—I—a—— — THUItMlIAY, l>K<’KMHKH »«, I» TUF. SFNTINFI, COTT .Ml K OffOVK. OKKOO*. PAGK vor*. — ♦ ’Round the Circle ¡ I »f—.—. —taa» ■— — ♦ (By JACK HOWARD ) l*ot Wagner, one of the old rc- llabka in the W A. Woodard Lum bar company woods crew, is home thio weak renewing acquaintance with the good wife and the interest* ing cluster of children rapidi) reaching the years of young mau hoc«! and womanhood. Mr. W*„ nrr is a good aorker and a stead,, one, but once in a while, after » long session ttf laying low th< mighty giants of the forest, he get* "off his feed" a bit; and at such times he find»1 a sure tonic in the comfortable home on hts mountain ranch overlooking Dorena and th» Row river valley for a stomach that of late years seems to resent regt* lar cold-mid-day lunches in th woods. Mr. Wagner is too young in years to be classed as a pioneer of the Row river sec: m, but he can b< called a pioneer in the development of upland ranches. Just as a guess it is not far from 2."» years ago that a young man, straight of limb and broad of shoulders, drifted into this section from Ashland, where he was reared and where his par ents resided for many years. Com ing from the pitching hills and fer tile valleys of southern Oregon, where he planted and cared fot many orchards. " Lot" was attracted to the Bales brothers apple orchard of some 15 acr^s, then lx ing rapidly brought Into bearing. likewise *he attract'd to Bales bi«', lu-i - Wl him, for experienced help was al ways welcome. So T^ot pulled hit top coat and went to work Each year when orchard work was cleaned up he found employment in the Chambers Lumber company lagging camp or at some other kind of work where energy, strength a' i will to do was required. Twas at this time that the Ash­ land boy met Minnie Bales, a daughter of these pioneers, Mr. ana Mrs. J. B. Bales, who 40 years ag< came and settled in Harms creek canyon. Soon Lot Wagner ana Minnie Bales married. They put chased acreage from the J. H. Kirk estate, immediately back and on elevation above the C. D. Van Valin dairy ranch; and it is here tha’ you may feast your eyes upon the grandeur of tumbling hills and mountains vast; receive the first message of the wind of autumn: feel upon the cheek the »oft breath WANTADS SEPTIC TAJIKS Ready for yon to in »tall Two to four person» f 121.00 Eugen? Thrae to alx persons 8-8 00 Eugen* Sewer Pf> Well Curb tag Drain Tile and Chimney Block». j-» FOR SALE—OLD (.KOB TH BODY FIR 87 a cord It inch free from knots. dt’livered. Telephon*- 3VFJ1. K L. Con 42-.;. Isf WOOD FOB SALE. HIGH BUT WOOD PRICES SEEM _____ ___ L discount. area*! if you set the cash Aak ui about it. W» give S & H. green City Fuel company *'a4iDf »taiDD« ahon» 18 Dot iwnUwn office at Kelly n7tfc Drug »tore. TO TRADE •IO TRADE—SEVEN HUNDRED DO! lar equity in »aburbau home iu ( all fornla, equipped to ralte chicken« ra bit» aud squab» to apply a- down pa uifcLt on farm with livable house. < Corbert, San Bruno. Cal. n28-d26p ■■■■■ i Iflret |«ubll before four wtrh fr«"i» th««|fir*t |»ubll i • »I property hereinafter sleavrlbed be NO11CE OF FINAL BF.TTI.BMKNT Count. Ronda Anr Hent( Worked. tolsi In th* manner pn»vl»l«'«l by law f»»r cation of Ihia noliv* th* «aid >a*hlng ma County maintenance tew« ar» on the «bove uamed china will be ord. r. d *«d»l t\i pr««cvrd» the satlafas'llon u( Xuti«e I* hereby given that Flcrn II«» applied ou »a» f judgment amount* Hie job ngaln after t' . heavy ialni d«'ier filed In the county court of th. th» reof to ba Beginning al the nouthea*! veiner an«l coal. Male uf OregvHi in «nd fur I. ene c«»«mt) i f the past few d.nv - and are bu.iy Deled thia, th* .’»ai day of De«'»ml»»’i ut ih* aoulhweal quarter of the final ac«’uunt a* the ndminlatratm <»» bladlni. and smooth.ng road xur- hl» iiorthra«t quarter of ■eclluii11», town the e«lai. .( Francia M Nigh»w*nde* an»l ItHR. J F Y OU Nil ■ hip 'J0 south range It noel of the faee.s VVliila road, are dr>ing out Abby J Nuhkwaud.r de«-, «»ed au.l ih.it .Inalici» tif Ih a l’va «• v Willamette Merldlaii. run them's u the best ttnie tor blading. I’. M. |O oSlnsk in the f.Hvnwon of Tueaday. the «I* |Je -r- ‘■ T- -r— ---------------------------- 2 lot dav uf ’ anuary I UH ’ in the cuaut. Morse, county engineer, said I’. >adi «'««uri r«H>iu m the county court hou*« SUMMONS are »till soft and »tuet enforce- lugene lj»n.> county. Oregon, ha» be«-n ment of loud Itnitt order» on all by *ai«l «»«nrt fixe I an.l app vuutiti I n«' Kug*u«« HoapUel A Uli county court. meni *»f th«* e*t«lr* «»f Fransi* M Mg*' of the early springtim«' brevie and gaze upon fertile fields studxh'd with sheafs of golden grain Lot Wagner long ago converted the richer portion of his land into fer tile fields The home an humble one at first is now a modern structure, a sentinel of pieaslrg lines that may greet from below the eye cast slightly to left as one rolls up the market highway. Th.»r« is a dairy herd and poultiv. and fields and pastured green. But besl of all, three children have come to grace this mountain home Miss Opal, who graduated from the Do- rena high school last v«*ar and is now in business college in Eugene, and two boys. Ernest and Robert. Iktilv». T:Uk«xl G-r for the democi.Uk' iv it’tnai on for g»ivernor. YVRh the fvehng that ex:-is b<'tMv«-n the « Id xxarhot ■«-> of Airport l‘ower House Completed. the party it is believed that the S. L. Qc-lard, who had the sub L»ane count) man tni.Jif prow an contract for the power house at the acceptable candidate. Hade) has local airport, completed the work made n»’. decision, saying that he Monday. It is 10x14 and constructed wishes to give the situat on study. of sheet steel. The date for tn »tallation of electrical control equip Headin' Home. ment has not been announced. "This train is for Dallas and Mr. Godard has the contract for points east bawled the announcer four more similar jobs at po nts • I want one that goes to Kansas south of here. City and I dor.’t care which v a> i* points, ¡mapped the old lady in ’he bonnet. — I Nearby News | (Special to th. Seatiarl.) Dec. 21 Mrs George h osier ano children were over night guests ot Mrs. Foster s .-let. Mrs Belt l*.n caster, of Blue Mountain. Wedtus dav of last week. Lyle Scott of the Grove viilted at the J. W Fisher home I huts lax Miss Ellen Arnest who is attend ing normal at Ashland, came home Thursday to spend the holidays Mr and Mrs. Bert Lar.i.’iatet Blue Mountain spent Sunday the George Foster home. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lancaster Of Blue Mountain spent Sunday at the George Foster home. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kosanke of Mount View were Sunda. nn.'i guests of Mr. an.| Mrs. J. VV ■ Fish er. Walter Anderson of Roseburg visited over night Saturday with a sister. Mrs. O. H. Shaw » n tits x ay to the veterans’ hospital in Port­ land. Mr and Mrs. Roy Husted of Portland spent the week end at the home of Mrs. Hester s brother. Chf ford I^bow Mr and Mrs. O. H. Sn v were in Eugene Friday to visit Mrs. Shaw ■ sister. Mrs. Margaret Neilsen. Mrs. T. C. Shaw is caring for th ■ rooms at the Crawford I tel in the Grove during the owners absence over the holidays. )x«ratkin plaintiff »• D MiKiuii*) and N«»lll«> W M«’Kimi«')’, *lcf,'ii»lan<* V. > \«lll* U M.’Mim. ) «1. (fi)«lan< Iu the h « oi * of th«» Sial* «»( Orrgou \ mi arv In r, by required I«» ap|u*ai and answer the »«'Uiplainl filed «gainst you in th* «!>«>»• eutiil*«! «'»«uri an«l «an»* on or h.-for«' the « x 1'iralion of the Um* pre »crib»J in the order of publication to wit Ou or betor* the expiration of four W. .K« frmu th* date of flr»l publicatL'u of thl« xuuinuMUi. «nd If vou wer f»«r w»nl thereof plaintiff to the court for tho relief de iu lh«> «'uiuplalnt. low it notici : TO CKBDITOKS Chat plaintiff ha*e « judgment again»! deLtuUni* D W McK*nn*v and Nelli«' Nolic* i- hcr.by givvu Di«t th* un.br \\ McKinney f»»r th* »uui ot f t'*4 70 I" »igu.'.l I ia * b«’«u «ppGint«>.l by th»’ .‘»»unty g« lher with Interest thereon •« th»’ rat* eoiirt of Leu* reuhty Slat, «»f Or*g.«ii of six per cent per annum from July I, •dminittratrix of th* «-’.tat* of t'l«» J -s'' 1929. aud plaintiff'* co»t* an»l disbur*« land. dr. < «»< «1 by an ord. r b «ring d«t> iii . u I m of thi* »nil. and you aie hereby th.’ 6lh day «»f D*eemb*r 19JU furh»'r uolltte«| that idaiuiitt abuse uame«l Alt p*r*«»n» having claim* againat *1"' ha* attache»! the f»-llowiug de»ctlb«»t real *«tat<> of DI. J N.'latid, d««ea*«d ar. property In the within arlb'U and hold« hereby n.-iifi. .1 aud v.quired t«i piv*« ul the same by virtue of said attachment fur th* «amr. duly vurtfird. to th«- undrr»ignr»i th« sum» above stated and that pialutlff I at th* law uffi.«» of Herl.’ll \\ |.««mbard ♦ » patt of its relief h.r»in ask» tltai *at«l First National bank building t’oltas;. "------------------ ———— ! — . ■■■ Git»vt I an«- .ounty, Dr. gon uii or I«« for* • ix month» fn'in th»« dat* of th* fir«t pub li.ation of tl.i* noli.«* Date«! and firat publi»h«'.| thia I/th day oí D«. iStal«« of Francis V Xighvvv iu.hr and Abhy J Nlkhsw auder De. ea»e«* Iti KHFI. f V LOMBARD Allome) fur F*tat. « dav of D. cember 1‘.»2t* okTTYS AdmintN the I 'o 1‘ a I I n* ■» »ili' Know I. « A <■ mb« r NOTICE TO CREDITORS New NOTICE TO CREDITORS I.ATHAM. (‘2p«»'’ial to the Srntinrl ) I D resses only 98 Just think of itl New tlrewet . . . and ■mart one», too . . . for only $4.981 Once again aeern that the uu«$*-r»>gnr«I. Fff A. Knuwlc has been duly aptmiuted ad- ministra tri of the relate of George O. Knowles, dec«-a**d. by th* county court of th» State of Oregon, fur the county of Lane, and ha« qualified a» such admin istratrix «nJ all persona having «lain.» agam»t said estate áre •reby notified anil re»i.i*«t«*d to present the «am» . verified as r«-quired by law with the proper vo uch- »rs t< th. said admini»trairix at the uf fie of if. J. SHnn. attorney at law . in t ottage Grove l.ane county, Oregon, w Ith- _ in *ix mouth* from the first date of the publication of this notice All iM«F* it>'**t>W Smart nr«» obtained by »«Ming a teaspoon of »imple glycerin, naliue coiiq ouud i known as Adleriku* (o «-neh glanM. Notice is her» by given that the under signed has been appotuti .1 by the »«»nut) A-llerikn act* on BOTH upper court of Lane county. Stale of Or*»e» a aiitl lower bowel and removes oil executrix of lite last * ill and tcstaim ul never thought of Jam-> R Linrbaugh. •» • .»lime» known waste matter yon *■ J Ii Lim baugh dec»a««d by an order was tn your ay»lem. Ship* gn» am bearing date th* 3rd »lay of lb » ember sour -stoiuach in TEN minute«! Be All persons has lug clai n» «gamut th» heves constipat i«>n in two hotMr« estate of »«id Jam«’* H I im-baugh vim (\ddujje Pharmacy . .4 ,1.-. ‘ 417 4’21 Muin St . Cittuge drove, Oregon time» known •• J. B l.luebangh. de ceased, are hereby netifi'il and required to present the same duly verified to the unjeraign«d at the law offic«' of Herbert \\ I.. mbar»i First IfatiMuU hash ’ ■>' > mg. Cottage Grove Ore on or 1.« fore »1 mouth* from ths» dat»- of the first publi e.ition of thi* notice Dat'd and first published this '»th day f ‘ Dcc«‘inb*r IdJw \ IM Y J I I SEBAl Utt I»«- trix of the Last Will aud Testament of Jam«'* It. Line baugh. *ometim«* kaowu a* J H l.luebaugh Deceased. IIEKRKRl' W LOMBARD. d .S j¿ Attorney fur Estate, Estate « «»rd. ■w T Thl* »ummut»» I* publl»h*«l bv •«»•I«» (I,. II.... U »■ Nkll-“<<>. i“<««’ X' 4, . eli'ix»* *»illllml ««mil imiti» liti» ***** Uf November ******* ... . D*i« In It h liawaon • AtldlUu* » ullags tin » • Lane comity, Oicgun 3 Glasses Water Help Constipation NOTICE TO CREDITORS THORN TON CORNERS. Dec. 23.- Mr. and Mrs Roy Fry visited Miss Elizabeth Heacock at a Eugene hospital last Thursday They reported that she is recover­ ing satisfactorily from her recent appendicitis operation. Although attendance at the r« cent P. T. A. meeting was the least since the association was organized, due to bad weather and hesitancy in taking children to public gath­ erings. it was one of the most er. joyable, officers report. Rev. L. H Randle gave a talk base»! on ’ The Other Wise Man ' by Van Dyke. The remainder of thp evening was spent discussing problems of the school and community and plan­ ning for the future. The McKinley Ellsworth family visited at the Melville Hanna home early Friday evening. Several from Latham attended the party Mrs. Cecil Caldwell gav» Tuesday fur Per piano pupils. Thos from here, who are studying under Mrs. Caldwell, aie Eleanor. Vlvia.i an»! that may ■•* adjudged a*a.*'«t y. i in thi* s<-tlon and For Women For Misses For Juniors Sold and guaranteed by < ettag» Grove Phari- vey and ail ether good dr .gglsia rvery where , ( , There is no better gasoline for winter driving A "New Year in rood Buying i January 1J30 ushers in a real "new year” for food buyers. MAC- MARRS fotxl distributing system is now fully organized on a W» -t»*rn-wide scope that comniands for you the best brands, the be.-t grades and the best prices. Efficient methods and facilities >p diiy bring these foods and household items to you clean, frt h and pure. So make these stores YOI’K stores and profit by th»s newer and better food service. New Yeai Offerings Effective Sat., Dec. 28, to Tues Dec. 31. Incl MacMarr Coffee MISCELLANEOUS WANTED—WINTER PASTURE FOR 50 head of ewet. T. H. Belt» Route 2 Oree well, Oregon. oSltfc HEBRON. 66 6 CHESTNUT TRANSFER CO. LEONARD TRANSFER SLICED PINEAPPLE — Y ELLOW CLING REACHES — Libbj ’■ or Sweet Treat Brand, fancy Del Monte Your choice grade — packed by Jim sliced or halves--No 2 Mo -’ '■in. 25* r- i ’ j n di risher s Blend riour um. »aek Impenni Barber Shop P- ‘S. Rii1rnw«v î starts instantly! ifn n j j¿U4 Wei gasoline in nliiggiMh f».’ ............... MINCED RAZOR CLAMS PUMPKIN—Pumpkin pi< ’’Ocean Spray” Brand a popular deiMert Gar­ No. 1 cans (10 oz. ) 2 cans denia No. 2*/2 Tins — 2 3f)c No 1-, cans (7 oz.) 2 cans lor 294 2M ga* of Texaco for the pep and «lamina you expect of your Gardenia No. 2 tins — 3 toi 2.~>c engine For the new and Heller Texaco Mart* inntanlly even on DATES - th<- quality this DATES IN PACKAGES— y. ar is b<-tt< r than for sev- Dromedary or Sun Grown irai seasons past. Bulk— 2 lbs. 25e Pitted—2 lbs. COMB HONEY— Extra Fancy quality. 2 for 15c LESLIE’S SALT lb pkg ?><■ the coldest <• FANCY LAYER FIGS 10 II. box 2 lb .............................................. I5C 25C S 1.39 29C M arr stores COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON Texaco Petroleum Products The NEW and BETTER TEXACO TEXACO Crystal <•!•< nms nn’ • i it. with relatives in California. The small son of Mr. and Mr.; Harry Frost has been .u-rionsly ill. Nelson Lewis left Friday to vis.I relatives in Louisiana. Frank Hockett is building a n'w barn for Arnold Duet Fred Frazee is on the irk li f Pupils and teachers of the local school held a program and (’hrisi mas free Monday night. BODY AND FENDER SHOP < O.M plett body and fender repairing F- peri»- need workman L S Davie curn. r $ixth and Washington. Hpriggx biiib. ing. is dry 1. A wet gai ii an atomized mizture o gaaoline vapor in which are autpended drop« of raw xasoline. 2. Theve drop« of raw gawline form an uneven mixture which reiiita the action of the spark. 3. Reault: Destructive crankcase dilu­ tion, difficult starts—■ sluggish motor. 1. The ntw and tetter Texaco vapor­ izes so readily that it forma ■ dry gas — an active mixture ¡of gasoline and air. 2. This pure, dry gas responds instant­ ly to the action of the spsrk. 3. Result: Lightning starts, rapid ac. (.'•Ieratica, smooth action —power! I