®h? (Cutían? Öknu? §>?ttím?l J AND prove l e a d e r ___________________________________________________________________________________________ N U M B E R 29 c n T T A flK (JROVK, L A N K U O U N T Y , O R EG O N , F R ID A Y , J l N K 21, 1918 VO LU M E X X V III U. of 0 U. S. SOON TO HAVE A MILLION MEN OVER THERE oottaoe Library FLOUR DEALER» nr.nr, ARE ALL PATRIOTIC U ------------------- POTATO BUG PEST MAY HAVE APPEARED HERE — TRAVELING MEN SING COTTAGE GROVE PRAISES The Cottage «»rove country, where the l imi nil the flour dealer» o f Cottage potato bug tin» never lu-eu known, may d ro v e un* p atrio ti«' to the e.ore m ol tire have to ileal with thnt pent. Mr». Z. T. ** i u mi in g helumi thè footl a ilm iu iN lrii «T M A K E I li in Mai ¡i | h i kunal mall« < Do not -|irml Flutter broukht to the eity yenlerilay j tio u in ile iiio iiN triite il by tin* Ine» that bug« from her potato pliint» which have I! on ut I i i 'P h in do the 1 1 '/1 1 i 111 k ni to tinani'c the n il v till,ittitrIly »reed ed to the fei|iie»t of the appearance o f the genuine eastern j k«tvi'iiiiiit'iit. I>u your aliar«' Il in a» miicli vmu wai aa the fonti lid a iilii» ! I lit toil that a ll w hite »oft »hell potato lujk They were not v u iii neikhltor'a. Mom »aIe n lie »topped. A num ber of numerous enough to injt.re the phuit*, Drummer» Eat, Play Ball, Dance, Troop« Are Being Sent Across ua the » t o ie» lutti none w h a te ve r on lined Buy no uiiiD'i'i'aaary artici*' Fra«' ice ccououiy and but thi» p*‘»t is no prolific, that unlc»* Pay Fmeg for Red Cross, when the o rd er went in to e ffe ct unti Kiipully na Shi|> m Can m'It’-di'hia. Uuiicccaaaiy litiyiiik mcana a Manic ni' ma­ haiulleil se v e re |y it mmiii gets beyond tlioNf » h o hml w h ile flo u r in rtiie d itite ly terial ami labor ; lucana that you ar* eoin|i < S. Jackson, the o f the afternoon, the merchant» win­ Tbuau fart» wuru aiilioilliied by Ouii ning fr«>m the traveling men by a »core W ar Savings director for Oregon, acting under au­ eral Ceylon Murili, «'bief of »taff, o f 2u to lh. Rutter made tw o home run» thority of the secretary of the treasury, and pursuant lu bealnulna tim auvurniiiout'» tmw The patrons o f the Cottage Prove ; for the drummers, (iaretson »lammed to the proclamation of the president ia»s for the traveling men ami Rankin Hue» wllli every operation of I lie tier Kätner Bill wan demonstrated ut the annual school and Nmith f o r the merchant». man offeualv e abowu upon It. Penerai meeting Monday, when the voters were Dinner was s«*rved at the Oregon ho­ M a n li drew u amplile pletore of a asked for aa expression o f opinion. The tel, where Hendershott ’» orchestra, o f Tin* I itn I |.am« county buy k»ll**«l in ■ Inal«' aiaautlr runipalau eit e m lln a nmîk wiw ÎT** for tb«*ir rétention and . a - Kugene. an«l F m n k ie Hnodgran», a for- :n !uni i ttiif'liul 111 tin* war will» 0«*riuuit) from lilieluiN to tile neu. where the al for th**ir élimination. A t tbe budget m»-r renident but now o f Kugene, enter- m . i * I*r 1 v itf• • •loim \V«*»l«*y Gih»<>n, »mi of I lied line» have been battered bark lu meeting Uni y«*nr, wben but a »riiall taified the gue»t» with instrumental Mi" I^ hiin < Hb«*rmiiii, «*t •'•*!* Kigbtii four »ueei'HRlve plume» nuuibrr were présent, a resolution in ;in<] v o f a j mu*ie. a\ cum* wnit, Kugcia1, win» rcrt'iv « h J a T h e areal wedae of u»»ault ha» now favor o f their elimination received a In the evening a kangaroo court was ti It'^ram M omlt y from tlu* war d«*|>art | llicreaaed the ullleil Hue» SO mile» majority o f the Note». held on Main street, at which justice 11 .till ul \Vu»liin|;toii in for mini; h«*i that | from Ithelm» to Yprea H. J. Shinn was reelected director was ably dispense«! with by J. S. M ed­ h«*r »on Mint kill«*«! in u«*tton Junt* «. without «Apposition, and Worth Harvey ley, a former resident but now o f Ku- ‘ III a rolidltloli of thl» kind." »aid j I ' n v a t f <*ii»iM»Q wiin a im iu it fr of' th A i t « r That Date Farm Paper Will Nut Mr and Mrs. Fred Johnson Oo Over was reelected clerk, also without opp«> Pen era i Marrh. with a tiMliir» at the gene, assisted by Fred Johnson, o f m at 111«* i or|»N und t*titinted in Kug«*ii«* u j 17b Foot Bmbankuieut in Their B« Included in BeuUnel si tion. map, "w h e r e u new line ha» to he held ! y im r ago lu»t A p r il, »»»on a ft e r Auo*ricu Myrtle i ’ reek. O fficers Larson and Oor- New Mitchell Car. Subiicrlptlon. There was a larger attendance than at , son were in charge «»f the ‘ h u r ry -u p " ami where the attack » of the P er m au » | f ii t f f f d tli«* w ar. Ii«* h im m» doubt kill«*«! any school meeting for several years. | wagon—an automobile driven by Oscar have been maile with »urli lara** for te» w in I«* tin* m n rim vi %%«-r i* »t» l a i v i l y **n- Woodson— and many o f the leading eit* a» they have, the Im portance of art gugw l tlm in i' flu* r»*f«*iit n various offenses. Most o f them i w m i i ', Inith in tin* uviutiou rorpN, om* Sentinel and Th«* Or«*g«»n Ftirmer f«»r 1 riday, came near losing their li\«*s the more and more pre-eminent." _______ altered into th»* spirit o f th e fua followin g day in an automobile acci Penerai Mart h mude It clear that of tIit*in, Mt*rl«* (iituMiit, now b^iug in tbe price o f T b e Sentinel will be di» cheerfully pungled up the small fines, Oregon City, Ore., June 13*— E. E. dent near Ko**«*burg. The K«*seburg Ke Krnin«*, ami th«* other, K«*iiin*th Hker continued Julv 1. Those win»»«* »ub- there I» no doubt In hl» mind or In which went to the Ke«l Cross fund. T w o Kellogg, a well-to-do farm«*r living neai scriptioii» expire within u f«*w moiitb». view **>*: that of the allieti military leader* linai mini, hi Luglaml. fines were not paid, and the court could A bad accident o«« urred on Uoberts h«*re was given a coat o f tar and feath nii«l win» wish The Or«*gon Funner, will the channel port» are the main objet- find no way to levy' upon the person or «lo well to pay their subscription before mountain Huturduy evenin g at *v o ’clock «*rs early today by a baud o f citizens, CloHRiflratloD» to Be Corrected Uve of the whole Herman effort. property <»f the offenders. Th** total re­ the special o f f e r |H>*iti\eIy a lien th«* new Mitchell car owned and who declared his actions and words had Port land, Ore., June Ii* A " C ’ I unn 1 July I, ceipts were $D>. dri\«*u by Fred J«»hiiN«»u. «»f Myrtle been unpatriotic and offen sive. \Vft*k in to I h * bvid »o m «»film* t hi» will K«* withdrawn iip«»ii that date. A «lummy representing the kaiser was Neighbors say Kellogg has opposed luotith by «•\ery I im - u I draff board iu 'l*his »» made necessary by a ruling o f Greek, salesman tor th«* Honey in an company, of Portland, every war movement, has refused to brought into court, the helment was put Oregon, under in»t ruction* r«*«**ivocl the p«>»toffice d«*purtmeiit. It thefe are Hunt» arc arise when the Star Spangled Banner »> up at auction ami brought #5, and the from the war dr part me at and roinmuni any who have paid their subscriptions piling«*«! f C«»ttage (»rove would like to Committee Selected ami Requested to lim it, tn fhe o f f i c e o f the adjutant gen tine! at oaee. Anyone whose subwrip give to the real kaiser. his stock. Raporl at the Commercial Club ••ml. tion is paid is entitled to receive Th»* Iuu<»iár«w!4i noom * Wyom ing tourists on A grand ball at Mooae hall completed Memburs <#f the baod that disciplined Tomorrow Afternoon The |»ur|»«»*e o f **C’ lii»» I Week i» Farmer without extra charge. Get y«mr tlut sharp hairpin curve oil the south to rorrert any #*rror» in cimuiifieutioii order» in before July I. side ot KobcrtN mountain, the uiu«*hiue t Kellogg were not identified. They took :t «lay o f unalloyed pleasure, and the him three miles from his home und traveling men are still singing the that limy have b«*en made |»re\itiimly. went over the grad«* head foremost an d ! forced him t«j walk back. When they t«»lei praises o f the Cottage Grove entertain­ hi correcting them* error», many regiN «Ir be re­ ers. TAKING OF W S S CENSUS gress was st«>pp«*d by a large tree stand ! m i, | m »||| t«*u<*h«*in III flu* | • it I»1 1«' nc I mmi I n , fraiitN |»re\ imi»Iy |>lm ed in lower « I iinhi \ lease«!. saying he w'ould sup|mrt the IS COMPLETED SUNDAY iag in its path. The shaft o f the car v\ i 11 have rhur^r uf th«* «* r »avian** ticiition» will be trmmfcrred to c I iinn i. I \t the Name time, the re«*lim«hification was ilrivcn fully six inches into the Niaiiij* «1 rivo li**n•, M in . H«*ii|{«*r in » hair Kellogg, who is between 50 and 60. | Tw o Olrb* Put Pleasure Ahead of Their tr«»e. m-uti a mi M inn Ciirrin *«•«• r«*ta rv . I In* »«* work» both way*. Where the e\ idcnce has livinl in this s w tion ali hi» life. He Patriotic Duty. jliNtlfic», local ln»ard» will risi|»en the The muchin«* was occupied by Mr. and Iref ion wa.M liiuili* l>\ tho»«* |»r«*»«*llt at now lives alone, hi» w ife having re­ Mrs. Johnson, the la tte r ’s brother, W. tli«* uiiiiual ni 'I iim »! in«*i*tir«K \l«»n«luv cn»«*» o f men w rongf ully |»bicew«*r cla*»ificit Stevenson, and K. C\ McMillan, sales- Mr». B«*nu«*r ami M inn C'urrifi buvp .... NeiirhlHiis said thev hail complained th«* wur savings stamp campaign ha» man tor the McMillan „ Hiiildini! tion», a*« the circuiiiNtanceN v\arrnnT. Mater , . , . , , Novel Campaign to Stop Waste Is to Go lt«t*9o«l flu* followin g MNNiNtanlN: K«*v I**i‘ a completed. The work was under ml company, o f Portland. They " were on to teiieral authorities several times out < alliN<»ii, K. K. Mill», di'orgi' Murk» Hand in Hand W ith W ar Savings lieeame disgusted with Kellogg when Imrv, KII n t I B«*«h*# take I man, and th«* actual w«»rk o f taking the dent occurred. Mr. Stevenson, who was Wood», M. II. \mliTNon, |{«*\ Knott», FOR PAGE RED CROSS direct action. I census was conducted by tlu* Honor in the front seat o f the car, leaped to I M‘orj»u K m»VN )|*N, air». Knliili I'owrll. ADVERTISING Guani girls. Tlu* work was compieteti the ground, a» it left the road, and was Junk and all kinds o f waste materials M in . i). L. N k I io I n , M in . (in rotNon, Mr». Su min y f«»r«*noon by Belle Burkholder uninjured beyond several bud cuts and GROVE IS TO FURNISH w ill have a defin it e v alue in connection T < \Vli«*«t|t*r, Mr». V. \lli*«ni, Mr», The follow tug ¡lite r «wring Item, whirl* an«! Genevieve .fury, who t«n»k an extra GODDESS AND SINGERS with the war savings stamp campuigu bruises. The other occupants remained t ’lmrl«*» Laldwidl, Mr». N«*ls«»n Durham. i-oiii'i-rn» Ir v in g M. Itnth. form er Uottag«- district which hiul ! h »«* ii assign«*d t«» two in the car while it crashed down the which opens June 2>. A novel thrift Mr». II <'or»on, Mr». II Grij'jf», Mr». Pro vo |>ulili»hor, a|i|n'aro«l in th r Intm l other girls but who fell down on tin* einlmiikment. The car was o f the model Cottage Grove has been asked to fu r ­ i-ampaigu will be conducted by tbe H. K. .loh. Mrs .1 II <’hiiiiilM-rN ttml Mr». in » io ' of Th o W u .hin gton Now«|>!i|>*'r: j o b heeuuso «»f social and pleasure en with doors only in the front part, and nish the goddeas «>f liberty for the Patriotic Conservation league, o f Port­ < ‘ hi I inpliroy. A miTtiuy «»f thi» t*«»in Irving Hnth, mlitor o f thr polilrmlnlr gag(*in«*iit» which they «1 iti not feel they no way o f escaping from the m i r seat. Fourth o f Ju ly celebration at Eugene. land. but the work in each community miff«*»* will In* hold at .'l o Y lo r k Hu fur Montinrl, n frw w i t k* » g o <-»rrir«l n full- could n«*gb»«*t for even so important a Hoth Mr. and Mrs. Johnson suffered A committee has been appointed from will be in charge o f the local savings day at th«* c o m n u n i a l cluli room» and |>»g<- »<1. for th** Ite\ thr I ih - h I Mi'thof every child jured. They returned to Myrtle Creek selection, but the committee will take Mrs. lim a Beager is the head o f this tra effort to In* |»r«'N«,nt. Mr. Itnth hml thr followin g to nnv re- nml infant was taken, as well us the in the car o f some passing autoist» and no action until it is defin it ely deter­ committee. gnnling thr novelty: names o f ndults. The consiTvation league pays in thrift were given medical attention there, not mined that the home guard company is HOME GUARDS DRILLING " I n thin |m r 1 irulttr *-u.«r it him ilonr stamps f o r all kinds o f old and secon d­ Ix-iag seriously enough hurt to be taken goin g to purtiepate in the celebration. THREE NIGHTS A WEEK it lot of gooil for th r I ih - i i I Mcthoclint Cottage Grove has also lieen asked to hand waste materials, prices being a« Mrs. Amanda Scott Dies. to a hospital. rh iirrh to huvi' lo-t-n no |> roin iiirntly Mrs. Amnnda J. Si-ott died nt Doronn Mr. McMillan incurred a broken nose, furnish 25 voices for the liberty chorus, follows: Uattlua Realty for Fourth o f July Ke i i l i i i 1 1fo-,I with tho Itril t'ro«» u iiv rrtln June 17. The funeral wan hold Toon Copper wire, free o f hair wire, 21c; a I Hid cut on the kn«v, a bruised eye, which will be under the dir«>ction o f view ami Contest at Euaeue ing. T h ey |>unl rrg illn r «purr rntrn nml day from tho Doronn ehurrh, Ke\. Jo and other bad bruises. He was brought Mrs. Dais*. Beckett Middleton, o f the light copper and copper liottoms lHc; wore glm l of th r opportunity. However, soph Knotts o ffic ia ln q ;. Interment was to this city and attended by Dr. K. B. University o f Oregon school o f music, heavy red brass 20c; heavy yellow brass The houle guiird eompany voteti Tue» thoy nro not regu lar u«*‘r» of m lvrrtin - ill tho Nears cemetery. Stewart. Mr. McMillan will be unable and which, it is expected, will contain 14e; light and in«*dium bnia» 10c: soft iluy night tu pnrtiiipiite m thè Innm' ing N|>m-r, p ro lm lily lirru im r wr ilo not lead OVxC; tea and hard lend 5*»jc; ziuc to resume his work for a few days and more than 15b voices. Mrs. Scott wh s liorii in Mnrion conn ^uurd review limi competitive tirili ut try to «oil it to thorn. Wo ilo not fool 4c; battery lead dc; battery zinc 2 Vj''I Private rooms will be furnished the is now routined to the Umpqua hot id on ty November 17, 1M52. Nlio wn» married Eugeni* oh flit* Kourth o f July. The t-oiu lik e »o lii-itin g iitnl in k in g th e ir money June 25, l"7ii, to Martin YnnHrhoiaek, account o f the many injuries sustained. women from heve who take part, and No. 1 pewter 40c; aluminum 20c; tin i.itny will not go, hnwever, nule»» there for tho liunino»»; however, th is in mere­ foil 4 5 c ; block tin pipe 55c; No. I rub The worst damage was done to the other courtesies will be extended. who di«al a inimlior o f year» aj{*>. She lire » il si|iiiid» ol' nell tlrillt'tl men, miti ly n » iilr i»»nr. A ilv o rtin in g w ill pnv n Eugene reeogniren that when hand­ ber. boots and shoes, *iln c; No. 2 rubber, was married in IS*02 to Jamea Scott. car, which was a new «1500 machine tirili i» n o » brini’ liciti un Mumlny, ehurrh junt n» niiK-li iin it w ill pnv u «• ir- Snrvivin); children nro Oeorge Van purchased a few days before the a c c i­ some girls nnd g ifted vocalists are boots and shoes, 5c; No. 1 auto tires Wt'dnt'»tliiy nini Kritlny evening» in rn« I f the »nine iiinount of intorost 1 » wanted. Cottage Grove is the place to •i^ c; No. 2 auto tires 2c ; No. I inner Sehoinck and Frank VanSi-hoiack. Inith dent. pri'|iuriitioii for lite evrnt. Il thè funi t iik r ii in ehurrh m lv rrtin iu g 11» for th r tubes 1 tic; No. 2 inner tubes 7 ’ ne; bi­ i get them. o f Doronn. I pitny i» to go ! " K tip; e ii f tlie mero ber» riri-n «, th r romilt» would p rolm lily lie 11« cycle tires 2Vac; solid tires d i s c ; black Mr. Johnson pitched the ball game iniiHt he out mi tirili iiights unii good grrnt, p ro\id*«l, of rourno, they hud 1« scrap leather le; garden hose 40c; fibre Mrs. Oeorge J. Beckiu gham Dies. for tbe traveling men and ucted as one C. H. Corson Is Transferred. est-uso» inimt Ite pji\ f n tur nl*»enre o f liv e o rgnnirntio n to l*m-k up th e ir ml Mrs. Jennie Beckingham, o f Iairane, hose 50c; mixed rugs 2 '^ c to 3c; paper H. Corson, local manager for tin o f the judges o f the kangaroo court in itny memher». vertining ntatement«. w ife o f (ieorge J. Bivkin gham. died nt ♦ 8 a ton. Pacific Telephone A Telegraph com the evening. It is learned here that the i Futher details may tie obtained from " T h e » vornge m inintor overliMik« n Mercy hospital nt Eugene June 12, after pnny, has boon notified that ho will lie car was partially out o f control at the | IIO A K D IN O 18 NOT P E R M I T T E D grm t ninny op|Hirtnnltie* for p u h lirity a br ief illness. She was .'tl years o f the local committee. tranaferred next Wednesday to tho time o f the accident. age. The funeral was held at Eugene thnt would liriu g him murh-donirad re Onnts Pass o ffic e . Miss Minnie Wilcox, Flirty ulne Round» o f Flour a Monili I» »lilt». T h r «om.* in true of the averngr Friday. SPEEDING MUST STOP now c h ie f operator, will become local thè Maximum for a Family. m orrhnnt. In thi« p nrtieulnr «*n»e, thr ART JONES INJURED SAYS SHERIFF ELKINS manai{ort one o f tho operators will In'I pugo a d v rrti« rn irn t o f the Methodist IN LOGGING ACCIDENT advanced to her present position, and ATTENTION. HOME G UARD' Hpuknne, Wnsh., .fune 17. Purmer» ehurrh mndo Ilo- people »it up nnd tu k r For some weeks S h e r iff D. A. Elkins w Ini huve Inni flour ground frulli tlirir notiro n It hough douht Ir«» ninny of Hiram (Irijius will become wire chief. Art Jones was Inidly bruised about \ has been suggesting to the county court Thus«' meniliera o f the home »w n km in limi wlm hnve more tinnì thè lln'fii thought tho newspaper man should the legs in an accident at the logging the neixl o f a special o f f ic e r to ri'gulate giiurd who intend to go to Eu­ |ire»rrihed iiimiinit o f tlii» flour will imi have made them a present o f the Tulip Tree Is in Bloom. camp nt Knjiidu Wednesday. He was as I tr a ffic speed on the roads, especially gene on the Fourth o f July to he |M'rmitteil tu Innir.t tlii» flour, liut »purr. ’ ’ One o f the Portlnnd papers has been »¡sting in loaiiing a car, when n log the Pacific highway and up the M cK en ­ pnrtiripnte in t i e home guard «vili ret|iiirei| to return it tu thè tnill ut milking a loud noise because o f a tulip »lipped and he and the riinlicr had a . zie, where many parties o f tourists go. review and rom p-tition , or others whirli it wn» inillod. tree in bloom there. Portlnnd h asn ’t lively wrestling match for a few mo Many o f these men, with heavy cars, Sj>«>..k»rshlp Candidate Visit!« Here. who are ready to jo in and drill Under no rireumetnni'r», it w ii » un not only endanger life with their speed, D. 0 . Ix'wi«, o f IW tln nd, who has anything on Cottage Grove. One is In mi-nts. The log caught both legs lie ! for the «-ompetilion, should see noiineeil liy thè finiti inlininiatrntion, lii'cn a ii ii 'I i i I m t o f till' l<'kislnluri> f o r a full bloom here on the old Or. Wahl tween the hips and knees but no lames but driv e the farmers o f f the rot««! anil thnt their names are registered at will n grentor nniount tinnì -4P |iiiunil» mini Iter o f yours and who in n randidato property on west Main street. up alongside the fences, and also tear were broken and there will be no per once with Ellx-rt Smith, first ser­ per minith for thè avemmo funtily he f o r tho sponkorahip, wn» in tho city up the road. manent injuries. Mr. Jones was brought ' geant. The home guard will not iillowi'il. All flour in e le e » » o f thi» Monday. Ho wn» in n party with Mr. A car driv ing over a road at 40 miles here for medical treatment. Mrs. R. D. Olson Dies. go unless there are six well drilled ■imimnt must he rettimeli either tu thè nnd Mrs. Carl Mhooiniikor. Mr. Shoo- an hour will do a road much more dam Mrs. Rheiienmy Olson, w ife o f Oscar squads to take pint and nil those mills or, if purelinsoil tliroiigli retnilera, makor in stnto )-iiin*- warden. They hud I). Olson, died Saturday nt the Cottage age nml wear it out much more thill* the Tie Rolls Over Boy. who go must participate in in­ it must he retnrned tu thè rrtniler frinii mado tho trip tilling tho coant, rotiiriiinu Grove hospitnl. She hnd undergone a snme car when driven within the legal Charles Carpenter, nged seven, son o f tensive training between now and whiim it w ii * piirrhaaei]. rate o f 25 miles tin hour. siiceessfnl operation nnd was thought to Mr, nnd Mrs. John Carpenter, was b a d ­ by way o f Rimohtirif. then. One tourist has already la»en o v e r ­ In roinplinm'f with thè fuotl mlminis be well on her way to ns'bvery when ly bruised Monday at Saginaw while Cottage Grove has a military hauled here by the t r a ffic o ffic e r and f rii timi nrtler, house wi ve» o f Npokuiie her fatal illness enme upon her sud playing upon n tie pili*. Some o f the Mr». Mimic Hno