fr Pickling Season IH NOW ON. DON T W A ST E YOUR TIME OR PICKLES WITH POOR MATERIALS W E HAVE Pure Cider Vinegar AND THE Best of Mixed Spices ROTH NECESSARY TO INSURE A OOOD TASTINO, GOOD KEEPING PICKLE KERR&, SILSBY V Another ¡(rent pntnotir picture com ill« *1 To Hell With the K' ' Mee tlie uil, cl.ew here mol the j.lny (Ictober |H uuil lit ut Arcmtc theater. ot l i e AI iim Mililreil 11 ;> ii ■■ u 1» recov ering from ii threiilriicil utlnck o f iiiipeiiili eitla. An eight pound *«»n was born Septem tier Ul I«» Mr, and Mrs. Carl Co*. Mr». K K Mill*, Mr». Roy Hliort nnd | M ra I «♦■«»ii I)«’*I« d r/c* mot h | m tuI. \IIsel Wood returned Saturday from Anchor Alated, John Hnker nnd J. H Marshfiehl on account o f tin* *o k n « ,*S| ltcn»oii |#'f| yenterday for Jtougbi« o f Mrs. Wood He will take hi* family county on n hunting trip. bin k with hiui. Mm, .1 II t'blimbern wu» in Fortlnnd Still have a fine aaaortment of over Hnnduy. riiiK» which ate goiiiK at cloaing out sacrifice price«. If you ever expect to waul a ruiK, tlua 1« your opportunity to get one at a price you will never again be able to get. Scholl'« Jewelry Store. ii 4 c Mi and Mrs, C. 1C Touipkinji and Mr*. M. L. T«»mpkin* and her sister, Mr*. F«l, Con\ei*e; o f Minn<*sptaf \l*it e»| the Hho'k Butte mine* HatunJay. Mr*. Fd. Converse returned Sunday to tor home at Wind«»iu, Minn., after n \ i*it o f five weeks w ith her sister, Mrs. M. L. Tompkins. jr parent«, Mr. and Mr». Janie» ey hi on the |n*t dny o f the ol M in * Idilli hi * < in r«*t inking lem-h ere’ rxnminntinn. v u \\ li*» limi !»*•••»» vimiiiig Iter prtrcnt*, Mr*, \iitla He**, o f lt«»*«'burg, npent Henry ( lo » e r write* thnt th ey 'h n \ c i«‘f unir«! fu l'or timi«! witb f b«* party. the w«'»'k end at the home «*f her moth moved ot Fort In nil. «■r, Mr*. H.'trharu ILdil. Should Not Be Neglected J HOME M ADE r>. J. S C H O L L li V. H im v I p v , u tili !•« i*ni|»|oyi*tl in fin* I»»|*> r d - ni Hf. IIrli*In*, N|M*nt III«* HPi'k «•ini bere. \imlh« r g rin t p iitrio tir |iicttir«* nun ***K ” 1“ H' Il VNifli tlir Kiii*t*r. ’ ’ H i t ibe ii<| i *U i * u linrr nini il»«* play O rtoher mi.l l!» ni Xr.n.le t brut or. o4 II«- CITY MEAT MARKET Olemurfrarine, lb 45c Gold Cleat creamery butter 05o ALL KINDS SAUSAGES AND LUNCH MEATS PHONE H«) D elivery b efore !l; after ¡1 :.*{(! People’s Meat Market (•«•urge Hull will be another atudent in the naval training department at O. A. C. The City Meat Market buy* veal; live and dreMsed. Phone 89. a2tf Mr». John Scott, o f Creaw'ell, visited Mr*. R«iy Riggs during the past week. Mi*s Father Jr. doff. o4tfc Mrs. Lucy ll«dlnml returned Saturday from a \ isit in Portland at thi* home o f her son, Fnrl Hill. Her grandson, Ken neth HeLnssiis, will return from Port land to attend high school here. • Ruth !•« now employed at the First National bunk. Hoy. D. A. Mncl.rixl, now with the Y. M. C. A. nt Cnmp l.ewi», stopped o f f lioro Monday «nil Tuesday while on his way bark to enmp from accompanying it oontinttont to Puliforniii. A. I*. <'Ii ii rchill wn* In Eugene Mon ilnv on biiMinex*. D ishes W o rcriivi'd this week a rratt* i»f W H I T E D IN N E R W A R E which \ve ordercd Inst Jan u ary. W e are selling this at about 20 PER CENT LESS THAN TODAY S PRICES The PAIR Phone IMS J. A Wright, Prop. M r * . .?, K. Util k m » write* from North Heml to renew her »ubecriptinn. " W e c-nn't n fford to be without the home p a p er,” write» Mr». L. K. Fhelp* from Kliniinth Full». Thomn» Tnplin hn» filed with the eounty clerk notice o f locution o f the None*neh eitennion mining claim in the ibihemiit