Cottage Grove sentinel and Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Oregon) 1915-1921, August 23, 1918, Image 1

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    Sto (Entlanr Olrmtr ign ito !
O K O V l;
ijtuqn Ô J® *» ( OTT AUK (IKOVK, LANK < •MINTY, OKKOOV, FRIDAY, Al OI ST 23, l<»ls
Roots in Trail Prove to Be
Camouflaged Elk Antlers
K in g u! r<»renta, Who Bor# Them.
Dead for guarter Century or Mora
A m u g l i i I i eent
««*t o f el k b o r o «
i i c e i d e n t u l l v dÌ«ec*Yered m file w«»i»il« Oli
\ t o « h v ereek u «hort tini«* Ug o hv « l ohu ,
L«*uve* Everythin# to Wile Except Solicitors Find Quick Re«ponge to
Reiuton for His Sudden
Appeal for Dainties for
Boys in Hospitals
unii •ledili Marker. Mr, H m k e r
olii u trini.
Mr. Pulnier, |
I’loft- ha- been a ready re*pons«* in
There i* yet no explanation of the
• *nHug
Y Yhu t
Milcblen departure of H II. OJeott, who the «1 ri\ «• th i« w«*«*k fnr canned fru it
nppeured fo h<* u roof « t i e k i n g up in,Ih«*
ha«! been in the grocery busine** here and jam for ««»Idler* in the hospitals at
putii, uml ehided M r. Itu rk er f o t not
A l t h o u g h residents
several year*. Mr. (>l««»tf left for hii ' home if. I ibroud
u i t i k m g u e leu m* i trilli, uml h i i u « e l f ut
gene Sul unlay night, and Moncln v morn tffive t«*b Y*-ry sever ely the eu rtu ilm e n f
t e u i p t e d to p i l l i cip th«.* r o o t . T u h i « «ur
iug II. .1. Shirm received n letter from of sugar, they have expressed the feel of ru tili tig The m to Lay Down pri««* it h r o k e o f f in Ili« h m i d uml yyun
him «uving that h«* yy «»uhi not b<* seen • m g tliut they cannot make a n y *acri
on U 4, Oui Militai y L I fort* Htir
any more, thut h«* hud tukt-n *75 in fires i-«|iiul to those made b y tb«* soldier
Hiitler« YY»*re «o perfe etly c i i i n o i i f l i i g e « ! J
O m AHI«* to New uml He
«•fish und the clothe* on hi« buck, mol J lw»ys w h<» are hi hosp ital« us u renult
yy 11 h i m » « « nnd h i I i « l i
thut tliey would
thut everything else should be turned I o f th» *r •b votfon to th e ir c o u n try . A
douhl««t LmleavorN
bave fooh*«l uny h u i i f e r . l'Voin tlieir eon j
over to Mr*. ()|«*«itt. Th«* key* to the f»*w have f«*lt unable to g iv e ja m . bow
«Ittioli thev udorned u kin g of thè fro
ever, h<*«iit!«c nf m»t lieing unable to get
«tore yy **r•* uNo enelose«!.
i*«t« yy ho in ti y I i u y i * heen deud L*f» or .'IO i
Mrs. (»Icotf yyu * at Lsnvonv ¡lie nt stiffieieuf su gar to make it.
i I h K li. l'tjq», ( “ |'N » • ¿ l i » , 11» 1^
y eur« .
\ 11 («leept thè p« » 1 1 1 c » n o f th ej
M r « , ( ’has. A d a m s , ch a irm a n fnr the
the time ntti'fiding a family reunion.
O l i III f li«* Iloti II ot Lo m loil ì* II |»Ilft • kull vYhieh hehl th«* h ri t le r » togefher
She returned Monday aft«*rnoon in rr c i t y , hit« not received report* from all
of Ih«' Iti i l •*•!» fli'i'l, u iunior |»urt# wv limi deenyed.
spouse t«« u t«'|ephon«* cull from Mr. ¡fin* committ«***s which ure d o i n g the so
ure (olii. I.iglit m i i w r » tliey un» in
Tlo* ii ut lem ure mor«' fluiti four f«*»*t
Shinn, nnd hn* reopened th«* «tor«*, but j li c if in g but «**timutes that tjier«* will
iluin«* greti! imi««» « of «ti-i'l, lunlt inni hi length fron» ha««1 to tip nnd bave u
«•nil offer no explanation whatever for be m»t I«*«« than 5(Ml qua rt* o f canned
muli lieti lo r f i g li t m g hi r •• i* 1 1 1 \ . Tb«*r«* «premi of o\«*r t li ree f«*et
her husband’« net ton. Sh<* hu* us yet i t r u i t and a large c o n trib u tio n o f jam.
tliey In* ut atirlini, 1 1 k •* ilngM t liiiinetl in
re«*eived no information u* to hi* where­
r«*«t r u i li t , retttly to he lei loone ut u ino
about*. There had been no family dif
Het y o u r g ir l am i then get y o u r an*
mi lil n io*t o r
(i ni' Homlern tlmt tlierr
fieulties or financial trouble*, so fur us rtouncement* f ro m T h u S entinel.
e\ei » ( t i no III IH'Il llo iitlli g i t e r i limi
Mr«. Olcott knows.
|M»Wer utili IO 111 II II \ gitili III till- VY orili.
l’Iieti* in un uitt!er*fituilirtg tlmt figure»*
iliuII Ilo! he |»lilili«li«*ill hot lei e\ei V
A tue r lenti hreiiflie etmier for tliul |iurt l o t liter Cien well Man There on Vini!
We Are Now Only Going to He
lie! ut Thou* Who Have
Done Much for Ui
yy a«
T a k e « O w n Life Kalhei T h a u
of |he tifi v V , u m l iet e hi * li o f u*, «rlieu ili
T ig ht KaiiOt Bill.
to t l i n i k t l m t yy «• a r e |tl uii ll g
In a n ticip a tio n of a tremen dous in
U r e u t B r i tu in u m l e r eer tu iti o h l i g u t n*n**
T h e work of inneudfimi/ing th«* n<*w rrensr m the am ou nt ot pro duce that
to un in »«•mliiig trori|*i o v e r to in 1 §• in
r«»u«l built in Fu «« creek «nuvoli this will I»«* pink*-d tin* year, the old barn
(flooding over ill h«*u!th and |n*rhtip«
tini t i g h t , reitiein he r tl m t yy «* ure u m h i
year hn* started, S. S«h«*ll having the wliieli stands on th«* ca n n e ry pro perty
li m t i u g o b l i g l i t ioiim to Cireitt l i n t a i n fot over the fuet thut he yyu « likely to I»«* « «»ntruct. 'I’ll** rock will be quarried anil h a s I»»*« i i c«>uverted into a pu< k i n g and
thè pr o te e ti o ti «h e I m « u f f o r i l e i l i o vYith «IrnfVed hi the army tcgain«t hi« yv »11 t«» i*ru*h«*«l io*ur the work n»;d there «eeiii* storuge room mol connected w ith the
Iter t leet, e \ e r oli thè yy uti li ni
thè light uguiiiAt u roontry yyi II i yy I i k I i lie no «loiibt that a fine winter mud the m u m can nery b u i ld i n g .
A n o t h e r cook
.S o r tii «en.
Miit thè hglit eru i«e r iu|unilroii i« not
ii11 hv uny nn*im«. K n rth e r t o f h e u o r t h it»
(Iiother uml greuter |»urt of thè S ortii
« i h fleet
liu ti lenii i|i«t tliey tir*
\ •*!
ertm« of thè «hittuinl uml ot th«* lln r
tiuiielle« are there lì» thè left thè flout
m g tig h t e r » are eeeu in gretit nunih er«
uml tonunge heyotnl «<»ui|»ieiiett«ioii T o
thè ti ght ure more huttle«hi|»«. F n rf h e f
uml flirt ber, uml « t il l heyoiitl ni thè
uiiNt, ure «een thè forn i« of more Unii«,
mote utacku, more jirofeetor« of our
« ho re« uml of tlieir«
A eoin|»miv o f ll r i t i « h niftintry thut
I « uyy l u u n h i l i g li w li y to thè tre m h en
yy ii« lumie u|> of h o v « ju«t ttirntng li»
y e u r « K n g ln m l tak«*» ni thè b o y « ut I h .
t r u i u « fheui u y eu r. uml then itemi« thein
to th«* front
\\ 1 1li thè eoiiniig of
\merieuu tri»o|»« there yyb * un u g itu to m
in K iig lu m l to «end thè h y eu r ohi h o y «
to thè t rettelo*« H i t h «i\ u i o i i t h « ' tt m i
m g niMtend of w m t m g u full yeur.
l'hte«’ ei»ui|iu tiie«. «een lu i in h i t i g ti long
thè S tru m l for tlo* fron t, weie inaile n|»
of in e ii froin :tf» to 1(1 y e u r« ohi.
K m K iig lu m l uno lintieea Ih«* nh«enei* of
yotitig iueii,t u f meli umh*r 41 uml l»«»y*
o v e r Ih. T l i e y ure eithe r nt thè front
or in triiin in g .
It «••«•im**l to ni«* tlmt A m erle a attuiti
hn\e to «end ut len«t IO,IMM»,000 to thè
fiont hefure olir tiiunhiMMl aiutiti he
eotnhed ih fine u« n i* toni lieti in h-ug
\\ lievi \ y e in Ninerieii den v o u r «e lv e «
flint our nllie« nm\ hnv«», yy «* inity he
«tir«* flint thè enerifiee 1 « ri|q»r«*rint<*«l,
un*l thut Kttg luml in no w n y tu k e « nd
VUUt.'ige of YYlmt ivi' do.
Verv «triet law« hn\e heen |» u ««« m 1
for i*oiiMer\ing fucili over ihere, and tliey
ure rigidlv «*nforee«i. Th«» ohjeet of thè
liriti«h government i« no to di«tribtlte
tlo* forni nitide tivailahle tlmt ri«*h uml
|io«*r «Imll In* «**r\ed utile«*. T o fili« t*nd
there are Inw* nguin«t hoarding, iigunmt
uny per.«on |»iir«*hn«iiig more thnn thè
go\ « rnim nt ii II oyy nttr«», uml. to |ir«'\«*ii*
profiteering, th«* governinetit fix«*« thè
prie«* of iiieiit« uml other fiiM’«»**itÌP*.
(limoline nini other \\ur fie«*e««itie« nr«*
eurefully eunaerved.
In l.«m«|on thè
iiiinihtu of tiixieub« hn« l>«»«»ii redueed,
un«l tue fnre f u e d . Private rara tire
forhidden to uhi * gn.«oline, nnd «»ne «e«*«
no pleimure riding in Frighimi. nnd no
d riv in g «if pti««enger rara hv prixnt«*
indi\ idiiul« eXeept in govertiinent «er
\ ire.
• « •
yyu « appuieutly hi «ym puthy, f ’lifford
•*ntire length «»f the canyon will Ì»»* m g vat has b«*en a»ld«*d. l'ri ii i u ro i* com
Orou«heek, of Narr«»%Yir, lluriiey eoiinty,
complet«*«l thi* season. T h “ **nnyoii hn* m g in at a v e r y HutisfttCtory rate, al
«hot hintmdf through th«* h«*urt with u
never been " n a v i g a b l e ' «luring the wet though the ru m * thut insure a large:
rifle nt the roii«l«i<l<* near tV«*«Y%ell lute
cr op of produce h av e himlered p ic k in g
Monday night. He yyu « I I yeur« of age,
d u r i n g the past w«*ek.
and leave« u Yvif»* uml «mull «on.
( ir«in«het k, In« YYife and ««»it hu«l !»••«• n
y i«i1 1 rig at th«* home of Mr«, (iron«
Mr*. Lewi* (', lb « b e hn* r«*4-eiv«o| a
heek ’« parent«, Mr. and Mr«. «1. I*’
\N «*«*k«. t yy o mil«*« ««»nth of ( r«»«YY «*11. for letter from h«*r husband, a li«*utenunt of
Th«* work o f the home gu ard com pa
tlir«*e Yv«*ek«, huYiug driven from then th«* dl»th regular in fantry, that he wu*
horn* «tea«l hi Harney «*«»unty hi their I Mouiided in m tion in the first big drive i uies i« endorse«! by O cn e ru l C r o w d e r in
«•nr. On M«»nduy, it yyu « ti«c*ertamed by in which I nit«*«l Stut«** tr«»op* partici hi* aniHHincement th at a system of mil
sh e riff Klkin«, Di«triet Xttornev Buy pnt«*d. From the information h i the let I i t s r v tra in i n g w ill b»* ad<»pted f o r all
uml (•«»r«»ner Veateb. flier«* hu«l heen ter, the wound, «*uus«*«i by u piece of J un‘ii subject to the d r a f t an«l i* f u rth e r
ii family tilt «» y «*r the < hihl T h a t night shrapnel which grn/«*«l th«* *i«le «»f hi* •*n«lor*«*meiit «»f th«* statemen t often
Urou«hei’k retired u« iinuii I hut ut II face near the eye, i* not as serious us j made that home g u a n l t r a i n i n g i* g " i n g
J to aksist d r a f te d men to position.« a*
ii VI«»« k ur«*««* uml, getting hi« ear out, the tiiii*lnr«l gas, which blistered hi*
n«»fi «oimnissioned offi«*er*.
droYi* away. It yyu « found thut h** hud f»*«*t.
T lie f r a m i n g w i ll b«- n«»u compu lsory
H«* say* that the colonel of hi* regi
driven to Oreawell, tbeaee u i|»mrter «»f
tr«*e. T h e men w ill be in*rructe«l in
u mile along th«* r«*u«i flint h id« tY«*«t«*r
ly , «topped hi« « ur, tiligllf« tl. «.if d«»YY Ii and that a number are known to have i«iui|»le «»volution« with *tre** upon mil
h y tin* «i»h* «»f a fence uml, p la n n g the biM'ti tuk«*ri prisoner. Lieutenant Heel»«* i f a ry courtesy. Th«»*«* yy ho dem onstrate
11111 //I 1 ' of hi« «horf Will eh «*«ter carbine «ays that in the entire wnr there has th«*ir ability w ill receive certificate * of
over hi« heart, pulled th* trigger.
H«* b«*eti nothing to ctpiul the bombardment m erit, Yvhich will serve as an index of
which took place during th«* first f«»w th«*ir «pia lificu tio n « us non «*«>nin»is«i«»ne«!
• videiitly die«l in«tuiitlv.
j officer*.
T h e body yyu « found Tue«duy m o r n in g 1 «lays of tlo* gr«*at allie«l drivi*.
and the authorltie« yy « t «* not i tied. It
Yvaa pr»*«ume«| that Uroii«h«‘i k hud «hot
hini»e|f. Later, when (\»r«m«*r \«*Htrh
<*xniuiio*d th«* l»«»dy. it yy : i « thought that
he hud he«*u «hot fr<*m hehin«l u« there
yyu « n Inrg«* l*iiIh*t lioh* in front nii«l th»*
• ut«* in th«* r«*ur yyu « «mull. T l i i « guv«*
ri«e t«» the report that h«* hail I»«*« n utur
«lered, mol Sheriff KIk in*» and Di« lrict
Xttornev Huv yy «* t «* notified Th«*y mad»* :
a hurried trip to the «eene. How ever, i
after (|ii«*«tiofiitig th«* fninilv it wu« «1«*
termifieil l*eyoiu| doubt that Hr«»u«beek :
hail taken hi« own life.
Tourist Gets into Titfht Place by W. B Dennis, Former Manager,
Accident and Is Struck by
Seeks Judgments Aggrepul
Dark Troop Train
in« Total of $425,000
F ift h Member of L im it Club
Cot tag«» Drove ha.« a fifth member of
the war «nvitig* «tump limit d u b in the i
per««ui «»f a woman yy h«* ha* u«ke«l that
her iihiii «* In* yy ithli«*hl from piibli<*Mti«»u.
KiinnifiK mi i»ut«um»lnl«* xlon^ :t rail j •
totaling mor** than
r »j^lit of way uml l»«*t yy «*«* ii th«* rail.** j ♦4(M(,(M)0y XX. B. l>t*nm* ha.« Ivpgun suit
yy :i« tound to I»«* a *<un«,YY hat i*xt, itiiij! j *** ,'in*uit « «»urt against th«* Hl:i« k Butt«*
and «!anK‘*ti»u*< «*X|M*rim«*nt Itv a tourist g»ii«'k*il\**r M in in g company, op^ratiiiK
who pn«««*«l through h«*r«* :« «*oupl«* of
BInrk Butt«*, I s* mil«*« south «»f hor«*.
night« ago.
D«*nni*. f«»rm»*rlv manager of the min
While rrunning th«» Southern Fu ciflr ‘ »‘g proper!i«*«. and on«* «»f the principal
trnek* at the fir «t «*r«»*««ii»g n«»rth of th«- *t*M*kh«»l«ier* lH»f«»re they p:i«*e«i into the
« i t v the wheel* «»f hi« «*ar were «aught han«i* of the pre«ent eompuny. hut ii «» yy
l»y the rail«, an<! a* h«* wa« going a1 ¡manager ot th«* ('nrltoti Lum ber «*«»m
J high «|H*e«l he wa* aero«« th«* «*attle . |uiny, at Carlton, ««*«*k* to recover the
| guard and quite a «ii*ran«*e fr«un th«*t|,ul11 °! over $75.(MM) on «traight pronii*-
I road l»«*f«»re he roul<) atop hi« maehinr *ury note* nnd aeek* t«» fore«*l«»*e a nti»rt
Hearing n train bearing down upon him |
L ,r over $.150,000.
from hehin«l, he let hi* wife out and • T h e not«** and mortgage were given
then trie«l to bent the train down t h e * 11 Sent tie » number of year* ago and
track, hoping to find another ero**ing. i "cr** *igne«| by «lohn H. Powell a* pre*
s«*«*ing that h«* w«»ul«l be unable t«> do < >«l«*nt an«l Marion LdvvanU as «e<* ret ary
thi*, he attempted t«» jum p from hi* «*m , oi
ju*t a* the engine *tru«*k it. T h e .i*ngin- ! ^ Be quiekailver mine* have b«*en oper*
«•er hail *«*en the tail liglit of the rtir *
«teadily for t w «> «>r three y«*nr*.
and hn«l brought hi* train almo«t t«» a i utter having b«*en idle for a period
«tniid«till when h«* «trnek. Neither th« nuieh loug«*r than that, ami the capacity
«Iriver, who refuse«! to giv«* hi* name, i kua been greatly inrrea.«e«l »luring the
nor hi* 4 * 1 « r were greatly dntnug«*d, t h e !
!♦’" month* with th«* additmn of
machine being repaired an«l the trip j nii,rh new machinery.
re*timed the following «lay.
~ —
T h e aceident o»*curr«»«l about mid WORTH HARVEY AND
ni«h t. Th e train, whieh whs eiirTyinitj
troops, wns without lights, soniethiii^
hnvinj; gone wron# with the liphtin^
T h e Eugene newspapers state that
system n few miles below the point Worth H a rv e y was in that city Wedues
where the nreident hnppened.
day on important business, and the
O. I-’. Woodson, of Woodson Rrolhers* court house news confirms the state
♦¡irune, win returning home :i short dis meat by anuiiuncing that a marriage li
tnnee behind the tourist. He assisted cense had been issued to Mr. H a rve y
in getting the cur buck into the road and M i s s Neva J . Perkins.
Mr. and Mrs. H a rv e y passed through
nnd towed it into the eitv.
here Wednesday night oit their way
south on a honeymoon trip. Mr. Harvey
IS assistant cashier of the First National
FOR TABLE DECORATIONS bank. T h e bride tnnghr in the schools
here several years, and at Halsev Inst
C. A. Hnrtell has adopted a nifty idea
year. Both are most favorably known
for the decoration of his dinin g tables
here. T h e rouple completely surprised
at the Oregon hotel. Kneh table has a
their friends, and even near relatives
small silk American flag into whieh
wen- not ¡nformnd of the approaching
thin wire has heen inserted and twisted
so ns to give each flag the appearance
of fluttering in the breeze.
Legal blanks at T h e Sentinel office.
yv ay
g«»v eminent
.'i('hiev«*«| great thing.« «piiekly.
" You made a great reeord in tlo* fir«t
five month« of tin* war, mol you nr«'
«fill milking it. In tho««* five month«
Xmerica dee lured war, pu«««*«l appropri­
ation lull«, pit«««*d u «'oiuu*ription law-
treating all « la*«e« alik«*, lunlt Id gr«*at
caiitoiimeti t«, hud them yyi *II «‘«pupped
and remly f«»r u«e, mol liiol f»40,tM»0 ««»I
«Her* in them. Y«»u people may not re­
alize it, but yy «* who were m the early
«fniggle here «1«» realize that it wa« a
wonderful piece of work,, and it i« n
great «at i«fa«*t ion to know that your
people a« a yy lode are behind the move
In E n g l u n d , e v e r y w h c r e , mio in ini
pressrd w ith ilio w o n d e rf n l s p iri! nf filo merit; thut you giv«» and give, mid pnv
poc.|ilo, w ¡th ilio inilnniitnlilo » i l i . w ith mot pay, with e\«*r increu«ing amount«
-ahd do it freely. 91
Ilio g rit, unii (ho d o v e r n e * » , yen, rie»
orno*» iv li ir ii .*<| mi I m tim i n f ilio O c r
Nowhere wa« theiv any ev idenee of
in li n i Imi witlio ut Ilio (ioriiinit b r n g g in g in effort on the* pnff of the Hriti«h to
nlmiit it, w ith fho on pncity fnr tn k in g " ji d lv * * American« into ca rry ing B r i t ­
I > n n i - li ni •• n t nini mi w h in in g , »villi Ilio ain.’» burden. Th e contrary aeemed true
generosi t v whii-li tnlks n f (ho n r h io v o to me. In«tetid of Maying " L e t Xmerien
m o li li nf other* w II ori llioir invìi uro tho do it,*’ tin* Npirit ««•« ni«*d to be more
*<lunI nf n n y . K n g ln m l lini suffered
" A m e r i c a ha« come in, now l«*t us pitch
m f f o r m i g rie v o u s ly .
I lo r y o iin g mon. ill til«1 harder, make more sacrifice«, put
frinii finiiilioM in ov ory w n lk o f lifo, in every lu«t man and all together fin
ha ve g iv e n llioir li v o i liv Ilio hnndrcds ish up th«* j«»b ns cpiickly us possible.”
• • •
n f Ih n iiitim li, Imi Ilio i p i r l l nf l lr il n i n
i t i l i liv oi.
In drivin g through «omidhing more
A f t o r lin\ inti vlniloil th oir flool, tlioir t tin ii 75 v illnges mid d t i r * in France,
iniinitinti |>lnn 1 1 nini tr n iiiiiiK olimpi, I scarcely a mail under 45 or a boy over
ri iii n i k . il In ii H r i l i i l i onlnnol tim i llioir IH was seen except in uniform, and
iiohiovonionti « o r o « m i l ; I h n l lliov limi very feYV of them. T h e y tire all at th«*
m in o nut nf n rn m l iti n n nf iinpropnro.l
front or in their grave*. France has
n o n uml hml minio ttr,>,|l i t r i i l o i .
been bl»*d white. There is no more man
“ V o i, « o hnvo f i n 1 1 y unitoti in ihnpo power for her to draw on. She «till ha*
In (In il hit n f |;nnil « n r k , " ho «nid. a good many men at the front, ubl«*
T h o unni h tn n o lf limi dono liri llinnt bodied nnd brilliant fighter*.
»»nrk ut tho frn nt. “ H ill ynn A m o r ir n n * morale i* good, eapeciallv since A m e r­
uro ilniiiK III l i m i in n lii^ u n y . Ynn uro ica came int«» the fight, but whatever
tiorm tn m oil In i ln in ^ t i n n i i nn n lnr(fr additional army atrength i* necessary
ionio. W o minio m n n y liln m lo r i nt Ilio to give the Herman* th«*ir final beating
lioj(innin|{, but y nn ponplo woro » b r o m i must come from America, u* far a*
onmnih In i l i n i y thoin nini p rn f it I.v France is concerned, for she can fur
thom I th in k tho « n r k o f A m o r ic n hns nish no more.
Both 84 and Have Lived
64 Years as Man and Wife
Husband of L ous Lived Pair Has
Been a Maxou for F i f t y »lx Yearn
Mr. and M n . l a w x u i II. Mlutylf will
w l d i H i l . their n itty fourth wedding an
n i v e r m r y Saturday. T h e y have l>een
re iid r n t i of the Cottage (»rove country
aiaee 11H(t, livin g f irit on Silh ereek Amount Asked in 1918- U Budget
with Mr. Hla({le'i father, (ieorj{e Slagle,
Trifle Over Half of That
who died year* ago. T he y moved into
Asked Last Year
the city in IWm.
Mr. Slagle wax liorn in Allen county,
Indiana, Mav ¡¿.'I, l i l t , and M n . Slagle,
whoie maiden name wan M a ry Kliza By Consolida ting Clauses, Vacating Old
lieth Hwayze, wan horn at N e w Salem.
Building and Reducing Number
Fa irfield eoijntv, Ohio, October In, |tt.'14.
of Teachers, Severe Econo­
Mr. Slagle ha* ju i t paaaed h ii eighty
mies A re Effected.
fourth hirtbdav and Mr*. Slagle will ln-
eighty four in tb-tol»er. T h e y were mar
ried A u g u it 24, IH M , in Whiteley moan
ty, Indiana Mr. S l a g l e left hii w i f e and
Hood new* for the taxpayer* of the
two little children behind to nerve h i i ; Cottage (jrove nehool d n t r i c t ii con*
country in the C i v il war ai u member -allied in the budget whieh will lie iub-
of Co. H, I .'Ith K a m a , volunteer». He milted to the voter» at the uiiuuul ta.x
waa wounded in September. li<!2, at the j budget meeting September
T he
battle of I’rairie (.rove, in Arkanana, amount of money to be raned by the
and wai discharged in Inti.'! for dinabil budget la 4h,ti2U, as compared with « ! > ,-
ity in the line of duty, but hi« disability Hl2 last year, which cuts the tax almost
did not prevent bis joining the Kansas squarely in two.
loiti-ad of having outstanding war
militia, and he again left bis family
behind to aill in the defense of Fort rants this year the tax yet uncollected
I .en» en wort h when it was captured bv leaves a balance of $X!00. In addition
the Conftelerates. He w ,* dischargeo ' lo this, other economies have been ef-
froin the state militia, out later aeted fee ted, among them being a reduction
as firnt lieutenant of a company called ' of the number of teachers by putting
to again give battle to (ienerul I'rtee. , all of the seventh and eighth grades in
this time w ith victory to the federal j the went side School, which eliminates
' the expense of upkeep of the old high
Mr. Slagle joined the Masonic fra .school building, used last year for sev-
ternity in lHf«2. du ring the stirring C i v il i eral of the classes.
war times, and for 5*1 years has held bi« . Included in the budget is an item of
membership in his mother lodge. H i » j *2'Mi for an instructor in milita ry train
watha No. .ili, of Hiawatha, Kan.
<nli and calisthenics.
Eleven children have been born t»>
Those who op(iosed the domestic sci-
Mr. and Mrs. Nlagle. Four died in in once and manual training departments
fancy, nnd D a vid S. died in A p ril o f ! did so because they wished to keep the
the present year at Silverton. Colo. T h e I tax down to 10 mills. T h e amount to
su rviving children are: lieorge, of Sac l be raised this year will require almost
ramento. C a lif.: Dennis, of this c i t y ; | exactly that number of mills.
Daniel \V„ of Kidgw a y, Colo.; I.awson ;
H „ of this c it y ; Mrs. Angeline K. Scho
Captain Crusoe Passes Exams,
ler. of Pacific (»rove. Calif., and Mrs. | Captain C. C. Cru.xon. of this city, now
Minnie H. Mouser, of Portland.
j commander at F o rt Columbia, h^s re-
I (-rived word that he has sueeessfuily
passed the examination which he re-
i eently took at Fortress Monroe. He is
; one of few officers of the old national
I guard who has survived the weeding
j out ordeal conducted by the war depart­
Radcliffe System Promises Program in
Keeping W i t h the Stir rin g
Sunshine Pleases Fanners.
Events of the Day.
T h e clearing of the skies follofkhig
SEPT. 1 2 ,1 3 AND 14
j the heavy rains of last week brought
1 good cheer to the prune growers and to
The Radcliffe Chautauqua system h a s , (hoiM. furnt„ n who*,. gr;lin WM , n the
se, the dates for the session here as . <h(K. k
September 12. 13, and 14. T h e session Pri|l. k e d thp p ru nM arll, r„ tted the grain
was to have been held in Ju n e and. ns ill shocks. Inilirations are that there
no word«had ln*en received setting an­ will be fair weather until after these
other date, the local signers thought
crops are cared for. Pasturage, berries,
that Cottage d ro v e had been passed up
slid growing crops are showing the re­
for this year.
freshing effect of the moisture.
In a letter announcing the session
the Radcliffe people say:
Plums and Prunes Oood Crop
T h e program whieh we have prepared
Plums and prunes are an excellent
for you will not only lie very interest
•rop this year, and of large si/". 11 U .
ing, but will be of great value to your
Vincent brought to T h e Bentinel office
community, for we have included a
i few days ago some .samples of a J a p ­
number of important subjects. We will anese plum, six of which »»eigbed a
send you a domestic science worker who
• pound and a quarter.
will give scientific and practical dem I
(»nitrations of the use of the foodstuffs
available in your section, as welt as dis-l
cussions relative to home efficiency.
There will be a speaker who will pre­
While many others younger in years
sent the marvelous story of the A m e r­
with few cares are doing little or
ican Red Cross, not only concerning the
care of those wounded in battle, but nothing for the Red Cross Mrs. T . M.
-viation of suffering i ? ° * k - wh<* ha* lonK
<* faithful Red
in regard to the nllev
wherever if may be, . and whatever mav ’
1,1 ,h,‘ "* »* ^
r" m"-
be its cause. Speakers of national rep one week did practically all the »vork on
utation will deal with matters of im ten helpless case shirts. In order to do
portanee during the present crisis, and this, it was necessary for her to take
»»ill bring to you at home messages from the work home. T h i s work on the part
•i number of officials in Washington. of a woman of her age certainly shames
These officials have recognized the the luck of effort on the part of many
chniitnuqiin as one of the most import much more able and »vith as much or
more time.
ant mediums through »\hich they can i
speak directly to the American people. !
Is N o Deserter.
Fova Johnson, who left with the draft
contingent J u l y 25, writes that he is
an acting corporal in the 2!>th company,
»<th battalion, depot brigade, at Camp
Lewis. Johnson writes this information
because of the fact that a report hns
reached him that he has been reported
as a deserter and he does not want any
one to think he is not doing his full
duty in the war against the him.
T h e Cottage Grove schools will not
open until September 2d. this late date
Im» ing been set as a patriotic measure
to allow school children to assist in har-
j vesting crops and work at the cannery. '
Nil the teachers have agreed to the
1 change in date and will teach overtime
at the end of the year to make up for
the lost time.
B rown Planer in Operation.
T he planer at the Brown mill is now
in operation, although the planer build ­
ing itself is not vet completed. Th e ma
T h i r t y eight pairs of Chinn pheasants
chine, which has a capacity of 4(1.(MX) n
have been received from the Simpson
day. is operated hv electricity, which
| pheasant farm and have been liberate,r
hns a steadier pulling power than steam.
, "ti the game preserves of this section by
C. A. Bartel I, secretary of the rod and
| gun club. Mr. Hnrtell states that Game
CALLED TO THE COLORS j Warden Shoemaker lias said that he
j hopes to make the Willamette valley a
Six young men of the Cottage Grove j hunter's paradise »vhich will attract
country h n»c been called for the draft j largo numbers o f sportsmen from the
contingent ithieh is to leave August 2*. j east in future years.
T h e y are as follows:
Fillmore Dale
W y a tt, Robert tiny Conner, and Frank
T h e Sentinel— the live wire news­
M. Willis, Cottage G rove ; Ha rley Isaac paper.
Ross, I .ora n c ; I.other E. Rogers, Sag
Home Guard Recruit*.
inaw, and How a rd Cla ir Cox, London.
T h e following added tlieir name* to
T h is list is only tentative nnd some
changes may be made. T h e men are the roster of the home guard eompuny
to be called for general milita ry ser\ ice. Tuesday nig h t: M. H. Anderson. J . R.
Hendricks, \\ Horn and E. L. Knight.
You still get »vant ads. at before-the Ne»v members are being added at every
war prices— and they are of the same meeting and well attended drills are be­
quality they always were,
••• ing held.