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About Cottage Grove sentinel and Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Oregon) 1915-1921 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1918)
* ♦ I FOU G O V E R N O R . A Patriotic American A N A T IV E OF W IS C O N S IN AGE. 47. FOR 27 Y E A R S A R E S ID E N T OF OREGON A VIG O RO US C H A M P IO N OF T H E R IG H TS OF T H E P E O P LE HONOR G U A R D NOTES. 1 Miss Belle rrturued Sun du\ t'roui Portland, where ali«* ntti*uil<*d ili«* coni «'ninni of tli«* alili«* Hoiiur I «tirird Mumt »5 delegate. were in at it'iiilanct* ut t!«•■ luiaineiw meeting Satur dai luoriiing nini alluni 150 attended ilio* liam|ii«*t at ili«' Miilliioinali hotel at iiiiiiii , at w Itici) |irumili«‘iit .poaker» mi ; dr«*ase«l 111«* »•»«•inbly ami Mia I. ii I ii Dahl Miller -alio I ter. tepori. o f dui .g a te . iv«'rt* gixen un III«* iiii>xxiiuim‘ floor. The highwnv trip planile«! for SumlaN liail tu I»«* gii un up un ucvouut of tli•* dedicati.>n of lli«■ \ ia»a liotiae, a lindi « all.'il «mi aneli iiiiiiiena«* crow.l. ‘ thnt it n:u not thouglit feaailile tu hai«* ih«* llonor (inai«I d i ’ tu go in a Inni« M i " Dob.'ll, o f I n i « alila, lini ch'l'tcd alati* loail«'r |ii aui'i’i'e.l Miaa I.nelle Dan furti«, of Portland. M i a a Doliell udì appoint the «ecrelnry nini treasurer frulli tliu l'orvallia luamln'rahip, mul five nii'inlieta at largì' o f tin* eiuineil fruii« «armila parla o f the alate. Work o f thè G uh « «I tu an! du* i'titiae uf t tu* aoldiera in e v e n puaaililu ««a« ««ili i'arried un dtuing tho l'utning veni ««itti renewed energy (f Time and Skill « T III E lilt II «Iflnils III III 11* '• overlook receive our most considerate alleu! mu Mu*«av'. D«.i> t:u.v« K » v |H«»k !.•«»»•• a reason why our p I uhhok are A l» H«M(*> above I lie avera;*** in <|iialil> I'erleel \ isioii is a great I'aeloi ill all nolaMe success lina explaiiia \\ I « \ a pi t son almulil lake eat« ««I the « vea SAN I*. RED CROSS NOTES •»* Work h i the surgical dressing depart meat of th«* Rc»| Cross will her«*tiftei I»«* «buie only on Momlay and Tuesday evenings, and Tuesday . Friday and Hut uidav a fteng'oii*. The sewing room, millinery depart meat and stori' will tie open eveiy afternoon and all day Sat Uidav* Th«‘ west side sewing rimili will be open each Tuesday afternoon. YOUR S H E R M A N Htokru Irfiuanit Qul.kly Rsplaosd BASKET D IN N E R AND I'KOOKAM A T W A L D E N GUS C. MOSER Republican President Oregon State Senate 881 For a vigorous prosecution o f tin* war to a victorious conclusion. Fui strict business princi ples in tin* management of state affairs. F o r Rural I ’ m lits extension, Irrigation, Drainage and I Sc velopment o f all out resources. For assistance by Port land t* apitai and business to every section o f our great state. For the rights o f both Labor and Capital under a scheme o f mutual co-operation. For Good Roads but Fighting Paving Trust W e are paying about $5000 more per Hi foot mile of Bitu- lithie Pavement in Oregon than is being paid in Washington. Let us build good roads in every county in the state (JIVE E V E R Y C O U N T Y A SQ U A RE D E AL. Elect M OSER and you will forever banish the subtle influ ence o f the Paving Trust from Oregon Polities. A G G R E S S IV E L Y IN D E P E N D E N T United States Senator Chas. L. McNary ]!«*«• u 118«* I’ nitc«! Htu tc * 8 e ,iu to r Chari«*?« L. Mi N a r y h:i» m a d e g o o d in* sh ould be uom m u t e d to >u* h i m s o lf in tin* H<piildu:iii p r i m a r y . M a y I 7 tk. From the «lay h«‘ became Senator he Uit> loyally championed the pro.seiutiuti of tin* war, and «luring his term ot of five has ureomplisbeil more for Oregon tnwit any othei member in Congress in tt like period. Among his colleagues he is known as * * the man on the j o b , * ’ ami «luring the present war « risis Oregon should eon sider itself fortuuute in hating an up portunitv to return him ami not he cmih polled io send to Washington a new, un 485348535323532348484853535348232323485323484823532348532353532353 trained man. iieiieviug thaf the supreme obligation he owes his couutry is to help will til«* war, Senator McNary, instead ot return mg to ins State t«j conduct a political campaign, is at his post ill Washington working tor Oregon and aiding in the prosecution o f the war. Alw ays since entering the Senate lie has been a friend of our soldier* ami sailors and has introduced legislation giving them preferential homestead rights and repeatedly championed their The size of a business depends upon the cause when their welfare was hi je op needs which that business is called upon to ardy. serve. A business should be as big as its < hnnipiouilig the i ails»* of the Oregon job. You do not drive tacks with a pile- furinei*, Smiator McNary procured for driver—or piles with a tack-hammer. them a primary wheat marker, saving thereby several million dollars to the Swift & Company’s growth has been wheat growers o f the Northwest. the natural and inevitable result of na Realizing the present Food Control tional and international needs. Law fails to fix prices for many com modifies, Senator M cNary has intro Large-scale production and distribution duced, and iv laboring for the passage re necessary to convert the live stock of of a bill, striking at profiteering and tie West into meat and by-products, and fixing price» on the necessaries o f life. to distribute them over long distances to Senator M cNary has procured: the consuming centers of the East and Government contracts for the first abroad. time m the State's history for Oregon products, such as prunes, de hydrated Only an organization like that of Swift & potatoes and vegetables in large rjnnn- Company, with its many packing plants, hun tities. dreds of distributing houses, and thousands Large government contracts for fa c of refrigerator cars, would have been able to tories for army clothing and shipbuild handle the varying seasonal supplies of live ing yards and the lumber industry. stock and meet the present war emergency H e procured space on British ships by supplying, without interruption: for the shipment of condensed milk and cream from Oregon eomletiserios, where First—The U. S. soldiers and the Allies b} the disaster which threatened this in Europe by shipping as much as 800 car industry was averted. loads of meat products in a single week! Senator McNary is working: For prompt payment o f allotments to Second— The cantonments in the United dependent relatives o f our soldiers and States. sailors. For the construction o f a coast Mili Third—The retailers upon whom the tary Highway at government expense. American public depends for its daily For a comprehensive plan for the util supply of meat. ization of O regon ’s water power re sources. But many people ask—Do producers and Senator McNary was born on u farm consumers pay too much for the complex in Oregon; reared in the Baptist church; service rendered? educated in the public schools; worked his way through .Stanford I ’m versify; Everyone, we believe, concedes the effi is a lawyer and farm« r and has been ft ciency of the Swift & Company organization life long Republican. II«* was formerly — in performing a big job in a big way at a a Justice on the .Supreme Court and minimum of expense. Inter chairman o f the .State Republican * entraI Committee. Swift & Company’s total profit in 1917 was .Space forbids us further «‘numeration less than 4 cents on each dollar of sales of of the vast amount o f work Senator meat and by-products. Elimination of this McNary has done for Oregon, but any profit would have had practically no effect on one will realize from the foregoing that live stock and meat prices. the Senator has displayed truly ri'inark able ability, coupled with extraordinary Do you believe that this service can be diligence and energy. His native state rendered for less by any. other conceivable can best show its appreciation o f his method of organization or operation? faithful and efficient service* by nom lasting and electing him. TH O M AS B. K A Y, T h a i« questions and others ara answered fully State Treasurer. and frankly in tba 8wift A Company ISIS Yaar B. W. 8LEKMAN, Book aant frac on request. Bus. Rep. o f District Council Addraaa Swift « Company, U. S. Yarda, Chicago «»f Carpenters. MRS. GKO. W. M c M A T Ii, Pres. o f Cfj-operative League. T H O M A S A. McBRIDK, Chief Justice o f Oregon 8upr«*rne Court. T. B N K I I1AC8HN, Vice Chairman Hughe- Campaign m2-10 Committee. a 26 m3-10 \Paid adv.) A Business Should be as Big as Its Job If bigness is of benefit to the public it should be commended. S Sw ift & C om pany,U .S. A. lllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIlllllllllllli EVES VVilla .... l i e EYE W . c ^ O O D Y S IG H T S P E C IA L IS T A N D O P T IC IA N Si reel, K u k «'I h *, Factory ou Tile|«liune O r t g im 11(12 \ basket dinner and program will I»«* given at the Walden school Tue-dnv, May I». The program, which will lu*giit at 10:30 a in , is as follows: W R I S T W A T C I I BF.ARH STO RY m Pleaching »I II ««> I'niv. r no'i't Song, *’ Nincricu, ’ ’ school; recitation, OK Ol'.R MAN H A R B A K IT IK .S "*K • '» c ed Martin; rccit at ion, Gladys Moshv Go*|>#l Mission NN B Finney und vacation song, school; ‘ ‘ School Hoy*,,’ The \V Iu te s la n g «Vai M o u n tan » wile, leaders NecomI door south of Iho primal v boys; recitation, \ Com F a g lc re c e n tiv p u b lis h e d t 11** fn lln w iu g • i cm in«' i v S«*! vice* Tin*di»v ami Fri plaint.’ ’ Hattie Lebow; dialogue, *‘ Fu • \ few «lays ago a y o u tig w o m in i *»f 'd ay ut i’ :3U p hi . Hiimluv *«*rv,»•«•* ut tel mining Sister's Be a u ; ’ ’ r«*cit at ion, | H a t lati. K y . re« « un ed a I«*t t «*r fr«»iu h er I *:30 mid • 10 p m • • • FI,e D«dl '* Mission,’ ’ Doris l e b o w ; s w e e th e a rt, wh*» ts a p ris«unT o f w n r mi Ct,riattali Mdcm® Church Services in song, ‘ ‘ Laddie B o v , ” three girl*; din th è lia in ls o f th. Gi*rtuan*. NN ìtli th è lei 1 flu* chapel lit î i l . ’ î .Sero,id »treet each logue, ‘ ‘ Getting Bid o f tin* \gent ; ’ i«*r he ench»*e«l h i* w r i* t wat« h Th«* l«‘t I Sunday ut I I a in B« guiar testimonial ri»eifntion, “ \ Coutente«! Bo y , ” Boy t«*r, in p a r i, rea«l*: meeting euch NNV i ÍIH' ih I uv at i .’lO p m ; l*he building is open f«*r tin* os«« of th«* Y«»*t ; song, ‘ ‘ Glad Vacation, school; o * Dear«**t: I ani a pris«m«*r iti thè NN eduesdu v recitation, ‘ * Philosophy, ” Milton hands of ,!»«• G«*nm»n guarii* Tliry treni • irciilaliug library each ( from I :o to 4.30 p in All ar<« cor«liall> l.uvng; reel tat ion, *' N Schoolboy's Tri ’ ine verv ilice They lire n grent peopb* inviteli t « » t h«« servi««’* as well us to al , V«*rle Mosby; song. ‘ ‘ Take Tins noi witl w ia tli«* war, then I will i«*turn milk«« use of th«' literutlire, Letter to My Mo t he r ; ’ ’ recitation, | tu \ « mi ami thè other *l**ur oli*** ni •' I »f11«* Mi i l get , ” Agnes l.uvng; reei ! I ioiih * ' A D M I N I S T R A T O R 8 N O TIC E tritoni. '* Somebody' s Darling,*’ Mabel “ The v o iiu g w orna n r«’c e i\ e d th«* Hastings; recitation, Lawrence Vosi; vvatch. bit t w ln',i w o II li « 1 it refu*e»l t«» Notil r is hereby given flint by order dialogue, " Grandmot her** Gold ( ruti l ’poi, e x a iiiin iitio n b y a je w e le r a of the « olilify court of Lati«* county, Beads; ” recitation, “ lie Careful What p iece o f fis s ile p n per, t ig h t ly r«»lb*«l up. » Regoli, luiv Iliade ami ••»,t««red *«f ree You S a y , ” Mary l.uvng; song, “ All M in fo u tid u n d er th è f lv wh»*el 1 poi» orti tli«* Ut li day «*f May, BH h , tu thè Hail to Our F l a g : ’ ’ rncitution. “ \«d it mi o w r i t t e n : inatfei of thè «‘stufe of \ng«do Perini, lie'* Trouble«, Ida MoKìbbei»; recita “ * MI thut I bave *nid in my lelt« r «l«‘«rn ed, thè umlersigned J«»hme per tini», “ Fl«»yd ’* Dream,” Darrel Pitch is uitfrue. I aia sui ferii,g u,it«»l«l iig«>ni«’s ini, was dulv npp«»,i)te«l mimmi», rat or cr; dialogue, " A t the Phot ographers; ' ’ l'hev bave cut o f f b«»lh «*nr*. thi* ••mi «»! of sani estate, recitation, Hubert Holladay; recitation, , inv uose ami otherwise seriiuislv „iiiiin Nll p«*rsnits hav ing «'lai,il* .»gain it *ntd Lein Hastings; song. “ Good Old l ’ nite«l ing m»*. You will nev«*r *«•«* me tigniti «•siate are hereby ret|iiired pr«**erit I St a t «** ; ’ ’ recitation, “ The Perplexed ; « ioodbv «•, lietir th«*m duly verifte«! a* by law re«|inr«*d Hou*rkeeper, Gleutiicc Hopper; reel | t • • stnd rullìi min, rat <«r at thè o ffic e of T h e E a g le eu tu n ien t*: tat ion, “ I ’ll lie a Man, ’ * Willis Miles; Nttorm*y Alta King. First Natiounl Is it nof etioitgh I • » tu a k e th è blim d • » italioti. •1 The K .»sor, ’ F«»rrest Holla ritti co ld f ls if m»t «‘notigli t «* f»re thè li.-«lik Building Coti ige Gr«»Ve, Oregon, day; Bed Cross Drill. h e a rt ««f •*v«,iv tru«* \in e ri«-an f Do w«* I w ithiii -il moiiths frolli thè «luti* of thi« The program will be under the super r e a liv l«*v «• our mitry , our Gag ami our | uotice vision of tin* t«*aehers, Mrs Lauri» \ Ol Date«! ut »ge Gr«»\e, ( fregón, this big *«»,ll<‘d boy S "H the «»t her side in th«* iver and Miss Klvn Richard*««!). • amps' I f so, !«*,’» turn o»irK« l\«s loose *t it »lav <»f M 1,11 H COTTAGE GROVE. IS 2.30 PE R C E N T E F F IC IE N T (Continued from first page.) to blot fur«‘ v«‘r from the «arth the per petrafurs •»t such hellish «l«‘«‘*ls 1 h• above r«*c«»r*ls only* one «*f the thousand surf, instances «tf ten titor«* fi»*t»«lish Nau ru mi » s . Kelitm ktans, iiiuuntmiu « r», •«., 1 , ■*.**»»; K. J. Sea.r.s. * 1 on ; Mr and Mrs nr«.use to th«‘ task o f h u r lin g sin h d e v ils Frank Satb*>, $50: J NS Shat,uck. $300, int«» their rightful pin« «• “ prepared f««r j Fr»*d F and Pearl Witcher, $00; Myrtle them fr^iii th*• beginning vYiteher, r*’»o; « ’lias 1. Wilkinson, $50, Chris II oste t ler, $10«», John Hostetler, Eighth Grail« Examination* •f• :* m i . Frank .loll, $1 Hi; Howard Keene, too, Mrs. W »11 K •*«•*.!«•, $50. Tin uniform Eighth Grade exaiiuan Latham F B Nan .Sort wick, $15'«; tin,is will be given in school districts fieorg«- Randolph, $|oO; NN F Lynch, ■ 1 Huff, #| 0 'L where there are pupils t«» take the same. ?r»0; NN \. Chapin, $50; * J. • hi Thursday and Friday, May 10 utul « «ranf Fi«d«ls, Jo«* Gallo. $LV1; 1.« i Whiteley, D S. Minogtic. $ KML 17, 101*. aeeordir.g t»» tin* schedilb* «*n ' NN 1 1li:«in. l'.tul ami Hugo Buib lpli, $50; the envelope in which the (|U*‘*tton* t'ha*. Fahr»-nwahi, Gi*org«‘ Jacoti I soli, \ Pierson, $ I 7lMl; lT O. Y«*r are sent t«• the chairman «»1 the board "iis. -hftt; J. Taylor, $.300; H. (»«‘ ri*«‘h, \s Friday is primary «*!«*« ti«»n day, It ’ $>'»; Mi*. N. Yerou*. $100. m:»v be neceawiry ill «listruts where the Divirle— ( »«•«*i g,» Alinoli, $5*,; NVilliani pi iuinrv el«M‘ti«»n is held at the dc I mhi I \libott, $50; NN K. Burkett, $|(N); Kb i bert Chnpmun, $50; Minili«* Chupman, house, f«ir the «‘Xtimirifttion t«» I»«* held | $50; .1. C’raw f«»r«l, $100; (). G,«allumi, «t a conv«‘,iient t»«‘nr by r«*si«tence. !$50; J. li. liawley, $400; B li. and K. Teneliers having pupil* t«» take tt,e .1 i\* $00; s* I • -\ i $21 " 1. NN 11 i liatn Little, $50; P. A. Li misi rolli, $50; • 'lamination shotihl apply at «»me f*»r $>1 1 n l .*■ - in, $100; NVillitn Miller, 45< 1. <|uestions. | NN illiam MeLnughlin, $50; Frank M. K J MtW,BE, : i u < I Minili»* Cha pini a, $50; (» NN Me m|0c County Superintenilenf ! Beyiiold*. $lio0; Adam Hoder*trom, ! T 100 ; Mr. S»‘«llev, $100; F. M Ttirner, *$5o; Georg«* NV*‘*tman, $100; S NNilk'iis, I » $5o. J o li N IL P E K IN !, \ dun a ist rator m 1 «» j 7 A triul of Cr**»cenl WO Coffee is likely to open up to you a new coffee delight— it hni the full, rich flavor axuoctaled with the highest (triced coffees AM O NO T H E CHURCHES The Si'ntinel r«?ceive» imjuin«** every week froui pr«»*pective »«*ttl«*r* who wi*h copie* o f th«j pii per. I f you wi»h tu se II your land your mi shoiild be in The Sentinalj where pro*pective affi fiera will *«•«* it. Orvill«' S. Npi'iir »rili-H from Alli.-nn lira, Calif., undor «late o f April .'!•>, r<* qiK'Htiti); that a rhiuix1' o f atrwt aililr«**» In* muir on hi* Si'll 1 1 tir I and add* flint th«* ••arthipiak«' whirk .hook California April U1 ratl.od a good d«*»l o f i*xritH un fit in Alkauilira, Imt only .mall darn While price, go up. (jet a rlaaity .«•<■ ond hand car at pre war price.. Wc have a dandy lt*)2 Hander. 20 in tip top condition. I la . new tire, and ha. just lieen completely overhauled. Would lie a aplcndid liargiun at a much higher price, (jo e. at »225, ami i. going to go. dof in while the g e t t i n g ’, good. Wood .on Brother.. inl5tf Methodl.t Church Rev .Io, Knott, pastor. Sunday school ut Kl u. ui. Reg alar preaching servire, ut II a in and •ditti K p »o r ili league ut 7 li. m Mld week praver ni- dug Tliurmlav evening at S:<Mi. • • • Pre.sbytcrlaii Cburcb D. A. Mur!.«*«•<!, pastor; tibotit* I37R. Bibb« «cbo«il uf 111 li. ni. M«»rimig worsliip ut 11; «*v<*tiiug worship ut 7:30; bible «tuily Wc«|in**«luy «iv«*nings ut 7:30. • • • OhriHtlan Cburcb NVulfcr ( ’nllison, minister Bibb* school 11:45 u. tu. Y. P 8. E. 6:30 t». in Preaching s « t v i c c » ut 11 u. in. nini 7:30 p. in • • • Baptist Church K. d I). (Iront pu. tor erneritu.. Hunduy ichool ut 10 a. yet ii sells for only 25c it pitiiinl Your grocer bus it C rescent 99 Coffee fr THE SAMPLE STORE RESULTS TELL There Can Be No Doulit About the Ra twit, in Cottage Drove Re.ult. tell lli«‘ tale. All doubt i. removed. Th«' testimony o f a Cottuge drove eiti/en Can In* cu.ily investigated. What better proof o f merit ran be hail? .1. B. Simernl, retired furniture deal er, WMM • In .Inut Ave., Cottage drove, suy.: “ Doan*. Kidney I’ ill. are a med ¡cine o f merit and whenever I have taken them, I have found them to be all that i, claimed for them. I eonldn't recommend a more reliable medirinn for Inmene.N aero., the back and gen i-rnl kidney trouble than Dotin’. Kid ney K ill..’ * I’ riee title at all denier.. Don’ t simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan’. Kidney P ill, the same that \l • Milllernl had Poster Milburii Co Prop*., Buffalo, N. Y. m3 10 You can always find a bar gain at the Sample Store. Just received, a lot of Chil dren’s and Misses’ dresses. M en ’. Dress Shirts ..................................... 9 5 * to $1.65 Men's Black Hose 25c pr an d ........................2 Pairs for 2 5 c 4 M en ’s Dress Shoes fro m ............................. $2.95 to $7.50 M en’s W ork Shoes from .................... $2.65 to $6.50 Ladies’ Dress Shoes frdfn ............. $2.95 to $6.8.5 Ladies’ W hite Pumps, rubber sole .......................... $1.50 Sample Store J