Disston T uesday on hi* n a y to Ktigeno. Ivor K i ikon lotiuno.l to t h«> Cham pion Frid ay. J a m e * lln r t canto down from Bohemia Thurntlny. > • Boti I'itcho r inaile n buainoaa trip to Itohcmin Thurntlny. Mr nml Mru. h H. Ilnlilcrmmt etimo dowii front the Mustek nan e Trillai Mr nml Mr*. Milo* P itc h e r, o f tifar, i apoitl the w e e k -enti nt th e B en P ilch e r home. rts Say "ZEROLENE IS BETTER” — because it holds better compression, gi ves b e t t e r protection to the moving parts and deposits less car­ bon. Zerolene is the correct oil (or a il typ •• of automobile engine« — the correct oil for your automo­ bile. Gat our Lubrication Chart show­ ing the correct consistency for your car. The "T~ H»ad typ« Ulue- titte-i hat*. liks *U .nttnul com- huation «nainc«, requires an oil that hold* it* lubricating qualities at cyliadar haat. burnt clean la the cylinder* and goaa out with ««- hauat. Zarolen* Silt the»* require­ ment* perfectly, baoauoa it >a cor- m-rtr radned from »- — - t * J CeliSr- nta aapfrafr-haaa truJa. ROW R IV E R (Speeinl lu The S e n tin e l.) Give Taxpayers a Square Deal (S p e cial to T h e S e n tin e l.) Get, 23 The «mi (>«»** aiiiilinry met \V«»iliir*«lti> with M i* \ M Hr««wn and worked « mi refugee garm ent* rimile present wer»» Mr*. F M Chap mau, \ii*. E. I. M«*Reynold*, M i* Lewis, Mrs. Mudi» Allettimi, Mrs. J A Mackey, Mr* V M Blown. Mrs \ Model*tiom, Mrs (bmrge M< ReynoMs, luw. I l f woii M fii«l Kill it if yo u would con tei ti f m or on the t n ( p a vers of Oregon \l i ami M r* Stot t Mr* Flunk T in n e r i* *tuvnig nt the N ot e " \ t ) ' ' on ill,- J a c k s o n d d i iu p ic u l home of het daiightci. Mu« R«»bert lv«'«i ta x lull. a « I \ taking «m e of het little gtaml*«Mi, rile editor uf Tile Si*ut iue| would I, un alci the law in certniu details mid I» olici t , J I School ami Htnnlux *ch«««»l have b«,cti Hinke the publication much less expel, s u e , but the ut,-il ot .bung nwtiy entire i'|o*e«l licit' oli a e * • « U It I of tile I II f llli'lir I« ly with tlu- publication <>t the d.-ln, epl«l«‘lllic. Sheiiiian Chapman, ««t Eugene. *)•< ut -picul tax list is wrong The Portim i,I Jo u r n a l, published by kaiser J a c k s o n , | Homiii) at the I M Chapman home will listen to no siigg,-stilili ,-xccpl that Get \«uir g n l an»l then get your an o f killing tlu- publient Ion entirely 11 ( ••• moti non h tv pun' Hpiti* work tin* n»*i»lf nouncements from The Mentitici ot ali insane destre to «*\«»n up scote* vvith thè contiti v tiewspaprrs The Heii Intel i* (tot fi mi uriti ll\ interest«'«! iti th«‘ pilblicutioti o f thè itix list, a* it i* not |»rint«»«l ni T h e Heiittiiel, but it i* mter (leo II Rraluard, Real E stâ t» »ml In «•sf«‘«l in saviug ili«* «leliiiqm'iit faxpav«'i Miiraiitfe, t m i l i la nd *, m i n i n g pt*'p p t.p from th«> de li ti<|iif nt tax tifi«* gtablier, ••it). f a r m i n g p r n p e it y otti« vx li«» inn1 1 iplie* any expen*e (hai I mi * «I i v «•ver resulte«! front thè publicalion of J o h n Hull, 2 Por Mule Meed cheat. tli«» tax list. »Ml fc luib'H M o u t h ol tow II, P ro p o se d L aw Is for P riv a te B e n e fit ot T a x T itle V u ltu re an d L a n d A tto rn ey Hieiv i* u *«, h«'int* on foot to \xi|»«» out iht* j*i fs i iit i t f l iiit|ii«‘iit I m luw now hi ot iot i ni ilio »tut«* ot’ O rcio li. riitisf liflmiil tin* pimi would Muhitituh1 m it* p h i f e u p ie r ò of p ollu t io n * I o ^ ih I u I ion, éloterlv . l e u - , , I In the I'urlluiul .lour MM| mui «•Main chipie of politicians The scheme is a clev er one at first obsei V ittioli and k.i i cu son o f the fa, t that olii- o f the btttkcis o f tin- pioposcd S T A N D A R D O IL CO M PA N Y change is u man ot iiulcpcudcnt w calili ^California) _____ at the head o f u Portland paper, tin- col ninna o f that paper liic P ortland J o in nul have bei-n thrown open to further the mensure nml l u i .ubile the v o t e r s ' minila at the coming election. Itv smooth canu.iiflnging o f tlu- fac ts , and some times by i l l i c i t m isrepresentatio n, the votei» are led to believe that the pro posed mensure I « one originated ami to he ptiM.Hcd entìrely in tlieji own int«»r est*. T h is is thè itifcrence timi Comes fumi T. rending thè Portland J o u r n a l '» propa gamia for thè ubolishnieiit of thè p ie * bein g Mrs. S w eet land, o f Porllaud, «•ut delinquent tax law now in force in t he s t a te o f ( fregoli. Mr. and Mrs. W. U. Massey, o f Loudon. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Baughman, of the l’ho e d ito r uf tln* paper i* m»t ili thè liabit ot iti.*!rueting in?« render* liow to Grove, and the X. \V White family. vote in vttnou* idections. A«« a m ie we J . A. Powell, J o h n Murry ami G. J . coitsidcr thè votei w ili support thè K appauf sold a fine lot o f hogs to J . measiires wlitch he I m *I n *\ «•* to be of L Y N X HOLLOW. W. V catch last Monday. d orili, ami re g iste r hi* p ro t e s i witli n Edwin T u lla r and Mr. G o ff, o f the T h e S eiitin el lias a barg aiu iti a *«'hol The Manttuel lias a oarg alu lu a acliol v igoroiis " N G ’ * coi use le*» ot peiinciotl» arsliip ni thè liiternutional C«»rre*p«»ml .Spec in I to T h e S e n t in e l.) (drove, motored out to the J . A Powell I il tei ua t lonnl Cor a i ship in the legislatiou. liti» is thè rulc usually tol elice Srhool wliich Ita* be«'it l«“ft vxitli li , Oct. 23.— R Y. P o r te r was a C o ttag e home Sunday. reapomleme M«ho«d which ha* been left lowed by thè country newspNper mini, Uro\ e v isitor Sat unlay. f o r nule. f l l f c ! txilh if f«»r sal«*. f i t ri­ MOUNT V IEW . but w lieti d ir ect misrcpreseittation of Mr*. F a y Cooley, o f Eugene, spent D ELIG H T V A L L E Y fac i is resorted to m un e f f o r t to Iure Sunday at the l.ebow home. F«»r Hale Property amt 4 mom koui** thè fav o r of thè votnig puldic. it is high ( S p e cial to The S e n t in e l.) O tis B rig g s has been s u ffe rin g with j t i ’»f Mouth o| « let i i u* b g h I p l a n t , t ***«•, (S p e cial to The S entin el.) Oct. 23. Mrs. C. W S e a rs entertained tinte thaf thè v**ter* are ndvmed of trite Spanish influenza. Oct. 2 3 .— M iss Mary Heiulein, o f the .im| p i t t p e i t y a m t <» t t uou h o u » e on W. A. Reune returned lust week from Grove, spent Inst week at the Conner Wednesday at the J . Kile home, the condii itili*. T h e re fo re thè editor of this \ \ : i * i n n g t o i i aveiiti«- n e n i I 'll» mi , f x i m occasion being Mr K i l e ' s birthday paper ha* thè followilig s tate m e n t to h trip to Sefrttsburg. home. O F O REGO N \ oil c al l t b u i l d ti i c h u l l * * at t i l l * p r o e 1 Dinner was served at tw elve o 'c lo c k , iitake t«» thè roaders of thi* pa|H*r: Mr. auil Mrs. Melvin J a c k s o n ami Lueile Corn utt was in the Grove Sul J u s t i c e F \ Moore, " f tlu» Supreme to pot into I .die 1 1 y \V 11 nt the money to and the day was pleasan tly spent in j The preseut delim|tient tux law ww» Mr. and Mrs. O tto B rig g s motored up urduv hav ing dental work done. Court, «lieti ln*t month, too late for •201Ic \ti. \ikibnc \|* tint *. visiting. Those present were Mr. and passe«! by thè stute legislature «»f < )r«* In ■ .1 from Mabel S atu rd ay ev en in g for » vis A uumber o f men in this neighbor tlu» mime o f aiiy cand id ate lo sm ceceople from here and at Sag from t ottiig« Grove R«-us«>niildc fond it ion tuiik«** it ni'ccNsnrv v « • w nti Vnmi H offm an, Mr. mid Mrs. J . K It I* u f a ir law, devised in thè int E ugene F rid ay. inaw held a arty at the Fogle home at in thè naine of ymir eandidnte. tenu* B««x I IT* ept2tt fix 22|»«l Cooley, Mr. and Mrs. K. J . Helliwell and est of fli•• ta x p a y e r, to giv«* limi a Mr. and Mrs. Fred R o b in e tte and Saginaw Satu rd ay evening. Tliis i* the im»*t important pt>iiii«»n Mr. and Mrs. I J It. idler and daiightci square «leal in thè hour ot einergeiicy, th re e daughters, o f Or-eswell, visited Mr. and Mrs. W E. Nixon and the Angora lolly goats for sale M C Veatch in the ju tlirm l svsfcm «»f the *tnt«* uml to proteet Inni in thnV hour front with Mr. and Mrs. 1-ebow Sunday a f t e r ­ E. J . Kent family motored into the Kathleen. pilou«» 2 F i t «2« o25p«l It i* «»ssential t • • c lions«» a inan of thè tax t it le vulture and thè schciiiing Mrs. Anna H offm an returned to her noon. Drain eountrv Sunday. e x te n s ix e legal trairung. «if high Mrs. S. B. J a c k s o n went to Mabel Oats for »ale Je-tse Trunnell Ph«»ue Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grav ami children. I hw« " ^ ‘^ n F rid ay, a f t e r » v.su lami atto rney . It provides for thè pub e haraeter, ami of bioati vision. W < with her mother, Mr*. *1. Kile, and sis­ lication o f thè tlelin«|uent tax li*t it i* Sunday fo r a visit with her children. o f C o ttag e Grove, were at the Conner! IT* F l «»II « «•inmenti for x tuir considérât ion and Irne, but it ul*o provides -fimi tln* is ter, Mr*. C. W. Sears. Mr. and Mr». Melvin J a c k s o n , Mrs. home Sunday. v ote Miss B erth a S cars arriv ed Frid ay thè part of thè law thè P ortlan d J o u r F r a u k M avkie and Grandma Horn mo­ Wanted Good milk cow to feed for the Mr. and Mrs. T. J . P la s te r and Mr. morning from Portlaud. and she and her imi woiild hav e voti overlinik flint pub tored to Oorenn Sunday and were guests w mf« i D \V Mi K ifin e x o llp d and Mrs. Ed. Guy and two children, o f 1 mother, Mr*. K a t e Sears, left the same lication of thè delitii|uent» shall only be 0 o f the P lan k fam ily. ! Lebanon, the J a m e s and ( ’laud P la s te r For Mal» or T rad e at » Mat r i f i r e A 7 Mr. and Mrs. Clock recently had a ev en in g for Camp Frem o nt, C alif., in lumi«' a f t e r a iiiuilcd noti«*«* ha* been fam ilie s and Mrs. Alma Sears, o f the roo m mod rn in n*« tn go«u| con«litu* n response to U telegram ann ou ncin g that sent out regularly advisin g thè delia- short v is it from their daughter and her o r O R E G O N C I U Grove, were Sunday guest* at the K. J . w i t i i nii* li tig e i«o or t w o b ' l * a m i g«**»d t h e ir son and brother, Frank Hears, was • |ucn f flint hi* t a l e » Ita ve n«»t been paid husband. T h e latter has had a vail from ba rn . V\ il l f a k e g*-<'«l n m », h o r * e * «• r Sears home. Résident «*f thè s tate 30 y e a r * ; law T h e publicatioti, therefore, is but mi I ’ ncle Sam and c a m e to bid his people critic a lly ill with pneumonia. gt«»»«l pnssv ugcr car, or w i l l *«-ll on The J o l l fam ily drove down to the ye* fo» 25 y e a r s ; vétéran «»t Spatush Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frost and son emerg ency measure, to be resorted to goodbye. pii v in c ili* . \l* « i h a v e 2 g»»«d c o w * , «li«' Fuqua home near Oreswell Sunday a f Ameriean war and Philippine m*ur M r s . - E . T . H artley and son Harold Harry were at the W D. H eath home only w lieti per»onal noticc ha* failed to t r e * h abi'tit l> w e e k * , «tue to bc f i e * h III ternoou. ree litui, hav mg *«*rved with 2ml tire M a n d i . \ d ( l i e * * B"X *♦!*; t• r « a l l at 123, no tify. and Mrs. S. E. Dresser left Monday for Sunday. Miss Mabel Wright, o f W alker, is gioì rég im en t; tiieiiitn*r Oregon legi* \ * h \v . C ottage Grove. o | H nlp« l T h e tax p a r e r siiould quickly re alise Mr and Mrs. F J . Helliwell were Sun Bend. v isitin g at the home o f her uncle, Mai la tu t«- in l!*Ué ami l!Hi!i s«'*sioti»; day gu ests o f Mr. and Mrs. C. W. thè prne|i<*al vaine o f sudi a law Sup Potatoes lo r sale Phone ll'híl. Cottage eolm Horn, this week. jutlge o f the 5th ju d ie ial «lintrict pose vou are itwny for thè time being HEBRON. Sear*. Grov e. •«I* nlpd years. Mrs. Alma S e ars is spending the week Mr. C^uimby left thi* week on a bus Or let us assume thaf vou b av e ehnnged at the home o f her son Ernest. lu ail thcs<* positions he ha* inaile For Male Fiue hilly goal froin regís (Special to The S entin el.) iness trip to his form er home in Cal yoiir address. In eith er c ase a tnailed I«»re«| s f t . k ; pro«' | I5 \l*t» tvxo goo«l. statem ent vvoitld m all pridiability fini Oct. S3.— The George ami J o h n Kel»el iforuia. S«'ofeh e«dlo» |*(i|»*. heel«*r* I. \ llogc I I.s reconl ns a private citi/cn ami D ISST O N AND RU JA D A . beck and G. J . K ap p au f families and Cottage (trove visitors T uesday were to reacli vou. Some tinie later thè «le Coftpge («reve. o|| nlptl public o f f ic i a l ha* b4‘''ti »»bove cri! Mr and Mr*. Waldo Miller, Selm a Mil I linqueat list i* published in the home Mr. and Mr». J . A. Powell picnicked la*t igi «tu. Loet Spotted f o i I ound with broken ler, Mr. and Mr*. J . H. Cooley, W D. 1 paper, ami your friends, relativ es, nr (S p e cial to The S e n t in e l .) T hursday on the old Gerum place. «Ull N o f itv Robinson re*tnuriint n i p W R I T E IN II IH N A M E AT T H E Oct. 23.— Alex Lundberg was at Heath, Mr*. F. J . Helliwell and Mr*, neighltors, notice immediately that you Mrs. W . G. W arner went to the Grove G E N E R A L E L E C T I O N NOV 5 T II Huupt. hav e overlooked your taxes, and hasten Lundpark on business Tuesday. Thursday to visit friends. lo a4-ra». H) in rultivatiot). 2 arras or Mrs. N e tt i e Arne and Mr. and Mr*. M o drop you a line. They know where Mis.** H a ttie Smith, o f Wildwood, \i* G. L. Carlile, o f the Grove, C. E . Gil- * har«l, a c r e * *iu*he« l; 2 c o w * w i t h For J u s t i c e of the Supreme Court to culver»; I y e a r l i n g h e i f e r ; I m u r i' ; w ug ham, C. C. Gilhani and Miss M yrtle ited friends in Dianton Tuesday and Rufus Arne and children were visitors yon are the tax collector dne*n t both Dll v acancy caused by the death of " it, b u g g y , ha rm »**, f a r m i n g i m p l e m e n t * at the Claude Arne home Sund ay. 1 , r »l»«*ut you unless you n o tify him o f Gilhain motored to London Thursday Wednesday. J u s t i c e Frank A. Moore Cn-ek run* through pin««*. R un nin g Mr. and Mrs. Glen S c o t t , o f Dorenu, j the change. — Charley Arringto n helped Ben *iteher and »pent the evenin g at the J . \\ w rit«»r to hou* e. I l u l f mil«* xxe*t l.oioion Vote for One and \Lr Mrs. W D. Heath, J e a n Moaby I T h e r e s u l t ! T h e title g r a b U r. that fall tim ber Tuesday. B«>mi» home. Brie« , ♦l2 *M lt h a l f e a *h F r n n k H |*e«li Mrs. B. M. K ap p au f and Mrs. .1. A. Mrs. Carr and children spent Sunday | and L. K. Long were at the ( ’. W. Sear? pee u liar pest who is always loitering go. L o n d o n . , ol*« nt5p«l t i e ab out th«* book* hi the tax o f f i c e , loses | home Sunday afternoon. Powell visited the school F r id ay a f t e r in Wildwood. W rite the name oi J U Campbell in a c hance to buy in your place for a song For pneumonia, infliieuca. grip or cold*. Mr. and Mr*. E. S. Holderman attend j Mr. and Mr*. C. A. S t e v e n s and fain noon. the above space and place an X in and you are sav«-«j th«» embarrassment J o lie oil V\ Olili II* vv«'lghf III gobi A horse b elo nging to C. H. W in e c o f f ed the funeral o f Mrs. Holderman '» l i l y , o f C o ttag e (»rove, were Sunday t in fr o n t of his name. For ante by l ir a s If lin n »a rd, 1 01 ant! work o f redeem ing your phire. T h i* was badly cut on a barlwd wire fence uncle, S y lv e s te r V e atc h , in Cottage | itors at the I. .1. B eidler home. ! is the pre*«*n! law, nml thi* i* e x a c tly | Grove Sunday. . ----------------------------- «1 I . t'ainpbcll for Suprein«» Court fug«» Unix«', *lh at \Vt»*h. \v o|*a22p I f Hunday. th«* way if wr««rk* out. Cam. Com., Ore go n City, Ore. J D For Male E x t r a good gray «»at» for H arry P a rk e r, o f Lundpark. wa* in LONDON. Mrs. Gardner, o f the Grove, visited J a c k s o n , .working with a certain Butler, Secy. Pau l Ad o 2 o n l p d one day o f last week at the home o f Disston S aturd ay. , ---------- *«•«•«1 Je**«» Trunnell, phone 17 F I 2 n ip ; Portland a t t o rn e y , would «-«if out the her cousin, Mr. H uff. J o h n Coffm an w p in Disston Mon ( S p e cial to The S e n tin e l.) W an tad To rant a : publication r«*quirement o f the present orni typew riter Mr. and Mrs. J . A. Powell enter day. Get. 23.— Mr. L ew in ^of Sagin aw , via vy. o IM 11 Ipd SO U T H E R N P A C IF IC T IM E T A B L I. tained at dinner Sunday, their guests William Hammon passed through ited friend * here Sunday. daughter*, Mitrv und Mr*. K. H. ........ ly. For Male Heatin g stove Call Dr M Mr*. Miirtba S b o rtrid g e und funiily, K athleen . Allen, Lillie K nigh t, Suinmy ( f o r r r e t e r l Sept,uniter 22, Mils M Wendt. o f E lk to u , hnve Keen v i-itin g relutiveu p|lHf( North Bound South Bound Cnppiuuii. Dewey Fogle und Mr. Dirk lo r e tin I'l*'** tew duju. ; ¡.ini.n^ ( '« ( t a g e d ro v e vmitnru M h I N. Is !(: 17 a . i No. 13 12.43 a. in To Trade Main »treat property )u Cot Henry W itte, who lived here u mini urday. 1 Nu. 14- 4 :»*7 j- n No. M 7:14 a rn fag»* d ro v e f«»r farm I uim I. Inquire her o f year«, died Tuendny evenin g o f o25p«l Mrs Edgar King/ o f C o ttag e Grove, 1 No. Hi 3:2!» a i No. 18- • 2 :4 7 p m Menti nel. pneuiiioniii ut bin home in the Hlioe- visited at the Burg ess hume Sunday No 11 7:40 p m H ave carloa«| of oat» for saie at flaw s trin g valley. He wus a brother o f Will Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sh aro n , E t t a , 5.1 c arrie s m ac h e s only as far ley buri». W. B. Cooper. * o2fte W itte, o f th is plure, who hus lieen in Si-ott and Mrs. K. li. Moody were in south an \ shlund. |>oor health for several months. $10 Reward for inform ation leadiug to C o ttag e Grove yesterd ay. Sunday v isitors at thi- Will Ju n e s Mrs. P n rv a n re and grandson, Paul th«» arrest and r«»n\irtion b f party hum« « e r e the Kmerson K eith ley fnm N O T I C E 1'OK P U B L I C A T I O N . who *f«di* front wh«»el from my Maxwell I e-Roy, of the Grove, are v is itin g at the ily, o f the d r o v e ; Mr. Lew is, o f S ag S h aro n home. ♦'in at 1120 West Main Maturiliiy night inaw ; Mr. and Mrs. J o h n Sm all and J . nNp«| Dc|»:«rtmerit o f th«» In te rio r , IJ. h J . H. B en ne tt Mr. le-nnard has rented the Tnplin B. Rouse. place. Linn! Gl'fi«-«* ut Kosebtirg. Or«'.. H(*i«tem Laboring Class Mrs. F ran e e s T horn e motored to the B erth a Neat was home S und ay eve ber IM, l id s . NOTICE FOR P U B L IC A T IO N d ro v e Monday and Tuesday. ning from S p rin g fie ld . She was aei-oin Noti«’« is hereby given (hut Herbert Mrs. Minnie J o n e s visited Thursday panie«! by Harry N eat, o f Dexter. H. Cline, of S tur, Or«*goii, who with b e r e i s t e r , Mrs. W. C. Short ridge. Department o f the In te rio r , D H «»a August 4, HG3, min!«' H oiliest «-tul Ku Mr. und Airs. Will Liv ely, o f Klm-k Lund t If fire at Koseburg, ( (r»-gon. Hop S IL K C R E E K B u tte , were in lemdon Frid ay. try Meri a I N«i. UM7MM, for Lot» i and 2 ber 27, 191«. Mr. and Mrs. George Bniles are mov­ ariti S */*4 o f NK'/* «rf M«»«*tion Township (Hpecial to T h e Hentinel.) N otice is hereby given that J o h n ing to the Ed. T ullar ranch. Sportsm en G«-t. 23.— Among tho*«» in th<* d ro v e 23 M, Runge 1 W. VVilluinetle M« rid utn, Pelaci, o f K ii I h , Oregon, who <>■, Hep T hu rsday w«*r<* Mrs. J a n t g i Moran. Mr has tih-it notice «if hi* intention to make temlier 39, 1915, made lloiiu-sti-ad l-lntiv SAGINAW . n id lira B w O arioff 1 J If s final three yeur proof, t «» |»*taldish clmin Merini No. 0|0.’||7 for all o f Lot 10 ex Mis. K M. \V’he«-l«»r und G. C. L m l it e r K eep the price of fish down. Help production of fish. lo th«» land aim »• de»criber*»jfon. Mr. and Mrs. Nichols arrived Thurs ] intervie w with a C o ttag e Grove woman "• »■ w. II C A N O N , Kegiater. ! three yeara ago, ami its aei|uel, will be day from Los Angeles to visit Mrs N ic h o l s ’ sister, Mrs. B . W. Garner. They 1 read with keen in te re st by every c iti will leave in a few days for the oast, zen: ^ N O T I C E TOR P U B L I C A T I O N , where they will spend the winter, Mrs. M. K e b e ib e e k , B ireh and J u i o jj A||U.». i ., j ‘qiiiu^ 'SJ(V P'l'i JIV •treets, C o ttag e Grove, suys: “ When Department o f the In te rio r , Il H near Crcswell, are settled in a part o f ! ever kidney com plain t has troubled me, the Fred Ernst house for the winter. Laud O f f i c e at Koschlirg, Oregon, Hep I have used D o an 'a K idney Fills with Kay Mnliley arriv ed from Koseburg teinber , I*.tIN. small chew of Gravely says that down South good results. I am s u b je c t to kidney the first o f the week to attend the Notice is hereby given that J o h n Mar y O r v r . j) / fo re ra I holds its good taste. the best people won’t weakness mid I was never able to find academy. lier, o f ( ullage Grove, Oregon, who on At a recent business meeting Mrs. 1 any medicine th a t would really help me J C i n - r C J r v d J ir * * M a n li 1.1, I9in , made Homestead F h frv That’s why it lasts so chew anything but Real until I used D o a n ’s K idney F ills . A E lla Thompson was elected d irecto r and Se rial No. 0UMI« fo r the H E ' , Of See much longer than a big Mrs. Mnry Rnrchnm cloak o f teh school Gravely. T h ey know short use o f D o a n s ’ once in nwhile V - lion 2(1, Township 22 H. Range 2 W. d istrict. Those who form erly held these chew of ordinary plug. how it ’s m ade — th e keeps me f re e from nil kidney coin o f f ic e s had resigned. A P O O R L Y T E D H OR8F. W illam ette Meridian, Inis, filed notice p l a in t . “ ( S t a t e m e n t given F e b r u a r y 22, G ravely w ay. It costs Miss l«enn B nrrh am came out from r e fle cts discredit on its owner, tint the o f intention to make final three year lit 11.) owner g e ts the worst o f tho deal be the Grove Fridny e v en in g I t f o r i fu rth er— tkat 'i why yen proof to establish claim to the land nothing extra to chew tan get the f a d tutte af thit d u n On M areh 27, 191(1, Mrs. K eb eib eek Miss Mnry Dwyre left Holiday for cause economy in feeding the norse I above described before L g I mu i »»I« this class of plug. A a f tabacca without extra tait. a f f e c t s its working capacity a . well as | . M. ( ommission.-r at s aid : “ My estim atio n o f D o a n ’s Kid O akland, where she will teach this win , lii* o f f i c e nt its appearance. I f your horse kicks mi j . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ney F i l ls rem ains unchanged. I have ter. Eugene, Oregon, the 29th 29th dnv o f his feed yon can o i o m I it »♦ I.v ''" it. " on n the feed you can correct by buying Crops are looking fine. never had them fail to give me s a t is ­ ed hern, as you get the besl October, I it IH. Mrs. I. N. Dresser and Mrs. E. T. yonr feed factio n whenever I hnve used t h e m . “ Claimant nn nes ns witnesses: J o h n Farmers, H artley and son, o f L ynx Hollow, were ipiality for the least outlay I’ rice ftOe, at all dealers. lio n 't Cottage Grove, O rego n ; din ner gu ests Hntnrdny nt the I). A. co n tra c to r s and horse owners generally D Palm er, simply ask fo r a kid ney re m ed y— get E s t e s home. know th a t our feed is always lip to fhn D II. Brumbaugh, o f C o ttag e Grove, . D o a n ’s K idney F ilin —the -nine that Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Bab cock and Mrs. standard. Oregon; W W MePnrlnnd, o f C o ttag e Mrs. K e b eib eek has tw ice publicly re c ­ I, oii Wheeler attended the burial ser Grove. ( begun ; Anchor Alst.-d, o f Cot vice o f “ U n c l e ” Ves Veatoh Hunday ommended. F o s te r M ilburn Co., M fgrs luge Grove, Oregon. P 0 GRAVELY T O G A C C O C O , D A N V IL L E VA B u f f a l o , N. Y. M o t e a fte rn o o n at the M asonic cem etery. ZEROLENE The Standard Oil for Motor Cars O. SUDTELL, SPECIAL AGENT, COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS ‘ **'*..r ‘ ’" " ' . H ü * Mnekie. Mr*. Win Horn nml Mr. miti Mr* Mol vin J a c k s o n , o f W alker, were Suiuluv visitors at the William Plunk home Mi vs Helen Williams is working for Mis. Clyde Kerr, who is ill Mrs Gillespie lias her two small ehil dren at the Grove for medical treat merit. Aunt Betty Earl is s ta y in g with Glen mid Gladys while their mother is aw ay. The S t a r school has been closed on account o f the infliienrii. VI be i t It issue and Miss Y ir g ie J o n e s were t|nletly married in Eugene Sat urday. Sul Vaughn spent Sunday at Eugene with his daughter, Mrs. Enrl l l a r k d road. [ Miss Elise Pleuard spent the week end with her grandparents in the Grove. Three new fam ilies moved into the camp this week Miss Mabel Mushy is ill with grip. Mr. Mnglndry has been on the sick list this week. \\ J . Messenger was a Eugene vis itor Saturd ay. Miles W icks has been visitin g at the cook house this week. D IV ID E . W ANT ADS. J. U. Campbell f Which ------ ----- do you want? More and Cheaper Pish HONEST FOOD LIVELIH O O D PRODUCTION HIGHER PRICED PLEASURE WASTE of EISH SEEKERS FOOD VOTE EISH 307 307 X NO 306 X YES X NO A Cottage Grove Interview That D ark-haired C hap from V irginia 24 PEYTON BRAND Real Gravely Chewing Plug iO $ a pou en-arzi/ w o rth it STERLING FEED CO. S27-026 W. u. CANON, Register.