Subscribe Now to the National and Local RED CROSS WAR FUND Monday, M ay 20, to Monday, M ay 27 T h e A m erican National Red Cross asks for $100,000,000 for w ar relief for llu*. fiscal yea r— one dollar each for e v e r y man, w om an and child living in the United States. T h e re are those w h o are unable to give. Y o u are asked to make a real sacrifice, if necessary, in support of the relief of the suffering and misery in and behind the w ar zone. W ill you do your part? A r e you ready to take up your share o f responsibility? D ecide n ow w hat your subscription w ill b e— make it large enough to represent a real sacrifice. Tw o Campaigns in One In order to conserve time and effort, the Cottage Grove Red Cross Branch “ d riv e " for war funds, for the fiscal year 1918 1919, has been combined with the national ‘ ‘ drive’ May 20 to 27. A local " d r iv e " is necessary at this time as the Branch and its auxiliaries are out of funds and the work must not stop. Subscriptions to the local fund may be paid in full with subscription; or part cash and balance in twelve equal monthly payments beginning June 1; or all of subscription may be paid in twelve equal monthly payments beginning June 1, 1918. IM P O R T A N T —The National Red Cross must lw supported first Alter you have made your subscription to the National Red Cross war fund, then make your subscription to the local Red Cross Branch fund, to be paid within a year. CONTINUOUS RAISING OF FUNDS PLAN N E D TO BE E LIM IN ATE D —It is hoped that sufficient funds for the Cottage Grove Branch and auxiliaries will be raised during the present " d r iv e " in order that further local Branch Red Cross "d r iv e s " for funds during the coming fiscul year, June 1918 to June 1919, may not be necessary. Conserve Time and Energy; Subscribe to Local W ar Fund Now Every drop of energy is needed by the workers of the Red Cross Branch and auxiliaries in making up the quota of Red Cross garments and surgical supplies. Our boys in and behind the trenches are expecting us to do our part at home W ill you help by making your subscription NOW for the coming year to the Branch und auxiliaries war fund und by so doing save continuous duplication and waste of effort in raising funds’ Summary of Work Accomplished During Year Number of Red Cross members of the Cottage Grove Branch and eight auxiliaries, including Divide, Dorena, Saginaw, Hebron, London, The Cedars, Latham and Mount View 1401 Completed Garments on Hand and Shipped During Fiscal Year— Pajama suits, 496; bed shirts, 227; bed socks, 540 pairs; operating leggings, 59; hot water bottle covers, 40; wash cloths, 094 dozen; masks, 400 Knit Garments Shipped and on Hand During Fiscal Year— Wool socks, 316 pairs; sweaters, 184; helmets, 226; mufflers, 53; mitts, 52 pairs Number of Surgical Dressings Shipped or on Hand During Fiscal Year, including all kinds .................................. ........................ 8349 Statement of Cottage Grove Red Cross Branch and Auxiliaries # FOR FISCAL Y E A R BEGINNING JUNE, 1917, AND ENDINO M A Y 15, 1918 Supplies & Incidentals Purchased 9% yds. oil cloth at 21c............ 1 yd. lining at 12c ..................... 1 yd. lining at 16c....................... .12 .Supplies........................................ .10 Mrs Burkholder, y a rn .................$ 29 yd « 9-4 bleached sheeting. 45c 13.05 39 yds. India linon at 12c ............ 4,08 S U P P L IE S P U R C H A S E D OF L O C A L 594 yds. No. bleached gauze at He 47.52 M E R C H A N T S A T OR N E A R COST 37 yds. muslin at 10c................. 5.92 (Hmall items condensed for »pace; 50 yds. muslin at 10% c................. 8.25 Pow ell & Hemenway 50 lbs. cotton b aft« at 12c............ 0.72 58 spool« thread at 5c................. 4 2.90 8 spools sansilk at 4<-................... 112 spools knitting cotton at 4<- 4.48 12 20 large 30-yd. tape at 30e......... 0.00^ 05 1-2 yds. muslin (fi 15c............ Muslin............................................. 115 12 yds. outing flannel (a 20c .00 9.82 ,5o 23.10 W. C. Johnson & Company. 31 lbs. yarn (ft 0 5 ..................... 4 20.15 Muslin....................... 0 2.20 yds. gauze (fi 10c ............................00 288 yds. outing flannel (ij 20c.. 57.00 The Fair Store. 49 yds. outing flannel (a 2 0 c ...4 9 80 0 pkgs. paper tow els............................ 50 Hupplie*.......................................... jo McMorran & Washburne. 40 skeins yarn (a *5 c................. 4 34.00 1 skein yarn @ 90c..................... 2 skeins yarn (a 95c................... 2 skeins yarn (5. 41.00................. 2 skeins yarn (fi 41.05................. Umphrey & Mackln. 80% yds. 36-in. outing, 2 1 % c ...4 47% yds. 30-in. outing, 1 7 % c ... 594% yds. 27-in. outing, 14% c.. 1180% yds. 27-in. outing. 10%c 0 yds. 27-in. outing, 18c.............. 1 paper p attern ............................. 23 pkgs. pins at 4c...................... 134 1-8 yds. jeans at 19 % c........ 24 yds. oil cloth at 2 2 % c ............ ,po ] po 2.00 2.10 17.25 8.38 80.20 191.80 1.08 .07 .92 20.14 5.40 12 large 30 yd. tape at 37c............ 4.44 200 spools sewing thread at 4 e .. 10.40 2 doz. thread at 5 0 < -...,............ 1.00 20 doz. pearl buttons at 4e.......... .80 3 doz. pearl buttons at 3e.......... .09 32 doz. pearl buttons at 8c ........ 13 pkgs. needles at 4c................. .52 3.00 23% skeins yarn at 05c.............. 15.27 9% skeins yarn ut 75c............... 7.14 49 3 8 lbs. yarn at 43.25.............. 100.91 1 doz. button molds..................... 1 broom.......................................... 1 mop.............................................. 3 rolls toilet paper..................... .05 .90 .11 .20 Modern Pharmacy. I ledger............................................4 .50 1 record book................................. 1.00 ¡Stationery and in k ........................... .50 2 pkgs. d y e ................................... .20 1 cash book.................................. .35 8 lbs. absorbent cotton at 4 0 c ... 3.20 Paper towels. . . ........................... 1.45 2.2*1 7.25 1836.89 4.72 8831.17 W H O LE S A LE PURCH ASES A T N E T COST 5 eases cotton at 413 50............. 4 07 50 Freight........................................... 8.25 Northwest Red Cross & Eugene Chapter. 2141 yds gauze at 9c..................4192.09 3400 yds. gau/e seconds ut 0 , j<- 212 50 20 bolts (30 yd .) tape at 5 0 c .... 10.00 I bale oakum moss....................... 19.75 100 lbs. absorbent cotton at 35c 35310 15 Brought forw ard ........................... 4831.17 lb«, absorbent cotton at to c .. Contributions from Auxiliaries ami Districts: Div ide........................ 437.HO C ed a rs...................... 2.22 Doremi..........................92.25 Huginnw..................... 10 tut Wildnoiiil.................. 10 «5 Mount V iew .............. 10310 182.32 Cash sales Ked Cross s t o r e ,.., Hales o f insignia......................... 239,55 29 75 ti 00 I I I lbs. sock y a rn ....................... 255.30 rielschner M ayer & Company. I shipment y a rn ........................... .30.00 24 gros» buttons and p o s ta g e ...4 20.93 lied Cross E m b le m s ....................... 4310 2338 yds. tape............................... 25.58 Insignia.......................................... 23.30 584 yds. bleached muslin, 23%c 137.42 15 sets knitting needles at ( O r . . 3.00 1 pkg pins..................................... .80 Freight advanced on shipments. 3.73 Freigh t............................................ .97 2.50 45 sets knitting needles at 8c .. Rock River Cotton Company. 4 Merchandise returned.................. .32 2 pkg. pins (5. 5c.................................. 10 doz. buttons (& 5 c............... Dorena M ercantil* Company. 2.00 $ 2 , 680.10 92 , 864.78 Balance purchases past due and unpaid.............. ......................... 894.72 43.649 60 Inventory of Supplies on Hand May 16, 1918. American Thread Company. 0 do/., mercerized thread at 45c 4 2.70 12 boxes knitting cotton ............ 11.40 25 do/.. Ousting thread at 41 3 5c 11.15 «0 do*, sewing thread at 18c... 28.80 M iller Calhoun & Company. 14 gross buttons......................... 4 12.50 1 doz. basting th read................... .53 Moore Watsou Dry Goods Company IN C ID E N T A L E X P E N S E Postage and stationery............... 4 5.24 Freight and express..................... «.14 Wood............................................... 4.70 N ails............................................... .20 Telephone calls.............................. 3.75 Expense June Ked Cross D riv e .. .34 40 Sundries Ked Cross room ............ |,76 Incidentals not item ized............. 82.05 2430 yd« outing at 21c.............. 4511 50 F reigh t............................................ 4138 23 6.00 T o ta l.................................... J. V. Farwell & Company. 13,649 50 1557 yds outing ut 2 3 % r...........43*15 90 00 lbs. yarn at 43.50 ..................... 240 00 Freigh t............................................ 11.05 Wyman Partridge & Company. Wynne It Klme, 1 tin p a il........................................4 .45 515 yds. 30 in. bleached outing DesLarzes Brothers. 1 broom........................................... 4 1 P*K- gold duct........................... 7 gal kerosene at 12c...................... .87 .24 .84 at 27%c....................................... 4I4MM 014 3 4 yds. 30-in. jeans, 2 0 % c.. 102.91 12 gross pearl buttons............. 8.09 Freight............................................ 8.9« Statement of Receipts Contributions...............................4 53 60 50 per cent o f membership dues 185.50 25 per cent o f 1917 June drive 1,3« I 8« C ity benefits............................... 141.40 Net proceeds December mem bersi)ip d rive............................ 480.90 A t Hurglral Dressing Rooms. I eases cotton butts at 413.50. . . 4 54310 58 butts at 10............................... «319 75 rolls absorbent cotton at 40c 30.00 2700 yds gauze lit 8 % c .............. 188.75 8268.84 A t Hewing Rooms. 208 yds. tw ills ............................... 65.12 1921 yds. flan a id at 21............... 403.41 591 gauze for masks................... 47,52 1557 yds. flannel at 2 3 % ............ 385.90 Freight............................................ 9,73 580 3 4 yds. muslin....................... 137.42 « gross tape................................... Ill 60 ‘ ‘ •ns................................................. Freight.................................................... .. »1,030.37 258.84 T " ,h*........................................ »1.280 21 (Th e above yardage supplies include 32 bed shirts « Hit 45 pnjaiiiH suits made up and on liniul »