Buy a Gift Each Week Not only will it bo easier on your pocketbook but by »elect­ ing at leaat one gift a week you nre sure to make a more satisfactory »»lection tliar wait till the last »hen *’ it on and the be»* gone. In What Way Could You Better Your Selection of Things to * *° •ue ru->h **l<*\-tion» As a truo P tniori' »in also be * can you will goverp- , ating with the garding Christmas shopr'(B^ _ » new ruling re- otic duty to join witE, us ¡. and it is your patri- as light an increase on «* a making this Christmas Not only that, but mi* a »livery service as you can. en, too, are gone in" .oy of our store men and worn- out being open .»o war work or service and with- falls in th? ds evenings, all Christmas shopping and spread ./light hours. So “ buy a gift a week’ ’ from no . your purchases over the whole period .<» until Christmas. Practiced Needs for a Patriotic Christmas I’ B At’T K ’ A L D IPT M KIM ’ ll A \ DISK NOW SHOWN AT TIMS MTOKK FOB Y O I’ K S K L K tT lo N Choice Things of Worth in Wear; Sensible, Givable, Desirable SA N TA CLAUS HAS VOLUNTEERED W IT H UNCLE SAM AND CALLS UPON E VE R Y ONE OF US TO M AK E OUR CHRISTMAS PURCHASES FROM W A R W IN N IN G M ERCHANDISE LECT SERVICEABLE THINGS A LL, TO BUY NOW — TODAY. TO BUY ARTICLES OF P R A C T IC A L VALUE. G IFT SUGGESTIONS TO SE AND, ABOVE Kimonos, felt house slippers, house dresses, umbrellas, silk “ rain or slime“ parasols, suit cases, trunks, baud bags, carpet sweepers, «‘as Heroics, bath robes, wrappers, lace curtains, shoes, silk underwear, dresses, emits, skirts, etc. Christmas Blouses for Every Wear Select a Christmas Sweater There is as much correct­ ness to the occasion in the styling mid material of a blouse as there is to one’s complete cosi urne. Our us sortment of fashions in blouses offers tile finest opportunity for women of ear*» and decision hi mat­ ters of dress to please the discriminating. Priced $3 50 to $8 Choosing is a pleasure when you have a well se­ lected assortment to pick from. We bought our sweaters early and are am­ ply provided in both slip­ overs, coat sweaters, coat­ ees and in knitted novel­ ties of all the more ser­ viceable colors and color contrast combinations in wool, silk and fibre. Priced......... $3.75 to $6.50 Open Now for Your Inspection E N T IR E Neckwear for Dainty Christmas Gifts older boys and girls. You will even be not a little interested in this big Toyland Section yourself. We have been exceptionally fortunate not only in the finer linen kerchiefs, but have been equally capable in obtaining a most exten­ sive selection of new and dainty numbers in the “ linweave” cotton. The new “ linweave” kerchiefs are an exact duplicate of the finest linen and will remain the same after being laundered. We show them plain, embroidered, hemstitched or lace edge. Dozens of novelties are included and the prices range to meet every pocket book. Prices.......................—...................5c, 8c, 10c, 13c, 18c, 25c, 35c to 75c # " Come Today. Modish Materials and Fashionable Fabrics Suggest a most suitable means of meeting a Christmas problem where it is desired to combine gratification with utility. Tin* opportunity of war-time thrift permits and encourages the presenting of things useful il at all. You will find a plentiful selection both tit range o f choice to suit a particular personality as well as in prices ranged within reach of every purse, in our complete stocks o f dress goods, new weave silks, woolen dress fabrics, fancy velveteens, velvet and silk plushes, as well as in ginghams and novel cotton goods. Quality cotton fabrics priced .............................. 25c, 30c, 35c to 75c All wool dress goods and coatings, 42 to 60-inch, yd $1.65 to $6 Beautiful silks in plain stripes or plaids, yard............. $1 96 to $2.75 c- Our Christmas Selections Are Ready fo r Him * t é You will find among our acccHHorien for the well dressed man, a wide choice of suitable Christmas ::e«ds both practical and useful as well as the heat of quality. Prices reasonable, styles select and exclu­ sive. Dress shirts in cotton, silk and cotton and silk beau­ tiful new patterns, priced.................... $1.50 to $5 New felt hats, plain or silk lined. $3, $3.50, $3.75, $4 Dress gloves, lined or unlined, pair. $2.50, $2.75, $3 Bath robes, heavy weight with just a touch of trim­ ming on collar and cuff»- the kind men like priced each........................„ ............................ $6.50 to $10 Mouse slippers of wool, felt and leather... $1 to $1.75 New ties in newest patterns to suit all tastes, priced at............................................ 50c, 65c, 85c, $1 to $2 SELECT A BET OP DISHES FROM OUR W H IT E You can buy one-piuce odd numbers or as many as you want. We carry this pattern the year ’round and you can always replace any piece when broken. These dishes are pi iced by the piece or set and you will find a considerable saving to be had here. How About Your Supply of K N IT U N D E R W E A R It is n question that needs an im­ mediate answer, for even though you may not re­ quire it for actual use for a few weeks, unsettled market conditions suggest that you buy now while fall and winter assort­ ments arc com­ plete. Speuking frankly, we say hi all sincerity that il may be impossi­ ble to obtain the prompt shipment of re-orders, therefore, yon will exercise the best of judgment, if you supply your future needs now. New "fla t-lo c k ” seam union suits in cotton, all styles ............ ........ a . $1.50 to $2.25 Silk top union suits............ $2.25 to $3.50 Wool union suits......................... $3.50 to $4 50 SELECT ONE OF THESE N E W QUEENSW ARE STONE CAS SEROLES FOR A CHRISTM AS G IFT Beautiful brown stone casseroles supported in silver THE Q U A L I T Y store - coop plated trallies. s e r v i c e A PREDICTION BY A POLISH GIRL I aet bravery equal to that o* Helgium, banner of victory and the Germans ns ferred to Mouth America. The following prediction was made by a Polish girl of Wausau, Poland, before the Polish society of psychology of that city. Although made as enrlv as Febru­ ary 2S, 11# 14. (before the war) the min­ utes of the society were not made pub­ lic at tbut time. The \ ision has corne into the possession of a Sparta family and is here printed in part: Harvests of this year (1HI4) will be very bloody. War will break out in tic- whole of Europe. The German .irinv will invade Russia as far as Warsaw njiil even beyond the Vistula, and the Ger­ man people will go hand in hind with their government. Germany will be op sed by France, England and brave lgiutn. Poland, forgotten by the world, will It is as important to one’s appearance that one’s hosiery should he in keeping as one’s gloves, or one’s neckwear. The mesh of the knitting, the color tone, ami, if embroidered, the contrast effect all these considered. Let us help you in making your selection. Priced a pair 30r to $2 00 toys to amuse the little folks and most practical games and toys for Dainty and Pretty Handkerchiefs for Holiday Purposes W e have coats and dresses for the lit­ tle girl and many dandy coats for the little folks. Styles and mater­ ials are fashion­ able and warm. The coats are well made, the dresses sensible and prac­ tical for every-day wear and pretty enough for the best of wear. We have been careful in selecting our styles to choose from the patriotic standpoint of neat ness and hand­ someness of ap­ pearance combined with sturdiness and strong-wtaring qualities. Our prices will su; prise you in their reasonableness. Consider Hosiery Carefully in Christmas Giving BALCONY Bring the kiddies and give them a look—you will find here quality Nothing is so pleasingly acceptable as a neatly boxed piece of dainty neckwear in lace or silk-embroidered or treated with nov­ el decorative hand work or ornament. Priced._____ _____ ____ _________ 25c to $1.50 Patriotic Christmas Needs for “ Little W om en ” and Children EAST ! but few will realize the l'olish tragedy, 'hen, as a result of the partitions of a hundred years ago, brother will fight against brother. During the first year fighting will take place with varying success. Galicia will pass from hand to hand, and the result-—ruined cities, towns and villages, destroyed places of worsh p, population practically exiled from its land, lamen- tations, poverty, plague--one big cem­ etery. Turkey will add its forces to the side of Austria and Germany, and Italy will enter the struggle as an ally of Franco, England and Russia. Before the >n.l of 11*15 Warsaw will be in the hands of the Germans. A lack of leaders will be evident on one of the fighting sides. It will seem Germany will bear the supposed victors will offer dictatory conditions of peace and will find anawr in the Russinn government. The idea of war will gradually fall to pieces. The year 11*10 will be a year of world revolution—a year beginning a new era. Revolution will break out in Austria, Turkey, Russia, China and India. Japan will try to get control of the China for ritory. Dollar-loving America will mal e attempts to remain neutral, but in v: in. The peoples of America will answer the cry of t i e nations on the other side of tho ocean. Revolution will hrnnk out in Ameriea, and revolutionary America will take its place at the head of the world’s ernan eipation movement. The boundaries of Canada, Mexico and the states will dis­ appear. The movement will be trans- Years of 11*17 Milk will be of greatest revoultionary tension. Revolutions will begin in Germany, France, England and Italy. Russia, Germany and Austria as countries will disappear, and on their ruins will arise a federation of the free people of Europe. Boland will gmn in dependenee, Turkey will be driven out of Europe, and Constantinople will be a free city. England will lose colonies. Egypt will be independent and a feder­ ation of the peopU* of Asia and the world will arise. That wandering people — the Jewish nation—will at last win their rights. Nations will not disappear lint will individualize themselves into one. Yet the proeess of restoration will last long. Finally—year 1020 will be a year of peace, and a year of a new era in the development of mankind i r 'v We show them small, medium and large shapes, round or oval style. Briceit PACRAOE FOODS MORE SANITARY Hanitary food products are put up in package» li(y tin- manufacturer. Only by buying in pnekagen can the eonHinner be assured that Jhe product is sanitary. Hulk goods, o f f e r bs* many opportunities for rontanliuiitioir by dirty hands, dust, mice and mther .vermin. Aa a rouse quence today is witni-ssing the passing of the butler tab, the lard tub, the dried fruit bin, I k e cracker barrel and the tea and co ffee bin Today we buy nil these nnd many oflner products formerly sold in bulk, neatfy done up in attractive and sanitary paitkages, fully protected ngainst nontanrination until they are opened by tho housewife in her own kitchen. i , $1.95, $2.25, $2.75 Advertising is largely responsible for the development of the paekage bleu. When the mnniifncturer made a good produet, he wanted to tell the people about it so they would buy his product in preference to some competing brand. This required that lie identify his prod­ uct in some specific way so the con­ sumer would know it was his. This led to the marketing of the product in a package or container hearing a dis­ tinctive label. When you buy atandnrd ndvertised pnekngc foods, you buy sanitary foods. A want, ad costs little and often brings big returns. Nothing too big or too lit­ tle to be sold by a want ad. •••