Cottage Grove sentinel and Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Oregon) 1915-1921, June 21, 1918, Image 2

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    • V "*"
foliage, thi' grass in
timi Ilio rotin ulnlion llonor vìmini uniforma. Tlicnc
try rrmimlit linn *mn>w hnt of Oregon are made up of dark griiv coitoli gali
Mrs. L. Gilerist ha» received an inter
eating letter from her aou Abner, who
ia with batterv C, 65th urtillerv. He
any« that the member« o f his battery
are living in a farm bouse and barn and
are not getting fat by any mean». They
»re the firat American soldier» to be
ntationed in the town. The native« can
not talk English and the soldiers can
not talk French, so they resort to the
aigr language, or they don't talk at all.
While Abner is homesick for Oregon, he
says that the trees are putting out their
A Great Patriotic Demonstration a t
Fruit jars belongiag tu townspeoplc
who domiteli fluii l'or thè llonor Vìmini
«upper miiy he obtained front Belle
Hurkhotdcr, leader, ut thè l'mphrcy A
Mackin «toro.
All ntembers are urged to pnv their
duca to .lune I and to puv tv Ululili duca
of L’.’V conta in uilvunce. Thi« is hy nrder
of Mi«« l.ela Dolici), state manager of
llonor Guani.
JU LY 4th
All Lane County Home Guards
Are Invited to Participate in a
Take It in Time
ardine and constai of a short akiit, a
shirt, a Itili aud a militare cimi. The
prive is $5. Ali Honur vinai J euiblem is
aevved ou thè loti aleevo.
• • •
with it» hill» bml trrr». although Ilio Int
ter aro umrh »malirr than the Oregon
tree«. The native« wear « mieti »hör»
whuh untkr n noiae like u h<'i »e travet
i ‘ “ i uP',n pavement. Women do ui> at of
the farm work, drawing their machinery
with oxen, cows, horses and mules, the
latter about the sire of calves. The
roads are built of rock and lined with
trees. The boys are able to buy any­
thing they want at a near-by village,
provided they have the money. Abner
says he longs to get home again ami
that ho may bo hore a year from the
time o f writing the letter, which was
i dated Mav II,
The executive committee met Tue»
day evening and nitide the following
Military relief Mr». Clara Htirkhold
Waiting doesn't pay.
er, Mr». John Silsby, Mrs. K. K. Iluek
I f you neglect kidney backache.
Urinary troubles often follow.
Civilian relief— Mr«. H. II. Job. Mr«.
Doan's Kidney Pills are for kidney
C. M. Shinn, Mrs. Chas. Adams.
backache, and for other kidney ills.
Superintendent surgical dressing« de
Cottage Grove citirens endorse them.
partinent — Mr». G. H. Pitcher.
Superintendent knitting department
A. Rogers, retired farmer. 407 North
G Street, Cottage Grove, says: * ' I have — Mrs. George Hall.
Buyer—C. K. I mphrev.
taken Doan's Kidney Pills o ff and on
I’u'blicitv— Mr«. B. II. Job.
for several years and they have always
done me good. I have been subject to
The follow ing shipment was made Sat
attacks of kidney trouble which have
made it hard for me to control passages urday: Ten pajama suits. 'Jo surgeon's
of the kidney secretions. I have found gowns. J5 helpless ease shirt.», HH> oper­
that after I have taken a box of Doan's ating caps, 15 bed shirts, 150 surgeon's
Kidney Pills my kidneys have become mask.«, 1401 surgical dressing.*. Mater­
ial to the value of $2tMi win used in
normal. ’ ’
Price 60c at all dealers.
Don't j making these articles.
simply ask for a kidney remedy— get
Doan’s Kidney Pills— the same that
No work is lieing done uutil we re
Mr. Rogers uses. Foster-Milburn Co., reive our (junta from the chapter. The
paper used in sphagnum BUiss pads can
Props. Buffalo. N.
not be secured just now. As soon as a
supply is received work will resume in
the surgical dressings department.
• • •
Methodist Church Rev. Jos Knotts,
pastor. Sunday school at U) u. m. Reg
ular preaching services ut 11 a. m. uud
VOU Apworth league at 7 p. m Mid
week praver meeting Thursday evening
at 6:00.
Morning sermon, ' 'G o d ’s Owuer
ship." Thi» i» the first si riao'i of *
series. Evening sermon, 'Reward bv
Merit. '
Christian Church— Walter Callison,
minister. Bible school t»:4T» a. in. Y. P.
S. V.' E. 6:30 p m Preaching services
ut 11a. m. und 7:30 p. ui.
• • •
Baptist Church— E. G. O. Groat nu»
tor emeritus. Sunday school at T O a.
ui. Preaching at 11 a. m. Prayer meet
ing Thursday evening at ‘ :30.
Christian Science Church - Serv ices in
tks ehipel at 848 Second street each
Sunday at 11 a in Regular testimonial
meeting each Wednesday at 7:30 p. in
The building is open for the use of the
circulating library cadi Wednesday
from 1:30 to 4:30 p. m. All are cordially
invited to the services as well us to
make use of the literuture.
Card of Thanks.
We wish to express our sincere up
preciatiou of the many kindnesses
shown us during our recent bereave
The surgical dressings department is meat.
in need of a wringer. Either n new or j24p MR. AND MRS. W. II. II YNDY
old one will be acceptable. Person.« wil­
ling to donate one will please cull
135 R.
• • •
ea sy
And develops great
power and mileage
because of its full,
uniform chain of
boiling points. Look
for the Red Crown
sign before you fill.
P rizes will be
Home Guard Fourth of July Committee— R S Bryson. F. W
Wood, W W Branstetter
u a lit y
Frank VsnHeboiack, who will noon
It is goo >d t o 1X* g o o d .
Honor Guard garden« planted by di­ move to his ranch recently purchased at
visions 2 and 4 are doing splendidly.
Klamath Falls, was in Eugene Wednc» |
Division 2 has ft rows of beans mid 2
day on business.
rows of corn eaeh 200 feet long.
Herbert Eakin was in Eugene Wed |
* # •
Standard Oil Co.. Cottage Grove, Ore.
Some of the girls have ordered reg nesdny on business.
A. S. Myers was in Eugene Wednes
day on business.
Senatorial Candidate Though Defeated.
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Robinson arrived;
Undaunted and Again Enters
Friday from Silver Lake for a visit!
the Arena.
snd will return home today.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Wood nnd Mrs. j
Walter B. Junes, who was defeated
Elbert Bede and children motored to I for the Ignie county srnatorsbip by
Eugene yesterday.
some 60 votes, seems to have hud his
Glen Smith, who has been transferred disposition improved by Ins experience
from Ashland to Portland, was in the and his announcement ns nil ¡ndfpcnd
eity yesterday on his way to Portland. »nt has the sweet cadences of a lullaby
Victor Chambers has successfully of the fabled sirens, although it may
passed the examination for the radio wake the voters to u realization of the
department, after several months' study importance of giving his candidacy »er
ious consideration, which, undnuhG-dly,
at Fortress Monroe, Vn.
‘ ‘ Uncle’ ’ Hume and ‘ ‘ Aunt’ ’ Jane is the object. It is, at least, unique and
Veateh are visiting at Albany at the well worth reading, and is herewith
borne of their daughter, Mrs. W. V. printed in full:
" 1 believe that the man who kindle»
At all grocers
a fire upon a free und independent
Mr. and Mrs. John Kyndcr and hearthstone burns lb»- sweetest ineense
of San Diego, who passed to human liberty. I believe that the
through here two weeks ago on their man who fills his station in lif»- how
way to American Lake, returned Mon­ ever humble it may be— who, by his
day nnd visited briefly at the F. A daily work and conversation, has been
Garetaon, Sr., home. They were a<- able to command the respect of the emu
compnnied by another daughter and her inanity and age ia which he lives so as
husband, Lieutenant Rood, of American to leave hi» country in a moral or ma­
l,akc. Lieutenant nnd Mrs. Rudd will terial condition in advance of where he
go as far us San Francisco. The son. found it— such a man’s position in the
who had been visiting the Gnretsons, history of his community is secure. If,
rejoined the party.
in addition to this, his written nr spoken
Mrs. A. H. Martin, of Albany, is vis words possess tin- subtle quality which
iting her granddaughter, Mrs. C. II. f.’or carry them far and lodgi* them deep in
men’s hearts; and, more than all, if his
Mrs. Mary E. Nesbitt, mother of K. utterances and netions, whil»( informed
K. Mills, has been quite ill during tin- with a lofty morality, are yet tinged
with the glow of human sympathy, the
dy'B !> *ep-Curve
past. week.
»T'piok L«nxe»
name and reputation of such a mail will
Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Nevsom, of In be ail object of reverence, of imitation,
A ie little«
dinnnpolis, Ind., arrived Tuesday for a und of love in the eommnnity in wliii-h
short visit with their cousin, Mrs. Car he lives.
rie Hemenway.
" I believe thnt such a man has a
in good looking mountings, that turn the blinding
F. B. Phillips was in Eugene Tuesday right t o aspire to positions of honor
glare to restful light.
on business.
and trust in his community. I believe
Mr. and Mrs. C. ('. Crowe, of Port that such n man enn be brought from
land, are visiting Mrs. Crowe's parents, thi- bosom of the plain p e o p l e arid lifted
into the highest station of place ami
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hanford.
Mrs. O. W. Perry is visiting her par power without, in the slightest degree,
losing his identity with them, reflecting
cuts at Oakland, Ore.
in these high positions of honor and
Miss Minnie Wilcox is visiting in
trust what the plain people believe in
Broken Lenses
Factory on
Portland this week.
Quickly Replaced
their henrta, and teach in their homer,
Mrs. J. F. Lnmsori visited at Corval­ thus keeping up a perpetual bond of
881— Willamette Street, Eugene, Oregon. Telephone 362
lis this week with her daughter Maud, affectionate union between those in
a student at O. A. C.
highest authority in our glorious repub-
For general
household use
If You Can’t See
visiting H o m e G u a rd s
This year above all we should celebrate— the government requests it
Plan to be in Eu
gene July Fourth. Announcement ol amusements, apeciul attractions and novel features
will be made soon.
M u sic b y so m e of the best b a n d s in the state
The sum o f $15.54 has been received,
being the fines of the kangaroo court
at the traveling men's picnic.
• • •
morning from Marshfield, "bin.lay in »ru­
Mrs. Il A Miller visitcd in Junetioii
Mr. and Mr». K. K. Mills have been ing he and Miss Edna Sei-s vveie <|iiie' I City thi» wuefc
The Charles Matthew» fainilv motored
appointed a committee to have the ly married at Eugene. They left im
| to American Lukc th
wc»'k to visit
branch and auxiliaries represented in mediately for Marsbfii" I.
Verne Gnruuttc nnd family were down George Matthew», »In» unti ipates soon
the patriotic parade at Eugene July 4.
from Rujaila yesterday. Mr. Gamuttc lenving for Frnace.
bus a pretty lame back, mused by being
Herman Venske arrived W -dnesday
i struck by a hook
(ìlcndnle, Calli., to spemi a couple
Lester Doolittle, formerly of this city of day» h»*re on business,
nnd son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Duo
Mr. ami \ty" Mtanlev Duracwood are
little, enlisted about a month ago in her»' from Wildwooil to aulii Mr
Some of th Honor Guard members
the navy mid is now at Bremerton.
Damewood is calici! in thè draft .lune
have taken a census of the school, di»
Mrs. Piiul Markley. of Duasmuir hits ■W.
trict to l»e
be used in the campaign for
Miss lluttic Lande»», of tlus city, a
war savings stumps. Girls outside the been visiting relatives in the city the
ilo agli ter of Mr. and Mr». Wm, l.amlcs»,
Honor Guard who arc 1 to lie especially past week.
J. J. Wilson was called to Port Ian.I ami John A. Patti on, a lumticrinaii
commended for their good work are
witb interest» ut Portland and Burri.
Miss Forrest Schneider, who took the this week on business.
census of Gowdyville, and Miss Ruth
Miss Nellie Mvcrs was a Eiigcn» vis , burg, were quiclly marroni at I ugene
Wednesdsy t'vening uf last week. They
Stewart, who took four districts in the itor Tuesday.
: loft iuimedintelv upmi a motor trip of
city. Honor Guard members taking part
J. B. Prot/inan writes from New
in this work were Esther Jorgenson, Meadows, Idaho, that ttu'y are now hav­ indefinite Icngth.
Juanita Short, l.ela Ferguson, Alice ing their first summer weather there.
A lient li I»p«l r» • p e n t a n c e i n a n a t t e m p t
Ga ret son. Grace Harding. Ella Counts, " T h e re is still considerable snow in
to save the * n o n 1 o f a » i n n < ‘r HIM* HI M t o UH
Genevieve Jury, Belle Burkholder. Flor
sight," he says, "a n d by the time it is
ence Sylvester, Mae Riggs, y^ui«e Mat gone inure will be ready to f a l l . " He very much l i k e l o t - k i n g thi* « l o o r a f t e r
the horse iM
i M o l f*n.
theyer and Stella Coffman
says there is lots of good fishing there.
^ Q
Grand Military Parade
and Review
Merrell, S
Read, R
In* him ) Ilio**»* *v kit» un* liim j» in th»’ rt*
tiruniunt o f |>ri\ntr hiY
the people of luitie county want tu«» I«»
represent them in the Ntnte sénat«« 1
will appreciate th«- honor far moie thun
* ‘ l I m » I i «• n c* that in thin ^rual Muriti
will* war mi * h I hmi M «Unilent«* our a li i I can here express in words '*
that our nation *hul| ro n t in u r to *ln*i|
it* hlfNNÌngf» o f frtMalom, «'«(ualitv uti«l
ju«ti<*i* upon all m a nkind fi»ri*vt*rtiturr
* * I I h *I i i *\ •* tliat our fartnilii: ilmt n r t •« 1
should I m * « I «* \ i *lo | hm I, tuoi fa i t h fu lly inoli
righf«*ou*ly n*|»r«‘f*«*iitrd ; that c o u n t y !
taxt n ainl lii'ctitM'N f«hoiil«| I»«* (I m I mii *«'«l i
in that co u n ty where they are |evictt;(
that our county roailo nhi»ul«l I»«* gi\«*n
consideration l»efor»' we bond ou r s e lv e s !
for scenic h ig h w a y s liMtdiug in and out *
o f Portla nd.
" A largì* number o f re|>mM’ n t a t i ve !
men nnd women o f I j i i i c countv have
been u rgin g in«* by letter, l«v phone,
and by ve rbal request, fr om almost ev­
e r y proci tie?* ia L a n e cou n ty to an
flounce niVM’ l f ns an independe^tit emidi
reflects discredit on its owner, but the
date for state senator fo r Pan e county. owmr gets the worst of tho deni be
I am cotiscioUft o f iny a b ili t y to dis cause economy in feeding the liors*
chnrgtf* tin* duties o f that high o f f i c e affects its working rupneity ss well ss
with /cal and f id e lit y , and I hereby it» stipetirsues. If your horse kicks on
his feed you enn correct it by buying
>1111101110*4* m y s e lf a» such a candid ate.
your feed here, ss you get
«piality for the leant outlay
contractors nnd horse owners
know thnt our feed is slwnys
misrepresentation and unmerited caliim ( nfundard
ny, but I have an abiding faith tha t1
God reigns ami thnt ‘ truth, crushed t«
earth, will rine again triumphant.' If
* 1 am not unm in dfu l o f the solcm
nity o f the step I am ta k in g . I know
that I shall be sub je cted to causeless
the best
up to th«
U n d erb u y an d
U n d ersell
See Our Bargains
$1.1 1 1
Ladies ' Panama Hats
9 5 O.
5. $
.7 5 . $
.9 5
Ladies' White Kid Shoes, $1000 Values
$ 5 .9 5
Ladies' White Canvas Shoes, $0.00 Values
$ : l » 5
Ladies' Dress Shoes $4.50, $4.95, $5.95 ancL
$ «.9 5
Children's Dresses, 98c, $1.25, $1.95 to
$ 2 .2 5
Men's Shoes, $2.95, $3 85, $4.95 to..........
Men’s Union Suiis, $1.00, $1.25 to
Ladies' Union Suits, each
............$ 7 . 5 0
............... $ 1 . 5 0
....................7 5 *
Men’s Heavy Loggers, calked
$ 9 .0 0
-------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------
Home : oMade : Flour
a t t ì
Pride of Oregon, Soft Wheat Flour
H. & H. Hard Wheat Flour
Made by Cottage Grove
Phone 80
Milling Company