I . M. luiu»c  H A rti** U » Win* m b r lit» , „ ' i t i f i tkmm fnm let.«* a f U a/ Crwrrtf ' Powoll O 1..1 N ieluds fru lli Mutilar. in |>:iiii1 1 ii^ ii'tiiriu*«! lii n non W ,» 1 nesdui l'rutV Saflev hua becn uii thè sub lk»t tUI Sl'VlTItl it ili N. f in S i i m i f u u iiln A iit lm iili'i) thè bini ijiu 't ui thè W iiiiiiiit i'ii n iiil R o v a i S f in i i Im i» ni llu ' l ì i n i i' \ \ cd itcsd u v c v c n iiig M i» S e a rs a lili M i» N\ tvld e i»h cilii, b u lli ut C o tta g i l ì r u lli, m u llii-r» ut Mi 1« 11«I M in . E rn e st Heui*, m i 1 spcndttig tln* i m i ut ib i- S iu i» bulini. When He Gets that Pouch oi Real GRAVELY Chewing Plug You Sent Him A man * first impulse ia to share a good thing. Real Gravely Plug has been spread all over Amer­ ica simply by the Gravely user offering a small c h e w to his friends. Tobacco like that is worth sending. It means something when it gets there. G jv * a.,y man • chew of Real Gravely Plug,and he will tell you that a the kind to tend. Send the belt! Ordinary plug ii falie economy It coiti leu per week to chew Real Gravely, because a small chew of it lasts a long while. If you smoke a pipe, slice Gravely with your knife and adj a little to your smoking tobacco. It will give flavor-improvo your smoke. SEND VOli FRIEND IN THE U. S. SERVICE A POUH OF (iRUELY Dealers all around here carry it in 10c. pouches. A 3c. stamp will put it into his hands in any Training Camp or Sea­ port of the U. S. A . Even "over there” a 3c. stamp will take *°. ’ our ««‘•ler will supply envelope and mivc you official directions how to address it. P . B. G R A Y K L Y TO B A C C O C O ., Danville, Va. L The P a te n t P o a c h k e e p » it Fresh a n d C lea n a n d G o o o o d d - I t IS not R e a l G ra v ely without this P ro te ctio n S reo/ ea l E s t a b lis h e d 1 S 3 1 ---- v3> Mis* Landwehr. The young women left I Saturday for Portland, where they will i NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS spend the summer. I Max Whipps left Sunday for Rujada, where he will work this summer. SILK CREEK \ daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. J " " Perkin*. Jr.. Sunday. May 5. (Special to The Sentinel. Calvin Bobbins returned Sunday from A pril » . — Mr. aud Mrs. M. F. Bab Rujada. cock were in the (.»rove Thursday. Misses Marjorie and Muriel Shay and Mi*s \ ernu Kates and her pupil* re­ Stella Coffman, o f the Grove, attended cently enjoyed a picnic in the wood*. the party at Miss I.andwehr'a home M.r. aud Mrs. J. E. Giltlersleve have Friday ev ening. recently put out 2000 strawberry plants. Mi** Yergie Jones, o f Walden, visit- Mr. and Mrs. \Y . G. Bittinger. Mrs. ed friends here Friday. Barchart and Mr. and Mr*. 1.. B. Slagle Mrs. Thcna Miller and tw o sons, Per motored to Row river ami picnicked one kin* and Frank, Mi>* Yergie and Aach day last week. Jones and Vlbert Ri*-u«* motored to Ku Mrs. Ada W il s o n ’s house caught fire gene Sunday to visit Mr*. Ed. «Tones, Thursday and its destruction was only who is still in a hospital there. prevented by the heroic e fforts o f Mr*. Arnold Duerst went to work at the C. K. Wood and several others. l.ainmer* mill at Silk Creek Monday. Clinton and Muriel Taylor, o f th** Mrs. Ralph Ward spent Tuesday with Grove, spent the week-end at the Jennie : Mr*. Joe Perkins. Walker home. F. A. Green is home from Oakland. Bergmann Shoes for sale at the W ool­ Grove visitors Monday were Mrs. J. en Mill* store. F. Gildersleve, I>*ota Estes. Mrs. B. \\ Garner, Mrs. C. W. Dwyre, Mr. and Mrs. D E L IG H T V A L L E Y W. G. Bittinger and Mrs. L. B. Slagle. Mrs. Burchart has returned to her Special to Th«* Sentinel.) home at Clarkston. Wash. May 9.— Mrs. Kutz, o f Kansas, who Mrs. D. A. Estes and Mr*. Paul E*te* had been visiting her sister, Mr*. Chas. visited Sunday and Monday at th** I. X. Wilkinson, left Friday’ for Salem, where Dresser home in Ly nx Hollow. she will visit relative*. Mrs. Lou Wheeler has received a let­ Mi*- Bessie Nichols was home from ter from her son. ** somewhere in Eugene over Friday night, returning the F r a m e . ” He says " w e are well fed follow in g day. here, sure, 99 and sends regards to all Miss Dora Conner, o f the (trove, spent inqi^ipng friends. | the week-end at the home o f h«*r uncle, L. B. Slagle left Saturday for M on­ I Chas. Conner. tana. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Joll went down to Peter D ca rd or ff returned Tuesday to the Rose ranch Saturday, and while his work on the highway at Oakland, there Mr. Joll helped brand about 100 after having spent a few days at home. calve*. EATON RALLIES DOREN A TO HIS BANNER luit 1 » Ti vai Hears III» Vetsiou of the Recent Violant Politicai Controversy. Ihurna, O ie , \|a> S (Hpeeittl to Tin S e n t i n e l \ \ t the tir* t |»> l i t i c a i u u 't'im g li v id li ete S u t u id i iN e v e n i n g . M ie n F u t o n , «it E u g e n e , Mitoke to a lleigtuonu Shut'» tui Nil ll’ .If till' WI lui i w e ll l i l l e t l 111111*1* on th e i mhu *‘ h ot the «■ti Mill» »turo. 1 n m | M i . ; i i > «Militi it'd wi t h hiM e u iiv lid a e y •Mi l i a t ó n u e v t p t e d it« th e ii t i in e d in t e DORENA »***ue th e M ln teiiie n t o f a I ' o r t l u m l iie wa 1 |»a|»er t h a t th e reault o f th e p r i m u r y »l'i'i 'r il i il l tu T h e S e iit in u l. flie I nini III ut ber* M ii rie in e l i u t i o n w o u ld ahow w h e t h e r or not the p e op le “ t l.n n e coliti t v were b u c k vit the le U edne, u lt i ini bliNtneM. Ilei M i. and M i* Htiheoek SUPREM E COURT Sheriff and Tax Collector «35 on a rp Gasolm p oT Q ualij!y\ uicil liv ili* il«|ii>»lti>r» III Imitk» wlllrli. libo o U ìmw I v *», ini' Mirili Imi h ni Uii« Kraal »yNimn Tim UiK*'. Mr. and Mrs. I \ Dresser were din Taylor place last week. ^ All Kinds Krbuilt Ty|>ewrltet» rca»on The Earnest Sears and Lee Nixon able prive». Terms or rush. \ alley Georg«* Taylor Mold 15 ton* o f hay BLU E M O U N TA IN . S a li-» A g e n c y , E u g e n e , Ore ¡on T pd F O O D S TASTF. BE TTER CO O K E D families and Frank Joll made up a m o­ last w «*« k that brought him * Î60. For Hale Cheap, If taken at once, house tor party Sunday and went to J. E. ! Mr. and Mr*. J. A. Lowell and St an­ —T O B A C C O T A S T E S BETTER (Special to The Sentinel.) and tvvi lot*, "C.’ N J St n l9 junHlpd H i l l ’s near Eugene, hud dinner, then on ! ioni Bartl«* spent Saturday with the TOASTED M ay 9.— Mr. and Mrs. L a y n g and to the Rose ranch, all returning that G. A. Small family at London. W ood for xale Call Dan Allen, phone children, o f Walden, visited at the . evening. Mi** / « I m a A been«*, o f th«* (»rove, is -’ll EL aLHImltlpd M ooney home Sunday. Since thr day of the caveman, who Mr. ftibler and non Hal went to Wend- * visiting h«r grandfath«*r. ( ’. E. (»ilhnm, Several auto load* o f Cottage (»rove For »ale Butterfly rreani separator, al uu«i other relatives. • liked h-s meat raw, civilization has ling Monday to work. young people drove to th»* Blue Moun­ most new. Itnrguio at fL'l ( » p a . i t y learned a lot about the scientific treat­ Monday was the last day o f school at j Mr*. Levi (»«*«*r, o f London, spent Sat- tain school house Monday. - I gal. an hour. I,. I. Woolley, a^dmlop urday with h«*r mother, Mrs. Numbers. ment of the thinga we eat. Lola Hasting* has been quite ill the Saginaw and a number from this side Mr. and Mrs. (». L. Carlisle, o f Cot Stonebu rg’ » corner at the bridge on Pa Naturally none of us would now attended. A short program and a picnic past week. tag«* (»rov«* motored out Saturday t«» c if ic high« av would make an ideal prefer to have our meat raw, our po­ Chas. Whipps spent the week end at dinner were enjo yed by a good many bring Mrs. Warner home. She hud been location for short order house and run parents and children. tatoes as they c om e from the ground, the Grove. visiting at their home. feetionery. n-tini lOpd Mi** Myrtle Witcher spent the first | our coffee unroasted. A farewell party was given Friday \Y\ !.. Kimble bought a hors«* o f J. evenin g for Miss Louise Duerst and part o f the week visiting at the home And naturally /ollows the great dis­ For Hale Yearling Holstein hull aud a A. Young last week. Miss Violet Robbins at the home o f , o f her brother, Fred Witcher. big team horses. M. C. Veali h. inlllpd covery recently made by 'I he Ameri­ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thorp and Mrs. L. can T obacco Co.— that tobacco taatel ‘ ». Markham picnicked up Cedar < r«*«*k For Hale Full blood registered Poland U tter TOASTED! Sunday. China hour, •’> mo. old. Archie Thump This wonderful new idea—simple Mrs. .Jessie Gilcrist r«*«*«*i v «*«1 a lt*tter »on. ulltt m lOpd like all great inventions— was first M«m«lay fr«»m her son, Abner, who is 1 For sale or trade for lumber I !l*12 * * smm*wh«*r«* in F ran ce.” Mr. and Mrs. u»ed in producing the famous I.UCKY ------OF LINN COUNTY, F O R ------- Nagle engine; I No. ‘J Fo* floor Fred Führer, the next day, also hfi«J a STRIKE Cigarette— made of toasted scraper with rubber wheels; I Is*ri hand l»*tter from their son Charles, he too b e ­ Burley tobacco. | winch, gears with - ' ¡ i inch face, heavy ing in France. Both boys belong to the Burley has a mellow flavor, entirely enough for log haul; I 12 inch drum sari*«* batt«*ry. different from fhe tobacco usually sunder; I snlaniniider; I saw mandrel; used for cigarettes. It is a pipe to. I 4*2H p o w r grindstone; I sa fe; I copy L O R AND. I bacco arid I.UCK. Y STRIKE Cigarettes ing press; I Berk duplirntoi. Cottage Grove, Mfg. Co. m.ttf I taste like a pipe. tHprcial to The M»-ritinI i Wanted Sawmill men at Donna, Ore. Miiy *!.— Mi«N«.» ('liiri»NH nn«l Flora FOR Moliawk Lumber Co., P. O. Address, PRACTICED LAW SINCE 1892 Jackson «|-<.|it the week end with liomi- Mohawk, Ore. m3 2lpd folk». CIRCUIT JUDGE SINCE 1910 Hoy F on I i t w : in ii ('ottnffc d ro v e v is For Hale X.. C. Hinlth typewriter No. 6. Justice is patriotism’s proudest itor Friday. Good condition, new ribbon; cheap for Mi«s Id» ( hiiriilierlniri. who hud liei-n boast and loyalty’s greatest aid cash, or will sell on monthly payments. vinitinff relative» In-re, returned to her Geo. II. Hrninard. m.'ltfc home ¡it the d r o v e Hntiirdiiy. For Halo Cheap I n v a lid ’ s wheel rhalr. j The la d ie s’ old met l«»t Wednesday Phone n i l , ; 104 I Hi. N. m3 17pd •vitli Mr». H;il[)h Lynch. O. K. Crowe made a l)U»ine»s trip to The Sentinel lias a bargain in a who) liiiliene Saturday. nrship in the Internntionnl Cor Heveral from Crow attea-led the dance respomlence He h no I which has been left here Saturday night. with it for xuIn, fllfc Mi»» Kdith drier, u ho i» »faying with Lout Small leather purse, W. O. W on Mrs. K. If Crowe visited Saturday with —gives e*jy starting, quick one side; E. M. H. on other; « 5 note her »inter, Mr». Htrupe. and smooth acceleration, find about +1 In silver; reward. Emmet. Elvin McMindes bn» In-en visiting rel Hhnrp. . mlOpd ative» here. power and mileage, in Red Albert L e ff, who ha» been away for Crown gasoline. Wanted - A wagon bo*. Frank Van FRE D G. S T IC K E L S several month», iirriveil Monday to visit Hehoiack, Cottage Grove. hi 10 2lpd STANDARD OIL COMPANY RK IM H LIC A N relatives and friends. (California) Curtis Veatch. Kltner Crowe will soon »tart hauling For four yttnr» Deputy County Clerk o f Baled hay for Sale lame C o u n ty . During the pnst three Phone 2FI3. mtO-2Hpd lumber to the d r ove. de o r g e Itiidington, who hail been em year» twice elected Treasurer o f the For Sale Oood big work horse, 10 yrs. ployed nt Kugene. returned home last City o f Eugene. old, wt. 1200 ; « 100 . John llostettler, He hu» no use fur MOSSES or Bng ln aw . week. m l o i ’ tpd C L IQ U E S in politic». Mrs. drnee Richey, o f Cottage Grove, Pledge» himself to an honest, e c o ­ For Sale Registered Jersey bull ralf. is visiting here with her purenti, Mr. W. J. Messenger, Row River. mlOtfe. nomic biisine»» administration o f the atnl Mrs. Win. Lackey. o f f i c e for the benefit o f ALL. For Sale Ila y rake and 2 section st**l W. J. Woods, Special Agent, .Standard Oil Co., Cottage Grove, Ore. AG M1U T ry the want ad. way. harrow. W . A . Hem enw ay, mlO'JAptl tnuous Cham Providing Banking Protection ------------ ^ LO ND ON i Special to Tin- Sentinel May v A | Woodard i n loading fi«** at I .at ha m Rov E w in g and Ed B ra s h e r m otored to the Grow* S u n d a y . Mr stii«I Mr* Hud Thorne and cjnl vlren ¿pent tin* week end with Mr T h o r n e ’ « mother. Mrs Grunt Field*. Mr and Mr*. L. R. Shortridge re turned from the Grove Sunday. Rov Ewing purchased a Maxwell car from Shorty Lake a «lav or two a g o . Roy Ewing, Bud Thorne and Delbert YYill* motored to the Grove Monday. Mi. ami Mr* YY alter Lackey motored to ( ’ottuge Grove Monday YY alter Lackey and Howard ( ’ox were Eugene visitor* Tuesday. Levi Geer wa* a Grove visitor Mon • lay. Mi** Mabel Shortridge i* home from Elkin ad, where *bc recent l\ closed a successful term o f scljoool. Yalong the ( 'ottuge Grove visitors of the prist week were YY'm Jones, John Massey. How ard and Lena ( ’ox, Her bert Shortridge anil YY (* .shortridge of Mr*. D N Fa te * unti M i a I ' i i i i I l!a te a, o f S »|k t ’ie e h , w ere ili thè n e ig h h o ilio o v l Montiti) W o r d lina lieeu r c c c i v r t l 1 »x M i llltd M i * M a r i o n I el»ow thut t l i e i r mimi , F i ni'*t, w ho la tt d e n t a i a tiid o n t in I *»»rI lu m i , li m i a n a rr o w eaeape f r o in «Irovvn mg I l e timi tw o elti*aintitea w e re ì l i n Im n i w hen it wna o v e r t i i m e i l E n ie a t a n d olle ut tln* h o \ a w ere rea rtied Flit th è o t l ie r wua loat, « M i Mini Mr» lì \\ ti i il :iii,l M r timi rie t tv a v » t the Eugene eouiinervitil club M . n . \ s Mi «I b i t f lu ii »ibi v liv mio The • pea U ei W eut nit*» detail m explain mg a o f vicious attack* ami la w ­ tur a *1 *1* lu i ut ber n < Iregun. fili­ |• 11 1 1 1 1 « m linei eluseti bete F'rnlni less method* used to destroy the confi deuce of t liv* people in hi* loyalty. li i i li a big |iienie ir|> tlie rivei Flit» recitation o f tlii* persecution The \liwbj Ululili i m i ! tu Martelli Snudai nini »|ient Ibi* day with relu created in the audience a horror of the whole attack which lie described a* In e». l'iitl fílenla» uà» a Cottage Drove rivaling the iiietlmd» ot the Prussian Potsdam gang, aud called forth right iiNiiur Ninnilai eon* indignation against tin* participa Mi a» Hall if Ynn\ liot v ìmìi M high \ tors. >i‘ ItoV'i Monday. Mr Eaton paid hi* respect* t• » .1 K. Mr*, la v ritoltitison wss ui Cottagi* js h e lto n , who ha* levi the newspaper Grov« Tueaday. Mi*s liu t i ie YaiiN lift, who tiiiislicd 1 tight against him, and particular!} to ti iu hing *« hmd h«‘ ii' Friday, l«*t't Tur* ! candidate* fur seat* in the legislature whom tu» described a* having been par day toi hör hotiu* ut Kugoiu». Mi. um) Mr*, ( ’lia*. l\vtt*r* und to ulttrly malicious in their attack* upon him. daughter Nellie \i*ited with the loue The universal expression here follow Faugh lu in i I n at Walden l'ueaditx eve inng. ! mg the meeting was condemnation of the method* employed to down Mr. I Eaton, i»\pre**ivtiis o f vonfuleiiee in him M OU N T VIE W . ami declarations o f intention to vote I tor him (Spcv ial t«» The Sentinel.) May s Mr. and Mrs .1 L. Ümkley * pe nt the week end in Cottage Grove. Clarence Sears went to Eugene Wed nesday to have an operation tor the re inoval ot adenoids. Mrs. Anna Hoftmnii returned to her home at Cushman Thursday, she hud been staying at the hoiu«* o f her parents, Mr. unti Mi.*. .1 Kile, during Mr K ile's illiie». Mr Kile eoutinu«-* to improve lira Brumfield, o f Cottage Grove, . isited i uesilav at the l YY Sears bow«-. L. it Long •pent Monday evening at tl..- u . 1». Ilei L 11 « home. \lr. uuvi Mrs. f ’ NY. Sear* ami B r isoli j Scar* were at lhe YY aldo Miller Imme Sunday. Mr. ami Mr*. Claude Arne und chtl • Ireit-wcie Sundav visitor* ut the horn«* of Mrs. .Vine - parents, Mr. umi Mrs. Junic^ Linebaugh, ut Walden. Mr l.im buugii has been quite ill lately. i hurles Hale* was a ( ottuge (»rove visitor Mouviay. Brown Hansard, o f the Grove, was out to the YY alilo Miller home Tuesdav M» * Sudi«* I n i d os ed u very sucre** tul term o f school YY e d ited ay with a picnic. Mr. und Mr*. 1.1 H< idler and daugh ter Kathleen accompanied Mr ami Mrs. N. Hopper to London Sunday. «lean Mosby, o f (.’ottuge Grove, »* making an extended visit at tin* home -i lier parent*. Mr an vi Mrs YV. 1» H- o b . g ueata Sunday^ COI l’ AG E G R o Y E HENTIN EL, II.* Live YY»i»- New«piiper. P rofessional Cards MAX LUEBKE THE RAWLEIOH MAN nr, Sixth A v r w Eugene Or n la-rai agem y at J K P r ot/m a n 's R MrCAROAR. D D S D E N T IS T N'-'urnlgiu relieved instantly by local application Ki-iidrtice and ufi n e ut I'lflb and Main, Phone I II.I Cuttage Grove, Ore. DR S. M WENDT Pbyslrlan and Surgeuu Hpi'i inl ntteiitinii given to surgery and ev>-, enr and throat. Country cali» a» well ns city cali» anewered dnv or night.- O ffice: Cottage Grave Hospital J. E YOUNG A T T O R N E Y A T I.AW O f f ir # on Muiii Bv«*riu«» ( ’otturi* («rovi» ()r«i|(oti A. W RIME. M D P H Y S IC IA N A N D SU RG EO N O f f i c « iti 11 lii11ipH buibliii^ «»vor ti»«- Ib* ti no ti «Iru^ç Nloro. O ffii’ ti 1»1 humi .*1-1 R«* m Í(]<*uro |jhone 126.1. ('«»Itii^i» UrovM DR W ( >r4*^on M HAMILTON lies. Phone NE.'l LIC E N S E D C H IR O P R A C T I C PH YSICIAN Consultation and examination free. O f f ic e hours It to fi. Sun­ day* and evenings l-y uppointm 't. I tffiee in old < 'ottuge Grove loins building lit. 101 % Main evenite. H. J. SHINN A TTO RN EY AT LAW Utili nofiiry tuiblic. I’ rurtin*« m nil court«, Twrnty fivM y«*ur« «*x peh enco. Bu«b r H M j;. ( 'u t ilis e G ro v e , Or«». AI.TA KINO ATTORNEY AT LAW O f f i c e located in the rear o f the First National bank, Cottage Grove Oregon J. S. MEDLEY ATTOKNEY-AT I.AW 771 Willamette Ht. Eugene, Ore.