— 1 ■— Another boy with the 65th artillery Mrs. David Sterling left Tuesday for CruwfordsvUIr for a few days’ visit who telegraphed hi» safe nrrival at Philadelphia in Waldo M. Hall, »on of with relatives. Mr. mid Mrs. H. It. Smith were Eu­ Mr. und Mrs. John Hull, of this city. A letter has also been received from him gene visitors Tuesday. since. Lloyd and Rei Stratton, both recently Mr». V W. Kirne mid daughter, Mrs. di»ehargi‘il from the service, visited here with friend» Monday. Lloyd will be | Roy Homuinn, and Mr». W. W. McFar­ is always prepared to get up employed ut Mar»hfield, und Rei will land and son, Glen Hmith, were Eugene work in the Rei theater at Eugene. | visitors Monday. a dainty lunch or refresh­ Tho »pot tush and carry nomo your ! Victor Kim, son o f Mr. and Mr«. (). ment for unexpected visitors. goods memi» cheaper goods. Mane a ! M. Kem, has written from Nuziilre, »living ut Spray’s. . in22lfc France, that he eipects to »ail soon for She wisely keeps on hand a die I Ini ted States, II. J. Shinn was in Eugene Monday. H. C Msd»en ha» jusf received a full supply of canned goods and Mr. and Mr». Harry Tennis arrived line of the fumoua Put he grapbnphonea. Eriday from Chelmli», W iim I i . table luxuries that enables Cull and see them. fM tfc Men’s Loggers................ ................$1 0.50 to $12.50 J. A. Griggs, of Comstock, visited C. VS . Caldwell waa a Eugene visitor her to meet any demand on Eriday at the home of hi» son, Hiram. Men’s Heavy Shoes......... ................... $4 .5 0 to $f>.50 Monday, Rev. D. A. Mai-Led left Eriday for her hospitnlity.. And the Win. Gnroutte i» driving a handsome Camp Lewis, after having been a gue»t Men’s D p - sm Shoes.......... .................... $3 .6 5 to $8.50 wiser she is the surer she is for »eventi day» ut the John Hader new Mai well aedan. Men’s Army Shoes......... ................. J. M. McCully came down from the « f i S O to « 7 S O home, to get such groceries here. J. Mark Comer was a Eugene visitor llohemiii district Huturdiiy for a few ! Men’s Rubber Pacs......... .................... $3 .7 5 to $5 .0 0 d a y »’ visit und made a trip to Eugene I There are reasons. Friday. the fir»t of tho week. Boy’s Shoes..................... .................... $2.95 to $3.95 A daughter wu» born Wednesday, Mr«. Ernnk McFarland i» visiting rel February 12, to Mr. und Mr». Charles Ladies’ Shoes, Black....... ative» in Portland. ............ . a O ,0 t) Plcimrd. Lieutenant and Mr». H. E. M elnturff i Herbert Eakiri i» expected home to Ladies’ Shoes, B ro w n .. . . ............................. «ft s o day from Portland, where he visited returned to Portland Monday after u several day*’ visit with Lieutenant Misses’ Shoes................... with a aiNter, who i» ill, and A»tora, M eln tu rff’a parent», Mr. nnd Mrs. D. where he visited two brother». Ladies’ Silk Waists......... ............................. «4 o s N. Melnturff. A number of Cottuge Grove people Community sing at basket so­ will attend the conference o f the north Ladies’ House Dresses... ..................................... ................. « • * 9 ? ; west congre»» for a leugne of nation«, cial Saturday night. Mr», t). I,. Niehoi» nnd »on l » ’c were the »essiori» of which will be held in, H. L. Godard haa recovered from a few ! Eugene \ i»itnr% Saturday. Portland Eebrunry Hi mid 17. days indisposition. Mr». II. II. Petrie wa» in Eugene Sat Mr, and Mra. J ,E. Oliver arrived unlay. Tuesday from Wendling nnd are visit I J. II. Bartel* left Sunday for Port ing ut the home of their non, Fred Oli­ land to rejoin hi» futility. ver. Paihe record» will bring to your own Mrs. L. D. Chase and daughter, Mrs. home nil the inu»ie of the world, huv Wir.ert, were in the city Tueaduy. They mg laboratorie» in nil the large ritie» in A L L PARTS OF TH E C IT Y Rupert Coffman, son o f Mr. and Mrs. are from Portland und will make their Mrs. Walter Braggs, o f Eugene, arriv­ A N Y T IM E OF D A Y Eurnp,. und in New York, II. O. Mad E. C. Coffman, writes from Hun Fran­ ed Wednesday for a visit with Mrs. home ut Dorena. sen. flttfr Chns. ilruncnu went to Woodburn cisco that he wu» mustered out o f the John Carpenter. FRESH A N D SMOKED Kiehlird VanDevert nnd dnilghter Hnturilay for u couple o f month»’ stay. naval service last Eriday, but that he Mrs. Boy Bomaine returned to Port­ I.illinii, of Yoni’ulln, vi»ite<| here be­ M EATS OF A L L K IND S expects to remain in that eity for a land Tuesday, after a visit at the home Mra. W. J. White visited in Hpring- time, tween train» Saturday. FRESH FISH F R ID A Y S o f her parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. W. field Eridny. Mr». P. A. Anlnuf, o f Curtin, was in A son, Daniel Quincy, was born Mon­ Kime. Full line of I’ nthe reeorda on hand; the rity Saturday. day, February 10, to Mr. and Mrs. B. 8. Rev. Robert Sutcliffe arrived Tues­ require no charigo of needles. The per­ Trask. Mr». I.. P. Long worth returned to her day evening from 1.0» Angeles and other manent, smooth, polished sapphire ball home ut Portland Snturduy, after a few “ My Four Year* in Germany,” at points south, where he has been on tho being round, it will not cut the surface T E L E P H O N E-------------8?) d a y»’ vi»it here with relative». of the record nor impair it in any way the Arcade, February 21 and 22. f!4-2Ic Chautauqua circuit. Mr. mid Mr». C. J. Jenning», o f Leona, Mrs. M.J G. June», w ife o f the new a» a »harp point, hence the Pnthe re­ Mrs. W. II. Blair returned to her home were in the city Snturduy. cords are practically indestructible. H. foreman at the Chambers mill, returned at Portland Friday. Mr». Ruth M elnturff, who had been C. Madsen. fM tfc to Portland Wedueaduy, after a few Mr». Aden Miller wu» in the city “ My Four Years in Germ any," at from Wulker between train» Saturday. spending »orno time at the home of Mr. nnd Mr». J. L Crawford have duys visit here, and will pack her house­ the Arcade, February 21 and 22. fl4-2le M •. and Mrs. D. N. M eln tu rff on west hold goods preparatory to moving here. removed to Oakland. Mr». J. A. Mngludry returned Snt Mum avenue, went to Row-burg ye»ter IS TH E L E A R N IN G PO W E R : D. N. M elnturff returned Saturday They will make their home on south unlay from a vi»it at Eugene. ■lay to vi»it Mrs. Earl Penny, w ife of from a business trip to Boseburg. OK YOUR CH ILD S LO W IN G Hixth street. Mr». C. J. Chandler mid her »inter in the fruit inspector for Douglas county. Ole K.ayser was in Eugene Tuesday. Miss Grace Blackwell went to Sagin- U P BECAUSE OF F A U L T Y law, Mr«. Albert Wool.-y, of Wendling. Mrs. Pcarcy is the daughter of Mr. and EOUS EGGS EGGS EGGS EGGS aw Wednesday for a few days visit. »pent the week end here lit the horn« of Mrs, I > N . Melnturff. VISION? Mr .and Mrs. W. V. Chapin went to TWO GROVE CO U NTRY BOYS SUS­ Mr», ('handler ’» »inter, Mr». <1. M. Scott. T A IN ID E N T IC A L WOUNDS IN Musical and literary program Creawell Wednesday for a few days Perhaps a pair of well-fit- j Do you want a good half ton Eord TH E SAME B A T T L E and big community sing precedes visit at the home o f Mrs. Chapin’s truck» See S. U. Smith. f 14 pd ted glasses will help him per­ brother, B. 11. Newhall. sale of baskets at Honor Guard George M. Ham, o f f.orane, a member Roy W. Uln»» wa* a Eugene visitor ceptibly in his school work. iris' social at Moose ball Satur Charles Wood was in Eugene Tuesday. of the same unit as Chester Van Den- Saturday. The old wooden building near the burg, o f this eity, arrived here Sun­ ay night. Let us find this out for you Mr. and Mr». John Dobbin, of I'nion, corner o f Seventh and Main, owned by day night and went to Lorane Monday. New Imme »eeker» are coming into enyoute (•> tluklmid, viniterl a few day» by a careful examination of CATALOO ON REQUEST George Hawley, is being wrecked, and Ham and Van Denburg both suffered this city utmost daily und most of them of ln»t week with Miss Caroline Schell 1 the lot will be cleaned up. Mr. Hawley foot wounds and both were wounded in his eyes. If glasses are need­ want farm» or »mull acreage, mg. ; does not contemplate the erection of a the same battle. Boy Des I.arzes, also ed, we will be frank in telling Mr. and Mrs. Finley Wliippa were Ku Mr. und Mr». C. O. Parker and little | new building at the present time. o f this city, is a member o f the same gene visitor» ye»tenluy. you so. »ou Francis, o f AI v adore, »p**nt the Box 614. Cottage Orove, Ore. Attend the basket social at regiment, the 361st infantry, and was L. H. Hill went to Portland Wednes Phone 1-F2 2‘/2 Miles East of City week end here with Mr. and Mr». C. M. How about your own sight? Moose hall Saturday night. Bask­ also wounded within a few "days of the day on a bu»ins»« trip. Parker. ets to be sold beginning at 9 :30. same time. Need bifocals? Mr. nnd Mrs End Wright, nf W ,lk Elbert Bede ennie up from Salem and Proceeds to pay expenses of re­ er, were in the city between trains yes »pent the week end with hi» family. Former Orove Boy Wounded Mr. and Mr*. Philip Hohl, enroute ception for soldier boys. terday. Mr». J. W. Matlock, o f Salem, i» vis­ Harry Martin, son o f Natty Martin, from Camp Lewi», where Mr. Hohl was Mrs. C. E. Cowell and little son, of iting with Mr«. J. V. Stewart. recently discharged from the service, to Pasco, Wash., enroute to San Diego, nephew o f the late Mrs. John Martin, GLASSES Mr. and Mr*. II. E. Reed, o f Bose* their home at Roseliurg, stopped o ff here Calif., stopped o ff here and spent the who died at Silver Ijike, Monday morn­ IM F IN V ISIH IF B IF O C A L S ing, and a former resident o f this eity, burg, »pent the week end here at the Tuesday for a brief visit nt the home of week-end with Mrs. Frank Henderson. is in a hospital in France. He waa will give you near and far * home of Mr». Heed'» mother, Mr». M. J Mr. Holil's mother, Mrs. Barbara Hohl. Anchor Alsted, W. C. Johnson, J. C. wounded and gassed several times and Dry an, and her »i»tcr, Mr». Ueorge Slier sights in one pair of smooth, Honor Guard basket social at Hpriggs and E. A. Wilson motored to lost three fingers, but is now recovering. man, leaving Monday for n visit at Eu crystal-clear lenses. Eugene Wednesday evening to attend a Moose hall Saturday night. gene. A. \V. Itryan, o f laike county meeting o f the Elks lodge. BESEKVE SEATS FOR “ M Y FOUR Mrs. W. C. Conner has returned from a mm o f Mr». Itryan, joined them here Comfort and satisfaction beyond YE A R S IN G E R M A N Y ” Harrisburg, where Mr. Conner edit* the for n family reunion. measure the»« chilly nights and on Harrisburg Bulletin, and will reside cold days In a set of furs— they're Half soles save half on your »hoe bill. O P T IC IA N O PTO M ETRIST here. Hhe in afflicted with bronchial beautiful, too. You will be delighted In response to the request o f patrons, Your »hoe« will hint much longer if ni­ with our Une. Come In and let us LENSES OROOND ON PREM ISES W. J. White has decided to reserve 50 trouble und finds that her health is bet­ nny» kep| repaired and the co*t of re show them to you. seats for " M y Four Years In Ger­ ter at Cottuge Grove than in that part pair» will be cheaper that way. See Do< BE8T E A T IN G HOUSE IN TOW N of the valley. m any," which comes to the Acade H u ff, the old original »hoe doctor, jlt fe FOR TH E M O N EY—Q U ICK SERVICE theatre Friday and Saturday, February A. W. Wnmpole, of Leona, was in Eu­ Mr». M. J. Wald, o f Eugene, nnd Mr*. M EALS SERVED A T A L L HOURS 21 and 22. The seats will be on sale gene the first of the week nnd stopped Lizzie Jackson, o f Salem, »pent the at the Elite. fl4 Candy. Tobacco, Cigars Th e D a y l i g h t S t o r e o ff here Tuesday on his return. Things week end here with their mother, Mr» are fine with the Wnmpole folks, he MRS. M. L. UENDEBHON, Proprietor Hnrluirn ilnhl. MASONS A T T E N T IO N »ays, und they will ride thi* year in a Mr. mid Mr». (I. W. Crabtree arrived new Buick six which he purchased this Roy l.i’ ivi», soldier recently imiNtered Kayton Fenster, o f Portland, is in the “ My Emir Year» in G erm any," at here Monday from Drain nnd went to • Stated communication Cottage week. city. He is looking for a farm and may ic Arcade, Erliriinry -I »ml 112. f i t 21c the Orovw logging camp, up Row river, out at Camp Lewi», i» visiting friend» Grove I,odge No. 51 A. F. & A. l)o not fail to read history upon the in tin» eity. lie is a »on o f F. P. Lewi», locate here. X S * M. Wednesday evening, Febru- In tin" report nf contribution» fur the where they will have charge of the screen, “ My Four Y'enrs in Germany," of Klamath Fall» and they formerly re ' ary 19. Work in E. A. d ee. - Mrs. Daniel Walton is recovering niti-il war work, pul>li»hcd w u i .- lime boarding houne. February 21 und 22 at the Arcade. f!4e from a serious illness. Her parents, Mr. Please be present. Worth Harvey, Se­ i{i>, thu nu mi" o f E. A. Oaretaon, J. W. Kennedy wa» at Leona Hntur »ided in thi» rity. Mr. l,ewi» waa with the fir»t uid medical detachment in ac­ and Mrs. J. D. Million, who remained cretary. r , credited with n contribution of $5, day looking after W. O. W. affair». tive service ic France from March, 1918 with her all last week, returned home i.nil.I have road E. A. (Inri,ti«>ii, Mr. nnd Mr*. E. S. Holderman, nf Ku to July, when he was severely wounded Monday. r. t jndn, »pent the weekend with relative» by shell fire, nnd was laid up in u hos­ M. and Mrs. J. W. Kennedy left Telephone 79 and We W ill Call for The notarial rommiHnion of D. N. here. pital in France until recently. Wednesday afternoon for Drain, where Irlntnrff, Cottage drove attorney, ha* Mr. nnd Mr». A. It. Wood have moved Mrs. I). II. Hemenway visited rela­ they will have their headquarters. Mr. ron fileil with the county clerk. into the Ernnk King reaidenee, and the tives at Creswell Thursday. for product* of t t * farm for some Kennedy is district manager of the W. Ilenry Vcatch »pent the week eml at E. A. Caret »on, Sr., family have moved time to come. You can't take full ad O. W., and has been in and around this Mra. Ernnk Henderson visited nt Eu­ •me, into the Wood house, which they re­ vantage o f this unless you use mod­ Bough dry with all flat pieces ironed gene yesterday. city for several weeks. ern machinery that is In good repair. Mr». Eva Hickey, who underwent an cently purehnned. “ My Eour Years in Germany,” at You will have a chance to se<. one of It is now time to see u* for that new MTntion nt the Cottage drove boxpital W. J. Mesnenger left Tuesday night W E ALSO DO C LE A N IN G the greatest of educational pictures, machine or for parts to put the old vii week» ago, wn» removed to her on a busise»» trip to |Hunt» »noth, in the Arcade, February 21 and 22. "f14-21e A N D PRESSING " M y Four Years in Germany," Friday The public library will be open Sat­ one in trim for the next season’s run une Sunday. dulling Roneburg and Ashland. and Saturday, February 21 and 22 at j Laundry picked up Monday till noon urday afternoon to take in all books “ My Eour Yeura in Germany," nt Basket social at Moose Hall Sat- tho Arcade theater. fl4 c j that are out, and delivered Wednesday evening. the Arcade, Eebrunry 21 and 22. f 14-21 c rday night. J. H. Hilxhy expoctH to leave shortly Mrs. C. I. Kent, o f Creswoll, came up W ill pick up any time np to Wednes­ (>. E. Woodson was in Eugene Tues­ M l»» Minnie Wilcox »pent the wei’k for Honolulu, P. L. lie will give the Wednesday to visit between trains with ! day evening and deliver Saturday. day and motored Imek with a new HMD H A R D W AR E id in I’ortlnnd, where »he uttemleil place the once over with a view to lo­ her mother, Mrs. J. M. Smith. Mrs. ■and opera, and returned Monday Chevrolet. cating there, and if he finds it to his Smith will leave soon for Berkeley, «lit. Mr». T. M. VanKirk, of I)rnin, was in liking will send for Mrs. Silsby and Calif., being called there by illness in Mr. nnd Mrs. J. U. Turpen arrived her family. M i»» Eunice VnnPenburg, o f Eugene, tho city Tuesday. the children who, meanwhile, will re­ Tuesday from Hillsboro for a visit at »•nt tho week-end hero with her par M i»» Alta Thomas was a Eugene main here. the C. L. Frost home. it», Mr. and Mr», (i, li. VaiiPenburg. visitor Tuesday. Can you afford to lose all you have A. B. Wood was a Eugene visitor, Ernnk Kim i mid Jenningn Count» tied up in stock and equipmentf I f you Mr. nnd Mr». J. D. Million have re­ ere in Eugene Eridny. ceived news o f the safe return from can’t, you’d better talk with H. K. Tuesday. Alf. Jury wn# in Roseburg on busi-1 Ilenry Eo»ter, of the U. of O., vi*it Eranee o f their grandson, Ray Shelby, Metcalf" nt once nbont some fire insur­ I »evernl duy» of Inst week with Her- of Albion, 111. He was in the aignnl ance. Protect your w ife nnd babies with ness tho first of the week. a life insurance policy. flt fc corps. Ora Powell, o f Drain, a recently mus d White. Glen Cox, recently discharged from tered out soldier from Vancouver, vis ! the ordnance department, is visiting his ited friends here Mondny. father, W. A. Cox, and sister, Mrs. J. R. Mrs. C. E. Jones went to Roseburg1 Cooley. Mr. Cox was overseas six Sunday and is visiting nt the home of SUNDAY, FE B R U A R Y 16, AND FR ID A Y, FE B R U A R Y 14 months ami was in the froat line when her daughter, Mrs. Roy Bellows. the armistice was signed. He experts M ONDAY, FE B R U A R Y 17 Mrs. G. Harmon returned to her homo to leave today for his home at Red­ at Portland Saturday, after a visit at OUR D IR ECT A N D IN T IM A T E CONNECTIONS W IT H M A N Y H U N ­ mond. DRED CORRESPONDENTS IN A L L PA K T8 OF TH E C IV IL IZ E D the home o f her parents Mr. and Mrs. in A 10 pound son was horn Fridny, Feb­ J. B. Medley. W ORLD ENABLF.S U8 TO PERFORM S PE C IA L SERVICE IN FOR in ruary 7, to Mr. and Mrs. Trnm: n Clark. EIO N D RA FTS A N D M O N EY ORDERS. Mrs. Donald Stewart, o f Seattle is a IF YO U D ESIRE TO SEND M ONEY TO YOUR FRIEND S OR Tho City Meat Mnrkot buy* venl, live guest at the B. B. Job and Chns. Adams and dressed. Phono 89. a2tfc homes this week. Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. R E L A T IV E S IN FOREIGN CO UNTRIES CONSULT THE A story of daring and adventure Lieutenant Noble W. White, sou of Adams were classmates nt the Univer­ in picturesque Mexico. Are all See a wedding in the snow. The W. J. White, o f this city, who is with sity o f Oregon. mothers with pretty daughters greatest climax ever recorded by th,> army o f occupation in Germany, Bay Nelson left Saturday to take money madT See this picture nnd the camera in Frank Spearman's writes thut he has recovered from a charge of the electric light plant nt judge for yourself. great story of mountain feuds wound received in tho battle o f the Mabel. M E M B E R O F FEDERAL RESERVE BANK and tender heart interest. Don't Argonne forest. He is at present sta­ Mr. nnd Mrs. Hershel Allison, of miss it. SATURDAY, FE B R U A R Y 15 tioned in the identical locality where Grunts Pnss, stopped o ff here Sunday his mother’s ancestors lived. und visited over night with Mrs. A lli­ J. II. Knglnnd went to Henttle Sundny son’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Fies- to see his son, Arton, who is in the ter. They left the following morning on We were unable to show “ Moth­ in navy, and who left with his ship Mon­ an extended visit nt middle-west points, e r ," as advertised last week. It day for New York via the Panama ca­ including Motley, Minn., Mrs. Allison's will be here early in March. nal. See our advertisement else­ birthplace, Austin, Minn., where her sis­ How fortunate it is that our people ter, Miss Violet Fiester, tenches, nnd where of the big special attrac­ In thi* photoplay Fairbanks per­ will have a chance to see Ambassador Chicago. On the return trip they expect tion forms amazing feats. Many of Gerard’s great picture,” My Eour Years to go as far south ns New Orlenns. the scenes were taken in the in Germany,” on Washington’s birth­ Grand canyon o f Arizona. Pic­ George Young, who recently under­ day, Eebrunry 22, at the Arcnde. f l i c went an operation nt the Cottuge Orove turesque Uopi and Navajo In featuring Ambassador Oernrd. dinns are shown in their odd Mr. and Mrs. Ira Baker, o f Eugene, hospital, was removed to his homo Tues­ This historical picture should be dwelling plnees. This is an extra­ accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. W. A. day. aeen by every true blue American ordinary production. Eraser, of Brooklyn, la., motored up Mrs. Addie Downs, of Drain, stopped from Eugene Tuesday to look up old o ff here Tuesday and went to Portland friend* here. Wednesday morning Sample Store Prices The Prudent Housekeeper You can compare ’em with sale prices at all times KERR SILSBY A. FREE DELIVERY W. S W A N S O N . MANAGER CITY MEAT MARKET Trapnested White Leghorn Breeding Stock Baby Chicks, Hatching Eggs 5 W m . Hands & Son ir lf I V p Y P T O XV FURS D .J . S C H O L L Depot Lunch Counter POWELL & HEMENWAV TALES OF THE TOWN Prices Will Be Good! YOUR LAUNDRY W y n n e & K im e The COTTAGE GROVE LAUNDRY Arcade Theatre Program f o r th e cu rre n t w e e k Direct Connections for Foreign Exchange BERT LYTELL Hitting the High Spots WALLACE REID Nan of Music Mountain FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Cottage Grove H A R D W A R E F U R N IT U R E Knowles Gräber DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS C o m in g A Modern Musketeer My 4 Years in Germany