O ilp & ttttittrl fr A W eeki/ Newspaper W ith P lenty of Backbone ta nubi tage (iròve I. Ore., aa second ciana m atter L ibert Bede and K lbert Sm ith Publiahera L ibert Bede__________ ____ _______L dilor Buaiuoaa O ffice__________412 P ast Mam SU B SC R IPTIO N R A IL S One y e ar____ $1.75, Three mouth* . 5oc S ti m outha__ .*0, Stugle copies 5c One year, when uaid in advance, or w ithin 30 day a a lte r expiration....$1-50 This special applies only on a full year 'a subscription No subscription bated for leaa than 50c M em ber of N atio n al E ditorial Aaaocialiou Oregon S tate E ditorial Association W illam ette V alley E ditorial Association l.auo C ounty P ub bahera' A ssociation FR ID A Y , JU N E 14, 101S Smart Apparel and Beautiful Fabrics in Bright Array E X PR E SS YOUR OPIN IO N . In holy w rit it is w ritten , " A s k aud ye shall receive.” This advice d o esn 't alw ays work out as simply aa it is stat ed, but one thing has been dem onstrated and th a t is th at we get very few thiugs th a t we d o n 't ask for. D espite this fact, there are many who let thiugs take their natural course or tru st to luck th at things will come out to their liking w ithout exertion on their part. This was dem onstrated lust fall when the school board asked for an expres aion of opinion as to w hether or not the niuuual train in g and dom estic science aud a rts departm ents in the schools should be continued. Although this had been a subject of considerable discus sion, m any of those who had violently expressed them selves as to w hat they would think of a city th a t would do aw ay w ith these departm ents were not on hand at the school m eeting to ex press th eir opinion on the subject. The sam e was tru e of many who had in­ veighed against these departm ents and were equally violent in expressing their objections to spending the tax money to teach children som ething they should learn at home. The result was th a t a resolution doing aw ay w ith these departm ents received a sm all m ajority of a handful of votes, while the school directors » ere left in doubt as to th e real wisdes ot tne great m ajority of the taxpayers. For this reason the same proposition will come up for action at the annual school m eeting to be held next Monday afternoon. W hile the school board is in no way bound by the action of the vot­ ers at the annual m eeting, or at any other m eeting, the probabilities are that they will act in accordance with any resolution adopted upon this subject. T hat such is th eir intention is indicated by the fact th a t no instructors have yet been engaged for these departm ents for next year. I t is. therefore, stric tly up to the voters of the district to settle the m atter to suit them selves. It has never been disputed th at these departm ents give children an education th a t th e great m ajority of graduates m ake m ore use o f than any other part of their education. It is not disputed th at it is highly desirable th a t the chil­ dren should learn the things they are tau g h t in these departm ents. N either is it disputed th a t our school tax, the highest in the county, should be reduced in some m anner th a t does not in terfere w ith our ideas of the prop­ er education of our children. The question, therefore, is, are we w il­ ling to sacrifice these deprtm ents in o r­ der to reduce this ta x — will we ev en t­ ually be gainers or losers by doing sof And the im portant th in g is for every voter who is interested to be on hand to express an opinion. The Sentinel has heard some objection to the m anner in which these d e p art­ m ents are conducted. O thers Lave sug gested changes in teachers. The S en ti­ nel has no idea th a t the schools ever will be conducted in a m anner entirely satisfactory to all, nor th a t teachers w ill ever be secured who will give en ­ tire satisfaction to all, but the school board undoubtedly would be pleased to listen to any such objections th a t m ight be raised and those who have any such criticism to o ffer should not h esitate to express it. The school board cannot lie blam ed for acting contrary to the w ish­ es of voters of the d istrict if left in ignorance of w hat those wishes are. The N ew berg E nterprise is em phatic. I t says: It is exasperating to hear of people who com plain of the present food regulations and use every effort in th e ir power to dodge it in the face of the terrible conditions as depicted by P residen t K err, of the Oregon A gricul­ tural college, last F riday night. Any fam ily in this com m unity who are not observing these regulations to the letter are d irty slackers, it m atters not w hat th e ir social or business standing in the com m unity is or who they are or w hat they are. garments aud fabrics for their beauty and becomingnesa have won them a place in the wardrobe oi e v e i j woman who desires smart, comfortable c l o t h e s lot sonino i weir. Brilliant imli'cil, for it sinus its i liottgh every eoltir of the rum how hml been si-uttered with lavish hunt I upon the delightful "Summer Days” apparel ami beautiful fabries assembled here. You will be interested in these unusual WE INVITE YMl I’D (’(»ME AND NEE THIS DISI’I \Y Figured Sport Silks and Plain Weaves as Well Vivid splashes of eolor m wonderfully daring eomhiuu SI M M lilt MODES l\ Silk Blouses Blouses have never been more lovely than these de­ lightfully fashioned affairs of silk georgette aud crepe de chine as airy as summer breeze*. They foretell on bounded pleasure for those who select their summer blouses here. Silk blouses of quality and character $3.96, $6 to $8 50 turns distinguish these as the most desirable silks lot' spoils apparel. They’ve the charm inherent in novelty of design and weave. The bold solid colors are superb in eombinations. Colorful displays that will inspire many u moderate priced skirt, smt or dress. ;t, in to nub pat ter na $1.25 to $2 75 (litHISK FROM TIIKSK WINSOME FABRICS No one need be an artist, u designer, to have the most at­ tractive summer frocks; there’s inspiration lot many in the beautiful summery weaves we’re showing now. Make them up, simply, add dainty collar aud cuffs and top each one off with a drooping brimmed hat of the same material. Can you imagine anything more delightful, or less expensive? Priced a yard 20c, 25c, 35c, 46c to 85c I(||lM ,i** Bright Hued Sleeveless Sweaters The joyousness of summer is m their many colors; the grace of youth in their small styles and an invitation lo patriotic economy in then moderate price* All wool oi fibre silk Priced each $4 00, $6 00 to $8 50 SUMMERY DRESSES for Daughter Not only must the young girl’s dress be attractively fashioned, but of materials that launder candy and continue to look wi ll The ginghams of which these i l n - s s e s an- made an- last color and shrunken before making Their careful workmanship will pass n il ieal inspection, their smart styles delight youthtul Lo! the Lowly Ginghams But no longer lowly, for even silks have come to them for pattern inspiration and " Fashion” has proclaimed them "sm a rt.” ( house those you like best from the new arrivals, and develop them into the new, simple, easily made styles and y ou’ll have dresses that launder well aud always look attractive, though they are very inexpensive. New plaid and check patterns now on display. Quality Zephyrs, a yard ............. 35c, 50c, 60c to 75c W e * I f I s t o lie Children’s a l » M i s s e s ’ D r e s s e s 12 to 2d y e a r s H ti l l ..M M Dt e sse s and \ pi oust THAT Distinction Characterizes These The Corset You Wear Perfect Fitting Knit Underwear Moft, absorbent cotton yarns are knit ti-il into shapely garments tlinl follow the lines of the figure without wrinkling, yet, are " springy” enough to give ,»*!h every move. To have plentiful supply of surh garments means summer long comfort. Lisle vests, oil styles 20c to 66c I .isle union suits 50c to $1.60 Cotton punts ninl shirts 36c to 06c STORE CLOSES AT 5:00 P. M. EACH DAY EX- CEPT SATURDAY AT 9:30 P. M TO SEPT. 1 to take full advantage of daylight saving for recre­ ation and war garden work during warm months. Properly designed aud conatrueted corsets produce comfort and assist your outer gar incuts tn retain their smart style, thus as­ suring the wearer id’ a well poised, graceful figure. Choosing from the many models of AMERICAN LADY CORSETS in our stocks eliminates all possibility of your wearing tin- wrong corset. There is a style specially de­ signed for every type of figure. Priced at $1 25 to $4.50 T H E Q U A L I T Y STORE- good s e r v i c e propaganda, I-nst week the grangers dem onstrated th a t this was an absolute ly correct opinion. A t the annual ses j sion of the state grange, endorsem ent Thing« Other« Think and What We of the Non P artisan league was over­ Think of th« Thing« Other« Think whelm ingly voted dtw n and then the grangers expressed their confidence In B row nsville Tim es: The am ount of their own ab ility to follow correct lines Miss Knrolu de Zuslonovignoviteh is flour being returned to dealers grows regardless of the inclinations of their a student a t the U niversity of W ashing steadily. Even as small am ouuta as five leaders by reeleeting the m aster who so ton. When she w rites her name it looks and ten pounds are being returned. Who heartily espoused the cause which they like she was practicing her n b e’s. says the Am erican people are not alive so decisively voted down, it is to be to the situation f hoped th at M aster Spence will have the Mon«* ppfìplc who nr«* doing th«*ir b«*st good sense not to use the tim e paid for ou g h t to ho a s h a m e d ot' it. • • • Oive th e kaiser bis place in the sun by the grunge and the expense money these days and h e ’ll get the scorching furnished by the grange in prom oting You would give your l»oy a trouncing th a t h e ’s got coming. the cause which those who pay the mon if be spoke as im politely to you as you som etim es do to him. ey have declared agaiust. • # • HARD H EA D ED AND SE N SIB LE ORANGERS. When the clock strik es the laborers The dailies tell of a crying baby th at walk out. * * * Only a short tim e ago The Sentinel frightened aw ay a burglar—but even at expressed the opinion th a t m embers of th at hubby was probably robbed of his L ighting arid power compnnies might the grange would not be led astray by sleep. m ake a hit by getting out their meter # • • th e prom ises of those supporting the bills in rhyme. • * * N on-Partisan league and th a t they There are many waya of getting what would not even follow th eir leaders in you w ant, but the surest way is to send I t ’s peculiar how proud a man is of endorsem ent of the Non P artisan league I in your subscription to this paper today. him self and how he pats him self on the e> RINGS WE THINK • l-’EEI.INH OF YoUTIIFI I .NESS DEPENDS PRINCIPALLY I l*(»N---------- They all evidence that aristocrat ie hearing so much desired and appreciat­ ed by particular dressers. All are the exact duplicates of master models cre­ ated by world-renowned designers and creators of fashionable coats for wom­ en. Distributed among the assemblages are stunning styles for dress-up affairs as well as for sport and business wear. These prices will show you how eco­ nomically they can be secured. Priced a t...................... $15.00 to $25.00 ’ $1 00 to $2 05 $1 96 to $8 50 $1 26 to $3 50 AND (ilL\(/’E OF Ft IBM So DESIRABLE, New Summer Coats * D ri sses. a g e 2 u p * v back for having a little backbone, after the fear that some of his friends will jum p all over him for during to naaert him self hus proved groundless # • • lie who fears is already half whipped. • • * A man who works like a m achine d oesn 't wait for someone to turn o ff the power when q u ittin g tim e comes. • • • T here nr«* soni»* kinds of lies Ood will forgive you for c|iti«*k