HUMMONH Providing Banking Protection III dir Cirillif Colilt of dir Militi* of I ' O r on fur I ,nni* f 'omit > lii'iiti'i' \| lln w Ivy, l ’Iimititl, si. .1 \ II on I ioi ti ml Kilim li Honlior, In­ vi ll'r, .1 L. V i • o ti 14 MMi f rutili ii l » : III Ilio intuir of dir Stufi* Irf < »risoli ; You tur lirrrhy n*«| li i rnl fo appear timi li 11 -* s\ • • i flir i» In i li f i f t '* rolli pili Hit filiti nj¿¡iin*t voi! in flir m I mivi * mifitlril 4llif VI ì f il Í II h » x H r r k n frolli fili' flint |oili!irii t ion of t li i m m h in in on n ; uni! if you C'll In MiMtvim, foi W H II f diri rot fill* 11101111111 wifi apply to fiir Colili fin fin n i n i i » « n \ • ■ • ! fot in flir rolli plu i lit fuir in, to wit flint 11 1 m i m 1 1 11 i m u rr |ioii 4 Miro I Mjvnin-f tlir liif'io ln o t », .1. A f 1 11 • ! » « 11 Mini I'll III ii |(. !|li»!| 0 |, It Í m nifi', foi fill* »11111 of till* I tiOlINllllli liofili m nidi l l i f 'i r » t dir troll lit tin* fli f r of »IX l»ri «»ut |irt m ii ii uni I rom July I lidi, I Id ti. imi tor tin liiid iri »mu ot if»iLïi» nifli iuti*rr»t Ihrrron ,»t tin- roti; of »ix |*r i I rot |»r f Mtllllllll frolli till* 2Mll <1 II V "I I r|»i i | m i V , lì d i , tin* UIIHMlflt of tlixr» till tlo* » ont», f if fill it ir» M'lni n itrir») pniii In p I u i ti 1 1 ft for tin* yru r of I ohi. until pn i 1 1, utili tor In* ro»t» Mini i|i»loir'»riuriit» ill tin-* «tilt, 11111111111114 lit till IH V « * Ir r »; flint |||i* liH»rf i*ai{4* iirlil l»y pinintilt upon tin* f < » 11« » n i m tí «ir m iil>ni i m I proprrtv ItrloiiKin^ to J. A H ii "I ioi nuil K'Itila l( llonhor, In» nif«*, to >i it : . I ir in ni ii )4 ut tin* nor t It north nr»t ror un nf rhr Ksun Multili dom,fmn I ami t In un No I 2 in Sri t ion No, ¡J l‘o\i ti «hip lì» Snudi of Kuiijp* No. J, W«*»t of VX i fin ’ ' < M ci i«Jlu fi. i m tn • ■ «nul li li '. * ■ I filili« tu dir »ou t II rit « t corri«'! of t!|r \V. I < 11 r«'ii Wool) donation l.iitii! ( ’Iti ini No. in »un! Si*rtioii Nu, .1, thrfirr w i*iat N O T IC E OF S H E R I F F ’ S H A L F ON I ..Vi « ham* tu fin* nr»t«*ri> uorthur»! E X E C U T IO N IN FO R EC LOS UK E n n i B FKDF.RAL REBKRVE SYSTEM First National Bank Collate (irove, Oregon V n o t ic i : o r » in a i , h kttlkm kni Vulli i* i» I mi tl»y jijiv «li f li ut I In* umlri ’• i ^ l i r ' l :ii|iiiiiuM i i fin \ 11 li llic VI i l i un in kit| • i f f li •• «"«fijtr "I M:« IIIIM’I T. Ci.ij» v, ti«T«'|l »<*ll, li:«-« f 11 • * « | ili flit* Ciiìinlv Culli f «• f llir* m t Ori '* mii I mi I .1 hi Cniiiity lui tinnì ;«• • Mimi a "-«i* li im I iii ìtii**tr a t «*f, unii flint I min v, fin* hit li iliiy • * f Sui* lini, 11» IH# ut f|n> tinnì h | |0 fi. in. i»f •"il 1*1 liti) , I» i» - !»<••• vi l i m i l»\ mi o! «’«Mirt li » till' filili* f « >r ti imi ti n ^ Mini |tiii«iiii|' ................ « I il iifiMHiul, timi f»*r li-’iir lb«T«*fO ir IlVIV tlilTl* III’, • ••1 C o b j e c t i o n Oliti fot III« filili! K**t t lt*fl|t*llt of MI 1*1 « wf Ut • tin» f»«»!n**i ptllilii TU«* fin in tilt fin* -Ml, «I m \ «»t • 1 III} , lf»|N, 1,»¡t H m i • i I.I.. atn «II Í» 4*11 tif Xiloli»! Il» IM. jl vI J m 1*| h ! t hr »t i J \\ DK\ Fits, » tiar VI ill ¡1 11 nr Kfil "I el T 4 'nil« i . 4|t*a,«*!i»4'«l if W .W . M ’Farland T ill City Tiau-fci All Kiml« of Hauling & Draying Dune on S h o r t N o tic e r im ili M u v I uk a Specialty WOOO A N D C O A L i'lm ur hr, O fflr e at the Bull Toll Cuiifertluuery H U T T F .K W U A P H ta t P R IC K S I h«» fulinis iug prii i » arc n««n in cf fret Hu butler is iupper.*: loo wrapper», t»n (''tolas» am! Sutur ' I 00 1 oo wrapper», «»a am ilas « x« «*pt Fri tiny» uml Hutur*lay» $ 1.20 Tlir**«* mi r cu»h prir«*». A*l«|it Miliul VSlappif» pmitcil lit thr maim* time with cither o f the t»bi»vc# cent « the 10«t n i T T A U K OttOVK 8 K N T I N K L , The I .av «* Wire Nrss»puper P ro fe s s io n a l Cards MAX LUFiBKE THE RAWLKIUH MAN 77r> Hlxtti A v » W., Ku<«ue. Oro. (•oral a-.rury at J. B I’ rotzmau'a R MtCAROAR. D D S D K N T I8 T Neiiruliiiu relieved itmtunlly !»y local tppiicad'Oi Hi*»blettce uml o ffic e af f ifth and Militi. 1‘honr I dJ Cottili;«' (irose, Ore. DK S M WENDT Physictau and H utkcod Special uttetifion i;iven I«» ttur|jery ami rye, car and throat. Country rail*« uh vs ell im city « till» mi»were^ «lay or uiiiht.- t iffic r : Cotture drove lloHpital J F. YOUNG ATTO RNEY AT LAW Offici* on Main it venue Cottan«» Grove Oregon A W RIME. M. D. P H Y S IC IA N A N D SURGEON I M l’ice hi I'hilbps (uiiltlillli oyer tin* li«'M«oii dniii «t«»i«*. O ffice |dn»nc .'»I , |{<‘si«|eiii'c photic iL'tiJ. I hit t ii m* dr«»\ c I)R W ()ri*ii«»n M HAMILTON I ( « n . Phone I I KM L IC E N S E D C H IR O P R A C T IC P H YS IC IA N <'nn*ultatinn ntul mimination free < >11 lee bool a !» tn S Mai iluya uml «vriiinK» liy uppointm *1. OO' k o in ohl Coitus« «iro v « ImnK ImililinK nt Id I 1-.. Mnin rvenui*. H J. SHINN ATTORNEY AT LAW uml notary toiblic. I'racticc» in nil court». Twenty fiv e yearn «•* prricnci*. Hiidcr Illilif. Cottni;«* (Jrove, Ore. ALTA KINO ATTORNEY AT LAW O f l ie « lorali'il ill tli« rrnr nf lh« Kirxt Nationnl bunk. ColtiiK« Grnv« ()r«Kon J. S. MEDLEY A TTO RN KY AT LA W 77*1 Williimctte St. Kugene, Ore. fhoii»uii«i, inrrt- liuiiOr«'«! t m n t v fnur ami ♦)♦! loft «lollnr« witi, i n d i r » ! tliiurun from »ni«! 17tia «Ini o f July, lì»|i, ut G E N ER A L GRAVES • li«* «uh* o! » p«*i •*«• nt p«*t annulli, uml tu«« humirt*«! f i t t i unti un 100 ifollnr» ut fio u r y '» f•*«■», nini dir further »uni ni turnty i n n i ami »0 Ino « f « • 11 n « ■» r«»«t* am| «Ji»!»lil »1 IIM*llt », svilirli pulsili! ut* H U» «*n Hillnl mi«! «io« krirti hi di« « I» i k '» of fu « of »ani « «»urt hi »ai«| « «•untv on di«- IMI» «ini n i July, lift», uml «uol r itiu tio n t«« un* «lir••«*• •*«I (oniniiiminili uir ni ih«* Il unir n i dir Sf li f «• n i I li «■ li«« li, hi or«lrr lo »iifi»fv »ani puliiuirli!, i n n i * nini M« l’MiillK r o »t», lo »«*11 ili«* lofiowiiili «ir «« » il.fil fruì propri t \, t«« si il Ali ii ti «I i v i «I**« I la fa /1 intrrr»f in ami to dia* follo ss i nii : f <«fiHii«’m‘ÌOli al a pomi riiiiity »0 Irl i H»*»t ol thr «Olitiivir»! i ni nei of l.ot Coni ( I , mi li 1«*«■ k Su »»f Mtil liliali*» A'Jilition !«» Kiiii«*nr, oii fin* si»»f, ruiiflitiii linMi' r ss ** • «»tir hilinlrril !*•«» m ii 0 o Y|o«*k a. Mi. ami ! o Ylork i». mi ., tossii, ut 1 «»Vliirk p. ni., «ni niiì «I «luv, ut thr »«)Uthivr»t «loor «»I t in* rouiil y court hoiiHr hi Koiiriir, l.aiir rouiity, f lra*ii«if|, n i t r i fnr Mille Ini r||»h, Hul«jrrt h» ri‘ili*uipfioti, all n f ti««* ri^bt. tifi«* ami Major General W. S. Graves, who iiitrrr»t «»i »ali| «i«*f**mlaat. Mulini«* \'rr urta W ri li lit * lonianli Muiiftir \ rrm tu has been selected to command the » »»loira unii a li v « * t li « - r prr»on or prr American troops to be sent to Siberia. » oii » « launin iì l»y, throuiih or umirr nrr, hi imi fn fin- »aiti un«rtliuii«*«! pr«‘ini»r» «Jr»i i i|»ril hrrrin. datrij fili« 2»«th «las <»t July, UdH, I» \. C l.K IN S , ri— .'<*.* Shrriff « » l l.aiir C«mnfv, < »ri*ii«»n «-«U fi«*l taf » h i «! Martin (’lililí!, f II«•nei* VI II II • ««nf li 25 li ik**, finn««- «• fill' »Ollfll lili«* ««t »Hl« claim N«». k «a W f «1 f II«' VI «*»f lina* ut 1 In- U li Mi K* a uri 1 »«uiaf Kui 1.a n«l» i f 'Ini iii \«» 12 in M i t tim» \u. «J in said I'oxx ii »hip lì» Hour li IL ng.1 . VV'esf 4if f li« v\ liliali i»»tla* Mi*li«li; n, thi’tii i* aurt li * link», t li • »ii*!- ii « »r t li *iì» 4 1 ' a*ia»t fu a ¿»"I III M in* i* »an! lim* inla*r»«Tt» tim if Notice 1 » hr I r bs L'isrii 1 (a :a t by lirtU«* ii ii execution ami nrr«litui f«,r fin* Coiiufy of Luti«* on th«*| poHitloriH uorth o f the Veale river on 24th dai ««f July, lì»li, on a jml^mrn» r«*iul«*red ii « »uni court «»a th«* 24th «Invi both „Idea of Klaiuei, the Gerniaini n f July, Iì»IH# in a »uit wh«*rein J. II. laum bed repeated counter-attacks, II assi«} wa» pini nt 1 11 ami lJ. L. Miller I ami Hofu A. Millrr ss « r«* «Irf«*ii«lanf», I without success. There wax desperate ss« I boiimlurs i»f thè riyiit o f wu> of «ai«l ju«It ii Lami C In ini hi Srction ssith interint thereon from »;aid 24th Ill the region of Hazoches th«* Ger- No 2, thi'iice uorth *»ì» II»’ vsr»f to thè «lui of July, lì» IH, ut thè rute of «i per . , j »* > • 11 1 «*t I » « ■ i; * n li! ii| 4 , ««»atuianiu olir uni «•«•ut per utifitifu, and one hiimlred tsv«*n I _, , ^ l> 'ilei ....................... nltoriicv 'n f e c . | n,“ n» »-veral vlcious attacks, li « *• | (hm* nere» of lumi, more or Ir»», luci Ih.* further .uni o f Iw e K i1 on « In- -Itti ila) ot .1 uly. 11M k. ano at Kismette as a result of hand to-haud tuli tin a ie ««»iith 51 roil», theuer i*u»l «ani rlcrutiun tu llir direeteil coni inalili encounters. After a second German • I i «*«t», thrticr »oli Ih I I i^y rial il to thè i•■ «£ ine in the tiauie o f tlic Slnfe ut night attack t i l e Americans retaliated • piurtrr »i*rtioti line ratinmi* «a»t and (fri'gon, in order tu niitÌHf\ «¡mi jud ss«»t III f i l i * li »««tu oi tsv«» ni »n i « 1 tossa incili, eu«t» ami aceruiiiK ¡in i«, tu ««' ( and penetrated the German lines a «hip, dirne*' «*tt«t «»i» «iiiurtcr »reti«»n Ino* ili«1 fulluwinn d***«eribe«l reai |»ru|a«rty. short distance. They reach»*d one of l » f ro«l», theuer nord» h»2*j roti» t « * tua il : B«>]'innini; ut a |H>int ;i.'l77.»5 feet the enemy’s first-aid field stations and thr »redoli ami toismdiip lini*, th«i»«e »sa*«t oii l«»ssti«hip line 2.»2 rod» to thè «unti, unti -li fr»1] «-riat of fin* nortbweai took prisoner several wounded Ger­ orner nf ilo- .*« II. K iiux Dnnnlion Lami pia« r of I««‘l'inai ai», coni a mini» ll»l» '»ere» mans more «•» Ir«« hi Lune Couiiti, Stufe ot «'lami No il>. and runnin^; thenre canti • ilio feci, tin nii' .olili, HVII f i e l , theneej 'T h e Americans then returned to i »rru«»u ; «•*« ept tberi*from die r»i»ht «• I vsas ot ilo* « »i «• i*« » ii ami <'a li f««r u in I * :• * I » c « f liiio l.-cl. Ilici,ic Borili Ulto f..ct. fui their semi-circular positions at Kis­ i ou«l * «un pii uy, brini* iibout 1 u« i «•». : lol ilo* |«iti• e ol bc^Hiuini«, coi,tamil,,£ lo! « \«« pt al'1«* ther#*f rolli I acre» dr«*d«'d o i«1« ol' lami«all in Ht'cllon ■Jlli firn a«lii|» '• mette and resisted all attempts of the -0. «ou,i, Ka„|{c il kt'rl, \\ . NI., ««xccpt ft» l( I» Il a ss lev, enemy to dislodge them. In* t ni rr |ii»r«i and »ohi accordi iij * to luss. inn iberefrnui i, rollìi un, .'lo feci ini estimated at from 700,000 to 1,000,000; g p | £ p NEWS OF THE WAR • mi thr proceed» appli«‘«l Oli planiti ft ‘ h aitili, thè center Ime fhereof licmy .'l.'li; I )i|«ll»lii«‘ U t ; f la a t thr pljiintiff !»«• held to ,•■ ■ ■ 1 „oliti, of thè mirti, line nf rl,e ulmvcl men. B R I E F N E W S O F T H E -WAR »lise a tu«t ami pn«»r lira, a poli fin* ilccrilM-il Itimi, all m l.ane cnunfv, (ire Th e immediate results of the coun- The Germans have been thoroughly ilms«* de*»« r»be«l retai proprrts ami ihut ¿Oli. N o « , thcrcforc, m thè name of fin : ! lo- di'tr mluilt «, uml curii of thriii, aliti Marshal Koch followed up his sue ter offensives which will have the vanquished on the Soissons-Kheims Stale of Oregon, ami in coni|»linncc « i l i , «Il p**rrtotiu d ai m ini; under, bs or greatest bearing on subsequent opera salient. Allied troops have pushed (iioiii^h t h«*in, or Imi «d theui bi* t «»r«* «imi cxccntion ami order ol nule, and in ceisful counter attack on the Soisaons l«»»ei| and btarri'd ot ani •*« • i a a ty of n* order to nfttmfy «uni jiidgiiient, ro«t« Klieims salient by an offensive on the tions are the clearing of the Chateau forward until they have cleared the «Iruipfiota hi ot fo »au| morii»ui 4 «'.i prop iiccriiiiig i o«f« and atturnev fee«, I Miti Picardy front, where the Germans Thierry pocket, ending the menace t ) enemy out of the entire region south • rfs ; aliti lor «neh further ndief a» lini} ■ ni Sntuìduv, thè l|«t da> nf Aiigu«t, Kpernay and Paris; the liberation of of a line drawn front Soissons to I!»IH. bel rt «1en thè huiir« nf !• u'eluek a. made their great gain last March I !•«• r«|nitlil>le in thè premi«e». liti» »uni moli» ih m rsr«| upon yoii l»y in and I u'eluek li. in., tuuit, nt ime The bulRe in the allied lines in P i­ Montdidier, ending the menace to Rheims. French troops captured the ptiblicatioti iti tit*ciirdunrr ssith un order • l ‘clock |i. in un «imi da v. at the «olitil Amiens; the freeing of the important city of Soissons and Americans aided « e « t ¡loor of thè eountv court hou««1 iu cardy melted away before the com «nude ‘«t Kui»«*n«*. I »tci(oti, bs tjie lloimi » LI«- t« F. skipwttrfh, Circuit Jmii»«*, on Kugene, Lane eountv. Oregon, o ffe r for bined onslaught of the British. French. eastern railroad line from Paris to by the French have taken the import­ die I2lh «Ins ol July, l ! d \ rec|iiiimi* «ale tor cnali, .«ubjeet to reilein,ition, all Australians. Canadians and Americans Clialou^* and the equally important ant German supply depot of Fismes. flint fin» M.unnon» be piibli«)o*il af le.'i»! ol ilo- righi, liti»* und int>-re«t ot «imi northern line from Paris to Amiens, The German armies have retreated lo« a ss « • k t «o hi \ «-oli««*« ut i \ ^ ss celi » detemlaut«, |). I.. Miller and Sofà \. and the indications are that the Ger Miller, aii,l each of them, and all |ier mans will not only lose all they gain restoring to the allies means of com Hi th«* C«»ttai»e Gran e Sentitici, a tirsi» across the Vesle and they are evident­ p..per piibli»h«>d ut Cottage tirose, tiri* «mi« rlniniing by, tliruagh urainder t li eia ed In their offensive in March but municatiou which giv e them enor ly headed for the Aisne river, across or rither o f them, in and to the abo\e lf«»U. may be forced back to the old Hitulen- mously greater ease in future m ove­ which they stormed their xxay on May date «»I thr firn! piiblientioti Julv li». de«i nbed reai |iro|iert> Duteil thi« l’iltli dav o f Julv, IIH*», Iì»|s ments of troops. burg line. 27 in their plunge toward the Marne. D. V K l.K IN S , A L T A K IN G , The allied forces forged ahead so | The fact that the enemy has de- a- ili S h e iiff of l.ane «'oantv, ( Iregon, Vddr«*»» Kui*»*ne, Ori'gn, rapidly In Picardy that the German A M I E N S OUT O F GUN R A N G E I stroyed bridges across the Vesle and Y U F N G «V IC \ \ . Atblr«*»» h amne, On*i»n. retreat almost reached the proportions ----------- | is burning villages north of that river | FJ a.Mt Atturne v» f«»r Flaintiff. A D M I N I S T R A T O R S N O T IC E of a rout in places. The whole bot­ Great Transportation Center Safe, makes plain that no effort will be mad* Notice I» hereby gixeii that by order tom of the salient flattened out- iu two N O T IC E o r S A L E ON E X E C U T IO N . Thanks to Allied Triumphs. to hold that line, and that the next ot the fount Court nf 1 ane county, days' fighting The French captured IL \ i 1 1 ii «* of a Wt if o f Kxeruti.m Oregon, «IiiIv nu,«le the 25tl, day ot July, London.— Speaking at a luncheon at stand will be made at the Aisne, or «l»am»t Ilo* pr«»p«rtv hereiuafter d loi**, in the in rt 11 «*r ot the estate ot the important town of Montdidier Newport. Moumouthshire. Prem ier even farther north, along the Chemln - iibr«l, dui} i*»«to*tl l*s fio* (Moniti Clrrk Janie« \\ Maik«loirx'. deceased, tile mi Important German lines of com Lloyd George emphasized the import­ des Dames high ground. t Lune f 'otitity. Or<,j»iai, on thè Isti» designed, George M Marksbury, xx a - Oothers Beyond the Aisne. xxhich in itself Is • fav ot Julv, li»is, ami tft tur. thè unilet dulv iiiiiiointed adiliinixtrator of «aiti ex­ munleation have been cut ance of the pushing back of the Ger •«■»«*«(. » lo*r 1 1 f of H„id Cnmi tv. direct ed ist«1. til pi-ison« haxing claims ngauixt are under bombardment by artillery a strong defensive line, is the I ’ hemin i*»r thè rnforreuietit o f u juaon. •he fidi das n f Julv, Uds, in a rettimi fnttngc Groxe, Lane eountx*. Oregon, of men and huge quantities of material From the southeast of Amiens near of in Mini Court w bercin dalla» N ii within six months front the date o f thi« said, "but we were temporarily de are being cut off. donni llaak, a Corporation, sia» plaint notice. Montdidier northward to the regiou prived of its use until recently, when il, ami Funi Feriiuaa sia» «lefetidiint. Ibi ted this 27th day o f July, A. D. The number o f prisoners captured around Ypres the German front seems we were able to employ 20 trains Ui*l*i»tei N«i. 107Sì», ss liirh i|«*er«*e sin« liti 8. during the first three days of the o f ­ li»'«’ti in las«»r o f .»aid piuiti 111 f and on daily. Amiens is now safe, through all a tremble with expectancy. GEORGE xi. M \ R K s B I RY, «shn h fliere »« miss aetunllv due th«* uuin a2 -t«»1,k In addition to a retreat near Mont­ Adii,ini»!rator. fensive is very large. It is hinted at the recent allied triumphs on the • I tl«2t»4.ltj ssith Iiitere»t thereon at »ix Paris that it exceeds by far the figure per cent per annua» » im e Jais li, l!i|s Marne and the Somme. wYtich were didier to the west bank of the A vre I am commamled to » d i ut pillili«* mie N O TIC E OF M R E T IN O OF BOARD given out in the official statements river, retrograde movements in the due to the unity of command.” don, in ilo* manner pre»rrib«a| by luw, T w o divisional headquarters, with i OF E Q U A L I Z A T I O N face of attacks around Albert and an li«- f«dlossinj( reni property to ssit: their staffs, are said to have been 1 'l’Io* lot tsso, thè ru»t rittif nf th« Haig Advancing on Flanders Front. evacuation of territory over a front of Notice is hereby given that on the taken. T h e guns and war materials! Northsv«*«! 'ioaifer. and thè Northweet London. — Increased activity in half a mile north of La Uassee canal, l«utrt«*r nf th«* quiirter o f Se«* «eeonil Monday 'll September being the lost by the enem.xv constitute a very \ flou fliirty, in T ossiin I i ì p fifteen South •Jth day thereof, tills, il,«1 County Board Flanders with slight advancement of the German-s are nervously bombard heavy loss. • •I HaiiC«* »i\ of flir \\ iMalli« ttr I the British lines at two points in the ing British and French positions at M «* ri < I i ii ti. Un*i»«ui, ««uitalnini; one limi of (Equalization foi Lane enmity xxill The tanks, armored ears and caval center of the salient, was announced various points, possibly with the idea 1 1 ed MÌfty ami »«*ventv numjredth« meet at the Court House in Eugene and of ascertaining their strength. « ir», acrordini; to th«* nftV hil plnt o f publicly cxMifliue the assessment ridi« ry worked throughout the entire re­ by Field Marshall Haig. die »urvev of fin* «ai«l land, rcturned to gion, while airplanes soared far be­ The Bethune, La Bassee, Haze mid rorreet all errors in valuations, efe., rio* Getiernl Lami O ffic e by thè Sur of lands, lot» and other property. And hind the lines, bombing transport and Wilson Abandons His T rip to Coast. brouck and Ypres sectors are being . eyor-Generili. troop movements and also paying par Noti«*«* i« hereby ijisen flint on Snt it símil be the duty of persons interest particularly chosen for the attention Washington.— President Wilson has urilav, thè 1 71h «luv «»f A iiuun Y, 1I>1H, at ed to appear at the time Hint piare np tlcular attention to the bridges over of the German artillerymen. thè ìiotir o f «oia* o ’e|«»«k in thè after abandoned the slight prospect had of the Somme, by xxhich the enemy is » uhm » o f *mi«l dny, at thè front «loor o f pointed. visiting the Pacific coast at least for D. 1*. B URTO N, endeavoring to escape. All behind the ilo* Cniintv Court Home in fio* Citv of Submarine Sinks U. S. Light Ship many months, probably until the close I ui»«*ae in thè »aid Cium tv, I siili »eli »H i »tie Countv Assessor. line the Germans are destroying am Washington.— T h e Diamond Shoals th«* reai pr«»p«*itv hereinbrf«»re deueribed of the war. munition depots as they quit their at ptiblir auction to file hii»he»t bi«l«fei lightship o ff ( ’ape Hatteras. N. I ’ ., was tur «*a»h in hauti oli thè dav of mie. N O T IC E OF H E A R I N G ON F I N A L positions. shelled and sunk by an enemy subma Ship Torpedoed Off New York. »iibjert to redemntbm in thè mniivtor ACCOUNT. There has been little fighting of pros i«l«*«l by lass. f«,r thè |iurp«ne of »ut rine, the navy department was in N ew York.— A German submarine, great inement on the Vesle river, ex ni smi» thè hi »¡«1 jtidi»nieut and deeree. formed. The crew has reached shore Notiee is hereby given flint the un ss iti» Ine intere»! ami colf» o f »ale. approaching the very gates of New cept In the nature of reciprocal artil safely. The submarine came within dersigned, Eni ni et t M Sharp, ha« filed date«! fili» I.Mth dnv o f Julv, lì»ls. York harbor, sank the oil tanker Fred­ lery duels. The Americans have made i d A F I.K IN S , Ili« final aeeiXunt in thè estnte o f Joseph a half mile of shore, according to the erick R. Kellogg off the Ambrose jlMahì S h rriff nf Lane ( ’«ointv, Ore. II. Sharp, deeensed. ami flint Mondnv. another crossing of the Vesle and cap report which reached the navy de ------------------------------------------ ----------- thè itili ili,x of Hcpteinber, I}• IS. nf thè tured the village of Kismette, north channel. Thirty five members of the partment. crew brought here reported that seven N O TIC E o r .SH E R IFF'S S A L E ON (unir o f In n'clock a. m„ at thè Countx west o f Fismes. are missing. E X E C U T IO N I N FORECLOSURE. Court ronm i„ thè Court house, Eugeni1, Idaho Mine Owners Aak For Troops. l.ane eountv, Oregon. Ila« berli fixrd a« Notice ix hereby* given thut bv xirtue Submarine Sinks Nine Fishing Boats. Boise. Idaho.— A request for troops the lime and piare for hearing mix oli Germans Want Finns to Fight. o f mi execution mid order o f «nfe issued Nantucket, Mass. — Nine fishing I in the Coeur d'Alene mining district "ill of the circuit court of the State ot ¡ertimi« tliat max tir filed thereto. All W a s h in g to n — A report from Stock Oregon for the «'minty of l.nne on the personx hnxing anv interest in wild es schooners were sunk o f f George's j was made in a telegram to Governor holm reaching the state department -Ird ilny o f .Inly, 1 !*IH. on u judgment tate are hereby uotified to file their bunk by a German submarine, a naval \ Alexander front six of the biggest lead front sources considered reliable says rendered in xniil court mi the 17th •bjections on or bet'ore si,id date. scout boat which put in here reported. ; and zinc producing mines In the north ilny o f July, It'lk, in n suit xvherein the German government has addressed E M M K T T M. S H A R P , ern part o f the state. All of the miners George W Kimball w;:i* plaintiff mid a llì-sl.'t-leb an ultimatum to the Finnish govern­ Adminixtratnr at the Morning and Gold Hunter mines Mnggie Vernetn Wright ifurmetlx Mag U S. Orders 1.000.000 Watchea. ment requiring that the Finnish army gie Vernetn O-bnrnl xxns defendant, have quit work and the strike threat Geneva — American expeditionary prepare to march against the entente Yon still get xxill,f nils, nt before the «ant judgment being in favor o f the ens to spread to the other producing furces on the Murmansk coast within above plaintiff mol against the above war prices and they nre o f the sume forces ill France have ordered 1,000, properties which furnish nearly 4u per ••• 000 watches from Swiss firms. named defendant fur the sum of three quality they always were. thro woeks. cent of the lead output of the U. 3. % FOCH’S STRATEGY SPOILS GERMAN PLAN