D A V ID W G F IIT IT H R E C E IV E D BY K IN G G LÜ R G E IN LO N D O N Producer ot ‘ 'The Great Love” la Hon ored by British Monarch at Buckingham Palace. With the same cast as "THE BIRTH OF A NATION" and "THE HEARTS OF THE WORLD.” When David W G riffith, the famous producer o f “ The Birth of u N a t io n ," * •Intolerance,” aud ••Hearts o f the W orld ,” was in England " sh ootin g" scenes of the latter picture, lie « a s pro vented by reason o f his duties as pro­ ducer from obeying the •‘ cotninnud” of Kin g George to attend him at Hoiking haru palace, t^ter, however, Mr. Grif- fith appeared before the king and Queen Mary uud was graciously received. The K in g complimented Mr. G riffith upon his production of ‘ •Intolerance," which the monarch had seen, and assured him o f his ready cooperation in nnv picture production dealing with the war and British w a rtim e activities which lie might project. it thus happens that in " T h e Great L o v e , ” Mr. G r i f f i t h ’s remarkable ail craft photoplay which will be shown at the Eugene theater kugust 22. -■>, and 24, many o f the most illustrious women o f the British aristocracy are pictured. In this respect, independent ot every other consideration, this picture is one o f the most remarkable ever presented to the public. The price o f want ads. is only thing that hasn’t gone count o f the war. One cent three times for the price o f D. W. GRIFFITH Presents “THE GREAT LOVE” Cast Incltides: I k’iHTv Walthall Maxlirhl Stanley about the up on ac a word — two. *** Host’inarv Thebv Gloria I lope* Assessor Burton Is Economical. The 191S Lane county tax rolls arc completed, the force in the assessor's o ffic e having just finished writing and comparing them, and they are ready to biud. The work was done entirely by the four regular assistants in the office, no outside help whatever being employed. This is the first time the comparing work has ever been completed this early, although last year the rolls were written as early. It s I). \V. (irirrith’s latest and considered In critics, who have seen it at pre-release viewings, to he his greatest picture. si). W. Griffith spent eighteen months on the war fields of France securing s c e n e s of a magnitude hitherto uiikmm u in pic­ tures, and another i\ months in California c o m p l e t i n g the story. The result is a photodrama so stupendous that words are in­ adequate of description, and a story as sweet a s a lover’s first kiss, a s intimate a s a doughboy’s letter to his sweetheart, as won­ derful a s the sunns • on the sea, a s beautiful a s a baby’s laugh. The actual battle scenes were taken in front line trenches, under the auspices of the English and French governments. KRYPTOK : FAR VISION I TEAR VISION [ lenses give her tw o pairs of glasses in one, and no one is the wiser. There are no lines of separation and no cemented pieces. Come in and see these wonderful bifocals which) l look like ordinary glasses. E K IR A B IL E D IC T U The Cast Also Includes: Queen Alexandria, The P.incess oi Monaca, SHERMAN W. MOODY Lu L j. Masserenu. Lady John Lavery, The Countess of Droghdu. Eye Sight Specialist and Optician Broken Lenses Quickly Replaced Factory on Premises 881 Willamette St., Eugene. Phone 3G2 W O M A N S ST A T EM E N T W IL L H E L P COTTAGE GROVE “ I hated cooking because whatever I ate gave me a sour stomach and a bloated feeling. I drank hot water and olive oil by the gallon. Nothing helped until 1 tried simple buckthorn bark, g l y ­ cerine, etc., as mixed in Adler i k a . ” Because it flushes the E N T I R E bowel tract completely Adler i ka relieves A N Y CASE sour stomach, gas or consti­ pation and prevents appendicitis. The I N S T A N T action is surprising. New Era Drug Store. The Counters of Lady Diana Miss Eli7abeth Asquith, THREE BIG DAYS F < Thursday Friday and Saturday Manners, Daughter of the Duke of Rutlund, most famous beauty in England. daughter of the form er prime / ) known minister as of Engiund Ellg©l1© TH©atr© 10-iPiece Symphony Orchestra August 22, 23, and 24 [V i th e ADM ISSION Matinee 25c Evenings, Lower Floor 50c Balcony 25c Children 10c TO O U U P A T R O N S 1 hive viewed this picture, as 1 have “ Hearts of the W orld”, both are beyond any power of description. You simply must see them, — they are worth almost any sacrifice to do so. A. H. M«T>Ov ' ’ >| This picture is soon to be shown in Portland, Seatth* and San Francisco. Cars ------ $ ! ¡i-, ta i i i for sale or trade 1918 1915 1916 1914 1917 1914 1918 1917 1918 1914 1915 1910 O V E R L A N D 75 $775 REO ....... $500 SA X O N SIX__ $000 OAKLAND 4 $ 150 D O D G E .............. $750 OAKLAND $ (00 DODGE .... $800 C H E V R O L E T .. $000 CH EVRO LET $735 FORD ................. $350 STUD E B AK E K $000 R E O ..................... $ 7 5 and others— Save money ------------- buy at the ------------ GOOD USED CAR CENTER PH O N E 9 4 9 930 Olive Eugene, Oregon h li evi R E D CROSS N O T E S Methodist Church Kev. Joseph Knotts, pastor. Sunday school ul 10 a. m. Regular preaching services at II a. in. The shipment last week consisted o f , and M : *H> p. rn. Kpwurth league at 7:00 ili helpless « ¡is** shirts and 3fif) fiv e yard p. in. Mid week prayer meeting Tliurx [ d a y evenings at 8:00 o ’clock. rolls, representing a cost in material o f Morning sermon, " T h y I’ ath.” (Sic ♦ 170. Members o f both the branch and ning sermon, " T h e Heart o f the Gospel auxiliaries are doing very satisfactory I Message. ’ ’ work on the shirts. . • . • • • C! ristian Church W alter t'allison. min The surgical dressing department re ister Bibb* -chord 0:13 a. in. Y, I*. H. K. 7:00 p ,,in. I'reaching services ftt minds one o f a bee hive, so busy are the j women pieking over moss and making i 11:00 a. in. and 8:Oii p. in. Subject 10:15 a. in., " W h y We Keep pads. The British are making four mil­ lion sphagnum moss pads a month and 1 the la ird ’s D a y .” Subject at 8 p. m., ihe Canadians twenty million annually. \ • ‘ The 1'arable o f the Talents.” This -and branch hopes to complete a thou by September 1. • • • Baptist Church E <1 <». Croat, pastor emeritus. Sunday sellout at 10:00 a. in. I'reaching at 11:00 a. in. I’ ruyer meeting Thursday evening, 7:.’{0 o ’clock. ( 'ot tng«* tiro\f I .omni* rond » month ago Hphiiginiin ino** pud*. More h« Ip i* ur LACK OF LABOR CAUSE Gut flint it hu« I *•••• fi i ui |MiN.*d hit* to g«*t g«*ntly nerded. I.« mi \«* tlie l»til«te* writti OF ROAD W O R K D E L A Y ' Hoad work in this section is suffering | because o f inability to secure labor. County Commissioner Spencer reports that work was ordered started oil the ■---------------------------------------------------- -- COTTON TABERNACLE LECTURES CONTINUE! anyone to do th«» work und that tin* nu prov einen I may have to wait until u ! crew now working at l.oran«* ha* emu p|efe«l that j«d». I their dnd* for thè*« fwo I m * oh li:imi I)ÌM«’oiiiniod«* little to «lo *«tniething l’or «* p «ft you t«« a* mudi in they nr« «loing ili th«,n* evening* and yp«n e v e ry w«*«*k, in addition t « » the r**giilni «•%«• lift «•ritmili, and M o m la v and T h u r* « ln y ning*. I m *«* iiiih «* o f a ii «* w or«l«*r for I MIMI ¡ •*v eiting* of «*\ «*ry week. SUBJECTS FOR T H E W E E K Monday, \ug. 20 Hiatory o f nation* •ind |# o u « ! m foretold in pr«>pli«*i»y ; «»ver throw of gre*t«**t organization o f th** f irth point«*«! out. Tu«*-day. ' ng. 27 lnfi«l«dity ov^j thrown; M '- i a b * h i p o f t hrift pi«»v«*n. W fd iif«d a y , Aug. 2S The g«»*p«d in •lindow. Thur**lny, Aug. 2!» Our High l'ri#**tf \dv«»cnt«'t Mediator. Friday, Aug. 00 Weighed «rid want ing. Hnturdny, Aug. .’»I T h « law of th«* Many more workers are needed at once for the surgiea! dressing rooms. \ n order has been received for 1000 Christian Science Church-Services in sphagnum moss pads, which must be de chattel at 212 Second street each Him livered by September It. day at I I : : _ — o f the circulating library each Wednes I I day afternoon from 1:30 to 4 :.'I0 o ’clock. gOMpl’ l. A M O N G T H E CH URCH ES All are cordially invited to the services Hunday, S«*pt. 1 Th«» n«*w Girth, th»* as weft as to make use o f the literature. only way into h«nv«n. COTTON T A B E R N A C L E Lectures every evening by Pastor J. Oospel Mission W B. Finney and w ife Corner Main and Fifth leaders Second door south o f cream Mark Comer in the cotton tabernacle,) Services Tuesday and Friday st corner of Fifth strept anil Main avenue, i ery Each ev«*ning at H o ’elock -All nr« w«*l 8:00 p in Sunday services at 2:30 and See announcement elsewhere for sub • 8:00 p. m. come— Auk question* For the Summer Season when picnics, auto trips and camp­ ing parties are in order, remember that CRESCENT CREAM COFFEE is jnst as fragrant when mnde in open air as in your own home it ’s the