*îm? (èroMt Bmtxnü 31)# vomimk AND xxrx the atute I iouho trying to pa«« anti cig­ arette bill« In Ml year. “ I can hear the old «i«t«‘ra mol broth i'rn «Hying in tho earn of logi«latora, ' Wo niimt gourd tho moral« of our brnvc soldier boy« w hen they return. ’ We huve «pout the last few montlm in conn trio« iniii'li lower in morn 1 11 y than our own and emerge clean. We think we can MpirlUU Contant In On Bntwaan Trun» got along baok liiiiiie without ii lot of old woiiii'ii trying to direet un. ’ ’ Appointai to Solicit Applica tlonn for Mani barn!: Ip. HKIIIKHT T E M P E R A T U R E OF 1H1H Th«* following li'ltrr from Sergeant Hurry 1*. C’ritrhlow. ti former Portland new «paper man, who reported ibr 11*17 »»»•ion, ii tul who in now in Frnnce, In Senator Vinton, wu» recently mad be t'irv tho •»■iinti* nt Hali*m: "H iuee you 1 hh | heard from me I have ■••rv»*d through tin* Argonne fight. There I wnn with tho Hint, tho flower of the wi-ntorn youth». I nuw thorn ([<> into Imttlo nn bravely im tiny soldier* who ot or firod n gun, nnd »nw thorn mini* out worn Biol bloody, with riinkii thinnod lint with furon that »poke nut infnrtion at having |>orfonno<| n duty well nml with orodit to tho wont which gave thorn birth. , “ After tho Argonne wo fought in Ib'lgium, nnd woro driving tho enemy back rapidly w hon tho olo\onth o f No vein her on mo, nnd wo were told Ihnt tho nrnii*tiri* hnd boon ngr«*«*«l upon. Tho torn und blooe erected for him by the men who now wear O. D. on foreign «oil; nnd murk thin: We are not going to be dictated to HI IN A U G U 8 T , I.OW EXT IS 17. IN D E C E M B E R The thermometer registered HI above /oro on the hottoat day of Inni summer and 17 above gerii on tho coldont day of the winter. The hottont day wan in \ilgimt lind the I'o b b 'N t was in llereiu ber. There were 170 idear day» during the y»'«r, HU wer», cloudy, mul IOd were fifty fifty, no to speak. The «now fnll totaled I •,./ indie«, :t of w hich were in March mid there were killing front« in January, February, March, April mid Iteci labor. Tho riiinfnll for tho year wim 1 I '-j niche«, 7.NO of which wu« in February. The Miminary for tin* year, according to the record« of Mm« Hath Stewart, cooperative weather observer, follow«: •* 4 •X) Month / 0 0 * Sr n s , . i iu Of 12 « I0| 12 7.85 15 3.73 3 14 41 13 1.36 17 10 1 ;l . 1.55 14 101 7 . 27 1 2 IN 10 •« . .17 1 us 10 i 5 , 1 Hi IU| 1 12 14! 5 2.02 . 11 IU 12 i 1 158 5 12 1 >4 1.3« IH US I* 0II7OI I0.ll H2I . . . . . o c a. H 'p a Jan. r. i. M< h. Vpi Muy •luti. July Vug H«*p. Oct. Nov. 1 a - 2 0 5* » *1 Cloudy ________ S O L D IE R S C O R E S T H O S E W H O W O U LD TA K E TOBACCO F R O M F IG H T E R S grove leader N U M H K It 20 ( M ) T T A ( l K M R O V K , L A N K C O U N T Y , O R K G O N , F R I D A Y , F K H R U A K Y 7, lfHfi COMMERCIAL CLUB STARTS BIG DRIVE FOR NEW MEMBERS An* you ii tiM'inbor o f tin* f ’ottagc Orovn roinmcrciiil rlubf If you itr«« not, mol if you II lli'iionwuy, W. J. White. The High Holler» A. W\ Hwanwon, captain; ( . I*-. I inphrey, M II. Auder min, Alf Jury, N. I., (iodard. The High Hinder*- H H. Trank, rap tain; Klbert Smith, ( ’ha». Adam», A Hruml, I .enter I'help». oottaoe K P M «4 a 3 "5 K p > < H H -. B B N9 j III 25 4.3 III) 25 42.6 71 211 IN 5 Nl 23 52 71# 31 55 HI It «2.6 NO 34 «1.5 HI 3H Ull 5 1MJ 1 1 77 34 52 5 n 31 14.5 5 n 17 17 5 ill i op 102.3 Session Squibs F rom S alem (By KII»«Tt B H «.) Hfnti* Capitol, Ho I«* in, On«., Jon 27.— Ki'|tr«*»«'iitntivi« Or it hum rlitini» to !*• th«* <*hoit)| m on go gHter in th«« bourn*. lit* r «» w i l l y ititriMlurrd u mtiiioriul to eon grinn unking that tin* wur d«* part in«* lit «•«•a»** th«« mdiarriminati* di»rh»rg«* of nn ml»«*r» o f the army and navy and before th«« tn«*inorial could g«*t to \Va»h mgton the war department had acted upon th«« »uggcMtion. • • • Manufacturer« of patent pnving« have very few «vmputhi/era in thi« session, and «cvoral monmirc« arc on the way thut lire aim»‘d to trim the tentacle« of the oetopun. . . . Friend« of the univemity «hould be intorimtod in the bill by Representative SchuelH'l, which •oi'inn certain of pan« ago, that would make nlinont certain the bating o f all property on the tax roll« nt actuiil value. Thin ia for the purpime of dcrreiming the tax levy in null« throughout the state mid to make all property ntnnd it« just proportion o f taxon. In tho cn«o o f tho««> inatitu tion« supported by a inillugo tax, a« the univemity is, the ronult would be that the return« will b»* greatly increaned bo raua». o f tho iacron*e in valuntioim. • • • I'ronidont t'ampboll, of the univemity, wua here a day or two ago nnd will be Imok again noon. Ho ia intereated in n bill to bo introduced for th,. establish moot o f a hospital by tho medical tie partmont, in which the IndiiNtrinl Acci­ dent eomnusiior. would invent $3tHi,iMt0 o f it« Niirplu« fund«, the ground« on the cnmptlN being donated for the purpose. • • • Koprosontativ e l.afferty ha« intro- durod a lull which hnn for it« purpone milking available to the sniull user o f agricultural bin,- the benefit« of produc­ tion o f lime by the «Into. It in self evi­ dent that the pnrty wanting lime in ."1111111 amount« cun not avail himself of tho linto under present rendition« when tho freight rate« on «mail amount« would oat up the «living in priee. The bill would have comity court« order the lime in qua lit i* ie», those ordreing in sniull amoiiuts to bo on hmiil to take the lime from th,. car upon it« arrival. Hep reaentntive l.afferty in also of the opin ion that till« would greatly inoroaso the production of lime by the «fate, with a consequent cut iu the cost of produc­ tion. • • » A bill whirh ia likely to meet with general approval has been introduced by Hepronontativ c Hughes. It provide* fur a Hocond election hoard in all precinct« where ISO or more ballots were eu«t at the lust election, which board will keep the ballot« counted an rapidly an they are east, the result being kept entirely secret until the poll« are dom'd. • • * A bill ha« punned the houne which provide« for quicker turnover« uf tax money, which will be of great benefit to tho«,. counties where there ha« been much complaint on the part o f achool districts anil cities that money ha« boon bold by tho trenmiror long after it «hould have been turned over to the treasurer« o f school districts and cities. • • a State Capitol, Hulom, Ore., Feb. 4.— If Kepreaentative l.ouis Bean, other Lane county members mid other repre «entative« interested in the development o f the lumber induntry o f the state enn have their way, wood block paving ia going to have n fair trial on sonar high­ way o f th,. ntnte, House Hill 221, which ptiMsed the hnu«e today and is expected to do a marathon through the senate, providing that the ntnte highway com mission shall lay 15 mile« of pavement, by a lot of old women who bung around five miles uf which shall be bituminous, Allied Aspirations Taking Form I Eugene ; Mr«. Lydia Murnlmrt and An­ drew Hab-«, Fll>‘fi«hiirg, Wash.; Mrs. Klixobeth Brown, Mrs. Kitmut Boyee, M ln Furls.—The dulega,.»i* of the five grout power« arc now In a position to compare clearly th«dr own aspirations and those of all tlinlr allied frlenda, and to a«» thu differences that muat be reconciled. Franco wauls, flrat of all. Alaaco- Lorrulno unconditionally, and the right to dlacuMH and ultimately to fix the French frontier* In their relation to the M U M The French bill for reparation la not yet complete, but It has been an nounced In the chamber of deputies that It will be about 6S.OOO.UOO.OOU francs. Groat liritaln'a delegation believes that a society of nations Is desirable and obtainable, and that It must be established by the present peace con­ ference. Britain will take mandatory power over the German Islands south of the equator for Australia and over southwest Africa for the Union of Houth Africa. Hhe will alao have the mandate of German Fast Africa and LH. II R u d er, Mr.«. M a r t h:i .1 soma parta of Arabia and the ha* par , , . . ... . _ tlcular claims In this respect over Mesopotamia. Great Britain will en- ter a pool with the other allien In the matter of Indemnities, eapeclally rep­ aration for air raid damages and ship ping loaaea. Italy aaks for the Trentlno an far as the Brenner Fans, Including the whole of southern Tyrol; Trieste, Is- trla. Flume. Zara, Bebenlco, the larger part of the Italmatlan Island«. Avlona and Its hinterland, and a protectorate over Albania. Territorial connection in the Hal kana are complicated and present dlf- „ ,, . , flcult problem*. Belgium asks that her reparation for damages wrought by Germany shall be the flrat lien Upon German assets to the extont of at least 15,000,- 000,000 francs or up to a much larger sum If Germany doe* not return the machinery and the materials taken from Belgium. Classy job printing. The Hentinel. •• 65TH ARTILLERY IS DUE TO PASS THROUGH HERE FEBRUARY 15 mid Jume- \V Hales. Ila re nr« 75 grnndehildrcn, 50 great-grandchiblr» ; ^ , ur,.„t’ great-grandchildren. Mr : |{„|e«, who wu» a raim«ter, d u d at Lori- | don four years go. Mr«. Hale.«’ remain* were taken to Kllensburg, Wash., Hun Unofficial Advices Indicate That Ore­ day and interred beside those o f her gon Boys Will Return Home bu«band. by Southern Route. EUOENE BOY 8 A Y 8 BELGIANS ARE STRONG FOR UNCLE Tim 05th coo«t artillery regiment, ac­ cording to . official advices, will travel 8AM 8 BOLDIERS west by th*- southern route and is ex­ Hergeant J. Harold Iteytien, a Eugene pected to pa«« thro : 'h Cotts.,'- (»rove boy who is in the ambulance eori>«, writ- on their way from ( mp Dix, N. J., to j hj, fI1„ ti„ . r Mrll Kli/.:,b. th Bey Camp 1/ .vis, on or nbout February 15. tien, say« that the Belgian«, including Cities all along t.i. route are m iking | pretty girl« obi men, old ladies and preparations to extend joyoun greeting 1 children, all wanted to talk to and to this regiment o f C>r"gon heroes, and «hake hand« with I ncle Ham» soldier an effort will be mi 'o to have a short I boy», and think they are all right. A stop scheduled for Cottage Grove, at puMlgraph from hi« letter »ay»: least for the battery L> coutiogent, “ 1 never thought six American« liV • which is comprised lorg- ly o f tho old • « " ««*■•*• ** ,nuth attention. A Sixth company boys of this city. Among the Cottage Grove toys who I French division was parading, and when I we came near, crowd after crowd start have telegraphed th> .r safe arrival are Leon C. Arne, Artb Bal Barry B. 1 waving their bats and hands a and forgot all about the Frenchtro u. Conner (who s. nt the first wire), Lcston They crowded about us so we could E. Doweti.«, M r i o n E. Garoutte, J, J. hardly move down tho street, and they <»iid»T«leve, Abner Gilerist, Earl Hayes, sho»ik our bunds and gave us flower« Ross E. Haynes, Byron Jackson, B* n C. nnd piniK'd flags on us until we were King, Carl J. King, Harry W. Kirk, Chari - Lackey, Clarence H. Milne, Har­ literally londerts from foreign countries inferior mater ml« for road building iriNtend of utiliz­ ing its own superior home grown prod­ uct, contain« a lot o f wooden blocks that were never grown in uny forest. Representative Gordon, a former r»‘si- Representative Dennii, formerly o f Lane dent of Eugene, is one o f the big men rounty, also took part in th« debate of the s»'ssion, although one o f thi* least favoring the bill. noisy. As chairman of the important • • • ways and means committee nnd a mem i Many humoroun incidents happen here, ber o f thp consolidation committee he all of whirh are appreciate»! by even the fimi» little time for sleeping and feels ¡ Following are extracts from a letter must dignified members. The joke about quite certain that he comes pretty near written December 2U by Chester Van Denburg to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. members taking their «tenugraphem or earning his $.1 u day. H. VnnPenbiirg, of this city: some other memlmr's stenographer to “ You d o n ’t know how tickl»'«l I was a show or to a meal is about worn E. J. Adams, of Eugenp, drifted in yesterday when I got your letter with threadbare but a new one was pulleil again tonight. Although no longer n the paper. This is the only mail I ’ve the other day. Heeing a member walk ■ member of the highway commission, he had since th** first I received when 1 ing with a woman and baby, and know still takes the old-time interest in roads was up on the front. When I was at n mg that a few days ago his wife and ua»l is her« primarily in the interest of eoavateasint camp at Mars, Franre, I baby hu»f aot been here, another mem the proposed roast militnry road, for wrote to the first sergeant o f my com­ her remarked to the attended meinlu-rs, which an appropriation of two and a pany to forward my mail to me there “ Isn't it funny that our wives and Im half millions is askeii. He was accom­ but I was evacuated from there before bie» have to follow to see that we carry panied here by L. J. Simpson, o f North I got it and it was forwarded to mo ourselves correetly f ’ ’ “ But I'm not Bend. from there. The rest o f the mail is at a his wife and b a b y " wu» the reply in n • • • place called Bourges, where the central fair feminiue vm w , and the humorous President Campbell, o f the university, postoffiee is located. That ’» tho distrib­ one quietly moved un. • • • was here last night and today. He was uting center and when a fellow is sent Emmett Howard, o f Junction City, very appreciative of the treatment of to a hospital his service record and mail wu« among Lane county peopl<> who the joint ways and means committee, of are held there till he is returned to his looked in un the performers this week. which Herbert Gordon, formerly o f Eu­ company or attach»*»! to some other or­ • • • gene, is chairman in th«> house and H»-n- ganization. And that, too, is why I c a n ’t get my pay. It is hell to be in Lieut.-CoL nnd Mrs. K. A. Babb, of ator Jones is a member in the senate. a foreign country broke, but I guess Eugene, stopp»>»l here briefly today while on their way to Fortland. D IV ID E C R O S S IN G W I L L BE I ’ll live through it. L's bunch o f casuals here are sure getting a rotten deal. We • • • O V E R H E A D T Y P E . IS are worse than a bunch of prisoners Representative Bean took time from D E C IS IO N penned up here. There is no excuse for his many other duties which make him it either. I knew you would all rejoice one uf the buniest men in the house to The state highway commission has when you heard of the signing of the help introduce u bill which appropriates finally decided upon an overhead struc­ $5000 for the construction, improve­ ture for the crossing at Divide and the armistice. We sure did rejoice, too. Such ment nnd maintenance of n finh hatch­ contract has been let for its construc­ nniae you never heard. You couldn’t ery nt Home point on the up|>er Wiliam tion to A. Anderson, of Grants Pass, for do a thing with the men. Even the guards shot away their ammunition to ette river in Lane county. $iiU5ti. The crossing is to be built o f re­ Representative Bean believe» thut th,. inforced concrete und will be of orna­ help swell the noise. “ Then, I suppose, you cast a sigh text book commission is n useless ad­ mental design. wondering if I was among the dead or junct to state government and has in­ This derision was arrived at by the living. It sure was awful for the boys troduced a bill to thrunt it out o f the commission at its meeting in Portland state government nnd confer it« duties Tuesday ufter having listen»*»! to the that fell just the last five minutes be upon the superintendent o f public in­ arguments hy members of the Lane fore the armistice was signed. “ Dinner is r»»ady. I hate to go, as I struction. county court in favor of nn , under­ . i know just what we are to have— salmon, • • • ground crossing, figures on the esti ] j -|| j1(,t Representative Bean believes that ed- mated cost o f both were submitted and “ Well. I'm back ami lost the bet. ucation «hould be ns nearly as possible after analyzing them the commission We hnd a spoonful o f beans, half within the reach of every child o f the decided that there was very little dif- «•«Hiked, a quarter o f a pickle, two sliees state nnd that th,, burdens o f such ed­ ference in the cost, and as the commis­ o f bread, no butter, and one-third o f a ucation should be as light as possible sion has all along been favorable to the cup o f hlnck coffee. Breakfast was three upon the pHrent« o f such children. To overhead type the decision to ndheru to sliees o f bacon, two slices of bresd. no bring those things about he has intro the original plans was made. butter, and one-third o f a cup o f coffee. Mr. Anilermin's was the lowest o f nine | Supper, it is hard to say what w e ’ll get. »lured a lull authorizing tha superintend «■nt «if public instruction to distribute bids on the work. It is expected that T hat»’ the size o f our living day in and school books at actual wholesale coat, work on the structure will be begun as »lay out. When you hear o f some big soon as weather will permit. The coun­ feed the doughboys are hav ing, you can plus coat of distribution. • • • ty court will macadamize the road lead put it down that it is only a few, and A bill by Representative Graham ing to the crossing, this improvement stinie S. O. S. fellows at that. would allow the county court to fix the having been postponed, pending final “ The Y. M. 0. A. is to be dirwn-and- salary o f nn assistant to the county settlement o f the crossing muddle, when outers after the A. E. F. gets home, but the Pottage Grove Divble road was superintendent of Imne county. Hereto­ the Salvation army has won the hearts fore but $500 has been allowed for this macadamized a year or so ago. of the doughboys and they will sure be Members o f the county court say that recognized by the boys when they get purpose. This legislative assembly has adopted the policy o f allowing county the engineer’s data on the new stretch home. All the boys I have seen say tho courts to fix the salaries o f all assist­ of Pacific highway between here and Salvation army gets their nickel- ura Walker is about ready for the commis­ dimes after this. ants to the county officers. sion nnd that bids for its grading will • • • “ You got my last letter just the day be called for soon. Afterward it will be before I went over the top for the first At first blush it might seem that the paved. time. That morning sure vvns a thrill curfew law for dogs introduced by Rep for me and the rest o f us. Think of reaentntive Dennis, a former Lane coun­ Honor OuArd Girls to Olve Social. guns booming and blasting every inch ty man, must have heen introduced for fun nnd would I h < full of jokers, hut The honor gunrd girls will give an o f the ground on a 28-mil«» front. The such is evidently not the case. K»>cog old-fashioned “ get-together” basket bombing started about two o ’clock the nixing that the greater part o f injury social at the armory Saturday evening, morning o f the Ulith of September. At to livestock by dogs is «lone at night, February 15, nt 8 o'clock. The girls are five o'clock wo starte.l right into it Mr. Dennis would huv»> them kept se expected to bring large, well filled bas­ with a rolling barrage. The air was cure at home between the hours o f 8 kets, which the boys are expected to blue with smoke, the smell o f high ex­ p. m. and ti a. m. The suggestion has buy. Saint Valentine decorations will plosives sickening, trenches blown to been made to Mr. Dennis that »logs at be used and a musical nnd literary pro­ hell, and aer»*s o f barbed wire entnngle- large during the prohibited hours should gram will be furnished by home tulent. ments lowered to nothing, the ground be accompanied by their parents nnd The money derived from the snle of torn up so it was almost impassable— no another auggeation is that an appropria­ baskets will be used to defray the ex possible chance for a liv ing Ixung unless tion be made to supply the «logs with penses o f n reception to be given in he should have been 50 feet under ground. I can tell you more in a min­ wrist watches. honor o f our returning soldier boys. ute than I can write in a week. • # • “ I di»ln’t miss my guess much when Sarah Ann Bales Dies at London. Representative Wheeler made his maiden speech today and demonstrated Mrs. Sarah Ann Bales, ng<*»l Sti years, I said w e ’d have the Germans tamed that upon occasion he can express him­ succumbed to an attack o f appoplexy by Christmas, did II “ I suppose I ’ll be coming home some self forcibly and very much to the point. Friday, January 31, 1!*1!>, at the home The bill under discussion was one to o f her son, George Bnles, at London. day. We have to await our turn— I compel counyt courts to make an annual Sarah Ann Marshal was born in d o n ’t know when mine is due.” • • * road levy upon all the property o f the Green county, Mo., April 27, 1833. She Wnrren Edwards, writing to his county, 70 per cent of that raised in the was married to Keithley Bales Jsnnary cities to be returned to the cities. The 30, 1847, and they came to Oregon 111 grandmother, Mrs. Ijturn McFarland, amount could be in any amount front 1 years ago. O f 12 children, 10 survive. under »Into o f January 10, says: “ I am now stationed at Le Mans, mill to 10 and the bill was the result of Th»ly are Mrs. Mary A. Pedigo and Geo. conditions such as exist in Laue county Bales, London; Mrs. I’ arthenia Miggie, (Continued ou last page.) Letters From Soldier Boys D E V E L O P M E N T O F T O U R IS T T R A V E L IS IM P O R T A N T TO N O R T H W E ST Oregon will act as host this summer to the National Editorial association as one o f the results of tho activities o f the Pacific Northwest Tourist associa­ tion. This body o f men and women is made up o f the brightest minds in the newspaper world nnd the results that will accrue from a publicity standpoint are beyond all computation. During the past two years the tourist association, representing Oregon. Washington and British Columbia, has »(w-nt $112,000 io attract tourists to the Pacific northwest and the results have beeu far beyond expetation when war conditions are tak- * n into consideration. That Ore gun has receiv**d the gr»*ater benefit over the utiier commonwealths is evident in tho a tten d a n t at Crater Lake. There aro 11 national parks in the I'niteil States, and all but two showed a decrease in attend­ ance except Crater 1-nke and Rainier national. Crater Lake showed an in­ crease o f between 25 and 40 per cent nnd nearly 50,000 people visited Rainier national, while all parts o f tho Pacific northwest were included in the various ph:i»es of publicity. The total expenditure o f the tourists and vacation seeker {>er annum is not less than one billion dollars and it is to »»»cure our fair shar*. o f this immeuso revenue that this association exists. It is safe to say f l a t within a very short time the Pacific northwest— and it can be demonstrated by figures— can derive from 50 to 100 million dollars o f actual cash from the encouragement o f this travel. - This casu remains in the Pacific northwest. It is no’ sent out for any raw material, nor for any other commodity, but remains here to help every individual citiz» n in the develop­ ment of his business and in tho payment o f his taxes, and the tourist is absolute­ ly the forerunner o f ti e settler, the new investor and tho manufacturer. Travel by rail was discouraged last year, and as far as going ubrond is con­ cerned there will be nothing doing this year. The wur is over and the people have the money end tne desire to trav­ el. We have «> far'expended $112,000 to attract attt. lion to tho greatest as­ set we have, a nu we inly need to keep up the work to seeur* returns based on this expenditure tar beyond the desires of the most nvanc ■ « To illustrate: The Park to Park Highway association at a recent meeting in Spokane reported 10,000 machines cut. ring Spokane over tho Yellowstone highway with an aver­ age o f four in a car. Suppose these cars were gathered together in Spokane in one day. You know what it costs to travel. Take the amount you would speud, multiply it by 40,000 and look at the total; this is the way this new mon­ ey that it costs us practically nothing to get flows in a steady stream into our lap. House bill 7t! calls for another appro­ priation, to cover the coming two years, for the sanio amount asked for two years ago and dependent upon Washing­ ton and British Columbia following with tho same amount they gave previously. No appropriation has secured more for Oregon or been better administered. The work is under the constant attention o f some o f our lending business men who give their time free o f charge anil pay their own expenses when attending tho meetings of the board o f directors. The state revenues are used to devel­ op every othor asset, either by main­ taining departments, enforcement o f laws, maintaining institutions, and the building o f roads and bridges; and tho simplest way to increase these revenues is by a development moro potent than any that has gone before and which will result in the coming hero o f thousand* o f men and women, who will see us a* wo are, nnd many o f whom will either remain permanently or leave thorr mon­ ey for investment.