U. ul O Library vilnttaae (Smur Mattel AND Vol.l'MK XXIX Takf'ii Gafth but I*a v«n J «w «U ; I'alln to C!«t in Mimty Box Con Uinlug Hilvar, ESCAPEL FROM FALLINO RU INB ONLY TO SUCCUMB TO INFLUENZA BROWN LUMBER CO.’S MILL SOLD TO EASTERNERS WHEELER IS SUCCEEDED BY WOOD AS MAYOR Hurraed* Mark Oa routte as Alderman, No Other Changes Are Made. TREMENDOUSSACRIFICE OF WAR UNBELIEVABLE Ghosts of Denti. Twenty Abreast. Would Il is now Mayor A. II. Wood and Take Four Muntila to Pans Councilman Nelson Durham, there being no other changes in the council or city a Given Point. officials. T. ( ’. Wheeler retires as may i»r after |0 years o f service as council man ami mayor. M. 1'. (iumotte, who It hau füllen to tH.* lot o f tin» New was suceeeded by Nelson Durhamt had lurk Tribune to publish the bent scheme served four years. The reel*« ted officers nr«* J. \V for visualizing whnt the eanualtlee of \ catch and H. V. Allison, councilman I the wur have really meant to the na from the First ward, K. K. Walker ami timi» involved. David Hterbng, councilmen from the I If the U riti.h demi libine, for ilintitlire, M«c«utd ward, Dr. A. W. Kim«*, council u r e to iniirrli down nny »tree! SO man from the Third ward, Herbert ¡ihrenst, anil with the ro w . only three Kokin, treasurer, and J K. Young, re J feet upurt, they would puss a given cordcr. O. II. 1'itcher has I »ecu reele«*te«| . l*oi ii I frmii sunrise to sunset without a marshal by the new cou/ici| and W. \V I break for 10 long dava. It would take ¡mother 11 day* for the French dead to Oglesby health officer. The officers were sw«»rn in Mondov I file dowg the » m e thoroughfare. iiu> I ■ ’ in ’» bmaca in killed would require the night. tune of more thun five week, to pass I lie given |Miint in the nperified forina I lion, nnd the dead of all the allied na tionn, marching SO nhrraat, could not I m < reviewed in lean than S'-, montila. Iietnti.li limi Anal rinn dead would re quire another ail vveeka for review, nnd the whole total of men killed in the wnr Junction City I* First. Florence Second. on I Kith «idea of the conflict would march atcudily SO iibrenat for more Ilian Springfield Third and Eu four month» before they would all |>na» gene In Fifth. by. COTTAGE GROVE FOURTH IN COUNTY TAX LEVY Junction City ban the highest manie i|>iil tax iu l.nue county thin year, nr cording to a ntntcment | ire pared by County Assessor I». I*. Itiirton, who bua jiiat cotu|iiled u liat of special tax lev lea for the diatriet achoola, union high nrhooln, road diatrieta, port dintrieta und eltiea for the year 1918, The Junction levy in SI.2, while Florence luvy ia 20.5 null». Springfield ia third with Is 8 and Coltnge tlrove ia next with n levy ol 18.2 nulla. Eugene ia fifth with u levy of 1.1.1». Following ia the liat prepared by Anaeaaor Burton: City Milla Gnhnrg .......... ................................ 1,'l.fi Cottage O tovi .. is.s Creawell ...................................... M..1 Eugene UJ Florenea __ so r> Qlennda ....... » i Junction Otty UJ Springfield .......... |&g I'ort o f Suialavv «,« FIRE DEPARTMENT OUT TWICE IN SAME DAY A flu«* fir«* in tin* building urrtipiod by th«* Henry IDdil gasoline supply sta lion and grm*< rv railed out the fir«* de­ partment just before six o'clfM’k Tue* «lay evi’iilng. The fliim<*s were «*xliii guislied with but littl«’ damage to th«' building and non«* to the stock. Tin* fir«* department was rail«*«! out during tlu* forenoon of the same day by tin* ringing of th«* fire bell, but if was found that no one )in«l turned In an alarm. The only explanation is that the ularm system fnihnl to work whrn turned in the day before and probably went o ff when the electrical apparatus thaw«’«! out. MEMBERSHIPS IN R. C. REACH THE TOTAL OF 1354 The total o f meinberahipa »ecured in the lied Fro»» Fhriatina» Moll Fall vvaa Ml.VI, according to the report o f Mra. B. COTTAGE OROVE TIMBER It. Job, secretary o f the local branch / GOES TO FAR OFF ITALY Thi» include» meinberahipa in Cottage drove and in the nuxillarie». The total That the Fot tage drove country ia tu hint year wn» 1030. get »rime of the proaperity to reanlt from the rebuilding o f Europe ia evi •fenced by the fnrt that the J. II. Cham YOUNGSTERS. OLD AND YOUNO. ENJOY SKATING bera mill ia now getting out noverai < a , a of I tlx I« timber» to be whipped to Italy. The cold »nnp o f the pn»t week or no The t imiterà are SO to till feet in leiigih and nome of tin- lot;» brought here from hna furnished the youngster» (ns well which to rut them ure Kill feet in length. ns a number of those who have to be ronvin... I with lame leg munclcs that they lire no longer children) with the EWES KEEP WARM WITH first ice skating they have enjoyed In WOOL 12 INCHES LONG several years. A number o f ponds and sloughs, where the water is still, have “ I never did nee ao tnueli wool on a had ice an inch or two in thickness and aheep, ” an id Stanley Mickey, it» he ex easterners in particular have been dig 'hibited nampIcM which he luid taken ging skates out* o f garrets Hnd cubby­ from ii floek o f 83 evvea which he bought holes nnd trying to imagine that they in Wnahington aeveral month» ago and are back in the frorea enst for n short which ia now IS inette» In length in ex­ time. treme cnaea with aeveral month» yet to The vegetation, completely silvered by grow. The longeat wool Mr. Mickey hud fog and frost, has presented n beautiful ever before »een on nn ewe wan H or 0 appearance. ¡neben nnd even on a buck he had never neen it longer than It ¡neben, lie be­ Rev. MncLeod Undergo«» Operation. lieve» thene ewe» will beat Mint record Trench and Fnmp, Camp I .owls: 1 >. A. before the clipping nennon. M arl.... 1, social secretary, known to all the soldiers around here as “ Mae,” has Looking for Aerial Station. undergone n serious operation nt the The government in looking for nn nir base hospitnl. Mis friends will be glad plane patrol ntntion on the count o f t.nne to know that he has gone through the county nr nenrby. Inquino» have been ordeal in good shape m ij is on the road made for nuitnble location» nround Flor to recovery, and it is believed that he enee nnd Coos Bay. will soon lie bark on the jolt in better shape thnn ever. I f you enn’t »ell It, try the want nd. way. Seldom fails. ••• W ATCH YOUR LABEL. i LEAD ER Red Cross Roll Call The funeri»! of Utidolph ('line was halt! at li o'clock Hominy afternoon nt the i \. I\ A A. M l. O O . K. cemetery, Itev. ! Jo,«ph Knotts offiiduting. I>cuth or eurred the Thursday before from infill The nmiio of Wmidii en/ii, which was brought on by expo Voliteli was uni li ten t ion ul sine when Mr. and Mrs Cline's home on ly omitted from The ('•• Mosby ereck was demolished about them ■lars list last week, being by a large fir tree which fell during n an error of the printers. storm, lie and Mrs. Cline had lo walk The umile» of Kcii/ic a mile to the home of Jasper Fatten Muff mid Mrs. IjtDuke with but scanty protection ngainst the w ile illuni ent mini I ly mint elements. Mr Cline had been a resident Imi filmi III» Hebron list of this section of Oregon for some liti III the c o p y I urinshi-ii The years, lie was .'It# years and four months etc ii t il i c i lust week. of age and a native of Missouri. A « 114 y libili litir^lur o|»«,rnti,«l ut tin* Origini liotol Tui'iuiay nini Nurmnl tfi.'jo lift in it |»un«o by Mm. K, M. I'o r tir Jewelry win* not touch«»«! and tin* |nir*« wun imt removed. A vimi I hum u I no mude to tin* room ol tin* cook, (l<*orge M um »«’iia^n, vs lo re tin« ehttligi' from u 4 10 bill ni it money box hiin loeked in n trunk. Tin* flunk wiim u|««n<*