Cozy, Comfortable Warmth Perfection Oil Heater give« cozy, comfortable warmth for many hours on one till­ ing with Pearl Oil, the ever- ob ta m a b le fueL Lights at the touch o f a match— gives instant heat. No smoke or odor N o dust or dirt. More convenient than coal or wood. Portable. Economical. Omyl P e r f e c t io n O i l H e a te r today. D e a le r a e v e ry w h e re . STANDARD OIL COMPANY PEARL O IL tCagtornla) PERFECTION OIL HEATER T. O. SUDTELL, SPECIAL AGENT, COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON THESE HEATERS FOR SALE BY KNOWLES & GRÄBER, HARDWARE, COTTAGE GROVE, ORE WYNNE & KIME, HARDWARE, COTTAGE GROVE, ORE SWENGEL HARDWARE COMPANY, COTTAGE GROVE, ORE H. A. COOL, DRAIN, ORE. STEARNS & CHENOWETH, YONCALLA, ORE. drew «or«> Sunday guests «>f Mr. «m l Mr». Wtildo Miller. F. .1. H cllin cll was in Eugene on busi ■lean Saturday. Mr*, t’ , \V. Sears was in the llrov e Thursday m aking up a Christmas par- eel to send to her sou Clarence in France. Mrs. F. .1, llelln vcll was iu Cottage G rove Tuesday. Henry Snauer is unable to attend school this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Cooley and Mrs. Kate Sears were in the d r o v e Tuesdav. Jean M osbv and 1*. K. I.oug spent Sunday at the Fred Frost home at Mine Mountain. Pearl Imyng was qu ite ill Sundav uight with neuralgia, but is non murk iatnrov ed. C. 'V. Sears and Rrison Hi-ar* were in the d r o v e Sunday and M onday. W It. Heath was in the d r o v e Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. W aldo M iller were in the G rove Tuesday. S IL K C R E E K (S|teeial to The S entinel.i N ov. 2«. Mrs. Curtis Stierw alt, ma trou at the dorm itory, returned last W ednesday from Roseburg. An eight pound sou was born N ovem ­ ber 2t> to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Flougli. Fred Flough arrived Thursday from an armv ram p and left Sunday. Mrs ('hartes Wilson returned Monday to her home at-C h itw ood. Clarence Cooley is ru ttin g wood in this neighborhood with a gasoline wood saw. P rofessor Stiles expects to have a T h an ksgiving program at the school chapel tomorrow morning. Miss Verna Fstee returned to her school at M edford this week. Miss May sol V n n d orffy and Miss Wil ma Oden have returned from M edford to attend school. O. C. I.iichterhand and Mrs J. F. O ildersleve were in the G rove M onday. LONDON. (Special to The Seu tinel.) N ov. 2«.- Mrs. Bud Thorne and Mrs. S. 1’ . Short ridge m otored to the G rove M onday. Misses Cassie and A lice Grout, o f Koseburg, are visiting here with their parents. M iss Hester Beiuis has returned to her school at M arshfield. Spangciibcrg has been installing an engine iu his sawmill this week. Miss Nora W ard, who teaches the Black Butte school, w ill spend Thanks g iv in g with her purents at Dorenu. Mrs. August l.ubseh, who had beeu visitin g her parents, Mr. uiid Mrs. Dick Guruer, at Black Butte, returned to her home at North Bend Thursday. Mrs. Susan W alker aud grandchildren. Mae and A lice B radford, visited Satur duv at the II. C. Com bs home. W. A. H urk ami Mia» H ester Be mis motored to the G rove last W ednesday. | day evening w ere the Nafley, Elliott, Joil, Soars and N ixon fam ilies. NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS O tto N ich ols was a Sunday guest at the W. A. Keene home. - Miss M ary Haight le ft M onday for Yreka, C alif., where sh« w ill spend the winter. N O TICE TO C O RR ESPO N D EN TS Mrs. Horn and sop Francis and Lois Jackson were at the Sears home M on­ The Sentinel would be pleased to day aftern oon . • publish the names o f those con trib ­ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith, who have uting to the United W ad D rive in been nt North Bend, are here visiting. your com m unity i f you w ill see that Mrs. E. W iddersheim and Mrs. Alma the chairman o f your district fur Sears, o f the G rove, cam e out to the nishes the names. - Ernest Sears home Tuesday evening. J. T. Shattuek, Ernest Scars and Frank S a fley butchered h og , Tuesday. D E L IG H T V A L L E Y . STAR. Miss Inez Tucker is sick with in flu enza at the home o f her sister, Mrs. (Special to The Sentinel.) (S p ecial to The .Sentinel.) N ov. 27.— A special tax was voted in Hanna, in the Grove. N ov. 27.— Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Sallee, The J. A. Joll fam ily plans to spend the district at the road m eeting last Mrs. M yron M cGee and son Jim m ie and T hanksgiving with the Rose fam ily near Saturday. W. H. Shane were iu the G rove Satur Harrisburg. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Fuqua and son W ilson. day. Mr. and Mrs. D avis and A lbert Davis, W alter W icks, o f Wend ling, is visit from near Creswell, were Sunday guests M O U N T V IE W . ing with hts grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. at the J. A . Joll home. C. A. Harlow. • The Lee N ixon fam ily spent Sunday (Special to The Sentinel.) M elvin Salb-e bus been on the sick w ith the George Hall fam ily in Cottage N ov. 27.— Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Beidler list fo r the past week. Grove. and daughter Kathleen were Sunday a f John W icks and son Joe went to Eu The Hqrace Conner fam ily, o f Cottage j ternoon guests at the W. D. Heath gene Thursday and returned Saturday. G rove, spent Sunday at the Charles Con­ : home. W. H. Shane went to the G rove Weil ner home. * Miss M atilda Green, who is still at nesday. The E. J. K ent fam ily , o f Mount View , ’ the Charles Bales hwme, \va* in Cottage Mrs. J. T. Sallee, Mr*. O. C. Sallee. spent Sunday w ith Mrs. K e n ts ’ folks. ’ G rove Tuesday h aving some dental work Mrs. Eurl Harkelrond and Mrs. Clyde Mr. and Mrs. W . E. N ixon . ! dqne. K err visited with Fairy Allen Thurs­ Guests at the W . E. N ixon home Sun- Mr. and Mrs. George L a y n g and chil day. Joe D am ewood and G eorge Smith and son C liffo rd were G rove visitors from W ildw ood Saturday. School is closed this week as a pre­ caution against Spanish influenza. The Fellow who tfr. argued with Jim ~' ine other night . D O R EN A. ran up against the shock o f his life. Jim knoCot tobacco. And before he got through, Jim made th e fellow a d m it th a t Real Gravely tastes better and gives a satis­ faction you can’t get out of ordinary tobacco. A small chew of Gravely lasts so much longer that it costs nothing*cxtra to chew this class of tobacco. I t f o n fu rth er— that't why yee ten get the good fatte o f this c lo u o f tobacn without extra text. PEYTON BRAND ^ * H EB RO N . Real Gravely Chew ing Plug each piece packed in a pouch P B GRAVELY TOBACCO C O ., D A N V IL L E . V A | H o m e : cTW ade : F lo u r | FOR HOME PEOPLE | fSpeeial to The .Sentinel.) N ov. 2d. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Dntson, o f Eugene, Were in Dorena M onday in the interest o f the United War Work cam paign. Mr. and Mrs. J. E„ Holst rom and tw o sons, o f M arcóla, were in Dorena last Sunday visitin g at the Kirk home. M ính Benetta F. Teeters, who is teaching at Eulu, is home for a w eek 's vacation. V onda Hubbard has been quite ill with pneumonia follow in g an attack o f the “ f lu .” Emit K irk, o f Leona, m ade a business trip to Dorena last Sunday. School is again closed dow n on ac count o f the influenza epidem ic. Miss L ottie Van Schoiack is recover­ ing from an attack o f the “ f l u .” Pride of Oregon, Soft Wheat Flour H. & H. Hard Wheat Flour (S p ecial to The Sentinel,) N ov. 27.— C. C. Gilham lost a fin e cow F riday night. Th< Jack Hopmnn fam ily, o f I.ondon, moved on to Cedar creek Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Markham were in the G rove M onday. F. C. Fubrer was in the G rove Tu es­ day. L. G. M arkham sold a fin e b e e f a n i­ mal to John Veatch M onday. The C C. Gilham Jyiby has been quite sick but seems to be gettin g better now. Miss A delle W hite has been qu ite ill with influenza bu t is im proving. C A L L FO R BID S FOR WOOD. N o tile is hereby given thnt the ilirec- M vh •; by Colt re " Grove : ! one 80 Milling Company i «"tauool li imi n u t Nt». i.jf inulte »¿on, will receive hid» for 125 /•» to be «ieiivereij to »aid 1-1*1 t:u> ol 1 •. i »« i vlUUH l VA «t 4 KINOWÍJLS ” A RAÍ 1 f - ‘ It t>) «4 -* ,- rr; tv 1» 1 (. . i 1 a , Cl* . . Is POSTAL SERVICE IS BETTER BALLOON LIKE BIG TADPOLE lm prov#m #nt T hroughout th# Country In C on du ci o f B u lin a i« 1« Noted by thè Departm ent. Lataat F r tn d i A ircra ft fo r O b u rv a tlo n P u rpoa oi Require* F ifty Mon to M aneuver It. Officiala o f thè post office depuri tuent d u in i tim i II luis been provcd timi thè Service rendere«) to thè |ieople o f thè cou n try ut post office* bus berli grently lin provcd. notes u W ashington oorrespon dcn t, nini tliey aiibatantlate thls d u in i by ilic dlniinlshlng nuinher o f conipliilnta thnt are rcoelved nini by expreaslon s o f upprovnl In thè prese unii elscvvlirrc. Ili thè dcpnrt- lllent. It I n ni so polnted «u t, corre sp om icile« vvlth post imi slers I n con diictcd vvlth m ore furlltty ami t-xpedl Iloti tinnì fortnerly, nini thè ri-porta o f post office InspeetorM, ns well un N tiiteiuentM furnlshed liy (he auditor o f thè depnrtm m it Indiente thnt thè nhlllty o f |M>atniiiNtem to eonduet thelr post ottlces Niittsfuetolily to thè publle limi l o thè depuri nielli I n grenter tlnill Il Ims heen nt uny tinte In thè pust. T h e Increused effieleney o f postiims- ters luis beoti due, tt Is unaortod, not only to thè euro exerelsed III thelr s«»- Icctlon, bill u I no to Ihe klml unii niiiount o f nervii*e rcqulred o f thrui. No |Histimister Ims heen perniltied tu regnril lifs posinoti ns n sinecure, but all postinnsters bave berti rcqulred to devote not less t liti ti elght holirs o f thè iltiy to th elr officiai ilutles timi to ns- «Uine thè n ctlvc d irection o f thè |M)stal op.-riitlons coinuiltted to thelr ehnrge. W ide d lscretlou Ima beeu g ra n lrd postinnaters in thè nrriingenient qml ndjllstnient o f thelr fnctlltlen to ineet I im ' ii I lim ili ami dem anda fo r nervlee, Imi com p lete Niibordiimtlon nini ea»-op- •rntlon htiH liceo rcqultiHl vvlth rropoct to tlie linportunt generai p o lld e s o f thè ilepurtim-ut ami thè s|iedllc dlr«-e- tlons Issiied fo r Ntnmhirdlzlng thè inctliods o f vvork nml orgiinlxntlon In |nij|l offlces. T h e depu rim eli! hns not hesltnted to rem ove su d i poNtiimsterN ns ba ve fulled, after iippoliitm ent, to llleusure up to tlie rcqulred stiimlnnl o f effieleney nml perfornm nee. It Is slattai thnt p r a d ic a li)' all post*' inasterà o f thè fourth class now aerv- log im ve berti u p »»iitc< l ns a renult o f com p etitiv e rlvll si-rvlce testa. T lie servire III siimi! CullililUliItleN througli- out thè coiint,ry hns hron heuetltisl liy tlie luiparGul srlectlon o f tlie must coinpeteiit persona avn llable to a«-rve as postm usters, uml hy thè nppolnt- nient o f those person s in nccttrdnnee vvlth p rocedu re w tildi ninkes tlie olvll Service stutus o f r u d i uuqueatlonu- Am ong the latest trium phs o f the French aerial service Is mi observation hullo.m. naiiied "L e Cuquut." w rites a Burls correspom leiil. In slm|>e It re seiuliles a grenl tadpole. Wln-rcus oth er types are lu eou vciilrn rrd hy a wind o f from SO to 55 feet a si.... ml, 1.» Cuquot cun remillli In the air unless the wind exem-ds tlfi to 75 f e d per see ond. It takes Ml ex|ierleue«sl men to mu neuver It, fo r us soon as It leaves the shed greut attention imist he paid t*> Ihe wind currents, so us to save the en velope from bring torn. A ttached to the I iu II ihui Is a w icker ear. In which Ihe observer Is Inslulled vvltll Ills maps, charts, arms, barom eters, ami tele­ phone, the latter lived over Ills ca rs so ns to leave Ills hands free, lie Is also provided with glass and a w hite silk p im id iu tc fo r an em ergency. W hen the hntloou atlulns an nltl tude o f from 2JNNI feet to H.ISSI feel the w indlass to w hich the cubic Is Axed Is draw n by horses or m otor car nt a m oderate puce to a point near the eu «»my lines, where a refu ge excavated In the soil hns been prepared. Tills accom plish ed, the observ er IriiusuiUs his Instruction hy telephone. T w o anti aircra ft | hih I s arc cstuh llslied nearby to keep olT enemy air planes. If the Imlloon Is m enaced the crew hrlug It dow n from 5.1»*! feet In seven to ten minutes. FINDS BULLETS IN THE BODY E lectro Magnet, P roves o f Value In Ca nadlan H ospitals A lono the Line« o f Batti#. Cottage Grove Witnesses Tint Names o f Outtaga G rove B#rsous Fam iliar to All. Who are tlie w II i m i m I They are C ottage G rove ......pic Kesidi'iils o f t'otiiig e G rove who hnv# Inni kidio-y haekaehe, kolm-y Ills, hliol ■1er ills; who have uscii Ilon a's K illin') Bills These witnesses endorse Itom i'a (hie f o lia g e G rove resilient who speaks is Mrs. F. f . Ralston, 117 N Third Ht Hhc snvs: ” 1 have tried d i f ­ ferent kidney m edicines, hut they have never done me a hit o f good. Itoan 's Kidney Bills is the only m edirm e that keeps mv kidneys in good order. A ny­ one troubled With back nein« or other symptoms o f kidney com plaint slonild try D oan 's, for I know they nre rch able ” Brice dite, ut all dealers. D on 't simply ask for a kidney remedy get D oan 's K idney Bills Ihe sume thnt Mrs, Km 1stuti had. Foster Milhurn Co., Mi,., . B u fi «lo, n Y ■ B M NEW BUTTER WRAP PRICES • tin H coiiu iit o f a n o t h e r H ilvane«- in I li«» i n i c c o f In itti-r p a r c h i m - iit , w e t'iiul th e I'olluw m g a lig h t m l v a n e e in pt tcea n eeea a a i y ; UNI w r a p s Km-li aihlitiunal DNi uniera«! at sa m e tim e aa I'irnt I HD + I .'III -|l)c Friday and Saturday Special A m l l i e t i n n n f 'JO c e n ia w ill he mail«- o n fir s t h n tu I r«-< I o n a ll or* -le ra print«»«! tin I'V iilu y n o r S a t u r - I s tnoveil II to »ilI ou I hi- s|d<- op|s«- reflerts discredit on its ow ner, hut the sons, eN|(eclnlly nenr the tall buildings site the magnet. T lie nenri-st point to owner gets the worst o f th«» deal I»«» B esides show Ing the m ale portion nil the foreign body Is |n«ltcnted hy the ! *’ «u»e econom y in fc«»diDg the nor*«- the Intest d esign s In hosiery, be not "sti-nuiboat whlsHe” aud the 's k ill I» -tffecls its w orking rapacity aa well aa Infrequently steals the dom e coverin g marked at that point. T h e operation da appearaure. If your b»«#e kicks on i Id« feed voa can correct it hy baying o f som e fa ir on e w ho Is n egotiating u for ex tractin g the Inillet follow s. | your feeil here, aa you get the l>«»at crossing. That Is whut he did recent- quality for the leaat ou tlsy. Farmara, ly, but at the same tim e there w as an Glass Eye ThaJ Move#. I'untractora and kora« owaera generally exhibition o f chivalry, w hich «how ed Capt. J. L. Ayrnurd. a British nrttiy know that our fce«l ia alwaya up to Ika that It wus not hurled when knight­ surgeon, d e s c r itta In the Lancet an standard. hood passed uwny. At on e o f the Improved glass eye w hich «-nn move. Broudvvay corners, notes n New York T h e ch ief draw backs to the ordinary corres|Niii'letit, w here traffic Is exrcjv- glass eye are that, la-lug sim ply a eon tlonally heavy, a gust o f wind caught vex shell o f glass, It t«»n«|s to sink in Its w him sical grip the headgear o f hack Into Ihe HiK-ki-t and Is fixed In a n young Indy w ho w as crossin g the stony stare. Cnptalii Aymar«) g«-ts street and cau sed It to roll merrily over th«-s«» difficulties hy placing In |iast a ear and close to the hisifs o f a the socket o f the eye II sphere o f liv­ Tbs City Trausfar passing team, b efore the w nrnlng hand ing cartila ge nr gristle taken without All K inds o f o f the big h loecoa t guardian had been risk from the patient's ribs, (i is all raised all traffic wan volun tarily halted one operation. W hlb- one surgi-on re­ and he w as given opportu n ity to rescue moví*» the destroyed «•>•«•. an oth er stir the undam aged piece o f m illinery and g«s«n rem oves the pl«-«*«-s o f enrtllng«- return It to Its em barrassed hut grat«*- frrtliig lit my post o f anything nnd everyth in g that men ron erty, funning |>rup-ity mid c ity prop­ duty. It Is th<- fau lt «if th«- hotel -and do, from driving w arplanes to shining erty. o lt f e A shoe polishing “ p a rlor” In I dem and a w ritten letter from you, shoes. th«» m anager, to the com m an d er o f «ny w hich only w om en are em ployed Is The Sentinel baa a nargaln In a sch ol­ ship, snyUig the blam e Is yours, thnt now doing business In Boston, yet even arship in the International C or­ I w as not call«»«! when I shoultl have this Innovation seareely challen ges at respondence Hchool which has been left been.” The m anager did n ’ t even sm ile. ten Mon In them» tim es o f sh iftin g co n ­ with it for sale. flt fn . H e knew the sa ilor's gnme, nnd hur- dition s. 40 acres, 10 In cultivation, 2 acres or rb-dly dashed o ff a letter, nssunilng all chard, 5 acres slashed; 2 cow# with Tem pting N atives to W ork. blam e f«ir the young pa triot's failure nlves; I yearlin g h eifer; I m are; w ag­ T em ptin g nntivi-H o f Biltlnh New on, buggy, harness, farm ing implements. to arrive nt his post on time. Running Guinea to work wiih a proeean which Greek runs through place. wan explained during the hearing o f water to house. H a lf mile west London. The Sound o f Guns. I'rice, $1200, half cash. Frank H. Bedi- a «-as«- In l.on!» » »i ii ; lb h -1 et II n lige o f '-'(*1 mi nis o f m aize from Venezuela to lie miles. Tli'-i Would liieliide placer, like W ant small lace for chicken ranch out D lillisl S tales have ta-cn undertaken •■f Iowa. W arw ick. Hull. C rom er B righton nml for Ihe lira! lim e on record, and al W eym outh. S< nnd travels nf n rate o f ready KO tona have h«-«-n sent. If pr«-» Bale-1 a lfa lfa hay for salo In car lot*. about 1,000 feet a H«-«-und, ho thnt the W rite I’ inney & Bender, O re­ «•nt New York prices hold until the n22J24pd Hound o f tie* gmiH-ln Flnn«l«»rn reiieh»-s new cro p o f tiinlxe i-om«>n In there may gon, Ism don about tw elve and a h a lf ndn- For Hnle at Bargain 5 pa>;s#ng#r tou r­ he lurgi* shlpmentn, « ih the cro p 1« ex ut«*H a fter the expbialonH occu r. ing ear; hnve no us«> for ear T»ut need Irnordlnarlljr good. the money. Caswell Auto Bnint Shop. F ifth Ht., opposite Hpruy ’* market. düp«l STERLING FEED CO. W .W * M ’Farland Hauling & Graying Done on Short Notice WANT ADS. Ontario,