. K. McMaster, Mrs. David La Blue and Mrs. W. Low were Saturday visitors at Dorena. A can! party and taffy pull was given Tuesday evening at the Sherman Wil­ ALL KINDS OF kins homo in honor o f Mr. and Mrs. JOBBING AND FURNITURE Wilkins’ fifth wedding anniversary. An enjoyable evening was spent. MOVING—PIANOS A Ernest Smith, of Corvallis visited Sunday with his mother. Mrs. Eva Wil SPECIALTY bams. BEST OF SERVICE A poverty danee will be given at the G. I* Gillespie home Saturday night, March 1. Everyone is invited to come and bring someone else along. Phone 164— New Era Drug Store Little Leta Mosby. who has been very ill with pneumonia, is improving. Clifton Sloan, small son of .Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Sloan, is quite ill. HOLLISTER’ S Albert A'anghn, Corbett Smith and Huliert Mosby uttemled rhurch and Sumiay school at Dorena Sunday morn­ ing. Famous for Constipation Civile Kerr, of Cottage Orove, visited at the S. JL A'anghn home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs! Wade Watts, o f Mount Classy job printing. The Sentinel. •• View, moved into ramp Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rissue left Row River Tuesday. Corbett Smith returned to Rujada Monday but was unable to work on ac­ count o f the snow. Grove Transfer Company J a c o b s & B r e e d lo v e GOLDEN NUGGET TABLTS Professional Cards ♦ MAX LUEBKE THE RAWLEIGH MAN 775 Sixth Are. W., Eugene, Ore. O. F. Garoutte, Local Agent R. McCARGAR. D. D. S. DENTIST Neuralgia relieved instantly by local application. Residence ana office at Fifth and Main. Phone 131J Cottage Grove, Ore. DR. S. M. WENDT Physician and Surgeon Special attention given to surgery and eye, ear and throat. Country calls as well as city calls answered day or night.- Office: Cottage Grove Hospital ATTORNEY AT LAW Office on Main avenue Cottage Grove Oregon» A. W. KIME. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office in Phillips building over the Benson drug store. Office . phone 34 Residence phone 126J. Oregon DR. W. M. HAMILTON Res. Phone 14F3 LICENSED CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN Consultation and examination free. Office hours 9 to 5. Sun- V days and evenings by appointm’t. Office in old Cottage Grove bank building at- 104% Main evenue. H. J. SHINN ATTORNEY AT LAW and notary_publie. Practices in all courts, Twenty-five years ex- perienee. Bader Bldg, dottage Orove, Ore. ALTA KING ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office located in the rear of the First National bank. Cottage Qrorve Orrgon D. N. McINTURFF ATTORNEY AT LAW Practices in all courts. Will attend to your business promptly, honest­ ly and earnestly. Special attention given to the examination of ah «tracts, drafting o f wills, settling of esfaten, conveyances, collec­ tions and pensions. In First Na­ tional bank building on 0th street Phone 30 Cottnge Grove, Ore. H. W. TITUS. D. M. D. l: (Special to The Sentinel.) Feb. 26.— Mrs. C. A. Harlow visited in the Grove severul days o f last week. Mrs. Ida Wicks and Mrs. O. C. Sallee visited Friday afternoon with Mrs. J. T. Sallee. Mrs. L. D. Owen visited with Mrs. Harlow Saturday afternoon. Mrs. O. C. Sallee visited Thursday with Mrs. Harry Casey. Mrs. Mary Monroe, of Eugene, spent the week-end here with her brother and sister, Mr. und Mrs. L. D. Owen. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Sallee, Francis Wicks and Dale Owen visited at the J. T. Sallee home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Wicks vistied at Rujada Tuesday of last week. Airs. Monroe and Mrs. L. D. Owen visited Huuday afternoon with Mrs. Harlow. Mrs. C. R. Wicks and two children. Ida and Walter, rteurned to their home at Weudling Sunday. WILDWOOD. J. E. YOUNG Cottage Grove STAR. EXPERT DENTI8TRY Modern equipment. First Nation­ al hank bldg. O ffice hours 9 a. m. to 12 m., 1 p. m. t*> 0 p. m. Eve­ nings or Sundays by appointment J\ (Special to The Sentinel.) Feb. 2r-in-ln w. Mrs. R. Y. Porter. Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Dresser were din­ ner guests o f Mr. and Mrs. John Fergu son Sunday. SAGINAW. Feb. 26.—Pearl, f'hloe and Elwyn Whiteley returned to their home at Ku jada Saturday. Mrs. Howard Moody and daughters left Thursday for Bridal Veil. Kathleen Allen anil Alary NVnt were in Cottage Grove Sunday. Mrs. Scott was in Eugene Thurmlav. A number from here attended the show at the Areade in Cottage Gnove Friday and Saturday. Mrs. O. T. Bock returned from Eu­ gene Sunday. Bertha Neat was down from the Orove Sunday. A nnmher of high school students from here attended n freshmnn party in Cottage Grove at the home o f their teacher. Mias Lea, Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johns ami daugh­ ter Ruth have returned to their ho.me in Portland. They were accompanied by Mrs. Louis Miller and little daughter, Mildred. Miss Roberts spent the week-end at her home at Elmira. Geo II. Bralnanl. Real F.stato and Iu Mr. and Mrs. Ed. llimhncll and surance, timber lauds, mining prop »laughter Edith, of the Grove, visited at erty, farming property and city prop the Kirkciitlall home Sunday. orty. o ltfc SILK CREEK. The Ever Layers Are the Payers H O. (Special to The Sentinel,) Feb. 26 Mr amt Mrs Alinoli Owens, on route from St. IL'Ieua. Calif., to British t'oliimhin. spent the week end with ridativi1« uml friends here. Alvin ('»»ok, D. A Estes. M K Bub cock ami E. M. Babcock cut vv»>«ul for Ada Wilson the first of th<> week. L. B. Single was in Portland last week. Mrs. Thompson sold her »Inirv herd this week to il man from Idaho. IV A. Estes also sold several cows to the same party. Miss Susie Abel »li»| not go to Coquille last week. Mildred Burcham and Genevieve Gil enlsleve were Sunday night guests at tli»« Lou Wheeler home. Among thus,, in the Grove Mondar were Mr and Mrs H. W. Garner. F. I*. Wheeler, Mrs. J. F. Gilderaieve and Rev W heeler. IL M. Dnmewood was out from the Grove one day last week looking after his stock. Mrs. A. L. Chitwood is able to be out again, after hav ing been confined t»> the housi' a large part of th»■ winter. Mr. ami Mrs. J. W, McCoy were in town Monday. Mrs. S. Burcham has received word from her son Otto that he is likely to sail for the United Stat»>s about the first o f March. , * LONDON. (Special to The Sentinel.) Feb. 26 — Mrs. Albert Noth und daughter Vivian arrived Friday from Medford to visit Mrs. Noth parents. Mr. and Mrs. O. I*. Wills. Guests at the Howard Cox home Sun dav were Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Hogue. Mr. and Mrs. George Bales and daughter Keta. Mr. and Mrs Bert Baughman and son John. Miss Garland Itanton, Herald Abeene and Josi,. and Allie Hernia. John Massey has purchased a new car Lee Spaugenburg is dumping his ties and will run them to Lathem in a few da vs. Mr and Mrs. F.. Geer and Etnmn Jones visited at the II. C. Combs home Sun dnv. I*. G. Moxlev is working the roads near Black Butte. N’oln Banton and Zelmn and Dorothy Abeene spent Sunday with the Suther­ land family. J. N. Hogue slaughtered seven hogs Tuesday, E. Geer and II. C. Combs ns »¡sting. Mrs. Bud Thorne motored to the Grove Monday and Tuesday. THORNTON CORNERS. (Special to The Sentinel.) Feb. 26.— Mrs. F. M. Chapman, of Di­ vide. visitial Monday and Tuesday with her mother. Mrs. Foster. Ben Kinanl is working on the carriage at the Leona mill. B F. Rinard was in Eugene Mondny. Mr. Rinard's masonry tools were stolen recently and he had to buy new ones. Mrs. M'irris McKibbcn anil Mrs. Van- ey are at Springfield visiting Mrs. Yun- e y '« daughter. Mrs Bradford. Mrs. Rinard visited with Mrs. Chap­ man at the Foster home Tuesday. Mrs. Riehardson. o f Silk Creek, vis ited one day o f last week with her sis­ ter. Miss Davidson. Sam Lewis wns in the Grove Wednes­ day. One of Mrs. Foster's cows crossed Row river, in which the water is high. Tuesday nnd returned late in the eve­ ning, washed thoroughly clean and ap­ parently none the worse for the long swim. White Leghorns, Tuncred strain, trap nested every day for 13 years, which lias built up u high laying strain. Cock erels, hatching eggs, day old chicks for sale; Vv mile west of city. Ilert Hands, Cottage Grove, Ore. jun 10 u2fi|ul For Sale—60 acre ranch uear Walden station; 50 under cultivation, balance timber; all fenced; running water in all pastures hut one. Part time. Phone lit FI3, J. 11. Schell. Possession given at once. jlO mt4pil For Sale Cheap First class Plymouth Rock rooster of good stock J W C l a r k . ______________ f28ui7pd Wanted Modern house; prefer it fur nislied. Address X, S> ntincl. f2Mfc For Sale —31 volumes encyclopedia Brit tanica; cost 175; will sell for $25 if taken at once. Mrs R. McCord. f2»mltp Martha Kayser residence at 217 soutli Sixth for sule; $200 down, $16 per month._____________________ f 2 ''inlipil Wish to rent good farm on shares, loo ucnai, more or less, (or diversified farming, mostly grain. Experienced; a few hundred dollars and first class ref Pino ereaeea. W, w Bay, Ni 207 fjsp St., Portland, Ore. Found -Brown fur muff, left at Kent’s drug store. Owner ean have snnv by proving property u d paying for this notice, f 2Si For Sale- A few tons of good hated straw. John Hull; 2 miles south of town. f2H in I t j »I For Sale—White Leghorn eggs for hatching Tancreil nnd llognn strain Just tested 95 fertile out of 112. Will guarantee 90 per cent fertili» eggs. As we only hnve 26 hens in breeding pen. rimnot fill orders over 100 eggs at one time. $1 per setting of 15, nr $6 per 100. C. F. Wilkins. Call 1237 Ash ave. Cot tage Orove. f’j H iullpd For Sale—Model 36 Oakland In first class mechanical condition; self start er; tires so per cent new; $550. Civile Kerr.______________________ f2H ui lipil Wanted—Tract of logged off, stump or bush land, near railroad; not less than HO aero« and priv,. must be right. Will consider large truet if party will t:ik• Eugene property in deal. Give legal de seription, (irire nnd full particulars m first letter. I’erdew Realty Eugene. »tregon. 1 28 m i Ipd W h ere are m y reading glasses? Mischievoua daughter haa picked Daddy's pocket and watch«« him gleefully m he »«arches In vain for hut reading glussea. I f , Daddy wore Kryptok OI asmm , he would be freed from the off und-on" nuisance of the two-pairs -o f -giggles liothcr, liecause Kryptoks (pronounced Crip tocks) would give him, in one pair of glasses, the necessary correction lor both rending and dis tance. TR YPTOK I I V G L A S S E S XV THE INVISIBLE BIFOCALS give him this convenience without that drawback of other bifocals— the conspicu­ ous age-revealing seam or hump. They are crystal-clear—their surfaces smooth and even. They cannot lie distinguished SHERMAN Broken Lenmui gnl.kly Replaced EYE from single-vision lenses— nnd that's why Kryptoks are called "the invisible bifo­ cals. We are competent to meet the optical needs and tastes of the most exacting patron Call at your convenience. W. MOODY SIGHT SPECIALIST AND OPTICIAN Factory on Prend««« 881 -W illam ette Street, Eugene, Oregon. Telephone 302 ------------------------ :_______________________________________________________ lis you r ow n m oney you 're spending, sa ys Barney McGee “ Go ahead nnd ch ew y o u r sw eet, Nticky plug, if you like it. But there is n ’ t an o rd in a ry tobacco that’ s one, tw o, three with Real G ra vely. T h e real good tobacco taste stays with it.” C m Kid taair, amallcr chew, longer Ili»* i» «vinti moke* t *e«i- n in e f i r - v r l y c o a t I f* * l o t k e w Ihttn ordînnrv plug, W rii* to: ( JKNI î INH i «II W f l.Y DANVIM P. V \ for booklet mn ikgwtm( fn*g BLUE MOUNTAIN. (Special to The Sentinel.) Feb. 26.— Little Beulah Hastings was quite ill during the past week. Air. and Airs. Fred Frost were down from Dinner creek for the week-end. Airs. Clyde Hastings returned to the Grove Thursday, after having spent sev- rsrge Hastings. ernl days with Mrs. George Mr. nnd Mrs. John Palmer nnd little grandson visited Sunday with tho R. Ward family. Erwin Wnippa, who had been in the east for several months, returned home last week. . Mr. and Mrs. Bert latncaster were Sunday guests at the Finley Whipps home. estate o f the said deceased are hereby required to present the same, duly veri fied as the law requires, nt the of fi ee of II. .1, Nhinn in Cottage Grove, Oregon, to the said exerutrix within six mouths from the 31st day of January, 1919. MARY C. HAMBRICK, Executrix of the Estate of George F. Hawley, Deceased IL J. NHINN, Attorney for Executrix. j31-f2H P eyton Brand REAL CHEWING PLU G Plug packed in pouch DISSTON AND RUJADA. (Specinl to The Sentinel.) Feb. 19.— Mr. and Airs. P. C. Christen­ sen. of Green Koek. were at the Lund- berg home Tuesday. Dan Beck, J. H. Milne and Alex Lund- berg shipp a couple o f cars of wood to the Grove this week. .Miss Hattie Smith, of Wildwood, vis ted several days of this week with Miss Ruby Arlington and Miss Signe Snhlin. Mrs. Edith Neal and Miss Grace Cox spent the week end in Cottage Grove. Airs. E. H. Holderman has oeen called to the home of her sister, Mrs. Robt. Mosby, to assist in caring for their mother, “ Aunt” Jane Veatch, who has been quite ill. G. B. Pitcher, o f the Orove. was in Rujada on business Saturday. B. A. Heelye, of Eugene, spent sev­ eral days here last week Miss Laura Brunner spent the week­ end with home folks in Eugene. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the estate of George F. Hawley, deceased. Notice is hereby given thnt Mary O. Hambrick haH been by the County Court of the State of Oregon in Lane county appointed executrix o f the estate of George F. Hawley, deceased. All persons having claims against the A Cottage Grove Man s Experience Can you doubt the evidence of this Cottage Grove citizen t You ean verify Cottnge Grove en­ dorsement. Read this: F. C. Ralston, retired farmer, 447 H. Third St., says: “ Whenever I have an opportunity to speak n good word for Doan’s Kidney Pills I do not hesi­ tate to do so. This medicine regulsfcs the nction of the kidneys and over­ comes (tains due to disordered kidneys. I have lieen obliged to use a kidney med­ icine on several occasions for kidney complaint nnd in every instance, Doan’s Kidney Pills hnve never failed to give satisfactory resulta. ” Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills— the same that Mr. Ralston had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfgrs , Buffalo, N. Y. f21 28 A Y y o u r sm oketaste flush up against a listening post— and you’ll get the Prince Albert call, all ri^htl You’ll hunt a jimmy pipe so quick and get so much tobacco joy out of every puff you'll wish you had been born twins! For, Prince Albert puts over a turn new to every man fond of a pipe or a home matte cigarette. It wins your glad hand com ­ pletely. T h at’s because it has the qualityt And, right behind this quality flavor and quality fra­ grance is Prince Albert’s freedom from bite and parch which is cut out by our exclusive patented process. W e tell you to smoke your fill at any clip— jimmy pipe or makin’s cigarette— without a comeback I T o p p y rad bag», tidy rrd tint, handrnma pound and hair pound tin humidort and— that clever, practical pound crystal gloat humidor with epnngr m oitltn tr top that h ttp » I hr tobacco in euch p a rte d condition. K. J. R eyn old s T o b a c c o C o., Winston-Salem, N .G