Cottage Grove sentinel and Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Oregon) 1915-1921, May 24, 1918, Image 4

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A Store-wide Offering of Exceptional Values in the Season’s Most Desired Merchandise
to Show Our Appreciation of Your .Generous Patronage
Saturday, May 25, 1918, to and Including Saturday, June 1, 1918
Every section throughout the
store contributes its share of genuine savings
The merchandise is new and needed. To special offerings Irom our own
stocks we have added many extra purchases at very low prices, which our
manufacturers have granted that this Anniversary ol
the store that YOU
bu i lt " may be fittingly celebrated. This is YOUR store This is YOUR
Anniversary celebration. This is YOUR opportunity
Come and share the
savings it affords
This is the store that YOU built To your generous patronage we attribute
our past seven years of success. We have endeavored to serve you well, but
it has been your keen appreciation of our efforts that has encouraged us
toward even bigger and better things.
Value giving has ever been an important factor in our success, yet, it is
your unwavering support that has made such value giving possible. It has
been the l in n foundation upon which the walls of progress have been builded
So, in this Anniversary which marks the dawn of another year, VALUE GIV
Not Forgotten
Mothers will welcome this occa­
sion which brings many inter­
est inc values in just the things
that bahv needs.
Babies’ soft sole shoes, 60e to
75c values, specially priced for
one week, a p a i r .................... 43c
Full size can talcum powder,
each........................................... 10c
27-inch fine thread dimity in
fine checks or stripes, very
practical for short dresses; spe­
cially priced one week. yd. l7c
27-inch ripplette crepe for ba­
by's rompers, last color; ¡jhown
in navy, gray and black and
white stripes; specially priced
one week, a y d ........................ 27c
Girls’ Gingham Dresses
Pretty and charming gingham
dresses are the subject of an
“ economy s t o r y " that will ben­
efit both mothers and d a ug h ­
ters. These dresses are very
practical as well as pretty and
are all made of wash materials.
The styles are very attractive
and new; collars of contrasting
plaids and solid colors; buckle
and buttoned belts. Priced each
$1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.25 to $4.95
Though mentioned hut briefly,
each of these items mean worth­
while savings on things which
meet your daily needs. B<
prompt to make selections, for
quantities are limited in many
One lot new and pretty plaid
zephyrs, special for Anniversa­
ry week, a y a r d ..................... 29c
lb-inch bleached crash toweling
special for Anniversary week,
a y a r d ............................: _____14c
lb inch unbleached pure linen
Stevens crash, special for Anni­
versary week, a y a r d ...........21c
36-inch fine thread percales,
special for Anniversary week,
a y a r d ................................ *___ 27c
Grocery Section
It is easy to realize th*- Ix-nefit» of
an event which bring* Mich timely
saving* in those thing* which are of
vital interest to every housewife.
Note the savin gs—especially priced
for our Seventh Anniversary week:
L'nele bain corn flakes, l>x........... 10c
Htandard blend co ffee, full flavor,
per lb........................................................ 21c
Pure Caracul or Peuberrv c o ffe e 29c-
Magnolia blend coffee, rich and mild
per lb .........................................................32c
•Icily powder*, all flavors, b x ___ 10c
Pure ground chocolate, bulk, lb. 30c
Pur«- ground cocoa in bulk. lb. 30c
v mger snaps in bulk, a l b ...............19c
Large Italian prunes, a l b ......... 12'/2c
Sweet P etite prunes, a l b ......... 12'/2C
Clean white dry beans, l b ......... 12Vac
Clean colored dry beans, l b ......... 10c
Diamond W brand baking powder,
a **n..........................................
Shoe Values
These pricing* m e of more than
ordinary interest, heeause of
the prevailing scarcity of good
footwear. The s a v i n g s foretell a
generous response. In these spc.
eial lots are shown broken size
runs in the M a s o n ' s newest
styles fot women, men, Imys,
misses and children.
O n e lot w omen 's < 1 r< ss shoes, $5
to $6 values, specially priced
one week, a p a n ............... $3.95
One lot girls' shoes in lace and
button styles, *2 25 to .*2 50 s a l­
l ie s , specially priced one week,
a pair ...............................
One lot children's shoes, $2 to
$2.25 values, specially priced
one week, a p a i r ............. $1.89
One lot boy s’ shoes, $2.5(1 to $3
valm s, specially priced one
week, a pair ...........................$2.19
One lot m e n ’s shoes, $3.50 to
•+4 di values, sp* cially priced
one week, a p a i r ............. $3.19
Special Values in
Unit a visit can i*\* al the exceptional advantages which tin* or
easion affords Beautiful garments of true I mphrey \ Mack ill
qualilv are offered at subs antuil savings, marking this as an <q>
port unity which prudent women will hmutilv welcome
P r e t i ) nevi *ii-|>*- d e chini- a n d
New smocked styles ili middies
g e o r g e t t e - ilk bloiises t u r vviuucn
fin women in white and ecru
s h u n t i b e r e tri oli t h è nell a n d vvunt
striped line and natural color
ed shtldes I I I rullili e g g bilie, ehinil.
pure silk pongee; priced each
fles h , m ie , ini f t les 11 11 > grill", k e lll
gri «-il. t a n , n h i t i , et*-,, ne w ridi a n d
In n
$2 75 to $4 50
sb alli
p ii.n l
While studying the very moderale prices, do not tail to realize
tin perfect ion of style and fabric which prevails among these
splendid waists included in our Anniversary offerings
*l. 5 o
to 9 1 .7 5
• .V* a i f»,
\ n in e 4 . c h o ic e
$ 1 .3 0
* _!. \‘7i \ a Iu ■ *s, >■ < *i •
^ i .8 9
Dress Goods, Silks and Wash Goods
3b in c h a ll silk c h i f f o n t a f f e t a in a
w i d e r a n g e o f c o lo r s a n d sha<U** i n ­
c l u d i n g b r o w n s , p u r p l e s , g r e e n s , co
pen, n a v y , tu rquois«^ b e lg i a n a n d
m a r i n e b l u r s , tan * , r a s p b e r r y , wine,
cream , black, e tc.; specially priced
t y a r d o n e w e e k .................................$1.96
Including oli* lot of ’iti ine!,
w.isli gnods in pilliteli mul vani
• Iveil pattern* in pretty uew -le
si gì i s. Special Armi v*-rsary Saie
price a yard .*......................... 39e
Clothes for Your Boy
“ At substantial savings’’ is a little phrase that means much to
parents v, ho wisely provide s o n ’s clothing needs now Never have
we found the replacement of mtrehandis* so difficult
as now
Good clothing is especially scarce and prices are jumping upward
every few «lays. We have anticipated this same situation some
weeks ago hv laying in a large stoek
imys’ pur*- wool Oregon
cassimere suits. The trousers are full lined, coats are made in
belt I'd and pleated norfolk style; solid colors in navy blue,
brown, dark gray and black and white cheek. In all probability
we will not he able to replace litis all-wool quality until after the
war ami certainly not at these low [»rices.
Singe trouser Oregori t'assimere suits for hoys. .
I’wo pair trousers Oregon Cassimere suits for hoys.
Other suits up fro m ................... ................... .....................
B«- merciful to the wounded,
sick ami helpless. Subscribe
to the Red Cross War Funds
May 2<j to 27
. . . . $7.50
N»*\v *l«*t»> ••!»*** H V U 'n lP H 'lt i'H in fin»*
11 ^ lit W in il, a l l IH*\V *ll!t<!<* (Mill! I Mint
f i ti li .<« utnl n io M t:i *4 li t « > 11 n I * I • * c o lo r * .
tin* t ilin g
fo r co o l su m m e r c \e -
f lin g * »»ml t r a v e l o r ut ree f w e a r w lie ii
t o o w a r m f o r it <*out.
P r i m i e a c h ..
$4.60, $ 5 .6 0 to $ 8 5 0
is n o t
t h e o n l y n*n*«»it f o r
MV le*
B o t h v a r i e t y a m i l**w p r i c e s
rollini* m l th*-s* until Vcl s a i ’V ot
I* l i n g s m s m a l l w a s h h u t s a s
WnllllV 111 VOlll i n t e n s i .
m a t e r i a l * ar e usually n*soctatt d with
\\ tut* rollon piqUr automobile
d r e s s e s at m m h h i g h e r | »i i *es
w a s h c o m l u n u i i o n lint *u c a p .
s p r r i a ll y pi i c e d
\ \ luti- c o l t o l i li m ile w a s h lu l ls ,
l*i le* * I m e l i
W hit*- a n d color* *| ir m ie l i a n d
s p o i l h i l t s , sp m -lillly p i l l - i l l 1**1
• ■in 7 i h iiim iv e r s u i v , i-arli
M a d e nl tin«' / t | » h \ r s , t r e p e * a n d
u^haui M. s h o w ti in o n e p i e c e a n d
I v\ o p i e c e e f f e c t s , s t r i p e s , pi.tills al l d
odi t i col or *
( Mie p i e c e Was h d r e s s e s s h o w n Wi t h
c o n t r a s t i n g c o l l a r a n d b e l t in p l a i d * ,
i diet k* a n d s t r i p e s ; p r i c e d a t e a c h ,
t hi e a n d t w o p i e c e e f f e c t w a s h d r e s s
is made of pretty fute zephyrs and
c h a t n b r a y s , ne w c o l l a r s t y l e s a n d t i e
hell*, priced at
$ 4 . 0 6 t o $MOO
The Corset Specials
Model* for e s e r y t y p e •
figure afe
i n c l u d e d in t h e n o t e w o r t h y
\ allies
pi e p a rial V » mi c a n »dpios** a t *ub * t n i i
till savings.
\ bi}* lot o f M y l e s , all
d e s i r a b l e t o r I hr * * e a * o n . i n s i z e s I*
t o 30, a n d i n c l udi t i } ' s t y l e s l i t i ,
til**, tifiti, ‘J 7 « ». I l f . 2 5 0 , r e g u l a r
$ I mi t o * I tin, s p e c i a l l y p r i c e d
one week.
25% OFF
NO woman in girl in need of a good coat enn afford to neglect
tin- timely offerings which are a notable feature ol mu Annum
sary celebration. The quality value and the money value of
tlies*- new spring ¡ iik I siimmei coats cannot lx- duplicated later
in tin- season aixl you should investigate these extraordinarily
g o o d values now.
Ail wool velour, poplin and fan
cy weaves; coats trimmed with
lulltons, belts, large cuffs and
small and large collars; colors,
navy, gray, tan, blue gray,
turquoise and brown; specially
priced for Seventh Anniversary
each..................................... $16.95
All unni poplin and empi* ss
ciotti in navy blue,,
tan ami gray ; trimmed witli
Iteli, largì- follar and al-
l a d i n i o v i - i rollar ol silk pop­
lin in eontrasting color; *pe-
ciully p n e n l l'or Seventh Anni-
versary sale................
In Our Men’s Department
The ali-inclusiveness of this event can lx- fairly judged when you
realize that these specials in m e n ’s clothing and furnishings arc
granted despite abnormally high market values and great scarcity
I I 1 J ; special one Week pr. 19f
SPECIAL OF MEN S DRESS One lot men's pleated bosom
dress shirts, values $1.00 to
Including a big lot of new pa t ­ $1.75; special one w e e k . . . . 7 9 c
terns in men's dress shirts One lot m e n ’s blue bib overalls,
laundered good weight, sizes .'!H, 10, 42,
cuffs or soft finish cult's; regu­ II waist. Special price for one
lar $1.50 and $1.75 value; spe­ week.
cially priced Seventh Anniver­ < hie lot Slip-Easy and Hlidcwcll
sary week, eae h ................. $1.39 brand lim-n collars, about 12
One lot m e n ’s black cotton styles; size 12 to 17 , special one
hosiery, sizes 10, HM/g, 11 and w e e k ...............................3 for 25c
'a a
l oi y i n i ;
Coats—Noteworthy Values
Xo sections in the store show more eh-nrlv the advantage* whieli
the Anniversary event brings to oui customer* Mf many exccp-
tional values, we mention the follow ing :
Seventh Anniversary Week ol
of Silk Specials
Kcoi i t »m\
18 76 to $ I 96
ro llar
c ffe i-t» ;
. $3.95, Sii IH), $7.00 t o $9.50
T h e s e w a i s t s i n c l u d e a l l n e w *|»rtn|{
s t y l e * m a d e o f s h e e r l a w n a n d voi l e*,
l i t er a n d e m b r o i d e r y t r i m m e d ; s|»r
c i a l l y | »r i eed f o r 7 t h A n n i v c r n i i r y ,
i* • d u d i t —
Good Hosiery
Wash Dresses
Is Scarce
S T O R E - G O O D ser v ic e
u p o u r h o y s in t h e
1 relic-1 «•8.
S u h s e r i l x - t o ti n-
R e d I VoHH WT i r F u n d s M a y
2 9 t o 2 7.
Timely Values in
Welcome thrill)' women hn*
dining oui \iini«m sai> Sal*
l-'alirie, quality
and ilainly
style* git* still fintini impetus
In in* low elmi pi in s ol mail)
I nil's
In c lu d in g m any h m u ilifiil lace
.u n i i- m lir o id e r y 1 11 in i m i I g o w n s
e l i r m i s c , ■ e o i set
ilr a w e r s , slip s, e tc
N o ie the
s p r e i i d A n m v * i sai v W e e k sav
llig s :
ti.x-, 7-'ii- ami h.'x- values at 4 De­
ri • >•*, t l 75 ami t l -45 values at
each, rhoiee . . .
$1 39
$1 98
! 2 * I** $2 95 v a l m at
Sport and Wash
I II* n - 1 m •- tin- v a l u e s w h i c h ti ll s
s e c tio n c o n t r i b u t e s l a k e on an
ad d ed im p o rta n ce
A s q tu u ili
ties ¡III- limited, We ildviHi-
pi oinpt select ions.
ITt*i*- silk hosiery in white ami
b la c k , size 9 to III, specially
pi l«*)-*I line W eek ill pi . . . . 39c
Women’s silk lisle hosiery, fine
slirm tin r a d ; shown in black
and while; an ext inordinary
good vain*- and probably the
Inst time offered ¡it this price
until alter» tin- war closes
Specially priced one week 29c
t 'IiiIt 1 ■ i n '* Hosiery Six-rial
Double heel and toe, all sizes;
-tpn-ially priced one week. 23c
Store Closes 5 p. m.
each day except Saturday at
9:30 p. in. until September 1.
Realizing good health is pa r­
amount to good store service,
and in order that salespeople
¡ i i k I proprietors may enjoy the
advantages of other brnm I- s
of labor in daylight saving,
Hrcgnii suiishhim- and outdoor
an during the summer months,
ami in order to give salespeople
and proprietors full opportun­
ity to do win garden work, this
store will close at 5 n.' m. each
•lay, except Saturday, until
September I To this end the
sali si.... pi*- and proprietors join
in respect folly asking tin* c o ­
operation ol our customers in
shopping early.