Cottage Grove sentinel and Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Oregon) 1915-1921, January 03, 1919, Image 1

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    SI tt Cotta«? drmir
or o
i l \J A eue*.
t i hr Ut y
Red Cross Roll Call
T W «liniiiK romu ut thi» Hotel Oregon,
wliK'h wii n rlo»i i| for t»U «luy m ori iii'roiint
o f tla«• ulurk ne tutori o f th« ye n r am i fo»
in .'igniti <*|* 4 * ii fo tli«* loenl uri«
Minnoiiotn Disloyalist* Charge It All
tiiivi lm g jiuhlir, (»ri'Mi'iiting uri ii|*|»«*ur
Up am Newspaper l*ro
uni«* un n|iir unii hj . mii fimi i n v i t m g un The following list of thoae
pug audit tuid L iam
oh «« coutil wmh.
On neeouiit o f th«* rut who aigned the Christmas
hi th«« iiiiiiit»cr o f t r a v e lin g
uni«** men Itoli Cull till» been fur
«liiring thè V%nr inni thè lin k o f torni iiiah«*«l for publication. The
Glencoe, Minn., Iii'r, 10 With city |»ui ronrtge, riiiiiiing ti lugli ••In*«* Uiniiig H«*iitinel iiaaumi'N no re
room lin m uof I mi ii ii |»itymg |»ro|Mo»ition, apoiiaihility for errors but
jiia il county authorities betiding cvcr)
I »il t Mr U n itili ho|i«*N flint witli t I h * will glmlly correct any
•I'ttorl tu it|>|>r«'l>•-ml tin' n inliint i nf l»i
clone o f fhc wur timi fin* ii|>|irouch of I that tuny appetir:
A. I*. Kuper, prominent InynliMt, u •
t li«* touriNt m m in o ii flint tliiiign 111 ny In
Im k m I on thi> Mtrriitu hrr« Hiitunliiy
C'offitgi* (trovi* # ii hotel ami
Rlark Butte
night by four unknown nirn, tin' tviivi
di li lo g room Imi« ii ri'iMitation witli th* • llrow n, J. II.
o f lnill|(iiution tlmt »wept tin1 iiiii » mi mi
t r n \ e li n g puhli r flint I iiin heen n migli* | li«- in ia, J. W.
ity Inm miliiiilril »ume what, nml tin* nit
gootl thiiig l’or thè l)unin«*NN nien o f thè Bruii», Miaa
iintion I n i | i *«'Ininl tnilnv to In* rntlri I)
« ity nml hnn l»e«*n mi meellerit n<lvertice | Bornia, Nelson
un«li*r mot nil That pro-German Ai'nti
n i n i for thè rity it»«*lf.
! Celierà, Mrs. W. II.
in«*itt in ntiinulili'riiiK in McLeod *ountjr,
however, im »how n liy Mi*vi*rnl significant
lot» of I'vidi'ni'i'.
Two riti/rn« of llrowntnn, n n n li'i
o f pro him Mint intent, huvr filed ilnm
ugc Mill IM iiguinnt »11 loyiiliatH who
form'll thriu to tuki* purl in thr Vietory
«clcbrulinn of Nov, II.
Loyalist« Assaulted.
At least thrii* rn»«*» of ammiiii II on |oy
si citir.riiM on Nov. II, growing out ol
Atguniciita with tlrriniin sympathizer!
urr r«'portnl in thin virinity.
Orrnnin sympathizers in th«* Brown
ton ni'ighlHirliooii mill othi-r attnng lirr
innn tow iim , nr«* icfuaing to rourrili* thn
(n rum n y Inta li«*«*n bout mi in tin* wm
iirroriling to Hum O. A ill I»'rami, po»t
wtiulrr o f Hutchinson, nml promiurn
loyaliNt. Thin im th<* wuy th«*y rsplmi
th« rrrrnt event«;
"Y e a , th«* uriniMt iit I iiim lirrn »lgn*d
but tliimuny wbm not liik iil
W i I mh
* was hollering f i prin ■*. nml Genual
finally guv«* It t« h im ”
” llut, * anya ihr iloubtrr, ‘ ‘ thr pnp«-r
any tho German nuty him ln*i*n aurrrn
ilrrnl. • *
A ll Newspaper Lla.
" T h u t ’« nil n newspaper In*," im th'
ronvinring ri'«pon«r.
NTbc paprr» »ny that tin* German
havr hnl to g ite up thmr log gnu» Mm
Iota of ammunition to thr n llira," any
tho »« nri hrr for truth.
"D o n 't you believe i t , " any» thr hut
aymputhiarr, " t h u t ’» Ju«t aomr won
of tini»r iirwapuprr In*«."
'" H o w nlmut tin* ulliml urinira ninrrh
mg into Gernnui trrritory," th«* i|di'*
llonrr pur aura.
" I t ain't n o," th«* authority answers
with uu nir of finnlity.
That ia nil thrrr* ia to It, nml thr In*
rrfugr o f thr throry of hull invinribll
ity. loynliata here any, la In thr mimla o
»•inn* of tln-ai- M i I j ih I rouuly rouat)
ilmloynlmta. They nrr Tory "a u llrn ,’
h o a n rr, ua pr«*aa ri-port» «Irarnbr th’
population of occupied Germany.
I.oyaitaU Not Intimidated.
In apitr of thm rondition. it m point«*«
| nut, loyal eitlr -na urr grratly« ia th«
inn parity in llutrhin»*iii ami tilrnoo«
nml thry aro not in thr Irnat inlim.
dntrd by aurh tuinga na thr imauult oi
l*r K«i|««*r. In furt, it ia tin* l'r" 0*>
man rlrrnrnt that ia krrping extrcmcl
ipin't Juat now.
F. A. J. Tinilnipr, loynl <*«litur of th
(llrnror Enterprise, ia to havr n rom
prtitor vrry noon, it ia nnnounrial. Th*
plant o f thr notorioua MinnAapolia an>
Ml. I'aul Amrririin, I’ aul F. Dehnol
aupprcaai'il pnp«*r, him b««rn movr«l t*
(ilrneor. It alia provrnti'il from aturl
mg for n long timr by thr rulra of th<
wur industries l«onr«l, but thr r«*atrii
tmu» huvr now brrn lifted, it in »uni
mol thr pnprr will atnrt in n fi*w dny
na thr Glencoe Amrrirnn. It» rditor i
to hr Willinm K rrhn, ilrfrntril rnmli
ilnt«* for rounty au|H*rintrndrnt o
uliiml» in thr rramit rlrrtion, auppnrtri
by thr Nnn-I’urlisiin Iraguc. Henry
l.iirhra, n wealthy fnrinrr living nrn
Glencoe, ia mini to br chief owner ol
Ihr pnprr.
Thr Friolo PrAaar, Urrimin weekly
winch flouriabml for a time i m thr ex
lament o f the pro (iermun acntimrnt, h
now ilrnd, ami ita former mlitotr, Rein
hold Kiiitaa, ia ruportrd to be languish
ing somewhere in n frdrrnl prison. Hinri
hia urrrat thr dmloyuliata him* hnd m
t iirwapuprr organ.
Damagp Suita FllAd.
Fred llrfrrrb and (luatavr Schwartz
nek, of Itrownton, have filed auita it
district court here for dnmngca numing
mix citim-ns of Hrowntou im defendant*
Tho auita grow out o f Itrownton 'a Vic
lory diiy relohrutlon, when about 11
nirn who hnd brrn rlunard na (Irrniui
aympnthiiu'ra were rullrd out, inndr ti
carry flnga in a parade, nml to titk•
pluses on thr stage in the town hull
* where they had to kiaa the America!
flag nml truuipb* Ihr (h-rmnn flag undri
fmit. Ilrfrerh nllrgra thut tho aix dr
femliinta broke into hin hotiar, ubuaoil
\,lm um', hia wifat nml rnuard them men
ml dialrrau for'which hr wnnta $1500
Hr nlao imka $200 for damngr done t<
hia bouao. Hrhw (Irtr.rrrk aura for aiftti
Inr umimiita on the aiimo ullrgntiona.
.Imlgr I*. W. Morrison, former diatrirl
judge, wim aaanulted in Norwood or
Nov. II, il ia reported, na a reault of m
nrgument with u Herman sympathizer
l>m id Abram* nnd Theodore l.nmothr,
o f Leater I’ mirle, prominent loyally
workora there, w«*re nlso uaanultrd tin
that dny na n rrault of iirgiimrnta that
^followed thr Victory crb'brntion.
Nonparty "O n Rocks."
Tho Non l’nrtiann league, which got
ila main auppoit from thr German ele
mi nt in McLeod rounty. is now auid to
br "o n the rocks" in thin sect ion. Many
farmers ainro election have thrown up
their membership, it ia reported, and any
they will not br induced to renew. Even
thr Oermnn sympathisers, now that th«
war ia over, are losing their interest in
the lengne in moat rnaea.
la spite of the rerent outbrenka, the
situation in the rounty ia dcolarod by
loyalty lenders to he better today thnn
nt nny time since the nntldrnft meet
ing« stirred up antiwar sentiment in the
county in the summer of 1017. The
l.oval Service leagues o f Hutchinson
nnd (llonroc nrr Inrgely to be Credited
with tho Improved conditions. No out
breaks are expected.
Herman sympathizer* in the Brown
ton community have been reported na
¡Celierà, H.byl
Celierà, Hlen
Crane, Margaret Whitaon
Ciimiiiinga, J. H.
Comb», Arthur
Caler, Charles
Caler, Mabel P.
With Own Lights Out and niinde«! by Combs, Orph.-i
Cran«*, Clara Whitaon
Those of Another He Is Un­
Crune, Karl It.
Funk, Thomas
able to Bee Road.
Funk, Lawrence
Funk, Mrs. Jnne
Hnrmnti, Mrs. K K
Krncat ih'iinrlt hud a narrow <*nenpe Herman, K. B.
in uu uutomobil«* nrridi'nt Monday eve Herlock, Frank
ning. He ia u driver for Woodson ’a (leer, K.
gnrug«* and hud tnken Dr. «lob to lai H«*«*rt Mary
ibnm, hia light* burning out. The doctor Hlivry, Eva
'«■lit him buck to the rity for light» Holly, H um
while hi’ wna nttending hia rna<*. A n h Iverson, Otto
wna upprouchiiig the bridge over the Iverson, Mollie
fill ni'nr the J, T, Alliaon plnrr on I ’n Juliet, Ida aia
■ fir highway a lug rar with glaring Lackey, W. II.
iglita npproiich«*d mid ao bbndi*«l lien Lackey, Mr». W. H.
let I thut he w«*nt o ff the aide o f the Lively, Wm.
und and tniasi'd the bridge with the Lively, Mr». Wm.
lower wheels. ,£hr rur wna stopp«*«! by Mo«»re( II. F.
coming in rontnrt with the timbers of i I'hilllpa, Itobert
he floor of the bridge, the fr«mt wh.'«'l ! Poster, Kd.
tiring demolished nnd other minor in- I'hilbps, Mrs. Robert
juries resulting, nlthough not na great ' Ray, \C J.
i»nne would ' Xpert from th<* position of ' Hnnahaii, Joe
h,. car, an old model Kor«l.
Hhirey, Mr» Myrtle
The »upport wna knocked from tinder Hhirey, C. 1’.
‘ he rniling nnd hud the car move«! three S t o c k s , Albert
I'eet further iihend the rniling would Npmtgeiilo'rg, Mr Mrs. L.
iu\e »mnaheil through the windshield I'rent, Alfred
Hid probnbly atrurk the driver, while Wilson, B. W.
he car would huvr been tiirni*«l upside Watkins, K. J:
down on top of the driver
As it was, Watkins, Mrs M K.
ie escaped without injuries.
Ward, Nora
Wyntt, M. F.
W yatt, Mr». M. F.
Withers, P. O.
Blue Mountain
W. .1. White has received from hia
am, l.ieuti*nuiit Noble White, a Herman Allen, John
irlmet. It ia evidently one thut wua Allen, Mrs. John
,lai*d for dr«*»« purpose«, ua it is tnnde of Cnatle, Mm. J. E.
•rather. The »tump innide indieatea that Duerat, Arnold
t wna Hindi* in 11*15 and pndiubly none Donnhur, Knruh
• f this kind wrrrc inmle in the latter Dowcn«, Mra. Heo.
<ara o f ¡hr wnr. The owner eviilenliy Frost, Mr». Fr«*d
hooght it wise to tug hia property, as Hrey, John
ua mime is written aevernl time» in Kibby, It. 1!.
ule the piece. This piece of hend gear Kihby, Mra. II. II.
» quite elaborate. The " » p i k e " is Lnndwehr, Herm.
milt like u chimney und hna nn uir vent Landwehr, Kdith
vhich run be opened ur rlowd and un- Mooney, Butte
other vent which can be o|M*ned or Mooney, Mra. Butte
loacd is found in the r«iutid ridge down McHuire, Mra. Amin
Hi«* renter o f the bnck o f the helmet. McUuiie, Dkln
V»» elaborate ornament decorate» the McHuire, Clifton
rout, being a composite of the Hermnn Robbina. Mra. M. C.
agio, th<* iron eroaa and oth«*r derorn- Riasue, William
liotia nml hears the legend " M l t tlott Khny, Marjorie
fur Ko eni g und Knterbind" (W ith Hod j Whippa, Finley
for king nnd fntherluml). The ornum<*nt ! Whippa, Mra. Finley
» keyed OB, evidently so that it ran be | Ward, Ralph W.
hungeil for different rank» or for d if­ Ward, Henrietta A.
ferent h«inora h* Id by the owner.
. Divide
Ambros«', Mrs. Nora
Physicians Endorse Sentinel's Position
Allenimi, Heo.
At the lust meeting o f the Central
Alternila, Mrs. Geo.
Willamette Mi'dicul society n resolution
Brown, A. M.
-.»na adopted condemning the practice
Brown, Mrs. A. M.
o f using the names o f phyairinna in eon
lturket, W . E.
neetion with mm*» which they are at­
tending and newspapers were nake<| ti Bur ko t, Mrs. W. K.
Crawford, M. W.
omit auch mention in news item* her.
Chiiproun, F. M.
ifter. The Hentinel has nlwnya h<*ld thm
f Impiumi, Mrs. F. M.
he mention of the phvairiuti in Conner
Dugmi, Mildred L.
thin with tin iiceiilent or case o f »¡rkiM4»*
Foster, Mrs. 7..
was unethical and hna never been u Hrodlmid, Olof
offender nlthough mnny have thought (•rodImid, Mrs. Olof
»itch notion peculiar. Now the physi­ Kenady, R. H
cian» themselves have endorsed the pol Kenndy, B. W.
ley of The M«>ntinrl.
Kenady, Mrs. R. W.
Kenndy, Ella
Lewis, N.
Thank Tou!
The latest issue o f the Oregon Voter Lewis, Mrs. N.
*nva: From the Eugene Register w«* I.indstrom, P. A.
learn thnt Elbert Bede, mlitor o f The I.indstrom, A. II.
Cottage drove Hentinel, riniiiia to have l.ung, Mrs. Ella
n sufficient number o f votes pledged Mackey, J. A.
to secure hia election na rending clerk Mnekcy, Mrs. J. A.
of the house of representatives nt the McReynolds, U. W.
legialntive aoaaion. We congrntulnte nil Me Dole, Hurry
concerned, mid believe the press o f the Me Dole, Mrs. Harry
state will regard it na a complim«*nt if McReynolds, K. P.
one of ita beat known exponents ia ae- McLaughlin, Emmn
McReynolds, E. !..
lected for this important position.
Me Hey nobis. Mrs. E. L.
Me Reynolds, (I. W.
Imnating that they lire going nrmctl, hut
McReynolds, Mrs. II. W.
this ia not taken seriously. Loynliata
Perini, A. M.
»«•off at the idea that it ia necessary to
Perini, Mrs. A. M.
carry weapons. Dr. Roper anid jocosely Perini, Mrs. Kntherine
today thnt he guessed in future he
Perlai, Massimo
wonld have to " paek a g u n " when out
Russell, II. II.
nt night, nnd William Trumbull, reatau
Russell, Mrs. II. II.
rant proprietor, known for nggreaaive R.vliinson, Mrs. Vorn
loyalty, anya he aometimea goes nrmed
Hnderstrom, A.
when going home ut night with hia
Hoderstrom, Mrs. A.
dny 'a receipts in hia pocket.
Williams, Addison
Dr. Roper Improved.
Williams, Mrs. Addison
Dr. Rop«'r wna able to he out today,
lie hna n bad gush in his chin, evidently
Cedars and Howdy ville
mad«’ by n blow from a club or some Ashby, Mrs. Julia
thing harder thnn n man's fist, and hin Ashby, Kd.
m jile is H«>mewhnt lame from his fall, Ashby, Ilnxel
but otherwise he seems to have no s«*r Cnmp, Susie
ions injuries. He hns no hlen who the Dobberstein, Mrs. Otto
men were that assaulted him, but there Dorward, Mrs. Orabelle
is no doubt thut it was don,* by hun Dorwnrd, Max
Dorward, Willinm
Dr. Roper hns been the most out­ Dorwnrd, Mrs. Willinm
spoken nf loynliata nnd often hns dorisch, Rudolph
culled disloyal men down for sentiments Hnldcmnn, Susan
they expressed. He s«>ems to hnve be Horning, Marion*
come especially hated by the pro-Hor Hnndy, C. F.
man element. Hhreiff Frnnk Klaus, Ilnndy, Mrs. C. F.
County Attorney W. O, McNcllv nnd Hemenwny, Orn
the Hleneee |>olice nre making every i f- llemenwny, Almond
fort to lenrn who e«immitted the nasnult, Larsen, Mrs. Snrepta
1 .mo in era, Mr.
but as yet hnve no clue.
Lummers, Mra.
Metcalf, John
McFarland. Mra Ellen
MeFnrland, Chnrlea
McFiirlmid, llnttie
McFarland Florence
McFarland, 0. W.
McGee, P. H.
Magee, Mr». Flora
Mngee, Edith
Rudolph, Hermnn
Heir», Mrs. I.ydtn M.
Smith, Mra. Nureiaai
Smith, Ib-iilnh
Smith, A. B.
Smith, Mra. E ffie
Shcllbtirne, Mnrie
Thum, William
Tucker, Nellie
Vrnteh, Mrs. Lena
Venteh, Curtis
V«*nteh, Wnyn«*
Venteh, Enid
Wntkina, Mra. M. E.
Wheeler, M M.
Wheeler, Mra. M. M.
Baker, D. M.
Bn lea, Naomi
Buies, R«*h«'<-ra
Cnramnnleu Mra. Frank
Doolittle, ILigli
Doolittle, Annn
DeMarco, Mra. Frank
Elliott, Snruh
Knglmid. D. I,.
Knglmid, Mrs. D. L.
Oouley, James
ii hum , loin
Oouley, Mr» Ellen
Hoaao, A. E.
Hnroutte, Alex
Onroutte, Aelm
Hubbard, Mra. W.
Hubbard, Vewter
Johnson, W. M.
Johnson, Mrs. W. M.
Kirk, Bertha
Kirk, Emit
Kirk, Mr*. Hurry W
Kirk, J. H.
Kirk, I'larn A.
Kirk, Allen
Kelly, Mra. Fred
Kelly, Mra. Warren
Land, Mra. A.
I «and, Andrew
Lindany, Mia» Annie
Land, Oiren, I.
McCollum, B. F
McCollum, Mra. B. F, Faye
Monteith, 8. A.
Montcith, Mra. H.
R«*dford, Edwin
Ri'dford, J. E.
Redford Ella R.
Smith, Agnes
Htewnrt, Mra. M. M.
Stewart, M. M.
Smith, Jouiuh
Teeters, Mrs. Cora E.
T«'etera, John M.
Teeters, (Tinu.
Thomnsen, la*e
Thomnaen, Ora
VnnValin, C. D.
VnnValin, Emma
VanSehoiack. Bay
VanHehoiaeh, Mra. C. A.
VnnHcboinca, Lottie
VanSehoiack, W. P.
VanSehoiack, Hattie
VanSehoiack. May
Willcta, lu'l.ui'l
Wegner. Minnie
Wagner, Lot
WilTeta, Mra. J. A.
W ill eta, J. A.
Willcta, Hattie M.
Ward. Mrs. A. L.
turkirk, A.
Bartel, Stanford
Clark, Mra. T. J.
Counter. O. M.
Dimmiek, L. S.
Ford, J. R.
Foster, Roy
Führer, Mrs. F. C.
Führer, F. C.
Hilcrist, Lector
Hilcrist, Jessie
Hiiekins, J. V.
Harkins, W. W.
Huff, Mrs. Renrie
Kimble, H. M.
Knppnuf, Mrs.
Knppnuf, Geo.
Kebelbeek, Mrs. Heo.
Kohelboek, Mrs. John
Ludlike, Mrs. A.
Mtiyben, Mrs. W.
Muyben, Herald
Pip«»r, Miriam
Piper, 8. R.
Powell, ,T. A.
Powell, Mrs. J. A.
Tnvlor, Hnrvey
Tharp, W. J.
Tharp, Mrs. W. J.
White, Mrs. Alford
White, Alford
White, Eleanor
White, Vivian Ine*
Young, Mrs. J. (J. A.
Vinson, Sophrpnia
Berggren, Axel N.
lterggren, Miss
Geer, t*«'vi
Heer, Mrs. J. L.
(leer, Belle
Heck, Roy 8.
Heck, Elsie O.
Heek, W. A.
Heck, Clnronc-e W.
Massey, I .a urn
Massey, W. O.
Small, O. A.
Small, Mrs. Flora
dmall, I*ois
White. Mrs. O. W.
Row RI vot
Anderson, A. B.
Anderson, I*ena J.
Anderson, Canna
Anderson, Chester
Anderson, Cllta
Anderson, Editha
Anderson, I>*ater, Carl
Brii/es, Mr». Curl
Crnwford, K. M.
Crawford, Mr», Maggie
l>oty, Miaa Lulu
Oeorge, Irwin
Gillespie, L.
Gillespie, Mr». L.
Hughes, Hlmiley
ilitakell, Carl
lories, Frmik
L'nyj, Archie
Kefangn, D.
Magladry, J. 8.
Mugladry, Mrs. Stella
McIntyre, Frank
McGuire, Herbert
McGuire T. B.
Paulis, C. IL
Potts, J. I*
Pleimrd, Elsie
Riasue, Albert
Smith, Mrs. W. L,
Smith, Miiude
Smith, Grace O.
Sloan, Mr». Ern«*at
Trnxler, Harold
Vaughn, Sid
Wilcox, Wm.
Wilkins, Sherman
Wilkins. Mrs Ethel
Wanker, John
Wanker, Mrs. John
Wanker, Miaa
Woods, (tiarlea
White, I. II.
Allen, Harry
Allt*n, Kathleen
Allen, Juda«in
Allen, Mary
Allen Hubert
Allen, Mrs. Judson
B«*nston, Harry
Burgess, J. A.
Binkley, Mrs. W. S
Beck, G. T.
Pension, F. T.
Ib nston, Mra. F. T
Burgess, Annie E.
Conner, E. C.
Conner, Mrs. E. C.
Conner, Alice
Conner, Charles
Cornutt, A. W.
Cornutt, Mrs. A. W.
Elliott, Marie
Fogje. J. E.
Horn, M. A.
Horn, Mr*. M. A.
Hoxtettler, Christian
Hostettler, John
Horn, Francis
Haight, C. H.
Haight, Mrs. C. H.
laekson, Oscar
Jackson, Mr». Oscar
Johnston, Bartlett
Johnston. Mra. Bartlett
loll, J. A.
loll, Mrs. J. A.
loll, Frank
Keene, Mr». W. A.
Keene, Ruby
l^onard, Ijile
Leonard, Lula
Myers, Wm. M.
McClellan, W. J.
Moody, C. C.
Monteith, I,. C.
McClellan, Mrs. W. J.
Nixon, Sarah
(¿uia'ner W. II.
Powell, L. M
Plott. Mr*. S. S.
l^ms'ner, C. J.
l^ueen, Nora
l^ueen, Hnrriet
l^ucen, Mrs. J. L.
Shattuck, J. W.
Sharon, Esther
Sears, E. J.
Snfley, Frank
Snt'loy, Margnrette
Sear*. Zelma
Sneht, Karl
Sharon, Ruth
Rippie, Mrs. E.
Witcher, Pearl
Witcher, Fred
White, R. A.
Witcher, W. A.
Witcher, Mrs. W. A.
Silk Creek
Ashby, Mr*. Minnie
Bittinger. W. O.
Bnbeoek, Edward
Bureham, 8.
Bureham, Mr*. M. A.
Bureham, Mildred
Bureham, Clyde
Bureham, Lena
Bittinger, Mr*. W. G.
Chitwood, Dorn M.
Dwyre, Mr*. 0. W.
Davis, Mr*. Orn C.
Estes, David
Estes, Beulah
Estes, Mr*. Nettie
Fowler, H. L.
Fowler, Alice
Flnhaut, Mr*. Fredene
Hildersleve, Mrs. Hattie
Gilderaleve, John
flarner, B. W.
Garner, Viola E.
Hildersleve, Marjorie
Heine, Mrs. llnttie
Luehterhand, Percy
Ltichterhnnd, Minnie
Moran, James
Moran, Mr*. James
Murphy, W. J.
Powell, Ruth
Rirhnrdson, Mr*. Thomas
Rich, Mrs. O. H.
•tmith, Elmer
Smith, ,T«'s*ie M.
Smith. Merle Kirby
Slagle, L. B.
Wheeler, Edith
Wheeler, Eloiae M.
Walker, Jennie
Wood, Dorn
Wood, J. R.
Woo«!, Ethel
Wood, C. E.
(Continued on third page)
A peculiarity o f the flu epidemic h«*re
is thut all the banker* of the city und
their families and all employes of the With But On« Death During Past Two
bank* have entirely escaped the plague
W *«ks There Is Room for
so far. One banker explnin* the coin
ridenc« away by saying that they arc
so umMjstoined to handling the «liseasc-
breading filthy lucer that they have be
come immune to ordinary contagion.
There has been but one death in this
Drug »ton* proprietor* nnd their fnm end of Lane county during the past two
¡lie* and the physieiana and their fam weeks, that one being from influenza.
iliea buve also es«*aped, probably du< Two other influenza victim» who were
to the taking of proper precautions.
in a serious condition are now on the
r«>ad to recovery. A large number of
thoae who were afflicted are now out
again and the number o f new cases re­
ported is less than for some time past.
While the condition is such as to *til.
cause worry, the situation apparently is
well in hand.
She Wan Young Woman of Cboerful and
Weather for December.
Sunny Disposition and Had a
The weather for December, ns report­
Large Circle of Friends.
’d by Mias Ruth Stewart, local observer,
vas as follows: Mean maximum tem-
peratur«*, 45.5; mean minimum tempera­
Jennie Juanita Short, only daughter ture, 3S1.5; maximum temperature, 5s,
of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Short, died al on the 2d; minimum. 17 plus, on tho
7:.’«n Monday morning after several day. ¡1st. The greatest daily range of tem­
perature was on the 2d and 24th. I ’ rc-
of terrible suffering from influen7.a.
Th«- funeral was held at 2 o ’clock -ipitatioh, 3.3fl inches. Fair days, 6;
New Y«-:»r’a day from the Mills chupel partly cloudy, 11; cloudy, 14. The first
Pastor J. M. Comer officiating. Int«*r silling frost was oa the 23th.
ment was in th«- A. F. k A. M.-I. O. D
F. cemetery. The music waa in eharg« LANE W S S SALES FOR
of the high school. The schools cloais.
1918 TOTALED $720,000
during the funeral.
Miss Short was born at Wul-:rvi!le
Sales of War Savings and T h rift
Wash., and waa 17 years o f age Dee 7 «tamps for the year in Lane county, as
Besides tho parent» »he leaves tw( reported to J. 8. Workman, chairman in
brothers, Roy, of this city, and Harry ■ harge of the drive in this eounty, tie
of Withrow, Wash. Miaa Short wa-
aled approximately $720,000, maturity
of an unusually cheerful and vivaeioui .alue, or »100,000 more than th„ «juo*a
disposition and very popular nnon) '»signed by tho state committ*»e.
the young people o f the city.
The sales in December exceeded $50,-
‘00, surpassing in volume several o f tbo
■ non th» of the year while th« war was
TE LLS OF C. O. BOYi «till in progresa.
Mr. Workman believes the stamps
Bureham. Edwards and Matthews Com«
iave become so popular with the small
In for Special Mention.
nvestor that a good sale can be ex-
u*ctcd for the 1019 issue. " F o r the
In David W. Har.en’s special eorres
mall investor," said Mr. Workman,
pondence from Belgium to The Port
‘ the stamps are more profitable and
land Telegram appears the following
note convenient than many other typ«-s
note concerning three Cottnge Urovi
•f investment and they are o f incalcu-
ublo value in encouraging the saving
"Sp«*fiking o f neat dressers, one in
mbit among the people."
»tantly thinks o f Private John O. Bur
chnm, of Cottage Grove, who was t
leconstraction Convention in Portland.
" d e v il in hia own home town” whet
Reconstruction and readjustment o f
he was leading a normal life. One thinj
>regon's interests from a wur to a peu< e
Bureham can do now better than man)
of bia fellow olive-drabber* is kiteher. ■asis will be considere«l and definite
dans for action made at a reconatruc-
police duty; he doean’t like it any bet
ion convention called by Governor
ter than his friends, but when be is giv
en work to do this Cottage Grove lad lames Withy coxa be for January 9, 10
>l«M*sn’t try to sneak out of it or do a.* ind 11 in Portland. Arrangements for
he session, which will be attended by
little as he can.
"T h e re are two other boys from Cot representative business people from all
tage (trove in the same company wh< parts of the state, have been plaeed i*t
ho hands o f Meyer George L. Baker,
• ■»«•apc«l from the gas that Sergeanl
Cooper forgot to det«»ct. The lads an of Portland.
Delegates have been invited from ev­
Private Warren A. Edwards, whose nick
name is ‘ Pee-Wee, ’ and Private George er)- eity and town in the state and spe­
W. Matthews. Edwards took the camp­ cial representative« will bo sent by tne
us life course at th*> U. o f O., while leading industries and the leading in­
Matthew* taught a few terms o f school dustrial organizations and companies.
to find out just how little he knew. Both
boys are good singers, and both ride on
L. P. Harrington Resigns.
the same ambulance. They are a happy,
L. P. Harrington, formerly o f Cres-
popular couple, and when they return well, but for several years past in indus­
to the Grove we hope* Professor Glass trial work under the state superinten 1-
will have them go up to the high school ent of pnblie instruction, has resigned
and tel| the teaehers and the boys and his position because o f failing health.
girls the experiences o f the Argonne He has not made public his plans ♦ >r
the future.
and Flanders.”
Ernest Wyatt went to France in th«
same corps but was kept from service
Nine year-old Kills Hawk.
on account o f sickness. Joe Smith is in
Cleal Mackey, o f Divide, aged 9 years,
the same corps.
killed a large hawk a few days ago
with his rifle. The bird measured 51
inches from tip to tip o f the wings.
ß ro m
lose O ver C5 here
to © h o se O v e r J3ere.<
Following ar0 excerpts from letters
from First Lieutenant C. E. Frost, of the
medirnl corps, all written since the sign
ing o f the armistice:
" N o v . 11 (the day tho armistice went
into e ffe c t): Of all days since Aug. 1«.
when I received notice to join up and
take a chance, today is the greatest.
W e’ve been fighting terrible hard to
drive to Buzoncy and Sedan. Forty
Kilos was a cold blooded affair. We lay
just over the hill from the Fritzies for
S days preparing for the fight. We were
shelled constantly, large, small nnd gas
»hells. I hope I never have to hear first
aid again as it was cried from Nov. 1.
We lost heavily and such fighting. We
were so close that artillerymen were
wounded from ordinary rifle shot. A lot
of bullets struck around my fox hole,
which I had dug three f«H>4 deep nnd
long enough to Tie down in— w «s eon
stantly being covered by dirt from ex­
ploding shells, but «fnmn old Fritz, when
we op«'ned up we pretty niwrly blew him
o ff the map. Boehe prisoners said ‘ My
Go<l, w8at a terrible barrage you Amer
icans send over.’ We lost four men
wounded out of my medical corps and
on tho tenth, dny before yesterday, five
men killed and six wounded in the same
room with me. A big six-inch high ex
plosive shell made a direct hit and about
15 fell around us while we were raring
for the wonnd<«d. We have worked
dny nnd night in rain and mud until we
are simply all in. I f nothing happens
to prevent we will go to Germany unti
pence is assured an«l then we will come
home. I am under a roof once more
with a fire, so I ’ll try and rest tonight
We hnve been bomb«'«! from the air ev­
ery night and when we drove north
through this town (Hnireourt) they
dropped 25 bombs on us and at day
light shot up the column with machine
guns from planes. Thank God our worl
is done nnd it has been a terrible at rug
gle against a brutal enemy. We, the oh
12d, followed them to the last ditch and
were prepared to make another big drive
when the end come. Ours is one of the
honor divisions. I am recovering from
dysentery, sore throat and back M t am
feeling real well again.
" I suppose the slackers can breathe
«‘asy now that there is no draft to fear.
In all probabilities we will reach borne
early in the spring. Read it again,
'reach home, ’ doesn't that sound great f
I got badly gassed Nov. 7 but it doesn't
se«-m to bother me at all, not even short
o f breath, so I'm the lucky guy, I guess.
It was phosgine, the most deadly gas
there is. From the 12th o f October to
the finish we lived by th«. hour. I lost
l«>ts of men in my battalion and I never
left them over a few hundred yqrds all
the time. I must confess it gets your
gont in time. The anticipation is worse
than the shock, I believe.
" W e ll, after many days o f marching
we are in th«> little state o f Luxemburg
near Arlon and passed through Bel
gium. ’ ’
* * *
Following are excerpts from a letter
written by Cha*. F. Lackey to his fath­
er, Wm. H. Lackey:
Well, the war is over nnd I ’m not
sorry. I 'v e seen quite a bit of it, too.
Was on five different party of the front,
first at St. Mihiel in thnt drive, then
we went to Mt. Faucon, then to Verdun.
There isn’t mnrh left o f Verdun. Ger­
many lost about a million men trying to
tako this eity, without iucecm. Then
we went to Forges wood, then to Flea-
ville and we were there when the arm­
istice was signed. Then we left there
and came here (Souillly) but expect to
bxtve any day. This town is General
Derailing's headquarters. Have worked
hard over here and have hnd a bit o f ex­
perience trying to dodge Fritz's sou­
venir* but I am rertainly glad I got to
come. Of course the next big thing is to
get hack to America. The cooties are
real interesting. Shall I bring one
hornet I am expecting to see you be­
fore many week* or a few m onths....
Tke guns we used weigh 33,000 pound*,
have a bore o f 9 2-10 inche* and fir* a
shell weighing 297 pounds.